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- User Since
- Jul 3 2018, 2:12 PM (351 w, 2 d)
Jan 26 2022
Jan 26 2022
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT25ed1fd1fd1c: Adds Cl target option to nuis_get_NEUT_target_descriptor (authored by lp208).
Adds Cl target option to nuis_get_NEUT_target_descriptor
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT9a6fd408e286: Adds option for changing flux cuts when using nuis_genev_genie, adds Cl target… (authored by lp208).
Adds option for changing flux cuts when using nuis_genev_genie, adds Cl target…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITbdb7ca89709f: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT91073f4a6259: fixes problem in nusystematics weight engine where if any configured dials were… (authored by lp208).
fixes problem in nusystematics weight engine where if any configured dials were…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITe4457912edc7: Fixes typo in EvtRt integral when calculating fScaleFactor that means mono… (authored by lp208).
Fixes typo in EvtRt integral when calculating fScaleFactor that means mono…
Aug 27 2021
Aug 27 2021
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITae61beed88b4: Fixes broken IsTuneDial check in our NOvARwght interface (authored by lp208).
Fixes broken IsTuneDial check in our NOvARwght interface
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT5af4e5a46312: Adds c++20 to root c++ std options, adds determined c++ standard to dynamic… (authored by lp208).
Adds c++20 to root c++ std options, adds determined c++ standard to dynamic…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT5e9030522ba2: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT2bc5240e1e0c: Fixies idiocy in inlcuding NEUT include flags (authored by lp208).
Fixies idiocy in inlcuding NEUT include flags
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT85fe253bce2b: Actually close the output file when using MergeErrors on its own. (authored by lp208).
Actually close the output file when using MergeErrors on its own.
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT6a3907c33f08: Puts the nuisenum engine offset into a macro so that it can be changed more… (authored by lp208).
Puts the nuisenum engine offset into a macro so that it can be changed more…
Jun 18 2021
Jun 18 2021
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITdf2f435948b1: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT853ddb2bb68f: SigmaEnuHists output now include the sample name so that a rename tag can be… (authored by lp208).
SigmaEnuHists output now include the sample name so that a rename tag can be…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITf82c975820fd: Updates interface to T2KReWeight to work with T2KOA2021 rewrite. N.B. the NEUT… (authored by lp208).
Updates interface to T2KReWeight to work with T2KOA2021 rewrite. N.B. the NEUT…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT5db7df49140c: Adds allow multiple definitions if linking against neut... because CERNLIB (authored by lp208).
Adds allow multiple definitions if linking against neut... because CERNLIB
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITfb67f09f47bf: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
Feb 17 2021
Feb 17 2021
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT30f0e836f745: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3eb205726275: Adds flat tree combiner app that acts like a poor-persons hadd for nuisance… (authored by lp208).
Adds flat tree combiner app that acts like a poor-persons hadd for nuisance…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITdb934de7ceff: Fixes silly typo in progress updater that caused an insta-segfault (authored by lp208).
Fixes silly typo in progress updater that caused an insta-segfault
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITddc15006a81e: Adds NEUT/GENIE event thrower helpers that get installed to… (authored by lp208).
Adds NEUT/GENIE event thrower helpers that get installed to…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITbc71834d8a7a: Adds parameter mirroring to comparison and minimizer routines, Set mirror_point… (authored by lp208).
Adds parameter mirroring to comparison and minimizer routines, Set mirror_point…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3edc1008dd65: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
Nov 9 2020
Nov 9 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT6c659c738d12: Defends root ttree autodelete against old NEUT and hides the NEUT OA2020 card… (authored by lp208).
Defends root ttree autodelete against old NEUT and hides the NEUT OA2020 card…
rNUISANCEGITb1e8b11add7b: Merge pull request #13 from NUISANCEMC/kduffy_t2k2018 (authored by lp208).
GitHub <> committed Merge pull request #13 from NUISANCEMC/kduffy_t2k2018
Oct 12 2020
Oct 12 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT0c5ebde4b3fe: Sets TTree autodelete for NEUT trees if ROOT version >= 6 (authored by lp208).
Sets TTree autodelete for NEUT trees if ROOT version >= 6
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT16c01babf5dc: Tidies link options for apps. Adds -fno-pie for new NEUT to app link step. Adds… (authored by lp208).
Tidies link options for apps. Adds -fno-pie for new NEUT to app link step. Adds…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT408e113391ce: Hides T2KReWeight header if its not enabled (authored by lp208).
Hides T2KReWeight header if its not enabled
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITad1b9c132a77: No long need ugly hack, Thanks Jeremy! (authored by lp208).
No long need ugly hack, Thanks Jeremy!
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT8f6ed393b24f: Updates NOvARwgt interface to work with 2020 NOvARwgt (authored by lp208).
Updates NOvARwgt interface to work with 2020 NOvARwgt
Fixes #12
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT49c8d733c00b: Fixes mode stacks for T2K 0pi pmu Ana I (authored by lp208).
Fixes mode stacks for T2K 0pi pmu Ana I
May 19 2020
May 19 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT231ab3b8956d: Now defaults to Cholesky decomp for inversion, adds config parameter for using… (authored by lp208).
Now defaults to Cholesky decomp for inversion, adds config parameter for using…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT9c5c5babcaf8: Adds T2K CC0Pi flags to nuisflat... should add the others back at some point… (authored by lp208).
Adds T2K CC0Pi flags to nuisflat... should add the others back at some point…
May 5 2020
May 5 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITb7c174de3838: Fixes T2K CC1pip on CH signal defintions that I had broken in a previous tidy… (authored by lp208).
Fixes T2K CC1pip on CH signal defintions that I had broken in a previous tidy…
Adds NOvA ND flux
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT769f2583bbbe: Fixes confusing signature of STV and pn variables. THe signature changed and… (authored by lp208).
Fixes confusing signature of STV and pn variables. THe signature changed and…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT388ca48d6543: Adds MathMore to the list of root libs to link against, we should really just… (authored by lp208).
Adds MathMore to the list of root libs to link against, we should really just…
rNUISANCEGITeeec0979b313: Merge pull request #9 from NUISANCEMC/sjdolan-patch-1 (authored by lp208).
GitHub <> committed Merge pull request #9 from NUISANCEMC/sjdolan-patch-1
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3cbab986a418: adds some debugging to help work out why the custom binning is failing... (authored by lp208).
adds some debugging to help work out why the custom binning is failing...
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT1a2d2868bca4: Adds some missed boilerplate in which will hopefully kill a segfault (authored by lp208).
Adds some missed boilerplate in which will hopefully kill a segfault
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT8656b9132e33: Accidently getting IsLogE attribute as a double, now a bool (authored by lp208).
Accidently getting IsLogE attribute as a double, now a bool
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITff397f7cdcc6: Adds ability to set uniform, logarithmic binning on sigma enu hists. (authored by lp208).
Adds ability to set uniform, logarithmic binning on sigma enu hists.
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT00e1a642bfb9: Fixes swapped NC/CC definition in GENIE mode definition in SigmaEnuHists (authored by lp208).
Fixes swapped NC/CC definition in GENIE mode definition in SigmaEnuHists
Jan 18 2020
Jan 18 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT2f58946f1f61: Adds CVOnly option and parameter response evaluation to… (authored by lp208).
Adds CVOnly option and parameter response evaluation to…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT260b686cd042: Fixes build errors with nusystematicWeightEngine (authored by lp208).
Fixes build errors with nusystematicWeightEngine
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITe4d3d4703889: Adds unfinished HepMCNuEvt input handler, begins update of NOvARwgt, Adds… (authored by lp208).
Adds unfinished HepMCNuEvt input handler, begins update of NOvARwgt, Adds…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT48acde176796: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
Adds a total xsec hist
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITec1e2b6c2cba: Adds an MC study for making a range of flux unfolded xsec predictions as a… (authored by lp208).
Adds an MC study for making a range of flux unfolded xsec predictions as a…
Jan 7 2020
Jan 7 2020
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT8de62224e4a8: Fixes messup in MiniBooNE CCQE signal definition 'CCQE' == CCQE-LIKE, 'CCQE… (authored by lp208).
Fixes messup in MiniBooNE CCQE signal definition 'CCQE' == CCQE-LIKE, 'CCQE…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITf4106fce6f2e: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITb67fa8e3fe4f: Adds GENIE helper for diffractive scattering to NEUT conversion as the… (authored by lp208).
Adds GENIE helper for diffractive scattering to NEUT conversion as the…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT1bc042a865da: Fixes some bugs in the miniboone qe 1denu (but still not convinced), adds a… (authored by lp208).
Fixes some bugs in the miniboone qe 1denu (but still not convinced), adds a…
Adds SciBooNE CCInc data and sample.
event_gen dir is now installed
Adds sciboone flux
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT791d33ebdd35: Adds MiniBoone QE 1DEnu to samples list, and adds qelike/true QE options. (authored by lp208).
Adds MiniBoone QE 1DEnu to samples list, and adds qelike/true QE options.
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT6c68a79e8645: Allows chi2lessbin for 2d measurements. Fixes comments in MiniBooNE CC1pi0… (authored by lp208).
Allows chi2lessbin for 2d measurements. Fixes comments in MiniBooNE CC1pi0…
Oct 29 2019
Oct 29 2019
50th time lucky
Actually declares the new enum now
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITea718b2be6c8: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
Adds RESRPA enum
Oct 23 2019
Oct 23 2019
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT22ace86b647b: Fixes missing headers when building without NEUTReWeight (authored by lp208).
Fixes missing headers when building without NEUTReWeight
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT912cd37776dc: Removes NModeDefn include that didn't seem to be used (authored by lp208).
Removes NModeDefn include that didn't seem to be used
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3b17a3504792: Masks out new MINERvA signal flag if MINERvA is disabled (authored by lp208).
Masks out new MINERvA signal flag if MINERvA is disabled
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITf1c21c2049d8: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT24b36cb53924: Now correctly masks out NReWeight when configured without reweight support (authored by lp208).
Now correctly masks out NReWeight when configured without reweight support
Oct 22 2019
Oct 22 2019
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3f0f741a891b: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT15703788a75a: Adds clang format file which specifies C++03 compat (no more template brace… (authored by lp208).
Adds clang format file which specifies C++03 compat (no more template brace…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT12a3d3ae2b98: Changes the rootifier for the T2K0Pi2016 Ana I data release to include the… (authored by lp208).
Changes the rootifier for the T2K0Pi2016 Ana I data release to include the…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT2023010a9586: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITfd8f9e24b6b5: Adds ability to pass type="DIAG" to measurements with full covars and to only… (authored by lp208).
Adds ability to pass type="DIAG" to measurements with full covars and to only…
Oct 15 2019
Oct 15 2019
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT48b4dc262a49: Auto delete breaks the ROOT i/o for some reason, just have to live with the… (authored by lp208).
Auto delete breaks the ROOT i/o for some reason, just have to live with the…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT48d2304dfc51: Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITcc2d0ffe643a: PrepareNEUT now only looks at one event if running for a mono energetic flux (authored by lp208).
PrepareNEUT now only looks at one event if running for a mono energetic flux
-s now skips events
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT5b98994e9919: Adds NSKIPEVENTS config option to aid flattening large tree without fixing… (authored by lp208).
Adds NSKIPEVENTS config option to aid flattening large tree without fixing…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT1e890dfc7701: Adds hook for GENIE XSecMEC weight engine. Sets autodelete on NEUT branch in… (authored by lp208).
Adds hook for GENIE XSecMEC weight engine. Sets autodelete on NEUT branch in…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT318bf4290ca6: adds multi-replace to try and get rid of annoying duplications in linker flag (authored by lp208).
adds multi-replace to try and get rid of annoying duplications in linker flag
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITf3afc61b78f4: Found the culprit now! shouldn't have any -l-Wl left (authored by lp208).
Found the culprit now! shouldn't have any -l-Wl left
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT86f37f08640f: Fixes missed 'include' in build sample helper script (authored by lp208).
Fixes missed 'include' in build sample helper script
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT1cb60279250f: Adds bin masking for Measurment2D via maskfile and maskhist attributes on a… (authored by lp208).
Adds bin masking for Measurment2D via maskfile and maskhist attributes on a…
Oct 9 2019
Oct 9 2019
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT28055a01387f: Now installs the parameters and data dir too! (authored by lp208).
Now installs the parameters and data dir too!
Adds installation of header files
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITaeb9b92675d6: Sets USE_REWEIGHT to false by default. (authored by lp208).
Sets USE_REWEIGHT to false by default.
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITa90a13e1a0f4: Removes references to code that never exists (check the history, see for… (authored by lp208).
Removes references to code that never exists (check the history, see for…
Oct 7 2019
Oct 7 2019
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT2546fde3232c: Merge branch 'v3dev_restructure' of ssh://… (authored by lp208).
Merge branch 'v3dev_restructure' of ssh://…
removes non existant data dir
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITbfd88ca6f6b1: some tweaks and adding microboone and miniboone data. bit of a mess (authored by lp208).
some tweaks and adding microboone and miniboone data. bit of a mess
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITb2a43c111595: Adds electron scattering data from the virginia qe archive. Also many other… (authored by lp208).
Adds electron scattering data from the virginia qe archive. Also many other…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITdf4f66ff3bd7: Adds T2KReWeight variation engine plugin. (authored by lp208).
Adds T2KReWeight variation engine plugin.
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT3d83c60952c8: ROOT6 cmake var is now set even when minimizer not requested. NuWro pcm only… (authored by lp208).
ROOT6 cmake var is now set even when minimizer not requested. NuWro pcm only…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT0345bc089b1f: Installs NuWro pcm, doesn't look for NReWeight if reweighting tools are… (authored by lp208).
Installs NuWro pcm, doesn't look for NReWeight if reweighting tools are…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITdcc9d54e5f78: Disables any irrelevant branches and sets autodelete on the event branches for… (authored by lp208).
Disables any irrelevant branches and sets autodelete on the event branches for…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITe29ee2b05f84: Some small QOL methods. Adds ability to write out read GENIE splines to debug… (authored by lp208).
Some small QOL methods. Adds ability to write out read GENIE splines to debug…
Many QOL changes.
nuebar == -12, not 12...
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGIT73845032b28f: Adds ability to make new tree in a named subdirectory of a tfile with util… (authored by lp208).
Adds ability to make new tree in a named subdirectory of a tfile with util…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITa5fab3f3523a: the generator util library is now installed in lib if it is needed, and… (authored by lp208).
the generator util library is now installed in lib if it is needed, and…
lp208 committed rNUISANCEGITeb71e25c6ebc: Adds option to nuisstudy to allow a sample name to be passed on the CLI, only… (authored by lp208).
Adds option to nuisstudy to allow a sample name to be passed on the CLI, only…