Moves to new JOINT Input and Joint measurement card format. Adds GiBUU multi-species flux component scaling. NOTE: Some small signal def changes here.
- scripts/nuiscardgen:
- No longer need GiBUU_nu and GiBUU_nub Input types.
- src/FCN/JointFCN.cxx:
- Receives re-indent.
- src/FCN/SampleList.cxx:
- Adds MiniBooNE_CCQE_CTarg_XSec_1DQ2_antinu
- src/FitBase/CMakeLists.txt`;
- Adds InputUtils to build.
- src/FitBase/EventManager.cxx:
- Receives re-indent.
- Input ID getting is now less dependent ons tring comparisons.
- The caller is now responsible for determining the input type when instantiating a new InputHandler.
- src/FitBase/InputHandler.cxx:
- Receives re-indent.
- Updates to allow either old: "TYPE:file1.root;TYPE:file2.root", or new "TYPE:file1.root;file2.root" format for Joint measurements.
- Input type is now an enum and uses the InputUtils namespace.
- Updates to GiBUU handler for determining dominant flux species and flux species component weights from the input file
- GiBUU no longer needs to have two input types.
- src/FitBase/MeasurementBase.cxx:
- Receives re-indent
- Uses new InputType format for interface with event manager and input handlers.
- GiBUU flux species weights are applied for measurements identifying themselves as including wrong sign background contributions.
- src/FitBase/StdHepEvt.cxx:
- Adds new input branches for species weights.
- src/MINERvA/MINERvA_SignalDef.cxx:
- Now uses PhysConst namespace for charged pion pdg array.
- src/MiniBooNE/MiniBooNE_CCQE_XSec_1DQ2_antinu.cxx:
- Adds possibility to use corrected carbon target data.
- Self identifies as a 'kNumuWithWrongSignMeasurement'.
- Now uses PhysConst to check for either muon species.
- src/MiniBooNE/MiniBooNE_CCQE_XSec_1DQ2_nu.cxx:
- Self identifies as a 'kNumuWithWrongSignMeasurement'.
- Now uses PhysConst to check for either muon species.
- src/Routines/ComparisonRoutines.cxx:
- Receives re-indent.
- Adds checks for mis-ordering of input card file sample lines, common problem where 'FIX' is included at the position expected of in the input file.
- src/Utils/SignalDef.h:
- Fix for moronic bug in isCCWithFS (thanks for spotting this Clarence.)
New Files:
- src/FitBase/InputUtils.{c,h}xx:
- Some parsing utils and enums used when handling input lines in card files.