Adds smearceptance interface:
Defines ISmearcepter which is the interface a smearcepter must implement. Enforces the implementation of a single function which takes a FitEvent pointer and returns a pointer to a newly allocated RecoInfo instance. A ISmearcepter subclass is welcome to return a RecoInfo pointer to a RecoInfo subclass if extra reconstruction information is needed. It is up to the interpreting code to downcast this to a known subclass and clear up. Smearcepters are configured by blocks in an input xml config file. Instances of known and configured smearcepters are managed by the Smearcepterton singleton. Currently the only ISmearcepter subclass implemented is a simple threshold accepter, aptly named ThresholdAccepter. While the interface is intended to be abstract and resuseable, the only implemented way to use and analyse smearcepted events is through the Smearceptance_Tester measurement which is implemented as an 'output format' in nuisflat. See the usage text of nuisflat for details on command line arguments used.