Added ANL and BNL fluxes to gevgen nuisance easy flux loader. Also included D2 and D2-free options. - modified: app/gEvGen_NUISANCE.cxx - new file: data/flux/ANL_1977_2horn_rescan.root - new file: data/flux/BNL_NuInt02_rescan.root
Added several new parameter config options.
- modified: parameters/config.xml
Added quick scripts to plot nuisance outputs.
- new file: scripts/
- new file: scripts/
- new file: scripts/
Changed how FitEvents are read from TTree because ROOT doesn't like reading TTree branches
into dynamic arrays.
- modified: src/InputHandler/FitEvent.cxx
- modified: src/InputHandler/FitEventInputHandler.cxx
- modified: src/InputHandler/FitEventInputHandler.h
- modified: src/InputHandler/InputHandler.cxx
Lazy, exact copy of SciBooNE utils into MINERvA directory so I can use them for Eav calculations
- modified: src/MINERvA/CMakeLists.txt
- new file: src/MINERvA/MINERvAUtils.cxx
- new file: src/MINERvA/MINERvAUtils.h
Added NormRES dial so that the norm can be changed whilst MaCCRES is also changed in GENIE (not possible in GENIE RW).
- modified: src/Reweight/NUISANCESyst.cxx
- modified: src/Reweight/NUISANCESyst.h
- modified: src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.cxx
- modified: src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.h
- modified: src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightEngine.cxx
Update to how parameters are defined.
- modified: src/Routines/SplineRoutines.cxx