
Started some work on a C++ version, which is going slowly. In the meantime…


Started some work on a C++ version, which is going slowly. In the meantime, worked on a better visualization of the agreement between nfrxry and its corresponding histogram.

Changes to be committed:
modified: debinningCore/__init__.py
modified: debinningCore/histPlotting.py
modified: debinningMath/orderStatistics.py
modified: examples/debinningDemo.py
modified: examples/nfrxryDemo.py
new file: include/debinningCore/dataGen.hpp
new file: include/debinningMath/orderStatistics.hpp
new file: include/debinningMath/sampleFunctions.hpp
new file: logo/OrderStatistics2dAgreement.png
new file: logo/OrderStatistics2dAgreement_crop.png