/*!This class finds the two most significant tracks in the RPhi plane. It then outputs
the momentum, z significance and RPhi significance of these two tracks.
The class has the following parameters:
\param LayersHit we will be setting minimum momentum cuts on tracks that will hit Layershit minus one and LayersHit or more layers of the vertex detector.
\param AllbutOneLayersMomentumCut minimum momentum of particles
that have been detected in LayersHit minus one layers of the vertex detector
\param AllLayersMomentumCut minimum momentum of particles
that have been detected at least in LayersHit layers of the vertex detector
\param TwoTrackPidCut this is a pointer parameter. This should point to the map
outputted by the algorithm TwoTrackPid . This pointer is used to cut out the tracks
that have been flagged as deriving from a gamma or a Ks.
\author Erik Devetak (e.devetak1@physics.ox.ac.uk)