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#include <inc/algo.h>
#include <algo/inc/twotrackpid.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using std::string;
namespace vertex_lcfi
//Forward Declarations
class Vertex;
class Jet;
class Track;
//Enum type for return
enum SignificanceType {D0SigTrack1, D0SigTrack2, Z0SigTrack1, Z0SigTrack2, MomentumTrack1, MomentumTrack2};
//! Calculation of a series of flavour tag inputs
/*!This class finds the two most significant tracks in the RPhi plane. It then outputs
the momentum, z significance and RPhi significance of these two tracks.
The class has the following parameters:
\param LayersHit we will be setting minimum momentum cuts on tracks that will hit Layershit minus one and LayersHit or more layers of the vertex detector.
\param AllbutOneLayersMomentumCut minimum momentum of particles
that have been detected in LayersHit minus one layers of the vertex detector
\param AllLayersMomentumCut minimum momentum of particles
that have been detected at least in LayersHit layers of the vertex detector
\param TwoTrackPidCut this is a pointer parameter. This should point to the map
outputted by the algorithm TwoTrackPid . This pointer is used to cut out the tracks
that have been flagged as deriving from a gamma or a Ks.
\author Erik Devetak (
class ParameterSignificance:
public Algo<Jet*, std::map<SignificanceType,double> >
//! Constructor
//! Name
String name of the algorithm
\return String name
string name() const;
//! Parameter Names
A vector of the names of the algorithms parameters
\return vector of string names
std::vector<string> parameterNames() const;
//! Parameter Values
A vector of the values of the algorithms parameters, in the same order as parameter names
\return vector of string values
std::vector<string> parameterValues() const;
//! Set String Parameter
Set a string parameter
\param Parameter String of parameter name
\param Value String of parameter value
void setStringParameter(const string & Parameter, const string & Value);
//! Set Double Parameter
Set a double parameter
\param Parameter String of parameter name
\param Value double of parameter value
void setDoubleParameter(const string & Parameter, const double Value);
//! Set Pointer Parameter
Set a pointer parameter
\param Parameter String of parameter name
\param Value pointer to void
void setPointerParameter(const string & Parameter, void * Value);
//! Run the algorithm on a jet
Calculate the two tracks with the highest RPhi significance and output their
RPhi significance, Z significance and momentum.
\param Jet Pointer to jet to be analysed
\return map containing the following keys:"D0SigTrack1", <D0SigTrack2","Z0SigTrack1",
std::map<SignificanceType, double> calculateFor(Jet* MyJet) const;
double _LayersHit;
double _AllbutOneLayersMomentumCut;
double _AllLayersMomentumCut;
std::string _Name;
std::vector<std::string> _ParameterNames;
mutable std::vector<std::string> _ParameterValues;
std::map<PidCutType,std::vector<vertex_lcfi::Track*> >* _TwoTrackPidCut;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:04 PM (14 h, 53 m)
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
paramsignificance.h (3 KB)

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