- S95tables_type1.f90 : fills the array S95_t1, which contains the data from the 1D experimental tables
- S95tables_type2.f90 : fills the array S95_t2, which contains the data from the 2D experimental tables
- interpolate.f90 : contains routines for interpolating the tables
- theory_BRfunctions.f90 : contains SM branching ratios used internally by HiggsBounds
- theory_tevSfunctions.F90 : contains SM cross section ratios used internally by HiggsBounds
- theory_XS_SM_functions.F90 : contains SM cross section used internally by HiggsBounds
- access_SM.f90 : SM functions which are accessible to the user
- usefulbits.f90 : defines, allocates and deallocates various variables (in particular, the command-line input, the array of input data and the output array)
- extra_bits_for_web.F90 : extra subroutines required by the website version of the code
- read_commandline_from_web.txt : ('#include'd into extra_bits_for_web.F90) reads numbers from command line given by web cgi script
- no_SLHA.f90 : contains dummy subroutine which is used when input is not in SLHA format