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Contents of the present directory are part of the program package
by Philip Bechtle, Oliver Brein, Sven Heinemyer, Tim Stefaniak,
Georg Weiglein and Karina E. Williams.
This is the FORTRAN 90 version of the code, written by Karina Williams and
Tim Stefaniak. Please contact if you have any
questions/problems/etc with this version.
This README file contains:
* Journal reference and website address
* Software license
* What the program does
* How to use HiggsBounds
* Additional requirements
* How to install HiggsBounds
* How to run the examples
* Additional notes
- changing the values of deltaMh_LEP, deltaMh_TEV or eps
- parallel processing
* Contents of this directory
* Journal References:
Philip Bechtle, Oliver Brein, Sven Heinemeyer, Georg Weiglein,
Karina E. Williams,
HiggsBounds: Confronting Arbitrary Higgs Sectors
with Exclusion Bounds from LEP and the Tevatron,
e-Print: arXiv:0811.4169 [hep-ph]
Philip Bechtle, Oliver Brein, Sven Heinemeyer, Georg Weiglein,
Karina E. Williams,
HiggsBounds 2.0.0: Confronting Neutral and Charged Higgs Sector
Predictions with Exclusion Bounds from LEP and the Tevatron,
e-Print: arXiv:1102.1898 [hep-ph]
* Web site:
Please have a look at the above paper for detailed information
on the program.
* Software License:
HiggsBounds is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
HiggsBounds is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with HiggsBounds. If not, see
* What the program does:
HiggsBounds tests theoretical predictions of models
with arbitrary Higgs sectors against the exclusion bounds
obtained from the Higgs searches at LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC.
The included experimental information comprises exclusion bounds
at 95% C.L. on topological cross sections. In order to determine
which search topology has the highest exclusion power, the program
also includes, for each topology, information from the experiments
on the expected exclusion bound, which would have been observed in
case of a pure background distribution. Using the predictions of
the desired model provided by the user as input, HiggsBounds
determines the most sensitive channel and tests whether the
considered parameter point is excluded at the 95% C.L.
* How to use HiggsBounds:
The code can be invoked on the command line using the command
HiggsBounds <options>
and a subroutine version of the code can be used in other codes
by linking the library
libHB.a .
An online version version can be reached via the URL:
By running HiggsBounds without options, more detailed
information on how to invoke it will be displayed.
* Additional requirements:
The program "HiggsBounds" and the FORTRAN library "libHB.a" do not
need to link to other libraries.
The sample program "HBwithFH" demonstrating the use of HiggsBounds
in connection with FeynHiggs needs to link to/include:
The sample program "HBwithCPsuperH" demonstrating the use of HiggsBounds
in connection with CPsuperH 2.0 needs to link to:
* How to install it:
1. You have to edit the file ./configure in the following way:
a) You have to specify the command which invokes your FORTRAN 90 compiler
F90C ( e.g. gfortran )
and the appropriate flags
F90FLAGS ( e.g. -fbounds-check )
b) If you are going to use the FORTRAN 77 sample programs
"HBwithFH" and "HBwithCPsuperH", you must specify the FORTRAN 77 compiler
F77C ( e.g. gfortran )
You also have to specify the variables which tell the linker
where to find the additional libraries.
- For FeynHiggs specify:
FHINCLUDE ( e.g. $(HOME)/Packages/FeynHiggs-2.6.4/i586-linux/include )
FHLIBS ( e.g. $(HOME)/Packages/FeynHiggs-2.6.4/i586-linux/lib -lFH )
- For CPsuperH specify:
CPSUPERHLIBS ( e.g. $(HOME)/Packages/ -lcpsuperh2 )
Note that care must be taken to ensure that consistent compilers are used
If you get error messages similar to
... undefined reference to `initialize_higgsbounds__'...
and the paths to the libraries are correct, it's a good idea to check
that the same compilers were used for each package.
(you may be able to work around this
e.g. if FeynHiggs was compiled with g77 it may be possible to compile HiggsBounds
with gfortran and add -lg2c to the end of the variable FHLIBS)
2. After these changes, enter
at the command line, then
This will generate the program "HiggsBounds", which is the command-line version of
the code.
You can also enter:
make libHB : This will generate "libHB.a".
make HBwithFH : This will generate the executable "HBwithFH" in the folder
make HBwithCPsuperH : This will generate the executable "HBwithCPsuperH" in the folder
* Examples
- Example of command-line version of HiggsBounds
The HiggsBounds package includes some sample input files in the folder example_data.
For examples, to run HiggsBounds with the sample input files starting with
'HB_randomtest50points_' use, for example:
./HiggsBounds LandH part 3 1 'example_data/HB_randomtest50points_'
The output files are example_data/HB_randomtest50points_HiggsBounds_results.dat
For convenience, we have put these commands into the script
The HiggsBounds package also includes the sample output files:
These should be identical to the output files generated from running this example.
- Example of the subroutine version of HiggsBounds
The HiggsBounds package includes a example program example_programs/example-SM_vs_4thGen.F
(written in fortran 77) which demonstrates the use of the HiggsBounds subroutines
contained in the HiggsBounds library.
To use, enter the commands:
make libHB
cd example_programs
gfortran example-SM_vs_4thGen.F -o example-SM_vs_4thGen -L.. -lHB
The output files are example-SM-results.dat
Note that when compiling example-SM_vs_4thGen.F, it is best to use the same compiler
as was used to compile the HiggsBounds library.
For convenience, we have put these commands into the script
The HiggsBounds package also includes the sample output files:
These should be identical to the output files generated from running this example.
- Example of the use of HiggsBounds in conjunction with the publicly available program
The example program ./example_programs/HBwithCPsuperH.f (fortran 77) uses CPsuperH
( to generate the input required by
HiggsBounds and then calls the HiggsBounds subroutines
(please see the comments in this file for more information).
The file ./example_programs/HBwithCPsuperH.input contains the input for CPsuperH.
To use, make sure CPsuperH is installed on your system and that the paths are
correctly set in the HiggsBounds configure file. Then use:
make HBwithCPsuperH
cd example_programs
./HBwithCPsuperH < HBwithCPsuperH.input
The HiggsBounds results are outputted to the screen and key to the processes is printed to
the file Key.dat
Note that it is best to use consistent compilers for both the HiggsBounds
and the CPsuperH libraries. (although you may be able to work around this e.g. by
using compiler flags such as -lg2c or -lgfortran)
For convenience, we have put these commands into the script
- Example of the use of HiggsBounds in conjunction with the publicly available program
The example program ./example_programs/HBwithFH.f (fortran 77) uses FeynHiggs
( to generate the input required by HiggsBounds and then calls the
HiggsBounds subroutines (please see the comments in this file for more information) .
To use, make sure FeynHiggs is installed on your system and that the paths are
correctly set in the HiggsBounds configure file. Then use:
make HBwithFH
cd example_programs
The HiggsBounds results are outputted to the screen and key to the processes is printed to
the file Key.dat
For convenience, we have put these commands into the script
Note that it is best to use consistent compilers for both the HiggsBounds
and the FeynHiggs libraries. (although you may be able to work around this e.g. by
using compiler flags as such-lg2c or -lgfortran)
Please feel free to contact us with feature requests and bug reports.
---------------------- Additional notes: ------------------------------
The values of the variables
* deltaMh_LEP, deltaMh_TEV (determines how similar the neutral Higgs masses should be for their
cross sections to be combined.) Note that cross sections are not combined for processes
which require the parameter point to be SM-like.
* eps (Determines how strict the SM-like test is.)
(see arXiv:0811.4169 for more precise definitions)
are set at the beginning of the file S95tables.f90. These can be changed if desired.
The command-line version of HiggsBounds is suitable for parallel processing during the
most CPU intensive part of the program (the comparison of the theoretical predictions and
experimental results for each data set). OpenMP directives are contained in the file
HiggsBounds.F90. They can be activated by a compiler flag e.g. for gfortran, use -fopenmp
----------- Contents of directory (fortran 90 version) -----------------
* ./
- HiggsBounds.F90 : main program for the command-line version of HiggsBounds
- HiggsBounds_subroutines.F90 : contains the main HiggsBounds subroutines which are accessible to the user
- input.F90 : contains subroutines associated with input
- write_out_input.txt : ('#include'd into input.F90) writes input for debugging purposes
- output.F90 : contains subroutines associated with output
- theo_manip.f90 : contains subroutines for the initial manipulation of the input data
- channels.F90 : contains subroutines involving the list of channels
- S95tables.f90 : contains subroutines involving individual channels/topologies
- S95tables_type1.f90 : fills the array S95_t1, which contains the data from the 1D experimental tables
- S95tables_type2.f90 : fills the array S95_t2, which contains the data from the 2D experimental tables
- interpolate.f90 : contains routines for interpolating the tables
- theory_BRfunctions.f90 : contains SM branching ratios used internally by HiggsBounds
- theory_tevSfunctions.F90 : contains SM cross section ratios used internally by HiggsBounds
- theory_XS_SM_functions.F90 : contains SM cross section used internally by HiggsBounds
- access_SM.f90 : SM functions which are accessible to the user
- usefulbits.f90 : defines, allocates and deallocates various variables (in particular, the command-line input, the array of input data and the output array)
- extra_bits_for_web.F90 : extra subroutines required by the website version of the code
- read_commandline_from_web.txt : ('#include'd into extra_bits_for_web.F90) reads numbers from command line given by web cgi script
- no_SLHA.f90 : contains dummy subroutine which is used when input is not in SLHA format
- extra_bits_for_SLHA.f90, SLHA_manip.f90, PDGnumbering.f90, string_manip.f90
: files associated with input in SLHA format (unsupported option)
- README : contains information about the code
- COPYING : The GNU General Public License
- configure : sets compiler options, paths to data and libraries, creates makefile, runs the script create_store_pathname.bat
- : used by configure to create the makefile
- create_store_pathname.bat : creates a fortran module which stores the path to the installation directory
- create_package.bat : simple shell script to create the tar.gz file
- extract_SM_results_for_web.f90 : script to make the SM functions accessible on the website
* ./Expt_tables
Contains tables of limits from LEP, CDF and D0 experiments as a function of Higgs mass
* ./Theory_tables
Contains tables of SM branching ratios and total decay width as a function of Higgs mass, generated using the program HDecay.
* ./cs-ratios_sigma-bg-Hb
Contains functions for Tevatron SM partonic cross-sections and cross-section ratios
* ./example_data
Contains example input and output files
* ./example_programs
- demonstrateHiggsBounds_commandline.bat : short shell script to demonstrate how to compile and run the command-line version of HiggsBounds
- example-SM_vs_4thGen.F : example fortran program, showing the use of HiggsBounds subroutines
- demonstrateHiggsBounds_SM_vs_4thGen.bat : short shell script to compile and run example-SM_vs_4thGen.F
- HBwithCPsuperH.f : example fortran program, showing the use of HiggsBounds subroutines with the program CPsuperH
- HBwithCPsuperH.input : input for HBwithCPsuperH.f
- demonstrateHiggsBounds_HBwithFH.bat : shortshell script to compile and run HBwithFH.f
- HBwithFH.F : example fortran program, showing the use of HiggsBounds subroutines with the program FeynHiggs

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