Author | Object | Transaction | Date |
Simon Plätzer <> | rHERWIGHG41d374cc0e59: fix to DynamicGluonMassGenerator | | May 30 2023, 1:11 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG0077045ae686: done | | May 30 2023, 1:03 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG72d5860aabc1: temp commit | | May 30 2023, 1:02 PM |
aidin | Photon induced process with MadGraph and Herwig | aidin changed the title from Leshouches to Photon induced process with MadGraph and Herwig. | May 30 2023, 12:54 PM |
aidin | The First run | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 30 2023, 12:39 PM |
aidin | The First run | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 30 2023, 12:38 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 30 2023, 12:36 PM |
aidin | Installation | aidin created this document. | May 30 2023, 12:35 PM |
aidin | Installation | | May 30 2023, 12:35 PM |
aidin | Installation | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 30 2023, 12:35 PM |
aidin | Installation | aidin created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". | May 30 2023, 12:35 PM |
aidin | Installation | aidin created this object. | May 30 2023, 12:35 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 30 2023, 10:24 AM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | | May 30 2023, 10:16 AM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 29 2023, 1:52 PM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | admin created this object. | May 29 2023, 1:49 PM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | admin created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". | May 29 2023, 1:49 PM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | admin created this object with edit policy "Administrators". | May 29 2023, 1:49 PM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | admin created this document. | May 29 2023, 1:49 PM |
admin | Herwig Tutorial | admin edited the content of this document. | May 29 2023, 1:49 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8887: b168cb155 Merge branch 'bugfix-changelog-ufo' into 'master' | | May 28 2023, 10:22 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8886: 3f03312b3 Merge branch '450-Incomplete_renaming_of_clashing_UFO_parameter_names… | | May 28 2023, 8:02 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin published a new version of this document. | May 28 2023, 4:14 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 28 2023, 4:14 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 28 2023, 4:01 PM |
aidin | Herwig Tutorial | aidin edited the content of this document. | May 28 2023, 4:00 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG98e5bd6c36c2: still broken for diffractive events | | May 26 2023, 5:25 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8885: 34191c868 Merge branch 'distcheck_back_from_12.2_to_13.1' into 'master' | | May 26 2023, 4:33 PM |
aidin | rHERWIGHG0775f84efc8f: clean up | | May 26 2023, 3:05 PM |
aidin | rHERWIGHGc22c875da5a8: merge | | May 26 2023, 2:53 PM |
aidin | rHERWIGHG8da234566c42: update and debug BSM SplitFuncs | | May 26 2023, 2:38 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8884: 4e2797048 Merge branch 'play_with_latex_weirdness' into 'master' | | May 26 2023, 12:14 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG33474d57fe8f: functional for LEP, partially moved to Kinematics the twoBody boost | | May 26 2023, 12:00 PM |
joon.bin.lee | rHERWIGHG091dd03ab6bf: Update CP-even/-odd and left-/right-couplings and also complex coupling values | | May 26 2023, 10:57 AM |
igv | rRKSVN18: small fix | | May 26 2023, 8:35 AM |
igv | rRKSVN17: Added a constructor from two P4 objects to the rk::Boost class | | May 26 2023, 3:15 AM |
igv | rNPSTATSVN907: added class Trig2GOFTest1D2C2C2C | | May 25 2023, 4:25 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG2a89c47681d5: Cluster Fission mostly functional for LEP, but Remnants at LHC make problems… | | May 25 2023, 2:49 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG0c3a5c908e51: fixed nans, but further boost needs to be reconsidered | | May 24 2023, 4:45 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG2f4566f8b719: adapted to include pT kick. not functional. still numerically issues | | May 23 2023, 6:16 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8883: 95ba302fb Merge branch 'tho/circe2-Makefile-fix' into 'master' | | May 23 2023, 3:21 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG6d83bb0e5067: numerically more stable | | May 23 2023, 2:09 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG2d63bd8766eb: lots of debug, but now rotations do work fully. Now kinematic input is needed | | May 22 2023, 6:30 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG2a8f5732f1e3: lots of debug, and rotations do not work always | | May 22 2023, 5:28 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 672 | | May 22 2023, 5:21 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 674 | stahlleiton updated the public key material for this SSH key. | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 674 | | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 674 | | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 673 | stahlleiton updated the public key material for this SSH key. | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 673 | | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 673 | | May 22 2023, 5:20 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 672 | | May 22 2023, 5:14 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 672 | | May 22 2023, 5:14 PM |
stahlleiton | SSH Key 672 | stahlleiton updated the public key material for this SSH key. | May 22 2023, 5:14 PM |
abudinen | T207: EvtGen models with test output problems | | May 21 2023, 8:10 AM |
abudinen | T207: EvtGen models with test output problems | | May 21 2023, 8:08 AM |
tlatham | T207: EvtGen models with test output problems | | May 19 2023, 11:26 AM |
tlatham | T207: EvtGen models with test output problems | tlatham changed the edit policy from "Restricted Project (Project)" to "Restricted Project (Project)". | May 19 2023, 11:26 AM |
tlatham | T207: EvtGen models with test output problems | tlatham changed the edit policy from "Restricted Project (Project)" to "Restricted Project (Project)". | May 19 2023, 11:26 AM |
salam | rFASTJETSVN1355: tagging fjcontrib-1.052 | | May 18 2023, 10:38 AM |
salam | rFASTJETSVN1354: added an extra line in the NEWS | | May 18 2023, 9:01 AM |
salam | rFASTJETSVN1353: prepared for release of 1.052 with ConstituentSubtractor 1.4.6 | | May 18 2023, 8:55 AM |
amaier | rHEJ196895cc5fce: update version number to 2.2.2 | | May 18 2023, 7:34 AM |
amaier | rHEJfd7e468d4a61: update changelog | | May 18 2023, 7:32 AM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHGf45ba65ffcf9: added TODO in ColourReconnector since also Cov boost in needed to be fixed | | May 18 2023, 6:24 AM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHGb6352254558e: found sign error lorentz trafo works, missing rotation and kinematics(broken) | | May 18 2023, 6:15 AM |
amaier | rHEJ28a15eb2655d: Merge branch 'Z_uno_fix' into 'v2.2' | | May 17 2023, 5:50 PM |
amaier | rHEJf9f0b277930c: Use switch() to select component in | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJd053cc50757d: Pull out definition of common variables | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJ4c987c41de6c: Update reference data | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJe6119686f84a: Remove unused code | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJ97e92962c7d1: Add reference to developer manual in | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJcdae31c7fed6: Add test for full ME for processes with interference | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJ55a7bec6f327: Document factors for Z + unordered emission with interference | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJ426cdf91009f: Reorder Z+jets uno forward contributions to match order in virtuals | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
amaier | rHEJ039ece894de6: Fix colour factor in Z+jets uno ME | | May 17 2023, 3:20 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHGbf1ea0d4b32b: det not 1, but trafo consistent | | May 17 2023, 12:40 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHGaa29f965dcd3: det not 1, but trafo consistent | | May 16 2023, 10:57 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8882: 166e3ae00 Merge branch 'fix_numeric_fluctuations' into 'master' | | May 13 2023, 6:39 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT9febfdaee9ed: Add more checks on input files and setters | | May 12 2023, 9:24 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGITb4f12016f3d2: Change chmod | | May 12 2023, 9:23 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT67dbe738dc74: Update data location, and update y-axis (wrongly labelled) | | May 12 2023, 9:22 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT26712cf27cf7: Make CCQE subdirectory for BEBC | | May 12 2023, 9:22 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGITeec3c2014013: Add BEBC 1DEnu data and implementation | | May 12 2023, 9:21 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT13bc1270446a: Change warning to be more clear | | May 12 2023, 9:21 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGITf5edc54b8b32: Add Sashas latest extended tables | | May 12 2023, 9:20 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT7b348e31c725: Add some file checks when getting data from files | | May 12 2023, 8:49 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGITcecabf42431d: Add validated tables from Sasha for radiative corrections, sent on 10 March… | | May 12 2023, 8:48 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT374603dc9f21: Change fit logger colors to be less copy/paste, and add background color | | May 12 2023, 8:46 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT9c3677917086: Change file location to account for the new FNAL/CCQE directory | | May 12 2023, 8:45 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT6395bc331b39: Move FNAL CCQE files into FNAL/CCQE subdir | | May 12 2023, 8:44 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGITa67be695addc: Add FNAL CCQE data | | May 12 2023, 8:43 PM |
cwret | rNUISANCEGIT9711a1b0a5b7: Add paper source and set chmod to 644 | | May 12 2023, 11:27 AM |
peter.berta | rFASTJETSVN1352: Released version 1.4.6 of ConstituentSubtractor | | May 12 2023, 9:36 AM |
peter.berta | rFASTJETSVN1351: fixing bug for Jet-by-jet CS when using Selector; copying also user_info | | May 12 2023, 9:35 AM |
david.marzocca | rLEPDF LePDF | | May 11 2023, 2:30 PM |
david.marzocca | rLEPDF LePDF | | May 11 2023, 2:30 PM |
david.marzocca | rLEPDF LePDF | | May 11 2023, 2:30 PM |
stefan.kiebacher | rHERWIGHG792b3b84deb9: just added exception | | May 10 2023, 3:28 PM |
jr_reuter | rWHIZARDSVN8881: ba29fac44 Merge branch 'update_gcc12.2_to_12.3' into 'master' | | May 10 2023, 12:28 PM |