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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,151 +1,147 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
## Herwig/Matchbox example input file
## Collider type
read Matchbox/
## Beam energies
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
-set EventHandler:BeamA /Herwig/Particles/e+
-set EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:BeamEMaxA 27.5.*GeV
-set EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/p+
-set EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:BeamEMaxB 820.*GeV
# no pdfs for leptons
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
## Process selection
## Note that event generation may fail if no matching matrix element has
## been found. Coupling orders are with respect to the Born process,
## i.e. NLO QCD does not require an additional power of alphas.
## Model assumptions
read Matchbox/
read Matchbox/
## Set the order of the couplings
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set Factory:OrderInAlphaS 0
set Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 2
## Select the process
## You may use identifiers such as p, pbar, j, l, mu+, h0 etc.
do Factory:Process e+ p -> e+ j
## Special settings required for on-shell production of unstable particles
## enable for on-shell top production
# read Matchbox/
## enable for on-shell W, Z or h production
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## Matrix element library selection
## Select a generic tree/loop combination or a
## specialized NLO package
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## Cut selection
## See the documentation for more options
## cuts on additional jets
# read Matchbox/
# insert JetCuts:JetRegions 0 FirstJet
# insert JetCuts:JetRegions 1 SecondJet
# insert JetCuts:JetRegions 2 ThirdJet
## Scale choice
## See the documentation for more options
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set Factory:ScaleChoice /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Scales/LeptonQ2Scale
## Matching and shower selection
## Please also see flavour scheme settings
## towards the end of the input file.
read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
# read Matchbox/
## use for improved LO showering
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
# read Matchbox/
## use for improved LO showering
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## Scale uncertainties
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## Shower scale uncertainties
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## PDF choice
read Matchbox/
## required for dipole shower and fixed order in five flavour scheme
# read Matchbox/
read Matchbox/
## Analyses
# cd /Herwig/Analysis
# insert Rivet:Analyses 0 XXX_2015_ABC123
# insert /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 Rivet
# insert /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 HepMC
## Save the generator
do /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ProductionMode
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun DIS-Matchbox EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,69 +1,67 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on DIS parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# no pdfs for leptons
-set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
# DIS physics parameters (override defaults here)
# Matrix Elements for lepton-hadron collisions
# (by default only neutral-current switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
# Neutral current DIS
-insert SimpleDIS:MatrixElements[0] MEDISNC
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEDISNC
# Charged current matrix element
-insert SimpleDIS:MatrixElements[0] MEDISCC
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEDISCC
## Need to use an NLO PDF
# set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
# set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
-# set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
-# set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
-# set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+# set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
## Setup the POWHEG shower
#cd /Herwig/Shower
#set ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
#read Matchbox/
## NLO Matrix Elements for lepton-hadron collisions
## in the POWHEG approach
#cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
## Neutral current DIS
-#insert SimpleDIS:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEDISNC
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEDISNC
## Charged current matrix element
-#insert SimpleDIS:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEDISCC
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEDISCC
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun DIS EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LEP parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Change the electron/position PDFs
set /Herwig/Particles/e+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/WWPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/e-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/WWPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA NULL
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB NULL
# Selected the hard process
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# fermion-antifermion
-insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff
# W+W-
-#insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2WW
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2WW
# Gamma-Gamma physics parameters (override defaults)
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 500.
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun GammaGamma EventGenerator
# uncomment this section for an example batch run
# of two repeats with different parameters
# Note that a separate call of 'Herwig run'
# is not required
# set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100
# run LEP-Zpole EventGenerator
# set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 208.0
# run LEP-maxE EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on ILC parameters
# usage: Herwig read
# Since most parameters are identical to LEP,
# we use the default EventGenerator and adapt only
# for the differences
read snippets/
# Change settings for the ee->Z->qq matrix element
# to produce only top quarks
# 'set' lines like this can be omitted if the
# default value is already okay.
# Any repository setting can be modified here
# Selected the hard process
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# default e+e- > t tbar
-insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 MEee2gZ2qq
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 MEee2gZ2qq
set MEee2gZ2qq:MinimumFlavour 6
set MEee2gZ2qq:MaximumFlavour 6
# e+e- > l+l-
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2gZ2ll
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2gZ2ll
# e+e- > W+W- ZZ
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2VV
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2VV
# higgs+Z
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2ZH
# higgs+e+e-/nu_enu_ebar via VBF
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2HiggsVBF
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2HiggsVBF
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# ILC physics parameters (override defaults)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 500.0
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun ILC EventGenerator
# uncomment this section for an example batch run
# of two repeats with different parameters
# Note that a separate call of 'Herwig run'
# is not required
# set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100
# run ILC-tt EventGenerator
# set /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEee2gZ2qq:MinimumFlavour 5
# set /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEee2gZ2qq:MaximumFlavour 5
# run ILC-bb EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LEP parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Change settings for the ee->Z->qq matrix element
# to avoid producing top quarks
# 'set' lines like this can be omitted if the
# default value is already okay.
# Any repository setting can be modified here
# Selected the hard process
# leading-order processes
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# default e+e- > q qbar (5 flavours d,u,s,c,b)
-insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 MEee2gZ2qq
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 MEee2gZ2qq
# e+e- > l+l-
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2gZ2ll
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2gZ2ll
# e+e- > W+W- ZZ
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2VV
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2VV
# higgs+Z
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2ZH
# higgs+e+e-/nu_enu_ebar via VBF
-# insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements[0] MEee2HiggsVBF
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEee2HiggsVBF
# NLO powheg processes
#set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
#read Matchbox/
-#insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 PowhegMEee2gZ2qq
-#insert SimpleEE:MatrixElements 0 PowhegMEee2gZ2ll
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 PowhegMEee2gZ2qq
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 PowhegMEee2gZ2ll
# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 91.2
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for LEP physics
# particle multiplicities
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/LEPMultiplicity
# b multiplicities
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/BMultiplicity
# b fragmentation functions
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/BFrag
# event shapes and single particle spectra
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Shapes
# identified particle spectra
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/LEPIdent
# four jet analysis (needs Fastjet installed)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/LEPFourJet
# general jet analysis (needs Fastjet installed)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/LEPJet
# Useful analysis handlers for B-factory physics
# BELLE data on charm hadron spetra
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/BELLECharm
# CLEO data on charm meson spectra
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/CLEOCharm
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LEP EventGenerator
# uncomment this section for an example batch run
# of two repeats with different parameters
# Note that a separate call of 'Herwig run'
# is not required
# set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100
# run LEP-Zpole EventGenerator
# set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 208.0
# run LEP-maxE EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LEP parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Sampler:Ntry 10000
# Choice of phase-space generation for PDFs
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FlatSHatY 0
# Change the proton PDFs to those for photon radiation
set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA NULL
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB NULL
# Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
-set QCDCuts:ScaleMin 0.0*GeV
-set QCDCuts:X1Min 0
-set QCDCuts:X2Min 0
-set QCDCuts:X1Max 1.
-set QCDCuts:X2Max 1.
-set QCDCuts:MHatMin 1.*GeV
-erase QCDCuts:MultiCuts 0
+set Cuts:ScaleMin 0.0*GeV
+set Cuts:X1Min 0
+set Cuts:X2Min 0
+set Cuts:X1Max 1.
+set Cuts:X2Max 1.
+set Cuts:MHatMin 1.*GeV
+erase Cuts:MultiCuts 0
set LeptonKtCut:MinKT 3*GeV
# Selected the hard process
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# fermion-antifermion
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff:Process Muon
# W+W-
-#insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2WW
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2WW
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults)
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC-GammaGamma EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator for the Leptoquark model
# in hadron collisions
# The best way to use this is to make your own
# copy of this file and edit that as you require.
# The first section loads the model file which
# does not contain anything that users need to touch.
# The second section contains the user settings.
read snippets/
# Set emission to POWHEG for radiation in decays
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
# read model
read Leptoquark.model
cd /Herwig/NewPhysics
# This section contains the user defined settings
# Example hard process: Incoming proton, outgoing leptoquarks
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 1 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 2 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 3 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 4 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 5 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 6 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 7 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 8 /Herwig/Particles/g
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 0 /Herwig/Particles/S0
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 1 /Herwig/Particles/S0bar
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
# Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
set JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
-set QCDCuts:MHatMax 13000.0*GeV
-set EECuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
+set Cuts:MHatMax 13000.0*GeV
+set Cuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
set PhotonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
set PhotonKtCut:MinEta -10.
set PhotonKtCut:MaxEta 10.
set MassCut:MinM 0.*GeV
# Other parameters for run
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun LHC-LQ EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,232 +1,234 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# This file contains our best tune to UE data from ATLAS at 7 TeV. More recent
# tunes and tunes for other centre-of-mass energies as well as more usage
# instructions can be obtained from this Herwig++ wiki page:
+read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
# MEMinBias Matrix Element
# MPI model settings
set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
## Report the correct cross section
cd /Herwig/Generators
create Herwig::MPIXSecReweighter MPIXSecReweighter
insert EventGenerator:EventHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0 MPIXSecReweighter
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler NULL
-clear /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0]
+clear EventGenerator:EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0]
# Create separate SubProcessHandler for MinBias
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
-cp SimpleQCD QCDMinBias
+cp SubProcess QCDMinBias
set QCDMinBias:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
set QCDMinBias:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler
set QCDMinBias:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
insert QCDMinBias:MatrixElements[0] MEMinBias
cd /Herwig/Generators
# MinBias parameters used for the new kinematics of soft MPI
set /Herwig/Cuts/MinBiasCuts:X1Min 0.11
set /Herwig/Cuts/MinBiasCuts:X2Min 0.11
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/MinBiasCuts
set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:colourDisrupt 0.0
set /Herwig/Hadronization/ColourReconnector:ColourReconnection Yes
# Use multiperipheral kinematics
set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:MultiPeriph Yes
# Set ladder multiplicity factor
set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:ladderbFactor 0.0
# Set gaussian width of longitudinal momentum fraction
# flucutuation
set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:gaussWidth 0.03
# Tuned to min-bias data
set /Herwig/Hadronization/ColourReconnector:ReconnectionProbability 0.445557
set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:pTmin0 3.145333
set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:InvRadius 1.101560
set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:Power 0.709107
set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:ladderMult 0.700985
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
-insert /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] QCDMinBias
+insert /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] QCDMinBias
# Create separate SubProcessHandler for Diffraction
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionLeft
set MEDiffractionLeft:DiffDirection Left
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionRight
set MEDiffractionRight:DiffDirection Right
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionDouble
set MEDiffractionDouble:DiffDirection Both
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionDeltaLeft
set MEDiffractionDouble:DiffDirection Left
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionDeltaRight
set MEDiffractionDouble:DiffDirection Right
create Herwig::MEDiffraction MEDiffractionDeltaDouble
set MEDiffractionDouble:DiffDirection Both
# Make a parton extractor for diffraction
cd /Herwig/Partons
-cp QCDExtractor DiffQCDExtractor
+cp Extractor DiffQCDExtractor
set DiffQCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/NoPDF
set DiffQCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/NoPDF
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
# Create Diffraction SubProcessHandler
-cp SimpleQCD QCDDiffraction
+cp SubProcess QCDDiffraction
# Assign the PartonExtractor to the SubProcessHandler
set QCDDiffraction:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DiffQCDExtractor
# Use only Delta as final excited state (Yes/No)
set MEDiffractionLeft:DeltaOnly No
set MEDiffractionRight:DeltaOnly No
set MEDiffractionDouble:DeltaOnly No
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:DeltaOnly Yes
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:DeltaOnly Yes
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:DeltaOnly Yes
# Set weight for Diffraction
set MEDiffractionLeft:DiffractionAmplitude 12
set MEDiffractionRight:DiffractionAmplitude 12
set MEDiffractionDouble:DiffractionAmplitude 8
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:DiffractionAmplitude 4
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:DiffractionAmplitude 4
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:DiffractionAmplitude 2
# Set soft diffraction paramters
set MEDiffractionLeft:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionLeft:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionLeft:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
set MEDiffractionRight:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionRight:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionRight:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
set MEDiffractionDouble:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionDouble:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionDouble:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:ProtonPomeronSlope 10.1
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:SoftPomeronIntercept 1.08
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:SoftPomeronSlope 0.25
# Set number of clusters for dissociation
set MEDiffractionLeft:DissociationDecay One
set MEDiffractionRight:DissociationDecay One
set MEDiffractionDouble:DissociationDecay One
set MEDiffractionDeltaLeft:DissociationDecay One
set MEDiffractionDeltaRight:DissociationDecay One
set MEDiffractionDeltaDouble:DissociationDecay One
# Insert matrix elements
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionLeft
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionRight
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionDouble
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionDeltaLeft
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionDeltaRight
insert QCDDiffraction:MatrixElements[0] MEDiffractionDeltaDouble
# No cluster fission
#set /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner:ClMaxLight 3500
set QCDDiffraction:CascadeHandler NULL
-set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:CascadeHandler NULL
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler NULL
-insert /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] QCDDiffraction
+insert /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] QCDDiffraction
cd /Herwig/Analysis
create ThePEG::RivetAnalysis RivetAnalysis
cd /Herwig/Generators
insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 RivetATLAS_2012_I1084540
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2012_I1084540
# need to comment for -d1
###insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2015_I1356998
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ALICE_2012_I1181770
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2012_I1084540
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2010_S8591806
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 LHCB_2014_I1281685
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ALICE_2010_S8624100
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2010_S8894728
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8994773
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2010_S8918562
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_I894867
##insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2012_I1124167
##insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2014_I1298811
###insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2010_S8656010
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2011_S8884919
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2011_S8978280
insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2012_I1091481
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2012_I1193338
##insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2013_I1218372
#insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_QCD_10_024
set /Herwig/Analysis/Plot:EventNumber 54
cd /Herwig/Generators
insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
#insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 1000000
#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Filename events.fifo
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
saverun LHC-MB-Soft EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,43 +1,37 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# This file contains our best tune to UE data from ATLAS at 7 TeV. More recent
# tunes and tunes for other centre-of-mass energies as well as more usage
# instructions can be obtained from this Herwig wiki page:
read snippets/
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 13000.0
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEMinBias
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEMinBias
# MPI model settings
set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Change to have no pT cuts for MinBias
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/MinBiasCuts
-#insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
-#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 1000000
-#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
-#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
-#set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Filename events.fifo
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC-MB EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LHC parameters
# using NLO matrix elements and matching in
# the Powheg formalism
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Need to use an NLO PDF
set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
# Setup the POWHEG shower
cd /Herwig/Shower
set ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
read Matchbox/
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 13000.0
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
# (by default only gamma/Z switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
# Drell-Yan Z/gamma
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff
# Drell-Yan W
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2W2ff
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2W2ff
# higgs + W (N.B. if considering all W decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on W decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2WH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2WH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs + Z (N.B. if considering all Z decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on Z decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2ZH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# gg/qqbar -> Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEHiggs
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEHiggs
# Weak boson pair production: WW / ZZ / WZ / W+Z [WpZ] / W-Z [WmZ]
# needs the gauge bosons decayed before the shower
# create Herwig::HwDecayHandler /Herwig/NewPhysics/DecayHandler
# set /Herwig/NewPhysics/DecayHandler:NewStep No
# insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/DecayHandler:Excluded 0 /Herwig/Particles/tau-
# insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/DecayHandler:Excluded 1 /Herwig/Particles/tau+
# insert /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PreCascadeHandlers 0 /Herwig/NewPhysics/DecayHandler
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2VV
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2VV
# set PowhegMEPP2VV:Process WpZ
# Higgs production via VBF
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2HiggsVBF
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2HiggsVBF
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for hadron-hadron physics
# analysis of W/Z events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/DrellYan
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC-Powheg EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LHC parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
cd /Herwig/Particles
create ThePEG::ParticleData graviton
setup graviton 39 graviton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 13000.0
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
cd /Herwig/Cuts
#set JetKtCut:MinKT 100.0*GeV
-set QCDCuts:MHatMin 4500*GeV
+set Cuts:MHatMin 4500*GeV
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
create Herwig::METRP2to2 METransplanck
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] METransplanck
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] METransplanck
#set METransplanck:Process 6
set METransplanck:NumberExtraDimensions 6
set METransplanck:PlanckMass 1500
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC-TRP EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator for the Leptoquark model
# in hadron collisions
# The best way to use this is to make your own
# copy of this file and edit that as you require.
# The first section loads the model file which
# does not contain anything that users need to touch.
# The second section contains the user settings.
read snippets/
# Set emission to POWHEG for radiation in decays
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
# read model
read TTBA.model
#Set up semi-leptonic (e or mu) top/hadronic topbar
set /Herwig/Particles/t:Synchronized Not_synchronized
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar:Synchronized Not_synchronized
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,bbar,c;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,sbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,sbar,u;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,u,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_e,e+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_mu,mu+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_tau,tau+,b;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->b,bbar,cbar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,s;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,s,ubar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,ubar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_ebar,e-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_mubar,mu-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_taubar,tau-,bbar;:OnOff Off
cd /Herwig/Generators
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
# This section contains the user defined settings
# Example hard process: Incoming proton, outgoing leptoquarks
cd /Herwig/NewPhysics
set HPConstructor:Processes Exclusive
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 1 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 2 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 3 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 4 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 5 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 6 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 7 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 8 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 9 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 10 /Herwig/Particles/g
# Comment out the following line if Axigluon model is selected
insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/HPConstructor:Excluded 0 /Herwig/Particles/Ag
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 0 /Herwig/Particles/t
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 1 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
#This is available for comparison to the LO Hw++ result
#cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
-#insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
# Other parameters for run
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun LHC-TTBA EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator for the Leptoquark model
# in hadron collisions
# The best way to use this is to make your own
# copy of this file and edit that as you require.
# The first section loads the model file which
# does not contain anything that users need to touch.
# The second section contains the user settings.
read snippets/
# Set emission to POWHEG for radiation in decays
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
# read model
read Zprime.model
set /Herwig/Particles/t:Synchronized Not_synchronized
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar:Synchronized Not_synchronized
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,bbar,c;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,dbar;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,sbar;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,sbar,u;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,u,dbar;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_e,e+,b;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_mu,mu+,b;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_tau,tau+,b;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->b,bbar,cbar;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,d;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,s;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,s,ubar;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,ubar,d;:OnOff Off
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_ebar,e-,bbar;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_mubar,mu-,bbar;:OnOff On
#set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_taubar,tau-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,bbar,c;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,sbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,sbar,u;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,u,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_e,e+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_mu,mu+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_tau,tau+,b;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->b,bbar,cbar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,s;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,s,ubar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,ubar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_ebar,e-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_mubar,mu-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_taubar,tau-,bbar;:OnOff Off
# This section contains the user defined settings
# Example hard process: Incoming proton, outgoing leptoquarks
cd /Herwig/NewPhysics
set HPConstructor:Processes Exclusive
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 1 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 2 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 3 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 4 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 5 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 6 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 7 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 8 /Herwig/Particles/g
# Comment out the following line if Axigluon model is selected
insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/HPConstructor:Excluded 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/HPConstructor:Excluded 1 /Herwig/Particles/t
insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/HPConstructor:Excluded 2 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 0 /Herwig/Particles/t
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 1 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
cd /Herwig/Analysis
set Basics:CheckQuark false
# Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
set JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
-set QCDCuts:MHatMax 13000.0*GeV
-set EECuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
+set Cuts:MHatMax 13000.0*GeV
+set Cuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
set PhotonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
set PhotonKtCut:MinEta -10.
set PhotonKtCut:MaxEta 10.
set MassCut:MinM 0.*GeV
# Other parameters for run
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun LHC-ZP EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LHC parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 13000.0
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
cd /Herwig/Partons
# Set the PDFs for the beams
# This is for double diffractive, comment out either the first or second
# for single diffractive
-set QCDExtractor:FirstPDF PomeronFlux
-set QCDExtractor:SecondPDF PomeronFlux
+set Extractor:FirstPDF PomeronFlux
+set Extractor:SecondPDF PomeronFlux
## Reggeon Structure Function #################################
# MUST HAVE LHAPDF linked with ThePEG
#create ThePEG::LHAPDF PionPDF
#set PionPDF:PDFNumber 212
#set PionPDF:PType PionOrVMD
#set PionPDF:RangeException Freeze
#create ThePEG::SoftRemnantHandler PionRemnants
#set PionRemnants:RemnantDecayer RemnantDecayer
#set PionPDF:RemnantHandler /Herwig/Partons/PionRemnants
#create Herwig::ReggeonPDF ReggeonPDF
#set ReggeonPDF:PDF PionPDF
#set ReggeonPDF:RemnantHandler PionRemnants
#set /Herwig/Particles/reggeon:PDF ReggeonPDF
# uncomment to switch pomeron off if only reggeon required
#set /Herwig/Particles/pomeron:PDF NULL
# Choice of phase-space generation for PDFs
-set QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
+set Extractor:FlatSHatY 0
# Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
-set QCDCuts:MHatMin 1.
-set QCDCuts:MHatMax 20000
-set QCDCuts:X2Min 1.0e-7
-set QCDCuts:X2Max 1.
-set QCDCuts:X1Min 1.0e-7
-set QCDCuts:X1Max 1.
+set Cuts:MHatMin 1.
+set Cuts:MHatMax 20000
+set Cuts:X2Min 1.0e-7
+set Cuts:X2Max 1.
+set Cuts:X1Min 1.0e-7
+set Cuts:X1Max 1.
set JetKtCut:MinKT 10.
set LeptonKtCut:MinKT 1.
# Matrix Elements for diffractive collisions
# (by default on QCD 2->2 switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MEQCD2to2Fast
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MEQCD2to2Fast
cd /Herwig/Generators
# MPI doesn't work
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC-diffractive EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,147 +1,147 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on LHC parameters
# usage: Herwig read
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# LHC physics parameters (override defaults here)
# Intrinsic pT tune extrapolated to LHC energy
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:IntrinsicPtGaussian 2.2*GeV
## sqrt(s) = 13000 GeV ##
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 13000.0
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
# (by default only gamma/Z switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
# Electroweak boson W/Z processes
# Drell-Yan Z/gamma
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2gZ2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2gZ2ff
# Drell-Yan W
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2W2ff
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2W2ff
# W+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEWJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEWJet
# Z+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEZJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEZJet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VV
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VV
# Wgamma/Zgamma
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VGamma
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VGamma
# add QED radiation off W/Z decay products using YFS formalism
# cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
# insert LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/QEDRadiation/QEDRadiationHandler
# QCD and gamma processes
# QCD 2-2 scattering
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
# gamma+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaJet
# gamma-gamma
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaGamma
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaGamma
# Heavy quark processes
# top-antitop production
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
# single-top
# t-channel
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTChannel
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTChannel
# s-channel
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopSChannel
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopSChannel
# tW
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTW
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTW
# Higgs Processes
# gg/qqbar -> Higgs (recommend including q qbar->Hg as not in ME correction)
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggs
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
# set MEHiggsJet:Process qqbar
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
# higgs + W (N.B. if considering all W decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on W decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2WH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2WH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs + Z (N.B. if considering all Z decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on Z decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ZH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# VBF Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2HiggsVBF
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2HiggsVBF
# t tbar Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ttbarH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ttbarH
# b bbar Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2bbbarH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2bbbarH
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for hadron-hadron physics
# analysis of W/Z events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/DrellYan
# analysis of top-antitop events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/TTbar
# analysis of gamma+jet events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaJet
# analysis of gamma-gamma events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaGamma
# analysis of higgs-jet events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HiggsJet
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun LHC EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/Matchbox/ b/src/Matchbox/
--- a/src/Matchbox/
+++ b/src/Matchbox/
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
read Matchbox/
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set Factory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set Factory:SecondPerturbativePDF No
-set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/EEExtractor
+set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF No
-set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/EEExtractor
+set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
cd /Herwig/Cuts
set Cuts:MHatMin 22.36*GeV
diff --git a/src/Matchbox/ b/src/Matchbox/
--- a/src/Matchbox/
+++ b/src/Matchbox/
@@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
read Matchbox/
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set Factory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set Factory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
-set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DISExtractor
+set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
-set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DISExtractor
-cd /Herwig/Cuts
-set Cuts:ScaleMin 1.0*GeV
-set Cuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
-set Cuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
-set Cuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
-set NeutralCurrentCut:MinW2 0
-set NeutralCurrentCut:MaxW2 1e10
-set ChargedCurrentCut:MinW2 0
-set ChargedCurrentCut:MaxW2 1e10
-insert Cuts:TwoCuts[0] NeutralCurrentCut
-insert Cuts:TwoCuts[1] ChargedCurrentCut
+set /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
diff --git a/src/Matchbox/ b/src/Matchbox/
--- a/src/Matchbox/
+++ b/src/Matchbox/
@@ -1,84 +1,83 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
cd /Herwig/Cuts
-create ThePEG::Cuts Cuts
set Cuts:Fuzzy FuzzyTheta
set MatchboxJetMatcher:Factory /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory
insert Cuts:OneCuts[0] PhotonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[1] LeptonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[2] TopQuarkCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[3] BottomQuarkCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[4] WBosonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[5] ZBosonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[6] HiggsBosonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[7] ChargedLeptonCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[0] LeptonPairMassCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[1] ChargedLeptonPairMassCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[2] LeptonDeltaRCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[3] ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut
insert Cuts:MultiCuts[0] PhotonIsolationCut
insert Cuts:MultiCuts[1] MissingPtCut
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set MECorrectionHandler:Factory Factory
set Factory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/Cuts
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
set EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/Cuts
set EventHandler:Sampler /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler
set EventHandler:Weighted Off
set EventHandler:CollisionCuts Off
insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory
cd /Herwig/Generators
cd /Herwig/Particles
set d:NominalMass 0*GeV
set dbar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set u:NominalMass 0*GeV
set ubar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set s:NominalMass 0*GeV
set sbar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set c:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set cbar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set b:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set bbar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set e+:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set e-:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set mu+:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set mu-:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_e:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_ebar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_mu:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_mubar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_tau:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_taubar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
cd /Herwig/Partons
set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:PDFA ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:PDFB ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:StandardModelParameters:QCD/RunningAlphaS /Herwig/Couplings/NLOAlphaS
diff --git a/src/Matchbox/ b/src/Matchbox/
--- a/src/Matchbox/
+++ b/src/Matchbox/
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
read Matchbox/
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set Factory:FirstPerturbativePDF Yes
set Factory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
-set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor
+set Factory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
cd /Herwig/Merging
set MergingFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF Yes
set MergingFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
-set MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor
+set MergingFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
cd /Herwig/Cuts
set Cuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
set Cuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
set Cuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
set Cuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on Tevatron parameters
# using NLO matrix elements and matching in
# the Powheg formalism
# usage: Herwig read
# Since most parameters are identical to LHC,
# we use the default EventGenerator and adapt only
# for the differences
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Need to use an NLO PDF
set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/ShowerLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/Extractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/HardNLOPDF
# Setup the POWHEG shower
cd /Herwig/Shower
set ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
read Matchbox/
# Tevatron physics parameters (override defaults)
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 2000.0
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/pbar-
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
# (by default only gamma/Z switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# Drell-Yan Z/gamma
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff
# Drell-Yan W
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2W2ff
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEqq2W2ff
# higgs + W (N.B. if considering all W decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on W decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2WH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2WH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs + Z (N.B. if considering all Z decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on Z decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEPP2ZH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# gg/qqbar -> Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEHiggs
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] PowhegMEHiggs
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for hadron-hadron physics
# analysis of W/Z events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/DrellYan
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun TVT-Powheg EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator for the Leptoquark model
# in hadron collisions
# The best way to use this is to make your own
# copy of this file and edit that as you require.
# The first section loads the model file which
# does not contain anything that users need to touch.
# The second section contains the user settings.
read snippets/
# Set emission to POWHEG for radiation in decays
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
# read model
read TTBA.model
#Set up semi-leptonic (e or mu) top/hadronic topbar
set /Herwig/Particles/t:Synchronized Not_synchronized
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar:Synchronized Not_synchronized
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,bbar,c;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,c,sbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,sbar,u;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->b,u,dbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_e,e+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_mu,mu+,b;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/t/t->nu_tau,tau+,b;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->b,bbar,cbar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,cbar,s;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,s,ubar;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->bbar,ubar,d;:OnOff On
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_ebar,e-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_mubar,mu-,bbar;:OnOff Off
set /Herwig/Particles/tbar/tbar->nu_taubar,tau-,bbar;:OnOff Off
cd /Herwig/Generators
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 1960.0
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/pbar-
# This section contains the user defined settings
# Example hard process: Incoming proton, outgoing leptoquarks
cd /Herwig/NewPhysics
set HPConstructor:Processes Exclusive
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 1 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 2 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 3 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 4 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 5 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 6 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 7 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 8 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 9 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert HPConstructor:Incoming 10 /Herwig/Particles/g
# Comment out the following line if Axigluon model is selected
insert /Herwig/NewPhysics/HPConstructor:Excluded 0 /Herwig/Particles/Ag
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 0 /Herwig/Particles/t
insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 1 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
#This is available for comparison to the LO Hw++ result
#cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
-#insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
#set LHCHandler:CascadeHandler NULL
#set LHCHandler:HadronizationHandler NULL
#set LHCHandler:DecayHandler NULL
# Other parameters for run
cd /Herwig/Generators
saverun TVT-TTBA EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Example generator based on Tevatron parameters
# usage: Herwig read
# Since most parameters are identical to LHC,
# we use the default EventGenerator and adapt only
# for the differences
read snippets/
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Tevatron physics parameters (override defaults)
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/pbar-
## sqrt(s) = 1800 GeV ##
#set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 1800.0 - 1960.0
set EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 1960.0
# Matrix Elements for hadron-hadron collisions
# (by default only gamma/Z switched on)
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# Electroweak boson W/Z processes
# Drell-Yan Z/gamma
-insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2gZ2ff
+insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2gZ2ff
# Drell-Yan W
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2W2ff
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2W2ff
# W+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEWJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEWJet
# Z+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEZJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEZJet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VV
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VV
# Wgamma/Zgamma
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VGamma
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2VGamma
# QCD and gamma processes
# QCD 2-2 scattering
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
# gamma+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaJet
# gamma-gamma
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaGamma
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaGamma
# Heavy quark processes
# top-antitop production
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark
# single-top
# t-channel
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTChannel
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTChannel
# s-channel
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopSChannel
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopSChannel
# tW
-#insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTW
+#insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MESingleTopTW
# Higgs Processes
# gg/qqbar -> Higgs (recommend including q qbar->Hg as not in ME correction)
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggs
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
# set MEHiggsJet:Process qqbar
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs+jet
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet
# higgs + W (N.B. if considering all W decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on W decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2WH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2WH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# higgs + Z (N.B. if considering all Z decay modes useful to set )
# (jet pT cut to zero so no cut on Z decay products )
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ZH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ZH
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# VBF Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2HiggsVBF
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2HiggsVBF
# t tbar Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ttbarH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2ttbarH
# b bbar Higgs
-# insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2bbbarH
+# insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEPP2bbbarH
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Useful analysis handlers for hadron-hadron physics
# analysis of W/Z events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/DrellYan
# analysis of top-antitop events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/TTbar
# analysis of gamma+jet events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaJet
# analysis of gamma-gamma events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaGamma
# analysis of higgs-jet events
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HiggsJet
# Useful analysis handlers for HepMC related output
# Schematic overview of an event (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time
# and the graphviz program 'dot' to produce a plot)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Plot
# A HepMC dump file (requires --with-hepmc to be set at configure time)
# insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:PrintEvent 100
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Format GenEvent
# set /Herwig/Analysis/HepMCFile:Units GeV_mm
# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
saverun TVT EventGenerator
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,126 +1,101 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Default cuts (applied to the hard subprocess)
# Don't change values here, re-set them in your own input
# files using these as examples.
mkdir /Herwig/Matchers
cd /Herwig/Matchers
create ThePEG::Matcher<Lepton> Lepton
create ThePEG::Matcher<Neutrino> Neutrino
create ThePEG::Matcher<ChargedLepton> ChargedLepton
create ThePEG::Matcher<LightQuark> LightQuark
create ThePEG::Matcher<LightAntiQuark> LightAntiQuark
create ThePEG::Matcher<StandardQCDParton> StandardQCDParton
create ThePEG::Matcher<Photon> Photon
create ThePEG::Matcher<Top> Top
create ThePEG::Matcher<Bottom> Bottom
create ThePEG::Matcher<WBoson> WBoson
create ThePEG::Matcher<ZBoson> ZBoson
create ThePEG::Matcher<HiggsBoson> HiggsBoson
mkdir /Herwig/Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
-# create the cuts object for e+e-
-create ThePEG::Cuts EECuts
-newdef EECuts:MHatMin 22.36*GeV
-# create the cuts object for hadron collisions
-create ThePEG::Cuts QCDCuts
-newdef QCDCuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
-newdef QCDCuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
-newdef QCDCuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
-newdef QCDCuts:MHatMin 20.*GeV
# cut on jet pt
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut JetKtCut
newdef JetKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/StandardQCDParton
newdef JetKtCut:MinKT 20.0*GeV
# cut on photon
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut PhotonKtCut
newdef PhotonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Photon
newdef PhotonKtCut:MinKT 20.0*GeV
newdef PhotonKtCut:MinEta -3.
newdef PhotonKtCut:MaxEta 3.
# cut on leptons
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut LeptonKtCut
newdef LeptonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
newdef LeptonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on charged leptons
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut ChargedLeptonKtCut
newdef ChargedLeptonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
newdef ChargedLeptonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on top quarks
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut TopKtCut
newdef TopKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Top
newdef TopKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on W bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut WBosonKtCut
newdef WBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/WBoson
newdef WBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on Z bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut ZBosonKtCut
newdef ZBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ZBoson
newdef ZBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on Higgs bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut HiggsBosonKtCut
newdef HiggsBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/HiggsBoson
newdef HiggsBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# create a cut on the invariant mass of lepton pairs
create ThePEG::V2LeptonsCut MassCut
newdef MassCut:Families All
newdef MassCut:CComb All
newdef MassCut:MinM 20.*GeV
newdef MassCut:MaxM 14000.*GeV
# create a cut on Q^2 for neutral current DIS
create ThePEG::SimpleDISCut NeutralCurrentCut
newdef NeutralCurrentCut:MinQ2 20.
newdef NeutralCurrentCut:Current Neutral
# create a cut on Q^2 for charged current DIS
create ThePEG::SimpleDISCut ChargedCurrentCut
newdef ChargedCurrentCut:MinQ2 20.
newdef ChargedCurrentCut:Current Charged
# create a cut of Q^2 for charged current DIS
-# insert into hadron cuts
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[0] JetKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[1] PhotonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[2] LeptonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[3] TopKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[4] WBosonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[5] ZBosonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[6] HiggsBosonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[7] ChargedLeptonKtCut
-insert QCDCuts:MultiCuts[0] MassCut
-# cuts for DIS
-create ThePEG::Cuts DISCuts
-newdef DISCuts:ScaleMin 1.0*GeV
-newdef DISCuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
-newdef DISCuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
-insert DISCuts:TwoCuts[0] NeutralCurrentCut
-insert DISCuts:TwoCuts[1] ChargedCurrentCut
# create diffrent cuts object for MinBias to avoid numerical problems
create ThePEG::Cuts MinBiasCuts
newdef MinBiasCuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
newdef MinBiasCuts:X1Min 0.055
newdef MinBiasCuts:X2Min 0.055
newdef MinBiasCuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
+# Default Cuts object
+create ThePEG::Cuts Cuts
+newdef /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/Cuts
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# This is the main repository setup file for Herwig.
# It is read using the 'Herwig init' command which prepares the
# default repository file 'HerwigDefaults.rpo'.
# The 'Herwig read' step allows additional configuration
# instructions to be read from a run-specific file, to modify the
# default values. (We provide,, and as
# examples)
# You will not need to change any settings here.
# Any modifications can be made in your own input files.
# The repository contains its own internal directory structure to
# keep track of created objects. (This is entirely independent of
# the file system)
# Make the root directory in the Repository
rrmdir /Herwig
mkdir /Herwig
# The 'create' command creates an object in the repository from
# a C++ class. The arguments are (1) the C++ class name, (2) your
# chosen repository name, and optionally, (3) the library name where
# the class can be found.
# Created objects are _not_ automatically associated to a run. They
# need to be assigned to it using a chain of 'set' or 'insert'
# commands (see below).
# the default random number generator
create ThePEG::StandardRandom /Herwig/Random
# the default phase space sampler
create ThePEG::ACDCSampler /Herwig/ACDCSampler
# Objects in the repository are influenced through 'interfaces'.
# The most important ones can be found in these files, and the
# doxygen documentation provides complete lists.
# To set an interface to a new value, use the 'set' command:
# set object:interface value
# Note that only repository names can be used here. You must 'create'
# objects before you can use them in a 'set' command
newdef /Herwig/ACDCSampler:Margin 1.1
# The 'read' command includes external files in place, to reduce
# clutter. You can also use it for blocks of settings you're likely
# to use again and again.
# The EventHandler is the most important object in a run. It
# (directly or indirectly) owns most of the objects that have been
# created up to now.
# Below we create one handler for LEP and one for LHC.
# Try to understand the following few lines (also look at the external
# .in files if you can't find the 'create' line for an object).
# If you need to make modifications, it's best to make them in your
# own input file (for the 'Herwig read' step) and not here.
mkdir /Herwig/EventHandlers
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
# Create the EventHandler
create ThePEG::StandardEventHandler EventHandler
-set EventHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
-set EventHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
-set EventHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
+newdef EventHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
+newdef EventHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
+newdef EventHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
mkdir /Herwig/Generators
cd /Herwig/Generators
# Finally, the EventGenerator objects are responsible
# for the run. They tie together an EventHandler on the one side
# with a physics model (Feynman rules, etc) and random number
# generator on the other.
# In your own input files, it will be this EventGenerator object
# that will be called with the 'run' command to start the event
# generation (see,, or for examples)
# The Strategy objects can be used for default settings
# (see the Doxygen documentation)
# Currently it only provides the LaTeX reference to Herwig
create Herwig::HerwigStrategy DefaultStrategy
# set DefaultStrategy:LocalParticlesDir /Herwig/Particles
insert DefaultStrategy:DefaultParticlesDirs[0] /Herwig/Particles
# The EventGenerator
create ThePEG::EventGenerator EventGenerator
-set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator /Herwig/Random
-set EventGenerator:StandardModelParameters /Herwig/Model
-set EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/EventHandler
-set EventGenerator:Strategy DefaultStrategy
-set EventGenerator:DumpPeriod -1
-set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001
-set EventGenerator:DebugLevel 1
-set EventGenerator:PrintEvent 10
-set EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000
-set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100000000
+newdef EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator /Herwig/Random
+newdef EventGenerator:StandardModelParameters /Herwig/Model
+newdef EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/EventHandler
+newdef EventGenerator:Strategy DefaultStrategy
+newdef EventGenerator:DumpPeriod -1
+newdef EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001
+newdef EventGenerator:DebugLevel 1
+newdef EventGenerator:PrintEvent 10
+newdef EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000
+newdef EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100000000
# The default cuts
cd /Herwig/Generators
# include some default analysis handlers
# setup the matchbox framework
# setup the merging framework
# setup the dipole shower
cd /
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,789 +1,761 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Default setup for Matchbox matrix element generation.
# You do not need to make any change in here; processes of
# interest can be chosen in the standard input files.
# Load libraries
# Integration/sampling
mkdir /Herwig/Samplers
cd /Herwig/Samplers
create Herwig::BinSampler FlatBinSampler
set FlatBinSampler:InitialPoints 1000
set FlatBinSampler:UseAllIterations No
create Herwig::CellGridSampler CellGridSampler
set CellGridSampler:InitialPoints 10000
set CellGridSampler:ExplorationPoints 500
set CellGridSampler:ExplorationSteps 4
set CellGridSampler:Gain 0.3
set CellGridSampler:Epsilon 1.0
set CellGridSampler:MinimumSelection 0.000001
set CellGridSampler:NIterations 1
set CellGridSampler:EnhancementFactor 1
set CellGridSampler:UseAllIterations No
set CellGridSampler:RemapperPoints 50000
set CellGridSampler:RemapperMinSelection 0.00001
set CellGridSampler:RemapChannelDimension Yes
set CellGridSampler:LuminosityMapperBins 20
set CellGridSampler:GeneralMapperBins 0
set CellGridSampler:HalfPoints No
set CellGridSampler:MaxNewMax 30
set CellGridSampler:NonZeroInPresampling Yes
create Herwig::MonacoSampler MonacoSampler
set MonacoSampler:InitialPoints 15000
set MonacoSampler:NIterations 4
set MonacoSampler:EnhancementFactor 1.2
set MonacoSampler:UseAllIterations No
set MonacoSampler:RemapChannelDimension No
set MonacoSampler:LuminosityMapperBins 0
set MonacoSampler:HalfPoints No
set MonacoSampler:MaxNewMax 30
set MonacoSampler:NonZeroInPresampling Yes
create Herwig::GeneralSampler Sampler
set Sampler:UpdateAfter 1000
set Sampler:BinSampler CellGridSampler
set Sampler:AddUpSamplers Off
set Sampler:GlobalMaximumWeight Off
set Sampler:FlatSubprocesses Off
set Sampler:MinSelection 0.000001
set Sampler:AlmostUnweighted Off
set Sampler:RunCombinationData Off
set Sampler:WriteGridsOnFinish No
set Sampler:MaxEnhancement 1.1
# Setup the factory object
mkdir /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
create Herwig::MatchboxFactory Factory
do Factory:StartParticleGroup p
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup pbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup j
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup t
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/t
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup g
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup gamma
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/gamma
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup h0
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/h0
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup W+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/W+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup W-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/W-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup Z0
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/Z0
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup mu+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup mu-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tau+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tau+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tau-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tau-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_e
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_e
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_mu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mu
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_tau
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_tau
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_ebar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_ebar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_mubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_taubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_taubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_e
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_ebar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
# Default settings for hard process widths
set /Herwig/Particles/mu+:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/mu-:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/tau+:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/tau-:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
# Setup amplitudes
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Amplitudes
cd Amplitudes
create ColorFull::TraceBasis TraceBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxHybridAmplitude GenericProcesses
@CREATE_MADGRAPH@ Herwig::MadGraphAmplitude MadGraph
@SET_MADGRAPH@ MadGraph:ColourBasis TraceBasis
@CREATE_GOSAM@ Herwig::GoSamAmplitude GoSam
@CREATE_NJET@ Herwig::NJetsAmplitude NJet
@DO_NJET@ NJet:Massless 5
@DO_NJET@ NJet:Massless -5
@CREATE_OPENLOOPS@ Herwig::OpenLoopsAmplitude OpenLoops
mkdir Builtin
cd Builtin
create Herwig::SimpleColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::SimpleColourBasis2 SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbar Amplitudellbarqqbar
set Amplitudellbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarg Amplitudellbarqqbarg
set Amplitudellbarqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbargg Amplitudellbarqqbargg
set Amplitudellbarqqbargg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarqqbar Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar
set Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbar Amplitudelnuqqbar
set Amplitudelnuqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarg Amplitudelnuqqbarg
set Amplitudelnuqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbargg Amplitudelnuqqbargg
set Amplitudelnuqqbargg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarqqbar Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar
set Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehgg Amplitudehgg
set Amplitudehgg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehggg Amplitudehggg
set Amplitudehggg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehqqbarg Amplitudehqqbarg
set Amplitudehqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbar Amplitudeqqbarttbar
set Amplitudeqqbarttbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbarg Amplitudeqqbarttbarg
set Amplitudeqqbarttbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbar Amplitudeggttbar
set Amplitudeggttbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbarg Amplitudeggttbarg
set Amplitudeggttbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbargg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbargg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehgg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehggg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeqqbarttbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeqqbarttbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeggttbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeggttbarg
# Setup phasespace generators
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Phasespace
cd Phasespace
create Herwig::PhasespaceCouplings PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::MatchboxRambo Rambo
set Rambo:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::FlatInvertiblePhasespace InvertiblePhasespace
set InvertiblePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::FlatInvertibleLabframePhasespace InvertibleLabframePhasespace
set InvertibleLabframePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
set InvertibleLabframePhasespace:LogSHat False
create Herwig::TreePhasespaceChannels TreePhasespaceChannels
create Herwig::TreePhasespace TreePhasespace
set TreePhasespace:ChannelMap TreePhasespaceChannels
set TreePhasespace:M0 0.0001*GeV
set TreePhasespace:MC 0.00005*GeV
set TreePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -1 1 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -2 2 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -3 3 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -4 4 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -5 5 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -6 6 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 1 -1 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 2 -2 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 3 -3 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 4 -4 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 5 -5 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 6 -6 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 1 21 1 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 2 21 2 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 3 21 3 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 4 21 4 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 5 21 5 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 6 21 6 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -1 21 -1 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -2 21 -2 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -3 21 -3 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -4 21 -4 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -5 21 -5 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -6 21 -6 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 1 1 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 2 2 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 3 3 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 4 4 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 5 5 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 6 6 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -1 -1 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -2 -2 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -3 -3 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -4 -4 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -5 -5 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -6 -6 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -1 1 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -2 2 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -3 3 0.00000001184279069851
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -4 4 0.00000205034465001885
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -5 5 0.00002314757096085280
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -6 6 0.03982017320025470767
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -11 11 0.00000000000034264835
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -12 12 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -13 13 0.00000001464912263400
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -14 14 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -15 15 0.00000414359033108195
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -16 16 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -1 1 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -2 2 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -3 3 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -4 4 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -5 5 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -6 6 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -11 11 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -13 13 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -15 15 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 1 0.01652748072644379386
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 1 0.00382028458188709739
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 1 0.00014707756360995175
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 3 0.00382265953677814621
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 3 0.01651340063673257587
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 3 0.00068534412570265868
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 5 0.00005954351191129535
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 5 0.00069891529650865192
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 5 0.01694947628265615369
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -12 11 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -14 13 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -16 15 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -1 0.01652748072644379386
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -1 0.00382028458188709739
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -1 0.00014707756360995175
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -3 0.00382265953677814621
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -3 0.01651340063673257587
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -3 0.00068534412570265868
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -5 0.00005954351191129535
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -5 0.00069891529650865192
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -5 0.01694947628265615369
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 12 -11 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 14 -13 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 16 -15 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -1 1 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -2 2 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -3 3 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -4 4 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -5 5 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -6 6 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -11 11 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -12 12 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -13 13 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -14 14 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -15 15 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -16 16 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 21 21 21 0.354
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 21 21 0.00000000016160437564
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 25 25 0.18719783125611995353
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 22 22 0.00000000006295673620
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 24 -24 219.30463760755686425818
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 23 23 362.91922658249853887524
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 24 -24 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 24 -24 0.02637401475019835008
@CREATE_VBFNLO@ Herwig::VBFNLOPhasespace VBFNLOPhasespace
@SET_VBFNLO@ VBFNLOPhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Phasespace TreePhasespace
# Setup utilities for matching
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
create Herwig::HardScaleProfile HardScaleProfile
create Herwig::MEMatching MEMatching
set MEMatching:RestrictPhasespace On
set MEMatching:HardScaleProfile /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/HardScaleProfile
set MEMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set MEMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction RealScale
set MEMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction RealScale
set MEMatching:BornScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:EmissionScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:TruncatedShower Yes
set MEMatching:MaxPtIsMuF Yes
set MEMatching:FFPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:FIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:IIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:SafeCut 0.*GeV
create Herwig::ShowerApproximationGenerator MECorrectionHandler
set MECorrectionHandler:ShowerApproximation MEMatching
set MECorrectionHandler:Phasespace /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Phasespace/InvertiblePhasespace
set MECorrectionHandler:PresamplingPoints 50000
set MECorrectionHandler:FreezeGrid 100000
create Herwig::DipoleMatching DipoleMatching
# set in as not available at this point
# set DipoleMatching:ShowerHandler /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler
set DipoleMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:FFPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:FIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:IIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:SafeCut 4.*GeV
create Herwig::QTildeMatching QTildeMatching
set QTildeMatching:ShowerHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
set QTildeMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:QTildeFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
set QTildeMatching:SafeCut 4.*GeV
# just a dummy, since SudakovCommonn can't be used
# it's only used to get the value of the kinCutoffScale
set QTildeMatching:QTildeSudakov /Herwig/Shower/QtoQGSudakov
# Setup utilities for process generation
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Utility
cd Utility
create Herwig::Tree2toNGenerator DiagramGenerator
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/GGGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFPVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFZVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFWVertex /Herwig/Vertices/FFWMatchboxVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFWMatchboxVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/WWHVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/WWWVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/HGGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/HHHVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex:Fermion 6
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/BBHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/BBHVertex:Fermion 5
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/TauTauHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/TauTauHVertex:Fermion 15
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/TauTauHVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/MuMuHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/MuMuHVertex:Fermion 13
create Herwig::ProcessData ProcessData
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:DiagramGenerator DiagramGenerator
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ProcessData ProcessData
# Setup jet cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
create Herwig::MatchboxFactoryMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set MatchboxJetMatcher:Group j
create ThePEG::FastJetFinder JetFinder
set JetFinder:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set JetFinder:Variant AntiKt
set JetFinder:RecombinationScheme E
set JetFinder:Mode Inclusive
set JetFinder:ConeRadius 0.7
create ThePEG::JetRegion FirstJet
set FirstJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do FirstJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set FirstJet:Fuzzy Yes
set FirstJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set FirstJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert FirstJet:Accepts[0] 1
create ThePEG::JetRegion SecondJet
set SecondJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do SecondJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set SecondJet:Fuzzy Yes
set SecondJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set SecondJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert SecondJet:Accepts[0] 2
create ThePEG::JetRegion ThirdJet
set ThirdJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do ThirdJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set ThirdJet:Fuzzy Yes
set ThirdJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set ThirdJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert ThirdJet:Accepts[0] 3
create ThePEG::JetRegion FourthJet
set FourthJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do FourthJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set FourthJet:Fuzzy Yes
set FourthJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set FourthJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert FourthJet:Accepts[0] 4
create ThePEG::FuzzyTheta FuzzyTheta
set FuzzyTheta:EnergyWidth 4.0*GeV
set FuzzyTheta:RapidityWidth 0.4
set FuzzyTheta:AngularWidth 0.4
create ThePEG::NJetsCut NJetsCut
set NJetsCut:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set NJetsCut:NJetsMin 2
create ThePEG::JetCuts JetCuts
set JetCuts:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set JetCuts:Ordering OrderPt
create Herwig::IdentifiedParticleCut IdentifiedParticleCut
cp IdentifiedParticleCut LeptonCut
set LeptonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp IdentifiedParticleCut ChargedLeptonCut
set ChargedLeptonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
cp IdentifiedParticleCut BottomQuarkCut
set BottomQuarkCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Bottom
cp IdentifiedParticleCut TopQuarkCut
set TopQuarkCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Top
cp IdentifiedParticleCut WBosonCut
set WBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/WBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut ZBosonCut
set ZBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ZBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut HiggsBosonCut
set HiggsBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/HiggsBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut PhotonCut
set PhotonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Photon
create Herwig::FrixionePhotonSeparationCut PhotonIsolationCut
set PhotonIsolationCut:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
create Herwig::MatchboxDeltaRCut MatchboxDeltaRCut
cp MatchboxDeltaRCut LeptonDeltaRCut
set LeptonDeltaRCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
set LeptonDeltaRCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp MatchboxDeltaRCut ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut
set ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
set ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
create Herwig::InvariantMassCut InvariantMassCut
cp InvariantMassCut LeptonPairMassCut
set LeptonPairMassCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
set LeptonPairMassCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp InvariantMassCut ChargedLeptonPairMassCut
set ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
set ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
create Herwig::MissingPtCut MissingPtCut
set MissingPtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Neutrino
# Setup scale choices
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Scales
cd Scales
create Herwig::MatchboxScaleChoice SHatScale
cp SHatScale FixedScale
set FixedScale:FixedScale 100.*GeV
create Herwig::MatchboxPtScale MaxJetPtScale
set MaxJetPtScale:JetFinder /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder
create Herwig::MatchboxLeptonMassScale LeptonPairMassScale
create Herwig::MatchboxLeptonPtScale LeptonPairPtScale
create Herwig::MatchboxHtScale HTScale
create Herwig::MatchboxTopMassScale TopPairMassScale
create Herwig::MatchboxTopMTScale TopPairMTScale
set HTScale:JetFinder /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder
set HTScale:IncludeMT No
set HTScale:JetPtCut 15.*GeV
cp HTScale HTPrimeScale
set HTPrimeScale:IncludeMT Yes
set HTPrimeScale:JetPtCut 15.*GeV
cp LeptonPairMassScale LeptonQ2Scale
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ScaleChoice LeptonPairMassScale
-# Factories for different colliders
-# only provided for backwards compatibility; refer to Matchbox/*.in input file
-# snippets for generic handling
-cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
-cp Factory EEFactory
-set EEFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/EEExtractor
-set EEFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/EECuts
-set EEFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
-set EEFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF No
-cp Factory DISFactory
-set DISFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DISExtractor
-set DISFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/DISCuts
-set DISFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
-set DISFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
-cp Factory PPFactory
-set PPFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor
-set PPFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts
-set PPFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF Yes
-set PPFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
cd /
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,261 +1,249 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Setup of default matrix elements.
# Only one ME is activated by default, but this file lists
# some alternatives. All available MEs can be found in the
# 'include/Herwig/MatrixElements' subdirectory of your Herwig
# installation.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Instead of editing this file directly, you should reset
# the matrix elements in your own input files:
# - create your custom SubProcessHandler
# - insert the MEs you need
# - set your SubProcessHandler instead of the default (see
mkdir /Herwig/MatrixElements
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
# e+e- matrix elements
# e+e- > q qbar
create Herwig::MEee2gZ2qq MEee2gZ2qq
newdef MEee2gZ2qq:MinimumFlavour 1
newdef MEee2gZ2qq:MaximumFlavour 5
newdef MEee2gZ2qq:AlphaQCD /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef MEee2gZ2qq:AlphaQED /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
# e+e- -> l+l-
create Herwig::MEee2gZ2ll MEee2gZ2ll
newdef MEee2gZ2ll:Allowed Charged
set MEee2gZ2ll:AlphaQED /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
# e+e- -> W+W- ZZ
create Herwig::MEee2VV MEee2VV
# e+e- -> ZH
create Herwig::MEee2ZH MEee2ZH
newdef MEee2ZH:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# e+e- -> e+e-H/nu_enu_ebarH
create Herwig::MEee2HiggsVBF MEee2HiggsVBF
# NLO (POWHEG e+e- matrix elements
create Herwig::MEee2gZ2qqPowheg PowhegMEee2gZ2qq
newdef PowhegMEee2gZ2qq:MinimumFlavour 1
newdef PowhegMEee2gZ2qq:MaximumFlavour 5
newdef PowhegMEee2gZ2qq:AlphaQCD /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef PowhegMEee2gZ2qq:AlphaQED /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
create Herwig::MEee2gZ2llPowheg PowhegMEee2gZ2ll
newdef PowhegMEee2gZ2ll:Allowed Charged
set PowhegMEee2gZ2ll:AlphaQED /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
# hadron-hadron matrix elements
# Electroweak processes
# q qbar -> gamma/Z -> l+l-
create Herwig::MEqq2gZ2ff MEqq2gZ2ff
newdef MEqq2gZ2ff:Process 3
newdef MEqq2gZ2ff:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# q qbar to W -> l nu
create Herwig::MEqq2W2ff MEqq2W2ff
newdef MEqq2W2ff:Process 2
newdef MEqq2W2ff:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# W+jet
create Herwig::MEPP2WJet MEWJet
newdef MEWJet:WDecay Leptons
# Z+jet
create Herwig::MEPP2ZJet MEZJet
newdef MEZJet:ZDecay ChargedLeptons
create Herwig::MEPP2VV MEPP2VV
# PP->WZ gamma
create Herwig::MEPP2VGamma MEPP2VGamma
# Photon and jet processes
# qqbar/gg -> gamma gamma
create Herwig::MEPP2GammaGamma MEGammaGamma
# hadron-hadron to gamma+jet
create Herwig::MEPP2GammaJet MEGammaJet
# QCD 2-to-2
create Herwig::MEQCD2to2 MEQCD2to2
# MinBias
create Herwig::MEMinBias MEMinBias
# Heavy Quark
# qqbar/gg -> t tbar
create Herwig::MEPP2QQ MEHeavyQuark
create Herwig::MEPP2SingleTop MESingleTopTChannel
set MESingleTopTChannel:Process tChannel
create Herwig::MEPP2SingleTop MESingleTopSChannel
set MESingleTopSChannel:Process sChannel
create Herwig::MEPP2SingleTop MESingleTopTW
set MESingleTopTW:Process tW
# Higgs processes
# hadron-hadron to higgs
create Herwig::MEPP2Higgs MEHiggs
newdef MEHiggs:ShapeScheme MassGenerator
newdef MEHiggs:Process gg
newdef MEHiggs:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# hadron-hadron to higgs+jet
create Herwig::MEPP2HiggsJet MEHiggsJet
# PP->ZH
create Herwig::MEPP2ZH MEPP2ZH
newdef MEPP2ZH:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP->WH
create Herwig::MEPP2WH MEPP2WH
newdef MEPP2WH:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP -> Higgs via VBF
create Herwig::MEPP2HiggsVBF MEPP2HiggsVBF
newdef MEPP2HiggsVBF:ShowerAlphaQCD /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP -> t tbar Higgs
create Herwig::MEPP2QQHiggs MEPP2ttbarH
newdef MEPP2ttbarH:QuarkType Top
# PP -> b bbar Higgs
create Herwig::MEPP2QQHiggs MEPP2bbbarH
newdef MEPP2bbbarH:QuarkType Bottom
# Hadron-Hadron NLO matrix elements in the Powheg scheme
# q qbar -> gamma/Z -> l+l-
create Herwig::MEqq2gZ2ffPowheg PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff
newdef PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff:Process 3
newdef PowhegMEqq2gZ2ff:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# q qbar to W -> l nu
create Herwig::MEqq2W2ffPowheg PowhegMEqq2W2ff
newdef PowhegMEqq2W2ff:Process 2
newdef PowhegMEqq2W2ff:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP->ZH
create Herwig::MEPP2ZHPowheg PowhegMEPP2ZH
newdef PowhegMEPP2ZH:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP->WH
create Herwig::MEPP2WHPowheg PowhegMEPP2WH
newdef PowhegMEPP2WH:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# hadron-hadron to higgs
create Herwig::MEPP2HiggsPowheg PowhegMEHiggs
newdef PowhegMEHiggs:ShapeScheme MassGenerator
newdef PowhegMEHiggs:Process gg
newdef PowhegMEHiggs:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP->VV
create Herwig::MEPP2VVPowheg PowhegMEPP2VV
newdef PowhegMEPP2VV:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP -> Higgs via VBF
create Herwig::MEPP2HiggsVBFPowheg PowhegMEPP2HiggsVBF
newdef PowhegMEPP2HiggsVBF:ShowerAlphaQCD /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
# PP -> diphoton NLO
create Herwig::MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg MEGammaGammaPowheg
set MEGammaGammaPowheg:Process 0
set MEGammaGammaPowheg:Contribution 1
set MEGammaGammaPowheg:ShowerAlphaQCD /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
set MEGammaGammaPowheg:ShowerAlphaQED /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
# DIS matrix elements
# neutral current
create Herwig::MENeutralCurrentDIS MEDISNC
newdef MEDISNC:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef MEDISNC:Contribution 0
# charged current
create Herwig::MEChargedCurrentDIS MEDISCC
newdef MEDISCC:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef MEDISCC:Contribution 0
# neutral current (POWHEG)
create Herwig::MENeutralCurrentDIS PowhegMEDISNC
newdef PowhegMEDISNC:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef PowhegMEDISNC:Contribution 1
# charged current (POWHEG)
create Herwig::MEChargedCurrentDIS PowhegMEDISCC
newdef PowhegMEDISCC:Coupling /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef PowhegMEDISCC:Contribution 1
# Gamma-Gamma matrix elements
# fermion-antiferimon
create Herwig::MEGammaGamma2ff MEgg2ff
# W+ W-
create Herwig::MEGammaGamma2WW MEgg2WW
# Gamma-Hadron matrix elements
# gamma parton -> 2 jets
create Herwig::MEGammaP2Jets MEGammaP2Jets
# Set up the Subprocesses
-# For e+e-
+# Generic for all colliders
-create ThePEG::SubProcessHandler SimpleEE
-newdef SimpleEE:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/EEExtractor
-# For hadron-hadron
-create ThePEG::SubProcessHandler SimpleQCD
-newdef SimpleQCD:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor
-# For DIS
-create ThePEG::SubProcessHandler SimpleDIS
-newdef SimpleDIS:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DISExtractor
+create ThePEG::SubProcessHandler SubProcess
+newdef SubProcess:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/Extractor
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,32 +1,25 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
mkdir /Herwig/Partons
cd /Herwig/Partons
create ThePEG::NoRemnants NoRemnants
create ThePEG::NoPDF NoPDF
newdef NoPDF:RemnantHandler NoRemnants
create ThePEG::UnResolvedRemnant LeptonRemnants
create Herwig::HwRemDecayer RemnantDecayer
newdef RemnantDecayer:PomeronStructure Gluon
newdef RemnantDecayer:colourDisrupt 0.7983
create ThePEG::SoftRemnantHandler HadronRemnants
newdef HadronRemnants:RemnantDecayer RemnantDecayer
-# Make particle extractors
-create ThePEG::PartonExtractor EEExtractor
-newdef EEExtractor:NoPDF NoPDF
-cp EEExtractor QCDExtractor
-newdef QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 1
-newdef QCDExtractor:FirstPDF HardLOPDF
-newdef QCDExtractor:SecondPDF HardLOPDF
-cp EEExtractor DISExtractor
-newdef DISExtractor:FlatSHatY 1
+# Make particle extractor
+create ThePEG::PartonExtractor Extractor
+newdef Extractor:NoPDF NoPDF
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,74 +1,75 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Set up the handler for the underlying event.
mkdir /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent
cd /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent
######## cuts #################################################
# cut on pt. Without a specific matcher object, it works on all
# particles
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut KtCut
newdef KtCut:MinKT 3.06
# create the cuts object for the Underlying Event
create ThePEG::Cuts UECuts
# This should always be 2*MinKT!!
newdef UECuts:MHatMin 6.12
insert UECuts:OneCuts 0 KtCut
######## subprocess ###########################################
create ThePEG::SubProcessHandler FastQCD
create Herwig::MEQCD2to2Fast MEQCD2to2Fast
insert FastQCD:MatrixElements 0 MEQCD2to2Fast
-cp /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor
+cp /Herwig/Partons/Extractor /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor
+newdef /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FlatSHatY 1
newdef FastQCD:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor
# always use LO PDF for MPI and remnants
newdef /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
newdef /Herwig/Partons/MPIExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/MPIPDF
######## MPI Handler ##########################################
create Herwig::MPIHandler MPIHandler
# set the subprocesses and corresponding cuts
insert MPIHandler:SubProcessHandlers 0 FastQCD
insert MPIHandler:Cuts 0 UECuts
# energy extrapolation for the MinKT cut
newdef MPIHandler:EnergyExtrapolation Power
newdef MPIHandler:Power 0.3663
newdef MPIHandler:pTmin0 4.39*GeV
newdef MPIHandler:ReferenceScale 7000.*GeV
newdef MPIHandler:EEparamA 0.585*GeV
newdef MPIHandler:EEparamB 37.45*GeV
# The inverse hadron radius
newdef MPIHandler:InvRadius 2.3
# Set the details of the soft model
# Flag to decide whether additional soft interactions (i.e. pt < ptmin)
# should be simulated at all
newdef MPIHandler:softInt Yes
# Flag to decide whether to use the 2 component model. In this model,
# the hadron radius (or better: mean parton-parton separation) can be
# different for hard and soft scatters. The radius for the soft scatters
# is computed during the run startup so that the elastic t-slope, B_el,
# coincides with current measurements (for CMenergy < 1.8 TeV) or
# Donnachie-Landshoff pomeron fit (CMenergy > 1.8 TeV). If this model is
# disabled one has to take care that this observable is correctly
# described by adjusting InvRadius properly.
newdef MPIHandler:twoComp Yes
newdef MPIHandler:DLmode 2
diff --git a/src/snippets/ b/src/snippets/
--- a/src/snippets/
+++ b/src/snippets/
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
create ThePEG::FixedCMSLuminosity Luminosity
set EventHandler:LuminosityFunction Luminosity
set Luminosity:Energy 91.2
set EventHandler:BeamA /Herwig/Particles/e-
set EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/e+
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
set /Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
-insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleEE
+insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SubProcess
set EventHandler:Sampler /Herwig/ACDCSampler
+# create the cuts object for e+e-
+set EventHandler:Cuts:MHatMin 22.36*GeV
+# setting for QED partners in qtilde shower
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:QEDPartner IIandFF
cd /Herwig/Generators/
-set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/EECuts
-set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:QEDPartner IIandFF
diff --git a/src/snippets/ b/src/snippets/
--- a/src/snippets/
+++ b/src/snippets/
@@ -1,23 +1,35 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
create ThePEG::LuminosityFunction Luminosity
set EventHandler:BeamA /Herwig/Particles/p+
set Luminosity:BeamEMaxA 920.*GeV
set EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/e-
set Luminosity:BeamEMaxB 30.*GeV
set EventHandler:LuminosityFunction Luminosity
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
set /Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
-insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleDIS
+insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SubProcess
set EventHandler:Sampler /Herwig/ACDCSampler
-cd /Herwig/Generators
-set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/DISCuts
+# cuts for DIS
+set EventHandler:Cuts:ScaleMin 1.0*GeV
+set EventHandler:Cuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
+set EventHandler:Cuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
+set EventHandler:Cuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
+set /Herwig/Cuts/NeutralCurrentCut:MinW2 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/NeutralCurrentCut:MaxW2 1e10
+set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedCurrentCut:MinW2 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedCurrentCut:MaxW2 1e10
+insert EventHandler:Cuts:TwoCuts[0] /Herwig/Cuts/NeutralCurrentCut
+insert EventHandler:Cuts:TwoCuts[1] /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedCurrentCut
# switch off final-state electron/muon FSR
do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting e-->e-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting mu-->mu-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting tau-->tau-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
-set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption Colour
\ No newline at end of file
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption Colour
+cd /Herwig/Partons
+set Extractor:FlatSHatY 1
+cd /Herwig/Generators/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/snippets/ b/src/snippets/
--- a/src/snippets/
+++ b/src/snippets/
@@ -1,13 +1,33 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
create ThePEG::FixedCMSLuminosity Luminosity
set Luminosity:Energy 13000.0
set EventHandler:LuminosityFunction Luminosity
set EventHandler:BeamA /Herwig/Particles/p+
set EventHandler:BeamB /Herwig/Particles/p+
-insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD
+insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/SubProcess
set EventHandler:Sampler /Herwig/ACDCSampler
-cd /Herwig/Generators
-set EventGenerator:EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts
+cd /Herwig/Cuts
+# create the cuts object for hadron collisions
+set Cuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
+set Cuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
+set Cuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
+set Cuts:MHatMin 20.*GeV
+# insert into hadron cuts
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[0] JetKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[1] PhotonKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[2] LeptonKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[3] TopKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[4] WBosonKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[5] ZBosonKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[6] HiggsBosonKtCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[7] ChargedLeptonKtCut
+insert Cuts:MultiCuts[0] MassCut
+cd /Herwig/Partons
+set Extractor:FlatSHatY 1
+set Extractor:FirstPDF HardLOPDF
+set Extractor:SecondPDF HardLOPDF
+cd /Herwig/Generators/
\ No newline at end of file
File Metadata
Mime Type
Mon, Feb 24, 6:45 AM (1 d, 8 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(136 KB)
Attached To
rHERWIGHG herwighg
Event Timeline
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