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diff --git a/Doc/ b/Doc/
--- a/Doc/
+++ b/Doc/
@@ -1,43 +1,42 @@
# @configure_input@
# output interfaces for documentation
# the following need to come first
doxygendump Herwig:: AllInterfaces.h
diff --git a/UnderlyingEvent/ b/UnderlyingEvent/
--- a/UnderlyingEvent/
+++ b/UnderlyingEvent/
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
-HwUA5_la_SOURCES = UA5Handler.h UA5Handler.icc
-HwUA5_la_LDFLAGS= $(AM_LDFLAGS) -module -version-info 6:0:0
-pkglib_LTLIBRARIES +=
HwMPI_la_SOURCES = MPISampler.h MPISampler.icc \
MPISampler.fh \
MPIHandler.fh MPIHandler.h \ ProcessHandler.icc \
ProcessHandler.fh ProcessHandler.h \
MPIXSecReweighter.h \
HwMPI_la_LDFLAGS= $(AM_LDFLAGS) -module -version-info 14:0:0
diff --git a/UnderlyingEvent/ b/UnderlyingEvent/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/UnderlyingEvent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-#include <ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h>
-#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
-#include "UA5Handler.h"
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h>
-#include <ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Handlers/DecayHandler.h>
-#include <ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h>
-#include "Herwig/Hadronization/Cluster.h"
-#include "Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner.h"
-#include "Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
-#include <cassert>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePEG;
-using namespace Herwig;
-// Default constructor
- : _n1(9.11), _n2(0.115), _n3(-9.5), _k1(0.029), _k2(-0.104),
- _m1(0.4*GeV), _m2(2./GeV), _p1(5.2/GeV), _p2(3.0/GeV), _p3(5.2/GeV),
- _probSoft(1.0), _enhanceCM(1.), _maxtries(300), _needWarning(true)
-// Saving things into run file
-void UA5Handler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream &os) const {
- os << clusterFissioner << clusterDecayer
- << _n1 << _n2 << _n3 << _k1 << _k2
- << ounit(_m1,GeV) << ounit(_m2,InvGeV)
- << ounit(_p1,InvGeV) << ounit(_p2,InvGeV) << ounit(_p3,InvGeV)
- << _probSoft << _enhanceCM << _maxtries << _needWarning;
-// Reading them back in, in the same order
-void UA5Handler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream &is, int) {
- is >> clusterFissioner >> clusterDecayer
- >> _n1 >> _n2 >> _n3 >> _k1 >> _k2
- >> iunit(_m1,GeV) >> iunit(_m2,InvGeV)
- >> iunit(_p1,InvGeV) >> iunit(_p2,InvGeV) >> iunit(_p3,InvGeV)
- >> _probSoft >> _enhanceCM >> _maxtries >> _needWarning;
-// We must define this static member for ThePEG
-// The following static variable is needed for the type
-// description system in ThePEG.
-describeHerwigUA5Handler("Herwig::UA5Handler", "");
-void UA5Handler::Init() {
- static ClassDocumentation<UA5Handler> documentation
- ("This is the simple UA5 model for the underlying event.",
- "The underlying event was simulated using the model of "
- "the UA5 collaboration, \\cite{Alner:1986is}.",
- "%\\cite{Alner:1986is}\n"
- "\\bibitem{Alner:1986is}\n"
- " G.~J.~Alner {\\it et al.} [UA5 Collaboration],\n"
- " ``The UA5 High-Energy anti-p p Simulation Program,''\n"
- " Nucl.\\ Phys.\\ B {\\bf 291}, 445 (1987).\n"
- " %%CITATION = NUPHA,B291,445;%%\n"
- );
- static Reference<UA5Handler,ClusterFissioner>
- interfaceClusterFissioner("ClusterFissioner",
- "A reference to the ClusterFissioner object",
- &Herwig::UA5Handler::clusterFissioner,
- false,false,true,false);
- static Reference<UA5Handler,ClusterDecayer>
- interfaceClusterDecayer("ClusterDecayer",
- "A reference to the ClusterDecayer object",
- &Herwig::UA5Handler::clusterDecayer,
- false,false,true,false);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceN1
- ("N1",
- "The parameter n_1 in the mean charged multiplicity",
- &UA5Handler::_n1, 9.110, 0.0, 100.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceN2
- ("N2",
- "The parameter n_2 in the mean charged multiplicity",
- &UA5Handler::_n2, 0.115, 0.0, 1.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceN3
- ("N3",
- "The parameter n_3 in the mean charged multiplicity",
- &UA5Handler::_n3, -9.500, -100.0, 100.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceK1
- ("K1",
- "The parameter k_1 used to generate the multiplicity distribution",
- &UA5Handler::_k1, 0.029, 0.0, 1.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceK2
- ("K2",
- "The parameter k_2 used to generate the multiplicity distribution",
- &UA5Handler::_k2, -0.104, -1.0, 1.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,Energy> interfaceM1
- ("M1",
- "The parameter m_1 used to generate the cluster mass distribution.",
- &UA5Handler::_m1, GeV, 0.4*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,InvEnergy> interfaceM2
- ("M2",
- "The parameter m_2 used to generate the cluster mass distribution.",
- &UA5Handler::_m2, 1./GeV, 2.0/GeV, 0.1/GeV, 10.0/GeV,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,InvEnergy> interfaceP1
- ("P1",
- "Slope used to generate the pt of the u,d soft clusters",
- &UA5Handler::_p1, 1./GeV, 5.2/GeV, 0.1/GeV, 10.0/GeV,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,InvEnergy> interfaceP2
- ("P2",
- "Slope used to generate the pt of the s,c soft clusters",
- &UA5Handler::_p2, 1./GeV, 3.0/GeV, 0.1/GeV, 10.0/GeV,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,InvEnergy> interfaceP3
- ("P3",
- "Slope used to generate the pt of the qq soft clusters",
- &UA5Handler::_p3, 1./GeV, 5.2/GeV, 0.1/GeV, 10.0/GeV,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceProbSoft
- ("ProbSoft",
- "The probability of having a soft underlying event.",
- &UA5Handler::_probSoft, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,double> interfaceEnhanceCM
- ("EnhanceCM",
- "Enhancement of the CM energy in the mult distribution",
- &UA5Handler::_enhanceCM, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Parameter<UA5Handler,unsigned int> interfaceMaximumTries
- ("MaximumTries",
- "The maximum number of attempts to generate the clusters",
- &UA5Handler::_maxtries, 300, 100, 1000,
- false, false, Interface::limited);
- static Switch<UA5Handler,bool> interfaceWarning
- ("Warning",
- "Whether to issue a warning if UA5 and MPI are on at the same time.",
- &UA5Handler::_needWarning, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceWarningYes
- (interfaceWarning,
- "Yes",
- "Warn if UA5 and MPI are on at the same time.",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceWarningNo
- (interfaceWarning,
- "No",
- "Print no warnings.",
- false);
-void UA5Handler::insertParticle(PPtr particle,StepPtr step,bool all) const
- if(all) step->addDecayProduct(particle);
- for(unsigned int ix=0; ix < particle->children().size(); ++ix) {
- insertParticle(particle->children()[ix],step,true);
- }
-// This is all just administrative functions for ThePEG structure
-IBPtr UA5Handler::clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
-IBPtr UA5Handler::fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); }
-// Generates the multiplicity of the charged particles for the energy E
-unsigned int UA5Handler::multiplicity(Energy E) const {
- double alogs = 2.*log(E/GeV);
- double rk = _k1*alogs+_k2;
- if(rk > 1000.) rk = 1000.;
- double ek = 1./rk;
- double mean = meanMultiplicity(E);
- if(mean < 1.) mean = 1.;
- vector<double> dist;
- dist.reserve(500);
- double sum = 0.0;
- for(int i = 0; i<500; ++i) {
- int N = (i+1)*2;
- double negBin = negativeBinomial(N,mean,ek);
- if(negBin < 1e-7*sum) break;
- sum += negBin;
- dist.push_back(sum);
- }
- unsigned int imax = dist.size();
- if (imax==1)
- dist[0]=1.;
- else if (imax==500)
- throw Exception() << "Multiplicity too large in UA5Handler::multiplicity()"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- else {
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<imax; ++i)
- dist[i] /= sum;
- }
- double rn = rnd();
- unsigned int i=0;
- for(; i<imax; ++i)
- if(rn < dist[i]) break;
- return 2*(i+1);
-LorentzRotation UA5Handler::rotate(const LorentzMomentum &p) const {
- LorentzRotation R;
- static const double ptcut = 1e-20;
- Energy2 pt2 = sqr(p.x())+sqr(p.y());
- Energy2 pp2 = sqr(p.z())+pt2;
- double phi, theta;
- if(pt2 <= pp2*ptcut) {
- if(p.z() > ZERO) theta = 0.;
- else theta = Constants::pi;
- phi = 0.;
- } else {
- Energy pp = sqrt(pp2);
- Energy pt = sqrt(pt2);
- double ct = p.z()/pp;
- double cf = p.x()/pt;
- phi = -acos(cf);
- theta = acos(ct);
- }
- // Rotate first around the z axis to put p in the x-z plane
- // Then rotate around the Y axis to put p on the z axis
- R.rotateZ(phi).rotateY(theta);
- return R;
-void UA5Handler::performDecay(PPtr parent,int & totalcharge,int & numbercharge) const
- // for an already decayed particle apply to children
- if(!parent->children().empty())
- {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<parent->children().size();++ix)
- performDecay(parent->children()[ix],totalcharge,numbercharge);
- }
- // for a stable particle just add the charge
- else if(parent->data().stable())
- {
- int charge = parent->data().iCharge()/3;
- totalcharge += charge ;
- numbercharge +=abs(charge);
- }
- // otherwise decay the particle
- else
- {
- unsigned int ntry = 0,maxtry=100;
- while (1)
- {
- // veto if too many tries
- if(++ntry>=maxtry)
- throw Exception() << "Too many attempts to decay " << parent->PDGName()
- << "in UA5Handler::performDecay(), probably needs a "
- << "partonic decay of a heavy hadron which isn't"
- << " implemented yet " << Exception::eventerror;
- // select the decay mode
- tDMPtr dm(parent->data().selectMode(*parent));
- // throw event away if no decay mode
- if ( !dm ) throw Exception() << "No decay mode for " << parent->PDGName()
- << "in UA5Handler::performDecay()"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- // throw event away if no decayer
- if( !dm->decayer() )
- throw Exception() << "No decayer mode for " << parent->PDGName()
- << "in UA5Handler::performDecay()"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- try
- {
- ParticleVector children = dm->decayer()->decay(*dm, *parent);
- // decay generates decay products
- if ( !children.empty() )
- {
- // special for partonic decays
- // see if colour particles produced
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
- {if(children[ix]->coloured()){throw Veto();}}
- // set up parent
- parent->decayMode(dm);
- // add children
- for ( int i = 0, N = children.size(); i < N; ++i )
- {
- children[i]->setLabVertex(parent->labDecayVertex());
- parent->addChild(children[i]);
- }
- parent->scale(ZERO);
- // loop over the children and decay
- for ( int i = 0, N = children.size(); i < N; ++i )
- {performDecay(children[i],totalcharge,numbercharge);}
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (Veto) {}
- }
- }
-void UA5Handler::decayCluster(ClusterPtr cluster,bool single) const
- PPair products = clusterDecayer->decayIntoTwoHadrons(cluster);
- if(products.first == PPtr() || products.second == PPtr())
- {
- if(!single)
- throw Exception() << "Can't decay cluster in UA5Handler::decayCluster()"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- // decay the cluster to one hadron
- Lorentz5Momentum mom = cluster->momentum();
- LorentzPoint vert = cluster->vertex();
- tcPDPtr ptrQ = cluster->particle(0)->dataPtr();
- tPPtr newPtr = cluster->particle(1);
- products=clusterFissioner->produceHadron(ptrQ,newPtr,
- mom, vert);
- // put the cluster and the hadron on mass-shell
- Energy mass=products.first->nominalMass();
- Lorentz5Momentum newp(ZERO,ZERO,ZERO,mass,mass);
- cluster->set5Momentum(newp);
- products.first->set5Momentum(newp);
- cluster->addChild(products.first);
- }
- else
- {
- cluster->addChild(products.first);
- cluster->addChild(products.second);
- }
-// This is the routine that is called to start the algorithm.
-void UA5Handler::handle(EventHandler &ch, const tPVector &tagged,
- const Hint &) {
- // Warn if the event has multiple scatters.
- // If so, UA5 often has been left on by accident.
- if (_needWarning
- && ch.currentEvent()->primaryCollision()->subProcesses().size() > 1) {
- static const string message = "\n\n"
- "warning:\n"
- " The use of UA5Handler for events with multiple hard subprocesses\n"
- " is probably not intended as it applies two different models\n"
- " of the underlying event at the same time.\n"
- " UA5Handler can be disabled in the input files with\n"
- " 'set stdCluHadHandler:UnderlyingEventHandler NULL'\n";
- // here we should really ask the event handler
- // for the name of the hadronization handler.
- cerr << message
- << "\n This message can be disabled with\n 'set "
- << fullName() << ":Warning No'\n\n";
- Throw<Exception>() << message << Exception::warning;
- _needWarning = false;
- }
- // create a new step for the products
- StepPtr newstep = newStep();
- // Constants that should not need changing.
- static const Length vclx = 4e-12*mm;
- static const Length vcly = 4e-12*mm;
- static const Length vclz = 4e-12*mm;
- static const Length vclt = 4e-12*mm;
- // Find the first two clusters
- // Lets find the clusters, set the partons inside to be on shell and no momentum
- tClusterPtr clu[2];
- tPVector::const_iterator it;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- for(it = tagged.begin(); it!=tagged.end(); ++it) {
- if((*it)->id() != ParticleID::Cluster) continue;
- clu[i] = dynamic_ptr_cast<ClusterPtr>(*it);
- ++i;
- if(i>2) throw Exception() << "Must have at most two beam clusters in "
- << "UA5Handler::handle "
- << Exception::eventerror;
- }
- if(i == 0) return;
- if(i!=2) throw Exception() << "Must have two and only two beam clusters in "
- << "UA5Handler::handle "
- << Exception::eventerror;
- // if not generating the soft underlying event
- // just hadronize and decay the two clusters
- if(rnd()>_probSoft)
- {
- for(int i =0; i<2; i++) {
- ClusterPtr cluster = clu[i];
- decayCluster(cluster,false);
- int totalcharge(0),numbercharge(0);
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<cluster->children().size();++ix)
- {performDecay(cluster->children()[ix],totalcharge,numbercharge);}
- insertParticle(cluster,newstep,false);
- }
- // don't to the rest
- return;
- }
- useMe();
- // and their cm
- Lorentz5Momentum cm = clu[0]->momentum() + clu[1]->momentum();
- Energy theCM = cm.mass();
- // softCM = sqrt(S) with optional enhancement for multiplicity only
- // (name of variable not very reasonable any more...)
- Lorentz5Momentum pcm=
- ch.currentEvent()->incoming().first ->momentum()+
- ch.currentEvent()->incoming().second->momentum();
- Energy softCM = _enhanceCM*pcm.m();
- long id1(0),id2(0),id3= rndbool() ? ParticleID::u : ParticleID::d;
- // storage for the multiplicity
- int nppbar = 0;
- // Loop until we find a match to the charge multiplicity
- unsigned int ntry = 0;
- vector<ClusterPtr> clusters;
- bool multiplicityReached = false;
- while(!multiplicityReached && ntry < _maxtries) {
- PPtr part1, part2;
- // reset multiplicity every 50 tries
- if(ntry % 50 == 0) nppbar = multiplicity(softCM);
- ++ntry;
- unsigned int numberCluster = 0;
- int theMult = nppbar;
- Energy sumMasses = ZERO;
- // delete the particles from the previous attempt if needed
- if(ntry > 1) clusters.clear();
- int numCharge = 0;
- bool newCluster = true;
- while(newCluster) {
- ClusterPtr cluster;
- // Choose new constituents
- if(numberCluster < 2) {
- part1 = clu[numberCluster]->particle(0);
- part2 = clu[numberCluster]->particle(1);
- id1 = part1->id();
- id2 = part2->id();
- cluster = new_ptr(Cluster(part1,part2));
- } else {
- id1 = -id2;
- if(numberCluster == 2) id1 = id3;
- id2 = rndbool() ? ParticleID::ubar : ParticleID::dbar;
- part1 = getParticle(id1);
- part2 = getParticle(id2);
- cluster = new_ptr(Cluster(part1,part2));
- }
- // Mass = Random number from dN/d(x**2)=exp(-b*x) with mean 1/M2
- Energy newMass =
- getParticleData(id1)->constituentMass() +
- getParticleData(id2)->constituentMass()
- + _m1 - log(rnd()*rnd())/_m2;
- // set momentum of the cluster
- Lorentz5Momentum cp(ZERO,ZERO,ZERO,newMass,newMass);
- cluster->set5Momentum(cp);
- // Now the gaussian distribution of the x,y,z components,
- // and a time component given by
- // sqrt(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2) - vclt*log(r)
- Length vx = gaussDistribution(0.*mm,vclx);
- Length vy = gaussDistribution(0.*mm,vcly);
- Length vz = gaussDistribution(0.*mm,vclz);
- LorentzPoint vert(vx,vy,vz, sqrt(sqr(vx)+sqr(vy)+sqr(vz)) - vclt*log(rnd()));
- cluster->setVertex(vert);
- // Now need to measure displacement relative to soft cm (TODO:)
- // Fortran code sets the vertex of the primary incoming particle to 0
- // then during boosting it adds the value of the vertex of particle 3 (???)
- // to all the particles
- // for now I will not implement this. Perhaps Mike can decide if this is
- // needed, as he added this code to the fortran code on 07/03/05.
- // Add the cluster to the list
- clusters.push_back(cluster);
- // Now we decay the clusters into hadrons
- decayCluster(cluster,true);
- // sum of the cluster masses
- sumMasses += cluster->mass();
- // Now decay the hadrons into stable particles
- int totalcharge(0),numbercharge(0);
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<cluster->children().size();++ix)
- {performDecay(cluster->children()[ix],totalcharge,numbercharge);}
- numCharge+=numbercharge;
- if(numberCluster == 0) theMult = nppbar+abs(totalcharge);
- if(numberCluster == 1) theMult += abs(totalcharge);
- if(numberCluster == 1 && theMult < 0) theMult += 2;
- numberCluster++;
- // Now check which loop to do next
- if(numCharge < theMult) continue;
- else if(numCharge > theMult) { newCluster = false; }
- else { newCluster = false; multiplicityReached = true; }
- }
- // Now check the physical mass/energy boundary
- if(multiplicityReached && (sumMasses > theCM || clusters.size()<2))
- { multiplicityReached = false; }
- }
- // Catch case of too many attempts
- if(ntry == _maxtries) {
- // Just hadronize and decay the two clusters
- for(int i =0; i<2; i++) {
- ClusterPtr cluster = clu[i];
- decayCluster(cluster,false);
- int totalcharge(0),numbercharge(0);
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<cluster->children().size();++ix)
- {performDecay(cluster->children()[ix],totalcharge,numbercharge);}
- insertParticle(cluster,newstep,false);
- }
- // don't to the rest
- return;
- }
- // Now generate momentum of the clusters
- generateMomentum(clu[0],clu[1],clusters, theCM, cm);
- // insert the particles into the event record
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<clusters.size();++ix) {
- clu[0]->addChild(clusters[ix]);
- clu[1]->addChild(clusters[ix]);
- newstep->addDecayProduct(clusters[ix]);
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<clusters.size();++ix) {
- insertParticle(clusters[ix],newstep,false);
- }
-// Generate the momentum. This is based on the procedure of
-// Jadach from Computer Physics Communications 9 (1975) 297-304
-void UA5Handler::generateMomentum(tClusterPtr clu1, tClusterPtr clu2,
- const ClusterVector &clusters,
- Energy CME, const Lorentz5Momentum & cm)
- const {
- // begin with the cylindrical phase space generation described in the paper of Jadach
- generateCylindricalPS(clusters, CME);
- // boost momentum of incoming cluster along z axis to cluster cmf frame
- if(clu2->momentum().z()>ZERO) swap(clu1,clu2);
- LorentzMomentum bmp = clu1->momentum();
- bmp = bmp.boost(cm.findBoostToCM());
- // Rotation to put bmp on the z axis
- LorentzRotation R = rotate(bmp);
- // We need to use the inverse
- R = R.inverse();
- Boost boostv=cm.boostVector();
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<clusters.size(); i++) {
- // So we now take each cluster and transform it according to the
- // rotation defined above
- Lorentz5Momentum origP = clusters[i]->momentum();
- clusters[i]->transform(R);
- // Then we transform back to the lab frame (away from cm frame)
- Lorentz5Momentum oldP = clusters[i]->momentum();
- Lorentz5Momentum newP=oldP;
- try {
- newP.boost(boostv);
- clusters[i]->deepBoost(newP.boostVector());
- clusters[i]->set5Momentum(newP);
- } catch(exception &e) {
- cerr << "Caught an problem boosting. " << e.what() << endl;
- cerr << "Must decide how to handle this..." << endl;
- cerr << "Old p = " << oldP/GeV << endl << "New p = " << newP/GeV << endl;
- cerr << "This is from cluster " << *clusters[i] << " and has z component > energy" << endl;
- cerr << "Cluster 0 is = " << *clusters[0] << endl;
- cerr << "Original momentum = " << origP/GeV << endl;
- cerr << "The cm vector is = " << cm/GeV << endl;
- cerr << "Mass error of original momentum is " << origP.massError() << endl;
- throw Veto();
- }
- }
-void UA5Handler::generateCylindricalPS(const ClusterVector &clusters, Energy CME) const {
- assert(clusters.size()>=2);
- double alog = log(CME*CME/GeV2);
- unsigned int ncl = clusters.size();
- // calculate the slope parameters for the different clusters
- // outside loop to save time
- vector<InvEnergy> slope(ncl);
- vector<Lorentz5Momentum> mom(ncl);
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ncl;++ix)
- {
- // Decide between three options
- // If the q-qbar pair used to create the hadrons from the cluster is u or d, option1
- // If the q-qbar pair is a c or s, option 2
- // if the q-qbar pair is a diquark, option 3
- // if their was no q-qbar pair (for cluster->hadron) then option 1
- long id1=clusters[ix]->particle(0)->id();
- long hadId = clusters[ix]->children()[0]->id();
- long ids[3]={(abs(hadId)/10)%10,(abs(hadId)/100)%10,(abs(hadId)/1000)%10};
- if(ids[2] != 0 && hadId < 0) { ids[2] = -ids[2]; ids[1] = -ids[1]; ids[0] = -ids[0]; }
- else if(ids[2] == 0 && hadId < 0) ids[1] = -ids[1];
- else if(ids[2]) ids[0] = -ids[0];
- if(ids[2] == 0) {
- long newId = 0;
- if(ids[1] == id1) newId = abs(ids[0]);
- else if(ids[0] == id1) newId = abs(ids[1]);
- if(newId == ParticleID::s || id1 == ParticleID::c) slope[ix] = _p2;
- else slope[ix] = _p1;
- } else if(clusters[ix]->children().size() == 1) slope[ix] = _p1;
- else slope[ix] = _p3;
- mom[ix]=clusters[ix]->momentum();
- }
- // generate the momenta
- double eps = 1e-10/double(ncl);
- vector<double> xi(ncl);
- unsigned int its(0);
- Energy sum1(ZERO);
- double yy(0.);
- while(its < _maxtries) {
- ++its;
- Energy sumx = ZERO;
- Energy sumy = ZERO;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<ncl; ++i) {
- // Generate the pt given the parameter slope
- Energy pt = randExt(clusters[i]->mass(), slope[i]);
- Energy2 ptp = pt*pt - sqr(mom[i].mass());
- if(ptp <= ZERO) pt = - sqrt(-ptp);
- else pt = sqrt(ptp);
- // randomize azimuth
- Energy px,py;
- randAzm(pt,px,py);
- // set transverse momentum
- mom[i].setX(px);
- mom[i].setY(py);
- sumx += px;
- sumy += py;
- }
- sumx /= ncl;
- sumy /= ncl;
- // find the sum of the transverse mass
- Energy sumtm=ZERO;
- for(unsigned int ix = 0; ix<ncl; ++ix) {
- mom[ix].setX(mom[ix].x()-sumx);
- mom[ix].setY(mom[ix].y()-sumy);
- Energy2 pt2 = mom[ix].perp2();
- // Use the z component of the clusters momentum for temporary storage
- mom[ix].setZ(sqrt(pt2+mom[ix].mass2()));
- sumtm += mom[ix].z();
- }
- // if transverse mass greater the CMS try again
- if(sumtm > CME) continue;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<ncl; i++) xi[i] = randUng(0.6,1.0);
- // sort into ascending order
- sort(xi.begin(), xi.end());
- double ximin = xi[0];
- double ximax = xi.back()-ximin;
- xi[0] = 0.;
- for(unsigned int i = ncl-2; i>=1; i--) xi[i+1] = (xi[i]-ximin)/ximax;
- xi[1] = 1.;
- yy= log(CME*CME/(mom[0].z()*mom[1].z()));
- bool suceeded=false;
- Energy sum2,sum3,sum4;
- for(unsigned int j = 0; j<10; j++) {
- sum1 = sum2 = sum3 = sum4 = ZERO;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<ncl; i++) {
- Energy tm = mom[i].z();
- double ex = exp(yy*xi[i]);
- sum1 += tm*ex;
- sum2 += tm/ex;
- sum3 += (tm*ex)*xi[i];
- sum4 += (tm/ex)*xi[i];
- }
- double fy = alog-log(sum1*sum2/GeV2);
- double dd = (sum3*sum2 - sum1*sum4)/(sum1*sum2);
- double dyy = fy/dd;
- if(abs(dyy/yy) < eps) {
- yy += dyy;
- suceeded=true;
- break;
- }
- yy += dyy;
- }
- if(suceeded) break;
- if(its > 100) eps *= 10.;
- }
- if(its==_maxtries)
- throw Exception() << "Can't generate soft underlying event in "
- << "UA5Handler::generateCylindricalPS"
- << Exception::eventerror;
- double zz = log(CME/sum1);
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i<ncl; i++) {
- Energy tm = mom[i].z();
- double E1 = exp(zz + yy*xi[i]);
- mom[i].setZ(0.5*tm*(1./E1-E1));
- mom[i].setE( 0.5*tm*(1./E1+E1));
- clusters[i]->set5Momentum(mom[i]);
- }
diff --git a/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.h b/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// UA5Handler.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-#ifndef HERWIG_UA5_H_
-#define HERWIG_UA5_H_
-#include <ThePEG/Handlers/HadronizationHandler.h>
-#include "Herwig/Hadronization/CluHadConfig.h"
-#include <ThePEG/Vectors/LorentzRotation.h>
-namespace Herwig {
-using namespace ThePEG;
-/** \ingroup UnderlyingEvent
- *
- * This is the class definition for the UA5Handler. This
- * class is designed to generate an underlying event
- * based on the UA5 model. This is intended as a basic
- * underlying event model which will be superceded by a
- * new model in Herwig.
- *
- * This class interfaces with
- * the cluster hadronization. To that end there is an
- * interface set up with the ClusterFissioner class and
- * with the ClusterDecayer class.
- *
- * The Hadronization is responsible
- * for the formation of the beam clusters. In this step the colour connection
- * between the spectators and the initial-state parton showers is cut by the
- * forced emission of a soft quark-antiquark pair. The underlying soft event in a
- * hard hadron-hadron collision is then assumed to be a soft collision
- * between these two beam clusters.
- *
- * The model used for the underlying event is based on the minimum-bias
- * \f$p\bar{p}\f$ event generator of the UA5 Collaboration,
- * UA5 Collaboration, G.J. Alner et al., Nucl. Phys. B291 (1987) 445,
- * modified to make use of our cluster fragmentation algorithm.
- *
- * The parameter ProbSoft enables one to produce an underlying event in
- * only a fraction ProbSoft of events (default=1.0).
- *
- * The UA5 model starts from a parametrization of the \f$p\bar{p}\f$
- * inelastic charged multiplicity distribution as a negative binomial distribution,
- * \f[P(n) = \frac{\Gamma(n+k)}{n!\,\Gamma(k)}
- * \frac{(\bar n/k)^n}{(1+\bar n/k)^{n+k}}\;.\f]
- * The parameter \f$k\f$ is given by
- * \f[1/k =k_1\ln s+k_2,\f]
- * and \f$\bar n\f$ is given by
- * \f[\bar n =n_1s^{n_2}+n_3\f]
- * As an option, for underlying events the value of \f$\sqrt{s}\f$ used to choose
- * the multiplicity \f$n\f$ may be increased by a factor EnhanceCM to allow
- * for an enhanced underlying activity in hard events.
- *
- * Once a charged multiplicity has been selected from the above distribution,
- * `softclusters' are generated with flavours \f$(f_1,f_2) = (q_{n-1},\bar q_n)\f$
- * by drawing \f$q_n\bar q_n = u\bar u$ or $d\bar d\f$ randomly from the
- * vacuum. Soft cluster masses are assigned as
- * \f[M = m_{q1}+m_{q2}+m_1-\log(r_1 r_2)/m_2 \f]
- * where \f$r_{1,2}\f$ are random numbers, which gives a (shifted) exponential
- * distribution of \f$M^2\f$. The parameters \f$m_1\f$ and \f$m_2\f$ control
- * the distribution and \f$m_{q1,2}\f$ are the masses of the quarks in the cluster.
- *
- * As each soft cluster is generated, it is decayed to stable hadrons using
- * the cluster hadronization model (without cluster fission) and the accumulated
- * charged multiplicity is computed.
- * Once the preselected charged multiplicity is exactly reached,
- * cluster generation is stopped. If it is exceeded, all clusters are rejected
- * and new ones are generated until the exact value is reached. In this way the
- * multiplicity distribution of stable charged hadrons
- * is generated exactly as prescribed.
- *
- * At this stage (to save time) the kinematic distribution of the soft clusters
- * has not yet been generated. The decay products of each cluster are stored
- * in its rest frame. Now the transverse momenta of the clusters are
- * generated with the distribution
- * \f[P(p_t)\propto p_t\exp\left(-p_{1,2,3}\sqrt{p_t^2+M^2}\right)\f]
- * where the slope parameter \f$p_{1,2,3}\f$ depends as indicated on the
- * flavour of the quark or diquark pair created in the
- * primary cluster decay, \f$p_1\f$ for light quarks, \f$p_2\f$ for the strange and
- * charm quarks and \f$p_3\f$ for diquarks.
- * Next the clusters are given a flat
- * rapidity distribution with Gaussian shoulders. The `reduced
- * rapidities' \f$\xi_i\f$ are generated first by drawing
- * from a distribution
- * \f[P(\xi) = N\;\;\;\mbox{for}\;|\xi|<0.6\f]
- * \f[P(\xi) = N\,e^{-(\xi-0.6)^2/2} \;\;\;\mbox{for}\;\xi>0.6\f]
- * \f[P(\xi) = N\,e^{-(\xi+0.6)^2/2} \;\;\;\mbox{for}\;\xi<-0.6\f]
- * where \f$N=1/(1.2+\sqrt{2\pi})\f$ is the normalization. Next
- * a scaling factor \f$Y\f$ is computed such that the scaled cluster
- * rapidities \f$y_i=Y\xi_i\f$, their masses and transverse momenta
- * satisfy momentum conservation when compared to the total
- * energy of the underlying event. Thus the soft cluster rapidity
- * distribution retains its overall shape but becomes higher and
- * wider as the energy of the underlying event increases.
- *
- * Finally the decay products of each cluster are boosted from
- * its rest frame into the lab frame and added to the event record.
- *
- * @see \ref UA5HandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
- * defined for UA5Handler..
- */
-class UA5Handler : public HadronizationHandler {
- /** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
- //@{
- /**
- * The default constructor.
- */
- UA5Handler();
- //@}
- /**
- * The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- * Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
- * before the main function starts or
- * when this class is dynamically loaded.
- */
- static void Init();
- /** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Function used to write out object persistently.
- * @param os the persistent output stream written to.
- */
- void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
- /**
- * Function used to read in object persistently.
- * @param is the persistent input stream read from.
- * @param version the version number of the object when written.
- */
- void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
- //@}
- /**
- * This is the routine that starts the algorithm.
- * @param eh the EventHandler in charge of the generation.
- * @param tagged the vector of particles to consider. If empty, all
- * final state particles in the current Step is considered.
- * @param hint a possible Hint which is ignored in this implementation
- */
- virtual void handle(EventHandler &eh, const tPVector &tagged,
- const Hint &hint)
- ;
- /** @name Clone Methods. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Make a simple clone of this object.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr clone() const;
- /** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
- * to make it sane.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
- //@}
- /**
- * Members to decay the clusters and hadrons produced in their decay,
- * and insert the output in the event record.
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * Perform the decay of an unstable hadron.
- * @param parent the decaying particle
- * @param totalcharge The totalcharge of the decay proiducts
- * @param numbercharge The number of stabel charged decay products
- */
- void performDecay(PPtr parent,int & totalcharge,int & numbercharge) const;
- /**
- * Decay a cluster to two hadrons is sufficiently massive and to one if
- * not.
- * @param cluster The cluster to decay
- * @param single Whether or not ot allow decays to
- */
- void decayCluster(ClusterPtr cluster, bool single) const;
- /**
- * Recursively add particle and decay products to the step
- * @param particle The particle
- * @param step The step
- * @param all Insert this particle as well as children
- */
- void insertParticle(PPtr particle,StepPtr step,bool all) const;
- //@}
- /**
- * Members to generate the multiplicity according to a negative binomial
- * distribution.
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * Calculate the negative binomial probability given the
- * mean \f$\bar n\f$, the multiplicity and \f$1/k\f$.
- * @param N The multplicity for which to calculate the probability
- * @param mean The mean multiplicity \f$\bar n\f$
- * @param ek \f$1/k\f$
- * @return a value distributed according the negative binomial distribution
- */
- inline double negativeBinomial(int N, double mean, double ek) const;
- /**
- * The value of the mean multiplicity for a given energy E.
- * This is \f$n_1E^{2n_2}+n_3\f$ wher \f$n_1\f$, \f$n_2\f$ and \f$n_3\f$
- * are parameters.
- * @param E the energy to calculate the mean multiplicity for
- * @return the mean multiplicity
- */
- inline double meanMultiplicity(Energy E) const;
- /**
- * Generates a multiplicity for the energy E according to the negative
- * binomial distribution.
- * @param E The energy to generate for
- * @return the randomly generated multiplicity for the energy given
- */
- unsigned int multiplicity(Energy E) const;
- //@}
- /**
- * Members to generate the momenta of the clusters
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * This generates the momentum of the produced particles according to
- * the cylindrical phase space algorithm given
- * in Computer Physics Communications 9 (1975) 297-304 by S. Jadach.
- * @param clu1 The first incoming cluster
- * @param clu2 The second incoming cluster
- * @param clusters The list of clusters produced
- * @param CME The center of mass energy
- * @param cm The center of mass momentum (of the underlying event)
- */
- void generateMomentum(tClusterPtr clu1,tClusterPtr clu2,
- const ClusterVector &clusters, Energy CME,
- const Lorentz5Momentum & cm) const;
- /**
- * The implementation of the cylindrical phase space.
- * @param clusters The list of clusters to generate the momentum for
- * @param CME The center of mass energy
- */
- void generateCylindricalPS(const ClusterVector &clusters, Energy CME) const;
- //@}
- /**
- * This returns the rotation matrix needed to rotate p into the z axis
- */
- LorentzRotation rotate(const LorentzMomentum &p) const;
- /**
- * Various methods to generate random distributions
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * Gaussian distribution
- * @param mean the mean of the distribution
- * @param stdev the standard deviation of the distribution
- * @return Arandom value from the gaussian distribution
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline T gaussDistribution(T mean, T stdev) const;
- /**
- * This returns a random number with a flat distribution
- * [-A,A] plus gaussian tail with stdev B
- * TODO: Should move this to Utilities
- * @param A The width of the flat part
- * @param B The standard deviation of the gaussian tail
- * @return the randomly generated value
- */
- inline double randUng(double A, double B) const;
- /**
- * Generates a random azimuthal angle and puts x onto px and py
- * TODO: Should move this to Utilities
- * @param pt The magnitude of the transverse momentum
- * @param px The x component after random rotation
- * @param py The y component after random rotation
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline void randAzm(T pt, T &px, T &py) const;
- /**
- * This returns random number from \f$dN/dp_T^2=exp(-p_{1,2,3}m_T\f$ distribution,
- * where \f$m_T=\sqrt{p_T^2+M^2}\f$. It uses Newton's method to solve \f$F-R=0\f$
- * @param AM0 The mass \f$M\f$.
- * @param B The slope
- * @return the value distributed from \f$dN/dp_T^2=exp(-p_{1,2,3}m_T\f$ with mean av
- */
- inline Energy randExt(Energy AM0,InvEnergy B) const;
- //@}
- /**
- * This is never defined and since it can never be called it isn't
- * needed. The prototype is defined so the compiler doesn't use the
- * default = operator.
- */
- UA5Handler& operator=(const UA5Handler &);
- /**
- * Reference to the ClusterFissioner object
- */
- ClusterFissionerPtr clusterFissioner;
- /**
- * Reference to the cluster decayer object.
- */
- ClusterDecayerPtr clusterDecayer;
- /**
- * Parameters for the mean multiplicity \f$\bar n =n_1s^{n_2}+n_3\f$
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * The parameter \f$n_1\f$
- */
- double _n1;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$n_2\f$
- */
- double _n2;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$n_3\f$
- */
- double _n3;
- //@}
- /**
- * Parameters for \f$k\f$ in the negative binomial
- * distribution given by \f$1/k =k_1\ln s+k_2\f$
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * The parameter \f$k_1\f$
- */
- double _k1;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$k_2\f$
- */
- double _k2;
- //@}
- /**
- * Parameters for the cluster mass distribution,
- * \f$M = m_{q1}+m_{q2}+m_1-\log(r_1 r_2)/m_2\f$.
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * The parameter \f$m_1\f$
- */
- Energy _m1;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$m_2\f$
- */
- InvEnergy _m2;
- //@}
- /**
- * Parameters for the transverpse momentum of the soft distribution,
- * \f$P(p_T) \propto p_T*exp(-p_i\sqrt{p_T^2+M^2}\f$
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * The parameter \f$p_1\f$ for light quarks
- */
- InvEnergy _p1;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$p_2\f$ for strange and charm quarks
- */
- InvEnergy _p2;
- /**
- * The parameter \f$p_3\f$ for diquarks
- */
- InvEnergy _p3;
- //@}
- /**
- * This is the probability of having a soft underlying event.
- */
- double _probSoft;
- /**
- * This is a parameter used to enhance the CM energy used to
- * generate the multiplicity distribution.
- */
- double _enhanceCM;
- /**
- * The maximum number of attempts to generate the distribution
- */
- unsigned int _maxtries;
- /**
- * Whether to warn about using UA5 and MPI simultaneously.
- */
- bool _needWarning;
diff --git a/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.icc b/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.icc
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/UnderlyingEvent/UA5Handler.icc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// UA5Handler.icc is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-// This is the implementation of the inlined member functions of
-// the ForcedSplitting class.
-namespace Herwig {
-// This returns the mean multiplicity for the energy E amd the given parameters N1,N2,N3
-inline double UA5Handler::meanMultiplicity(Energy E) const {
- return _n1*pow(E/GeV,2.0*_n2)+_n3;
-// This returns the randomly generated value for the negative binomial
-inline double UA5Handler::negativeBinomial(int N, double mean, double ek) const {
- if(N < 0) return 0.0;
- double r = mean/ek;
- double rval = pow(1.+r, -ek);
- r /= (1.+r);
- for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++) rval *= r*(ek+i-1.)/i;
- return rval;
-// This returns random number from dN/d(x**2)=exp(-B*TM) distribution, where
-// TM = SQRT(X**2+AM0**2). Uses Newton's method to solve F-R=0
-inline Energy UA5Handler::randExt(Energy AM0, InvEnergy B) const {
- double r = rnd();
- // Starting value
- Energy am = AM0-log(r)/B;
- for(int i = 1; i<20; ++i) {
- double a = exp(-B*(am-AM0))/(1.+B*AM0);
- double f = (1.+B*am)*a-r;
- InvEnergy df = -B*B*am*a;
- Energy dam = -f/df;
- am += dam;
- if(am<AM0) am = AM0 + .001*MeV;
- if(abs(dam) < .001*MeV) break;
- }
- return am;
-template <typename T>
-inline T UA5Handler::gaussDistribution(T mean, T stdev) const {
- double x = rnd();
- x = sqrt(-2.*log(x));
- double y;
- randAzm(x,x,y);
- return mean + stdev*x;
-// This returns a random number with a flat distribution [-A,A] plus gaussian
-// tail with stdev B
-inline double UA5Handler::randUng(double A, double B) const {
- double prun;
- if(A == 0.) prun = 0.;
- else prun = 1./(1.+B*1.2533/A);
- if(rnd() < prun) return 2.*(rnd()-0.5)*A;
- else {
- double temp = gaussDistribution(0.,B);
- if(temp < 0) return temp - abs(A);
- else return temp + abs(A);
- }
-// Generates a random azimuthal angle and creates a 2 vector of length x with angle phi
-template <typename T>
-inline void UA5Handler::randAzm (T x, T &px, T &py) const {
- double c,s,cs;
- while(true) {
- c = 2.*rnd()-1.;
- s = 2.*rnd()-1.;
- cs = c*c+s*s;
- if(cs <= 1.&&cs!=0.) break;
- }
- T qt = x/cs;
- px = (c*c-s*s)*qt;
- py = 2.*c*s*qt;
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,105 +1,95 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Setup of default hadronization
# There are no user servicable parts inside.
# Anything that follows below should only be touched if you
# know what you're doing.
cd /Herwig/Particles
create ThePEG::ParticleData Cluster
setup Cluster 81 Cluster 0.00990 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1
create ThePEG::ParticleData Remnant
setup Remnant 82 Remnant 0.00990 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1
mkdir /Herwig/Hadronization
cd /Herwig/Hadronization
create Herwig::ClusterHadronizationHandler ClusterHadHandler
create Herwig::PartonSplitter PartonSplitter
create Herwig::ClusterFinder ClusterFinder
create Herwig::ColourReconnector ColourReconnector
create Herwig::ClusterFissioner ClusterFissioner
create Herwig::LightClusterDecayer LightClusterDecayer
create Herwig::ClusterDecayer ClusterDecayer
create Herwig::HwppSelector HadronSelector
newdef ClusterHadHandler:PartonSplitter PartonSplitter
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterFinder ClusterFinder
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ColourReconnector ColourReconnector
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterFissioner ClusterFissioner
newdef ClusterHadHandler:LightClusterDecayer LightClusterDecayer
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterDecayer ClusterDecayer
newdef ClusterHadHandler:MinVirtuality2 0.1*GeV2
newdef ClusterHadHandler:MaxDisplacement 1.0e-10*millimeter
newdef ClusterHadHandler:UnderlyingEventHandler NULL
-# The UA5 soft underlying event model
-# (disabled by default)
-create Herwig::UA5Handler UA5
-newdef UA5:ClusterFissioner ClusterFissioner
-newdef UA5:ClusterDecayer ClusterDecayer
-#set ClusterHadHandler:UnderlyingEventHandler UA5
newdef ClusterFissioner:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef LightClusterDecayer:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef ClusterDecayer:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef ColourReconnector:ColourReconnection Yes
newdef ColourReconnector:ReconnectionProbability 0.652710
newdef ColourReconnector:Algorithm Plain
newdef ColourReconnector:InitialTemperature 0.01
newdef ColourReconnector:AnnealingFactor 0.21
newdef ColourReconnector:AnnealingSteps 10
newdef ColourReconnector:TriesPerStepFactor 0.66
newdef ColourReconnector:OctetTreatment All
# Clustering parameters for light quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxLight 3.002538
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowLight 1.424265
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitLight 0.847541
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirLight 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrLight 0.78
# Clustering parameters for b-quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxBottom 3.91100
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowBottom .63750
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitBottom .5306
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirBottom 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrBottom 0.0204
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitBottom 0.0
# Clustering parameters for c-quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxCharm 3.638218
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowCharm 2.331856
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitCharm 1.233994
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirCharm 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrCharm 0.
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitCharm 0.000000
# Clustering parameters for exotic quarks
# (e.g. hadronizing Susy particles)
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxExotic 2.7*GeV
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowExotic 1.46
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitExotic 1.00
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirExotic 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrExotic 0.
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitExotic 0.
newdef HadronSelector:PwtDquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtUquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtSquark 0.665563
newdef HadronSelector:PwtCquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtBquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtDIquark 0.439018
newdef HadronSelector:SngWt 0.74
newdef HadronSelector:DecWt 0.62
newdef HadronSelector:Mode 1
newdef HadronSelector:BelowThreshold All
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:45 PM (22 h, 40 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(48 KB)
Attached To
rHERWIGHG herwighg
Event Timeline
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