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diff --git a/Models/General/ b/Models/General/
--- a/Models/General/
+++ b/Models/General/
@@ -1,418 +1,450 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ModelGenerator class.
#include "ModelGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "BSMWidthGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig++/PDT/GenericMassGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/BaseRepository.h"
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr ModelGenerator::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr ModelGenerator::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void ModelGenerator::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << hardProcessConstructors_ << _theDecayConstructor << particles_
<< offshell_ << Offsel_ << BRnorm_
<< Npoints_ << Iorder_ << BWshape_ << brMin_ << decayOutput_;
void ModelGenerator::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> hardProcessConstructors_ >> _theDecayConstructor >> particles_
>> offshell_ >> Offsel_ >> BRnorm_
>> Npoints_ >> Iorder_ >> BWshape_ >> brMin_ >> decayOutput_;
ClassDescription<ModelGenerator> ModelGenerator::initModelGenerator;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void ModelGenerator::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ModelGenerator> documentation
("This class controls the the use of BSM physics.",
"BSM physics was produced using the algorithm of "
"\\bibitem{Gigg:2007cr} M.~Gigg and P.~Richardson, \n"
"Eur.\\ Phys.\\ J.\\ C {\\bf 51} (2007) 989.\n"
"%%CITATION = EPHJA,C51,989;%%\n"
" %\\cite{Gigg:2008yc}\n"
" M.~A.~Gigg and P.~Richardson,\n"
" %``Simulation of Finite Width Effects in Physics Beyond the Standard Model,''\n"
" arXiv:0805.3037 [hep-ph].\n"
" %%CITATION = ARXIV:0805.3037;%%\n"
static RefVector<ModelGenerator,HardProcessConstructor>
"The objects to construct hard processes",
&ModelGenerator::hardProcessConstructors_, -1,
false, false, true, false, false);
static Reference<ModelGenerator,Herwig::DecayConstructor>
"Pointer to DecayConstructor helper class",
&ModelGenerator::_theDecayConstructor, false, false, true, false);
static RefVector<ModelGenerator,ThePEG::ParticleData> interfaceModelParticles
"ParticleData pointers to the particles requiring spin correlation "
"decayers. If decay modes do not exist they will also be created.",
&ModelGenerator::particles_, -1, false, false, true, false);
static RefVector<ModelGenerator,ParticleData> interfaceOffshell
"The particles to treat as off-shell",
&ModelGenerator::offshell_, -1, false, false, true, false);
static Switch<ModelGenerator,int> interfaceWhichOffshell
"A switch to determine which particles to create mass and width "
"generators for.",
&ModelGenerator::Offsel_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceWhichOffshellSelected
"Only create mass and width generators for the particles specified",
static SwitchOption interfaceWhichOffshellAll
"Treat all particles specified in the DecayParticles "
"list as off-shell",
static Switch<ModelGenerator,bool> interfaceBRNormalize
"Whether to normalize the partial widths to BR*total width for an "
"on-shell particle",
&ModelGenerator::BRnorm_, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceBRNormalizeNormalize
"Normalize the partial widths",
static SwitchOption interfaceBRNormalizeNoNormalize
"Do not normalize the partial widths",
static Parameter<ModelGenerator,int> interfacePoints
"Number of points to use for interpolation tables when needed",
&ModelGenerator::Npoints_, 50, 5, 1000,
false, false, true);
static Parameter<ModelGenerator,unsigned int>
("InterpolationOrder", "The interpolation order for the tables",
&ModelGenerator::Iorder_, 1, 1, 5,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<ModelGenerator,int> interfaceBreitWignerShape
"Controls the shape of the mass distribution generated",
&ModelGenerator::BWshape_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceBreitWignerShapeDefault
"Running width with q in numerator and denominator width factor",
static SwitchOption interfaceBreitWignerShapeFixedWidth
"Use a fixed width",
static SwitchOption interfaceBreitWignerShapeNoq
"Use M rather than q in the numerator and denominator width factor",
static SwitchOption interfaceBreitWignerShapeNoNumerator
"Neglect the numerator factors",
static Parameter<ModelGenerator,double> interfaceMinimumBR
"The minimum branching fraction to include",
&ModelGenerator::brMin_, 1e-6, 0.0, 1.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<ModelGenerator,unsigned int> interfaceDecayOutput
"Option to control the output of the decay mode information",
&ModelGenerator::decayOutput_, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayOutputNone
"No output",
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayOutputPlain
"Default plain text output",
static SwitchOption interfaceDecayOutputSLHA
"Output in the Susy Les Houches Accord format",
namespace {
/// Helper function for sorting by mass
inline bool massIsLess(tcPDPtr a, tcPDPtr b) {
return a->mass() < b->mass();
void ModelGenerator::doinit() {
// make sure the model is initialized
Ptr<Herwig::StandardModel>::pointer model
= dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<Herwig::StandardModel>::pointer>(generator()->standardModel());
// and the vertices
for(size_t iv = 0; iv < model->numberOfVertices(); ++iv)
// sort DecayParticles list by mass
//create mass and width generators for the requested particles
PDVector::iterator pit, pend;
if( Offsel_ == 0 ) {
pit = offshell_.begin();
pend = offshell_.end();
else {
pit = particles_.begin();
pend = particles_.end();
for(; pit != pend; ++pit)
//create decayers and decaymodes (if necessary)
if( _theDecayConstructor ) {
// write out decays with spin correlations
ostream & os = CurrentGenerator::current().misc();
ofstream ofs;
if ( decayOutput_ >1 ) {
string filename
= CurrentGenerator::current().filename() + "-BR.spc";;
if(decayOutput_!=0) {
if(decayOutput_==1) {
os << "# The decay modes listed below will have spin\n"
<< "# correlations included when they are generated.\n#\n#";
else {
ofs << "# Herwig++ decay tables in SUSY Les Houches accord format\n";
ofs << "Block DCINFO # Program information\n";
ofs << "1 Herwig++ # Decay Calculator\n";
ofs << "2 " << generator()->strategy()->versionstring()
<< " # Version number\n";
pit = particles_.begin();
pend = particles_.end();
for( ; pit != pend; ++pit) {
tPDPtr parent = *pit;
// Check decays for ones where quarks cannot be put on constituent
// mass-shell
if( parent->CC() ) parent->CC()->synchronize();
if( parent->decaySelector().empty() ) {
else {
if ( decayOutput_ == 2 )
writeDecayModes(ofs, parent);
writeDecayModes(os, parent);
if( parent->massGenerator() ) {
os << "# " <<parent->PDGName() << " will be considered off-shell.\n#\n";
if( parent->widthGenerator() ) parent->widthGenerator()->reset();
//Now construct hard processes given that we know which
//objects have running widths
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<hardProcessConstructors_.size();++ix) {
void ModelGenerator::checkDecays(PDPtr parent) {
if( parent->stable() ) return;
DecaySet::iterator dit = parent->decayModes().begin();
DecaySet::iterator dend = parent->decayModes().end();
Energy oldwidth(parent->width()), newwidth(ZERO);
bool rescalebrat(false);
double brsum(0.);
for(; dit != dend; ++dit ) {
if( !(**dit).on() ) continue;
Energy release((**dit).parent()->mass());
tPDVector::const_iterator pit = (**dit).orderedProducts().begin();
tPDVector::const_iterator pend =(**dit).orderedProducts().end();
for( ; pit != pend; ++pit ) {
release -= (**pit).constituentMass();
if( (**dit).brat() < brMin_ || release < ZERO ) {
if( release < ZERO )
cerr << "Warning: The shower cannot be generated using this decay "
<< (**dit).tag() << " because it is too close to threshold. It "
<< "will be switched off and the branching fractions of the "
<< "remaining modes rescaled.\n";
rescalebrat = true;
generator()->preinitInterface(*dit, "OnOff", "set", "Off");
generator()->preinitInterface(*dit, "BranchingRatio",
"set", "0.0");
else {
brsum += (**dit).brat();
newwidth += (**dit).brat()*oldwidth;
if( rescalebrat || (abs(brsum - 1.) > 1e-12) ) {
dit = parent->decayModes().begin();
dend = parent->decayModes().end();
double factor = oldwidth/newwidth;
brsum = 0.;
for( ; dit != dend; ++dit ) {
if( !(**dit).on() ) continue;
double newbrat = ((**dit).brat())*factor;
brsum += newbrat;
ostringstream brf;
brf << setprecision(13) << newbrat;
generator()->preinitInterface(*dit, "BranchingRatio",
"set", brf.str());
if( newwidth > ZERO ) parent->cTau(hbarc/newwidth);
+namespace {
+ struct DecayModeOrdering {
+ bool operator()(tcDMPtr m1, tcDMPtr m2) {
+ if(m1->brat()!=m2->brat()) {
+ return m1->brat()>m2->brat();
+ }
+ else {
+ if(m1->products().size()==m2->products().size()) {
+ ParticleMSet::const_iterator it1=m1->products().begin();
+ ParticleMSet::const_iterator it2=m2->products().begin();
+ do {
+ if((**it1).id()!=(**it2).id()) {
+ return (**it1).id()>(**it2).id();
+ }
+ ++it1;
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ while(it1!=m1->products().end()&&
+ it2!=m2->products().end());
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ else
+ return m1->products().size()<m2->products().size();
+ }
+ }
+ };
void ModelGenerator::writeDecayModes(ostream & os, tcPDPtr parent) const {
+ if(decayOutput_==0) return;
+ set<tcDMPtr,DecayModeOrdering> modes;
+ for(Selector<tDMPtr>::const_iterator dit = parent->decaySelector().begin();
+ dit != parent->decaySelector().end(); ++dit) {
+ modes.insert((*dit).second);
+ }
if(decayOutput_==1) {
os << " Parent: " << parent->PDGName() << " Mass (GeV): "
<< parent->mass()/GeV << " Total Width (GeV): "
<< parent->width()/GeV << endl;
os << std::left << std::setw(40) << '#'
<< std::left << std::setw(20) << "Partial Width/GeV"
<< "BR" << endl;
- Selector<tDMPtr>::const_iterator dit = parent->decaySelector().begin();
- Selector<tDMPtr>::const_iterator dend = parent->decaySelector().end();
- for(; dit != dend; ++dit)
- os << std::left << std::setw(40) << (*dit).second->tag()
- << std::left << std::setw(20) << (*dit).second->brat()*parent->width()/GeV
- << (*dit).second->brat() << '\n';
+ for(set<tcDMPtr,DecayModeOrdering>::iterator dit=modes.begin();
+ dit!=modes.end();++dit)
+ os << std::left << std::setw(40) << (**dit).tag()
+ << std::left << std::setw(20) << (**dit).brat()*parent->width()/GeV
+ << (**dit).brat() << '\n';
os << endl;
else if(decayOutput_==2) {
os << "# \t PDG \t Width\n";
os << "DECAY\t" << parent->id() << "\t" << parent->width()/GeV << "\t # " << parent->PDGName() << "\n";
- Selector<tDMPtr>::const_iterator dit = parent->decaySelector().begin();
- Selector<tDMPtr>::const_iterator dend = parent->decaySelector().end();
- for(; dit != dend; ++dit) {
+ for(set<tcDMPtr,DecayModeOrdering>::iterator dit=modes.begin();
+ dit!=modes.end();++dit) {
os << "\t" << std::left << std::setw(10)
- << (*dit).second->brat() << "\t" << (*dit).second->orderedProducts().size()
+ << (**dit).brat() << "\t" << (**dit).orderedProducts().size()
<< "\t";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(*dit).second->orderedProducts().size();++ix)
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<(**dit).orderedProducts().size();++ix)
os << std::right << std::setw(10)
- << (*dit).second->orderedProducts()[ix]->id() ;
- for(unsigned int ix=(*dit).second->orderedProducts().size();ix<4;++ix)
+ << (**dit).orderedProducts()[ix]->id() ;
+ for(unsigned int ix=(**dit).orderedProducts().size();ix<4;++ix)
os << " ";
- os << "# " << (*dit).second->tag() << "\n";
+ os << "# " << (**dit).tag() << "\n";
void ModelGenerator::createWidthGenerator(tPDPtr p) {
string wn = p->fullName() + string("-WGen");
string mn = p->fullName() + string("-MGen");
GenericMassGeneratorPtr mgen = dynamic_ptr_cast<GenericMassGeneratorPtr>
(generator()->preinitCreate("Herwig::GenericMassGenerator", mn));
BSMWidthGeneratorPtr wgen = dynamic_ptr_cast<BSMWidthGeneratorPtr>
(generator()->preinitCreate("Herwig::BSMWidthGenerator", wn));
//set the particle interface
generator()->preinitInterface(mgen, "Particle", "set", p->fullName());
generator()->preinitInterface(wgen, "Particle", "set", p->fullName());
//set the generator interfaces in the ParticleData object
generator()->preinitInterface(p, "Mass_generator","set", mn);
generator()->preinitInterface(p, "Width_generator","set", wn);
//allow the branching fraction of this particle type to vary
if( p->CC() ) p->CC()->variableRatio(true);
//initialize the generators
generator()->preinitInterface(mgen, "Initialize", "set", "Yes");
generator()->preinitInterface(wgen, "Initialize", "set", "Yes");
string norm = BRnorm_ ? "Yes" : "No";
generator()->preinitInterface(wgen, "BRNormalize", "set", norm);
ostringstream os;
os << Npoints_;
generator()->preinitInterface(wgen, "InterpolationPoints", "set",
os << Iorder_;
generator()->preinitInterface(wgen, "InterpolationOrder", "set",
os << BWshape_;
generator()->preinitInterface(mgen, "BreitWignerShape", "set",

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:33 PM (16 h, 5 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(16 KB)

Event Timeline