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* *
* mcf_xdr.h -- Include file for mcfast Xdr layer. Specifies the headers *
* ( Block, event, table and files) * *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1994 Universities Research Association, Inc. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This material resulted from work developed under a Government Contract and *
* is subject to the following license: The Government retains a paid-up, *
* nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative *
* works, perform publicly and display publicly by or for the Government, *
* including the right to distribute to other Government contractors. Neither *
* the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of *
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* *
#define MCF_XDR_MAXLREC 32000
#define MCF_XDR_MINLREC 512
#define MCF_XDR_VERSION "v0.0"
#define XDR_MCFIOCODE 1025 /* Private code to be passed to the encoding
filter to estimate the length prior to encode
in memory */
typedef enum _mcfxdrBlockType {
} mcfxdrBlockType;
typedef struct _mcfxdrGeneric{
int id; /* Identifier for this item = FILEHEADER */
int length; /* The length of data body, byte count, excluding
the id and version, and this word */
char version[MCF_XDR_VERSION_LENGTH+1];
/* The version of this particular block */
int *data; /* The data block */
} mcfxdrGeneric;
typedef struct _mcfxdrFileHeader{
int id; /* Identifier for this item = FILEHEADER */
int length; /* The length of data body, byte count, excluding
the id and version, and this word */
char version[MCF_XDR_VERSION_LENGTH+1];
/* The version of this particular block */
char title[MCF_XDR_F_TITLE_LENGTH+1];
/* The title length */
char comment[MCF_XDR_F_TITLE_LENGTH+1]; /* The comment ..*/
char date[30];
char closingDate[30];
unsigned int numevts_expect; /* The number of event expected */
unsigned int numevts; /* The number of evts really written on tape */
unsigned int firstTable; /* The XDR locator for the first table */
unsigned int dimTable; /* The number of events listed in the fixed-sized
event table */
unsigned int nBlocks;
/* The maximum number of Block types in the file
( excluding File headers and Event Tables) */
int *blockIds; /* The list of Block identifiers */
char **blockNames; /* The list of names ( Titles) for these blocks */
unsigned int nNTuples;
/* The maximum number of Ntuples defined for this
stream */
} mcfxdrFileHeader;
typedef struct _mcfxdrEventTable{
int id; /* Identifier for this item = EVENTTABLE */
int length; /* The length of data body, byte count, excluding
the id and version, and this word */
char version[MCF_XDR_VERSION_LENGTH+1];
/* The version of this particular block */
int nextLocator; /*The Locator for the next Event Table. */
int previousnumevts; /* The size of the previous Table */
int numevts; /* The number of events in this chunk */
unsigned int dim; /* The dimension of the arrays listed below */
unsigned int ievt; /* The current index in the list */
int *evtnums; /* The List of event numbers, within a store */
int *storenums; /* The list of Store number within a Run */
int *runnums; /* The list of run numbers */
int *trigMasks; /* The list of user-defined Trigger masks */
unsigned int *ptrEvents;
/* The list of XDR pointers for these events */
} mcfxdrEventTable;
typedef struct _mcfxdrSequentialHeader{
int id; /* Identifier for this item = SEQUENTIALHEADER */
int length; /* The length of data body, byte count, excluding
the id and version, and this word */
char version[MCF_XDR_VERSION_LENGTH+1];
/* The version of this particular block */
unsigned int nRecords; /* The number of records (including this one)
in the logical event */
} mcfxdrSequentialHeader;
typedef struct _mcfxdrEventHeader{
int id; /* Identifier for this item = CHUNKHEADER */
int length; /* The length of data body, byte count, excluding
the id and version, and this word */
char version[MCF_XDR_VERSION_LENGTH+1];
/* The version of this particular block */
int previousevtnum; /* The previous event number */
int evtnum; /* The event numbers, within a store */
int storenum; /* The Store number within a Run */
int runnum; /* The Run numbers */
int trigMask; /* The Trigger masks */
unsigned int nBlocks; /* The number of Blocks */
unsigned int dimBlocks; /* The dimension of the two following arrays */
int *blockIds; /* The list of Block identifiers */
unsigned int *ptrBlocks;
/* The list of XDR pointers for these blocks */
unsigned int nNTuples;
/* The number of Ntuples defined for this event */
unsigned int dimNTuples; /* The dimension of the two following arrays */
int *nTupleIds; /* The list of Ntuple identifiers, pointing to the
global list array */
unsigned int *ptrNTuples;
/* The list of XDR pointers for these NTuples */
} mcfxdrEventHeader;
typedef struct _mcfStream{
int id; /* Id of the Stream */
int row; /* Read or Write */
int dos; /* Direct, Memory Mapped I/O or Sequential */
int status; /* The Stream status, either at BOF, RUNNING, EOF
or simply declared, and needs to be opened
(NTuple usage) */
int numWordsC; /* The number of words read or written, Content */
int numWordsT; /* The number of words read or written, Total */
mcfxdrFileHeader *fhead; /* The File header */
mcfxdrEventHeader *ehead; /* The current Event Header */
unsigned int currentPos; /* The XDR current position */
unsigned int evtPos; /* The XDR position for the begingin of evt */
unsigned int tablePos; /* The XDR position for the table */
unsigned int firstPos; /* The XDR position just before file header */
XDR *xdr; /* The XDR stream */
char *filename; /* Filename */
FILE *filePtr; /* The file pointer */
int fileDescr; /* File descriptor if Memory Mapped */
char *fileAddr; /* Address in virtual memory if Memory Mapped */
size_t fileLen; /* The file length */
mcfxdrEventTable *table; /* The event table */
char *device; /* The device name, if any */
char *vsn; /* The Visual S. number, e.g., the tape label */
int filenumber; /* The sequential file number, if any */
int minlrec; /* The minimum record length for this stream */
int maxlrec; /* The maximum record length for this stream */
int bufferSize; /* The current size of the primary buffer */
mcfxdrSequentialHeader *shead; /* The Sequential header */
char *buffer; /* A pointer to a generic data buffer, to get the
data from tape and then decode it */
char *buffer2; /* A secondary buffer, to hold the event
as the event grows */
} mcfStream;
extern mcfStream **McfStreamPtrList;
extern char **McfGenericVersion;
extern unsigned int McfNumOfStreamActive;
extern bool_t McfNTuPleSaveDecoding;
bool_t xdr_mcfast_generic(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version, char** data);
bool_t xdr_mcfast_headerBlock(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version);
bool_t xdr_mcfast_fileheader(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version, mcfxdrFileHeader **mcf,
int streamId);
bool_t xdr_mcfast_eventtable(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version, mcfxdrEventTable **mcf);
bool_t xdr_mcfast_seqheader(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version, mcfxdrSequentialHeader **mcf);
bool_t xdr_mcfast_eventheader(XDR *xdrs, int *blockid,
int *ntot, char** version, mcfxdrEventHeader **mcf);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:30 PM (11 h, 34 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
mcf_xdr.h (8 KB)

Event Timeline