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# =====================
# =====================
# -----------------------------------------------------
# | SUSY Les Houches Accord - MSSM Spectrum + Decays |
# | |
# | SDECAY 1.3 |
# | |
# | Authors: M.Muhlleitner, A.Djouadi and Y.Mambrini |
# | Ref.: Comput.Phys.Commun.168(2005)46 |
# | [hep-ph/0311167] |
# | |
# | In case of problems please send an email to |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# | If not stated otherwise all DRbar couplings and |
# | soft SUSY breaking masses are given at the scale |
# | Q= 0.91187600E+02
# | |
# -----------------------------------------------------
BLOCK DCINFO # Decay Program information
1 SDECAY # decay calculator
2 1.3 # version number
BLOCK SPINFO # Spectrum calculator information
1 SuSpect # RGE +Spectrum calculator
2 2.41 # version number
BLOCK MODSEL # Model selection
1 0 # #general MSSM low scale
BLOCK SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.27934000E+02 # alpha_em^-1(M_Z)^MSbar
2 1.16639000E-05 # G_F [GeV^-2]
3 1.17200000E-01 # alpha_S(M_Z)^MSbar
4 9.11870000E+01 # M_Z pole mass
5 4.25000000E+00 # mb(mb)^MSbar
6 1.75000000E+02 # mt pole mass
7 1.77700000E+00 # mtau pole mass
BLOCK MINPAR # Input parameters - minimal models
BLOCK EXTPAR # Input parameters - non-minimal models
0 9.11876000E+01 # EWSB
1 2.00000000E+02 # M_1
2 1.50000000E+03 # M_2
3 5.00000000E+02 # M_3
11 0.00000000E+00 # A_t
12 0.00000000E+00 # A_b
13 0.00000000E+00 # A_tau
14 0.00000000E+00 # A_u
15 0.00000000E+00 # A_d
16 0.00000000E+00 # A_e
23 1.50000000E+03 # mu(EWSB)
25 2.00000000E+00 # tanbeta(in)
26 2.00000000E+03 # MA_pole
31 1.50000000E+03 # M_eL
32 1.50000000E+03 # M_muL
33 1.50000000E+03 # M_tauL
34 1.50000000E+03 # M_eR
35 1.50000000E+03 # M_muR
36 1.50000000E+03 # M_tauR
41 1.50000000E+03 # M_q1L
42 1.50000000E+03 # M_q2L
43 1.50000000E+03 # M_q3L
44 1.50000000E+03 # M_uR
45 1.50000000E+03 # M_cR
46 1.50000000E+03 # M_tR
47 1.50000000E+03 # M_dR
48 1.50000000E+03 # M_sR
49 1.50000000E+03 # M_bR
BLOCK MASS # Mass Spectrum
# PDG code mass particle
24 8.05285773E+01 # W+
25 1.20000000E+02 # h
35 2.00257811E+03 # H
36 2.00000000E+03 # A
37 2.00191372E+03 # H+
5 4.87877839E+00 # b-quark pole mass calculated from mb(mb)_Msbar
1000001 1.50070026E+03 # ~d_L
2000001 1.50013238E+03 # ~d_R
1000002 1.49943185E+03 # ~u_L
2000002 1.49973521E+03 # ~u_R
1000003 1.50070026E+03 # ~s_L
2000003 1.50013238E+03 # ~s_R
1000004 1.49943185E+03 # ~c_L
2000004 1.49973521E+03 # ~c_R
1000005 1.49767716E+03 # ~b_1
2000005 1.50315549E+03 # ~b_2
1000006 1.46788903E+03 # ~t_1
2000006 1.54708994E+03 # ~t_2
1000011 1.50043559E+03 # ~e_L
2000011 1.50039710E+03 # ~e_R
1000012 1.49916696E+03 # ~nu_eL
1000013 1.50043559E+03 # ~mu_L
2000013 1.50039710E+03 # ~mu_R
1000014 1.49916696E+03 # ~nu_muL
1000015 1.49863549E+03 # ~tau_1
2000015 1.50219720E+03 # ~tau_2
1000016 1.49916696E+03 # ~nu_tauL
1000021 5.00000000E+02 # ~g
1000022 1.98739587E+02 # ~chi_10
1000023 1.42527915E+03 # ~chi_20
1000025 -1.50032850E+03 # ~chi_30
1000035 1.57630976E+03 # ~chi_40
1000024 1.42465953E+03 # ~chi_1+
1000037 1.57576326E+03 # ~chi_2+
BLOCK NMIX # Neutralino Mixing Matrix
1 1 9.99433366E-01 # N_11
1 2 -1.73007004E-03 # N_12
1 3 2.89108574E-02 # N_13
1 4 -1.71498033E-02 # N_14
2 1 2.42199152E-02 # N_21
2 2 7.09785225E-01 # N_22
2 3 -5.02024644E-01 # N_23
2 4 4.93547958E-01 # N_24
3 1 8.29520912E-03 # N_31
3 2 -8.40141585E-03 # N_32
3 3 -7.06825217E-01 # N_33
3 4 -7.07289699E-01 # N_34
4 1 2.18525005E-02 # N_41
4 2 -7.04365926E-01 # N_42
4 3 -4.97527418E-01 # N_43
4 4 5.05823664E-01 # N_44
BLOCK UMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix U
1 1 -7.01146584E-01 # U_11
1 2 7.13017158E-01 # U_12
2 1 7.13017158E-01 # U_21
2 2 7.01146584E-01 # U_22
BLOCK VMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix V
1 1 -7.13017158E-01 # V_11
1 2 7.01146584E-01 # V_12
2 1 7.01146584E-01 # V_21
2 2 7.13017158E-01 # V_22
BLOCK STOPMIX # Stop Mixing Matrix
1 1 7.08452585E-01 # cos(theta_t)
1 2 7.05758411E-01 # sin(theta_t)
2 1 -7.05758411E-01 # -sin(theta_t)
2 2 7.08452585E-01 # cos(theta_t)
BLOCK SBOTMIX # Sbottom Mixing Matrix
1 1 6.69455086E-01 # cos(theta_b)
1 2 7.42852534E-01 # sin(theta_b)
2 1 -7.42852534E-01 # -sin(theta_b)
2 2 6.69455086E-01 # cos(theta_b)
BLOCK STAUMIX # Stau Mixing Matrix
1 1 7.03275242E-01 # cos(theta_tau)
1 2 7.10917670E-01 # sin(theta_tau)
2 1 -7.10917670E-01 # -sin(theta_tau)
2 2 7.03275242E-01 # cos(theta_tau)
BLOCK ALPHA # Higgs mixing
-4.65361540E-01 # Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson sector
BLOCK HMIX Q= 9.11876000E+01 # DRbar Higgs Parameters
1 1.50000000E+03 # mu(Q)
2 1.99999975E+00 # tanbeta(Q)
3 2.51875626E+02 # vev(Q)
4 3.75254098E+06 # MA^2(Q)
BLOCK GAUGE Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The gauge couplings
1 3.53839774E-01 # gprime(Q) DRbar
2 6.32364913E-01 # g(Q) DRbar
3 1.12407808E+00 # g3(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AU Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The trilinear couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_u(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_c(Q) DRbar
3 3 0.00000000E+00 # A_t(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AD Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The trilinear couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_d(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_s(Q) DRbar
3 3 0.00000000E+00 # A_b(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AE Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The trilinear couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # A_e(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # A_mu(Q) DRbar
3 3 0.00000000E+00 # A_tau(Q) DRbar
BLOCK Yu Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The Yukawa couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # y_u(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # y_c(Q) DRbar
3 3 9.99318050E-01 # y_t(Q) DRbar
BLOCK Yd Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The Yukawa couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # y_d(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # y_s(Q) DRbar
3 3 3.42142064E-02 # y_b(Q) DRbar
BLOCK Ye Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The Yukawa couplings
1 1 0.00000000E+00 # y_e(Q) DRbar
2 2 0.00000000E+00 # y_mu(Q) DRbar
3 3 2.23633609E-02 # y_tau(Q) DRbar
BLOCK MSOFT Q= 9.11876000E+01 # The soft SUSY breaking masses at the scale Q
1 2.00000000E+02 # M_1
2 1.50000000E+03 # M_2
3 5.00000000E+02 # M_3
14 0.00000000E+00 # A_u
15 0.00000000E+00 # A_d
16 0.00000000E+00 # A_e
21 8.22112496E+05 # M^2_Hd
22 -1.67988976E+06 # M^2_Hu
31 1.50000000E+03 # M_eL
32 1.50000000E+03 # M_muL
33 1.50000000E+03 # M_tauL
34 1.50000000E+03 # M_eR
35 1.50000000E+03 # M_muR
36 1.50000000E+03 # M_tauR
41 1.50000000E+03 # M_q1L
42 1.50000000E+03 # M_q2L
43 1.50000000E+03 # M_q3L
44 1.50000000E+03 # M_uR
45 1.50000000E+03 # M_cR
46 1.50000000E+03 # M_tR
47 1.50000000E+03 # M_dR
48 1.50000000E+03 # M_sR
49 1.50000000E+03 # M_bR
# =================
# |The decay table|
# =================
# - The multi-body decays for the inos, stops and sbottoms are included.
# - The loop induced decays for the gluino, neutralinos and stops
# are included.
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000021 1.42411798E-05 # gluino decays
1.10248768E-03 2 1000022 21 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 g)
1.02201626E-01 3 1000022 1 -1 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 d db)
3.46337228E-01 3 1000022 2 -2 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 u ub)
1.02201626E-01 3 1000022 3 -3 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 s sb)
3.46337228E-01 3 1000022 4 -4 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 c cb)
1.01819805E-01 3 1000022 5 -5 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 b bb)
# PDG Width
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Sun, Feb 23, 2:29 PM (15 h, 38 m)
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