The following instructions should be used to build the fitter after checking out from scratch.
-1. Copy to "$ cp ./make/ ./"
-2. Copy to "$ cp ./make/ ./"
-3. Edit to enable/disable the required custom build flags.
-4. Edit "" to include all dependencies that are required by the build options.
- Leaving any dependencies as blank variables if they are not needed.
-5. Run configure script "$ source ./"
-6. If configure is successful and has the correct compile flags, run make
- "$ make clean && make all"
- - "./ and ./" are both used by some parrrallel processing functions inside FitBase and FCN modules so it is advised not to rename these.
- - In theory if one only cares about a single generator, filling out just those dependencies and flags is all that is required.
+1. Make sure environmental variables required for the generators you wish to build against are set.
+2. In the top nufix directory make a new build directory: "$mkdir build && cd build"
+3. Run CMAKE with compiler flags for which generators are required
The fitter is designed to be easily extended by adding new measurement classes whilst keeping the input convertors and tuning functionality the same.
The Devel module folder is setup with some examples of how to add new classes into the framework. Feel free to email me if there are difficulties adding new measurements.
--- Running Fits
Whilst running fits is relatively quick and simple, there are now a large range of possible options. Doxygen Documentation is being added to the $EXT_FIT/doc/html folder.
Refer thre for guidance on how to properly formulate a card file.