cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "Expected to be able to parse the result of genie-config --libs to a lib directory and a list of libraries to include, but got: \"${GENIE_LD_FLAGS_STR}\"")
cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LHAPDF_LIB is not defined. The location of a pre-built lhapdf install must be defined either as $ cmake -DLHAPDF_LIB=/path/to/LHAPDF_libraries or as and environment vairable $ export LHAPDF_LIB=/path/to/LHAPDF_libraries")
cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LHAPDF_INC is not defined. The location of a pre-built lhapdf install must be defined either as $ cmake -DLHAPDF_INC=/path/to/LHAPDF_includes or as and environment vairable $ export LHAPDF_INC=/path/to/LHAPDF_includes")
cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LHAPATH is not defined. The location of a the LHAPATH directory must be defined either as $ cmake -DLHAPATH=/path/to/LHAPATH or as and environment variable $ export LHAPATH=/path/to/LHAPATH")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LIBXML2_LIB is not defined and could not find xml2-config. The location of a pre-built libxml2 install must be defined either as $ cmake -DLIBXML2_LIB=/path/to/LIBXML2_libraries or as and environment vairable $ export LIBXML2_LIB=/path/to/LIBXML2_libraries")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LIBXML2_INC is not defined and could not find xml2-config. The location of a pre-built libxml2 install must be defined either as $ cmake -DLIBXML2_INC=/path/to/LIBXML2_libraries or as and environment vairable $ export LIBXML2_INC=/path/to/LIBXML2_libraries")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LOG4CPP_LIB is not defined. The location of a pre-built log4cpp install must be defined either as $ cmake -DLOG4CPP_LIB=/path/to/LOG4CPP_libraries or as and environment vairable $ export LOG4CPP_LIB=/path/to/LOG4CPP_libraries")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable LOG4CPP_INC is not defined. The location of a pre-built log4cpp install must be defined either as $ cmake -DGENIE_LOG4CPP_INC=/path/to/LOG4CPP_includes or as and environment vairable $ export LOG4CPP_INC=/path/to/LOG4CPP_includes")