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diff --git a/test/test_function_parser.cpp b/test/test_function_parser.cpp
index 51e29bb..2f2f5c8 100644
--- a/test/test_function_parser.cpp
+++ b/test/test_function_parser.cpp
@@ -1,36 +1,35 @@
#include "CepGen/Core/Functional.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
-#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
const double epsilon = 1.e-9; // tolerance
{ // test with a 1-variable function
const double exp_result_test1 = 6.795704571;
CepGen::Functional<1> test1( "2.5*exp(0.1*x)", { "x" } );
- assert( fabs( test1.eval( 10. ) - exp_result_test1 ) < epsilon );
- assert( fabs( test1.eval( { 10. } ) - exp_result_test1 ) < epsilon );
+ if ( fabs( test1.eval( 10. ) - exp_result_test1 ) > epsilon ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Test 1.1 failed!", CepGen::FatalError );
+ if ( fabs( test1.eval( { 10. } ) - exp_result_test1 ) > epsilon ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Test 1.2 failed!", CepGen::FatalError );
cout << "Test 1 passed!" << endl;
{ // test with a 2-variables function
CepGen::Functional<2> test2( "sqrt(a^2+b^2)", { "a", "b" } );
- assert( fabs( test2.eval( { 3, 4 } ) - 5.0 ) < epsilon );
+ if ( fabs( test2.eval( { 3, 4 } ) - 5.0 ) > epsilon ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Test 2 failed!", CepGen::FatalError );
cout << "Test 2 passed!" << endl;
{ // test with an invalid function
CepGen::Functional<1> test3( "a**2", { "a" } );
bool passed = true;
try { test3.eval( 10 ); passed = false; } catch ( CepGen::Exception& e ) {}
try { test3.eval( { 10 } ); passed = false; } catch ( CepGen::Exception& e ) {}
- assert( passed == true );
+ if ( !passed ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Test 3 failed!", CepGen::FatalError );
cout << "Test 3 passed!" << endl;
return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_function_parser_rootcomp.cxx b/test/test_function_parser_rootcomp.cxx
index 278dd34..e020203 100644
--- a/test/test_function_parser_rootcomp.cxx
+++ b/test/test_function_parser_rootcomp.cxx
@@ -1,55 +1,54 @@
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TMultiGraph.h"
#include "Canvas.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "CepGen/Core/Functional.h"
-#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
const unsigned short num_points = 100;
const double min_x = -1., max_x = 10.;
TGraph gr_fb, gr_rt;
TF1 f_rt( "f_rt", "TMath::Min(1.,TMath::Exp(-x/10))", min_x, max_x );
CepGen::Functional<1> test1( "min(1,exp(-x/10))", { "x" } );
for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < num_points; ++i ) {
const double x = min_x + ( max_x-min_x )/( num_points-1 )*i;
gr_rt.SetPoint( i, x, f_rt.Eval( x ) );
try {
gr_fb.SetPoint( i, x, test1.eval( x ) );
} catch ( const CepGen::Exception& e ) { e.dump(); }
TGraph gr_diff;
double chi2 = 0.;
for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < gr_fb.GetN(); ++i ) {
gr_diff.SetPoint( i, gr_fb.GetX()[i], gr_fb.GetY()[i]-gr_rt.GetY()[i] );
chi2 += pow( gr_fb.GetY()[i]-gr_rt.GetY()[i], 2 );
chi2 = sqrt( chi2 );
- assert( chi2<1.e-9 );
+ if ( chi2 > 1.e-9 ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, Form( "Test failed with chi2 = %.5e!", chi2 ), CepGen::FatalError );
cout << "Test passed!" << endl;
if ( argc > 1 && !strcmp( argv[1], "draw" ) ) {
CepGen::Canvas c( "test_graph", "CepGen validation" );
TMultiGraph mg;
mg.Add( &gr_fb );
mg.Add( &gr_rt );
mg.Add( &gr_diff );
mg.Draw( "al" );
c.AddLegendEntry( &gr_fb, "Functional", "l" );
c.AddLegendEntry( &gr_rt, "ROOT", "l" );
c.AddLegendEntry( &gr_diff, "Difference", "l" );
gr_fb.SetLineWidth( 3 );
gr_fb.SetLineStyle( 2 );
gr_diff.SetLineColor( kRed );
c.Prettify( mg.GetHistogram() );
c.Save( "pdf" );
return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_physics_processes.cpp b/test/test_physics_processes.cpp
index 435f033..940469b 100644
--- a/test/test_physics_processes.cpp
+++ b/test/test_physics_processes.cpp
@@ -1,86 +1,87 @@
#include "CepGen/Generator.h"
#include "CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.h"
#include "CepGen/Processes/PPtoLL.h"
#include <assert.h>
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
typedef std::map<std::string,std::pair<double,double> > KinematicsMap;
typedef std::map<float, KinematicsMap> ValuesAtCutMap;
// values defined at pt(single lepton)>15 GeV, |eta(single lepton)|<2.5, mX<1000 GeV
// process -> { pt cut -> { kinematics -> ( sigma, delta(sigma) ) } }
std::map<std::string,ValuesAtCutMap> values_map = {
//--- LPAIR values at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
{ "1_lpair", {
{ 15.0, { // pt cut
{ "1_elastic", { 4.1994803e-1, 8.328e-4 } },
{ "2_singlediss", { 4.8504819e-1, 1.171e-3 } },
{ "3_doublediss", { 6.35650e-1, 1.93968e-3 } }
} }
} },
//--- PPTOLL values
{ "2_pptoll", { {} } },
const double num_sigma = 3.0;
CepGen::Logger::get().level = CepGen::Logger::Nothing;
Timer tmr;
CepGen::Generator mg;
mg.parameters->kinematics.setSqrtS( 13.e3 );
mg.parameters->kinematics.eta_min = -2.5;
mg.parameters->kinematics.eta_max = 2.5;
mg.parameters->kinematics.mx_max = 1000.;
mg.parameters->vegas.ncvg = 50000;
mg.parameters->vegas.itvg = 5;
Information( Form( "Initial configuration time: %.3f ms", tmr.elapsed()*1.e3 ) );
unsigned short num_tests = 0, num_tests_passed = 0;
for ( const auto& values_vs_generator : values_map ) { // loop over all generators
if ( values_vs_generator.first == "1_lpair" ) mg.parameters->setProcess( new CepGen::Process::GamGamLL );
else if ( values_vs_generator.first == "2_pptoll" ) mg.parameters->setProcess( new CepGen::Process::PPtoLL );
else { InError( Form( "Unrecognized generator mode: %s", values_vs_generator.first.c_str() ) ); break; }
for ( const auto& values_vs_cut : values_vs_generator.second ) { // loop over the single lepton pT cut
mg.parameters->kinematics.pt_min = values_vs_cut.first;
for ( const auto& values_vs_kin : values_vs_cut.second ) { // loop over all possible kinematics
if ( values_vs_kin.first == "1_elastic" ) mg.parameters->kinematics.mode = CepGen::Kinematics::ElasticElastic;
else if ( values_vs_kin.first == "2_singlediss" ) mg.parameters->kinematics.mode = CepGen::Kinematics::InelasticElastic;
else if ( values_vs_kin.first == "3_doublediss" ) mg.parameters->kinematics.mode = CepGen::Kinematics::InelasticInelastic;
else { InError( Form( "Unrecognized kinematics mode: %s", values_vs_kin.first.c_str() ) ); break; }
Information( Form( "Process: %s/%s\n\tConfiguration time: %.3f ms", values_vs_generator.first.c_str(), values_vs_kin.first.c_str(), tmr.elapsed()*1.e3 ) );
const double xsec_ref = values_vs_kin.second.first, err_xsec_ref = values_vs_kin.second.second;
double xsec_cepgen, err_xsec_cepgen;
mg.computeXsection( xsec_cepgen, err_xsec_cepgen );
const double sigma = ( fabs( xsec_ref-xsec_cepgen ) ) / sqrt( err_xsec_cepgen*err_xsec_cepgen + err_xsec_ref*err_xsec_ref );
Information( Form( "Computed cross section:\n\tRef. = %.3e +/- %.3e\n\tCepGen = %.3e +/- %.3e\n\tPull: %.6f", xsec_ref, err_xsec_ref, xsec_cepgen, err_xsec_cepgen, sigma ) );
Information( Form( "Computation time: %.3f ms", tmr.elapsed()*1.e3 ) );
if ( fabs( sigma )<num_sigma ) num_tests_passed++;
+ else throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, Form( "Test %s/%s failed!", values_vs_generator.first.c_str(), values_vs_kin.first.c_str() ), CepGen::FatalError );
std::cout << "Test " << num_tests_passed << "/" << num_tests << " passed!" << std::endl;
Information( "ALL TESTS PASSED!" );
return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_vegas.cpp b/test/test_vegas.cpp
index 2334e8f..be89e1c 100644
--- a/test/test_vegas.cpp
+++ b/test/test_vegas.cpp
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
#include "CepGen/Generator.h"
#include "CepGen/Processes/TestProcess.h"
#include <iostream>
-#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
const double exact = 1.3932039296856768591842462603255;
CepGen::Logger::get().level = CepGen::Logger::Nothing;
CepGen::Generator mg;
mg.parameters->setProcess( new CepGen::Process::TestProcess );
mg.parameters->vegas.ncvg = 500000;
//mg.parameters->vegas.itvg = 5;
double result, error;
mg.computeXsection( result, error );
- assert( fabs( exact - result ) < 2.0 * error );
+ if ( fabs( exact - result ) > 2.0 * error ) throw CepGen::Exception( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, Form( "pull = %.5e", fabs( exact-result )/error ), CepGen::FatalError );
cout << "Test 1 passed!" << endl;
return 0;
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Sun, Feb 23, 2:10 PM (2 h, 1 m)
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