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// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the MadGraphTwoCut class.
#include "MadGraphTwoCut.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
#include "ThePEG/Cuts/Cuts.h"
// #include "MadGraphTwoCut.tcc"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
MadGraphTwoCut::~MadGraphTwoCut() {}
Energy2 MadGraphTwoCut::minSij(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr pj) const {
if ( !checkType(pi, pj) || cutType != INVMASS ) return 0.0*GeV2;
return sqr(theCut*GeV);
Energy2 MadGraphTwoCut::minTij(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr po) const {
return 0.0*GeV2;
double MadGraphTwoCut::minDeltaR(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr pj) const {
if ( !checkType(pi, pj) || cutType != DELTAR ) return 0.0;
return theCut;
Energy MadGraphTwoCut::minKTClus(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr pj) const {
return 0.0*GeV;
double MadGraphTwoCut::minDurham(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr pj) const {
return 0.0;
bool MadGraphTwoCut::passCuts(tcCutsPtr parent, tcPDPtr pitype, tcPDPtr pjtype,
LorentzMomentum pi, LorentzMomentum pj,
bool inci, bool incj) const {
if ( inci || incj || !checkType(pitype, pjtype) ) return true;
if ( cutType == INVMASS ) return (pi + pj).m2() > sqr(theCut*GeV);
if ( cutType == DELTAR ) {
double deta2 = sqr(pi.eta() - pj.eta());
double dphi = abs(pi.phi() - pi.phi());
if ( dphi > Constants::pi ) dphi = 2.0*Constants::pi - dphi;
return sqrt(deta2 + sqr(dphi)) > theCut;
return true;
MadGraphTwoCut::PType MadGraphTwoCut::getType(tcPDPtr p) const {
switch ( abs(p->id()) ) {
case ParticleID::d:
case ParticleID::u:
case ParticleID::s:
case ParticleID::c:
case ParticleID::g:
return JET;
case ParticleID::b:
return BOT;
case ParticleID::gamma:
return PHO;
case ParticleID::eminus:
case ParticleID::nu_e:
case ParticleID::muminus:
case ParticleID::nu_mu:
case ParticleID::tauminus:
case ParticleID::nu_tau:
return LEP;
return NOT;
bool MadGraphTwoCut::checkType(tcPDPtr pi, tcPDPtr pj) const {
switch ( pairType ) {
case JETJET:
return getType(pi) == JET && getType(pj) == JET;
case LEPLEP:
if ( getType(pi) != LEP || getType(pj) != LEP ) return false;
if ( cutType == DELTAR ) return true;
// Special treatment for INVMASS.
if ( pi->id()*pj->id() >= 0 ) return false;
// OK we have a lepton-anti-lepton pair. I it the same lepton
if ( pi->id() == -pj->id() ) return true;
// NO, well is it the same family?
if ( max(abs(pi->id()), abs(pj->id()))%2 ) return false;
return abs(pi->id() + pj->id()) == 1 ;
case PHOPHO:
return getType(pi) == PHO && getType(pj) == PHO;
case BOTBOT:
return getType(pi) == BOT && getType(pj) == BOT;
case BOTJET:
return ( getType(pi) == BOT && getType(pj) == JET ) ||
( getType(pi) == JET && getType(pj) == BOT );
case PHOJET:
return ( getType(pi) == PHO && getType(pj) == JET ) ||
( getType(pi) == JET && getType(pj) == PHO );
case JETLEP:
return ( getType(pi) == LEP && getType(pj) == JET ) ||
( getType(pi) == JET && getType(pj) == LEP );
case PHOBOT:
return ( getType(pi) == PHO && getType(pj) == BOT ) ||
( getType(pi) == BOT && getType(pj) == PHO );
case BOTLEP:
return ( getType(pi) == BOT && getType(pj) == LEP ) ||
( getType(pi) == LEP && getType(pj) == BOT );
case PHOLEP:
return ( getType(pi) == PHO && getType(pj) == LEP ) ||
( getType(pi) == LEP && getType(pj) == PHO );
return false;
void MadGraphTwoCut::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << oenum(cutType) << oenum(pairType) << theCut;
void MadGraphTwoCut::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> ienum(cutType) >> ienum(pairType) >> theCut;
ClassDescription<MadGraphTwoCut> MadGraphTwoCut::initMadGraphTwoCut;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void MadGraphTwoCut::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<MadGraphTwoCut> documentation
("Objects of the MadGraphTwoCut class can be created automatically by "
"the MadGraphReader class when scanning event files for information "
"about cuts. It is also possible to create objects by hand and use "
"it as any other MadGraphTwoCut object.");
static Switch<MadGraphTwoCut,CutType> interfaceCutType
"The kind of cut this object will do.",
&MadGraphTwoCut::cutType, DELTAR, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceCutTypeInvariantMass
"The minimum invariant mass of two particles.",
static SwitchOption interfaceCutTypeDeltaR
"The minimum pseudo-rapidity--azimuth-angle distance between two "
static Switch<MadGraphTwoCut,PPType> interfacePairType
"The type of particle pairs this cut is applied to.",
&MadGraphTwoCut::pairType, JETJET, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeJetJet
"The cut applies only to pairs of coloured particles (jets).",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeLeptonLepton
"The cut applies only to lepton pairs (in case of invariant mass, "
"lepton--anti-lepton pairs of same flavour).",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypePhotonPhoton
"The cut applies only to pairs photons.",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeBottomPairs
"The cut applies only to pairs of bottom quarks.",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeJetBottom
"The cut applies only to bottom quarks paired with another coloured "
"particle (jet).",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypePhotonJet
"The cut applies only to a photon paired with a coloured particle (jet).",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeJetLepton
"The cut applies only to a coloured particle (jet) paired with a lepton.",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypePhotonBottom
"The cut applies only to a photon paired with a bottom quark.",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypeBottomLepton
"The cut applies only to bottom quarks paired with a lepton.",
static SwitchOption interfacePairTypePhotonLepton
"The cut applies only to a photon paired with a lepton.",
static Parameter<MadGraphTwoCut,double> interfaceCut
"The value of the cut to be applied (in units of GeV in case of "
"minimum invariant mass).",
&MadGraphTwoCut::theCut, 0.0, 0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:09 PM (1 h, 56 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (7 KB)

Event Timeline