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diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,431 +1,409 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the TwoPionRhoCurrent class.
// Author: Peter Richardson
#include "TwoPionRhoCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/WaveFunction/ScalarWaveFunction.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
TwoPionRhoCurrent::TwoPionRhoCurrent() {
// set up for the modes in the base class
// the weights of the different resonances in the matrix elements
_pimag = {1.0,0.167,0.05};
_piphase = {0.0,180 ,0.0};
// models to use
_pimodel = 0;
// parameter for the masses (use the parameters freom the CLEO fit
// rather than the PDG masses etc)
_rhomasses = {774.6*MeV,1408*MeV,1700*MeV};
_rhowidths = {149*MeV,502*MeV,235*MeV};
void TwoPionRhoCurrent::doinit() {
// check consistency of parametrers
if(_rhomasses.size()!=_rhowidths.size()) {
throw InitException() << "Inconsistent parameters in TwoPionRhoCurrent"
<< "::doinit()" << Exception::abortnow;
// the resonances
tPDPtr res[3]={getParticleData(-213 ),
getParticleData(-30213 )};
// reset the masses in the form-factors if needed
if(_rhoparameters&&_rhomasses.size()<3) {
for(unsigned int ix=_rhomasses.size();ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]) _rhomasses.push_back(res[ix]->mass() );
if(res[ix]) _rhowidths.push_back(res[ix]->width());
else if(!_rhoparameters) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]) _rhomasses.push_back(res[ix]->mass() );
if(res[ix]) _rhowidths.push_back(res[ix]->width());
// set up for the Breit Wigners
Energy mpi0( getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0 )->mass());
Energy mpiplus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus)->mass());
// rho resonances
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
// weights for the rho channels
throw InitException() << "The vectors containing the weights and phase for the"
<< " rho channel must be the same size in "
<< "TwoPionRhoCurrent::doinit()" << Exception::runerror;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_pimag.size();++ix) {
double angle = _piphase[ix]/180.*Constants::pi;
_piwgt[ix] = _pimag[ix]*(cos(angle)+Complex(0.,1.)*sin(angle));
void TwoPionRhoCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _pimodel << _piwgt << _pimag << _piphase
<< _rhoparameters << ounit(_rhomasses,GeV) << ounit(_rhowidths,GeV)
<< ounit(_mass,GeV) << ounit(_width,GeV)
<< ounit(_massa,GeV) <<ounit(_massb,GeV)
<< _dh << ounit(_hres,GeV2) << ounit(_h0,GeV2);
void TwoPionRhoCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _pimodel >> _piwgt >> _pimag >> _piphase
>> _rhoparameters >> iunit(_rhomasses,GeV) >> iunit(_rhowidths,GeV)
>> iunit(_mass,GeV) >> iunit(_width,GeV)
>> iunit(_massa,GeV) >> iunit(_massb,GeV)
>> _dh >> iunit(_hres,GeV2) >> iunit(_h0,GeV2);
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigTwoPionRhoCurrent("Herwig::TwoPionRhoCurrent", "");
void TwoPionRhoCurrent::Init() {
static ParVector<TwoPionRhoCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoMasses
"The masses of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_rhomasses, MeV, -1, 775.8*MeV, ZERO, 10000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<TwoPionRhoCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoWidths
"The widths of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_rhowidths, MeV, -1, 150.3*MeV, ZERO, 1000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static Switch<TwoPionRhoCurrent,bool> interfaceRhoParameters
"Use local values for the rho meson masses and widths",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_rhoparameters, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParameterstrue
"Use local values",
static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParametersParticleData
"Use the value from the particle data objects",
static ParVector<TwoPionRhoCurrent,double> interfacePiMagnitude
"Magnitude of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_pimag, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static ParVector<TwoPionRhoCurrent,double> interfacePiPhase
"Phase of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_piphase, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static Switch<TwoPionRhoCurrent,int> interfacePiModel
"The model to use for the propagator for the pion modes.",
&TwoPionRhoCurrent::_pimodel, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfacePiModelKuhn
"The model of Kuhn and Santamaria",
static SwitchOption interfacePiModelGounaris
"The model of Gounaris and Sakurai.",
static ClassDocumentation<TwoPionRhoCurrent> documentation
("The TwoPionRhoCurrent class is designed to implement weak"
"decay to two scalar mesons using the models of either Kuhn and "
"Santamaria (Z. Phys. C48, 445 (1990)) or Gounaris and Sakurai Phys. Rev. "
"Lett. 21, 244 (1968). The mixing parameters are taken from "
"Phys. Rev. D61:112002,2000 (CLEO), although the PDG values for the "
"masses and widths are used, for the decay pi+/- pi0."
" The decay K pi is assumed to be dominated by the lowest lying K* resonance.",
"The weak "
"decay current to two scalar mesons is implemented "
"using the models of either Kuhn and "
"Santamaria \\cite{Kuhn:1990ad} or Gounaris and Sakurai \\cite{Gounaris:1968mw}. "
"The mixing parameters are taken from "
"\\cite{Asner:1999kj}, although the PDG values for the "
"masses and widths are used, for the decay pi+/- pi0."
" The decay K pi is assumed to be dominated by the lowest lying K* resonance.",
" J.~H.~Kuhn and A.~Santamaria,\n"
" %``Tau decays to pions,''\n"
" Z.\\ Phys.\\ C {\\bf 48}, 445 (1990).\n"
" %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C48,445;%%\n"
" G.~J.~Gounaris and J.~J.~Sakurai,\n"
" ``Finite width corrections to the vector meson dominance prediction for rho\n"
" %$\\to$ e+ e-,''\n"
" Phys.\\ Rev.\\ Lett.\\ {\\bf 21}, 244 (1968).\n"
" %%CITATION = PRLTA,21,244;%%\n"
" D.~M.~Asner {\\it et al.} [CLEO Collaboration],\n"
" ``Hadronic structure in the decay tau- --> nu/tau pi- pi0 pi0 and the sign\n"
" %of the tau neutrino helicity,''\n"
" Phys.\\ Rev.\\ D {\\bf 61}, 012002 (2000)\n"
" [arXiv:hep-ex/9902022].\n"
" %%CITATION = PHRVA,D61,012002;%%\n"
// complete the construction of the decay mode for integration
bool TwoPionRhoCurrent::createMode(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
DecayPhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,unsigned int,
DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr phase,Energy upp) {
if((imode<=1&&abs(icharge)!=3) ||
(imode>1 && icharge !=0)) return false;
// make sure that the decays are kinematically allowed
tPDPtr part[2];
if(imode==0) {
else if(imode==1) {
else if(imode==2 || imode==3 ) {
Energy min(part[0]->massMin()+part[1]->massMin());
if(min>upp) return false;
DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr newchannel;
// set the resonances
// two pion or K+ K0 decay
tPDPtr res[3]={getParticleData(213),getParticleData(100213),getParticleData(30213)};
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]&&res[ix]->CC()) res[ix]=res[ix]->CC();
// create the channels
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]) {
// reset the masses in the intergrators if needed
// for the rho
if(_rhoparameters) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(ix<_rhomasses.size()&&res[ix]) {
// return if successful
return true;
// the particles produced by the current
tPDVector TwoPionRhoCurrent::particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
int,int) {
tPDVector output(2);
if(imode==0) {
- else if(imode==2) {
+ else if(imode==1) {
else {
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix) {
if(output[ix]->CC()) output[ix]=output[ix]->CC();
return output;
// hadronic current
TwoPionRhoCurrent::current(const int imode, const int ichan,
Energy & scale,const ParticleVector & outpart,
DecayIntegrator::MEOption meopt) const {
if(meopt==DecayIntegrator::Terminate) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix)
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,LorentzPolarizationVectorE());
// momentum difference and sum of the mesons
Lorentz5Momentum pdiff(outpart[0]->momentum()-outpart[1]->momentum());
Lorentz5Momentum psum (outpart[0]->momentum()+outpart[1]->momentum());
// mass2 of vector intermediate state
Energy2 q2(psum.m2());
double dot(psum*pdiff/q2);
psum *=dot;
LorentzPolarizationVector vect;
// calculate the current
Complex FPI(0.),denom(0.);
// rho
if(ichan<0) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_piwgt.size()&&ix<3;++ix) {
else if(ichan<int(_piwgt.size())&&ichan<3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_piwgt.size()&&ix<3;++ix) denom+=_piwgt[ix];
// additional prefactors
// pion mode
if(imode==0) FPI *= sqrt(2.0);
// two kaon modes
else if(imode==1) FPI *= 1. ;
// compute the current
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,FPI*pdiff);
bool TwoPionRhoCurrent::accept(vector<int> id) {
// check there are only two particles
if(id.size()!=2) return false;
// pion modes
if((abs(id[0])==ParticleID::piplus && id[1] ==ParticleID::pi0 ) ||
( id[0] ==ParticleID::pi0 && abs(id[1])==ParticleID::piplus))
return true;
- // single charged kaon
- else if((abs(id[0])==ParticleID::Kplus && id[1] ==ParticleID::pi0 ) ||
- ( id[0] ==ParticleID::pi0 && abs(id[1])==ParticleID::Kplus))
- return true;
- // single neutral kaon
- else if((id[0]==ParticleID::piminus && id[1]==ParticleID::Kbar0) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::Kbar0 && id[1]==ParticleID::piminus) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::piplus && id[1]==ParticleID::K0) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::K0 && id[1]==ParticleID::piplus))
- return true;
// two kaons
else if((id[0]==ParticleID::Kminus && id[1]==ParticleID::K0) ||
(id[0]==ParticleID::K0 && id[1]==ParticleID::Kminus) ||
(id[0]==ParticleID::Kplus && id[1]==ParticleID::Kbar0) ||
(id[0]==ParticleID::Kbar0 && id[1]==ParticleID::Kplus))
return true;
- // charged kaon and eta
- else if((id[0]==ParticleID::Kminus && id[1]==ParticleID::eta) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::eta && id[1]==ParticleID::Kminus) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::Kplus && id[1]==ParticleID::eta) ||
- (id[0]==ParticleID::eta && id[1]==ParticleID::Kplus))
- return true;
else if((id[0]==ParticleID::piminus && id[1]==ParticleID::piplus) ||
(id[0]==ParticleID::piplus && id[1]==ParticleID::piminus))
return true;
return false;
// the decay mode
unsigned int TwoPionRhoCurrent::decayMode(vector<int> idout) {
unsigned int imode(0),nkaon(0),npi(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<idout.size();++ix) {
if(abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::K0) {
- imode=2;
else if (abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::Kplus) {
- imode=1;
- else if (idout[ix]==ParticleID::eta) {
- imode=4;
- break;
- }
else if(abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::piplus) {
- if(nkaon==2) return 3;
- else if(npi==2) return 5;
- else return imode;
+ if(nkaon==2) return 1;
+ else if(npi==2) return 2;
+ else return 0;
// output the information for the database
void TwoPionRhoCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,
bool create) const {
if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
if(create) output << "create Herwig::TwoPionRhoCurrent "
<< name() << "\n";
unsigned int ix;
for(ix=0;ix<_rhomasses.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoMasses " << ix << " " << _rhomasses[ix]/MeV << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<_rhowidths.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoWidths " << ix << " " << _rhowidths[ix]/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoParameters " << _rhoparameters << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<_piwgt.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":PiMagnitude " << ix << " " << _pimag[ix] << "\n";
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":PiPhase " << ix << " " << _piphase[ix] << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":PiModel " << _pimodel << "\n";
if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;

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Mime Type
Tue, Jan 21, 2:10 AM (1 d, 14 h)
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(16 KB)

Event Timeline