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// -*- C++ -*-
// MPIHandler.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_MPIHandler_H
#define HERWIG_MPIHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the MPIHandler class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StandardEventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig++/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/GSLBisection.h"
//#include "Herwig++/Utilities/GSLMultiRoot.h"
#include "Herwig++/Utilities/GSLIntegrator.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/UEBase.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ProcessHandler.h"
#include "MPIHandler.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup UnderlyingEvent
* \class MPIHandler
* This class is responsible for generating additional
* semi hard partonic interactions.
* \author Manuel B\"ahr
* @see \ref MPIHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MPIHandler.
* @see ProcessHandler
* @see ShowerHandler
* @see HwRemDecayer
class MPIHandler: public UEBase {
static const unsigned int maxScatters_ = 99;
* Class for the integration is a friend to access private members
friend class Eikonalization;
friend class TotalXSecBisection;
friend class slopeAndTotalXSec;
friend class slopeInt;
friend class slopeBisection;
/** A vector of <code>SubProcessHandler</code>s. */
typedef vector<SubHdlPtr> SubHandlerList;
/** A vector of <code>Cut</code>s. */
typedef vector<CutsPtr> CutsList;
/** A vector of <code>ProcessHandler</code>s. */
typedef vector<ProHdlPtr> ProcessHandlerList;
/** A vector of cross sections. */
typedef vector<CrossSection> XSVector;
/** A pair of multiplicities: hard, soft. */
typedef pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> MPair;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
MPIHandler(): softMult_(0), identicalToUE_(-1),
PtOfQCDProc_(-1.0*GeV), Ptmin_(-1.0*GeV),
hardXSec_(0*millibarn), softXSec_(0*millibarn),
softMu2_(0*GeV2), beta_(100/GeV2),
algorithm_(2), numSubProcs_(0),
colourDisrupt_(0.0), softInt_(true), twoComp_(true),
DLmode_(2), avgNhard_(0.0), avgNsoft_(0.0) {}
* The destructor.
virtual ~MPIHandler(){}
/** @name Methods for the MPI generation. */
* @return true if for this beam setup MPI can be generated
virtual bool beamOK() const;
* Get the soft multiplicity from the pretabulated multiplicity
* distribution. Generated in multiplicity in the first place.
* @return the number of extra soft events in this collision
virtual unsigned int softMultiplicity() const {return softMult_;}
* Sample from the pretabulated multiplicity distribution.
* @return the number of extra events in this collision
virtual unsigned int multiplicity(unsigned int sel=0);
* Select a StandardXComb according to it's weight
* @return that StandardXComb Object
* @param sel is the subprocess that should be returned,
* if more than one is specified.
virtual tStdXCombPtr generate(unsigned int sel=0);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Initialize this Multiple Interaction handler and all related objects needed to
* generate additional events.
virtual void initialize();
* Finalize this Multiple Interaction handler and all related objects needed to
* generate additional events.
virtual void finalize();
* Write out accumulated statistics about intergrated cross sections
* and stuff.
void statistics(string file) const;
* The level of statistics. Controlls the amount of statistics
* written out after each run to the <code>EventGenerator</code>s
* <code>.out</code> file. Simply the EventHandler method is called here.
int statLevel() const {return eventHandler()->statLevel();}
/** @name Simple access functions. */
* Return the ThePEG::EventHandler assigned to this handler.
* This methods shadows ThePEG::StepHandler::eventHandler(), because
* it is not virtual in ThePEG::StepHandler. This is ok, because this
* method would give a null-pointer at some stages, whereas this method
* gives access to the explicitely copied pointer (in initialize())
* to the ThePEG::EventHandler.
tEHPtr eventHandler() const {return theHandler;}
* Return theAlgorithm.
virtual int Algorithm() const {return algorithm_;}
* Return the ptmin parameter of the model
virtual Energy Ptmin() const {
if(Ptmin_ > 0*GeV)
return Ptmin_;
throw Exception() << "MPIHandler::Ptmin called without initialize before"
<< Exception::runerror;
* Return the slope of the soft pt spectrum as calculated.
virtual InvEnergy2 beta() const {
if(beta_ != 100/GeV2)
return beta_;
throw Exception() << "MPIHandler::beta called without initialization"
<< Exception::runerror;
* Return the pt Cutoff of the Interaction that is identical to the UE
* one.
virtual Energy PtForVeto() const {return PtOfQCDProc_;}
* Return the number of additional "hard" processes ( = multiple
* parton scattering)
virtual unsigned int additionalHardProcs() const {return numSubProcs_-1;}
* Return the fraction of colour disrupted connections to the
* suprocesses.
virtual double colourDisrupt() const {return colourDisrupt_;}
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Access the list of sub-process handlers.
const SubHandlerList & subProcesses()
const {return theSubProcesses;}
* Access the list of sub-process handlers.
SubHandlerList & subProcesses() {return theSubProcesses;}
* Access the list of cuts.
const CutsList & cuts() const {return theCuts;}
* Access the list of cuts.
CutsList & cuts() {return theCuts;}
* Access the list of sub-process handlers.
const ProcessHandlerList & processHandlers()
const {return theProcessHandlers;}
* Access the list of sub-process handlers.
ProcessHandlerList & processHandlers() {return theProcessHandlers;}
* Method to calculate the individual probabilities for N scatters in the event.
* @param UEXSecs is(are) the inclusiv cross section(s) for the UE process(es).
void Probs(XSVector UEXSecs);
* Return the value of the Overlap function A(b) for a given impact
* parameter \a b.
* @param b impact parameter
* @param mu2 = inv hadron radius squared. 0 will use the value of
* invRadius_
* @return inverse area.
InvArea OverlapFunction(Length b, Energy2 mu2=0*GeV2) const;
* Method to calculate the poisson probability for expectation value
* <n> = A(b)*sigma, and multiplicity N.
double poisson(Length b, CrossSection sigma,
unsigned int N, Energy2 mu2=0*GeV2) const;
* Return n!
double factorial (unsigned int n) const;
* Returns the total cross section for the current CMenergy. The
* decision which parametrization will be used is steered by a
* external parameter of this class.
CrossSection totalXSecExp() const;
* Difference of the calculated total cross section and the
* experimental one from totalXSecExp.
* @param softXSec = the soft cross section that is used
* @param softMu2 = the soft radius, if 0 the hard radius will be used
CrossSection totalXSecDiff(CrossSection softXSec,
Energy2 softMu2=0*GeV2) const;
* Difference of the calculated elastic slope and the
* experimental one from slopeExp.
* @param softXSec = the soft cross section that is used
* @param softMu2 = the soft radius, if 0 the hard radius will be used
InvEnergy2 slopeDiff(CrossSection softXSec,
Energy2 softMu2=0*GeV2) const;
* Returns the value of the elastic slope for the current CMenergy.
* The decision which parametrization will be used is steered by a
* external parameter of this class.
InvEnergy2 slopeExp() const;
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<MPIHandler> initMPIHandler;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MPIHandler & operator=(const MPIHandler &);
* A pointer to the EventHandler that calls us. Has to be saved, because the
* method eventHandler() inherited from ThePEG::StepHandler returns a null-pointer
* sometimes. Leif changed that in r1053 so that a valid pointer is present, when
* calling doinitrun().
tEHPtr theHandler;
* The list of <code>SubProcessHandler</code>s.
SubHandlerList theSubProcesses;
* The kinematical cuts used for this collision handler.
CutsList theCuts;
* List of ProcessHandler used to sample different processes independently
ProcessHandlerList theProcessHandlers;
* A ThePEG::Selector where the individual Probabilities P_N are stored
* and the actual Multiplicities can be selected.
Selector<MPair> theMultiplicities;
* Variable to store the soft multiplicity generated for a event. This
* has to be stored as it is generated at the time of the hard
* additional interactions but used later on.
unsigned int softMult_;
* Variable to store the multiplicity of the second hard process
vector<int> additionalMultiplicities_;
* Variable to store the information, which process is identical to
* the UE one (QCD dijets).
* 0 means "real" hard one
* n>0 means the nth additional hard scatter
* -1 means no one!
int identicalToUE_;
* Variable to store the minimal pt of the process that is identical
* to the UE one. This only has to be set, if it can't be determined
* automatically (i.e. when reading QCD LesHouches files in).
Energy PtOfQCDProc_;
* Variable to store the parameter ptmin
Energy Ptmin_;
* Variable to store the hard cross section above ptmin
CrossSection hardXSec_;
* Variable to store the final soft cross section below ptmin
CrossSection softXSec_;
* Variable to store the soft radius, that is calculated during
* initialization for the two-component model.
Energy2 softMu2_;
* slope to the non-perturbative pt spectrum: d\sigma/dp_T^2 = A \exp
* (- beta p_T^2). Its value is determined durint initialization.
InvEnergy2 beta_;
* Switch to be set from outside to determine the algorithm used for
* UE activity.
int algorithm_;
* Inverse hadron Radius squared \f$ (\mu^2) \f$. Used inside the overlap function.
Energy2 invRadius_;
* Member variable to store the actual number of separate SubProcesses
unsigned int numSubProcs_;
* Variable to store the relative number of colour disrupted
* connections to additional subprocesses. This variable is used in
* Herwig::HwRemDecayer but store here, to have access to all
* parameters through one Object.
double colourDisrupt_;
* Flag to store whether soft interactions, i.e. pt < ptmin should be
* simulated.
bool softInt_;
* Flag to steer wheather the soft part has a different radius, that
* will be dynamically fixed.
bool twoComp_;
* Switch to determine which Donnachie & Landshoff parametrization
* should be used.
unsigned int DLmode_;
* Variable to store the average hard multiplicity.
double avgNhard_;
* Variable to store the average soft multiplicity.
double avgNsoft_;
* Exception class used by the MultipleInteractionHandler, when something
* during initialization went wrong.
* \todo understand!!!
class InitError: public Exception {};
/** @endcond */
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of MPIHandler. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::MPIHandler,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of MPIHandler. */
typedef Interfaced NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the MPIHandler class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::MPIHandler>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::MPIHandler> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::MPIHandler"; }
/** Return the name(s) of the shared library (or libraries) be loaded to get
* access to the MPIHandler class and any other class on which it depends
* (except the base class). */
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
namespace Herwig {
* A struct for the 2D root finding that is necessary to determine the
* soft cross section and the soft radius that is needed to describe
* the total cross section correctly.
struct slopeAndTotalXSec : public GSLHelper<CrossSection, CrossSection> {
slopeAndTotalXSec(tcMPIHPtr handler): handler_(handler) {}
/** second argument type */
typedef Energy2 ArgType2;
/** second value type */
typedef InvEnergy2 ValType2;
/* first element of the vector like function to find root for */
CrossSection f1(ArgType softXSec, ArgType2 softMu2) const {
return handler_->totalXSecDiff(softXSec, softMu2);
/* second element of the vector like function to find root for */
InvEnergy2 f2(ArgType softXSec, ArgType2 softMu2) const {
return handler_->slopeDiff(softXSec, softMu2);
/** provide the actual units of use */
virtual ValType vUnit() const {return 1.0*millibarn;}
/** otherwise rounding errors may get significant */
virtual ArgType aUnit() const {return 1.0*millibarn;}
/** provide the actual units of use */
ValType2 vUnit2() const {return 1.0/GeV2;}
/** otherwise rounding errors may get significant */
ArgType2 aUnit2() const {return GeV2;}
tcMPIHPtr handler_;
* A struct for the root finding that is necessary to determine the
* slope of the soft pt spectrum to match the soft cross section
struct betaBisection : public GSLHelper<Energy2, InvEnergy2>{
* Constructor.
* @param soft = soft cross section, i.e. the integral of the soft
* pt spectrum f(u=p_T^2) = dsig exp(-beta*u/u_min)
* @param dsig = dsigma_hard/dp_T^2 at the p_T cutoff
* @param ptmin = p_T cutoff
betaBisection(CrossSection soft, DiffXSec dsig, Energy ptmin)
: softXSec_(soft), dsig_(dsig), ptmin_(ptmin) {}
* Operator that is used inside the GSLBisection class
virtual Energy2 operator ()(InvEnergy2 beta) const
if( fabs(beta*GeV2) < 1.E-4 )
beta = (beta > 0/GeV2) ? 1.E-4/GeV2 : -1.E-4/GeV2;
return (exp(beta*sqr(ptmin_)) - 1.0)/beta - softXSec_/dsig_;
/** provide the actual units of use */
virtual ValType vUnit() const {return 1.0*GeV2;}
/** provide the actual units of use */
virtual ArgType aUnit() const {return 1.0/GeV2;}
/** soft cross section */
CrossSection softXSec_;
/** dsigma/dp_T^2 at ptmin */
DiffXSec dsig_;
/** pt cutoff */
Energy ptmin_;
* A struct for the root finding that is necessary to determine the
* soft cross section and soft mu2 that are needed to describe the
* total cross section AND elastic slope correctly.
struct slopeBisection : public GSLHelper<InvEnergy2, Energy2> {
/** Constructor */
slopeBisection(tcMPIHPtr handler) : handler_(handler) {}
* Return the difference of the calculated elastic slope to the
* experimental one for a given value of the soft mu2. During that,
* the soft cross section get fixed.
InvEnergy2 operator ()(Energy2 arg) const;
/** Return the soft cross section that has been calculated */
CrossSection softXSec() const {return softXSec_;}
/** const pointer to the MPIHandler to give access to member functions.*/
tcMPIHPtr handler_;
/** soft cross section that is determined on the fly.*/
mutable CrossSection softXSec_;
* A struct for the root finding that is necessary to determine the
* soft cross section that is needed to describe the total cross
* section correctly.
struct TotalXSecBisection : public GSLHelper<CrossSection, CrossSection> {
TotalXSecBisection(tcMPIHPtr handler, Energy2 softMu2=0*GeV2):
handler_(handler), softMu2_(softMu2) {}
CrossSection operator ()(CrossSection argument) const {
return handler_->totalXSecDiff(argument, softMu2_);
/** provide the actual units of use */
virtual ValType vUnit() const {return 1.0*millibarn;}
/** otherwise rounding errors may get significant */
virtual ArgType aUnit() const {return 1.0*millibarn;}
tcMPIHPtr handler_;
Energy2 softMu2_;
typedef QTY<1,-2,0>::Type LengthDiff;
struct slopeInt : public GSLHelper<LengthDiff, Length>{
/** Constructor */
slopeInt(tcMPIHPtr handler, CrossSection hard,
CrossSection soft=0*millibarn, Energy2 softMu2=0*GeV2)
: handler_(handler), hardXSec_(hard),
softXSec_(soft), softMu2_(softMu2) {}
ValType operator ()(ArgType arg) const;
* Pointer to the Handler that calls this integrand
tcMPIHPtr handler_;
* The hard cross section to be eikonalized
CrossSection hardXSec_;
* The soft cross section to be eikonalized. Default is zero
CrossSection softXSec_;
* The inv radius^2 of the soft interactions.
Energy2 softMu2_;
* A struct for the eikonalization of the inclusive cross section.
struct Eikonalization : public GSLHelper<Length, Length>{
* The constructor
* @param handler is the pointer to the MPIHandler to get access to
* MPIHandler::OverlapFunction and member variables of the MPIHandler.
* @param xsec is the cross section to be eikonalized.
* @param option is a flag, whether the inelastic or the total
* cross section should be returned (-2 or -1). For option = N > 0 the integrand
* is N*(A(b)*sigma)^N/N! exp(-A(b)*sigma) this is the P_N*sigma where
* P_N is the Probability of having exactly N interaction (including the hard one)
* This is equation 14 from "Jimmy4: Multiparton Interactions in HERWIG for the LHC"
Eikonalization(tcMPIHPtr handler, int option, CrossSection hard,
CrossSection soft=0*millibarn, Energy2 softMu2=0*GeV2)
: theHandler(handler), theoption(option), hardXSec_(hard),
softXSec_(soft), softMu2_(softMu2) {}
* Get the function value
Length operator ()(Length argument) const;
* Pointer to the Handler that calls this integrand
tcMPIHPtr theHandler;
* A flag to switch between the calculation of total and inelastic cross section
* or calculations for the individual probabilities. See the constructor
int theoption;
* The hard cross section to be eikonalized
CrossSection hardXSec_;
* The soft cross section to be eikonalized. Default is zero
CrossSection softXSec_;
* The inv radius^2 of the soft interactions.
Energy2 softMu2_;
// #include "MPIHandler.tcc"
#endif /* HERWIG_MPIHandler_H */

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MPIHandler.h (21 KB)

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