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diff --git a/Hadronization/ b/Hadronization/
--- a/Hadronization/
+++ b/Hadronization/
@@ -1,1207 +1,1207 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the Ropewalk class.
#include "Ropewalk.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Step.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Selector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/SimplePhaseSpace.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/UtilityBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StepHandler.h"
using namespace TheP8I;
Ropewalk::Ropewalk(const vector<ColourSinglet> & singlets, Length width,
Energy scale, double jDP, bool throwaway, bool shoving, double rcIn,
Energy gaIn, double geIn, double ycIn, double dyIn, Length tsIn, Length dtIn,
bool lorentzIn, bool cylinderIn, HistKeeper* hk, bool deb)
: R0(width), m0(scale), junctionDiquarkProb(jDP), rCutOff(rcIn*width), gAmplitude(gaIn),
gExponent(geIn), yCutOff(ycIn), deltay(dyIn), tshove(tsIn), deltat(dtIn), lorentz(lorentzIn),
cylinderShove(cylinderIn), hkPtr(hk), debug(deb), strl0(0.0), strl(0.0), avh(0.0), avp(0.0), avq(0.0) {
for ( int is = 0, Ns = singlets.size(); is < Ns; ++is ){
lambdaBefore = lambdaSum();
if ( debug ) CurrentGenerator::log() << singlets.size() << "s "
<< dipoles.size() << "d ";
for(DipoleMap::iterator itr = stringdipoles.begin(); itr!=stringdipoles.end();++itr){
vector<Dipole*> dips = itr->second;
for(int id = 0, Nd = dips.size(); id < Nd; ++id){
Dipole* d = dips[id];
LorentzMomentum mpa = d->pa->momentum();
LorentzMomentum mpc = d->pc->momentum();
LorentzMomentum mpaRot = (d->R)*mpa;
LorentzMomentum mpcRot = (d->R)*mpc;
if(d->pa->id() == 21){
if(abs(d->pa->id()) < 10 ){
if(abs(d->pc->id()) < 10 ){
if(abs(d->pc->id()) > 100 ){
if(abs(d->pa->id()) > 100 ){
// update color singlets
DipoleMap newStringDipoles;
for(DipoleMap::iterator itr = stringdipoles.begin(); itr != stringdipoles.end(); ++itr){
delete itr->first;
// The old dipoles
vector<Dipole*> oldDipoles = itr->second;
tcParticleSet updatedParticles;
for(int id = 0, Nd = oldDipoles.size(); id < Nd; ++id){
Dipole* d = oldDipoles[id];
const ParticleVector children = d->pa->children();
for(int ic = 0, Nc = children.size(); ic < Nc; ++ic)
if(d->pc->id() != 21){
const ParticleVector children = d->pc->children();
for(int ic = 0, Nc = children.size(); ic < Nc; ++ic)
tcPPtr p = *updatedParticles.begin();
newStringDipoles[new ColourSinglet(p->colourLine(), updatedParticles)];
else if(p->antiColourLine())
newStringDipoles[new ColourSinglet(p->antiColourLine(), updatedParticles)];
<< "Updating colour singlets after shoving failed."
<< "This is a serious error, please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
stringdipoles = newStringDipoles;
for(DipoleMap::iterator itr = stringdipoles.begin(); itr!=stringdipoles.end();++itr){
vector<Dipole*> dips = itr->second;
for(int id = 0, Nd = dips.size(); id < Nd; ++id){
Dipole* d = dips[id];
LorentzMomentum mpa = d->pa->momentum();
LorentzMomentum mpc = d->pc->momentum();
LorentzMomentum mpaRot = (d->R)*mpa;
LorentzMomentum mpcRot = (d->R)*mpc;
if(d->pa->id() == 21){
if(abs(d->pa->id()) < 10 ){
if(abs(d->pc->id()) < 10 ){
if(abs(d->pc->id()) > 100 ){
if(abs(d->pa->id()) > 100 ){
Ropewalk::~Ropewalk() {
for ( DipoleMap::iterator it = stringdipoles.begin();
it != stringdipoles.end(); ++it ) delete it->first;
ColourSinglet * Ropewalk::cloneToFinal(const ColourSinglet & cs) {
tcParticleSet final;
for ( int i = 0, N = cs.partons().size(); i < N; ++i )
tcPPtr p = *final.begin();
hkPtr->hist("nPartons")->fill(final.size(), hkPtr->currentWeight());
if ( p->colourLine() ) return new ColourSinglet(p->colourLine(), final);
if ( p->antiColourLine() ) return new ColourSinglet(p->antiColourLine(), final);
<< "Cloning ColourSinglets failed in Ropewalk. "
<< "This is a serious error - please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
return 0;
LorentzPoint Ropewalk::
propagate(const LorentzPoint & b, const LorentzMomentum & p) const {
return b + p/(p.e()*m0/hbarc);
// return b;
void Ropewalk::getDipoles() {
// First extract all dipoles from all strings (pieces).
for ( DipoleMap::iterator it = stringdipoles.begin();
it != stringdipoles.end(); ++it ) {
ColourSinglet & string = *it->first;
for ( int isp = 1, Nsp = string.nPieces(); isp <= Nsp; ++isp ) {
const ColourSinglet::StringPiece & sp = string.piece(isp);
if ( sp.size() < 2 ) continue;
bool forward = sp[0]->colourLine() &&
sp[0]->colourLine() == sp[1]->antiColourLine();
for ( int i = 0, N = sp.size(); i < (N - 1); ++i ) {
if ( forward )
dipoles.push_back(Dipole(sp[i], sp[i + 1], string, m0));
dipoles.push_back(Dipole(sp[i + 1], sp[i], string, m0));
if ( !forward && sp.front()->colourLine() &&
sp.front()->colourLine() == sp.back()->antiColourLine() )
dipoles.push_back(Dipole(sp.front(), sp.back(), string, m0));
else if ( forward && sp.front()->antiColourLine() &&
sp.front()->antiColourLine() == sp.back()->colourLine() )
dipoles.push_back(Dipole(sp.back(), sp.front(), string, m0));
for ( int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
strl0 += dipoles[i].yspan(1.0*GeV);
double Ropewalk::limitrap(const LorentzMomentum & p) const {
if ( p.z() == ZERO ) return 0.0;
Energy mt = sqrt(max(p.perp2() + p.m2(), sqr(m0)));
double rap = log((p.t() + abs(p.z()))/mt);
return p.z() > ZERO? rap: -rap;
OverlappingDipole(const Dipole & d, const LorentzRotation R, const Ropewalk * rw)
: dipole(&d), dir(1) {
// Get the boost to other dipole's rest frame and calculate
// rapidities.
bc = R*rw->propagate(d.pc->vertex(), d.pc->momentum());
ba = R*rw->propagate(>vertex(),>momentum());
yc = rw->limitrap(R*d.pc->momentum());
ya = rw->limitrap(R*>momentum());
if ( yc < ya ) dir = -1;
void Ropewalk::calculateOverlaps(bool doPropagate) {
// Then calculate all overlaps between pairs of dipoles.
for ( int i1 = 0, Nd = dipoles.size(); i1 < Nd; ++i1 ) {
Dipole & d1 = dipoles[i1];
if ( d1.s() <= sqr(m0) ) continue;
// Get the boost to dipoles rest frame and calculate rapidities.
LorentzMomentum pc1 = d1.pc->momentum();
LorentzMomentum pa1 =>momentum();
//LorentzRotation R = Utilities::boostToCM(make_pair(&pc1, &pa1));
d1.bc = d1.R*propagate(d1.pc->vertex(), d1.pc->momentum()); = d1.R*propagate(>vertex(),>momentum());
d1.bc = d1.pc->vertex(); =>vertex();
double yc1 = limitrap(pc1);
double ya1 = limitrap(pa1);
double n = 0.0;
double m = 0.0;
if ( yc1 <= ya1 ) continue; // don't care about too small strings.
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < Nd; ++i2 ) {
if ( i1 == i2 ) continue;
// Boost to the rest frame of dipole 1.
if ( dipoles[i2].s() <= sqr(m0) ) continue;
OverlappingDipole od(dipoles[i2], d1.R, this);
// Ignore if not overlapping in rapidity.
if ( min(od.yc, od.ya) > yc1 || max(od.yc, od.ya) < ya1 || od.yc == od.ya )
// Calculate rapidity overlap.
double yomax = min(max(od.yc, od.ya), yc1);
double yomin = max(min(od.yc, od.ya), ya1);
// Sample a random point in the rapidity overlap region and get
// positions in space and check overlap.
double yfrac = (yomax - yomin)/(yc1 - ya1);
double y = UseRandom::rnd(yomin, yomax);
if ( !od.overlap(y, + (d1.bc -*(y - ya1)/(yc1 - ya1), R0) )
yfrac = 0.0;
// Sum overlaps.
if ( od.dir > 0 ) {
n += yfrac;
} else {
m += yfrac;
od.yfrac = yfrac*od.dir;
d1.n = int(n + UseRandom::rnd());
d1.m = int(m + UseRandom::rnd());
avp += d1.p*d1.yspan(1.0*GeV);
avq += d1.q*d1.yspan(1.0*GeV);
double Ropewalk::Dipole::reinit(double ry, Length R0, Energy m0) {
// First calculate the rapidity in this restframe.
double y = yspan(m0)*(ry - 0.5);
// Then get the position in space of the string at this rapidity.
LorentzPoint b = ba + (bc - ba)*ry;
p = 1;
q = 0;
// Now go through all overlapping dipoles.
for ( int i = 0, N = overlaps.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( overlaps[i].dipole->broken ) continue;
if( overlaps[i].dipole->hadr ) continue;
if ( overlaps[i].overlap(y, b, R0) ) {
if ( overlaps[i].dir > 0 ) ++p;
else ++q;
return kappaEnhancement();
void Ropewalk::Dipole::initMultiplet() {
typedef pair<int,int> Plet;
int ns = 0;
int ms = 0;
while ( ns < n || ms < m ) {
Plet diff;
double octetveto = double(ns + ms + 1 - p - q)/double(ns + ms + 1);
if ( double(n - ns) > UseRandom::rnd()*double(n + m - ns - ms) ) {
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q), Plet(1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q - 1)*octetveto, Plet(0, -1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q + 1), Plet(-1, 1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
} else {
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q + 1), Plet(0, 1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q)*octetveto, Plet(-1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q - 1), Plet(1, -1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
if ( diff.first == -diff.second ) nb++;
p += diff.first;
q += diff.second;
/* *** ATTENTION *** maybe better if Christian implements this */
void Ropewalk::Dipole::initNewMultiplet() {
typedef pair<int,int> Plet;
int ns = 0;
int ms = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = overlaps.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( abs(overlaps[i].yfrac) < UseRandom::rnd() ) continue;
Plet diff(0,0);
double octetveto = double(ns + ms + 1 - p - q)/double(ns + ms + 1);
if ( overlaps[i].dir > 0 ) {
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q), Plet(1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q - 1)*octetveto, Plet(0, -1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q + 1), Plet(-1, 1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
} else {
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q + 1), Plet(0, 1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q)*octetveto, Plet(-1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q - 1), Plet(1, -1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
if ( diff.first == -diff.second ) nb++;
p += diff.first;
q += diff.second;
n = ns;
m = ms;
/* *** ATTENTION *** maybe better if Christian implements this */
void Ropewalk::Dipole::initWeightMultiplet() {
typedef pair<int,int> Plet;
int ns = 0;
int ms = 0;
double mab = sqrt(s())/GeV;
for ( int i = 0, N = overlaps.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( abs(overlaps[i].yfrac) < UseRandom::rnd() ) continue;
const Dipole * od = overlaps[i].dipole;
double mcd = sqrt(od->s())/GeV;
double w8 = 1.0/sqr(mab*mcd); //The weight for 3 + 3bar -> 8
double w6 = w8; // The weight for 3 + 3 -> 6
Plet diff(0,0);
double octetveto = double(ns + ms + 1 - p - q)/double(ns + ms + 1);
if ( overlaps[i].dir > 0 ) {
double mac = (pc->momentum() + od->pc->momentum()).m()/GeV;
double mbd = (pa->momentum() + od->pa->momentum()).m()/GeV;
double w1 = octetveto/sqr(mac*mbd); // The weight for 3 + 3bar -> 1
double w3 = 1.0/(mab*mcd*mac*mbd); //The weight for 3 + 3 -> 3bar
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q) +
multiplicity(p, q - 1)*w8/(w8 + w1) +
multiplicity(p - 1, q + 1)*w6/(w6 + w3), Plet(1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q - 1)*w1/(w1 + w8), Plet(0, -1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q + 1)*w3/(w3 + w6), Plet(-1, 1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
} else {
double mac = (pa->momentum() + od->pc->momentum()).m()/GeV;
double mbd = (pc->momentum() + od->pa->momentum()).m()/GeV;
if ( mac*mbd <= 0.0 ) {
- q++;
+ ++q; ++ms;
double w1 = octetveto/sqr(mac*mbd); // The weight for 3 + 3bar -> 1
double w3 = 1.0/(mab*mcd*mac*mbd); //The weight for 3 + 3 -> 3bar
Selector<Plet> sel;
sel.insert(multiplicity(p, q + 1) +
multiplicity(p - 1, q)*w8/(w8 + w1) +
multiplicity(p + 1, q - 1)*w6/(w6 + w3), Plet(0, 1));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p - 1, q)*w1/(w1 + w8), Plet(-1, 0));
sel.insert(multiplicity(p + 1, q - 1)*w3/(w3 + w6), Plet(1, -1));
diff = sel[UseRandom::rnd()];
if ( diff.first == -diff.second ) nb++;
p += diff.first;
q += diff.second;
n = ns;
m = ms;
/* *** ATTENTION *** maybe better if Christian implements this */
double Ropewalk::getNb(){
double nba = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i ){
nba += double(dipoles[i].nb);
//cout << dipoles[i].n << " " << dipoles[i].m << " " << dipoles[i].p << " " << dipoles[i].q << endl;
//cout << double(dipoles[i].n + dipoles[i].m + 1 - dipoles[i].p - dipoles[i].q) << endl;
//cout << " --- " << endl;
//nba += double(dipoles[i].n + dipoles[i].m + 1 - dipoles[i].p - dipoles[i].q);
// cout << nba << endl;
return nba;
double Ropewalk::getkW(){
double kw = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i )
kw += dipoles[i].kappaEnhancement()*log(dipoles[i].s()/sqr(m0));
return kw;
pair<double,double> Ropewalk::getMN(){
pair<double,double> ret = make_pair<double,double>(0,0);
for (int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i){
ret.first += dipoles[i].m;
ret.second += dipoles[i].n;
return ret;
double Ropewalk::lambdaSum(double cutoff){
double ret = 0;
for (int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i)
ret += dipoles[i].s() > cutoff*GeV2 ? log(dipoles[i].s()/sqr(m0)) : 0;
return ret;
double Ropewalk::Dipole::breakupProbability() const {
if ( !breakable() || n + m <= 0.0 || n + m + 1 == p + q ) return 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0, N = overlaps.size(); j < N; ++j )
if ( overlaps[j].dipole->breakable() )
sum += abs(overlaps[j].yfrac);
if ( sum <= 0.0 ) return 1.0;
return double(n + m + 1 - p - q)/(sum + 1.0);
Step & Ropewalk::step() const {
return *(CurrentGenerator()->currentStepHandler()->newStep());
Step & Ropewalk::Dipole::step() const {
return *(CurrentGenerator()->currentStepHandler()->newStep());
// Helper class to describe a pair of excitations
struct Exc {
// The constructor
Exc(double yIn, Energy gmassIn, PPtr p1In, PPtr p2In, Ropewalk::Dipole* dip1In, Ropewalk::Dipole* dip2In) : y(yIn), gluonMass(gmassIn), pp1(p1In), pp2(p2In), dip1(dip1In), dip2(dip2In) {
// Set a sensible starting vertex
// Set a pointer to the excitation in the dipole
dip1->addExcitation(y, pp1);
dip2->addExcitation(y, pp2);
// Give the excitation a kick in the x and y direction,
void shove(Energy dpx, Energy dpy, HistKeeper* hkPtr){
// The old momenta
LorentzMomentum p2 = pp2->momentum();
LorentzMomentum p1 = pp1->momentum();
// The new momenta, after the shove
Energy mt2new = sqrt(sqr(p2.x() - dpx) + sqr(p2.y() - dpy) + sqr(gluonMass));
Energy e2new = mt2new*cosh(y);
Energy p2znew = mt2new*sinh(y);
LorentzMomentum p2new(p2.x() - dpx, p2.y() - dpy, p2znew, e2new);
Energy mt1new = sqrt(sqr(p1.x() + dpx) + sqr(p1.y() + dpy) + sqr(gluonMass));
Energy e1new = mt1new*cosh(y);
Energy p1znew = mt1new*sinh(y);
LorentzMomentum p1new(p1.x() + dpx, p1.y() + dpy, p1znew, e1new);
// The differences between the two
LorentzMomentum deltap1 = p1new - p1;
LorentzMomentum deltap2 = p2new - p2;
// We now want to check if we can add these
// two excitations to the dipoles
if(dip2->recoil(deltap2,true) && dip1->recoil(deltap1,true)){
LorentzMomentum ex2Rot = (dip2->R)*deltap2;
LorentzMomentum ex1Rot = (dip1->R)*deltap1;
else if(hkPtr){
LorentzMomentum ex2Rot = (dip2->R)*deltap2;
LorentzMomentum ex1Rot = (dip1->R)*deltap1;
LorentzPoint direction(){
// This gives the push direction
return (pp2->vertex()-pp1->vertex());
double y;
Energy gluonMass;
PPtr pp1, pp2;
Ropewalk::Dipole* dip1;
Ropewalk::Dipole* dip2;
void Ropewalk::shoveTheDipoles() {
typedef multimap<double, Ropewalk::Dipole *> RMap;
RMap rapDipoles;
// Order the dipoles in maxrapidity and insert new, excited dipole ends
double ymin = 0;
double ymax = 0;
for(int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N ;++i){
// Set epc to the decay product of pc here
dipoles[i].epc = dipoles[i].pc->children()[0];
// Make a new particle
dipoles[i].epc = CurrentGenerator()->getParticle(dipoles[i].pc->id());
step().addDecayProduct(dipoles[i].pc,dipoles[i].epc, false);
// Set epa to the decay product of pa here
dipoles[i].epa = dipoles[i].pa->children()[0];
dipoles[i].epa = CurrentGenerator()->getParticle(dipoles[i].pa->id());
step().addDecayProduct(dipoles[i].pa,dipoles[i].epa, false);
// order the dipoles in max rapidity
rapDipoles.insert(make_pair(dipoles[i].maxRapidity(), &dipoles[i]));
// find maximal and minimal rapidity to sample
if(dipoles[i].minRapidity() < ymin)
ymin = dipoles[i].minRapidity();
if(dipoles[i].maxRapidity() > ymax)
ymax = dipoles[i].maxRapidity();
vector<double> rapidities;
// cout << rCutOff/femtometer << " " << gAmplitude/GeV << " " << gExponent << " " << yCutOff << " " << deltay << " " << tshove/femtometer << " " << deltat/femtometer << endl;
// We can let the gluon go off-shell between the pushes,
// and on-shell again towards the end
// Not fully implemented yet! Do not toggle this on!
bool gluonMass = false;
// Maybe do better sampling
for(double y = ymin; y < ymax; y+=deltay)
// For each value of ySample, we should have
// an excitation pair per dipole we want to treat
typedef map<double, vector<Exc> > ExMap;
ExMap exPairs;
Energy gMass = 0.001*keV;
for(int i = 0, N = rapidities.size(); i < N; ++i){
// find dipoles that are sampled here
// and store them temporarily
double ySample = rapidities[i];
vector<Ropewalk::Dipole*> tmp;
for(RMap::iterator rItr = rapDipoles.lower_bound(ySample);
rItr != rapDipoles.end(); ++rItr){
if(rItr->second->minRapidity() < ySample)
// Construct the excitation particles, one for each sampled dipole
vector<PPtr> eParticles;
// dipoles to erase
vector<int> eraseDipoles;
for(int j = 0, M = tmp.size(); j < M; ++j){
// Test if it is possible to add the small excitation to
// the dipole
Energy pz = gMass*sinh(ySample);
Energy e = gMass*cosh(ySample);
LorentzMomentum ex = LorentzMomentum(0.0*GeV,
// Add the excitation
// if it was not possible, remove the dipole from the list
// but NOT inside the loop
// Erase dipoles which could not bear an excitation
for(int j = 0, M = eraseDipoles.size(); j < M; ++j){
tmp.erase(tmp.begin() + (eraseDipoles[j]-j) );
// Construct all pairs of possible excitations in this slice
exPairs[ySample] = vector<Exc>();
for(int j = 0, M = tmp.size(); j < M; ++j)
for(int k = j + 1; k < M; ++k){
// Both dipoles should span the full rapidity interval
if(tmp[j]->maxRapidity() >= ySample+deltay/2.0 && tmp[k]->maxRapidity() >= ySample+deltay/2.0
&& tmp[j]->minRapidity() <= ySample-deltay/2.0
&& tmp[k]->minRapidity() <= ySample-deltay/2.0){
// For all times
int ii = 0;
for(Length t = 0*femtometer; t < tshove; t+=deltat){
// For all slices
for(ExMap::iterator slItr = exPairs.begin(); slItr != exPairs.end(); ++slItr)
// For all excitation pairs
for(int i = 0, N = slItr->second.size(); i < N; ++i){
Exc& ep = slItr->second[i];
LorentzPoint direction = ep.direction();
Length dist = direction.perp();
if(hkPtr && ii < 6){
Histogram* hd = hkPtr->hist("dist"+to_string(ii));
if(dist < rCutOff){
double gamma = 1.0;
LorentzMomentum pp = ep.dip1->momentum() + ep.dip2->momentum();
LorentzMomentum p1 = (ep.dip1->R)*pp;
LorentzMomentum p2 = (ep.dip2->R)*pp;
double gamma1 = sqrt(1 - sqr(p1.perp()/p1.e()));
double gamma2 = sqrt(1 - sqr(p2.perp()/p2.e()));
gamma = min(gamma1,gamma2);
Energy gain = 0*GeV;
if(dist > R0*gExponent){
Length R = R0*gExponent;
Area area = 2*R*R*acos(dist/2/R) - 0.5*dist*sqrt(4*R*R - dist*dist);
Energy inner = gAmplitude*area/M_PI/R/R;
gain = gamma*(sqrt((1*GeV + inner)*(1*GeV + inner)) - 1*GeV);
gain = gamma*deltay*deltat*gAmplitude/R0/gExponent/sqrt(2*M_PI)*
Energy dpx = gain*direction.x()/dist;
Energy dpy = gain*direction.y()/dist;
// Print stuff
if(hkPtr && ii < 6){
Histogram* h = hkPtr->hist("shove"+to_string(ii));
// Propagate the dipoles
for(int i = 0, Nd = dipoles.size(); i < Nd; ++i)
dipoles[i].propagate(deltat, deltay);
// Now add the excitations to the dipoles
for(int i = 0, Nd = dipoles.size(); i < Nd; ++i){
if(dipoles[i].excitations.size() > 0)
dipoles[i].excitationsToString(gluonMass, yCutOff, hkPtr);
multimap< double, pair<double, double> > Ropewalk::Dipole::getDistPairs(){
// Fill a container with the particle pair rapidities in lab system,
// ordered by their spans
multimap< double, pair<double, double> > distPairs;
DipEx::iterator iplusone = excitations.begin();
for(DipEx::iterator itr = excitations.begin(); itr != excitations.end(); ++itr,++iplusone){
if(itr == excitations.begin()){
// First -- special
LorentzMomentum p1 = (pa->momentum().rapidity() == minRapidity() ?
pa->momentum() : pc->momentum());
Energy2 s = (p1 + itr->second->momentum()).m2();
double ysep = (s > sqr(m0) ? 0.5*log(s/sqr(m0)) : 0.0);
distPairs.insert(make_pair(ysep, make_pair(minRapidity(),itr->first)) );
if(iplusone == excitations.end()){
// Last -- special
LorentzMomentum p1 = (pa->momentum().rapidity() == maxRapidity() ?
pa->momentum() : pc->momentum());
Energy2 s = (p1 + itr->second->momentum()).m2();
double ysep = (s > sqr(m0) ? 0.5*log(s/sqr(m0)) : 0.0);
distPairs.insert(make_pair(ysep, make_pair(itr->first,maxRapidity())) );
Energy2 s = (itr->second->momentum() + iplusone->second->momentum()).m2();
double ysep = (s > sqr(m0) ? 0.5*log(s/sqr(m0)) : 0.0);
distPairs.insert(make_pair(ysep, make_pair(itr->first,iplusone->first)));
return distPairs;
void Ropewalk::Dipole::excitationsToString(bool gluonMass, double yCutOff, HistKeeper* hkPtr){
cout << "Oops! Not implemented yet!" << endl;
bool clustering = true;
// Clustering
// For all excitation neighbors in the lab-system,
// we calculate their effective rapidity span
// and keep only those above yCutOff
multimap<double, pair<double, double> > distPairs = getDistPairs();
for(auto itr = distPairs.begin(); itr != distPairs.end(); ++itr)
if(distPairs.begin() != distPairs.end())
while(distPairs.begin()->first < yCutOff){
// There is only one excitation on the string
// The ends will share the momentum provided
// that both distances are small
multimap<double, pair<double, double> >::iterator itr = distPairs.begin();
if(distPairs.size() == 2 && distPairs.rbegin()->first < yCutOff){
DipEx::iterator exP = excitations.find(itr->second.second);
if(exP == excitations.end())
exP = excitations.find(itr->second.first);
LorentzMomentum panew = epa->momentum() +
LorentzMomentum pcnew = epc->momentum() +
// If it is the first piece, put the momentum on the dipole end
else if(itr->second.first == minRapidity()){
LorentzMomentum pnew = (epa->momentum().rapidity() == minRapidity() ?
epa->momentum() : epc->momentum());
if(epa->momentum().rapidity() == minRapidity())
// Erase the excitation
// If it is the last piece ditto...
else if(itr->second.second == maxRapidity()){
LorentzMomentum pnew = (epa->momentum().rapidity() == maxRapidity() ?
epa->momentum() : epc->momentum());
if(epa->momentum().rapidity() == maxRapidity())
// Erase the excitation
LorentzMomentum pnew = excitations[itr->second.first]->momentum() +
// update the first
// erase the second
// We can surely do better than recalculating everything
// each time - lets see if it kills us
distPairs = getDistPairs();
for(auto itr = distPairs.begin(); itr != distPairs.end(); ++itr)
// Go through the remaining excitations and sanity check them
for(DipEx::iterator itr = excitations.begin(); itr != excitations.end(); ++itr){
// In the dipole rest frame, we should have pz == 0
//LorentzMomentum ppmom = R*itr->second->momentum();
//LorentzMomentum ppn(ppmom.x(),ppmom.y(),0*GeV,ppmom.t());
LorentzMomentum ppm = itr->second->momentum();
if(fabs(ppm.x()/GeV) < 1e-5 && fabs(ppm.y()/GeV) < 1e-5 && fabs(ppm.z()/GeV) < 1e-5 )
else if(hkPtr){
LorentzMomentum ppr = R*ppm;
// If we dont have any excitations, we are done
// Flag if we start from the colored parton
bool color = false;
// Link the first excitation to the dipole end with the smallest rapidity
if(minRapidity() == epc->momentum().rapidity()){
color = true;
// If we have only one excitation, we are quickly done
if(excitations.size() == 1)
// We have more...
DipEx::iterator iplusone = excitations.begin();
for(DipEx::iterator itr = excitations.begin(); iplusone != excitations.end(); ++itr,++iplusone){
// Are we halfway through?
bool halfway = double(distance(excitations.begin(),iplusone))/double(excitations.size()) > 0.5;
step().addDecayProduct((halfway ? pa : pc), iplusone->second,false);
step().addDecayProduct((halfway ? pc : pa), iplusone->second,false);
void Ropewalk::Dipole::propagate(Length deltat, double deltay){
const Lorentz5Momentum& pcm = epc->momentum();
const Lorentz5Momentum& pam = epa->momentum();
if(pcm.e()/GeV == 0 || pam.e()/GeV == 0)
<< "Tried to propagate a dipole end with energy 0; this should never happen."
<< "This is a serious error - please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
// Propagate in dipole rest frame
bc = R*(bc + deltat * pcm/(pcm.e()));
ba = R*(ba + deltat * pam/(pam.e()));
// Propagate in the lab frame
LorentzPoint bclab = epc->vertex() + deltat*pcm/pcm.e();
LorentzPoint balab = epa->vertex() + deltat*pam/pam.e();
//const_cast<ThePEG::Particle& >((*pc)).setVertex(bclab);
//const_cast<ThePEG::Particle& >((*pa)).setVertex(balab);
for(DipEx::iterator eItr = excitations.begin(); eItr != excitations.end(); ++eItr){
const Lorentz5Momentum& em = eItr->second->momentum();
// Propagate excitations only in lab frame
// only if it has been pushed
if(em.e()/GeV > 0){
eItr->second->setVertex(eItr->second->vertex() + deltat*em/(em.perp() + m0*deltay*deltay));
void Ropewalk::doBreakups() {
typedef multimap<double, const Dipole *> BMap;
BMap breakups;
// First order alldipoles in increasing probability of breaking
for ( int i = 0, N = dipoles.size(); i < N; ++i )
breakups.insert(make_pair(dipoles[i].breakupProbability(), &dipoles[i]));
// Then start breaking in reverse order
for ( BMap::reverse_iterator it = breakups.rbegin();
it != breakups.rend(); ++it ) {
const Dipole & d = *it->second;
if ( d.breakupProbability() < UseRandom::rnd() ) continue;
double hinv = 1.0 / d.kappaEnhancement();
// The default parameters should be set
// properly from the outside. Now just Pythia8 defaults
double rho = pow(0.215, hinv);
double x = pow(1.0,hinv);
double y = pow(0.027,hinv);
Selector<int> qsel;
if(UseRandom::rnd() < junctionDiquarkProb){
// Take just ordinary quarks
qsel.insert(1.0, ParticleID::ubar);
qsel.insert(1.0, ParticleID::dbar);
qsel.insert(rho, ParticleID::sbar);
else {
// Take diquarks
// TODO (Pythia 8.2) Set status code of these diquarks to 74
qsel.insert(1.0, ParticleID::ud_0);
qsel.insert(3.0*y, ParticleID::dd_1);
qsel.insert(3.0*y, ParticleID::ud_1);
qsel.insert(3.0*y, ParticleID::uu_1);
qsel.insert(rho*x, ParticleID::su_0);
qsel.insert(3*x*rho*y, ParticleID::su_1);
qsel.insert(3*y*x*x*rho*rho, ParticleID::ss_1);
qsel.insert(rho*x, ParticleID::sd_0);
qsel.insert(3*x*rho*y, ParticleID::sd_1);
int flav = qsel[UseRandom::rnd()];
PPtr dic = CurrentGenerator()->getParticle(flav);
PPtr dia = CurrentGenerator()->getParticle(-flav);
//cout << (dic->momentum() + dia->momentum()).m2() / GeV2 << " " << d.s() / GeV2 << endl;
if((dic->momentum() + dia->momentum()).m2() > d.s()) continue;
// Get boost to dipole rest frame and place the di-quarks there.
LorentzRotation R = Utilities::getBoostFromCM(make_pair(d.pc,;
SimplePhaseSpace::CMS(dic, dia, d.s(), 1.0, 0.0);
// Add the di-quarks as children to the decayed gluons and split
// the resulting string.
if ( !( step().addDecayProduct(d.pc, dic, true) &&
step().addDecayProduct(, dia, true) &&
step().addDecayProduct(d.pc, dia, false) &&
step().addDecayProduct(, dic, false)) )
<< "Adding decay products failed in Ropewalk. "
<< "This is a serious error - please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
tcParticleSet pset(d.string->partons().begin(), d.string->partons().end());
// Reset the neighboring dipoles to point to the new diquarks.
d.broken = true;
ColourSinglet * olds = d.string;
const vector<Dipole *> & oldd = stringdipoles[olds];
for ( int id = 0, Nd = oldd.size(); id < Nd; ++id ) {
if ( oldd[id]->pc == ) oldd[id]->pc = dia;
if ( oldd[id]->pa == d.pc ) oldd[id]->pa = dic;
// remove the old string and insert the new ones fixing the
// pointers from the dipoles.
vector<ColourSinglet> newstrings =
ColourSinglet::getSinglets(pset.begin(), pset.end());
for ( int is = 0, Ns = newstrings.size(); is < Ns; ++is ) {
ColourSinglet * news = new ColourSinglet(newstrings[is]);
tcParticleSet pset(news->partons().begin(), news->partons().end());
vector<Dipole *> & newd = stringdipoles[news];
for ( int id = 0, Nd = oldd.size(); id < Nd; ++id ) {
if ( !oldd[id]->broken && pset.find(oldd[id]->pc) != pset.end() ) {
oldd[id]->string = news;
sort(newd, news->partons()[0]);
delete olds;
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > Ropewalk::getSinglets(double DeltaY) const {
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > ret;
double toty = 0.0;
double totyh = 0.0;
double toth = 0.0;
double toth2 = 0.0;
double minh = 10.0;
double maxh = 0.0;
// Calculate the kappa-enhancement of the remaining strings.
for ( DipoleMap::const_iterator it = stringdipoles.begin();
it != stringdipoles.end(); ++it ) {
double sumyh = 0.0;
double sumy = 0.0;
for ( int id = 0, Nd = it->second.size(); id < Nd; ++id ) {
double y = it->second[id]->yspan(m0);
double h = it->second[id]->kappaEnhancement();
avh += h*it->second[id]->yspan(1.0*GeV);
strl += it->second[id]->yspan(1.0*GeV);
if ( DeltaY > 0.0 &&
abs(it->second[id]->pc->eta()) > DeltaY &&
abs(it->second[id]->pa->eta()) > DeltaY ) continue;
sumy += y;
sumyh += y*h;
toty += sumy;
totyh += sumyh;
if ( sumy > 0.0 ) {
double h = 0.1*int(10.0*sumyh/sumy + UseRandom::rnd());
ret.push_back(make_pair(*it->first, h));
toth += sumyh/sumy;
toth2 += sqr(sumyh/sumy);
minh = min(minh, sumyh/sumy);
maxh = max(maxh, sumyh/sumy);
} else {
ret.push_back(make_pair(*it->first, 1.0));
toth += 1.0;
toth2 += 1.0;
minh = min(minh, 1.0);
maxh = max(maxh, 1.0);
if ( debug )
CurrentGenerator::log() << ret.size() << "ns "
<< totyh/max(toty, 0.00001) << "hwa "
<< minh << "<h "
<< toth/ret.size() << "ha "
<< maxh << ">h "
<< sqrt(toth2/ret.size() - sqr(toth/ret.size())) << "hsd " << endl;
if ( avh > 0.0 ) avh /= strl;
if ( avp > 0.0 ) avp /= strl0;
if ( avq > 0.0 ) avq /= strl0;
return ret;
double Ropewalk::averageKappaEnhancement(const vector<Dipole *> & dipoles,
double DeltaY) const {
double sumyh = 0.0;
double sumy = 0.0;
for ( int id = 0, Nd = dipoles.size(); id < Nd; ++id ) {
dipoles[id]->reinit(UseRandom::rnd(), R0, m0);
double y = dipoles[id]->yspan(m0);
double h = dipoles[id]->firstKappa();
if ( DeltaY > 0.0 &&
abs(dipoles[id]->pc->eta()) > DeltaY &&
abs(dipoles[id]->pa->eta()) > DeltaY ) continue;
sumy += y;
sumyh += y*h;
if ( sumy <= 0.0 ) return 1.0;
return sumyh/sumy;
void Ropewalk::sort(vector<Dipole *> & dips, tcPPtr p) {
if ( p->antiColourLine() ) {
map<tcPPtr, Dipole *> dmap;
Dipole * current = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dips.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( dips[i]->pa == p ) current = dips[i];
else dmap[dips[i]->pa] = dips[i];
while ( current ) {
map<tcPPtr, Dipole *>::iterator it = dmap.find(current->pc);
if ( it == dmap.end() ) current = 0;
else {
current = it->second;
if ( !dmap.empty() )
<< "Failed to sort dipoles in Ropewalk. "
<< "This is a serious error - please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
} else {
map<tcPPtr, Dipole *> dmap;
Dipole * current = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dips.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( dips[i]->pc == p ) current = dips[i];
else dmap[dips[i]->pc] = dips[i];
while ( current ) {
map<tcPPtr, Dipole *>::iterator it = dmap.find(current->pa);
if ( it == dmap.end() ) current = 0;
else {
current = it->second;
if ( !dmap.empty() )
<< "Failed to sort dipoles in Ropewalk. "
<< "This is a serious error - please contact the authors."
<< Exception::abortnow;
diff --git a/Hadronization/Ropewalk.h b/Hadronization/Ropewalk.h
--- a/Hadronization/Ropewalk.h
+++ b/Hadronization/Ropewalk.h
@@ -1,727 +1,733 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef TheP8I_Ropewalk_H
#define TheP8I_Ropewalk_H
// This is the declaration of the Ropewalk class.
#include "TheP8I/Config/TheP8I.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourSinglet.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/UtilityBase.h"
+#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
#include "HistKeeper.h"
namespace std {
template <>
struct less<ThePEG::ColourSinglet *> :
public binary_function<ThePEG::ColourSinglet *,
ThePEG::ColourSinglet *, bool>
* This is the function called when comparing two pointers to
* type_info.
bool operator()(const ThePEG::ColourSinglet * x,
const ThePEG::ColourSinglet * y) const {
if ( x && y ) return x->partons() < y->partons();
return !y;
namespace TheP8I {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the Ropewalk class.
class Ropewalk {
double lambdaBefore;
vector<double> mspec;
* Forward declaration of a Dipole.
struct Dipole;
* Container class storing information of a dipole overlapping with another;
struct OverlappingDipole {
* Standard constructor.
OverlappingDipole(const Dipole & d,
const LorentzRotation R, const Ropewalk * rw);
* Check if ovelapping at specific rapidity.
bool overlap(double y, LorentzPoint b1, Length R0) {
if ( y < min(ya, yc) || y > max(ya, yc) ) return false;
LorentzPoint b2 = ba + (bc - ba)*(y - ya)/(yc - ya);
return (b1 - b2).perp() <= R0;
LorentzPoint pointAtRap(double y){
return ba + (bc - ba)*(y - ya)/(yc - ya);
* Pointer to the dipole.
const Dipole * dipole;
* The boosted rapidities.
double yc, ya;
* The propagated and boosted positions.
LorentzPoint bc, ba;
* Relative direction.
int dir;
* Initially estimated fraction of overlap.
double yfrac;
* Container class containing information about overlaps for a dipole.
* *** ATTENTION *** the meaning of pa and pc is reversed: pa is
* always the COLOURED and pc is always the ANTI-COLOURED
struct Dipole {
struct DipoleException : public Exception {};
* Constructor.
Dipole(tcPPtr p1, tcPPtr p2, ColourSinglet & str, Energy m0In)
: pc(p2), pa(p1), string(&str), n(0), m(0), p(1), q(0), nb(0), broken(false), hadr(false), m0(m0In) {
if(pc->colourLine() != pa->antiColourLine())
LorentzMomentum pcm = pc->momentum();
LorentzMomentum pam = pa->momentum();
//if(pcm.x()/GeV == 0 && pcm.y()/GeV == 0 && pcm.z()/GeV == 0 && pcm.e()/GeV == 0)
//cout << pc->id() << " " << pa->id() << endl;
//cout << pam.x()/GeV << " " << pam.y()/GeV << " " << pam.z()/GeV << " " << pam.e()/GeV << endl;
+ if ( (pcm + pam).m2() < 0.000001*GeV2 )
+ Throw<DipoleException>()
+ << "Ropewalk found a minisculedipole. This should not happen, "
+ << "but hoping it is just a fluke and throwing away the event."
+ << Exception::eventerror;
R = Utilities::boostToCM(make_pair(&pcm,&pam) );
* Return true if this dipole is breakable. Only dipoles between
* gluons (not belonging to other dipoles which have broken) and
* which has a mass above 2 GeV can break.
bool breakable() const {
return !broken && pc->id() == ParticleID::g && pa->id() == ParticleID::g &&
!pc->decayed() && !pa->decayed() && s() > 4.0*GeV2;
* Calculate the probability that this dipole should break. Taking
* into account the number of negative steps in the colour space
* and the fraction of overlapping dipoles which are able to
* break.
double breakupProbability() const;
void clear(){
n = 0, m = 0, p = 1, q = 0, nb = 0, broken = false, hadr = false;
// Propagate the particles and the excitations
void propagate(Length deltat, double deltay);
* The minimal rapidity in the lab system of the excited dipole ends
double minRapidity() const {
//double y1 = 0.5*log(epc->Pplus()/epc->Pminus());
//double y2 = 0.5*log(epa->Pplus()/epa->Pminus());
double y1 = epc->momentum().rapidity();
double y2 = epa->momentum().rapidity();
return min(y1,y2);
* The maximal rapidity in the lab system
double maxRapidity() const {
//double y1 = 0.5*log(epc->Pplus()/epc->Pminus());
//double y2 = 0.5*log(epa->Pplus()/epa->Pminus());
double y1 = epc->momentum().rapidity();
double y2 = epa->momentum().rapidity();
return max(y1,y2);
* The b-coordinate (in lab frame) of a point
* between the propagated particles, at lab-rapidity yIn
LorentzPoint pointAtRap(double yIn) const {
double ymin = minRapidity();
double ymax = maxRapidity();
LorentzPoint bMin, bMax;
if (pc->momentum().rapidity() == ymin )
bMin = pc->vertex(), bMax = pa->vertex();
bMin = pa->vertex(), bMax = pc->vertex();
// We assume that the rapidity fraction stays the same,
// as we cannot calculate yIn in dipole rest frame
return bMin + (bMax - bMin)*(yIn - ymin)/(ymax - ymin);
* Recalculate overlaps assuming a position a fraction ry from
* the coloured parton.
double reinit(double ry, Length R0, Energy m0);
* Set and return the effective multiplet.
void initMultiplet();
void initNewMultiplet();
void initWeightMultiplet();
* Calculate the multiplicity given pp and qq;
static double multiplicity(int pp, int qq) {
return ( pp < 0 || qq < 0 || pp + qq == 0 )? 0.0:
0.5*(pp + 1)*(qq + 1)*(pp + qq + 2);
* Calculate the average kappa-enhancement.
double kappaEnhancement() const {
// return 1.0;
return 0.25*(p + q + 3 - p*q/double(p + q));
* Calculate the kappa-enhancement in the first break-up.
double firstKappa() const {
return 0.25*(2 + 2*p + q);
* Calculate boosted kappa-enhancement.
double firstKappa(double alpha) const {
if (alpha > 0)
return alpha*firstKappa();
return firstKappa();
LorentzMomentum shoveOverlappers(double dipFrac, double m2Had, Length R0, Lorentz5Momentum pH){
// We first find the b-space point at the breaking point
LorentzPoint thisPoint = ba + (bc - ba)*dipFrac;
double thisy = pa->momentum().rapidity() +
(pc->momentum().rapidity() - pa->momentum().rapidity())*dipFrac;
Energy mp = sqrt(pH.mass2());
Energy mtd = sqrt(s());
Energy mSumH = sqrt(m2Had)*GeV;
double deltay = mp/(mtd - (mSumH - dipFrac*mtd)/(1 - dipFrac) );
// We then go through all dipoles
// overlapping in rapidity
Energy ex = 0*GeV, ey = 0*GeV;
for(int i = 0, N = overlaps.size(); i < N; ++i){
OverlappingDipole& od = overlaps[i];
// Must overlap at the breaking point
if (thisy < min(od.ya, od.yc) ||
thisy > max(od.ya, od.yc))
LorentzPoint otherPoint = od.pointAtRap(thisy);
LorentzPoint direction = thisPoint - otherPoint;
// The distance between the two dipoles
Length dist = direction.perp();
Energy gain = 2*fabs(deltay)*exp(-dist*dist/4/R0/R0)*GeV;
Lorentz5Momentum ret(ex, ey, 0*GeV, 0*GeV);
return ret+pH;
* Push a dipole
/*void recoil(double dipFrac, Energy gain, LorentzPoint direction) const {
LorentzMomentum pPush(-gain*direction.x()/direction.perp(), -gain*direction.y()/direction.perp(), 0*GeV, 0*GeV);
(void) pPush;
// We go to the dipole rest frame
// and calculate the push on the ends
//Lorentz5Momentum pcPush = R*pPush + pc->momentum();
//Lorentz5Momentum paPush = R*pPush + pa->momentum();
// const_cast<ThePEG::Particle& >((*pc)).setMomentum(pcPush);
// const_cast<ThePEG::Particle& >((*pa)).setMomentum(paPush);
* return the momentum of this dipole
LorentzMomentum momentum() const {
return pc->momentum() + pa->momentum();
* Return the squared invariant mass of this dipole.
Energy2 s() const {
return (pc->momentum() + pa->momentum()).m2();
* Return the effective rapidityspan of this dipole.
double yspan(Energy m0) const {
return s() > sqr(m0)? 0.5*log(s()/sqr(m0)): 0.0;
* The coloured particle.
mutable tcPPtr pc;
* The anti-coloured particle.
mutable tcPPtr pa;
* The coloured, excited particle
PPtr epc;
* The anti-coloured, excited particle
PPtr epa;
* All excitations belonging to this dipole ordered in
* rapidity in lab system
typedef map<double, PPtr> DipEx;
DipEx excitations;
void printExcitations() {
for(DipEx::iterator itr = excitations.begin(); itr != excitations.end(); ++itr){
cout << itr->first << " " << itr->second->rapidity() << " " << itr->second->momentum().perp()/GeV << endl;
* Recoil the dipole from adding a gluon
* this function will not actually add the gluon, only the
* recoil, if possible, and return true or false if it was
bool recoil(LorentzMomentum& pg, bool dummy = false){
// Keep track of direction
int sign = 1;
if(epc->rapidity() < epa->rapidity())
sign = -1;
// lc momenta after inserting the gluon
Energy pplus = epc->Pplus() + epa->Pplus() -;
Energy pminus = epc->Pminus() + epa->Pminus() - pg.minus();
// The new lightcone momenta of the dipole ends
Energy ppa = 0.0*GeV;
Energy ppc = 0.0*GeV;
Energy pma = 0.0*GeV;
Energy pmc = 0.0*GeV;
Energy4 sqarg = sqr(pplus*pminus + epa->mt2() - epc->mt2()) -
// Calculate the new momenta
if(sqarg >= 0.0*GeV*GeV*GeV*GeV){
if(sign > 0){
ppa = (pplus*pminus + epa->mt2() - epc->mt2() +
pma = epa->mt2()/ppa;
pmc = pminus - pma;
ppc = epc->mt2()/pmc;
pma = (pplus*pminus + epa->mt2() - epc->mt2() +
ppa = epa->mt2()/pma;
ppc = pplus - ppa;
pmc = epc->mt2()/ppc;
LorentzMomentum shifta = LorentzMomentum(epa->momentum().x(),epa->momentum().y(),
0.5*(ppa - pma),0.5*(ppa + pma));
LorentzMomentum shiftc = LorentzMomentum(epc->momentum().x(), epc->momentum().y(),
0.5*(ppc - pmc), 0.5*(ppc + pmc));
if(shifta.t() / GeV < 0 || shiftc.t() / GeV < 0)
return false;
// Assign the new momenta
return true;
// We could not shift the momenta
return false;
* Insert an excitation provided that it is not already there
void addExcitation(double ylab, PPtr ex){
auto ret = excitations.equal_range(ylab);
for(auto itr = ret.first; itr != ret.second; ++itr )
if(ex == itr->second){
* Add all excitations to the dipole
void excitationsToString(bool gluonMass, double yCutOff, HistKeeper* hkPtr = NULL);
* Extract the distance between all adjecant excitation pairs on a dipole
multimap< double, pair<double, double> > getDistPairs();
* Return the current step.
Step & step() const;
* The propagated and boosted positions.
LorentzPoint bc, ba;
* The Lorentz rotation taking us to this dipole's rest system
LorentzRotation R;
* The overlapping dipoles with the amount of overlap (negative
* means anti overlap).
vector<OverlappingDipole> overlaps;
* The string to which this Dipole belongs.
ColourSinglet * string;
* The summed parallel (n) and anti-parallel (m) overlaps from
* other dipoles.
int n, m;
* The multiplet.
int p, q;
* The number of baryons from junctions
int nb;
* Indicate that this dipole has been broken.
mutable bool broken;
mutable bool hadr;
* The m0 parameter
Energy m0;
* Convenient typedef
typedef map<ColourSinglet *, vector<Dipole *> > DipoleMap;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
Ropewalk(const vector<ColourSinglet> & singlets, Length width,
Energy scale, double jDC, bool throwaway = true, bool shoving = true, double rcIn = 5.0, Energy gaIn = 1.0*GeV, double geIn = 1.0, double ycIn = 4.0, double dyIn = 0.1, Length tsIn = 1.0*femtometer, Length dtIn = 1.0*femtometer, bool lorentzIn = true, bool cylinderIn = false, HistKeeper* hk = NULL, bool deb = false);
* The destructor.
virtual ~Ropewalk();
* Return all ColourSinglet objects with their kappa enhancement.
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > getSinglets(double DeltaY = 0.0) const;
* Calculate the average kappa-enhancement for the given colour
* singlet, optionally only taking into account dipoles the
* rapidity interval |y| < deltaY. Note that \a cs must point to a
* object in the stringdipoles map. @return -1 if cs is not found.
double averageKappaEnhancement(ColourSinglet * cs, double deltaY = 0.0) const {
DipoleMap::const_iterator it = stringdipoles.find(cs);
if ( it == stringdipoles.end() ) return -1.0;
return averageKappaEnhancement(it, deltaY);
* Calculate the average kappa-enhancement for the given iterator
* pointing into the stringdipoles map, optionally only taking
* into account dipoles the rapidity interval |y| < deltaY. Note
* that \a cs must point to a object in the stringdipoles
* map. @return -1 if something went wrong.
double averageKappaEnhancement(DipoleMap::const_iterator it,
double deltaY = 0.0) const {
return averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, deltaY);
* Calculate the average kappa-enhancement the given vector of
* dipoles, optionally only taking into account dipoles the
* rapidity interval |y| < deltaY. @return -1 if something went
* wrong.
double averageKappaEnhancement(const vector<Dipole *> & dipoles,
double deltaY = 0.0) const;
* Propagate a parton a finite time inthe lab-system.
LorentzPoint propagate(const LorentzPoint & b,
const LorentzMomentum & p) const;
/ Get number of juctions
double getNb();
double getkW();
/ Get m,n for all strings
pair<double,double> getMN();
/ Get lambda measure for event
double lambdaSum(double cutoff = 0.1);
* Calculate the rapidity of a Lorentz vector but limit the
* transverse mass to be above m0.
double limitrap(const LorentzMomentum & p) const;
* Sort the given vector of dipoles so that the particle \a p is
* first and the others follows in sequence. If \a p is a
* (anti-)triplet, it will be the pc(pa) of the first dipole, and
* the pc(pa) of the second will be the pa(pc) of the first and so
* on. If \a p is an octet, the direction will be as if it was a
* triplet.
static void sort(vector<Dipole *> & dips, tcPPtr p);
* Extract all dipoles.
void getDipoles();
* Calculate all overlaps and initialize multiplets in all dipoles.
void calculateOverlaps(bool doPropagate);
* Break dipoles (and strings)
void doBreakups();
* Shove the dipoles away from each other
void shoveTheDipoles();
* Return the current step.
Step & step() const;
* Make a copy of a ColourSinglet making sure all partons are final.
ColourSinglet * cloneToFinal(const ColourSinglet & cs);
DipoleMap::iterator begin() {
return stringdipoles.begin();
DipoleMap::iterator end() {
return stringdipoles.end();
* Exception class.
struct ColourException: public Exception {};
* The assumed radius of a string.
Length R0;
* The assumed mass for calculating rapidities
Energy m0;
* The junction colour fluctuation parameter
double junctionDiquarkProb;
* Cutoff distance where we no longer consider
* shoving
Length rCutOff;
* Amplitude af shoving function
Energy gAmplitude;
* Shoving function (inverse) multiplier
double gExponent;
* Cutoff in effective rapidity span when clustering
double yCutOff;
* Rapidity slicing for shoving
double deltay;
* Shoving time
Length tshove;
* Shoving time slicing
Length deltat;
* The vector of all Dipoles
vector<Dipole> dipoles;
* All Dipoles in all string
DipoleMap stringdipoles;
* Lorentz contraction of fields
bool lorentz;
bool cylinderShove;
// For analysis
HistKeeper* hkPtr;
* Debug flag.
bool debug;
mutable double strl0;
mutable double strl;
mutable double avh;
mutable double avp;
mutable double avq;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
Ropewalk & operator=(const Ropewalk &);
double nb;
#endif /* TheP8I_Ropewalk_H */

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Tue, Jan 21, 2:09 AM (1 d, 14 h)
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Event Timeline