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diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 1ec7a53..aa8169c 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,195 +1,211 @@
tags: &tags_def
- docker
- build
- test
# - FOG
# - clean_code
# - publish
HEJ_Install_DIR: tmp_HEJ/HEJ_installed
HEJ_build_DIR: tmp_HEJ/build_HEJ
FOG_build_DIR: tmp_HEJ/build_FOG
- date
## ----------- Build -----------
tags: *tags_def
+ stage: build
- date
- source /cvmfs/ || exit 1
- export t_HEJ_Install_DIR=${PWD}/$HEJ_Install_DIR
- export t_HEJ_build_DIR=${PWD}/$HEJ_build_DIR
- export t_HEJ_DIR=${PWD}
- mkdir -p ${t_HEJ_build_DIR}
- cd ${t_HEJ_build_DIR}
- script:
- - make -j 8
+ script:
+ - make -j $(nproc --ignore=1)
- make install
- artifacts:
- expire_in: 1 hour
+ artifacts: # save build and installed folder
+ expire_in: 1 hour # TODO change this to 1 day
- ${HEJ_Install_DIR}
- ${HEJ_build_DIR}
- stage: build
image: hejdock/hepenv
- extends: .HEJ_compile
+ extends: .HEJ_build
+ image: hejdock/rivetenv
+ extends: .HEJ_build
## ----------- Test -----------
tags: *tags_def
+ stage: test
- date
- source /cvmfs/ || exit 1
- cd ${HEJ_build_DIR}
+ script:
- make test
+ after_script:
+ - cd ${HEJ_build_DIR}
+ - cat Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
- stage: test
image: hejdock/hepenv
extends: .HEJ_test
- build:basic
+ image: hejdock/rivetenv
+ extends: .HEJ_test
+ dependencies:
+ - build:rivet
- - pwd
+ - make test
+ - bash -c '[ -f tst.yoda ]' && echo "found rivet output"
+ - rivet-cmphistos tst.yoda
+ - bash -c '[ -f MC_XS_XS.dat ]' && echo "yoda not empty"
## OLD:
# Minimal_setup:
# stage: minimal_compile
-# extends: .HEJ_compile
+# extends: .HEJ_build
# image: hejdock/hepenv
# script:
# - make test
# FOG:
# stage: minimal_compile
-# extends: .HEJ_compile
+# extends: .HEJ_build
# image: hejdock/hepenv
# script:
# - date
# # install HEJ
# - make install
# # setup env
# - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${t_HEJ_Install_DIR}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
# - export PATH=${t_HEJ_Install_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
# - export t_FOG_build_DIR=${PWD}/$FOG_build_DIR
# - export t_FOG_DIR=${t_HEJ_DIR}/FixedOrderGen
# # compile
# - mkdir -p ${t_FOG_build_DIR}
# - cd ${t_FOG_build_DIR}
# - make -j 8
# - make test
# rivet:
# stage: different_compile
-# extends: .HEJ_compile
+# extends: .HEJ_build
# image: hejdock/rivetenv
# variables:
# HEJ_build_DIR: tmp_HEJ/build_HEJ_rivet
# script:
# - make test
# - bash -c '[ -f tst.yoda ]' && echo "found rivet output"
# - rivet-cmphistos tst.yoda
# - bash -c '[ -f MC_XS_XS.dat ]' && echo "yoda not empty"
# QCDloop:
# stage: different_compile
-# extends: .HEJ_compile
+# extends: .HEJ_build
# image: hejdock/qcdloopenv
# variables:
# HEJ_build_DIR: tmp_HEJ/build_HEJ_qcd
# script:
# - make test
# HepMC3:
# stage: different_compile
-# extends: .HEJ_compile
+# extends: .HEJ_build
# image: hejdock/hepmc3env
# variables:
# HEJ_build_DIR: tmp_HEJ/build_HEJ_HepMC3
# script:
# - make test
# No_tabs:
# stage: clean_code
# tags: *tags_def
# image: hejdock/git
# script:
# - date
# - check_tabs
# No_warnings:
# stage: clean_code
# tags: *tags_def
# image: hejdock/hepenv
# before_script:
# - date
# - source /cvmfs/ || exit 1
# - export t_HEJ_Install_DIR=${PWD}/$HEJ_Install_DIR
# - export t_HEJ_build_DIR=${PWD}/$HEJ_build_DIR
# - export t_HEJ_DIR=${PWD}
# - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${t_HEJ_Install_DIR}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
# - export PATH=${t_HEJ_Install_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
# - export t_FOG_build_DIR=${PWD}/$FOG_build_DIR
# - export t_FOG_DIR=${t_HEJ_DIR}/FixedOrderGen
# - mkdir -p ${t_HEJ_build_DIR}
# - mkdir -p ${t_FOG_build_DIR}
# script:
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${LHAPDF/include_directories(SYSTEM ${LHAPDF/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${fastjet/include_directories(SYSTEM ${fastjet/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${Boost/include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - cd ${t_HEJ_build_DIR}
# - cmake ${t_HEJ_DIR} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${t_HEJ_Install_DIR}
# - make -j 8
# - make install
# - cd ${t_FOG_DIR}
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${LHAPDF/include_directories(SYSTEM ${LHAPDF/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${fastjet/include_directories(SYSTEM ${fastjet/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - sed -i 's/include_directories(${Boost/include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost/g' CMakeLists.txt
# - cd ${t_FOG_build_DIR}
# - cmake ${t_FOG_DIR} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror"
# - make -j 8
# .Publish:
# stage: publish
# tags: *tags_def
# image: hejdock/git
# before_script:
# - mkdir -p .ssh/ && echo "${SSH_KEY}" > .ssh/id_rsa && chmod 0600 .ssh/id_rsa
# - rm -rf ~/.ssh/id_rsa; mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
# - ln -s $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# - ssh -T ${PUBLIC_GIT_PREFIX} -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" || echo "added ssh"
# script:
# - git remote add public ${PUBLIC_GIT_PREFIX}${PUBLIC_GIT_POSTFIX}
# - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
# - git branch
# - git pull
# - git push public
# - git push public --tags
# after_script:
# - rm -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa && rm -fr .ssh
# - git remote rm public
# Publish_version:
# extends: .Publish
# only:
# - /^v\d+\.\d+$/
# except:
# - tags
# when: on_success

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 10:59 PM (1 d, 18 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(6 KB)

Event Timeline