# You can either use the module "frogDefault", that is configured for standard Gen-Sim-Digi-Reco files (open Visualisation.Frog.Frog_Analyzer_cff to see what are the default stored collections)
# or you can use the "frog" module that don't store any collection by default, use have to add the collection to store by yourself (as it is done below)
process.frog.ProduceGeom=cms.bool(True)#Do you want to produce CMS.geom file?
process.frog.OutputFile='RelVal_TTBar.vis'#Path of your output .vis file
process.frog.CompressFiles=cms.bool(False)#When True, your output .vis file will be gzipped into a .vis.gz
process.frog.NEventsInVisFile=-1#Set the maximum number of events in a .vis file, when this number is reached, a new .vis is created
process.frog.AddRunInfoInName=cms.bool(True)#Switch this to False, if you don't want the Run Number in your .vis name file (used only if NEventsInVisFile>0)
process.frog.WarningOnMissingProduct=cms.bool(True)#Switch this to False, if you don't want warning on Missing Product