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diff --git a/Tests/ b/Tests/
--- a/Tests/
+++ b/Tests/
@@ -1,213 +1,224 @@
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = -Wno-portability
AM_LDFLAGS += -module -avoid-version -rpath /dummy/path/not/used
rm -rf $(distdir)/Inputs/.svn
HadronJetTest_la_SOURCES = \
Hadron/VHTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/VTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/HTest.h Hadron/
HadronJetTest_la_LIBADD = $(FASTJETLIBS)
LeptonJetTest_la_SOURCES = \
Lepton/TopDecay.h Lepton/
LeptonJetTest_la_LIBADD = $(FASTJETLIBS)
LeptonTest_la_SOURCES = \
Lepton/VVTest.h Lepton/ \
Lepton/VBFTest.h Lepton/ \
Lepton/VHTest.h Lepton/ \
Lepton/FermionTest.h Lepton/
GammaTest_la_SOURCES = \
Gamma/GammaMETest.h Gamma/ \
Gamma/GammaPMETest.h Gamma/
DISTest_la_SOURCES = \
HadronTest_la_SOURCES = \
Hadron/HadronVVTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/HadronVBFTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/WHTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/ZHTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/VGammaTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/ZJetTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/WJetTest.h Hadron/\
Hadron/QQHTest.h Hadron/
REPO = $(top_builddir)/src/HerwigDefaults.rpo
HERWIG = $(top_builddir)/src/Herwig++
HWREAD = $(HERWIG) read -r $(REPO) -L $(builddir)/.libs
tests : tests-LEP tests-DIS tests-LHC tests-Gamma
tests-LEP : test-LEP-VV test-LEP-VH test-LEP-VBF test-LEP-BB test-LEP-Quarks test-LEP-Leptons \
test-LEP-default test-LEP-Powheg test-LEP-TopDecay
tests-LEP : test-LEP-VV test-LEP-VH test-LEP-VBF test-LEP-BB test-LEP-Quarks test-LEP-Leptons
tests-DIS : test-DIS-Charged test-DIS-Neutral
tests-LHC : test-LHC-WW test-LHC-WZ test-LHC-ZZ test-LHC-ZGamma test-LHC-WGamma \
test-LHC-ZH test-LHC-WH test-LHC-ZJet test-LHC-WJet test-LHC-Z test-LHC-W test-LHC-ZZVBF test-LHC-VBF \
test-LHC-WWVBF test-LHC-bbH test-LHC-ttH test-LHC-GammaGamma test-LHC-GammaJet test-LHC-Higgs \
test-LHC-HiggsJet test-LHC-QCDFast test-LHC-QCD test-LHC-Top test-LHC-Bottom \
test-LHC-WHJet test-LHC-ZHJet test-LHC-HJet test-LHC-ZShower test-LHC-WShower\
test-LHC-WHJet-Powheg test-LHC-ZHJet-Powheg test-LHC-HJet-Powheg \
test-LHC-ZShower-Powheg test-LHC-WShower-Powheg
tests-LHC : test-LHC-WW test-LHC-WZ test-LHC-ZZ test-LHC-ZGamma test-LHC-WGamma \
test-LHC-ZH test-LHC-WH test-LHC-ZJet test-LHC-WJet test-LHC-Z test-LHC-W test-LHC-ZZVBF test-LHC-VBF \
test-LHC-WWVBF test-LHC-bbH test-LHC-ttH test-LHC-GammaGamma test-LHC-GammaJet test-LHC-Higgs \
test-LHC-HiggsJet test-LHC-QCDFast test-LHC-QCD test-LHC-Top
tests-Gamma : test-Gamma-FF test-Gamma-WW test-Gamma-P
test-LEP-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
test-LEP-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-LEP-% : Rivet/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-TVT-% : Rivet/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-TVT-% : Rivet/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-LHC-% : Rivet/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-Star-% : Rivet/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
Rivet-LEP: Rivet-LEP-35 Rivet-LEP-44 Rivet-LEP-91 Rivet-LEP-133 \
Rivet-LEP-161 Rivet-LEP-172 Rivet-LEP-177 Rivet-LEP-183 \
Rivet-LEP-189 Rivet-LEP-196 Rivet-LEP-197 Rivet-LEP-200 \
Rivet-LEP-206 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-35 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-44 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-91 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-133 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-161 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-172 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-177 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-183 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-189 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-196 \
Rivet-LEP-Powheg-197 Rivet-LEP-Powheg-200 \
export DPATH=`rivet-config --datadir`; \
for i in LEP-*.aida; do echo $$i; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/ALEPH_2004_S5765862.aida $$i; done; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/ALEPH_1996_S3486095 LEP-91.aida; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/ALEPH_1996_S3486095 LEP-Powheg-91.aida
rm -rf Rivet-LEP
python/merge-LEP LEP
python/merge-LEP LEP-Powheg
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-LEP LEP.aida:Hw++ LEP-Powheg.aida:Hw++-Powheg
Rivet-TVT-WZ: Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Z Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-I-Z \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-W Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-I-W \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-WZ Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-I-WZ\
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Z-e Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-II-Z-e \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Z-mu Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-II-Z-mu \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-W Rivet-TVT-Powheg-Run-II-W
export DPATH=`rivet-config --datadir`; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/CDF_2008_S8095620 TVT-Run-II-Z-e.aida; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/CDF_2008_S8095620 TVT-Powheg-Run-II-Z-e.aida;
rm -rf Rivet-TVT-WZ
python/merge-aida TVT-Run-II-W.aida TVT-Run-II-Z-{e,mu}.aida\
TVT-Run-I-{W,Z,WZ}.aida -o TVT-WZ.aida
python/merge-aida TVT-Powheg-Run-II-W.aida TVT-Powheg-Run-II-Z-{e,mu}.aida\
TVT-Powheg-Run-I-{W,Z,WZ}.aida -o TVT-Powheg-WZ.aida
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-TVT-WZ TVT-WZ.aida:Hw++ TVT-Powheg-WZ.aida:Hw++-Powheg
Rivet-TVT-Photon: Rivet-TVT-Run-II-DiPhoton Rivet-TVT-Run-II-PromptPhoton
# Rivet-TVT-Run-I-PromptPhoton
rm -rf Rivet-TVT-Photon
python/merge-aida TVT-Run-II-DiPhoton.aida TVT-Run-II-PromptPhoton.aida -o TVT-Photon.aida
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-TVT-Photon TVT-Photon.aida:Hw++
Rivet-TVT-Jets: Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-1 Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-2 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-3 Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-4 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-5 Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-6 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-7 Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-8 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-9 Rivet-TVT-Run-II-Jets-10\
Rivet-TVT-Run-II-UE \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-1 Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-2 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-3 Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-4 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-5 Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-6 \
Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-7 Rivet-TVT-Run-I-Jets-8\
Rivet-TVT-630-UE Rivet-TVT-630-Jets-1 \
Rivet-TVT-630-Jets-2 Rivet-TVT-630-Jets-3
export DPATH=`rivet-config --datadir`; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/CDF_1994_S2952106 TVT-Run-I-Jets-4.aida
rm -rf Rivet-TVT-Jets
python/merge-TVT-Jets TVT
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-TVT-Jets TVT-Jets.aida:Hw++
+Rivet-LHC-Jets: Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-1 Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-2 \
+ Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-3 Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-4 \
+ Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-5 Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-6 \
+ Rivet-LHC-7-Jets-7 Rivet-LHC-7-UE
+# export DPATH=`rivet-config --datadir`; \
+# rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/CDF_1994_S2952106 TVT-Run-I-Jets-4.aida
+ rm -rf Rivet-LHC-Jets
+# python/merge-LHC-Jets LHC
+# rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-LHC-Jets LHC-Jets.aida:Hw++
+ rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-LHC-Jets LHC-Jets*.aida
Rivet-Star: Rivet-Star-UE Rivet-Star-Jets-1 \
Rivet-Star-Jets-2 Rivet-Star-Jets-3 \
rm -rf Rivet-Star
export DPATH=`rivet-config --datadir`; \
rivet-rmgaps $$DPATH/STAR_2006_S6860818 Star-UE.aida
python/merge-Star Star
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-Star Star.aida
Rivet-LHC-EW: Rivet-LHC-W Rivet-LHC-Powheg-W \
Rivet-LHC-Z Rivet-LHC-Powheg-Z \
Rivet-LHC-WW Rivet-LHC-Powheg-WW\
Rivet-LHC-ZZ Rivet-LHC-Powheg-ZZ
rm -rf Rivet-LHC-EW
python/merge-aida LHC-{W,Z,WW,ZZ}.aida -o LHC-EW.aida
python/merge-aida LHC-Powheg-{W,Z,WW,ZZ}.aida -o LHC-Powheg-EW.aida
rivet-mkhtml --no-mc-errs -o Rivet-LHC-EW LHC-EW.aida:Hw++ LHC-Powheg-EW.aida:Hw++-Powheg
test-Gamma-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
test-DIS-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
test-LHC-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
test-LHC-% : Inputs/
$(HWREAD) $<
$(HWRUN) $(notdir $(subst .in,.run,$<)) -N $${NUMEVENTS:-10000}
rm -f *.out *.log *.tex *.top *.run *.dump *.mult *.Bmult *.aida
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 10.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-1 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 20.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-2 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 40.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-3 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 70.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-4 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 150.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-5 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 200.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-6 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 300.
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-Jets-7 LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Rivet analyses at the Z pole
+# LEP physics parameters (override defaults)
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 7000.0
+# Use the q qbar matrix element
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+# min bias
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEMinBias
+# same as ue process
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+# No QED radiation
+erase /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:PostSubProcessHandlers 0
+# min ibas cuts
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
+set /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
+set /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts:X1Min 0.01
+set /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts:X2Min 0.01
+# select the analyses
+# ATLAS jet shapes
+insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2011_S8924791
+# Save run for later usage with 'Herwig++ run'
+cd /Herwig/Generators
+saverun LHC-7-UE LHCGenerator
diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/ b/Tests/Rivet/
--- a/Tests/Rivet/
+++ b/Tests/Rivet/
@@ -1,27 +1,21 @@
-# Example generator based on Tevatron parameters
-# usage: Herwig++ read
-# Since most parameters are identical to LHC,
-# we use the default LHCGenerator and adapt only
-# for the differences
# Technical parameters for this run
cd /Herwig/Generators
set LHCGenerator:NumberOfEvents 10000000
set LHCGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001
set LHCGenerator:PrintEvent 10
set LHCGenerator:MaxErrors 100000
set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:StatLevel Full
set LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy 14000.0
# Create the Herwig analysis
create ThePEG::RivetAnalysis /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis
insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis
set /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Debug No
+set /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler:LifeTimeOption 0
+set /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler:MaxLifeTime 10*mm
diff --git a/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets b/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+import lighthisto
+import logging
+import sys
+if sys.version_info[:3] < (2,4,0):
+ print "rivet scripts require Python version >= 2.4.0... exiting"
+ sys.exit(1)
+import os, copy, re
+from math import sqrt
+## Try to load faster but non-standard cElementTree module
+ import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import cElementTree as ET
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Can't load the ElementTree XML parser: please install it!\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# #############################################
+def fillAbove(desthisto, sourcehistosbyptmin):
+ for i,b in enumerate(desthisto.getBins()):
+ ## Fill bins with pT-ordered histos (so that 'highest always wins')
+ for ptmin, h in sorted(sourcehistosbyptmin.iteritems()):
+ newb = h.getBin(i)
+ if newb.xlow >= ptmin:
+ b.yval = newb.yval
+ b.yerrplus = newb.yerrplus
+ b.yerrminus = newb.yerrminus
+ b.focus= newb.focus
+def mergeByPt(hpath, sqrts):
+ global inhistos
+ global outhistos
+ try:
+ fillAbove(outhistos[hpath], inhistos[hpath][float(sqrts)])
+ except:
+ pass
+def useOnePt(hpath, sqrts, ptmin):
+ global inhistos
+ global outhistos
+ try:
+ ## Find best pT_min match
+ ptmins = inhistos[hpath][float(sqrts)].keys()
+ closest_ptmin = None
+ for ptm in ptmins:
+ if closest_ptmin is None or \
+ abs(ptm-float(ptmin)) < abs(closest_ptmin-float(ptmin)):
+ closest_ptmin = ptm
+ if closest_ptmin != float(ptmin):
+ logging.warning("Inexact match for requested pTmin=%s: " % ptmin + \
+ "using pTmin=%e instead" % closest_ptmin)
+ outhistos[hpath] = inhistos[hpath][float(sqrts)][closest_ptmin]
+ except:
+ pass
+# #######################################
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import logging
+ from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+ parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog name")
+ verbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control")
+ verbgroup.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="LOGLEVEL",
+ default=logging.INFO, help="print debug (very verbose) messages")
+ verbgroup.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.WARNING, dest="LOGLEVEL",
+ default=logging.INFO, help="be very quiet")
+ parser.add_option_group(verbgroup)
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.LOGLEVEL, format="%(message)s")
+ ## Prefix used in dat file headers
+ headerprefix = "# "
+aidafiles=["-7-UE.aida" ,"-7-Jets-1.aida","-7-Jets-2.aida",\
+ "-7-Jets-3.aida","-7-Jets-4.aida","-7-Jets-5.aida",\
+ "-7-Jets-6.aida","-7-Jets-7.aida"]
+## Get histos
+inhistos = {}
+weights = {}
+for f in aidafiles:
+ file="LHC"+f
+ if(file.find("-7-UE")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=0.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-1")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=30.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-2")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=40.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-3")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=80.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-4")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=110.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-5")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=210.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-6")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=260.
+ elif(file.find("-7-Jets-7")>0) :
+ sqrts=7000
+ ptmin=400.
+ if not os.access(file, os.R_OK):
+ logging.error("%s can not be read" % file)
+ break
+ try:
+ tree = ET.parse(file)
+ except:
+ logging.error("%s can not be parsed as XML" % file)
+ break
+ tree = ET.parse(file)
+ ## Get histos from this AIDA file
+ for dps in tree.findall("dataPointSet"):
+ h = lighthisto.Histo.fromDPS(dps)
+ # di-jet decorrelations
+ # jet shapes
+ if(h.fullPath().find("8924791")>0) :
+ if not inhistos.has_key(h.fullPath()):
+ inhistos[h.fullPath()] = {}
+ tmpE = inhistos[h.fullPath()]
+ if not tmpE.has_key(sqrts):
+ tmpE[sqrts] = {}
+ tmpP = tmpE[sqrts]
+ if not tmpP.has_key(ptmin):
+ tmpP[ptmin] = h
+ else:
+ raise Exception("A set with ptmin = %s already exists" % ( ptmin))
+ else :
+ outhistos[h.fullPath()] = h
+## Make empty output histos if needed
+for hpath,hsets in inhistos.iteritems():
+ if( hpath.find("8924791")>0 ) :
+ workhisto = copy.deepcopy(hsets.values()[0].values()[0])
+ outhistos[hpath] = workhisto
+ ## Empty the bin set for histos which we're going to merge
+ for b in outhistos[hpath]:
+ b.val = 0
+ b.errplus = 0
+ b.errminus = 0
+ b.focus= None
+## CDF jet shape analysis"Processing ATLAS_2011_S8924791")
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y01", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y02", "7000", "30" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x01-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x02-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x02-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x03-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x03-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x04-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x04-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x05-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x05-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x06-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x06-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x01-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x02-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x02-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x03-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x03-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x04-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x04-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x05-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x05-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x06-y01", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x06-y02", "7000", "40" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x01-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x02-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x02-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x03-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x03-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x04-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x04-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x05-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x05-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x06-y01", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x06-y02", "7000", "80" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x01-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x02-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x02-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x03-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x03-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x04-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x04-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x05-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x05-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x06-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x06-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x01-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x02-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x02-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x03-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x03-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x04-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x04-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x05-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x05-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x06-y01", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x06-y02", "7000", "110" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x01-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x02-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x02-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x03-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x03-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x04-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x04-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x05-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x05-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x06-y01", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x06-y02", "7000", "210" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x01-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x02-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x02-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x03-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x03-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x04-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x04-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x05-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x05-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x06-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x06-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x01-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x02-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x02-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x03-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x03-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x04-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x04-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x05-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x05-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x06-y01", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x06-y02", "7000", "260" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x01-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x02-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x02-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x03-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x03-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x04-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x04-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x05-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x05-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x06-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x06-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x01-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x02-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x02-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x03-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x03-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x04-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x04-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x05-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x05-y02", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x06-y01", "7000", "400" )
+useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x06-y02", "7000", "400" )
+# Choose output file
+name = "LHC"+"-Jets.aida"
+out = open(name, "w")
+## Write out merged histos
+out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>\n')
+out.write('<!DOCTYPE aida SYSTEM "">\n')
+out.write('<aida version="3.3">\n')
+out.write(' <implementation version="1.1" package="FreeHEP"/>\n')
+for hpath, h in sorted(outhistos.iteritems()):
+ logging.debug("hpath = %s" % hpath)
+ out.write(h.asAIDA() + "\n\n")

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 10:25 PM (1 d, 10 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(35 KB)

Event Timeline