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diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,328 +1,327 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the EtaPiPiCurrent class.
#include "EtaPiPiCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/epsilon.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace Herwig;
EtaPiPiCurrent::EtaPiPiCurrent() : fpi_(93.3*MeV) {
rhoMasses_ = {0.77549*GeV,1.470*GeV,1.76*GeV};
rhoWidths_ = {0.1494 *GeV,0.28 *GeV,0.3 *GeV};
amp_ = {1. , -0.385, -0.08};
phase_ = {0. , -5.6, -3.9};
// set up for the modes in the base class
IBPtr EtaPiPiCurrent::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr EtaPiPiCurrent::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void EtaPiPiCurrent::doinit() {
// check consistency of parametrers
if(rhoMasses_.size() != rhoWidths_.size())
throw InitException() << "Inconsistent parameters in EtaPiPiCurrent"
<< "::doinit()" << Exception::abortnow;
// weights for the rho channels
throw InitException() << "The vectors containing the weights and phase for the"
<< " rho channel must be the same size in "
<< "EtaPiPiCurrent::doinit()" << Exception::runerror;
// combine mags and phase
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<amp_.size();++ix) {
void EtaPiPiCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << weights_ << amp_ << phase_ << ounit(fpi_,MeV)
<< ounit(rhoMasses_,GeV) << ounit(rhoWidths_,GeV);
void EtaPiPiCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> weights_ >> amp_ >> phase_ >> iunit(fpi_,MeV)
>> iunit(rhoMasses_,GeV) >> iunit(rhoWidths_,GeV);
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigEtaPiPiCurrent("Herwig::EtaPiPiCurrent", "");
void EtaPiPiCurrent::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<EtaPiPiCurrent> documentation
("There is no documentation for the EtaPiPiCurrent class");
static ParVector<EtaPiPiCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoMasses
"The masses of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&EtaPiPiCurrent::rhoMasses_, MeV, -1, 775.8*MeV, ZERO, 10000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoWidths
"The widths of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&EtaPiPiCurrent::rhoWidths_, MeV, -1, 150.3*MeV, ZERO, 1000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiCurrent,double> interfaceRhoMagnitude
"Magnitude of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&EtaPiPiCurrent::amp_, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiCurrent,double> interfaceRhoPhase
"Phase of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&EtaPiPiCurrent::phase_, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static Parameter<EtaPiPiCurrent,Energy> interfaceFPi
"The pion decay constant",
&EtaPiPiCurrent::fpi_, MeV, 93.3*MeV, ZERO, 200.0*MeV,
false, false, true);
// complete the construction of the decay mode for integration
bool EtaPiPiCurrent::createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,int ires,
PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp ) {
// check the charge
if((imode==0 && abs(icharge)!=3) ||
(imode>0 && icharge !=0)) return false;
// check the total isospin
if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown) {
if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne) return false;
// check I_3
if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
switch(i3) {
case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
if(imode==0) return false;
case IsoSpin::I3One:
if(imode==1 || icharge ==-3) return false;
case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
if(imode==1 || icharge ==3) return false;
return false;
// make sure that the decays are kinematically allowed
int iq(0),ia(0);
tPDVector part = particles(icharge,imode,iq,ia);
Energy min=ZERO;
for(tPDPtr p : part) min += p->massMin();
if(min>upp) return false;
// set up the resonances
tPDPtr res[3];
if(icharge==0) {
res[0] =getParticleData(113);
res[1] =getParticleData(100113);
res[2] =getParticleData(30113);
else {
res[0] =getParticleData(213);
res[1] =getParticleData(100213);
res[2] =getParticleData(30213);
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]&&res[ix]->CC()) res[ix]=res[ix]->CC();
// create the channels
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(!res[ix]) continue;
if(resonance && resonance != res[ix]) continue;
// reset the masses in the intergrators
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(ix<rhoMasses_.size()&&res[ix]) {
return true;
// the particles produced by the current
tPDVector EtaPiPiCurrent::particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
int,int) {
tPDVector output(3);
+ output[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
if(imode==0) {
- output[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix) {
if(output[ix]->CC()) output[ix]=output[ix]->CC();
else {
- output[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
return output;
// hadronic current
EtaPiPiCurrent::current(tcPDPtr resonance,
- IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
- const int imode, const int ichan,Energy & scale,
- const tPDVector & outgoing,
- const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
- DecayIntegrator::MEOption) const {
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ const int imode, const int ichan,Energy & scale,
+ const tPDVector & outgoing,
+ const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
+ DecayIntegrator::MEOption) const {
// check the isospin
if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown && Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne)
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
int icharge = outgoing[0]->iCharge()+outgoing[1]->iCharge();
// check I_3
if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
switch(i3) {
case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
if(imode==0) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
case IsoSpin::I3One:
if(imode==1 || icharge ==-3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
if(imode==1 || icharge ==3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
Lorentz5Momentum Q=momenta[0]+momenta[1]+momenta[2];
Energy2 s1 = (momenta[0]+momenta[1]).m2();
Complex BW1 = Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(s1,rhoMasses_[0],rhoWidths_[0],
vector<Complex> BWs = {Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(Q.mass2(),rhoMasses_[0],rhoWidths_[0],
Complex denom = std::accumulate(weights_.begin(),weights_.end(),Complex(0.));
unsigned int imin=0,imax=3;
if(resonance) {
switch(resonance->id()/1000) {
case 0:
imax = 1;
case 100:
imin = 1;
imax = 2;
case 30 :
imin = 2;
imax = 3;
if(ichan>0) {
imin = ichan;
imax = ichan+1;
// form factor
Complex fact(0.);
for(unsigned int ix=imin;ix<imax;++ix) {
fact += weights_[ix]*BWs[ix];
fact *= -0.25*Complex(0.,1.)/sqr(Constants::pi)/sqrt(3.)/denom*BW1;
if(imode==0) fact *=sqrt(2.);
LorentzPolarizationVectorE output = fact/pow<3,1>(fpi_)*Q.mass()*
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,output);
bool EtaPiPiCurrent::accept(vector<int> id) {
// check there are only three particles
if(id.size()!=3) return false;
unsigned int npip(0),npim(0),npi0(0),neta(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<id.size();++ix) {
if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piplus) ++npip;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piminus) ++npim;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::pi0) ++npi0;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::eta) ++neta;
if( (npip==1&&npim==1&&neta==1) ||
return true;
return false;
// the decay mode
unsigned int EtaPiPiCurrent::decayMode(vector<int> idout) {
unsigned int npi(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<idout.size();++ix) {
if(abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::piplus) ++npi;
if(npi==2) return 1;
else return 0;
// output the information for the database
void EtaPiPiCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,
bool create) const {
if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
if(create) output << "create Herwig::EtaPiPiCurrent "
<< name() << "\n";
unsigned int ix;
for(ix=0;ix<rhoMasses_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoMasses " << ix << " " << rhoMasses_[ix]/MeV << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<rhoWidths_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoWidths " << ix << " " << rhoWidths_[ix]/MeV << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<weights_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoMagnitude " << ix << " " << amp_[ix] << "\n";
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoPhase " << ix << " " << phase_[ix] << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":FPi " << fpi_/MeV << "\n";
if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,1252 +1,364 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class.
#include "EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "Herwig/PDT/ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG;
EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent() {
- // the quarks for the different modes
+ // set up for the modes in the base class
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-3);
- addDecayMode(2,-3);
- addDecayMode(2,-3);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- addDecayMode(2,-1);
- setInitialModes(12);
+ addDecayMode(1,-1);
+ addDecayMode(2,-2);
+ setInitialModes(3);
// the pion decay constant
- _mpi=ZERO;_mK=ZERO;
+ _mpi=ZERO;
// set the initial weights for the resonances
// the rho weights
- _rhoF123wgts.push_back(1.0);_rhoF123wgts.push_back(-0.145);
- _rhoF123wgts.push_back(0.);
- _rhoF5wgts.push_back(-26.);_rhoF5wgts.push_back(6.5);
- _rhoF5wgts.push_back(1.);
- // the Kstar weights
- _kstarF123wgts.push_back(1.);
- _kstarF5wgts.push_back(1.);
- // relative rho/Kstar weights
- _rhoKstarwgt=-0.2;
- // local values of the a_1 parameters
- _a1parameters=true;_a1mass=1.251*GeV;_a1width=0.599*GeV;
- _a1opt=true;
- // local values of the K_1 parameters
- _k1parameters=true;_k1mass=1.402*GeV,_k1width=0.174*GeV;
+ _rhoF123wgts = { 1.0,-0.145,0.};
+ _rhoF5wgts = {-26., 6.5,1.};
// local values of the rho parameters
- _rhoparameters=true;
- _rhoF123masses.push_back(0.773*GeV);_rhoF123masses.push_back(1.370*GeV);
- _rhoF123masses.push_back(1.750*GeV);
- _rhoF123widths.push_back(0.145*GeV);_rhoF123widths.push_back(0.510*GeV);
- _rhoF123widths.push_back(0.120*GeV);
- _rhoF5masses.push_back(0.773*GeV);_rhoF5masses.push_back(1.500*GeV);
- _rhoF5masses.push_back(1.750*GeV);
- _rhoF5widths.push_back(0.145*GeV);_rhoF5widths.push_back(0.220*GeV);
- _rhoF5widths.push_back(0.120*GeV);
- // local values for the Kstar parameters
- _kstarparameters=true;
- _kstarF123masses.push_back(0.8921*GeV);
- _kstarF123widths.push_back(0.0513*GeV);
- _kstarF5masses.push_back(0.8921*GeV);
- _kstarF5widths.push_back(0.0513*GeV);
- // initialization of the a_1 running width
- _initializea1=false;
- double a1q2in[200]={0,15788.6,31577.3,47365.9,63154.6,78943.2,94731.9,110521,
- 126309,142098,157886,173675,189464,205252,221041,236830,
- 252618,268407,284196,299984,315773,331562,347350,363139,
- 378927,394716,410505,426293,442082,457871,473659,489448,
- 505237,521025,536814,552603,568391,584180,599969,615757,
- 631546,647334,663123,678912,694700,710489,726278,742066,
- 757855,773644,789432,805221,821010,836798,852587,868375,
- 884164,899953,915741,931530,947319,963107,978896,994685,
- 1.01047e+06,1.02626e+06,1.04205e+06,1.05784e+06,1.07363e+06,
- 1.08942e+06,1.10521e+06,1.12099e+06,1.13678e+06,1.15257e+06,
- 1.16836e+06,1.18415e+06,1.19994e+06,1.21573e+06,1.23151e+06,
- 1.2473e+06,1.26309e+06,1.27888e+06,1.29467e+06,1.31046e+06,
- 1.32625e+06,1.34203e+06,1.35782e+06,1.37361e+06,1.3894e+06,
- 1.40519e+06,1.42098e+06,1.43677e+06,1.45256e+06,1.46834e+06
- ,1.48413e+06,1.49992e+06,1.51571e+06,1.5315e+06,1.54729e+06,
- 1.56308e+06,1.57886e+06,1.59465e+06,1.61044e+06,1.62623e+06,
- 1.64202e+06,1.65781e+06,1.6736e+06,1.68939e+06,1.70517e+06,
- 1.72096e+06,1.73675e+06,1.75254e+06,1.76833e+06,1.78412e+06,
- 1.79991e+06,1.81569e+06,1.83148e+06,1.84727e+06,1.86306e+06,
- 1.87885e+06,1.89464e+06,1.91043e+06,1.92621e+06,1.942e+06,
- 1.95779e+06,1.97358e+06,1.98937e+06,2.00516e+06,2.02095e+06,
- 2.03674e+06,2.05252e+06,2.06831e+06,2.0841e+06,2.09989e+06,
- 2.11568e+06,2.13147e+06,2.14726e+06,2.16304e+06,2.17883e+06,
- 2.19462e+06,2.21041e+06,2.2262e+06,2.24199e+06,2.25778e+06,
- 2.27356e+06,2.28935e+06,2.30514e+06,2.32093e+06,2.33672e+06,
- 2.35251e+06,2.3683e+06,2.38409e+06,2.39987e+06,2.41566e+06,
- 2.43145e+06,2.44724e+06,2.46303e+06,2.47882e+06,2.49461e+06,
- 2.51039e+06,2.52618e+06,2.54197e+06,2.55776e+06,2.57355e+06,
- 2.58934e+06,2.60513e+06,2.62092e+06,2.6367e+06,2.65249e+06,
- 2.66828e+06,2.68407e+06,2.69986e+06,2.71565e+06,2.73144e+06,
- 2.74722e+06,2.76301e+06,2.7788e+06,2.79459e+06,2.81038e+06,
- 2.82617e+06,2.84196e+06,2.85774e+06,2.87353e+06,2.88932e+06,
- 2.90511e+06,2.9209e+06,2.93669e+06,2.95248e+06,2.96827e+06,
- 2.98405e+06,2.99984e+06,3.01563e+06,3.03142e+06,3.04721e+06,
- 3.063e+06,3.07879e+06,3.09457e+06,3.11036e+06,3.12615e+06,
- 3.14194e+06};
- double a1widthin[200]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00153933,0.0136382,0.0457614,
- 0.105567,0.199612,0.333825,0.513831,0.745192,1.0336,1.38501,
- 1.80581,2.30295,2.88403,3.5575,4.33278,5.22045,6.23243,
- 7.38223,8.68521,10.1589,11.8234,13.7018,15.8206,18.2107,
- 20.9078,23.9533,27.3954,31.2905,35.7038,40.7106,46.3984,
- 52.8654,60.2207,68.581,78.0637,88.7754,100.794,114.145,
- 128.783,144.574,161.299,178.683,196.426,214.248,231.908,
- 249.221,266.059,282.336,298.006,313.048,327.46,341.254,
- 354.448,367.066,379.133,390.677,401.726,412.304,422.439,
- 432.155,441.474,450.419,459.01,467.267,475.207,482.847,
- 490.203,497.29,504.121,510.71,517.068,523.207,529.138,
- 534.869,540.411,545.776,550.961,556.663,560.851,565.566,
- 570.137,574.569,578.869,583.041,587.091,591.023,594.843,
- 598.553,602.16,605.664,609.072,612.396,615.626,618.754,
- 621.796,624.766,627.656,630.47,633.21,635.878,638.5,
- 641.006,643.471,645.873,648.213,650.493,652.715,654.88,
- 656.99,659.047,661.052,663.007,664.963,666.771,668.6,
- 670.351,672.075,673.828,675.397,676.996,678.567,680.083,
- 681.589,683.023,684.457,685.825,687.18,688.499,689.789,
- 691.058,692.284,693.501,694.667,695.82,696.947,698.05,
- 699.129,700.186,701.221,702.234,703.226,704.198,705.158,
- 706.085,707.001,707.899,708.78,709.644,710.474,711.334,
- 712.145,712.943,713.727,714.505,715.266,716.015,716.751,
- 717.474,718.183,718.88,719.645,720.243,720.91,721.565,
- 722.211,722.851,723.473,724.094,724.697,725.296,725.886,
- 726.468,727.041,727.608,728.166,728.718,729.262,729.808,
- 730.337,730.856,731.374,731.883,732.386,732.884,733.373,
- 733.859,734.339,734.813};
- vector<double> tmp1(a1widthin,a1widthin+200);
- _a1runwidth.clear();
- std::transform(tmp1.begin(), tmp1.end(),
- back_inserter(_a1runwidth),
- [](double x){return x*GeV;});
- vector<double> tmp2(a1q2in,a1q2in+200);
- _a1runq2.clear();
- std::transform(tmp2.begin(), tmp2.end(),
- back_inserter(_a1runq2),
- [](double x){return x*GeV2;});
- _maxmass=ZERO;
- _maxcalc=ZERO;
+ _rhoF123masses = {0.773*GeV,1.370*GeV,1.750*GeV};
+ _rhoF123widths = {0.145*GeV,0.510*GeV,0.120*GeV};
+ _rhoF5masses = {0.773*GeV,1.500*GeV,1.750*GeV};
+ _rhoF5widths = {0.145*GeV,0.220*GeV,0.120*GeV};
void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::doinit() {
// the particles we will use a lot
- tPDPtr a1(getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus)),
- k1(getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1minus)),pi0(getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0)),
- piplus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus)),
- piminus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus));
+ tPDPtr piplus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus));
// masses for the running widths
- _mK=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus)->mass();
- // the charged rho resonances
- tPDPtr rhoc[3]={getParticleData(-213),getParticleData(-100213),
- getParticleData(-30213)};
- // the charged K* resonances
- tPDPtr Kstarc[3]={getParticleData(-323),getParticleData(-100323),
- getParticleData(-30323)};
- if(!_a1parameters) {
- _a1mass=a1->mass();
- _a1width=a1->width();
- }
- // mass and width of the k_1
- if(!_k1parameters) {
- _k1mass=k1->mass();
- _k1width=k1->width();
- }
- // initialise the a_1 running width calculation
- inita1Width(-1);
- // rho parameters in the base classs
- tcPDPtr temp;
- unsigned int ix;
- if(_rhoparameters&&_rhoF123masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _rhoF123masses.size();
- _rhoF123masses.resize(3);_rhoF123widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF123masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF123widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_rhoparameters) {
- _rhoF123masses.resize(3);_rhoF123widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF123masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF123widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // K star parameters in the base class
- if(_kstarparameters&&_kstarF123masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _kstarF123masses.size();
- _kstarF123masses.resize(3);_kstarF123widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF123masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF123widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_kstarparameters) {
- _kstarF123masses.resize(3);_kstarF123widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF123masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF123widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // rho parameters here
- if(_rhoparameters&&_rhoF5masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _rhoF5masses.size();
- _rhoF5masses.resize(3);_rhoF5widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF5masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF5widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_rhoparameters) {
- _rhoF5masses.resize(3);_rhoF5widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF5masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF5widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // Kstar parameters here
- if(_kstarparameters&&_kstarF5widths.size()<3) {
- ix = _kstarF5masses.size();
- _kstarF5masses.resize(3);_kstarF5widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF5masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF5widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_kstarparameters) {
- _kstarF5masses.resize(3);_kstarF5widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF5masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF5widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
- os << _rhoF123wgts << _kstarF123wgts << _rhoF5wgts << _kstarF5wgts
- << _rhoKstarwgt << ounit(_a1runwidth,GeV)<< ounit(_a1runq2,GeV2)
- << _initializea1
- << ounit(_a1mass,GeV)<< ounit(_a1width,GeV)<< ounit(_k1mass,GeV)
- << ounit(_k1width,GeV)<< ounit(_fpi,GeV) << ounit(_mpi,GeV)<< ounit(_mK,GeV)
- <<_rhoparameters << ounit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) << ounit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
- << ounit(_rhoF123widths,GeV)
- << ounit(_rhoF5widths,GeV) << _kstarparameters << ounit(_kstarF123masses,GeV)
- <<ounit(_kstarF5masses,GeV)
- << ounit(_kstarF123widths,GeV) << ounit(_kstarF5widths,GeV) << _a1parameters
- << _k1parameters
- << _a1opt << ounit(_maxmass,GeV) << ounit(_maxcalc,GeV) << _a1runinter;
+ os << _rhoF123wgts << _rhoF5wgts << ounit(_fpi,GeV) << ounit(_mpi,GeV)
+ << ounit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) << ounit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
+ << ounit(_rhoF123widths,GeV) << ounit(_rhoF5widths,GeV);
void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
- is >> _rhoF123wgts >> _kstarF123wgts >> _rhoF5wgts >> _kstarF5wgts
- >> _rhoKstarwgt >> iunit(_a1runwidth,GeV) >> iunit(_a1runq2,GeV2)
- >> _initializea1
- >> iunit(_a1mass,GeV) >> iunit(_a1width,GeV) >> iunit(_k1mass,GeV)
- >> iunit(_k1width,GeV) >> iunit(_fpi,GeV) >> iunit(_mpi,GeV) >> iunit(_mK,GeV)
- >>_rhoparameters >> iunit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) >> iunit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
- >> iunit(_rhoF123widths,GeV)
- >> iunit(_rhoF5widths,GeV) >> _kstarparameters >> iunit(_kstarF123masses,GeV)
- >>iunit(_kstarF5masses,GeV)
- >> iunit(_kstarF123widths,GeV) >> iunit(_kstarF5widths,GeV) >> _a1parameters
- >> _k1parameters
- >> _a1opt >> iunit(_maxmass,GeV) >> iunit(_maxcalc,GeV) >> _a1runinter;
+ is >> _rhoF123wgts >> _rhoF5wgts >> iunit(_fpi,GeV) >> iunit(_mpi,GeV)
+ >> iunit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) >> iunit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
+ >> iunit(_rhoF123widths,GeV) >> iunit(_rhoF5widths,GeV);
void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent> documentation
("The EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class is designed to implement "
"the three meson decays of the tau, ie pi- pi- pi+, pi0 pi0 pi-, "
"K- pi- K+, K0 pi- Kbar0, K- pi0 K0,pi0 pi0 K-, K- pi- pi+, "
"pi- Kbar0 pi0, pi- pi0 eta. It uses the same currents as those in TAUOLA.",
"The three meson decays of the tau, ie pi- pi- pi+, pi0 pi0 pi-, "
"K- pi- K+, K0 pi- Kbar0, K- pi0 K0,pi0 pi0 K-, K- pi- pi+, "
"and pi- Kbar0 pi0, pi- pi0 eta "
"use the same currents as \\cite{Jadach:1993hs,Kuhn:1990ad,Decker:1992kj}.",
" S.~Jadach, Z.~Was, R.~Decker and J.~H.~Kuhn,\n"
" %``The Tau Decay Library Tauola: Version 2.4,''\n"
" Comput.\\ Phys.\\ Commun.\\ {\\bf 76}, 361 (1993).\n"
" %%CITATION = CPHCB,76,361;%%\n"
" J.~H.~Kuhn and A.~Santamaria,\n"
" %``Tau decays to pions,''\n"
" Z.\\ Phys.\\ C {\\bf 48}, 445 (1990).\n"
" %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C48,445;%%\n"
" R.~Decker, E.~Mirkes, R.~Sauer and Z.~Was,\n"
" %``Tau decays into three pseudoscalar mesons,''\n"
" Z.\\ Phys.\\ C {\\bf 58}, 445 (1993).\n"
" %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C58,445;%%\n"
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF123RhoWgt
"The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF123KstarWgt
- ("F123KstarWeight",
- "The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF5RhoWgt
"The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF5KstarWgt
- ("F5KstarWeight",
- "The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceRhoKstarWgt
- ("RhoKstarWgt",
- "The relative weights of the rho and K* in the F5 form factor",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoKstarwgt, -0.2, -10., 10.,
- false, false, false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceInitializea1
- ("Initializea1",
- "Initialise the calculation of the a_1 running width",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_initializea1, false, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceInitializea1Initialization
- (interfaceInitializea1,
- "Yes",
- "Initialize the calculation",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceInitializea1NoInitialization
- (interfaceInitializea1,
- "No",
- "Use the default values",
- false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceRhoParameters
- ("RhoParameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoparameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParameterstrue
- (interfaceRhoParameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParametersParticleData
- (interfaceRhoParameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceKstarParameters
- ("KstarParameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarparameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceKstarParameterstrue
- (interfaceKstarParameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceKstarParametersParticleData
- (interfaceKstarParameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfacea1Parameters
- ("a1Parameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1parameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1Parameterstrue
- (interfacea1Parameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1ParametersParticleData
- (interfacea1Parameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceK1Parameters
- ("K1Parameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_k1parameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceK1Parameterstrue
- (interfaceK1Parameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceK1ParametersParticleData
- (interfaceK1Parameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,bool> interfacea1WidthOption
- ("a1WidthOption",
- "Option for the treatment of the a1 width",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1opt, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1WidthOptionLocal
- (interfacea1WidthOption,
- "Local",
- "Use a calculation of the running width based on the parameters as"
- " interpolation table.",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1WidthOptionParam
- (interfacea1WidthOption,
- "Kuhn",
- "Use the parameterization of Kuhn and Santamaria for default parameters."
- " This should only be used for testing vs TAUOLA",
- false);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacea1RunningWidth
- ("a1RunningWidth",
- "The values of the a_1 width for interpolation to giving the running width.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1runwidth, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy2> interfacea1RunningQ2
- ("a1RunningQ2",
- "The values of the q^2 for interpolation to giving the running width.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1runq2, GeV2, -1, 1.0*GeV2, ZERO, 10.0*GeV2,
- false, false, true);
- static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Width
- ("A1Width",
- "The a_1 width if using local values.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1width, GeV, 0.599*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Mass
- ("A1Mass",
- "The a_1 mass if using local values.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_a1mass, GeV, 1.251*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceK1Width
- ("K1Width",
- "The K_1 width if using local values.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_k1width, GeV, 0.174*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceK1Mass
- ("K1Mass",
- "The K_1 mass if using local values.",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_k1mass, GeV, 1.402*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF123masses
"The masses for the rho resonances if used local values",
&EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoF123masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF123widths
"The widths for the rho resonances if used local values",
&EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoF123widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF5masses
"The masses for the rho resonances if used local values",
&EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoF5masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF5widths
"The widths for the rho resonances if used local values",
&EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_rhoF5widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF123masses
- ("KstarF123masses",
- "The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF123widths
- ("KstarF123widths",
- "The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF5masses
- ("KstarF5masses",
- "The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF5widths
- ("KstarF5widths",
- "The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
static Parameter<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceFPi
"The pion decay constant",
&EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::_fpi, MeV, 92.4*MeV, ZERO, 200.0*MeV,
false, false, true);
-// modes handled by this class
-bool EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::acceptMode(int imode) const {
- return imode>=0&&imode<=8;
-// calculate the form-factors
-EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::calculateFormFactors(const int ichan, const int imode,
- Energy2 q2, Energy2 s1,
- Energy2 s2, Energy2 s3) const {
- useMe();
- Complex F1, F2, F3, F4, F5;
- F1 = F2 = F3 = F4 = F5 = 0.0;
- // calculate the pi- pi- pi+ factor
- if(imode==0) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*2./3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1= a1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1, ichan/2);
- else if(ichan%2==1) F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the pi0 pi0 pi- factor
- else if(imode==1) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*2./3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1, ichan/2);
- else if(ichan%2==1) F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi - K+ factor
- else if(imode==2) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 = BrhoF5(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else if(ichan%8>=2) F5 = BrhoF5(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the K0 pi- K0bar
- else if(imode==3) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-BrhoF5(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 = -a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else if(ichan%8>=2) F5 = -BrhoF5(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi0 k0
- else if(imode==4) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2));
- if(ichan<0){F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);}
- else{F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,ichan);}
- }
- // calculate the pi0 pi0 K-
- else if(imode==5) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2)/6.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/2);
- else F2 =-K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi- pi+
- else if(imode==6) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-BKstarF123(q2,-1)*FKrho(s2,s1,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else F5 = -BKstarF123(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s2,s1,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the pi- K0bar pi0
- else if(imode==7) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2));
- if(ichan<0) {
- F2 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-2.*BKstarF123(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%7==0) F2 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s2,ichan/7);
- else F5 =-2.*BKstarF123(q2,ichan/7)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-1)%7);
- }
- // calculate the pi- pi0 eta
- else if(imode==8) {
- if(ichan<0) F5 = BrhoF5(q2, -1)*BrhoF123(s3, -1)*sqrt(2./3.);
- else F5 = BrhoF5(q2,ichan/3)*BrhoF123(s3,ichan%3)*sqrt(2./3.);
- }
- // multiply by the prefactors
- using Constants::twopi;
- return FormFactors(F1/_fpi,
- F2/_fpi,
- F3/_fpi,
- F4/_fpi,
- -F5/sqr(twopi)/pow<3,1>(_fpi)
- );
// complete the construction of the decay mode for integration
bool EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
- IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
- unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
- unsigned int iloc,int ires,
- PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp ) {
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
+ unsigned int iloc,int ires,
+ PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp ) {
+ // check the charge
+ if((imode==0 && abs(icharge)!=3) ||
+ (imode>0 && icharge !=0)) return false;
+ // check the total isospin
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown) {
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne) return false;
+ }
+ // check I_3
+ if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
+ switch(i3) {
+ case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
+ if(imode==0) return false;
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3One:
+ if(imode==1 || icharge ==-3) return false;
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
+ if(imode==1 || icharge ==3) return false;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure that the decays are kinematically allowed
int iq(0),ia(0);
- if(!acceptMode(imode)) return false;
+ tPDVector part = particles(icharge,imode,iq,ia);
tPDVector extpart(particles(1,imode,iq,ia));
Energy min(ZERO);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<extpart.size();++ix) min+=extpart[ix]->massMin();
if(min>upp) return false;
- // the particles we will use a lot
- tPDPtr a1,k1;
- if(icharge==-3) {
- a1=getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus);
- k1=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1minus);
- }
- else if(icharge==3) {
- a1=getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1plus);
- k1=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1plus);
+ // set up the resonances
+ tPDPtr res[3];
+ if(icharge==0) {
+ res[0] =getParticleData(113);
+ res[1] =getParticleData(100113);
+ res[2] =getParticleData(30113);
else {
- return false;
- }
- _maxmass=max(_maxmass,upp);
- // the rho0 resonances
- tPDPtr rho0[3] = { getParticleData(113), getParticleData(100113), getParticleData(30113)};
- tPDPtr rhoc[3] = {getParticleData(-213),getParticleData(-100213),getParticleData(-30213)};
- tPDPtr Kstar0[3] = { getParticleData(313), getParticleData(100313), getParticleData(30313)};
- tPDPtr Kstarc[3] = {getParticleData(-323),getParticleData(-100323),getParticleData(-30323)};
- if(icharge==3) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- rhoc [ix] = rhoc[ix]->CC();
- Kstar0[ix] = Kstar0[ix]->CC();
- Kstarc[ix] = Kstarc[ix]->CC();
- }
- }
- if(imode==0) {
- // channels for pi- pi- pi+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rho0[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==1) {
- // channels for pi0 pi0 pi-
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==2) {
- // channels for K- pi- K+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstar0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
+ res[0] =getParticleData(213);
+ res[1] =getParticleData(100213);
+ res[2] =getParticleData(30213);
+ if(icharge==-3) {
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
+ if(res[ix]&&res[ix]->CC()) res[ix]=res[ix]->CC();
- else if(imode==3) {
- // channels for K0 pi- K0bar
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstarc[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
+ // channels for pi- pi0 eta
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
+ if(resonance && resonance != res[ix]) continue;
+ for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
+ mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,res[ix],ires+1,iloc+3,ires+1,res[iy],
+ ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+2));
- else if(imode==4) {
- // channels for K- pi0 K0
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==5) {
- // channels for pi0 pi0 K-
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==6) {
- // channels for K- pi- pi+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(Kstar0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstar0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==7) {
- // channels for pi- kbar0 pi0
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rhoc[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==8) {
- // channels for pi- pi0 eta
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rho0[iy]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- if(_rhoparameters) {
- if(imode!=8) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rhoc[ix],_rhoF123masses[ix],
- _rhoF123widths[ix]);
- if(rho0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rho0[ix],_rhoF123masses[ix],
- _rhoF123widths[ix]);
- }
- }
- else {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5masses.size();++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rhoc[ix],_rhoF5masses[ix],
- _rhoF5widths[ix]);
- if(rho0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rho0[ix],_rhoF5masses[ix],
- _rhoF5widths[ix]);
- }
- }
- }
- // K star parameters in the base class
- if(_kstarparameters) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(Kstarc[ix],_kstarF123masses[ix],
- _kstarF123widths[ix]);
- if(Kstar0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(Kstar0[ix],_kstarF123masses[ix],
- _kstarF123widths[ix]);
- }
- }
+ // reset the rho masses
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5masses.size();++ix)
+ mode->resetIntermediate(res[ix],_rhoF5masses[ix],_rhoF5widths[ix]);
return true;
-// initialisation of the a_1 width
-// (iopt=-1 initialises, iopt=0 starts the interpolation)
-void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::inita1Width(int iopt) {
- if(iopt==-1) {
- _maxcalc=_maxmass;
- if(!_initializea1||_maxmass==ZERO) return;
- // parameters for the table of values
- Energy2 step(sqr(_maxcalc)/199.);
- // integrator to perform the integral
- vector<double> inweights;inweights.push_back(0.5);inweights.push_back(0.5);
- vector<int> intype;intype.push_back(2);intype.push_back(3);
- Energy mrho(getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus)->mass()),
- wrho(getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus)->width());
- vector<Energy> inmass(2,mrho),inwidth(2,wrho);
- vector<double> inpow(2,0.0);
- ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator<EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent>
- widthgen(inweights,intype,inmass,inwidth,inpow,*this,0,_mpi,_mpi,_mpi);
- // normalisation constant to give physical width if on shell
- double a1const(_a1width/(widthgen.partialWidth(sqr(_a1mass))));
- // loop to give the values
- _a1runq2.clear(); _a1runwidth.clear();
- for(Energy2 moff2(ZERO); moff2<=sqr(_maxcalc); moff2+=step) {
- _a1runwidth.push_back(widthgen.partialWidth(moff2)*a1const);
- _a1runq2.push_back(moff2);
- }
- }
- // set up the interpolator
- else if(iopt==0) {
- _a1runinter = make_InterpolatorPtr(_a1runwidth,_a1runq2,3);
- }
void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,
bool create) const {
if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
if(create) output << "create Herwig::EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent "
<< name() << "\n";
+ output << "newdef " << name() << ":FPi " << _fpi/MeV << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123wgts.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":F123RhoWeight " << ix << " " << _rhoF123wgts[ix] << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F123KstarWeight " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5wgts.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":F5RhoWeight " << ix << " " << _rhoF5wgts[ix] << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F5KstarWeight " << ix << " " << _kstarF5wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoKstarWgt " << _rhoKstarwgt << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":Initializea1 " << _initializea1 << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoParameters " << _rhoparameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":KstarParameters " << _kstarparameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1Parameters " << _a1parameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Parameters " << _k1parameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1WidthOption " << _a1opt << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_a1runwidth.size();++ix) {
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1RunningWidth " << ix
- << " " << _a1runwidth[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_a1runq2.size();++ix) {
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1RunningQ2 " << ix
- << " " << _a1runq2[ix]/GeV2 << "\n";
- }
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Width " << _a1width/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Mass " << _a1mass/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Width " << _k1width/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Mass " << _k1mass/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":FPi " << _fpi/MeV << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123masses.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":rhoF123masses " << ix
<< " " << _rhoF123masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123widths.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":rhoF123widths " << ix << " "
<< _rhoF123widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5masses.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":rhoF5masses " << ix << " "
<< _rhoF5masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5widths.size();++ix) {
if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":rhoF5widths " << ix << " "
<< _rhoF5widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF123masses " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF123widths " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF5masses " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF5masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF5widths " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF5widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;
-void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::doinitrun() {
- // set up the running a_1 width
- inita1Width(0);
- WeakCurrent::doinitrun();
-void EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::doupdate() {
- WeakCurrent::doupdate();
- // update running width if needed
- if ( !touched() ) return;
- if(_maxmass!=_maxcalc) inita1Width(-1);
-Complex EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::rhoKBreitWigner(Energy2 q2,unsigned int itype,
- unsigned int ires) const {
- Energy q(sqrt(q2)),mass,width,mout[2]={_mpi,_mpi};
- // get the mass and width of the requested resonance
- if(itype==0) {
- mass=_rhoF123masses[ires];
- width=_rhoF123widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==1) {
- mass=_rhoF5masses[ires];
- width=_rhoF5widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==2) {
- mass=_kstarF123masses[ires];
- width=_kstarF123widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==3) {
- mass=_kstarF5masses[ires];
- width=_kstarF5widths[ires];
- }
- else {
- return 0.;
- }
- // calculate the momenta for the running widths
- if(itype>1) mout[0]=_mK;
- Energy pcm0(Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(mass,mout[0],mout[1]));
- Energy pcm(ZERO);
- if(mout[0]+mout[1]<q){pcm=Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(q,mout[0],mout[1]);}
- double ratio = Math::Pow<3>(pcm/pcm0);
- Energy gamrun(width*mass*ratio/q);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- complex<Energy2> denom(q2-mass*mass+ii*mass*gamrun), numer(-mass*mass);
- return numer/denom;
-double EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::
-threeBodyMatrixElement(const int , const Energy2 q2,
- const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2,
- const Energy2 s1, const Energy ,
- const Energy , const Energy ) const {
- Energy2 mpi2(sqr(_mpi));
- Complex propb(BrhoF123(s1,-1)),propa(BrhoF123(s2,-1));
- // the matrix element
- Energy2 output(ZERO);
- // first resonance
- output += ((s1-4.*mpi2) + 0.25*(s3-s2)*(s3-s2)/q2) * real(propb*conj(propb));
- // second resonance
- output += ((s2-4.*mpi2) + 0.25*(s3-s1)*(s3-s1)/q2) * real(propa*conj(propa));
- // the interference term
- output += (0.5*q2-s3-0.5*mpi2+0.25*(s3-s2)*(s3-s1)/q2)*real(propa*conj(propb)+
- propb*conj(propa));
- return output/sqr(_rhoF123masses[0]);
// the hadronic currents
EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::current(tcPDPtr resonance,
- IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
- const int imode, const int ichan, Energy & scale,
- const tPDVector & ,
- const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
- DecayIntegrator::MEOption) const {
+ IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
+ const int imode, const int ichan, Energy & scale,
+ const tPDVector & outgoing,
+ const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
+ DecayIntegrator::MEOption) const {
+ useMe();
+ // check the isospin
+ if(Itotal!=IsoSpin::IUnknown && Itotal!=IsoSpin::IOne)
+ return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ int icharge = outgoing[0]->iCharge()+outgoing[1]->iCharge();
+ // check I_3
+ if(i3!=IsoSpin::I3Unknown) {
+ switch(i3) {
+ case IsoSpin::I3Zero:
+ if(imode==0) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3One:
+ if(imode==1 || icharge ==-3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ break;
+ case IsoSpin::I3MinusOne:
+ if(imode==1 || icharge ==3) return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ default:
+ return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>();
+ }
+ }
// calculate q2,s1,s2,s3
- Lorentz5Momentum q;
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<momenta.size();++ix)
- q+=momenta[ix];
+ Lorentz5Momentum q = momenta[0] + momenta[1] + momenta[2];
Energy2 q2=q.mass2();
- Energy2 s1 = (momenta[1]+momenta[2]).m2();
- Energy2 s2 = (momenta[0]+momenta[2]).m2();
Energy2 s3 = (momenta[0]+momenta[1]).m2();
- FormFactors F = calculateFormFactors(ichan,imode,q2,s1,s2,s3);
- //if({F.F5=conj(F.F5);}
- // the first three form-factors
- LorentzPolarizationVector vect;
- vect = (F.F2-F.F1)*momenta[2]
- +(F.F1-F.F3)*momenta[1]
- +(F.F3-F.F2)*momenta[0];
- // multiply by the transverse projection operator
- complex<InvEnergy> dot=(vect*q)/q2;
- // scalar and parity violating terms
- vect += (F.F4-dot)*q;
- if(F.F5!=complex<InvEnergy3>())
- vect += Complex(0.,1.)*F.F5*Helicity::epsilon(momenta[0],
- momenta[1],
- momenta[2]);
+ // the form factor
+ Complex F5(0.);
+ int ires1(-1),ires2(-1);
+ if(ichan>=0) {
+ ires1 = ichan/3;
+ ires2 = ichan%3;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(resonance) {
+ switch(resonance->id()/1000) {
+ case 0:
+ ires1 = 0;
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ ires1 = 1;
+ break;
+ case 30 :
+ ires1 = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ F5 = BrhoF5(q2,ires1)*BrhoF123(s3,ires2)*sqrt(2./3.);
+ // constant the current
+ LorentzPolarizationVector vect = -Complex(0.,1.)*F5/sqr(Constants::twopi)/pow<3,1>(_fpi)*
+ Helicity::epsilon(momenta[0],momenta[1],momenta[2]);
// factor to get dimensions correct
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,q.mass()*vect);
bool EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::accept(vector<int> id) {
- int npip(0),npim(0),nkp(0),nkm(0),
- npi0(0),nk0(0),nk0bar(0),neta(0),nks(0),nkl(0);
+ // check there are only three particles
+ if(id.size()!=3) return false;
+ unsigned int npip(0),npim(0),npi0(0),neta(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<id.size();++ix) {
if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piplus) ++npip;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piminus) ++npim;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kplus) ++nkp;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kminus) ++nkm;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::pi0) ++npi0;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K0) ++nk0;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kbar0) ++nk0bar;
else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::eta) ++neta;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K_S0) ++nks;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K_L0) ++nkl;
- int imode(-1);
- if( (npip==2&&npim==1) || (npim==2&&npip==1) ) imode= 0;
- else if( (npip==1&&npi0==2) || (npim==1&&npi0==2) ) imode= 1;
- else if( (nkp==1&&nkm==1&&npip==1) ||
- (nkp==1&&nkm==1&&npim==1)) imode= 2;
- else if( (nk0==1&&nk0bar==1&&npip==1) ||
- (nk0==1&&nk0bar==1&&npim==1)) imode= 3;
- else if( (nkp==1&&nk0bar==1&&npi0==1) ||
- (nkm==1&&npi0==1&&nk0==1)) imode= 4;
- else if( (nkp==1&&npi0==2) || (npi0==2&&nkm==1) ) imode= 5;
- else if( (npip==1&&npim==1&&nkp==1) ||
- (nkm==1&&npim==1&&npip==1) ) imode= 6;
- else if( (nk0==1&&npip==1&&npi0==1) ||
- (npim==1&&nk0bar==1&&npi0==1)) imode= 7;
- else if( (npip==1&&npi0==1&&neta==1) ||
- (npim==1&&npi0==1&&neta==1)) imode= 8;
- else if( nks==2 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode= 9;
- else if( nkl==2 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode=10;
- else if( nks==1&&nkl==1 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode=11;
- return imode==-1 ? false : acceptMode(imode);
+ if( (npip==1&&npim==1&&neta==1) ||
+ (npi0==1&&npim+npip==1&&neta==1))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
unsigned int EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::decayMode(vector<int> id) {
- int npip(0),npim(0),nkp(0),nkm(0),
- npi0(0),nk0(0),nk0bar(0),neta(0),nks(0),nkl(0);
+ unsigned int npi(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<id.size();++ix) {
- if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piplus) ++npip;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::piminus) ++npim;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kplus) ++nkp;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kminus) ++nkm;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::pi0) ++npi0;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K0) ++nk0;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::Kbar0) ++nk0bar;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::eta) ++neta;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K_S0) ++nks;
- else if(id[ix]==ParticleID::K_L0) ++nkl;
+ if(abs(id[ix])==ParticleID::piplus) ++npi;
- int imode(-1);
- if( (npip==2&&npim==1) || (npim==2&&npip==1) ) imode= 0;
- else if( (npip==1&&npi0==2) || (npim==1&&npi0==2) ) imode= 1;
- else if( (nkp==1&&nkm==1&&npip==1) ||
- (nkp==1&&nkm==1&&npim==1)) imode= 2;
- else if( (nk0==1&&nk0bar==1&&npip==1) ||
- (nk0==1&&nk0bar==1&&npim==1)) imode= 3;
- else if( (nkp==1&&nk0bar==1&&npi0==1) ||
- (nkm==1&&npi0==1&&nk0==1)) imode= 4;
- else if( (nkp==1&&npi0==2) || (npi0==2&&nkm==1) ) imode= 5;
- else if( (npip==1&&npim==1&&nkp==1) ||
- (nkm==1&&npim==1&&npip==1) ) imode= 6;
- else if( (nk0==1&&npip==1&&npi0==1) ||
- (npim==1&&nk0bar==1&&npi0==1)) imode= 7;
- else if( (npip==1&&npi0==1&&neta==1) ||
- (npim==1&&npi0==1&&neta==1)) imode= 8;
- else if( nks==2 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode= 9;
- else if( nkl==2 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode=10;
- else if( nks==1&&nkl==1 && (npip==1||npim==1) ) imode=11;
- return imode;
+ if(npi==2) return 1;
+ else return 0;
tPDVector EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent::particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode,int,int) {
- tPDVector extpart(3);
+ tPDVector output(3);
+ output[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
+ output[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::eta);
if(imode==0) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
- }
- else if(imode==1) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- }
- else if(imode==2) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kplus);
- }
- else if(imode==3) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kbar0);
- }
- else if(imode==4) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K0);
- }
- else if(imode==5) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus);
- }
- else if(imode==6) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus);
- }
- else if(imode==7) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kbar0);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- }
- else if(imode==8) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::eta);
- }
- else if(imode==9) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_S0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_S0);
- }
- else if(imode==10) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_L0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_L0);
- }
- else if(imode==11) {
- extpart[0]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_S0);
- extpart[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
- extpart[2]=getParticleData(ParticleID::K_L0);
- }
- // conjugate the particles if needed
- if(icharge==3) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(extpart[ix]->CC()) extpart[ix]=extpart[ix]->CC();
+ output[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0);
+ if(icharge==-3) {
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix) {
+ if(output[ix]->CC()) output[ix]=output[ix]->CC();
+ }
- // return the answer
- return extpart;
+ else {
+ output[1]=getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus);
+ }
+ return output;
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h b/Decay/WeakCurrents/EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h
@@ -1,632 +1,282 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent_H
#define HERWIG_EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent_H
// This is the declaration of the EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class.
#include "WeakCurrent.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Interpolator.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Kinematics.h"
#include "ThePEG/StandardModel/StandardModelBase.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/ResonanceHelpers.h"
+#include <numeric>
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Decay
- * The EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class implements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992),
- * this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the \f$a_1\f$ width and
- * is the default model in TAUOLA.
+ * The EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class implements the current from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992),
+ * for \f$ \pi^- \pi^0 \eta \f$.
- * The following three meson modes are implemented.
- * - \f$ \pi^- \pi^- \pi^+ \f$, (imode=0)
- * - \f$ \pi^0 \pi^0 \pi^- \f$, (imode=1)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^- K^+ \f$, (imode=2)
- * - \f$ K^0 \pi^- \bar{K}^0\f$, (imode=3)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^0 K^0 \f$, (imode=4)
- * - \f$ \pi^0 \pi^0 K^- \f$, (imode=5)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^- \pi^+ \f$, (imode=6)
- * - \f$ \pi^- \bar{K}^0 \pi^0 \f$, (imode=7)
- * - \f$ \pi^- \pi^0 \eta \f$, (imode=8)
- *
- * using the currents from TAUOLA
- *
- *
- * @see WeakCurrent,
- * @see WeakCurrent.
- * @see Defaulta1MatrixElement
+ * @see WeakCurrent
class EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent: public WeakCurrent {
- /**
- * The matrix element for the running \f$a_1\f$ width is a friend to
- * keep some members private.
- */
- friend class Defaulta1MatrixElement;
* Default constructor
* Hadronic current. This method is purely virtual and must be implemented in
* all classes inheriting from this one.
* @param resonance If specified only include terms with this particle
* @param Itotal If specified the total isospin of the current
* @param I3 If specified the thrid component of isospin
* @param imode The mode
* @param ichan The phase-space channel the current is needed for.
* @param scale The invariant mass of the particles in the current.
* @param outgoing The particles produced in the decay
* @param momenta The momenta of the particles produced in the decay
* @param meopt Option for the calculation of the matrix element
* @return The current.
virtual vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>
current(tcPDPtr resonance,
IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
const int imode, const int ichan,Energy & scale,
const tPDVector & outgoing,
const vector<Lorentz5Momentum> & momenta,
DecayIntegrator::MEOption meopt) const;
* Accept the decay. Checks the mesons against the list.
* @param id The id's of the particles in the current.
* @return Can this current have the external particles specified.
virtual bool accept(vector<int> id);
* Return the decay mode number for a given set of particles in the current.
* Checks the mesons against the list.
* @param id The id's of the particles in the current.
* @return The number of the mode
virtual unsigned int decayMode(vector<int> id);
* The particles produced by the current. This returns the mesons for the mode.
* @param icharge The total charge of the particles in the current.
* @param imode The mode for which the particles are being requested
* @param iq The PDG code for the quark
* @param ia The PDG code for the antiquark
* @return The external particles for the current.
virtual tPDVector particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode, int iq, int ia);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
static void Init();
/** @name Methods for the construction of the phase space integrator. */
* Complete the construction of the decay mode for integration.classes inheriting
* from this one.
* This method is purely virtual and must be implemented in the classes inheriting
* from WeakCurrent.
* @param icharge The total charge of the outgoing particles in the current.
* @param resonance If specified only include terms with this particle
* @param Itotal If specified the total isospin of the current
* @param I3 If specified the thrid component of isospin
* @param imode The mode in the current being asked for.
* @param mode The phase space mode for the integration
* @param iloc The location of the of the first particle from the current in
* the list of outgoing particles.
* @param ires The location of the first intermediate for the current.
* @param phase The prototype phase space channel for the integration.
* @param upp The maximum possible mass the particles in the current are
* allowed to have.
* @return Whether the current was sucessfully constructed.
virtual bool createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,int ires,
PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp );
* Output the setup information for the particle database
* @param os The stream to output the information to
* @param header Whether or not to output the information for MySQL
* @param create Whether or not to add a statement creating the object
virtual void dataBaseOutput(ofstream & os,bool header,bool create) const;
- /**
- * the matrix element for the \f$a_1\f$ decay to calculate the running width
- * @param imode The mode for which the matrix element is needed.
- * @param q2 The mass of the decaying off-shell \f$a_1\f$, \f$q^2\f$.
- * @param s3 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 2, \f$s_3=m^2_{12}\f$.
- * @param s2 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 3, \f$s_2=m^2_{13}\f$.
- * @param s1 The invariant mass squared of particles 2 and 3, \f$s_1=m^2_{23}\f$.
- * @param m1 The mass of the first outgoing particle.
- * @param m2 The mass of the second outgoing particle.
- * @param m3 The mass of the third outgoing particle.
- * @return The matrix element squared summed over spins.
- */
- double threeBodyMatrixElement(const int imode, const Energy2 q2,
- const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2,
- const Energy2 s1, const Energy m1,
- const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const;
- /**
- * Helper class for form factors
- */
- struct FormFactors {
- /**
- * @param F1 The \f$F_1\f$ form factor
- */
- complex<InvEnergy> F1;
- /**
- * @param F2 The \f$F_2\f$ form factor
- */
- complex<InvEnergy> F2;
- /**
- * @param F3 The \f$F_3\f$ form factor
- */
- complex<InvEnergy> F3;
- /**
- * @param F4 The \f$F_4\f$ form factor
- */
- complex<InvEnergy> F4;
- /**
- * @param F5 The \f$F_5\f$ form factor
- */
- complex<InvEnergy3> F5;
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param f1 The \f$F_1\f$ form factor
- * @param f2 The \f$F_2\f$ form factor
- * @param f3 The \f$F_3\f$ form factor
- * @param f4 The \f$F_4\f$ form factor
- * @param f5 The \f$F_5\f$ form factor
- */
- FormFactors(complex<InvEnergy> f1 = InvEnergy(),
- complex<InvEnergy> f2 = InvEnergy(),
- complex<InvEnergy> f3 = InvEnergy(),
- complex<InvEnergy> f4 = InvEnergy(),
- complex<InvEnergy3> f5 = InvEnergy3())
- : F1(f1), F2(f2), F3(f3), F4(f4), F5(f5) {}
- };
- /**
- * Can the current handle a particular set of mesons.
- * As this current includes all the allowed modes this is always true.
- */
- virtual bool acceptMode(int) const;
- /**
- * Calculate the form factor for the current. Implements the form factors
- * described above.
- * @param ichan The phase space channel
- * @param imode The mode
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the current.
- * @param s1 The invariant mass squared of particles 2 and 3, \f$s_1=m^2_{23}\f$.
- * @param s2 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 3, \f$s_2=m^2_{13}\f$.
- * @param s3 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 2, \f$s_3=m^2_{12}\f$.
- */
- virtual FormFactors calculateFormFactors(const int ichan, const int imode,
- Energy2 q2,
- Energy2 s1, Energy2 s2, Energy2 s3) const;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
- /** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
- //@{
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
- /**
- * Initialize this object to the begining of the run phase.
- */
- virtual void doinitrun();
- /**
- * Check sanity of the object during the setup phase.
- */
- virtual void doupdate();
- //@}
* Private and non-existent assignment operator.
EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent & operator=(const EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent &);
* The \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
* @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
* @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
* @return The Breit-Wigner
Complex BrhoF123(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_rhoF123wgts[ix];
- }
+ Complex output(0.);
+ Complex norm = std::accumulate(_rhoF123wgts.begin(),_rhoF123wgts.end(),Complex(0.));
if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_rhoF123wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,0,ix);
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123wgts.size();++ix) {
+ output+=_rhoF123wgts[ix]*
+ Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(q2,_rhoF123masses[ix],
+ _rhoF123widths[ix],_mpi,_mpi);
else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_rhoF123wgts.size()&&temp<3)
- output=_rhoF123wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,0,temp);
- else
- output=0.;
+ assert(ires<=int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));
+ output=_rhoF123wgts[ires]*
+ Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(q2,_rhoF123masses[ires],
+ _rhoF123widths[ires],_mpi,_mpi);
return output/norm;
* The \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
* @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
* @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
* @return The Breit-Wigner
Complex BrhoF5(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_rhoF5wgts[ix];
- }
+ Complex output(0.);
+ Complex norm = std::accumulate(_rhoF5wgts.begin(),_rhoF5wgts.end(),Complex(0.0));
if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_rhoF5wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,1,ix);
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5wgts.size();++ix) {
+ output+=_rhoF5wgts[ix]*
+ Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(q2,_rhoF5masses[ix],
+ _rhoF5widths[ix],_mpi,_mpi);
else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_rhoF5wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_rhoF5wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,1,temp);
- }
+ assert(ires<=int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));
+ output=_rhoF5wgts[ires]*
+ Resonance::BreitWignerPWave(q2,_rhoF5masses[ires],
+ _rhoF5widths[ires],_mpi,_mpi);
return output/norm;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BKstarF123(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_kstarF123wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_kstarF123wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,2,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_kstarF123wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_kstarF123wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,2,temp);
- }
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BKstarF5(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_kstarF5wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_kstarF5wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,3,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_kstarF5wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_kstarF5wgts[ires]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,3,temp);
- }
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * Mixed Breit Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factor
- * @param si The scale \f$s_1\f$.
- * @param sj The scale \f$s_2\f$.
- * @param ires Which resonances to use
- * @return The mixed Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex FKrho(Energy2 si,Energy2 sj,int ires) const {
- Complex output;
- if(ires<0){output = _rhoKstarwgt*BKstarF123(si,-1)+BrhoF123(sj,-1);}
- else if(ires%2==0){output= _rhoKstarwgt*BKstarF123(si,ires/2);}
- else if(ires%2==1){output=BrhoF123(sj,ires/2);}
- output /=(1.+_rhoKstarwgt);
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * \f$a_1\f$ Breit-Wigner
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex a1BreitWigner(Energy2 q2) const {
- if(!_a1opt)
- return Resonance::BreitWignera1(q2,_a1mass,_a1width);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- Energy2 m2(_a1mass*_a1mass);
- Energy q(sqrt(q2));
- Energy width = (*_a1runinter)(q2);
- return m2/(m2-q2-ii*q*width);
- }
- /**
- * The \f$K_1\f$ Breit-Wigner
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex K1BreitWigner(Energy2 q2) const {
- Energy2 m2 = sqr(_k1mass);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- complex<Energy2> fact(m2 - ii*_k1mass*_k1width);
- return fact/(fact-q2);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the \f$a_1\f$ running width
- * @param iopt Initialization option (-1 full calculation, 0 set up the interpolation)
- */
- void inita1Width(int iopt);
- /**
- * Breit-Wigners for the \f$\rho\f$ and \f$K^*\f$.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner.
- * @param itype The type of Breit-Wigner, \e i.e. which masses and widths to use.x
- * @param ires Which multiplet to use.
- */
- Complex rhoKBreitWigner(Energy2 q2,unsigned int itype,unsigned int ires) const;
* Parameters for the \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
* \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
vector<double> _rhoF123wgts;
- /**
- * Parameters for the \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _kstarF123wgts;
* Parameters for the \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
* \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
vector<double> _rhoF5wgts;
- * Parameters for the \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _kstarF5wgts;
- /**
- * The relative weight of the \f$\rho\f$ and \f$K^*\f$ where needed.
- */
- double _rhoKstarwgt;
- /**
- * The \f$a_1\f$ width for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- vector<Energy> _a1runwidth;
- /**
- * The \f$q^2\f$ for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- vector<Energy2> _a1runq2;
- /**
- * The interpolator for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- Interpolator<Energy,Energy2>::Ptr _a1runinter;
- /**
- * Initialize the running \f$a_1\f$ width.
- */
- bool _initializea1;
- /**
- * The mass of the \f$a_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _a1mass;
- /**
- * The width of the \f$a_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _a1width;
- /**
- * The mass of the \f$aK1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _k1mass;
- /**
- * The width of the \f$K_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _k1width;
- /**
* The pion decay constant, \f$f_\pi\f$.
Energy _fpi;
* The pion mass
Energy _mpi;
- * The kaon mass
- */
- Energy _mK;
- /**
- * use local values of the \f$\rho\f$ masses and widths
- */
- bool _rhoparameters;
- /**
* The \f$\rho\f$ masses for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
vector<Energy> _rhoF123masses;
* The \f$\rho\f$ masses for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
vector<Energy> _rhoF5masses;
* The \f$\rho\f$ widths for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
vector<Energy> _rhoF123widths;
* The \f$\rho\f$ widths for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
vector<Energy> _rhoF5widths;
- /**
- * use local values of the \f$K^*\f$ resonances masses and widths
- */
- bool _kstarparameters;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ masses for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF123masses;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ masses for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF5masses;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ widths for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF123widths;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ widths for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF5widths;
- /**
- * Use local values of the \f$a_1\f$ parameters
- */
- bool _a1parameters;
- /**
- * Use local values of the \f$K_1\f$ parameters
- */
- bool _k1parameters;
- /**
- * Option for the \f$a_1\f$ width
- */
- bool _a1opt;
- /**
- * The maximum mass of the hadronic system
- */
- Energy _maxmass;
- /**
- * The maximum mass when the running width was calculated
- */
- Energy _maxcalc;
#endif /* HERWIG_EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent_H */
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,56 +1,54 @@
@echo "Concatenating .cc files into $@"
@$(top_srcdir)/cat_with_cpplines $(DIR_CC_FILES) > $@
DIR_H_FILES = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(ALL_H_FILES))
FourPionNovosibirskCurrent.h \
ThreeMesonCurrentBase.h \
OneKaonTwoPionDefaultCurrent.h \
TwoKaonOnePionDefaultCurrent.h \
EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h \
FivePionCurrent.h \
DIR_CC_FILES = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(ALL_CC_FILES))
ALL_CC_FILES = \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1053 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
-// functions of the ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent class.
-#include "ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
-#include "Herwig/PDT/ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
-using namespace Herwig;
-using namespace ThePEG;
- "");
-ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent() {
- // the pion decay constant
- _fpi=130.7*MeV/sqrt(2.);
- _mpi=ZERO;_mK=ZERO;
- // set the initial weights for the resonances
- // the rho weights
- _rhoF123wgts.push_back(1.0);_rhoF123wgts.push_back(-0.145);
- _rhoF123wgts.push_back(0.);
- _rhoF5wgts.push_back(-26.);_rhoF5wgts.push_back(6.5);
- _rhoF5wgts.push_back(1.);
- // the Kstar weights
- _kstarF123wgts.push_back(1.);
- _kstarF5wgts.push_back(1.);
- // relative rho/Kstar weights
- _rhoKstarwgt=-0.2;
- // local values of the a_1 parameters
- _a1parameters=true;_a1mass=1.251*GeV;_a1width=0.599*GeV;
- _a1opt=true;
- // local values of the K_1 parameters
- _k1parameters=true;_k1mass=1.402*GeV,_k1width=0.174*GeV;
- // local values of the rho parameters
- _rhoparameters=true;
- _rhoF123masses.push_back(0.773*GeV);_rhoF123masses.push_back(1.370*GeV);
- _rhoF123masses.push_back(1.750*GeV);
- _rhoF123widths.push_back(0.145*GeV);_rhoF123widths.push_back(0.510*GeV);
- _rhoF123widths.push_back(0.120*GeV);
- _rhoF5masses.push_back(0.773*GeV);_rhoF5masses.push_back(1.500*GeV);
- _rhoF5masses.push_back(1.750*GeV);
- _rhoF5widths.push_back(0.145*GeV);_rhoF5widths.push_back(0.220*GeV);
- _rhoF5widths.push_back(0.120*GeV);
- // local values for the Kstar parameters
- _kstarparameters=true;
- _kstarF123masses.push_back(0.8921*GeV);
- _kstarF123widths.push_back(0.0513*GeV);
- _kstarF5masses.push_back(0.8921*GeV);
- _kstarF5widths.push_back(0.0513*GeV);
- // initialization of the a_1 running width
- _initializea1=false;
- double a1q2in[200]={0,15788.6,31577.3,47365.9,63154.6,78943.2,94731.9,110521,
- 126309,142098,157886,173675,189464,205252,221041,236830,
- 252618,268407,284196,299984,315773,331562,347350,363139,
- 378927,394716,410505,426293,442082,457871,473659,489448,
- 505237,521025,536814,552603,568391,584180,599969,615757,
- 631546,647334,663123,678912,694700,710489,726278,742066,
- 757855,773644,789432,805221,821010,836798,852587,868375,
- 884164,899953,915741,931530,947319,963107,978896,994685,
- 1.01047e+06,1.02626e+06,1.04205e+06,1.05784e+06,1.07363e+06,
- 1.08942e+06,1.10521e+06,1.12099e+06,1.13678e+06,1.15257e+06,
- 1.16836e+06,1.18415e+06,1.19994e+06,1.21573e+06,1.23151e+06,
- 1.2473e+06,1.26309e+06,1.27888e+06,1.29467e+06,1.31046e+06,
- 1.32625e+06,1.34203e+06,1.35782e+06,1.37361e+06,1.3894e+06,
- 1.40519e+06,1.42098e+06,1.43677e+06,1.45256e+06,1.46834e+06
- ,1.48413e+06,1.49992e+06,1.51571e+06,1.5315e+06,1.54729e+06,
- 1.56308e+06,1.57886e+06,1.59465e+06,1.61044e+06,1.62623e+06,
- 1.64202e+06,1.65781e+06,1.6736e+06,1.68939e+06,1.70517e+06,
- 1.72096e+06,1.73675e+06,1.75254e+06,1.76833e+06,1.78412e+06,
- 1.79991e+06,1.81569e+06,1.83148e+06,1.84727e+06,1.86306e+06,
- 1.87885e+06,1.89464e+06,1.91043e+06,1.92621e+06,1.942e+06,
- 1.95779e+06,1.97358e+06,1.98937e+06,2.00516e+06,2.02095e+06,
- 2.03674e+06,2.05252e+06,2.06831e+06,2.0841e+06,2.09989e+06,
- 2.11568e+06,2.13147e+06,2.14726e+06,2.16304e+06,2.17883e+06,
- 2.19462e+06,2.21041e+06,2.2262e+06,2.24199e+06,2.25778e+06,
- 2.27356e+06,2.28935e+06,2.30514e+06,2.32093e+06,2.33672e+06,
- 2.35251e+06,2.3683e+06,2.38409e+06,2.39987e+06,2.41566e+06,
- 2.43145e+06,2.44724e+06,2.46303e+06,2.47882e+06,2.49461e+06,
- 2.51039e+06,2.52618e+06,2.54197e+06,2.55776e+06,2.57355e+06,
- 2.58934e+06,2.60513e+06,2.62092e+06,2.6367e+06,2.65249e+06,
- 2.66828e+06,2.68407e+06,2.69986e+06,2.71565e+06,2.73144e+06,
- 2.74722e+06,2.76301e+06,2.7788e+06,2.79459e+06,2.81038e+06,
- 2.82617e+06,2.84196e+06,2.85774e+06,2.87353e+06,2.88932e+06,
- 2.90511e+06,2.9209e+06,2.93669e+06,2.95248e+06,2.96827e+06,
- 2.98405e+06,2.99984e+06,3.01563e+06,3.03142e+06,3.04721e+06,
- 3.063e+06,3.07879e+06,3.09457e+06,3.11036e+06,3.12615e+06,
- 3.14194e+06};
- double a1widthin[200]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00153933,0.0136382,0.0457614,
- 0.105567,0.199612,0.333825,0.513831,0.745192,1.0336,1.38501,
- 1.80581,2.30295,2.88403,3.5575,4.33278,5.22045,6.23243,
- 7.38223,8.68521,10.1589,11.8234,13.7018,15.8206,18.2107,
- 20.9078,23.9533,27.3954,31.2905,35.7038,40.7106,46.3984,
- 52.8654,60.2207,68.581,78.0637,88.7754,100.794,114.145,
- 128.783,144.574,161.299,178.683,196.426,214.248,231.908,
- 249.221,266.059,282.336,298.006,313.048,327.46,341.254,
- 354.448,367.066,379.133,390.677,401.726,412.304,422.439,
- 432.155,441.474,450.419,459.01,467.267,475.207,482.847,
- 490.203,497.29,504.121,510.71,517.068,523.207,529.138,
- 534.869,540.411,545.776,550.961,556.663,560.851,565.566,
- 570.137,574.569,578.869,583.041,587.091,591.023,594.843,
- 598.553,602.16,605.664,609.072,612.396,615.626,618.754,
- 621.796,624.766,627.656,630.47,633.21,635.878,638.5,
- 641.006,643.471,645.873,648.213,650.493,652.715,654.88,
- 656.99,659.047,661.052,663.007,664.963,666.771,668.6,
- 670.351,672.075,673.828,675.397,676.996,678.567,680.083,
- 681.589,683.023,684.457,685.825,687.18,688.499,689.789,
- 691.058,692.284,693.501,694.667,695.82,696.947,698.05,
- 699.129,700.186,701.221,702.234,703.226,704.198,705.158,
- 706.085,707.001,707.899,708.78,709.644,710.474,711.334,
- 712.145,712.943,713.727,714.505,715.266,716.015,716.751,
- 717.474,718.183,718.88,719.645,720.243,720.91,721.565,
- 722.211,722.851,723.473,724.094,724.697,725.296,725.886,
- 726.468,727.041,727.608,728.166,728.718,729.262,729.808,
- 730.337,730.856,731.374,731.883,732.386,732.884,733.373,
- 733.859,734.339,734.813};
- vector<double> tmp1(a1widthin,a1widthin+200);
- _a1runwidth.clear();
- std::transform(tmp1.begin(), tmp1.end(),
- back_inserter(_a1runwidth),
- [](double x){return x*GeV;});
- vector<double> tmp2(a1q2in,a1q2in+200);
- _a1runq2.clear();
- std::transform(tmp2.begin(), tmp2.end(),
- back_inserter(_a1runq2),
- [](double x){return x*GeV2;});
- _maxmass=ZERO;
- _maxcalc=ZERO;
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::doinit() {
- ThreeMesonCurrentBase::doinit();
- // the particles we will use a lot
- tPDPtr a1(getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus)),
- k1(getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1minus)),pi0(getParticleData(ParticleID::pi0)),
- piplus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus)),
- piminus(getParticleData(ParticleID::piminus));
- // masses for the running widths
- _mpi=piplus->mass();
- _mK=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kminus)->mass();
- // the charged rho resonances
- tPDPtr rhoc[3]={getParticleData(-213),getParticleData(-100213),
- getParticleData(-30213)};
- // the charged K* resonances
- tPDPtr Kstarc[3]={getParticleData(-323),getParticleData(-100323),
- getParticleData(-30323)};
- if(!_a1parameters) {
- _a1mass=a1->mass();
- _a1width=a1->width();
- }
- // mass and width of the k_1
- if(!_k1parameters) {
- _k1mass=k1->mass();
- _k1width=k1->width();
- }
- // initialise the a_1 running width calculation
- inita1Width(-1);
- // rho parameters in the base classs
- tcPDPtr temp;
- unsigned int ix;
- if(_rhoparameters&&_rhoF123masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _rhoF123masses.size();
- _rhoF123masses.resize(3);_rhoF123widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF123masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF123widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_rhoparameters) {
- _rhoF123masses.resize(3);_rhoF123widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF123masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF123widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // K star parameters in the base class
- if(_kstarparameters&&_kstarF123masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _kstarF123masses.size();
- _kstarF123masses.resize(3);_kstarF123widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF123masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF123widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_kstarparameters) {
- _kstarF123masses.resize(3);_kstarF123widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF123masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF123widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // rho parameters here
- if(_rhoparameters&&_rhoF5masses.size()<3) {
- ix = _rhoF5masses.size();
- _rhoF5masses.resize(3);_rhoF5widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF5masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF5widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_rhoparameters) {
- _rhoF5masses.resize(3);_rhoF5widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- _rhoF5masses[ix]=rhoc[ix]->mass();
- _rhoF5widths[ix]=rhoc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- // Kstar parameters here
- if(_kstarparameters&&_kstarF5widths.size()<3) {
- ix = _kstarF5masses.size();
- _kstarF5masses.resize(3);_kstarF5widths.resize(3);
- for(;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF5masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF5widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!_kstarparameters) {
- _kstarF5masses.resize(3);_kstarF5widths.resize(3);
- for(ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- _kstarF5masses[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->mass();
- _kstarF5widths[ix]=Kstarc[ix]->width();
- }
- }
- }
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
- os << _rhoF123wgts << _kstarF123wgts << _rhoF5wgts << _kstarF5wgts
- << _rhoKstarwgt << ounit(_a1runwidth,GeV)<< ounit(_a1runq2,GeV2)
- << _initializea1
- << ounit(_a1mass,GeV)<< ounit(_a1width,GeV)<< ounit(_k1mass,GeV)
- << ounit(_k1width,GeV)<< ounit(_fpi,GeV) << ounit(_mpi,GeV)<< ounit(_mK,GeV)
- <<_rhoparameters << ounit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) << ounit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
- << ounit(_rhoF123widths,GeV)
- << ounit(_rhoF5widths,GeV) << _kstarparameters << ounit(_kstarF123masses,GeV)
- <<ounit(_kstarF5masses,GeV)
- << ounit(_kstarF123widths,GeV) << ounit(_kstarF5widths,GeV) << _a1parameters
- << _k1parameters
- << _a1opt << ounit(_maxmass,GeV) << ounit(_maxcalc,GeV) << _a1runinter;
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
- is >> _rhoF123wgts >> _kstarF123wgts >> _rhoF5wgts >> _kstarF5wgts
- >> _rhoKstarwgt >> iunit(_a1runwidth,GeV) >> iunit(_a1runq2,GeV2)
- >> _initializea1
- >> iunit(_a1mass,GeV) >> iunit(_a1width,GeV) >> iunit(_k1mass,GeV)
- >> iunit(_k1width,GeV) >> iunit(_fpi,GeV) >> iunit(_mpi,GeV) >> iunit(_mK,GeV)
- >>_rhoparameters >> iunit(_rhoF123masses,GeV) >> iunit(_rhoF5masses,GeV)
- >> iunit(_rhoF123widths,GeV)
- >> iunit(_rhoF5widths,GeV) >> _kstarparameters >> iunit(_kstarF123masses,GeV)
- >>iunit(_kstarF5masses,GeV)
- >> iunit(_kstarF123widths,GeV) >> iunit(_kstarF5widths,GeV) >> _a1parameters
- >> _k1parameters
- >> _a1opt >> iunit(_maxmass,GeV) >> iunit(_maxcalc,GeV) >> _a1runinter;
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::Init() {
- static ClassDocumentation<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent> documentation
- ("The ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent class is designed to implement "
- "the three meson decays of the tau, ie pi- pi- pi+, pi0 pi0 pi-, "
- "K- pi- K+, K0 pi- Kbar0, K- pi0 K0,pi0 pi0 K-, K- pi- pi+, "
- "pi- Kbar0 pi0, pi- pi0 eta. It uses the same currents as those in TAUOLA.",
- "The three meson decays of the tau, ie pi- pi- pi+, pi0 pi0 pi-, "
- "K- pi- K+, K0 pi- Kbar0, K- pi0 K0,pi0 pi0 K-, K- pi- pi+, "
- "and pi- Kbar0 pi0, pi- pi0 eta "
- "use the same currents as \\cite{Jadach:1993hs,Kuhn:1990ad,Decker:1992kj}.",
- "%\\cite{Jadach:1993hs}\n"
- "\\bibitem{Jadach:1993hs}\n"
- " S.~Jadach, Z.~Was, R.~Decker and J.~H.~Kuhn,\n"
- " %``The Tau Decay Library Tauola: Version 2.4,''\n"
- " Comput.\\ Phys.\\ Commun.\\ {\\bf 76}, 361 (1993).\n"
- " %%CITATION = CPHCB,76,361;%%\n"
- "%\\cite{Kuhn:1990ad}\n"
- "\\bibitem{Kuhn:1990ad}\n"
- " J.~H.~Kuhn and A.~Santamaria,\n"
- " %``Tau decays to pions,''\n"
- " Z.\\ Phys.\\ C {\\bf 48}, 445 (1990).\n"
- " %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C48,445;%%\n"
- "%\\cite{Decker:1992kj}\n"
- "\\bibitem{Decker:1992kj}\n"
- " R.~Decker, E.~Mirkes, R.~Sauer and Z.~Was,\n"
- " %``Tau decays into three pseudoscalar mesons,''\n"
- " Z.\\ Phys.\\ C {\\bf 58}, 445 (1993).\n"
- " %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C58,445;%%\n"
- );
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF123RhoWgt
- ("F123RhoWeight",
- "The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF123wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF123KstarWgt
- ("F123KstarWeight",
- "The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF5RhoWgt
- ("F5RhoWeight",
- "The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF5wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceF5KstarWgt
- ("F5KstarWeight",
- "The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5wgts,
- 0, 0, 0, -1000, 1000, false, false, true);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,double> interfaceRhoKstarWgt
- ("RhoKstarWgt",
- "The relative weights of the rho and K* in the F5 form factor",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoKstarwgt, -0.2, -10., 10.,
- false, false, false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceInitializea1
- ("Initializea1",
- "Initialise the calculation of the a_1 running width",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_initializea1, false, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceInitializea1Initialization
- (interfaceInitializea1,
- "Yes",
- "Initialize the calculation",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceInitializea1NoInitialization
- (interfaceInitializea1,
- "No",
- "Use the default values",
- false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceRhoParameters
- ("RhoParameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoparameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParameterstrue
- (interfaceRhoParameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceRhoParametersParticleData
- (interfaceRhoParameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceKstarParameters
- ("KstarParameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarparameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceKstarParameterstrue
- (interfaceKstarParameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceKstarParametersParticleData
- (interfaceKstarParameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfacea1Parameters
- ("a1Parameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1parameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1Parameterstrue
- (interfacea1Parameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1ParametersParticleData
- (interfacea1Parameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfaceK1Parameters
- ("K1Parameters",
- "Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_k1parameters, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfaceK1Parameterstrue
- (interfaceK1Parameters,
- "Local",
- "Use local values of the parameters",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfaceK1ParametersParticleData
- (interfaceK1Parameters,
- "ParticleData",
- "Use the masses and wdiths from the particle data objects",
- false);
- static Switch<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,bool> interfacea1WidthOption
- ("a1WidthOption",
- "Option for the treatment of the a1 width",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1opt, true, false, false);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1WidthOptionLocal
- (interfacea1WidthOption,
- "Local",
- "Use a calculation of the running width based on the parameters as"
- " interpolation table.",
- true);
- static SwitchOption interfacea1WidthOptionParam
- (interfacea1WidthOption,
- "Kuhn",
- "Use the parameterization of Kuhn and Santamaria for default parameters."
- " This should only be used for testing vs TAUOLA",
- false);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacea1RunningWidth
- ("a1RunningWidth",
- "The values of the a_1 width for interpolation to giving the running width.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1runwidth, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy2> interfacea1RunningQ2
- ("a1RunningQ2",
- "The values of the q^2 for interpolation to giving the running width.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1runq2, GeV2, -1, 1.0*GeV2, ZERO, 10.0*GeV2,
- false, false, true);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Width
- ("A1Width",
- "The a_1 width if using local values.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1width, GeV, 0.599*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceA1Mass
- ("A1Mass",
- "The a_1 mass if using local values.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_a1mass, GeV, 1.251*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceK1Width
- ("K1Width",
- "The K_1 width if using local values.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_k1width, GeV, 0.174*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceK1Mass
- ("K1Mass",
- "The K_1 mass if using local values.",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_k1mass, GeV, 1.402*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, false);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF123masses
- ("rhoF123masses",
- "The masses for the rho resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF123masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF123widths
- ("rhoF123widths",
- "The widths for the rho resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF123widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF5masses
- ("rhoF5masses",
- "The masses for the rho resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF5masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfacerhoF5widths
- ("rhoF5widths",
- "The widths for the rho resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_rhoF5widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF123masses
- ("KstarF123masses",
- "The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF123widths
- ("KstarF123widths",
- "The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF123widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF5masses
- ("KstarF5masses",
- "The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5masses, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static ParVector<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceKstarF5widths
- ("KstarF5widths",
- "The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_kstarF5widths, GeV, -1, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
- false, false, true);
- static Parameter<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent,Energy> interfaceFPi
- ("FPi",
- "The pion decay constant",
- &ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::_fpi, MeV, 92.4*MeV, ZERO, 200.0*MeV,
- false, false, true);
-// modes handled by this class
-bool ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::acceptMode(int imode) const {
- return imode>=0&&imode<=8;
-// calculate the form-factors
-ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::calculateFormFactors(const int ichan, const int imode,
- Energy2 q2, Energy2 s1,
- Energy2 s2, Energy2 s3) const {
- useMe();
- Complex F1, F2, F3, F4, F5;
- F1 = F2 = F3 = F4 = F5 = 0.0;
- // calculate the pi- pi- pi+ factor
- if(imode==0) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*2./3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1= a1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1, ichan/2);
- else if(ichan%2==1) F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the pi0 pi0 pi- factor
- else if(imode==1) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*2./3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s1, ichan/2);
- else if(ichan%2==1) F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi - K+ factor
- else if(imode==2) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 = BrhoF5(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else if(ichan%8>=2) F5 = BrhoF5(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the K0 pi- K0bar
- else if(imode==3) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-BrhoF5(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 = -a1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else if(ichan%8>=2) F5 = -BrhoF5(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi0 k0
- else if(imode==4) {
- Complex a1fact(a1BreitWigner(q2));
- if(ichan<0){F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);}
- else{F2 =-a1fact*BrhoF123(s2,ichan);}
- }
- // calculate the pi0 pi0 K-
- else if(imode==5) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2)/6.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s1,-1);
- F2 =-K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%2==0) F1 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s1,ichan/2);
- else F2 =-K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,(ichan-1)/2);
- }
- // calculate the K- pi- pi+
- else if(imode==6) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2)*sqrt(2.)/3.);
- if(ichan<0) {
- F1 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s1,-1);
- F2 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-BKstarF123(q2,-1)*FKrho(s2,s1,-1)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- else if(ichan%8==0) F1 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s1,ichan/8);
- else if(ichan%8==1) F2 = K1fact*BKstarF123(s2,(ichan-1)/8);
- else F5 = -BKstarF123(q2,ichan/8)*FKrho(s2,s1,(ichan-2)%8)*sqrt(2.);
- }
- // calculate the pi- K0bar pi0
- else if(imode==7) {
- Complex K1fact(K1BreitWigner(q2));
- if(ichan<0) {
- F2 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s2,-1);
- F5 =-2.*BKstarF123(q2,-1)*FKrho(s1,s2,-1);
- }
- else if(ichan%7==0) F2 =-K1fact*BrhoF123(s2,ichan/7);
- else F5 =-2.*BKstarF123(q2,ichan/7)*FKrho(s1,s2,(ichan-1)%7);
- }
- // calculate the pi- pi0 eta
- else if(imode==8) {
- if(ichan<0) F5 = BrhoF5(q2, -1)*BrhoF123(s3, -1)*sqrt(2./3.);
- else F5 = BrhoF5(q2,ichan/3)*BrhoF123(s3,ichan%3)*sqrt(2./3.);
- }
- // multiply by the prefactors
- using Constants::twopi;
- return FormFactors(F1/_fpi,
- F2/_fpi,
- F3/_fpi,
- F4/_fpi,
- -F5/sqr(twopi)/pow<3,1>(_fpi)
- );
-// complete the construction of the decay mode for integration
-bool ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
- IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
- unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
- unsigned int iloc,int ires,
- PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp ) {
- int iq(0),ia(0);
- if(!acceptMode(imode)) return false;
- tPDVector extpart(particles(1,imode,iq,ia));
- Energy min(ZERO);
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<extpart.size();++ix) min+=extpart[ix]->massMin();
- if(min>upp) return false;
- // the particles we will use a lot
- tPDPtr a1,k1;
- if(icharge==-3) {
- a1=getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1minus);
- k1=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1minus);
- }
- else if(icharge==3) {
- a1=getParticleData(ParticleID::a_1plus);
- k1=getParticleData(ParticleID::Kstar_1plus);
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- _maxmass=max(_maxmass,upp);
- // the rho0 resonances
- tPDPtr rho0[3] = { getParticleData(113), getParticleData(100113), getParticleData(30113)};
- tPDPtr rhoc[3] = {getParticleData(-213),getParticleData(-100213),getParticleData(-30213)};
- tPDPtr Kstar0[3] = { getParticleData(313), getParticleData(100313), getParticleData(30313)};
- tPDPtr Kstarc[3] = {getParticleData(-323),getParticleData(-100323),getParticleData(-30323)};
- if(icharge==3) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- rhoc [ix] = rhoc[ix]->CC();
- Kstar0[ix] = Kstar0[ix]->CC();
- Kstarc[ix] = Kstarc[ix]->CC();
- }
- }
- if(imode==0) {
- // channels for pi- pi- pi+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rho0[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==1) {
- // channels for pi0 pi0 pi-
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==2) {
- // channels for K- pi- K+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstar0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==3) {
- // channels for K0 pi- K0bar
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstarc[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==4) {
- // channels for K- pi0 K0
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,a1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==5) {
- // channels for pi0 pi0 K-
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstarc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- else if(imode==6) {
- // channels for K- pi- pi+
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rho0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(Kstar0[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstar0[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- if(rho0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==7) {
- // channels for pi- kbar0 pi0
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,k1,ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[ix],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!Kstarc[ix]) continue;
- if(Kstar0[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,Kstar0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- if(rhoc[iy]) {
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,Kstarc[ix],ires+1,iloc+2,ires+1,rhoc[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+1,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(imode==8) {
- // channels for pi- pi0 eta
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
- if(!rhoc[ix]) continue;
- for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<3;++iy) {
- if(!rho0[iy]) continue;
- mode->addChannel((PhaseSpaceChannel(phase),ires,rhoc[ix],ires+1,iloc+1,ires+1,rho0[iy],
- ires+2,iloc+2,ires+2,iloc+3));
- }
- }
- }
- if(_rhoparameters) {
- if(imode!=8) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rhoc[ix],_rhoF123masses[ix],
- _rhoF123widths[ix]);
- if(rho0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rho0[ix],_rhoF123masses[ix],
- _rhoF123widths[ix]);
- }
- }
- else {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5masses.size();++ix) {
- if(rhoc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rhoc[ix],_rhoF5masses[ix],
- _rhoF5widths[ix]);
- if(rho0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(rho0[ix],_rhoF5masses[ix],
- _rhoF5widths[ix]);
- }
- }
- }
- // K star parameters in the base class
- if(_kstarparameters) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(Kstarc[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(Kstarc[ix],_kstarF123masses[ix],
- _kstarF123widths[ix]);
- if(Kstar0[ix]) mode->resetIntermediate(Kstar0[ix],_kstarF123masses[ix],
- _kstarF123widths[ix]);
- }
- }
- return true;
-// initialisation of the a_1 width
-// (iopt=-1 initialises, iopt=0 starts the interpolation)
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::inita1Width(int iopt) {
- if(iopt==-1) {
- _maxcalc=_maxmass;
- if(!_initializea1||_maxmass==ZERO) return;
- // parameters for the table of values
- Energy2 step(sqr(_maxcalc)/199.);
- // integrator to perform the integral
- vector<double> inweights;inweights.push_back(0.5);inweights.push_back(0.5);
- vector<int> intype;intype.push_back(2);intype.push_back(3);
- Energy mrho(getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus)->mass()),
- wrho(getParticleData(ParticleID::rhoplus)->width());
- vector<Energy> inmass(2,mrho),inwidth(2,wrho);
- vector<double> inpow(2,0.0);
- ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator<ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent>
- widthgen(inweights,intype,inmass,inwidth,inpow,*this,0,_mpi,_mpi,_mpi);
- // normalisation constant to give physical width if on shell
- double a1const(_a1width/(widthgen.partialWidth(sqr(_a1mass))));
- // loop to give the values
- _a1runq2.clear(); _a1runwidth.clear();
- for(Energy2 moff2(ZERO); moff2<=sqr(_maxcalc); moff2+=step) {
- _a1runwidth.push_back(widthgen.partialWidth(moff2)*a1const);
- _a1runq2.push_back(moff2);
- }
- }
- // set up the interpolator
- else if(iopt==0) {
- _a1runinter = make_InterpolatorPtr(_a1runwidth,_a1runq2,3);
- }
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,
- bool create) const {
- if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
- if(create) output << "create Herwig::ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent "
- << name() << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F123RhoWeight " << ix << " " << _rhoF123wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F123KstarWeight " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F5RhoWeight " << ix << " " << _rhoF5wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5wgts.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":F5KstarWeight " << ix << " " << _kstarF5wgts[ix] << "\n";
- }
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoKstarWgt " << _rhoKstarwgt << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":Initializea1 " << _initializea1 << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":RhoParameters " << _rhoparameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":KstarParameters " << _kstarparameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1Parameters " << _a1parameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Parameters " << _k1parameters << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1WidthOption " << _a1opt << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_a1runwidth.size();++ix) {
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1RunningWidth " << ix
- << " " << _a1runwidth[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_a1runq2.size();++ix) {
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":a1RunningQ2 " << ix
- << " " << _a1runq2[ix]/GeV2 << "\n";
- }
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Width " << _a1width/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":A1Mass " << _a1mass/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Width " << _k1width/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":K1Mass " << _k1mass/GeV << "\n";
- output << "newdef " << name() << ":FPi " << _fpi/MeV << "\n";
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":rhoF123masses " << ix
- << " " << _rhoF123masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF123widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":rhoF123widths " << ix << " "
- << _rhoF123widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":rhoF5masses " << ix << " "
- << _rhoF5masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_rhoF5widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<3) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":rhoF5widths " << ix << " "
- << _rhoF5widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF123masses " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF123widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF123widths " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF123widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5masses.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF5masses " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF5masses[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<_kstarF5widths.size();++ix) {
- if(ix<1) output << "newdef ";
- else output << "insert ";
- output << name() << ":KstarF5widths " << ix << " "
- << _kstarF5widths[ix]/GeV << "\n";
- }
- ThreeMesonCurrentBase::dataBaseOutput(output,false,false);
- if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
- << fullName() << "\";" << endl;
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::doinitrun() {
- // set up the running a_1 width
- inita1Width(0);
- ThreeMesonCurrentBase::doinitrun();
-void ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::doupdate() {
- ThreeMesonCurrentBase::doupdate();
- // update running width if needed
- if ( !touched() ) return;
- if(_maxmass!=_maxcalc) inita1Width(-1);
-Complex ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::rhoKBreitWigner(Energy2 q2,unsigned int itype,
- unsigned int ires) const {
- Energy q(sqrt(q2)),mass,width,mout[2]={_mpi,_mpi};
- // get the mass and width of the requested resonance
- if(itype==0) {
- mass=_rhoF123masses[ires];
- width=_rhoF123widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==1) {
- mass=_rhoF5masses[ires];
- width=_rhoF5widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==2) {
- mass=_kstarF123masses[ires];
- width=_kstarF123widths[ires];
- }
- else if(itype==3) {
- mass=_kstarF5masses[ires];
- width=_kstarF5widths[ires];
- }
- else {
- return 0.;
- }
- // calculate the momenta for the running widths
- if(itype>1) mout[0]=_mK;
- Energy pcm0(Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(mass,mout[0],mout[1]));
- Energy pcm(ZERO);
- if(mout[0]+mout[1]<q){pcm=Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(q,mout[0],mout[1]);}
- double ratio = Math::Pow<3>(pcm/pcm0);
- Energy gamrun(width*mass*ratio/q);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- complex<Energy2> denom(q2-mass*mass+ii*mass*gamrun), numer(-mass*mass);
- return numer/denom;
-double ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent::
-threeBodyMatrixElement(const int , const Energy2 q2,
- const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2,
- const Energy2 s1, const Energy ,
- const Energy , const Energy ) const {
- Energy2 mpi2(sqr(_mpi));
- Complex propb(BrhoF123(s1,-1)),propa(BrhoF123(s2,-1));
- // the matrix element
- Energy2 output(ZERO);
- // first resonance
- output += ((s1-4.*mpi2) + 0.25*(s3-s2)*(s3-s2)/q2) * real(propb*conj(propb));
- // second resonance
- output += ((s2-4.*mpi2) + 0.25*(s3-s1)*(s3-s1)/q2) * real(propa*conj(propa));
- // the interference term
- output += (0.5*q2-s3-0.5*mpi2+0.25*(s3-s2)*(s3-s1)/q2)*real(propa*conj(propb)+
- propb*conj(propa));
- return output/sqr(_rhoF123masses[0]);
diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent.h b/Decay/WeakCurrents/ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent.h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration
-// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
-// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
-#ifndef HERWIG_ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent_H
-#define HERWIG_ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent_H
-// This is the declaration of the ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent class.
-#include "ThreeMesonCurrentBase.h"
-#include "Herwig/Utilities/Interpolator.h"
-#include "Herwig/Utilities/Kinematics.h"
-#include "ThePEG/StandardModel/StandardModelBase.h"
-#include "Herwig/Decay/ResonanceHelpers.h"
-namespace Herwig {
-using namespace ThePEG;
-/** \ingroup Decay
- *
- * The ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent class implements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992),
- * this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the \f$a_1\f$ width and
- * is the default model in TAUOLA.
- *
- * The following three meson modes are implemented.
- *
- * - \f$ \pi^- \pi^- \pi^+ \f$, (imode=0)
- * - \f$ \pi^0 \pi^0 \pi^- \f$, (imode=1)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^- K^+ \f$, (imode=2)
- * - \f$ K^0 \pi^- \bar{K}^0\f$, (imode=3)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^0 K^0 \f$, (imode=4)
- * - \f$ \pi^0 \pi^0 K^- \f$, (imode=5)
- * - \f$ K^- \pi^- \pi^+ \f$, (imode=6)
- * - \f$ \pi^- \bar{K}^0 \pi^0 \f$, (imode=7)
- * - \f$ \pi^- \pi^0 \eta \f$, (imode=8)
- *
- * using the currents from TAUOLA
- *
- *
- * @see ThreeMesonCurrentBase,
- * @see WeakCurrent.
- * @see Defaulta1MatrixElement
- *
- */
-class ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent: public ThreeMesonCurrentBase {
- /**
- * The matrix element for the running \f$a_1\f$ width is a friend to
- * keep some members private.
- */
- friend class Defaulta1MatrixElement;
- /**
- * Default constructor
- */
- ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent();
- /** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Function used to write out object persistently.
- * @param os the persistent output stream written to.
- */
- void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
- /**
- * Function used to read in object persistently.
- * @param is the persistent input stream read from.
- * @param version the version number of the object when written.
- */
- void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
- //@}
- /**
- * Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- */
- static void Init();
- /** @name Methods for the construction of the phase space integrator. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Complete the construction of the decay mode for integration.classes inheriting
- * from this one.
- * This method is purely virtual and must be implemented in the classes inheriting
- * from WeakCurrent.
- * @param icharge The total charge of the outgoing particles in the current.
- * @param resonance If specified only include terms with this particle
- * @param Itotal If specified the total isospin of the current
- * @param I3 If specified the thrid component of isospin
- * @param imode The mode in the current being asked for.
- * @param mode The phase space mode for the integration
- * @param iloc The location of the of the first particle from the current in
- * the list of outgoing particles.
- * @param ires The location of the first intermediate for the current.
- * @param phase The prototype phase space channel for the integration.
- * @param upp The maximum possible mass the particles in the current are
- * allowed to have.
- * @return Whether the current was sucessfully constructed.
- */
- virtual bool createMode(int icharge, tcPDPtr resonance,
- IsoSpin::IsoSpin Itotal, IsoSpin::I3 i3,
- unsigned int imode,PhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
- unsigned int iloc,int ires,
- PhaseSpaceChannel phase, Energy upp );
- //@}
- /**
- * Output the setup information for the particle database
- * @param os The stream to output the information to
- * @param header Whether or not to output the information for MySQL
- * @param create Whether or not to add a statement creating the object
- */
- virtual void dataBaseOutput(ofstream & os,bool header,bool create) const;
- /**
- * the matrix element for the \f$a_1\f$ decay to calculate the running width
- * @param imode The mode for which the matrix element is needed.
- * @param q2 The mass of the decaying off-shell \f$a_1\f$, \f$q^2\f$.
- * @param s3 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 2, \f$s_3=m^2_{12}\f$.
- * @param s2 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 3, \f$s_2=m^2_{13}\f$.
- * @param s1 The invariant mass squared of particles 2 and 3, \f$s_1=m^2_{23}\f$.
- * @param m1 The mass of the first outgoing particle.
- * @param m2 The mass of the second outgoing particle.
- * @param m3 The mass of the third outgoing particle.
- * @return The matrix element squared summed over spins.
- */
- double threeBodyMatrixElement(const int imode, const Energy2 q2,
- const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2,
- const Energy2 s1, const Energy m1,
- const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const;
- /**
- * Can the current handle a particular set of mesons.
- * As this current includes all the allowed modes this is always true.
- */
- virtual bool acceptMode(int) const;
- /**
- * Calculate the form factor for the current. Implements the form factors
- * described above.
- * @param ichan The phase space channel
- * @param imode The mode
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the current.
- * @param s1 The invariant mass squared of particles 2 and 3, \f$s_1=m^2_{23}\f$.
- * @param s2 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 3, \f$s_2=m^2_{13}\f$.
- * @param s3 The invariant mass squared of particles 1 and 2, \f$s_3=m^2_{12}\f$.
- */
- virtual FormFactors calculateFormFactors(const int ichan, const int imode,
- Energy2 q2,
- Energy2 s1, Energy2 s2, Energy2 s3) const;
- /** @name Clone Methods. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Make a simple clone of this object.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
- /** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
- * to make it sane.
- * @return a pointer to the new object.
- */
- virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
- //@}
- /** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
- //@{
- /**
- * Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and
- * EventGenerator to disk.
- * @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
- */
- virtual void doinit();
- /**
- * Initialize this object to the begining of the run phase.
- */
- virtual void doinitrun();
- /**
- * Check sanity of the object during the setup phase.
- */
- virtual void doupdate();
- //@}
- /**
- * Private and non-existent assignment operator.
- */
- ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent & operator=(const ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent &);
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BrhoF123(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_rhoF123wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_rhoF123wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,0,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_rhoF123wgts.size()&&temp<3)
- output=_rhoF123wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,0,temp);
- else
- output=0.;
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BrhoF5(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_rhoF5wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_rhoF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_rhoF5wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,1,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_rhoF5wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_rhoF5wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,1,temp);
- }
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BKstarF123(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_kstarF123wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF123wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_kstarF123wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,2,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_kstarF123wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_kstarF123wgts[temp]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,2,temp);
- }
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @param ires Which \f$\rho\f$ multiplet
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex BKstarF5(Energy2 q2,int ires) const {
- Complex output(0.),norm(0.);
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- norm+=_kstarF5wgts[ix];
- }
- if(ires<0) {
- for(unsigned int ix=0,N=min(3,int(_kstarF5wgts.size()));ix<N;++ix) {
- output+=_kstarF5wgts[ix]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,3,ix);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned int temp(ires);
- if(temp<_kstarF5wgts.size()&&temp<3) {
- output=_kstarF5wgts[ires]*rhoKBreitWigner(q2,3,temp);
- }
- }
- return output/norm;
- }
- /**
- * Mixed Breit Wigner for the \f$F_5\f$ form factor
- * @param si The scale \f$s_1\f$.
- * @param sj The scale \f$s_2\f$.
- * @param ires Which resonances to use
- * @return The mixed Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex FKrho(Energy2 si,Energy2 sj,int ires) const {
- Complex output;
- if(ires<0){output = _rhoKstarwgt*BKstarF123(si,-1)+BrhoF123(sj,-1);}
- else if(ires%2==0){output= _rhoKstarwgt*BKstarF123(si,ires/2);}
- else if(ires%2==1){output=BrhoF123(sj,ires/2);}
- output /=(1.+_rhoKstarwgt);
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * \f$a_1\f$ Breit-Wigner
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex a1BreitWigner(Energy2 q2) const {
- if(!_a1opt)
- return Resonance::BreitWignera1(q2,_a1mass,_a1width);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- Energy2 m2(_a1mass*_a1mass);
- Energy q(sqrt(q2));
- Energy width = (*_a1runinter)(q2);
- return m2/(m2-q2-ii*q*width);
- }
- /**
- * The \f$K_1\f$ Breit-Wigner
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner
- * @return The Breit-Wigner
- */
- Complex K1BreitWigner(Energy2 q2) const {
- Energy2 m2 = sqr(_k1mass);
- Complex ii(0.,1.);
- complex<Energy2> fact(m2 - ii*_k1mass*_k1width);
- return fact/(fact-q2);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the \f$a_1\f$ running width
- * @param iopt Initialization option (-1 full calculation, 0 set up the interpolation)
- */
- void inita1Width(int iopt);
- /**
- * Breit-Wigners for the \f$\rho\f$ and \f$K^*\f$.
- * @param q2 The scale \f$q^2\f$ for the Breit-Wigner.
- * @param itype The type of Breit-Wigner, \e i.e. which masses and widths to use.x
- * @param ires Which multiplet to use.
- */
- Complex rhoKBreitWigner(Energy2 q2,unsigned int itype,unsigned int ires) const;
- /**
- * Parameters for the \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _rhoF123wgts;
- /**
- * Parameters for the \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _kstarF123wgts;
- /**
- * Parameters for the \f$\rho\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _rhoF5wgts;
- /**
- * Parameters for the \f$K^*\f$ Breit-Wigner in the
- * \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<double> _kstarF5wgts;
- /**
- * The relative weight of the \f$\rho\f$ and \f$K^*\f$ where needed.
- */
- double _rhoKstarwgt;
- /**
- * The \f$a_1\f$ width for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- vector<Energy> _a1runwidth;
- /**
- * The \f$q^2\f$ for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- vector<Energy2> _a1runq2;
- /**
- * The interpolator for the running \f$a_1\f$ width calculation.
- */
- Interpolator<Energy,Energy2>::Ptr _a1runinter;
- /**
- * Initialize the running \f$a_1\f$ width.
- */
- bool _initializea1;
- /**
- * The mass of the \f$a_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _a1mass;
- /**
- * The width of the \f$a_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _a1width;
- /**
- * The mass of the \f$aK1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _k1mass;
- /**
- * The width of the \f$K_1\f$ resonances.
- */
- Energy _k1width;
- /**
- * The pion decay constant, \f$f_\pi\f$.
- */
- Energy _fpi;
- /**
- * The pion mass
- */
- Energy _mpi;
- /**
- * The kaon mass
- */
- Energy _mK;
- /**
- * use local values of the \f$\rho\f$ masses and widths
- */
- bool _rhoparameters;
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ masses for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _rhoF123masses;
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ masses for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _rhoF5masses;
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ widths for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _rhoF123widths;
- /**
- * The \f$\rho\f$ widths for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _rhoF5widths;
- /**
- * use local values of the \f$K^*\f$ resonances masses and widths
- */
- bool _kstarparameters;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ masses for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF123masses;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ masses for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF5masses;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ widths for the \f$F_{1,2,3}\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF123widths;
- /**
- * The \f$K^*\f$ widths for the \f$F_5\f$ form factors.
- */
- vector<Energy> _kstarF5widths;
- /**
- * Use local values of the \f$a_1\f$ parameters
- */
- bool _a1parameters;
- /**
- * Use local values of the \f$K_1\f$ parameters
- */
- bool _k1parameters;
- /**
- * Option for the \f$a_1\f$ width
- */
- bool _a1opt;
- /**
- * The maximum mass of the hadronic system
- */
- Energy _maxmass;
- /**
- * The maximum mass when the running width was calculated
- */
- Energy _maxcalc;
-#endif /* THEPEG_ThreeMesonDefaultCurrent_H */
File Metadata
Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 9:32 PM (1 d, 1 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(141 KB)
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rHERWIGHG herwighg
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