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diff --git a/Decay/General/ b/Decay/General/
--- a/Decay/General/
+++ b/Decay/General/
@@ -1,1404 +1,1394 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the GeneralTwoBodyDecayer class.
#include "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Exception.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/HardTree.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/ShowerTree.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Base/Branching.h"
using namespace Herwig;
ParticleVector GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::decay(const Particle & parent,
const tPDVector & children) const {
// return empty vector if products heavier than parent
Energy mout(ZERO);
for(tPDVector::const_iterator it=children.begin();
it!=children.end();++it) mout+=(**it).massMin();
if(mout>parent.mass()) return ParticleVector();
// generate the decay
bool cc;
int imode=modeNumber(cc,parent.dataPtr(),children);
// generate the kinematics
ParticleVector decay=generate(generateIntermediates(),cc,imode,parent);
// make the colour connections
colourConnections(parent, decay);
// return the answer
return decay;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::doinit() {
assert( vertex_ );
assert( _incoming && _outgoing.size()==2);
//create phase space mode
tPDVector extpart(3);
extpart[0] = _incoming;
extpart[1] = _outgoing[0];
extpart[2] = _outgoing[1];
addMode(new_ptr(DecayPhaseSpaceMode(extpart, this)), _maxweight, vector<double>());
int GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::modeNumber(bool & cc, tcPDPtr parent,
const tPDVector & children) const {
long parentID = parent->id();
long id1 = children[0]->id();
long id2 = children[1]->id();
cc = false;
long out1 = _outgoing[0]->id();
long out2 = _outgoing[1]->id();
if( parentID == _incoming->id() &&
((id1 == out1 && id2 == out2) ||
(id1 == out2 && id2 == out1)) ) {
return 0;
else if(_incoming->CC() && parentID == _incoming->CC()->id()) {
cc = true;
if( _outgoing[0]->CC()) out1 = _outgoing[0]->CC()->id();
if( _outgoing[1]->CC()) out2 = _outgoing[1]->CC()->id();
if((id1 == out1 && id2 == out2) ||
(id1 == out2 && id2 == out1)) return 0;
return -1;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::
colourConnections(const Particle & parent,
const ParticleVector & out) const {
PDT::Colour incColour(;
PDT::Colour outaColour(out[0]->data().iColour());
PDT::Colour outbColour(out[1]->data().iColour());
//incoming colour singlet
if(incColour == PDT::Colour0) {
// colour triplet-colourantitriplet
if((outaColour == PDT::Colour3 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3bar) ||
(outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar && outbColour == PDT::Colour3)) {
bool ac(out[0]->id() < 0);
//colour octet
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour8 && outbColour == PDT::Colour8) {
// colour singlets
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour0 && outbColour == PDT::Colour0) {
// unknown
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour singlet in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
//incoming colour triplet
else if(incColour == PDT::Colour3) {
// colour triplet + singlet
if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3 && outbColour == PDT::Colour0) {
//opposite order
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour0 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3) {
// octet + triplet
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour8 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3) {
//opposite order
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3 && outbColour == PDT::Colour8) {
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar && outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
tColinePtr col[2] = {ColourLine::create(out[0],true),
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour triplet in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
// incoming colour anti triplet
else if(incColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
// colour antitriplet +singlet
if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar && outbColour == PDT::Colour0) {
//opposite order
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour0 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
//octet + antitriplet
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar && outbColour == PDT::Colour8) {
//opposite order
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour8 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3) {
tColinePtr col[2] = {ColourLine::create(out[0]),
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour antitriplet "
<< "in GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
//incoming colour octet
else if(incColour == PDT::Colour8) {
// triplet-antitriplet
if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3&&outbColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
// opposite order
else if(outbColour == PDT::Colour3&&outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
// neutral octet
else if(outaColour == PDT::Colour0&&outbColour == PDT::Colour8) {
else if(outbColour == PDT::Colour0&&outaColour == PDT::Colour8) {
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour octet "
<< "in GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(incColour == PDT::Colour6) {
if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3 && outbColour == PDT::Colour3) {
tPPtr tempParent = const_ptr_cast<tPPtr>(&parent);
Ptr<MultiColour>::pointer parentColour =
tColinePtr line1 = const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parentColour->colourLines()[0]);
tColinePtr line2 = const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parentColour->colourLines()[1]);
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour sextet "
<< "in GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(incColour == PDT::Colour6bar) {
if(outaColour == PDT::Colour3bar && outbColour == PDT::Colour3bar) {
tPPtr tempParent = const_ptr_cast<tPPtr>(&parent);
Ptr<MultiColour>::pointer parentColour =
tColinePtr line1 = const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parentColour->antiColourLines()[0]);
tColinePtr line2 = const_ptr_cast<tColinePtr>(parentColour->antiColourLines()[1]);
throw Exception() << "Unknown outgoing colours for decaying "
<< "colour anti-sextet "
<< "in GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< outaColour << " " << outbColour
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Unknown incoming colour in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourConnections() "
<< incColour
<< Exception::runerror;
bool GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::twoBodyMEcode(const DecayMode & dm, int & mecode,
double & coupling) const {
assert(dm.parent()->id() == _incoming->id());
ParticleMSet::const_iterator pit = dm.products().begin();
long id1 = (*pit)->id();
long id2 = (*pit)->id();
long id1t(_outgoing[0]->id()), id2t(_outgoing[1]->id());
mecode = -1;
coupling = 1.;
if( id1 == id1t && id2 == id2t ) {
return true;
else if( id1 == id2t && id2 == id1t ) {
return false;
return false;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << vertex_ << _incoming << _outgoing << _maxweight << ounit(pTmin_,GeV)
<< coupling_ << incomingVertex_ << outgoingVertices_ << fourPointVertex_;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> vertex_ >> _incoming >> _outgoing >> _maxweight >> iunit(pTmin_,GeV)
>> coupling_ >> incomingVertex_ >> outgoingVertices_ >> fourPointVertex_;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<GeneralTwoBodyDecayer> documentation
("This class is designed to be a base class for all 2 body decays"
"in a general model");
static Parameter<GeneralTwoBodyDecayer,Energy> interfacepTmin
"Minimum transverse momentum from gluon radiation",
&GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::pTmin_, GeV, 1.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Reference<GeneralTwoBodyDecayer,ShowerAlpha> interfaceCoupling
"Object for the coupling in the generation of hard radiation",
&GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::coupling_, false, false, true, false, false);
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::brat(const DecayMode &, const Particle & p,
double oldbrat) const {
ParticleVector children = p.children();
if( children.size() != 2 || ! )
return oldbrat;
// partial width for this mode
Energy scale = p.mass();
Energy pwidth =
partialWidth( make_pair(p.dataPtr(), scale),
make_pair(children[0]->dataPtr(), children[0]->mass()),
make_pair(children[1]->dataPtr(), children[1]->mass()) );
Energy width =>width(, scale);
return pwidth/width;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::doinitrun() {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<numberModes();++ix) {
double fact = pow(1.5,int(mode(ix)->externalParticles(0)->iSpin())-1);
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor(tcPDPtr in, tcPDPtr out1,
tcPDPtr out2) const {
// identical particle symmetry factor
double output = out1->id()==out2->id() ? 0.5 : 1.;
// colour neutral incoming particle
if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour0) {
// both colour neutral
if(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour0)
output *= 1.;
// colour triplet/ antitriplet
else if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ) ) {
output *= 3.;
// colour octet colour octet
else if(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) {
output *= 8.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour neutral particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
// triplet
else if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
// colour triplet + neutral
if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour0) ) {
output *= 1.;
// colour triplet + octet
else if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) ) {
output *= 4./3.;
// colour anti triplet anti triplet
else if(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar &&
out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
output *= 2.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour triplet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
// anti triplet
else if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) {
// colour anti triplet + neutral
if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar ) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 ) ) {
output *= 1.;
// colour anti triplet + octet
else if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar ) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) ) {
output *= 4./3.;
// colour triplet triplet
else if(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 &&
out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3) {
output *= 2.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour anti triplet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// colour octet + neutral
if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 ) ) {
output *= 1.;
// colour triplet/antitriplet
else if((out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) ||
(out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ) ) {
output *= 0.5;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour octet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour6) {
// colour sextet -> triplet triplet
if( out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ) {
output *= 1.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour sextet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
else if(in->iColour()==PDT::Colour6bar) {
// colour sextet -> triplet triplet
if( out1->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar && out2->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar ) {
output *= 1.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour anti-sextet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour "
<< in->iColour() << " for the decaying particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFactor() for "
<< in->PDGName() << " -> "
<< out1->PDGName() << " " << out2->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
return output;
Energy GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::partialWidth(PMPair inpart, PMPair outa,
PMPair outb) const {
// select the number of the mode
tPDVector children;
bool cc;
int nmode=modeNumber(cc,inpart.first,children);
tcPDPtr newchild[2] = {mode(nmode)->externalParticles(1),
// make the particles
Lorentz5Momentum pparent = Lorentz5Momentum(inpart.second);
PPtr parent = inpart.first->produceParticle(pparent);
Lorentz5Momentum pout[2];
double ctheta,phi;
Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(pparent, outa.second, outb.second,
ctheta, phi,pout[0],pout[1]);
if( ( !cc && outa.first!=newchild[0]) ||
( cc && !(( outa.first->CC() && outa.first->CC() == newchild[0])||
( !outa.first->CC() && outa.first == newchild[0]) )))
ParticleVector decay;
double me = me2(-1,*parent,decay,Initialize);
Energy pcm = Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(inpart.second,
outa.second, outb.second);
return me/(8.*Constants::pi)*pcm;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::setDecayInfo(PDPtr incoming,PDPair outgoing,
VertexBasePtr vertex, VertexBasePtr inV,
const vector<VertexBasePtr> & outV,
VertexBasePtr fourV) {
_outgoing.push_back(outgoing.first );
vertex_ = vertex;
incomingVertex_ = inV;
outgoingVertices_ = outV;
fourPointVertex_ = fourV;
HardTreePtr GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::generateHardest(ShowerTreePtr tree) {
// search for coloured particles
bool colouredParticles=false;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> Progenitors = tree->extractProgenitors();
for (unsigned int it=0; it<Progenitors.size(); ++it){
if (Progenitors[it]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured()){
// if no coloured particles return
- if ( !colouredParticles ) {
- for (unsigned int it=0; it<Progenitors.size(); ++it){
- Progenitors[it]->maximumpT(pTmin_,ShowerInteraction::QCD);
- }
- return HardTreePtr();
- }
+ if ( !colouredParticles ) return HardTreePtr();
// check exactly two outgoing particles
- if (tree->outgoingLines().size()!=2) {
- throw Exception()
- << "Number of outgoing particles is not equal to 2 in "
- << "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::generateHardest()"
- << Exception::runerror;
- }
+ if (tree->outgoingLines().size()!=2)
+ assert(false);
// for decay b -> a c
// set progenitors
cProgenitor = tree->outgoingLines(). begin()->first,
aProgenitor = tree->outgoingLines().rbegin()->first;
// get the decaying particle
ShowerProgenitorPtr bProgenitor = tree->incomingLines().begin()->first;
// ignore effective vertices
if (vertex_ && (vertex_->orderInGem()+vertex_->orderInGs())>1)
return HardTreePtr();
// identify which dipoles are required
vector<dipoleType> dipoles;
- identifyDipoles(dipoles,aProgenitor,bProgenitor,cProgenitor);
+ if(!identifyDipoles(dipoles,aProgenitor,bProgenitor,cProgenitor)) {
+ return HardTreePtr();
+ }
Energy trialpT = pTmin_;
LorentzRotation eventFrame;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momenta;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> trialMomenta(4);
ShowerProgenitorPtr finalEmitter, finalSpectator;
ShowerProgenitorPtr trialEmitter, trialSpectator;
for (int i=0; i<int(dipoles.size()); ++i){
// assign emitter and spectator based on current dipole
if (dipoles[i]==FFc || dipoles[i]==IFc || dipoles[i]==IFbc){
trialEmitter = cProgenitor;
trialSpectator = aProgenitor;
else if (dipoles[i]==FFa || dipoles[i]==IFa || dipoles[i]==IFba){
trialEmitter = aProgenitor;
trialSpectator = cProgenitor;
// find rotation from lab to frame with the spectator along -z
LorentzRotation trialEventFrame = ( bProgenitor->progenitor()->momentum()
.findBoostToCM() );
Lorentz5Momentum pspectator = (trialEventFrame*
trialEventFrame.rotateZ( -pspectator.phi() );
trialEventFrame.rotateY( -pspectator.theta() - Constants::pi );
// invert it
// try to generate an emission
pT_ = pTmin_;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> trialMomenta
= hardMomenta(bProgenitor, trialEmitter, trialSpectator, dipoles, i);
// select dipole which gives highest pT emission
trialpT = pT_;
momenta = trialMomenta;
eventFrame = trialEventFrame;
finalEmitter = trialEmitter;
finalSpectator = trialSpectator;
pT_ = trialpT;
// if no emission return
if(momenta.empty()) {
return HardTreePtr();
// rotate momenta back to the lab
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<momenta.size();++ix) {
momenta[ix] *= eventFrame;
// set maximum pT for subsequent branchings
bProgenitor ->maximumpT(pT_,ShowerInteraction::QCD);
finalEmitter ->maximumpT(pT_,ShowerInteraction::QCD);
// get ParticleData objects
tcPDPtr b = bProgenitor ->progenitor()->dataPtr();
tcPDPtr e = finalEmitter ->progenitor()->dataPtr();
tcPDPtr s = finalSpectator->progenitor()->dataPtr();
tcPDPtr gluon = getParticleData(ParticleID::g);
// create new ShowerParticles
ShowerParticlePtr emitter (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(e, true )));
ShowerParticlePtr spectator(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(s, true )));
ShowerParticlePtr gauge (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(gluon, true )));
ShowerParticlePtr incoming (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(b, false)));
ShowerParticlePtr parent (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(e, true )));
// set momenta
emitter ->set5Momentum(momenta[1]);
gauge ->set5Momentum(momenta[3]);
incoming ->set5Momentum(bProgenitor->progenitor()->momentum());
Lorentz5Momentum parentMomentum(momenta[1]+momenta[3]);
// create the vectors of HardBranchings to create the HardTree:
vector<HardBranchingPtr> spaceBranchings,allBranchings;
// incoming particle b
// outgoing particles from hard emission:
HardBranchingPtr spectatorBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(spectator,SudakovPtr(),
HardBranchingPtr emitterBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(parent,SudakovPtr(),
if (emitterBranch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->hasColour()
&& (! emitterBranch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->hasAntiColour())) {
else if (emitterBranch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->hasAntiColour()
&& (! emitterBranch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->hasColour())) {
emitterBranch->type(UseRandom::rndbool() ?
ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine :
// make the HardTree from the HardBranching vectors.
HardTreePtr hardtree = new_ptr(HardTree(allBranchings,spaceBranchings,
// connect the particles with the branchings in the HardTree
hardtree->connect( bProgenitor ->progenitor(), spaceBranchings[0] );
hardtree->connect( finalEmitter ->progenitor(), allBranchings[1] );
hardtree->connect( finalSpectator->progenitor(), allBranchings[2] );
// set up colour lines
vector<ColinePtr> newline;
getColourLines(newline, hardtree, bProgenitor);
// return the tree
return hardtree;
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::threeBodyME(const int , const Particle &,
const ParticleVector &,MEOption) {
throw Exception() << "Base class GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::threeBodyME() "
<< "called, should have an implementation in the inheriting class"
<< Exception::runerror;
return 0.;
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::hardMomenta(const ShowerProgenitorPtr &in,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr &emitter,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr &spectator,
const vector<dipoleType> &dipoles,
int i) {
double C = 6.3;
double ymax = 10.;
double ymin = -ymax;
// get masses of the particles
mb_ = in ->progenitor()->momentum().mass();
e_ = emitter ->progenitor()->momentum().mass()/mb_;
s_ = spectator->progenitor()->momentum().mass()/mb_;
e2_ = sqr(e_);
s2_ = sqr(s_);
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> particleMomenta (4);
Energy2 lambda = sqr(mb_)*sqrt(1.+sqr(s2_)+sqr(e2_)-2.*s2_-2.*e2_-2.*s2_*e2_);
// calculate A
double A = (ymax-ymin)*C*(coupling()->overestimateValue()/(2.*Constants::pi));
Energy pTmax = mb_*(sqr(1.-s_)-e2_)/(2.*(1.-s_));
// if no possible branching return
if ( pTmax < pTmin_ ) {
return particleMomenta;
while (pTmax >= pTmin_) {
// generate pT, y and phi values
Energy pT = pTmax*pow(UseRandom::rnd(),(1./A));
if (pT < pTmin_) {
double phi = UseRandom::rnd()*Constants::twopi;
double y = ymin+UseRandom::rnd()*(ymax-ymin);
double weight[2] = {0.,0.};
double xs[2], xe[2], xe_z[2], xg;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<2; j++) {
// check if the momenta are physical
if (!calcMomenta(j, pT, y, phi, xg, xs[j], xe[j], xe_z[j], particleMomenta))
// check if point lies within phase space
if (!psCheck(xg, xs[j]))
// decay products for 3 body decay
PPtr inpart = in ->progenitor()->dataPtr()->produceParticle(particleMomenta[0]);
ParticleVector decay3;
decay3.push_back(emitter ->progenitor()->dataPtr()->produceParticle(particleMomenta[1]));
decay3.push_back(getParticleData(ParticleID::g )->produceParticle(particleMomenta[3]));
// decay products for 2 body decay
Lorentz5Momentum p1(ZERO,ZERO, lambda/2./mb_,(mb_/2.)*(1.+e2_-s2_),mb_*e_);
Lorentz5Momentum p2(ZERO,ZERO,-lambda/2./mb_,(mb_/2.)*(1.+s2_-e2_),mb_*s_);
ParticleVector decay2;
decay2.push_back(emitter ->progenitor()->dataPtr()->produceParticle(p1));
if (decay2[0]->dataPtr()->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1Half &&
decay2[1]->dataPtr()->iSpin()==PDT::Spin1Half) swap(decay2[0], decay2[1]);
// calculate matrix element ratio R/B
double meRatio = matrixElementRatio(*inpart,decay2,decay3,Initialize);
// calculate dipole factor
InvEnergy2 dipoleSum = ZERO;
InvEnergy2 numerator = ZERO;
for (int k=0; k<int(dipoles.size()); ++k){
InvEnergy2 dipole = abs(calculateDipole(dipoles[k],*inpart,decay3,dipoles[i]));
dipoleSum += dipole;
if (k==i) numerator = dipole;
meRatio *= numerator/dipoleSum;
// calculate jacobian
Energy2 denom = (mb_-particleMomenta[3].e())*particleMomenta[2].vect().mag() -
InvEnergy2 J = (particleMomenta[2].vect().mag2())/(lambda*denom);
// calculate weight
weight[j] = meRatio*fabs(sqr(pT)*J)*coupling()->ratio(pT*pT)/C/Constants::twopi;
// accept point if weight > R
if (weight[0] + weight[1] > UseRandom::rnd()) {
if (weight[0] > (weight[0] + weight[1])*UseRandom::rnd()) {
particleMomenta[1].setE( (mb_/2.)*xe [0]);
particleMomenta[1].setZ( (mb_/2.)*xe_z[0]);
particleMomenta[2].setE( (mb_/2.)*xs [0]);
else {
particleMomenta[1].setE( (mb_/2.)*xe [1]);
particleMomenta[1].setZ( (mb_/2.)*xe_z[1]);
particleMomenta[2].setE( (mb_/2.)*xs [1]);
pT_ = pT;
// if there's no branching lower the pT
pTmax = pT;
return particleMomenta;
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::matrixElementRatio(const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay2,
const ParticleVector & decay3,
MEOption meopt) {
// calculate R/B
double B = me2 (0, inpart, decay2, meopt);
double R = threeBodyME(0, inpart, decay3, meopt);
return R/B;
bool GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::calcMomenta(int j, Energy pT, double y, double phi,
double& xg, double& xs, double& xe, double& xe_z,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>& particleMomenta){
// calculate xg
xg = 2.*pT*cosh(y) / mb_;
if (xg>(1. - sqr(e_ + s_)) || xg<0.) return false;
// calculate the two values of xs
double xT = 2.*pT / mb_;
double A = 4.-4.*xg+sqr(xT);
double B = 4.*(3.*xg-2.+2.*e2_-2.*s2_-sqr(xg)-xg*e2_+xg*s2_);
double L = 1.+sqr(s2_)+sqr(e2_)-2.*s2_-2.*e2_-2.*s2_*e2_;
double det = 16.*( -L*sqr(xT)+pow(xT,4)*s2_+2.*xg*sqr(xT)*(1.-s2_-e2_)+
2.*pow(xg,3)*(-1.+s2_+e2_) );
if (det<0.) return false;
if (j==0) xs = (-B+sqrt(det))/(2.*A);
if (j==1) xs = (-B-sqrt(det))/(2.*A);
// check value of xs is physical
if (xs>(1.+s2_-e2_) || xs<2.*s_) return false;
// calculate xe
xe = 2.-xs-xg;
// check value of xe is physical
if (xe>(1.+e2_-s2_) || xe<2.*e_) return false;
// calculate xe_z
double epsilon_p = -sqrt(sqr(xs)-4.*s2_)+xT*sinh(y)+sqrt(sqr(xe)-4.*e2_-sqr(xT));
double epsilon_m = -sqrt(sqr(xs)-4.*s2_)+xT*sinh(y)-sqrt(sqr(xe)-4.*e2_-sqr(xT));
// find direction of emitter
if (fabs(epsilon_p) < 1.e-10) xe_z = sqrt(sqr(xe)-4.*e2_-sqr(xT));
else if (fabs(epsilon_m) < 1.e-10) xe_z = -sqrt(sqr(xe)-4.*e2_-sqr(xT));
else return false;
// check the emitter is on shell
if (fabs((sqr(xe)-sqr(xT)-sqr(xe_z)-4.*e2_))>1.e-10) return false;
// calculate 4 momenta
particleMomenta[0].setE ( mb_);
particleMomenta[0].setX ( ZERO);
particleMomenta[0].setY ( ZERO);
particleMomenta[0].setZ ( ZERO);
particleMomenta[0].setMass( mb_);
particleMomenta[1].setE ( mb_*xe/2.);
particleMomenta[1].setX (-pT*cos(phi));
particleMomenta[1].setY (-pT*sin(phi));
particleMomenta[1].setZ ( mb_*xe_z/2.);
particleMomenta[1].setMass( mb_*e_);
particleMomenta[2].setE ( mb_*xs/2.);
particleMomenta[2].setX ( ZERO);
particleMomenta[2].setY ( ZERO);
particleMomenta[2].setZ (-mb_*sqrt(sqr(xs)-4.*s2_)/2.);
particleMomenta[2].setMass( mb_*s_);
particleMomenta[3].setE ( pT*cosh(y));
particleMomenta[3].setX ( pT*cos(phi));
particleMomenta[3].setY ( pT*sin(phi));
particleMomenta[3].setZ ( pT*sinh(y));
particleMomenta[3].setMass( ZERO);
return true;
bool GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::psCheck(const double xg, const double xs) {
// check is point is in allowed region of phase space
double xe_star = (1.-s2_+e2_-xg)/sqrt(1.-xg);
double xg_star = xg/sqrt(1.-xg);
if ((sqr(xe_star)-4.*e2_) < 1e-10) return false;
double xs_max = (4.+4.*s2_-sqr(xe_star+xg_star)+
sqr(sqrt(sqr(xe_star)-4.*e2_)+xg_star))/ 4.;
double xs_min = (4.+4.*s2_-sqr(xe_star+xg_star)+
sqr(sqrt(sqr(xe_star)-4.*e2_)-xg_star))/ 4.;
if (xs < xs_min || xs > xs_max) return false;
return true;
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourCoeff(const PDT::Colour emitter,
const PDT::Colour spectator,
const PDT::Colour other){
// calculate the colour factor of the dipole
double numerator=1.;
double denominator=1.;
if (emitter!=PDT::Colour0 && spectator!=PDT::Colour0 && other!=PDT::Colour0){
if (emitter ==PDT::Colour3 || emitter ==PDT::Colour3bar) numerator=-4./3;
else if (emitter ==PDT::Colour8) numerator=-3. ;
if (spectator==PDT::Colour3 || spectator==PDT::Colour3bar) numerator-=4./3;
else if (spectator==PDT::Colour8) numerator-=3. ;
if (other ==PDT::Colour3 || other ==PDT::Colour3bar) numerator+=4./3;
else if (other ==PDT::Colour8) numerator+=3. ;
if (emitter==PDT::Colour3 || emitter== PDT::Colour3bar) numerator*=4./3.;
else if (emitter==PDT::Colour8 && spectator!=PDT::Colour8) numerator*=3.;
else if (emitter==PDT::Colour8 && spectator==PDT::Colour8) numerator*=6.;
return (numerator/denominator);
InvEnergy2 GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::calculateDipole(const dipoleType & dipoleId,
const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay3,
const dipoleType & emittingDipole){
// calculate dipole for decay b->ac
InvEnergy2 dipole = ZERO;
double xe = 2.*decay3[0]->momentum().e()/mb_;
double xs = 2.*decay3[1]->momentum().e()/mb_;
double xg = 2.*decay3[2]->momentum().e()/mb_;
double coeff = 8.*Constants::pi*coupling()->value(mb_*mb_);
// radiation from b with initial-final connection
if (dipoleId==IFba || dipoleId==IFbc){
dipole = -2./sqr(mb_*xg);
dipole *= colourCoeff(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour(), decay3[0]->dataPtr()->iColour(),
// radiation from a/c with initial-final connection
else if ((dipoleId==IFa &&
(emittingDipole==IFba || emittingDipole==IFa || emittingDipole==FFa)) ||
(dipoleId==IFc &&
(emittingDipole==IFbc || emittingDipole==IFc || emittingDipole==FFc))){
double z = 1. - xg/(1.-s2_+e2_);
dipole = (-2.*e2_/sqr(1.-xs+s2_-e2_)/sqr(mb_) + (1./(1.-xs+s2_-e2_)/sqr(mb_))*
dipole *= colourCoeff(decay3[0]->dataPtr()->iColour(),inpart.dataPtr()->iColour(),
else if (dipoleId==IFa || dipoleId==IFc){
double z = 1. - xg/(1.-e2_+s2_);
dipole = (-2.*s2_/sqr(1.-xe+e2_-s2_)/sqr(mb_)+(1./(1.-xe+e2_-s2_)/sqr(mb_))*
dipole *= colourCoeff(decay3[1]->dataPtr()->iColour(),inpart.dataPtr()->iColour(),
// radiation from a/c with final-final connection
else if ((dipoleId==FFa &&
(emittingDipole==IFba || emittingDipole==IFa || emittingDipole==FFa)) ||
(dipoleId==FFc &&
(emittingDipole==IFbc || emittingDipole==IFc || emittingDipole==FFc))){
double z = 1. + ((xe-1.+s2_-e2_)/(xs-2.*s2_));
dipole = (1./(1.-xs+s2_-e2_)/sqr(mb_))*((2./(1.-z))-dipoleSpinFactor(decay3[0],z)-
(2.*e2_/(1.+s2_-e2_-xs)) );
dipole *= colourCoeff(decay3[0]->dataPtr()->iColour(),
else if (dipoleId==FFa || dipoleId==FFc) {
double z = 1. + ((xs-1.+e2_-s2_)/(xe-2.*e2_));
dipole = (1./(1.-xe+e2_-s2_)/sqr(mb_))*((2./(1.-z))-dipoleSpinFactor(decay3[1],z)-
(2.*s2_/(1.+e2_-s2_-xe)) );
dipole *= colourCoeff(decay3[1]->dataPtr()->iColour(),
dipole *= coeff;
return dipole;
double GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::dipoleSpinFactor(const PPtr & emitter, double z){
// calculate the spin dependent component of the dipole
if (emitter->dataPtr()->iSpin()==PDT::Spin0)
return 2.;
else if (emitter->dataPtr()->iSpin()==PDT::Spin1Half)
return (1. + z);
else if (emitter->dataPtr()->iSpin()==PDT::Spin1)
return (2.*z*(1.-z) - 1./(1.-z) + 1./z -2.);
return 0.;
const vector<DVector> & GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors(const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay,
unsigned int & nflow){
// calculate the colour factors for the three-body decay
vector<int> sing,trip,atrip,oct;
for(unsigned int it=0;it<decay.size();++it) {
if (decay[it]->dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour0 ) sing. push_back(it);
else if(decay[it]->dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 ) trip. push_back(it);
else if(decay[it]->dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar ) atrip.push_back(it);
else if(decay[it]->dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 ) oct. push_back(it);
// require at least one gluon
// identical particle symmetry factor
double symFactor=1.;
if (( sing.size()==2 && decay[ sing[0]]->id()==decay[ sing[1]]->id()) ||
( trip.size()==2 && decay[ trip[0]]->id()==decay[ trip[1]]->id()) ||
(atrip.size()==2 && decay[atrip[0]]->id()==decay[atrip[1]]->id()) ||
( oct.size()==2 && decay[ oct[0]]->id()==decay[ oct[1]]->id()))
else if (oct.size()==3 &&
decay[oct[0]]->id()==decay[oct[1]]->id() &&
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*1.));
// decaying colour singlet
if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour0) {
if(trip.size()==1 && atrip.size()==1 && oct.size()==1) {
nflow = 1;
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*4.));
else if (oct.size()==3){
nflow = 1.;
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*24.));
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour scalar particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors() for "
<< inpart. dataPtr()->PDGName() << " -> "
<< decay[0]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[1]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[2]->dataPtr()->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
// decaying colour triplet
else if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3) {
if(trip.size()==1 && sing.size()==1 && oct.size()==1) {
nflow = 1;
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*4./3.));
else if(trip.size()==1 && oct.size()==2) {
nflow = 2;
colour_[0][0] = symFactor*16./9.; colour_[0][1] = -symFactor*2./9.;
colour_[1][0] = -symFactor*2./9.; colour_[1][1] = symFactor*16./9.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour triplet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors() for "
<< inpart. dataPtr()->PDGName() << " -> "
<< decay[0]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[1]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[2]->dataPtr()->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
// decaying colour anti-triplet
else if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar) {
if(atrip.size()==1 && sing.size()==1 && oct.size()==1) {
nflow = 1;
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*4./3.));
else if(atrip.size()==1 && oct.size()==2){
nflow = 2;
colour_ .resize(2,DVector(2,0.));
colour_[0][0] = symFactor*16./9.; colour_[0][1] = -symFactor*2./9.;
colour_[1][0] = -symFactor*2./9.; colour_[1][1] = symFactor*16./9.;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour anti-triplet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors() for "
<< inpart. dataPtr()->PDGName() << " -> "
<< decay[0]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[1]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[2]->dataPtr()->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
// decaying colour octet
else if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour8) {
if(oct.size()==1 && trip.size()==1 && atrip.size()==1) {
nflow = 2;
colour_[0][0] = symFactor*2./3. ; colour_[0][1] = -symFactor*1./12.;
colour_[1][0] = -symFactor*1./12.; colour_[1][1] = symFactor*2./3. ;
else if (oct.size()==2 && sing.size()==1){
nflow = 1;
colour_ = vector<DVector>(1,DVector(1,symFactor*3.));
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the outgoing particles"
<< " for decay colour octet particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors() for "
<< inpart. dataPtr()->PDGName() << " -> "
<< decay[0]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[1]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[2]->dataPtr()->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour for the decaying particle in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourFactors() for "
<< inpart. dataPtr()->PDGName() << " -> "
<< decay[0]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[1]->dataPtr()->PDGName() << " "
<< decay[2]->dataPtr()->PDGName()
<< Exception::runerror;
return colour_;
-void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::identifyDipoles(vector<dipoleType> & dipoles,
+bool GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::identifyDipoles(vector<dipoleType> & dipoles,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & aProgenitor,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & bProgenitor,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & cProgenitor) const {
PDT::Colour bColour = bProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour();
PDT::Colour cColour = cProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour();
PDT::Colour aColour = aProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour();
// decaying colour singlet
if (bColour==PDT::Colour0 ) {
if ((cColour==PDT::Colour3 && aColour==PDT::Colour3bar) ||
(cColour==PDT::Colour3bar && aColour==PDT::Colour3) ||
(cColour==PDT::Colour8 && aColour==PDT::Colour8)){
// decaying colour triplet
else if (bColour==PDT::Colour3 ) {
if (cColour==PDT::Colour3 && aColour==PDT::Colour0){
dipoles.push_back(IFc );
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour0 && aColour==PDT::Colour3){
dipoles.push_back(IFa );
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour8 && aColour==PDT::Colour3){
dipoles.push_back(IFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFa );
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour3 && aColour==PDT::Colour8){
dipoles.push_back(IFa );
dipoles.push_back(FFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFa );
// decaying colour anti-triplet
else if (bColour==PDT::Colour3bar) {
if ((cColour==PDT::Colour3bar && aColour==PDT::Colour0)){
dipoles.push_back(IFc );
else if ((cColour==PDT::Colour0 && aColour==PDT::Colour3bar)){
dipoles.push_back(IFa );
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour8 && aColour==PDT::Colour3bar){
dipoles.push_back(IFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFa );
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour3bar && aColour==PDT::Colour8){
dipoles.push_back(IFa );
dipoles.push_back(FFc );
dipoles.push_back(FFa );
// decaying colour octet
else if (bColour==PDT::Colour8){
if ((cColour==PDT::Colour3 && aColour==PDT::Colour3bar) ||
(cColour==PDT::Colour3bar && aColour==PDT::Colour3)){
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour8 && aColour==PDT::Colour0){
else if (cColour==PDT::Colour0 && aColour==PDT::Colour8){
// check colour structure is allowed
- if (dipoles.size()==0)
- throw Exception() << "Unknown colour structure in 3 body decay in "
- << "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::identifyDipoles()"
- << Exception::runerror;
+ return !dipoles.empty();
const GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::CFlow &
GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFlows(const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay) {
// static initialization of commonly used colour structures
static const CFlow init = CFlow(3, CFlowPairVec(1, make_pair(0, 1.)));
static CFlow tripflow = init;
static CFlow atripflow = init;
static CFlow octflow = init;
static const CFlow fpflow = CFlow(4, CFlowPairVec(1, make_pair(0, 1.)));
static bool initialized = false;
if (! initialized) {
tripflow[2].resize(2, make_pair(0,1.));
tripflow[2][0] = make_pair(0, 1.);
tripflow[2][1] = make_pair(1,-1.);
tripflow[1][0] = make_pair(1, 1.);
atripflow[1].resize(2, make_pair(0,1.));
atripflow[1][0] = make_pair(0, 1.);
atripflow[1][1] = make_pair(1,-1.);
atripflow[2][0] = make_pair(1, 1.);
octflow[0].resize(2, make_pair(0,1.));
octflow[0][0] = make_pair(0,-1.);
octflow[0][1] = make_pair(1, 1.);
octflow[2][0] = make_pair(1, 1.);
initialized = true;
// main function body
int sing=0,trip=0,atrip=0,oct=0;
for (size_t it=0; it<decay.size(); ++it) {
switch ( decay[it]->dataPtr()->iColour() ) {
case PDT::Colour0: ++sing; break;
case PDT::Colour3: ++trip; break;
case PDT::Colour3bar: ++atrip; break;
case PDT::Colour8: ++oct; break;
// require a gluon
const CFlow * retval = 0;
bool inconsistent4PV = true;
// decaying colour triplet
if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3 &&
trip==1 && oct==2) {
retval = &tripflow;
// decaying colour anti-triplet
else if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour3bar &&
atrip==1 && oct==2){
retval = &atripflow;
// decaying colour octet
else if(inpart.dataPtr()->iColour() == PDT::Colour8 &&
oct==1 && trip==1 && atrip==1) {
retval = &octflow;
else {
inconsistent4PV = false;
retval = &init;
// if a 4 point vertex exists, add a colour flow for it
if ( fourPointVertex_ ) {
if ( inconsistent4PV )
throw Exception() << "Unknown colour flows for 4 point vertex in "
<< "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::colourFlows()"
<< Exception::runerror;
else {
retval = &fpflow;
return *retval;
void GeneralTwoBodyDecayer::getColourLines(vector<ColinePtr> & newline,
const HardTreePtr & hardtree,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr & bProgenitor){
// set up the colour lines
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> branchingPart;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator cit=hardtree->branchings().begin();
static vector<int> sing,trip,atrip,oct;
sing.clear(); trip.clear(); atrip.clear(); oct.clear();
for (size_t ib=0;ib<branchingPart.size();++ib){
if (branchingPart[ib]->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 ) sing. push_back(ib);
else if(branchingPart[ib]->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ) trip. push_back(ib);
else if(branchingPart[ib]->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar) atrip.push_back(ib);
else if(branchingPart[ib]->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ) oct. push_back(ib);
// decaying colour singlet
if (bProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0){
if (trip.size()==1 && atrip.size()==1){
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[trip [0]]);
else if (oct.size()==2){
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[oct[0]]);
newline[1]->addColoured (branchingPart[oct[1]]);
// decaying colour triplet
else if (bProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3 ){
if (trip.size()==2 && sing.size()==1){
else if (trip.size()==2 && oct.size()==1){
if (branchingPart[trip[0]]->id()==bProgenitor->progenitor()->id()){
else {
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
newline[1]->addAntiColoured(branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
// decaying colour anti-triplet
else if (bProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3bar){
if (atrip.size()==2 && sing.size()==1){
else if (atrip.size()==2 && oct.size()==1){
if (branchingPart[atrip[0]]->id()==bProgenitor->progenitor()->id()){
else {
newline[0]->addAntiColoured(branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
newline[1]->addColoured (branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
// decaying colour octet
else if(bProgenitor->progenitor()->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8 ){
if (trip.size()==1 && atrip.size()==1) {
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
newline[1]->addAntiColoured(branchingPart[ oct[0]]);
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[ trip[0]]);
else if (sing.size()==1 && oct.size()==2){
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[oct[0]]);
newline[0]->addColoured (branchingPart[oct[1]]);
diff --git a/Decay/General/GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h b/Decay/General/GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h
--- a/Decay/General/GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h
+++ b/Decay/General/GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h
@@ -1,456 +1,456 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_GeneralTwoBodyDecayer_H
#define HERWIG_GeneralTwoBodyDecayer_H
// This is the declaration of the GeneralTwoBodyDecayer class.
#include "Herwig++/Decay/DecayIntegrator.h"
#include "Herwig++/Decay/DecayPhaseSpaceMode.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/VertexBase.h"
#include "GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.fh"
#include "Herwig++/Shower/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using Helicity::VertexBasePtr;
/** \ingroup Decay
* The GeneralTwoBodyDecayer class is designed to be the base class
* for 2 body decays for some general model. It inherits from
* DecayIntegrator and implements the modeNumber() virtual function
* that is the same for all of the decays. A decayer for
* a specific spin configuration should inherit from this and implement
* the me2() and partialWidth() member functions. The colourConnections()
* member should be called from inside me2() in the inheriting decayer
* to set up the colour lines.
* @see \ref GeneralTwoBodyDecayerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.
* @see DecayIntegrator
class GeneralTwoBodyDecayer: public DecayIntegrator {
/** A ParticleData ptr and (possible) mass pair.*/
typedef pair<tcPDPtr, Energy> PMPair;
* The default constructor.
GeneralTwoBodyDecayer() : _maxweight(1.), mb_(ZERO), e_(0.), s_(0.), e2_(0.), s2_(0.),
pTmin_(GeV), pT_(ZERO), colour_(1,DVector(1,1.))
/** @name Virtual functions required by the Decayer class. */
* For a given decay mode and a given particle instance, perform the
* decay and return the decay products. As this is the base class this
* is not implemented.
* @return The vector of particles produced in the decay.
virtual ParticleVector decay(const Particle & parent,
const tPDVector & children) const;
* Which of the possible decays is required
* @param cc Is this mode the charge conjugate
* @param parent The decaying particle
* @param children The decay products
virtual int modeNumber(bool & cc, tcPDPtr parent,const tPDVector & children) const;
* Return the matrix element squared for a given mode and phase-space channel
* @param ichan The channel we are calculating the matrix element for.
* @param part The decaying Particle.
* @param decay The particles produced in the decay.
* @param meopt Option for the calculation of the matrix element
* @return The matrix element squared for the phase-space configuration.
virtual double me2(const int , const Particle & part,
const ParticleVector & decay, MEOption meopt) const = 0;
* Function to return partial Width
* @param inpart The decaying particle.
* @param outa One of the decay products.
* @param outb The other decay product.
virtual Energy partialWidth(PMPair inpart, PMPair outa,
PMPair outb) const;
* Specify the \f$1\to2\f$ matrix element to be used in the running width
* calculation.
* @param dm The DecayMode
* @param mecode The code for the matrix element as described
* in the GenericWidthGenerator class.
* @param coupling The coupling for the matrix element.
* @return True if the the order of the particles in the
* decayer is the same as the DecayMode tag.
virtual bool twoBodyMEcode(const DecayMode & dm, int & mecode,
double & coupling) const;
* An overidden member to calculate a branching ratio for a certain
* particle instance.
* @param dm The DecayMode of the particle
* @param p The particle object
* @param oldbrat The branching fraction given in the DecayMode object
virtual double brat(const DecayMode & dm, const Particle & p,
double oldbrat) const;
* Has a POWHEG style correction
virtual POWHEGType hasPOWHEGCorrection() {return No;}
* Member to generate the hardest emission in the POWHEG scheme
virtual HardTreePtr generateHardest(ShowerTreePtr);
* Three-body matrix element including additional QCD radiation
virtual double threeBodyME(const int , const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay, MEOption meopt);
* Set the information on the decay
void setDecayInfo(PDPtr incoming,PDPair outgoing,
const vector<VertexBasePtr> &,
/** @name Functions used by inheriting decayers. */
* Get vertex pointer
* @return a pointer to the vertex
VertexBasePtr getVertex() const { return vertex_; }
* Get vertex pointer
* @return a pointer to the vertex for QCD radiation off the decaying particle
VertexBasePtr getIncomingVertex() const { return incomingVertex_; }
* Get vertex pointer
* @return a pointer to the vertex for QCD radiation off the decay products
vector<VertexBasePtr> getOutgoingVertices() const { return outgoingVertices_; }
* Get vertex pointer
* @return a pointer to the vertex for QCD radiation from 4 point vertex
VertexBasePtr getFourPointVertex() const { return fourPointVertex_; }
* Set integration weight
* @param wgt Maximum integration weight
void setWeight(const double & wgt) { _maxweight = wgt; }
* Set colour connections
* @param parent Parent particle
* @param out Particle vector containing particles to
* connect colour lines
void colourConnections(const Particle & parent,
const ParticleVector & out) const;
* Type of dipole
enum dipoleType {FFa, FFc, IFa, IFc, IFba, IFbc};
* Compute the spin and colour factor
double colourFactor(tcPDPtr in, tcPDPtr out1, tcPDPtr out2) const;
* Calculate matrix element ratio R/B
double matrixElementRatio(const Particle & inpart, const ParticleVector & decay2,
const ParticleVector & decay3, MEOption meopt);
* Calculate momenta of all the particles
bool calcMomenta(int j, Energy pT, double y, double phi, double& xg,
double& xs, double& xe, double& xe_z,
vector<Lorentz5Momentum>& particleMomenta);
* Check the calculated momenta are physical
bool psCheck(const double xg, const double xs);
* Return the momenta including the hard emission
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> hardMomenta(const ShowerProgenitorPtr &in,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr &emitter,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr &spectator,
const vector<dipoleType> &dipoles, int i);
* Return dipole corresponding to the dipoleType dipoleId
InvEnergy2 calculateDipole(const dipoleType & dipoleId, const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay3, const dipoleType & emittingDipole);
* Return contribution to dipole that depends on the spin of the emitter
double dipoleSpinFactor(const PPtr & emitter, double z);
* Work out the type of process
- void identifyDipoles(vector<dipoleType> & dipoles,
+ bool identifyDipoles(vector<dipoleType> & dipoles,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & aProgenitor,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & bProgenitor,
ShowerProgenitorPtr & cProgenitor) const;
* Set up the colour lines
void getColourLines(vector<ColinePtr> & newline, const HardTreePtr & hardtree,
const ShowerProgenitorPtr & bProgenitor);
* Return the colour coefficient of the dipole
double colourCoeff(const PDT::Colour emitter, const PDT::Colour spectator,
const PDT::Colour other);
* Coupling for the generation of hard radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr coupling() {return coupling_;}
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* Member for the generation of additional hard radiation
* Return the matrix of colour factors
typedef vector<pair<int,double > > CFlowPairVec;
typedef vector<CFlowPairVec> CFlow;
const vector<DVector> & getColourFactors(const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay,
unsigned int & nflow);
const CFlow & colourFlows(const Particle & inpart,
const ParticleVector & decay);
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is an abstract class with persistent data.
static AbstractClassDescription<GeneralTwoBodyDecayer> initGeneralTwoBodyDecayer;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
GeneralTwoBodyDecayer & operator=(const GeneralTwoBodyDecayer &);
* Store the incoming particle
PDPtr _incoming;
* Outgoing particles
vector<PDPtr> _outgoing;
* Pointer to vertex
VertexBasePtr vertex_;
* Pointer to vertex for radiation from the incoming particle
VertexBasePtr incomingVertex_;
* Pointer to the vertices for radiation from the outgoing particles
vector<VertexBasePtr> outgoingVertices_;
* Pointer to vertex for radiation coming from 4 point vertex
VertexBasePtr fourPointVertex_;
* Maximum weight for integration
double _maxweight;
* Mass of decaying particle
Energy mb_;
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle
double e_;
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle
double s_;
* Reduced mass of emitter child particle squared
double e2_;
* Reduced mass of spectator child particle squared
double s2_;
* Minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy pTmin_;
* Transverse momentum of the emission
Energy pT_;
* Coupling for the generation of hard radiation
ShowerAlphaPtr coupling_;
* Store colour factors for ME calc.
vector<DVector> colour_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of GeneralTwoBodyDecayer. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::GeneralTwoBodyDecayer,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of GeneralTwoBodyDecayer. */
typedef Herwig::DecayIntegrator NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the GeneralTwoBodyDecayer class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::GeneralTwoBodyDecayer>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::GeneralTwoBodyDecayer> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::GeneralTwoBodyDecayer"; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_GeneralTwoBodyDecayer_H */

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Mon, Jan 20, 8:29 PM (9 h, 2 m)
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