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#include "Rivet/Math/MathHeader.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/MathUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/VectorN.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/Vector3.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class FourVector;
class FourMomentum;
class LorentzTransform;
typedef FourVector Vector4;
FourVector transform(const LorentzTransform& lt, const FourVector& v4);
class FourVector : public Vector<4> {
friend FourVector multiply(const double a, const FourVector& v);
friend FourVector multiply(const FourVector& v, const double a);
friend FourVector add(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b);
friend FourVector transform(const LorentzTransform& lt, const FourVector& v4);
FourVector() : Vector<4>() { }
template<typename V4>
FourVector(const V4& other) {
FourVector(const Vector<4>& other)
: Vector<4>(other) { }
FourVector(const double t, const double x, const double y, const double z) {
virtual ~FourVector() { }
const double t() const { return get(0); }
const double x() const { return get(1); }
const double y() const { return get(2); }
const double z() const { return get(3); }
FourVector& t(const double t) { set(0, t); return *this; }
FourVector& x(const double x) { set(1, x); return *this; }
FourVector& y(const double y) { set(2, y); return *this; }
FourVector& z(const double z) { set(3, z); return *this; }
double invariant() const {
return t()*t() - x()*x() - y()*y() - z()*z();
double angle(const FourVector& v) const {
return vector3().angle( v.vector3() );
double angle(const Vector3& v3) const {
return vector3().angle(v3);
double polarRadius2() const {
return vector3().polarRadius2();
/// Synonym for polarRadius2
double perp2() const {
return vector3().perp2();
/// Synonym for polarRadius2
double rho2() const {
return vector3().rho2();
double polarRadius() const {
return vector3().polarRadius();
/// Synonym for polarRadius
double perp() const {
return vector3().perp();
/// Synonym for polarRadius
double rho() const {
return vector3().rho();
/// Angle subtended by the 3-vector's projection in x-y and the x-axis.
double azimuthalAngle(const PhiMapping mapping = ZERO_2PI) const {
return vector3().azimuthalAngle(mapping);
/// Synonym for azimuthalAngle.
double phi(const PhiMapping mapping = ZERO_2PI) const {
return vector3().phi(mapping);
/// Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis.
double polarAngle() const {
return vector3().polarAngle();
/// Synonym for polarAngle.
double theta() const {
return vector3().theta();
double pseudorapidity() const {
return vector3().pseudorapidity();
/// Synonym for pseudorapidity.
double eta() const {
return vector3().eta();
/// Get the spatial part of the 4-vector as a 3-vector.
Vector3 vector3() const {
return Vector3(get(1), get(2), get(3));
/// Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
double contract(const FourVector& v) const {
const double result = t()*v.t() - x()*v.x() - y()*v.y() - z()*v.z();
return result;
/// Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
double dot(const FourVector& v) const {
return contract(v);
/// Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
double operator*(const FourVector& v) const {
return contract(v);
/// Multiply by a scalar
FourVector& operator*=(double a) {
_vec = multiply(a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
/// Divide by a scalar
FourVector& operator/=(double a) {
_vec = multiply(1.0/a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector& operator+=(const FourVector& v) {
_vec = add(*this, v)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector& operator-=(const FourVector& v) {
_vec = add(*this, -v)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector operator-() const {
FourVector result;
result._vec = -_vec;
return result;
/// Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
inline double contract(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return a.contract(b);
/// Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
inline double dot(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return contract(a, b);
inline FourVector multiply(const double a, const FourVector& v) {
FourVector result;
result._vec = a * v._vec;
return result;
inline FourVector multiply(const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator*(const double a, const FourVector& v) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator*(const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator/(const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(1.0/a, v);
inline FourVector add(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
FourVector result;
result._vec = a._vec + b._vec;
return result;
inline FourVector operator+(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return add(a, b);
inline FourVector operator-(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return add(a, -b);
/// Calculate the Lorentz self-invariant of a 4-vector.
/// \f$ v_\mu v^\mu = g_{\mu\nu} x^\mu x^\nu \f$.
inline const double invariant(const FourVector& lv) {
return lv.invariant();
/// Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
inline double angle(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return a.angle(b);
/// Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
inline double angle(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b) {
return angle( a, b.vector3() );
/// Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
inline double angle(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b) {
return a.angle(b);
/// Calculate transverse length sq. \f$ \rho^2 \f$ of a Lorentz vector.
inline double polarRadius2(const FourVector& v) {
return v.polarRadius2();
/// Synonym for polarRadius2.
inline double perp2(const FourVector& v) {
return v.perp2();
/// Synonym for polarRadius2.
inline double rho2(const FourVector& v) {
return v.rho2();
/// Calculate transverse length \f$ \rho \f$ of a Lorentz vector.
inline double polarRadius(const FourVector& v) {
return v.polarRadius();
/// Synonym for polarRadius.
inline double perp(const FourVector& v) {
return v.perp();
/// Synonym for polarRadius.
inline double rho(const FourVector& v) {
return v.rho();
/// Calculate azimuthal angle of a Lorentz vector.
inline double azimuthalAngle(const FourVector& v, const PhiMapping mapping = ZERO_2PI) {
return v.azimuthalAngle(mapping);
/// Synonym for azimuthalAngle.
inline double phi(const FourVector& v, const PhiMapping mapping = ZERO_2PI) {
return v.phi(mapping);
/// Calculate polar angle of a Lorentz vector.
inline double polarAngle(const FourVector& v) {
return v.polarAngle();
/// Synonym for polarAngle.
inline double theta(const FourVector& v) {
return v.theta();
/// Calculate pseudorapidity of a Lorentz vector.
inline double pseudorapidity(const FourVector& v) {
return v.pseudorapidity();
/// Synonym for pseudorapidity.
inline double eta(const FourVector& v) {
return v.eta();
/// Specialized version of the FourVector with momentum/energy functionality.
class FourMomentum : public FourVector {
FourMomentum() { }
template<typename V4>
FourMomentum(const V4& other) {
FourMomentum(const Vector<4>& other)
: FourVector(other) { }
FourMomentum(const double E, const double px, const double py, const double pz) {
~FourMomentum() {}
/// Get energy \f$ E \f$ (time component of momentum).
double E() const { return t(); }
/// Get 3-momentum part, \f$ p \f$.
Vector3 p() const { return vector3(); }
/// Get x-component of momentum \f$ p_x \f$.
double px() const { return x(); }
/// Get y-component of momentum \f$ p_y \f$.
double py() const { return y(); }
/// Get z-component of momentum \f$ p_z \f$.
double pz() const { return z(); }
/// Set energy \f$ E \f$ (time component of momentum).
FourMomentum& E(double E) { t(E); return *this; }
/// Set x-component of momentum \f$ p_x \f$.
FourMomentum& px(double px) { x(px); return *this; }
/// Set y-component of momentum \f$ p_y \f$.
FourMomentum& py(double py) { y(py); return *this; }
/// Set z-component of momentum \f$ p_z \f$.
FourMomentum& pz(double pz) { z(pz); return *this; }
/// Get squared mass \f$ m^2 = E^2 - p^2 \f$ (the Lorentz self-invariant).
double mass2() const {
return invariant();
/// Get mass \f$ m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2} \f$ (the Lorentz self-invariant).
double mass() const {
assert(mass2() >= 0);
return sqrt(mass2());
/// Calculate rapidity.
double rapidity() const {
return 0.5 * std::log( (E() + pz()) / (E() - pz()) );
/// Calculate squared transverse momentum \f$ p_T^2 \f$.
double pT2() const {
return vector3().polarRadius2();
/// Calculate transverse momentum \f$ p_T \f$.
double pT() const {
return sqrt(pT2());
/// Calculate transverse energy \f$ E_T^2 = E^2 \sin^2{\theta} \f$.
double Et2() const {
return Et() * Et();
/// Calculate transverse energy \f$ E_T = E \sin{\theta} \f$.
double Et() const {
return E() * sin(polarAngle());
/// Calculate boost vector (in units of \f$ \beta \f$).
Vector3 boostVector() const {
// const Vector3 p3 = vector3();
// const double m2 = mass2();
// if (Rivet::isZero(m2)) return p3.unit();
// else {
// // Could also do this via beta = tanh(rapidity), but that's
// // probably more messy from a numerical hygiene point of view.
// const double p2 = p3.mod2();
// const double beta = sqrt( p2 / (m2 + p2) );
// return beta * p3.unit();
// }
/// @todo Be careful about c=1 convention...
return Vector3(px()/E(), py()/E(), pz()/E());
/// Get squared mass \f$ m^2 = E^2 - p^2 \f$ (the Lorentz self-invariant) of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double mass2(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.mass2();
/// Get mass \f$ m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2} \f$ (the Lorentz self-invariant) of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double mass(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.mass();
/// Calculate rapidity of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double rapidity(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.rapidity();
/// Calculate squared transverse momentum \f$ p_T^2 \f$ of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double pT2(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.pT2();
/// Calculate transverse momentum \f$ p_T \f$ of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double pT(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.pT();
/// Calculate transverse energy squared, \f$ E_T^2 = E^2 \sin^2{\theta} \f$ of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double Et2(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.Et2();}
/// Calculate transverse energy \f$ E_T = E \sin{\theta} \f$ of a momentum 4-vector.
inline double Et(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.Et();
/// Calculate velocity boost vector of a momentum 4-vector.
inline Vector3 boostVector(const FourMomentum& v) {
return v.boostVector();
/// Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal ("eta-phi") distance between two
/// four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors
/// as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the
/// rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can
/// be chosen via the optional scheme parameter, which is discouraged in this
/// case since @c RAPIDITY is only a valid option for vectors whose type is
/// really the FourMomentum derived class.
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(a.vector3(), b.vector3());
const FourMomentum* ma = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&a);
const FourMomentum* mb = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&b);
if (!ma || !mb) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY, can be called with FourMomenta only";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR(*ma, *mb, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(v.vector3(), eta2, phi2);
const FourMomentum* mv = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&v);
if (!mv) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY, can be called with FourMomenta only";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR(*mv, eta2, phi2, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourVector& v,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(eta1, phi1, v.vector3());
const FourMomentum* mv = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&v);
if (!mv) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY, can be called with FourMomenta only";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR(eta1, phi1, *mv, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
/// Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal ("eta-phi") distance between two
/// four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors
/// as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the
/// rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can
/// be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(a.vector3(), b.vector3());
return deltaR(a.rapidity(), a.azimuthalAngle(), b.rapidity(), b.azimuthalAngle());
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(v.vector3(), eta2, phi2);
return deltaR(v.rapidity(), v.azimuthalAngle(), eta2, phi2);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourMomentum& v,
DeltaRScheme scheme = PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR(eta1, phi1, v.vector3());
return deltaR(eta1, phi1, v.rapidity(), v.azimuthalAngle());
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
/// Render a 4-vector as a string.
inline const string toString(const FourVector& lv) {
ostringstream out;
out << "(" << (fabs(lv.t()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.t())
<< "; " << (fabs(lv.x()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.x())
<< ", " << (fabs(lv.y()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.y())
<< ", " << (fabs(lv.z()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.z())
<< ")";
return out.str();
/// Write a 4-vector to an ostream.
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const FourVector& lv) {
out << toString(lv);
return out;

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Sat, Dec 21, 6:40 PM (2 h, 5 m)
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Vector4.hh (16 KB)

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