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diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/AmplitudeCache.h b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/AmplitudeCache.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/AmplitudeCache.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/AmplitudeCache.h
@@ -1,346 +1,346 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// AmplitudeCache.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_AmplitudeCache_H
#define HERWIG_AmplitudeCache_H
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/SpinorHelicity.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/algorithm.h"
#include <array>
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
using std::array;
namespace SpinorHelicity {
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief Caching for amplitudes using spinor helicity techniques.
template<typename AmplitudeKey>
class AmplitudeCache {
typedef map<AmplitudeKey,pair<bool,Complex> > AmplitudeCacheMap;
typedef map<AmplitudeKey,pair<bool,LorentzVector<Complex> > > CurrentCacheMap;
* Maximum N we can handle, SYM_N is storage size for a symmetric matrix of N * N elements
- enum { MAX_N = 6, SYM_N = MAX_N*(MAX_N+1)/2 };
+ enum { MAX_N = 7, SYM_N = MAX_N*(MAX_N+1)/2 };
* The number of points
int theNPoints;
* The energy scale to obtain dimensionless
* quantities.
mutable Energy theScale;
* Masses indexed by partons
mutable array<double,MAX_N> theMasses;
* Momenta indexed by partons
mutable array<LorentzMomentum,MAX_N> theMomenta;
* Crossing signs indexed by partons
mutable array<int,MAX_N> theCrossingSigns;
* Plus spinors indexed by partons
mutable array<PlusSpinor,MAX_N> thePlusSpinors;
* Plus conjugate spinors indexed by partons
mutable array<PlusConjugateSpinor,MAX_N> thePlusConjugateSpinors;
* Invariants indexed by partons
mutable array<double,SYM_N> theInvariants;
* Flag products to be recalculated
mutable array<bool,SYM_N> getInvariant;
* Spinor products indexed by partons
mutable array<Complex,SYM_N> thePlusProducts;
* Flag products to be recalculated
mutable array<bool,SYM_N> getPlusProduct;
* Spinor currents indexed by partons
mutable array<LorentzVector<Complex>,SYM_N> thePlusCurrents;
* Flag currents to be recalculated
mutable array<bool,SYM_N> getPlusCurrent;
* Cache intermediate amplitudes by index
mutable AmplitudeCacheMap theCachedAmplitudes;
* The last query for a cached amplitude
mutable typename AmplitudeCacheMap::iterator theLastAmplitude;
* Cache intermediate currents by index
mutable CurrentCacheMap theCachedCurrents;
* The last query for a cached current
mutable typename CurrentCacheMap::iterator theLastCurrent;
* Helper function to index symmetric arrays, assumes i <= j.
* Usual indexing function (N*i + j) corrected by triangle number for i-th row.
inline size_t idx(size_t i, size_t j) const {
return MAX_N * i - (i + 1) * i / 2 + j;
* Helper to reset flags
struct boolResetter {
void operator()(pair<const AmplitudeKey,pair<bool,Complex> >& flag) const {
flag.second.first = true;
void operator()(pair<const AmplitudeKey,pair<bool,LorentzVector<Complex> > >& flag) const {
flag.second.first = true;
* Constructor
AmplitudeCache() : theNPoints(0) {}
* Prepare for n-point amplitude
void nPoints(int n);
* Return the number of points
int nPoints() const {
return theNPoints;
* Set the energy scale to obtain dimensionless
* quantities and flag all quantities to be recalculated.
void amplitudeScale(Energy s) const;
* Set the momentum for the k'th parton
* and its associated mass.
void momentum(int k, const LorentzMomentum& p,
bool getSpinors = true,
Energy mass = ZERO) const;
* Reset flags
void reset() const;
* Return the momentum for the k'th parton
LorentzVector<double> momentum(int k) const { return theMomenta[k]/theScale; }
* Get the energy scale to obtain dimensionless
* quantities and flag all quantities to be recalculated.
Energy amplitudeScale() const { return theScale; }
* Return the mass associated to the k'th parton
double mass(int k) const { return theMasses[k]; }
* Return the crossing sign for the
* i'th parton
int crossingSign(int i) const { return theCrossingSigns[i]; }
* Return the crossing sign for the
* i'th and j'th parton
double crossingSign(int i, int j) const { return theCrossingSigns[i]*theCrossingSigns[j]; }
* Return (ij)
double invariant(int i, int j) const {
if ( i == j ) return 0.;
if ( i > j ) swap(i,j);
if ( getInvariant[idx(i,j)] ) {
getInvariant[idx(i,j)] = false;
theInvariants[idx(i,j)] = 2.*(momentum(i)*momentum(j));
return theInvariants[idx(i,j)];
* Return <ij>
Complex plusProduct(int i, int j) const {
if ( i== j )
return 0.;
bool swapij = (i > j);
if ( swapij )
if ( getPlusProduct[idx(i,j)] ) {
getPlusProduct[idx(i,j)] = false;
thePlusProducts[idx(i,j)] =
thePlusSpinors[j]).eval() / theScale;
return swapij ? -thePlusProducts[idx(i,j)] : thePlusProducts[idx(i,j)];
* Return [ij]
Complex minusProduct(int i, int j) const {
if ( i== j )
return 0.;
return -crossingSign(i,j)*conj(plusProduct(i,j));
* Return <i|\gamma^\mu|j]
LorentzVector<Complex> plusCurrent(int i, int j) const {
bool swapij = (i > j);
if ( swapij )
if ( getPlusCurrent[idx(i,j)] ) {
getPlusCurrent[idx(i,j)] = false;
if ( i != j ) {
thePlusCurrents[idx(i,j)] =
MinusSpinor(theMomenta[j])).eval() / theScale;
} else {
thePlusCurrents[idx(i,j)] = 2.*momentum(i);
return swapij ? crossingSign(i,j)*thePlusCurrents[idx(i,j)].conjugate() : thePlusCurrents[idx(i,j)];
* Return [i|\gamma^\mu|j>
LorentzVector<Complex> minusCurrent(int i, int j) const {
return plusCurrent(j,i);
* Return true, if the given amplitude
* needs to be recalculated.
bool getAmplitude(const AmplitudeKey& key) const {
static Complex czero;
if ( ( theLastAmplitude = theCachedAmplitudes.find(key) )
== theCachedAmplitudes.end() ) {
theLastAmplitude = theCachedAmplitudes.insert(make_pair(key,make_pair(true,czero))).first;
return theLastAmplitude->second.first;
* Cache an amplitude
void cacheAmplitude(Complex amp) const {
theLastAmplitude->second = make_pair(false,amp);
* Return a cached amplitude
const Complex& cachedAmplitude() const {
return theLastAmplitude->second.second;
* Return true, if the given current
* needs to be recalculated.
bool getCurrent(const AmplitudeKey& key) const {
static LorentzVector<Complex> czero;
if ( ( theLastCurrent = theCachedCurrents.find(key) )
== theCachedCurrents.end() ) {
theLastCurrent = theCachedCurrents.insert(make_pair(key,make_pair(true,czero))).first;
return theLastCurrent->second.first;
* Cache an current
void cacheCurrent(const LorentzVector<Complex>& curr) const {
theLastCurrent->second = make_pair(false,curr);
* Return a cached current
const LorentzVector<Complex>& cachedCurrent() const {
return theLastCurrent->second.second;
#include "AmplitudeCache.tcc"
#endif // HERWIG_AmplitudeCache_H

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Sat, Dec 21, 5:54 PM (7 h, 49 s)
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