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diff --git a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/ b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/
--- a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/
+++ b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/
@@ -1,1636 +1,1636 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright ( C ) 2002-2007 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL , see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines , see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined , non-templated member
// functions of the Merger class.
#include "Merger.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "MergingFactory.h"
// other includes when needed below.
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr Merger::clone() const {
return new_ptr( *this );
IBPtr Merger::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr( *this );
namespace {
double decideClustering(const NodePtr sub,const NodePtr head,bool& pro){
if( sub != head ){// at least one history step -> unitarisation
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() ){ pro = true; return -2.; }
else{ pro = false; return 2.; }
} // no ordered history -> no projection
else{ pro = false; return 1.; }
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRBornStandard( ){
// get the history for the process
const NodePtr productionNode =
currentNode()-> getHistory( true, DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
// decide if to cluster
weight = decideClustering(productionNode, currentNode(), projected);
// check if we only want to calculate the current multiplicity.
if(notOnlyMulti()) return ZERO;
// Check for cuts on the production proces.
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() ) return ZERO;
// calculate the staring scale for the production node
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
// fill history with caluclation of sudakov supression
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , currentNode() );
// fill the projector -> return the scale of the last splitting
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 1 : 0 ) );
// the weight has three components to get shower history weight
weight *= history.back().weight* // Sudakov suppression
alphaReweight()* // alpha_s reweight
pdfReweight(); // pdf reweight
// If weight is zero return.
if( weight == ZERO ) return ZERO;
//calculate the cross section
return weight*TreedSigDR( startscale , 1. );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRVirtualStandard( ){
// get the history for the process
const NodePtr productionNode = currentNode()-> getHistory( true , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
// decide if to cluster
weight = decideClustering(productionNode,currentNode(),projected);
// Check for cuts on the production proces.
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() )return ZERO;
// calculate the staring scale
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
// fill history with caluclation of sudakov supression
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , currentNode() );
// fill the projector -> return the scale of the last splitting
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 1 : 0 ) );
// the weight has three components to get shower history weight
double ww1 = history.back().weight;
double ww2 = alphaReweight();
double ww3 = pdfReweight();
weight *= ww1*ww2*ww3;
// If weight is zero return.
if( weight == 0. )return ZERO;
// calculate the cross section for virtual contribution
// and various insertion operators.
CrossSection matrixElement = LoopdSigDR( startscale );
// Now calculate the expansion of the shower history.
// first: the born contibution:
CrossSection bornWeight = currentME()->dSigHatDRB();
// second: expansion of pdf ,alpha_s-ratio and sudakov suppression.
double w1 = -sumPdfReweightExpansion();
double w2 = -sumAlphaSReweightExpansion();
double w3 = -sumFillHistoryExpansion();
// put together the expansion weights.
CrossSection expansionweight = ( w1+w2+w3 )*(theShowerExpansionWeights?1.:0.)
*SM().alphaS()/( 2.*ThePEG::Constants::pi );
// [ DEBUG ]
if ( currentNode()->legsize() == 5 && Debug::level > 2 )
// return with correction that ME was calculated with fixed alpha_s
return weight* as( startscale*DSH()->renFac() )/
SM().alphaS()* ( matrixElement+expansionweight );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRRealStandard(){
if ( currentNode()->children().empty() ) {
throw Exception()
<< "Real emission contribution without underlying born."
<< "These are finite contibutions already handled in LO merging."
<< Exception::abortnow;
// check for IR Safe Cutoff
if( !currentNode()->allAbove( theIRSafePT ) )return ZERO;
auto inOutPair = currentNode()->getInOut();
NodePtr randomChild = currentNode()->randomChild();
bool meRegion =matrixElementRegion(
inOutPair.first ,
inOutPair.second ,
randomChild->pT() ,
theMergePt );
if ( meRegion )return MergingDSigDRRealAllAbove( );
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() )
return 2.*MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubReal( );
return 2.*MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubInt( );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRRealAllAbove( ){
//If all dipoles pts are above , we cluster to this dipole.
NodePtr CLNode = currentNode()->randomChild();
// Check if phase space poing is in ME region--> else rm PSP
if ( !CLNode->children().empty() ) {
auto inOutPair = CLNode->getInOut();
NodePtr randomChild = CLNode->randomChild();
if( !matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first ,
inOutPair.second ,
randomChild->pT() ,
theMergePt ) )return ZERO;
// first find the history for the acctual Node
NodePtr productionNode = currentNode()-> getHistory( true , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
// check if the randomly choosen CLNode is part of the history.
// If CLNode is not part of the history , dont calculate the Real contribution
// else multiply the real contribution with N ( number of children ).
// this returns the sudakov suppression according to
// the clustering of the born parts.
bool inhist = CLNode->isInHistoryOf( productionNode );
// get the history for the clustered Node.
productionNode = CLNode-> getHistory( false , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
// decide if to cluster
weight = decideClustering(productionNode,CLNode,projected);
// Check for cuts on the production process.
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() )return ZERO;
// calculate the staring scale
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
// fill history with caluclation of sudakov supression
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , CLNode );
// fill the projector -> return the scale of the last splitting
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 2 : 1 ) );
// the weight has three components to get shower history weight
weight *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
if( weight == 0. )return ZERO;
// The inhist flag produces the correct cluster sensity.
CrossSection me = ( inhist?TreedSigDR( startscale ):ZERO );
// calculate the dipole
CrossSection dip = CLNode->calcDip( startscale* currentME()->renFac() );
CrossSection res = weight*as( startscale*DSH()->renFac() )/SM().alphaS()*
currentNode()->children().size()*( me -dip );
// [ DEBUG ]
if ( currentNode()->legsize() == 6&&Debug::level > 2 )
return res;
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubReal( ){
NodePtr HistNode = currentNode()->randomChild();
if ( !HistNode->children().empty() ) {
auto inOutPair = HistNode->getInOut();
NodePtr randomChild = HistNode->randomChild(); // Here we make sure that clustering and splitting are invertible
if( !matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first , inOutPair.second , randomChild->pT() , theMergePt ) )return ZERO;
const NodePtr productionNode = HistNode-> getHistory( false , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
weight = decideClustering(productionNode,HistNode,projected);
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() )return ZERO;
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , HistNode );
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 1 : 0 ) );
weight *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
if( weight == 0. )return ZERO;
CrossSection sumPS = ZERO;
for( auto const & child : currentNode()->children() ){
if ( child->allAbove( mergePt() ) ){
if( ( child )->pT()>mergePt()/theRealSubtractionRatio )
sumPS += child->calcPs( startscale* currentME()->renFac() );
sumPS += child->calcDip( startscale* currentME()->renFac() );
assert( child->pT()>mergePt() );
CrossSection me = TreedSigDR( startscale );
// [ DEBUG ]
if ( currentNode()->legsize() == 6&&Debug::level > 2 )
//Here we subtract the PS ( and below the dynamical cutoff the Dip )
return weight*as( startscale*DSH()->renFac() )/SM().alphaS()*
( me-sumPS );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubInt( ){
if( currentNode()->children().empty() )return ZERO;
NodePtr CLNode = currentNode()->randomChild();
if( CLNode->pT()<mergePt()/theRealSubtractionRatio )return ZERO;
if ( !CLNode->children().empty() ) {
auto inOutPair = CLNode->getInOut( );
NodePtr randomChild = CLNode->randomChild(); // Here we make sure that clustering and splitting are invertible
if( !matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first , inOutPair.second , randomChild->pT() , theMergePt ) )return ZERO;
const NodePtr productionNode = CLNode-> getHistory( false , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
weight = decideClustering(productionNode,CLNode,projected);
if ( !CLNode->allAbove( mergePt() ) )return ZERO;
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() )return ZERO;
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , CLNode );
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 2 : 1 ) );
weight *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
if( weight == 0. )return ZERO;
pair<CrossSection , CrossSection> DipAndPs =
CLNode->calcDipandPS( startscale* currentME()->renFac() );
// [ DEBUG ]
if ( currentNode()->legsize() == 6&&Debug::level > 2 )
//Here we add the PS and subtrac the Dip ( only above the dynamical cutoff )
return weight*as( startscale*DSH()->renFac() )/SM().alphaS()*
currentNode()->children().size()*( DipAndPs.second-DipAndPs.first );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRBornGamma( ){
double weightCL = 0.;
weight = 1.;
if ( !currentNode()->children().empty() ) {
auto const inOutPair = currentNode()->getInOut();
// Here we make sure that clustering and splitting are invertible.
NodePtr randomChild = currentNode()->randomChild();
// Check if point is part of the ME region.
if( !matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first ,
inOutPair.second ,
randomChild->pT() ,
theMergePt ) )weight *= 0.;
const NodePtr productionNode = currentNode()->getHistory( true , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
NodePtr CLNode;
NodePtr BornCL;
if( !currentNode()->children().empty() ){
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() ){
CLNode = currentNode()->randomChild();
bool inhist = CLNode->isInHistoryOf( productionNode );
weight *= inhist?( -2.*int( currentNode()->children().size() ) ):0.;
projected = true;
weightCL = 2.*int( currentNode()->children().size() );
BornCL = CLNode-> getHistory( false , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
weight = 2.;
projected = false;
weight = 1.;
projected = false;
if ( treefactory()->onlymulti() != -1&&
treefactory()->onlymulti() !=
int( currentNode()->legsize()-(projected ? 1 : 0) ) )
return ZERO;
if( !currentNode()->allAbove( mergePt()*(1.-1e-6) ) )weight = 0.;
if( CLNode&&!CLNode->allAbove( mergePt()*(1.-1e-6) ) )weightCL = 0.;
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() ){
return ZERO;
CrossSection res = ZERO;
bool maxMulti = currentNode()->legsize() == int( maxLegsLO() );
if( weight != 0. ){
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , currentNode() );
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( (projected ? 1 : 0) ) );
weight *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
if( weight == 0.&&weightCL == 0. )return ZERO;
res += weight*TreedSigDR( startscale , ( !maxMulti&&!projected )?theGamma:1. );
if( CLNode&&theGamma != 1. ){
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( BornCL );
fillHistory( startscale , BornCL , CLNode );
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 1 : 0 ) );
weightCL *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
CrossSection diff = ZERO;
currentME()->factory()->setAlphaParameter( 1. );
diff -= weightCL*CLNode->dipole()->dSigHatDR( sqr( startscale* currentME()->renFac() ) );
currentME()->factory()->setAlphaParameter( theGamma );
string alp = ( CLNode->dipole()->aboveAlpha()?"Above":"Below" );
diff += weightCL*CLNode->dipole()->dSigHatDR( sqr( startscale* currentME()->renFac() ) );
currentME()->factory()->setAlphaParameter( 1. );
res += diff;
return res;
/// calculate the history weighted born cross section
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/SamplerBase.h"
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDRBornCheapME( ){
// Check if phase space poing is in ME region
if ( !currentNode()->children().empty() ) {
auto const & inOutPair = currentNode()->getInOut();
NodePtr randomChild = currentNode()->randomChild(); // Here we make sure that clustering and splitting are invertible
if( !matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first , inOutPair.second , randomChild->pT() , theMergePt ) )return ZERO;
CrossSection meweight=(SamplerBase::runLevel() == SamplerBase::RunMode)?TreedSigDR( 60.*GeV, 1. ):1.*nanobarn;
if (SamplerBase::runLevel() == SamplerBase::RunMode && theHighMeWeightMap.count(currentNode()) ) {
if (abs(meweight)>abs(theHighMeWeightMap[currentNode()])) {
if (meweight/theHighMeWeightMap[currentNode()]<UseRandom::rnd()) {
return ZERO;
// get the history for the process
const NodePtr productionNode = currentNode()-> getHistory( true , DSH()->hardScaleFactor() );
// decide if to cluster
weight = decideClustering(productionNode,currentNode(),projected);
if ( treefactory()->onlymulti() != -1&&
treefactory()->onlymulti() != int( currentNode()->legsize()-( projected ? 1 : 0 ) ) )
return ZERO;
// Check for cuts on the production proces.
if ( !productionNode->xcomb()->willPassCuts() )return ZERO;
// calculate the staring scale
Energy startscale = CKKW_StartScale( productionNode );
// fill history with caluclation of sudakov supression
fillHistory( startscale , productionNode , currentNode() );
// fill the projector -> return the scale of the last splitting
currentNode()->runningPt( fillProjector( projected ? 1 : 0 ) );
// the weight has three components to get shower history weight
weight *= history.back().weight*alphaReweight()*pdfReweight();
if( weight == 0. )return ZERO;
//calculate the cross section
return weight*TreedSigDR( startscale , 1. )*theHighMeWeightMap[currentNode()]/meweight;
CrossSection Merger::TreedSigDR( Energy startscale , double diffAlpha ){
currentME()->setScale( sqr( startscale ) , sqr( startscale ) );
CrossSection res = currentME()->dSigHatDRB();
- bool useDipolesForME=true;
+ bool useDipolesForME=false;
if (useDipolesForME && !currentNode()->children().empty()){
for (auto const & child : currentNode()->children() )
res-=child->dipole()->dSigHatDR(sqr( startscale ));
if ( projected && emitDipoleMEDiff ) {
CrossSection resDip=ZERO;
for (auto const & child : currentNode()->children() )
resDip-=child->dipole()->dSigHatDR(sqr( startscale ));
if ( diffAlpha != 1. ) {
res += currentME()->dSigHatDRAlphaDiff( diffAlpha );
if( std::isnan( double( res/nanobarn ) ) ){
<< "Merger: TreedSigDR is nan"
<< Exception::warning);
res = ZERO;};
return res;
CrossSection Merger::LoopdSigDR( Energy startscale ){
currentME()->setScale( sqr( startscale ) , sqr( startscale ) );
CrossSection res = currentME()->dSigHatDRV()+
return res;
Energy Merger::fillProjector( int pjs ){
// in the shower handler the scale is multiplied
// by DSH()->hardScaleFactor() so here we need
// to devide by the factor.
double xiQSh = history.begin()->node->legsize() == N0()?DSH()->hardScaleFactor():1.;
if( pjs == 0 ){
return ( history.size() == 1?1.:( 1./xiQSh ) )*history.back().scale;
for( auto const & hs : history )
if ( isProjectorStage( hs.node , pjs )&&pjs != 0 ){
currentNode()->xcomb()->lastProjector( hs.node->xcomb() );
return ( hs.node == history[0].node?1.:( 1./xiQSh ) )*hs.scale;
throw Exception() << "Could not fill projector." << Exception::abortnow;
return ZERO;
double Merger::pdfReweight(){ // TODO factorization scale inside
double res = 1.;
// consider both sides.
for( int side : {0 , 1} ){
// The side scale defines the scale that the leg is changig thou the history.
// We start reweighting at the seed process.
// We only need to calculate the pdf if the emission whould change the leg,
// otherwise the leg remains the same.
// If no emission is prduced from this leg the pdf ratios from this leg are always 1.
Energy sidescale=history[0].scale*(
history[0].node->legsize() == N0() ?
bool sidechanged=false;
// only if the incoming parton is coloured.
if( history[0].node->xcomb()->mePartonData()[side]->coloured() ){
// go though the history.
for ( auto const & hs : history ){
//pdf-ratio only to the last step
if ( !hs.node->parent() ) continue;
if ( hs.node == history.back().node ) continue;
if ( !hs.node->dipole() ){
throw Exception()
<< "\nMerger: pdfReweight: history step has no dipol. "
<< Exception::abortnow;
return 0.;
// if the emitter is the side the emission changes the momentum fraction.
// II dipoles dont change the momentum fraction of the spectator only FI
( hs.node->dipole()->bornSpectator()==side && hs.node->dipole()->bornEmitter()>1)))
const bool fromIsME = false;
const bool toIsME = history[0].node == hs.node;
res *= pdfratio( hs.node,
// denominator
sidescale= DSH()->facFac()*hs.node->pT();
const bool fromIsME = true;
const bool toIsME = !sidechanged && history[0].node->legsize() == N0();
res *= pdfratio( history.back().node,
history[0].scale * currentME()->facFac(),
toIsME );
if ( std::isnan( res ) )
<< "Merger: pdfReweight is nan."
<< Exception::warning);
return res;
double Merger::cmwAlphaS(Energy q)const{
double alphas=1.;
using Constants::pi;
// No cmw-scheme
if (theCMWScheme==0) {
alphas = as( q );
// Linear cmw-scheme
else if(theCMWScheme==1){
alphas = as( q );
alphas *=1.+(3.*(67./18.-1./6.*sqr(pi))
-5./9.*Nf(q))* alphas/2./pi;
// cmw-scheme as factor in argument.
else if(theCMWScheme==2){
double kg=exp(-(67.-3.*sqr(pi)-10/3*Nf(q))
/( 2. *(33.-2.*Nf(q))));
//Note factor 2 since we here dealing with Energy
alphas = as(max(kg*q,1_GeV));
throw Exception()
<< "This CMW-Scheme is not implemented."
<< Exception::abortnow;
return alphas;
double Merger::alphaReweight(){
double res = 1.;
Energy Q_R = ( history[0].node->legsize() == N0()?
DSH()->renFac() )*
using Constants::pi;
const auto Q_qed=history[0].node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->renormalizationScaleQED();
const auto Oew=history[0].node->nodeME()->orderInAlphaEW();
const auto Oqcd=history[0].node->nodeME()->orderInAlphaS();
if (!history[0].node->children().empty()) {
res *= pow( SM().alphaEMME( Q_qed )/ SM().alphaEMMZ() , Oew );
res *= pow( as(Q_R) / SM().alphaS() , Oqcd );
for ( auto const & hs : history )
if ( hs.node!= history.back().node ){
Energy q_i = DSH()->renFac()* hs.node->pT();
res *= cmwAlphaS(q_i) / SM().alphaS();
if ( std::isnan( res ) )
<< "Merger: alphaReweight is nan. "<< Exception::warning);
return res;
void Merger::fillHistory( Energy scale , NodePtr begin , NodePtr endNode ){
double sudakov0_n = 1.;
history.push_back( {begin , sudakov0_n , scale} );
double xiQSh = history.begin()->node->legsize() == N0()?
scale *= xiQSh;
if ( begin->parent()||!isUnitarized ) {
while ( begin->parent() && ( begin != endNode ) ) {
if ( !dosudakov( begin , scale , begin->pT() , sudakov0_n ) ){
history.push_back( { begin->parent() , 0. , scale } );
if ( std::isnan( sudakov0_n ) )
<< "Merger: sudakov"<<scale/GeV<<" "
<<begin->pT()/GeV<<"0_n is nan. "
<< Exception::warning);
scale = begin->pT();
history.push_back( { begin->parent() , sudakov0_n , begin->pT() } );
begin = begin->parent();
Energy notunirunning = scale;
if ( !isUnitarized&&N()+N0() > int( currentNode()->legsize() ) ) {
if ( !dosudakov( begin , notunirunning , mergePt() , sudakov0_n ) ){
history.back().weight = 0.;
history.back().weight = sudakov0_n;
if( history.size() == 1 )scale /= DSH()->hardScaleFactor();
double Merger::sumPdfReweightExpansion()const{
double res = 0.;
Energy beam1Scale = history[0].scale*
( history[0].node->legsize() == N0()?
DSH()->facFac() );
Energy beam2Scale = history[0].scale*
( history[0].node->legsize() == N0()?
DSH()->facFac() );
for ( auto const & hs : history ){
//pdf expansion only to the last step
if( !hs.node->parent() )continue;
if( hs.node->xcomb()->mePartonData()[0]->coloured()&&
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX1()>0.99 )return 0.;
if( hs.node->xcomb()->mePartonData()[1]->coloured()&&
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX2()>0.99 )return 0.;
if( hs.node->nodeME()->lastX1()<0.00001 )return 0.;
if( hs.node->nodeME()->lastX2()<0.00001 )return 0.;
if ( hs.node->dipole()->bornEmitter() == 0 ){
res += pdfExpansion( hs.node , 0 ,
beam1Scale ,
( hs.node->pT() ) ,
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX1() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
beam1Scale = ( hs.node->pT() )*DSH()->facFac();
else if ( hs.node->dipole()->bornEmitter() == 1 ){
res += pdfExpansion( hs.node , 1 ,
beam2Scale ,
( hs.node->pT() ) ,
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX2() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
beam2Scale = ( hs.node->pT() )*DSH()->facFac();
// if we're here we know hs.node->dipole()->bornEmitter() > 1
// works only in collinear scheme
else if ( hs.node->dipole()->bornSpectator() == 0 ){
res += pdfExpansion( hs.node , 0 ,
beam1Scale ,
( hs.node->pT() ) ,
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX1() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
beam1Scale = ( hs.node->pT() )*DSH()->facFac();
else if ( hs.node->dipole()->bornSpectator() == 1 ){
res += pdfExpansion( hs.node , 1 ,
beam2Scale ,
( hs.node->pT() ) ,
hs.node->nodeME()->lastX2() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
beam2Scale = ( hs.node->pT() )*DSH()->facFac();
if ( currentNode()->xcomb()->mePartonData()[0]->coloured() ){
res += pdfExpansion( history.back().node , 0 ,
beam1Scale ,
history[0].scale* currentME()->renFac() ,
( history.back() ).node->nodeME()->lastX1() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
if ( currentNode()->xcomb()->mePartonData()[1]->coloured() ) {
res += pdfExpansion( history.back().node , 1 ,
beam2Scale ,
history[0].scale* currentME()->renFac() ,
( history.back() ).node->nodeME()->lastX2() ,
Nf( history[0].scale ) ,
history[0].scale );
return res;
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Phasespace/RandomHelpers.h"
double Merger::pdfExpansion( NodePtr node ,
int side , Energy running ,
Energy next , double x ,
int nlp , Energy fixedScale ) const {
tcPDPtr particle , parton;
tcPDFPtr pdf;
if ( side == 0 ) {
particle = node->nodeME()->lastParticles().first->dataPtr();
parton = node->nodeME()->lastPartons().first->dataPtr();
pdf = node->xcomb()->partonBins().first->pdf();
assert( side == 1 );
particle = node->nodeME()->lastParticles().second->dataPtr();
parton = node->nodeME()->lastPartons().second->dataPtr();
pdf = node->xcomb()->partonBins().second->pdf();
//copied from PKOperator
double res = 0.;
int number = 10;
for ( int nr = 0;nr<number;nr++ ){
double restmp = 0;
using namespace RandomHelpers;
double r = UseRandom::rnd();
double eps = 1e-3;
pair<double , double> zw =
generate( ( piecewise() ,
flat( 0.0 , x ) ,
match( inverse( 0.0 , x , 1.0 ) +
inverse( 1.0+eps , x , 1.0 ) ) ) , r );
double z = zw.first;
double mapz = zw.second;
double PDFxparton = pdf->xfx( particle , parton , sqr( fixedScale ) , x )/x;
double CA = SM().Nc();
double CF = ( SM().Nc()*SM().Nc()-1.0 )/( 2.*SM().Nc() );
if ( abs( parton->id() ) < 7 ) {
double PDFxByzgluon = pdf->xfx( particle ,
getParticleData( ParticleID::g ) ,
sqr( fixedScale ) , x/z )*z/x;
double PDFxByzparton = pdf->xfx( particle , parton ,
sqr( fixedScale ) , x/z )*z/x;
assert( abs( parton->id() ) < 7 );
restmp += CF*( 3./2.+2.*log( 1.-x ) ) * PDFxparton;
if ( z > x ) {
restmp += 0.5 * ( sqr( z ) + sqr( 1.-z ) ) * PDFxByzgluon / z;
restmp += CF*2.*( PDFxByzparton - z*PDFxparton )/( z*( 1.-z ) );
restmp -= CF*PDFxByzparton * ( 1.+z )/z;
assert( parton->id() == ParticleID::g );
double PDFxByzgluon = pdf->xfx( particle ,
getParticleData( ParticleID::g ) ,
sqr( fixedScale ) , x/z )*z/x;
if ( z > x ){
double factor = CF * ( 1. + sqr( 1.-z ) ) / sqr( z );
for ( int f = -nlp; f <= nlp; ++f ) {
if ( f == 0 )
restmp += pdf->xfx( particle , getParticleData( f ) ,
sqr( fixedScale ) , x/z )*z/x*factor;
restmp += ( ( 11./6. ) * CA
- ( 1./3. )*Nf( history[0].scale )
+ 2.*CA*log( 1.-x ) ) *PDFxparton;
if ( z > x ) {
restmp += 2. * CA * ( PDFxByzgluon - z*PDFxparton ) / ( z*( 1.-z ) );
restmp += 2.* CA *( ( 1.-z )/z - 1. + z*( 1.-z ) ) * PDFxByzgluon / z;
if ( PDFxparton<1e-8 )restmp = 0.;
res += 1*restmp*log( sqr( running/next ) )/PDFxparton*mapz;
return res/number;
double Merger::sumAlphaSReweightExpansion()const{
double res = 0.;
if ( !( history[0].node->children().empty() ) ){
res += alphasExpansion( history[0].scale* DSH()->renFac() ,
history[0].scale* currentME()->renFac() )*
int( history[0].node->legsize()-N0() );
// dsig is calculated with fixed alpha_s
for ( auto const & hs : history ){
//expansion only to the last step
if( !hs.node->parent() )continue;
res += alphasExpansion( hs.node->pT()*DSH()->renFac() , history[0].scale );
return res;
double Merger::sumFillHistoryExpansion(){
double res = 0.;
double xiQSh = history[0].node->legsize() == N0()?DSH()->hardScaleFactor():1.;
for ( auto const & hs : history ){
if( !hs.node->parent() )continue;
doHistExpansion( hs.node , ( hs.node == history[0].node?xiQSh:1. )*hs.scale ,
hs.node->pT() , history[0].scale , res );
return res;
MergingFactoryPtr Merger::treefactory()const{return theTreeFactory;}
void Merger::doinit(){
if ( !DSH()->hardScaleIsMuF() ) {
throw Exception()
<< "Merger: Merging is currently only sensible "
<< "if we are using the hardScale as MuF."
<< Exception::abortnow;
void setXCombScales(StdXCombPtr xc,Energy2 scale){
xc->lastShowerScale ( scale );
xc->lastCentralScale ( scale );
xc->lastScale ( scale );
xc->partonBinInstances().first->scale ( scale );
xc->partonBinInstances().second->scale ( scale );
xc->lastPartons().first->scale ( scale );
xc->lastPartons().second->scale ( scale );
CrossSection Merger::MergingDSigDR() {
assert(currentNode()==theFirstNodeMap[ currentME()]);
throw Exception()
<< "Merger: The splithardprocess option is currently not supported."
<< Exception::abortnow;
//get the PDF's (from
if (!DSH()->getPDFA()||!DSH()->firstPDF().particle()){
tSubProPtr sub = currentNode()->xcomb()->construct();
const auto pb=currentNode()->xcomb()->partonBins();
tcPDFPtr first = DSH()->getPDFA() ?
tcPDFPtr(DSH()->getPDFA()) : DSH()->firstPDF().pdf();
tcPDFPtr second = DSH()->getPDFB() ?
tcPDFPtr(DSH()->getPDFB()) : DSH()->secondPDF().pdf();
DSH()->resetPDFs( {first,second },pb );
DSH()->eventHandler( generator()->eventHandler() );
CrossSection res = ZERO;
if( currentNode()->subtractedReal() ){
res = MergingDSigDRRealStandard();
theCurrentMaxLegs = maxLegsNLO();
}else if( currentNode()->virtualContribution() ){
res = MergingDSigDRVirtualStandard();
theCurrentMaxLegs = maxLegsNLO();
}else if( theGamma!= 1. ){
res = MergingDSigDRBornGamma();
theCurrentMaxLegs = maxLegsLO();
res = MergingDSigDRBornStandard();
theCurrentMaxLegs = maxLegsLO();
auto lxc= currentME()->lastXCombPtr();
setXCombScales(lxc,sqr( currentNode()->runningPt()));
auto lp= currentME()->lastXCombPtr()->lastProjector();
if( lp )
setXCombScales( lp, sqr( currentNode()->runningPt()));
if ( res == ZERO ){
return ZERO;
cleanup( currentNode() );
lxc->subProcess( SubProPtr() );
if( !std::isfinite( double( res/nanobarn ) ) ){
<< "Merger weight is " << res/nanobarn<< " -> setting to 0"
<< Exception::warning);
return ZERO;
return res;
#include "Herwig/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
void Merger::CKKW_PrepareSudakov( NodePtr node , Energy running ){
//cleanup( node );
tSubProPtr sub = node->xcomb()->construct();
const auto pb=node->xcomb()->partonBins();
currentNode()->xcomb()->eventHandlerPtr() );
DSH()->currentHandler()->remnantDecayer()->setHadronContent( currentNode()->xcomb()->lastParticles() );
DSH()->eventRecord().slimprepare( sub , dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>( node->xcomb() ) , DSH()->pdfs() , currentNode()->xcomb()->lastParticles() );
DSH()->hardScales( sqr( running ) );
Energy Merger::CKKW_StartScale( NodePtr node ) const {
Energy res = generator()->maximumCMEnergy();
const int N=node->legsize();
const auto & data=node->nodeME()->mePartonData();
const auto & momenta=node->nodeME()->lastMEMomenta();
if( !node->children().empty() ){
for ( int i = 0; i<N ; i++ ){ if ( !data[i]->coloured() )continue;
for ( int j = 2; j<N ; j++ ){ if ( i == j||!data[j]->coloured() )continue;
for ( int k = 0; k<N ; k++ ){ if ( !data[k]->coloured() || i == k || j == k )continue;
if(k<2) {res = min( res , IILTK->lastPt( momenta[i] , momenta[j] , momenta[k] ));}
else {res = min( res , IFLTK->lastPt( momenta[i] , momenta[j] , momenta[k] ));}
if(k<2) {res = min( res , FILTK->lastPt( momenta[i] , momenta[j] , momenta[k] ));}
else {res = min( res , FFLTK->lastPt( momenta[i] , momenta[j] , momenta[k] ));}
node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->setXComb( node->xcomb() );
res = sqrt( node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->renormalizationScale() );
node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->setXComb( node->xcomb() );
res = max( res , sqrt( node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->renormalizationScale() ) );
return res;
double Merger::alphasExpansion( Energy next , Energy fixedScale ) const {
double betaZero = ( 11./6. )*SM().Nc() - ( 1./3. )*Nf( history[0].scale );
// TODO factorize the return statement, turn ?: into if
return ( betaZero*log( sqr( fixedScale/next ) ) )+
( theCMWScheme>0?( 3.*( 67./18.-1./6.*Constants::pi*Constants::pi )
-5./9.*Nf( history[0].scale ) ):0. );
double Merger::pdfratio( NodePtr node ,
Energy numerator_scale ,
Energy denominator_scale ,
int side ,
bool fromIsME,
bool toIsME ){
StdXCombPtr bXc = node->xcomb();
if( !bXc->mePartonData()[side]->coloured() )
throw Exception()
<< "Merger: pdf-ratio required for non-coloured particle."
<< Exception::abortnow;
double from = 1.;
double to = 1.;
if ( side == 0 ){
if ( denominator_scale == numerator_scale && fromIsME==toIsME ) {
return 1.;
if (fromIsME) {
from = node->nodeME()->pdf1( sqr( denominator_scale ) );
from = DSH()->firstPDF().xfx(node->xcomb()->lastPartons().first->dataPtr(),
sqr( denominator_scale ),
if (toIsME) {
to = node->nodeME()->pdf1( sqr( numerator_scale ) );
to = DSH()->firstPDF().xfx(node->xcomb()->lastPartons().first->dataPtr(),
sqr( numerator_scale ),
if ( ( to < 1e-8||from < 1e-8 )&&( to/from>10000000. ) ){
<< "Merger: pdfratio to = " << to << " from = " << from
<< Exception::warning);
return 0.;
if ( denominator_scale == numerator_scale && fromIsME==toIsME ) {
return 1.;
if (fromIsME) {
from = node->nodeME()->pdf2( sqr( denominator_scale ) );
from =DSH()->secondPDF().xfx(node->xcomb()->lastPartons().second->dataPtr(),
sqr( denominator_scale ),
if (toIsME) {
to = node->nodeME()->pdf2( sqr( numerator_scale ) );
to = DSH()->secondPDF().xfx(node->xcomb()->lastPartons().second->dataPtr(),
sqr( numerator_scale ),
if ( ( to < 1e-8||from < 1e-8 )&&( to/from>10000000. ) ){
<< "Merger: pdfratio to = "
<< to << " from = " << from
<< Exception::warning);
return 0.;}
return to/from;
bool Merger::dosudakov( NodePtr node , Energy running , Energy next , double& sudakov0_n ) {
CKKW_PrepareSudakov( node , running );
for( DipoleChain const & chain : DSH()->eventRecord().chains() ){
for( Dipole const & dip : chain.dipoles() ){
sudakov0_n *= singlesudakov( dip , next , running , { true , false } );
sudakov0_n *= singlesudakov( dip , next , running , { false , true } );
if ( sudakov0_n == 0.0 ){
cleanup( node );
return false;
cleanup( node );
return true;
bool Merger::doHistExpansion( NodePtr node , Energy running , Energy next , Energy fixedScale , double& histExpansion ) {
CKKW_PrepareSudakov( node , running );
for( DipoleChain const & chain : DSH()->eventRecord().chains() ){
for( Dipole const & dip : chain.dipoles() ){
histExpansion += singleHistExpansion( dip , next , running , fixedScale , { true , false } );;
histExpansion += singleHistExpansion( dip , next , running , fixedScale , { false , true } );
cleanup( node );
return true;
bool Merger::isProjectorStage( NodePtr node , int pjs )const{
return ( pjs == int( ( currentNode()->legsize() - node->legsize() ) ) );
void Merger::cleanup( NodePtr node ) {
if( !node->xcomb()->subProcess() )return;
ParticleVector vecfirst = node->xcomb()->subProcess()->incoming().first->children();
for( auto const & particle : vecfirst )
node->xcomb()->subProcess()->incoming().first->abandonChild( particle );
ParticleVector vecsecond = node->xcomb()->subProcess()->incoming().second->children();
for( auto const & particle : vecsecond )
node->xcomb()->subProcess()->incoming().second->abandonChild( particle );
node->xcomb()->subProcess( SubProPtr() );
double Merger::singlesudakov( Dipole dip , Energy next , Energy running , pair<bool , bool> conf ){
double res = 1.;
tPPtr emitter = dip.emitter( conf );
tPPtr spectator = dip.spectator( conf );
DipoleSplittingInfo candidate( dip.index( conf ) , conf ,
dip.emitterX( conf ) ,
dip.spectatorX( conf ) ,
emitter , spectator );
if ( DSH()->generators().find( candidate.index() ) == DSH()->generators().end() ) DSH()->getGenerators( candidate.index() );
auto const & gens = DSH()->generators().equal_range( candidate.index() );
for ( auto gen = gens.first; gen != gens.second; ++gen ) {
if ( !( gen->first == candidate.index() ) )
Energy dScale = gen->second->splittingKinematics()->dipoleScale( emitter->momentum() , spectator->momentum() );
candidate.scale( dScale );
Energy ptMax = gen->second->splittingKinematics()->ptMax( candidate.scale() , candidate.emitterX() , candidate.spectatorX() ,
candidate.index() , *gen->second->splittingKernel() );
candidate.hardPt( min( running , ptMax ) );
if ( candidate.hardPt()>next ){
res *= gen->second->sudakov( candidate , next );
return res;
double Merger::singleHistExpansion( Dipole dip , Energy next , Energy running , Energy fixedScale , pair<bool , bool> conf ){
double res = 0.;
tPPtr emitter = dip.emitter( conf );
tPPtr spectator = dip.spectator( conf );
DipoleSplittingInfo candidate( dip.index( conf ) ,
conf , dip.emitterX( conf ) ,
dip.spectatorX( conf ) ,
emitter , spectator );
if ( DSH()->generators().find( candidate.index() ) ==
DSH()->generators().end() )
DSH()->getGenerators( candidate.index() );
auto const & gens = DSH()->generators().equal_range( candidate.index() );
for ( auto gen = gens.first; gen != gens.second; ++gen ) {
if ( !( gen->first == candidate.index() ) )
Energy dScale = gen->second->splittingKinematics()->dipoleScale(
emitter->momentum() , spectator->momentum() );
candidate.scale( dScale );
Energy ptMax = gen->second->
candidate.scale() , candidate.emitterX() ,
candidate.spectatorX() , candidate.index() ,
*gen->second->splittingKernel() );
candidate.hardPt( min( running , ptMax ) );
if ( candidate.hardPt()>next ){
res += gen->second->sudakovExpansion( candidate , next , fixedScale );
return res;
void Merger::firstNodeMap( MatchboxMEBasePtr a , NodePtr b ){
theFirstNodeMap.insert( { a , b } );
map<MatchboxMEBasePtr , NodePtr> Merger::firstNodeMap()const{return theFirstNodeMap;}
void Merger::setXComb( tStdXCombPtr xc ){
currentNode()->setXComb( xc );
void Merger::setKinematics( ){
void Merger::clearKinematics( ){
void Merger::flushCaches(){
if (currentNode()&&currentNode()->xcomb()->lastParticles().first) {
bool Merger::generateKinematics( const double * r ){
return currentNode()->firstgenerateKinematics( r , ! currentNode()->subtractedReal() );
bool Merger::matrixElementRegion( PVector incoming , PVector outgoing , Energy winnerScale , Energy cutscale )const{
Energy ptx = Constants::MaxEnergy;
bool foundwinnerpt = false;
using namespace boost;
for( auto const & em : outgoing ){ if ( ! em->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & emm : outgoing ){ if ( !emm->coloured() ) continue; if ( em == emm ) continue;
for( auto const & spe : outgoing ){ if ( !spe->coloured() ) continue; if ( em == spe||emm == spe ) continue;
if ( !( em->id() == -emm->id()||emm->id()>6 ) )continue;
Energy pt = ZERO;
if ( em->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
emm->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
spe->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV ) {
pt = FFLTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
pt = FFMTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
if ( abs( pt-winnerScale ) < 10_MeV ) {
foundwinnerpt = true;
ptx = min( ptx , pt );
for( auto const & spe : incoming ){ if ( ! spe->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & emm : outgoing ){ if ( ! emm->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & em : outgoing ){ if ( ! em->coloured() ) continue; if ( em == emm ) continue;
if ( !( em->id() == -emm->id() || emm->id()>6 ) )continue;
Energy pt = ZERO;
if ( em->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
emm->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
spe->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV ) {
pt = FILTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
pt = FIMTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
if ( abs( pt-winnerScale )<10_MeV ) {
foundwinnerpt = true;
if( pt > ZERO )
ptx = min( ptx , pt );
for( auto const & em : incoming ){ if ( ! em->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & emm : outgoing ){ if ( ! emm->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & spe : outgoing ){ if ( ! spe->coloured() ) continue; if ( emm == spe ) continue;
if ( !( em->id()>6|| em->id() == emm->id() ||emm->id()>6 ) )continue;
Energy pt = ZERO;
if ( em->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
emm->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV &&
spe->momentum().m()<= 10_MeV ) {
pt = IFLTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
pt = IFMTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
if ( abs( pt-winnerScale )< 10_MeV ) {
foundwinnerpt = true;
ptx = min( ptx , pt );
for( auto const & em : incoming ){ if ( ! em->coloured() ) continue;
for( auto const & spe : incoming ){ if ( ! spe->coloured() ) continue; if ( em == spe ) continue;
for( auto const & emm : outgoing ){ if ( ! emm->coloured() ) continue;
if ( !( em->id()>6||em->id() == emm->id() ||emm->id()>6 ) )continue;
Energy pt = IILTK->lastPt( em->momentum() , emm->momentum() , spe->momentum() );
if ( abs( pt-winnerScale )< 10_MeV ) {
foundwinnerpt = true;
ptx = min( ptx , pt );
if( !foundwinnerpt ){
generator()->logWarning( Exception()
<< "Merger: Could not find winner with pt."
<< "Run with -d3 to get phase space points. "
<< Exception::warning );
if( Debug::level > 2 ) {
generator()->log() << "\nWarning: could not find winner with pt: " << winnerScale/GeV;
for( auto const & emm : incoming ){
generator()->log() << "\n" << emm->id() << " " << emm->momentum()/GeV << " " << emm->momentum().m()/GeV << flush;
for( auto const & emm : outgoing ){
generator()->log() <<"\n" << emm->id() << " " << emm->momentum()/GeV << " " << emm->momentum().m()/GeV << flush;
return ( ptx>cutscale ) ;
bool Merger::notOnlyMulti() const {
return ( treefactory()->onlymulti() != -1&&
treefactory()->onlymulti() !=
int( currentNode()->legsize()-( projected ? 1 : 0 ) ) );
int Merger::M()const{return theTreeFactory->M();}
int Merger::N()const{return theTreeFactory->N();}
void Merger::debugVirt(double weight,double w1,double w2,double w3,
CrossSection matrixElement,double ww1,double ww2,
double ww3, NodePtr node,CrossSection bornWeight)const{
Energy minPT = Constants::MaxEnergy;
for( auto const & no :currentNode()->children() )minPT = min( no->pT() , minPT );
generator()->log() << "\nVIRT " << minPT/GeV << " " << weight << " " << w1;
generator()->log() << " " << w2;
generator()->log() << " " << w3;
generator()->log() << " " << ( matrixElement/nanobarn ) << " " << ww1 << " " << ww2 << " " << ww3 << " " << node->pT()/GeV << " " << node->nodeME()->mePartonData()[3]->mass()/GeV << " " << ( bornWeight*SM().alphaS()/( 2.*ThePEG::Constants::pi )/nanobarn );
void Merger::debugReal(string realstr, double weight,
CrossSection me, CrossSection dip)const {
Energy minPT = Constants::MaxEnergy;
for( auto const & no :currentNode()->children() )minPT = min( no->pT() , minPT );
generator()->log() << "\n"<<realstr <<" "<< minPT/GeV << " " << weight << " " << ( me-dip )/nanobarn << " " << me/nanobarn << " " << dip/nanobarn;
// If needed , insert default implementations of virtual function defined
// in the InterfacedBase class here ( using ThePEG-interfaced-impl in Emacs ).
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
void Merger::persistentOutput( PersistentOStream & os ) const {
os << theShowerExpansionWeights << theCMWScheme << projected <<
isUnitarized << isNLOUnitarized <<
theOpenInitialStateZ << theChooseHistory <<
theN0 << theOnlyN << weight <<
weightCB << theGamma << theSmearing << ounit( theIRSafePT , GeV ) <<
ounit( theMergePt , GeV ) << ounit( theCentralMergePt , GeV )
<< theLargeNBasis << FFLTK << FILTK <<
theDipoleShowerHandler << theTreeFactory <<
theFirstNodeMap<<theRealSubtractionRatio << emitDipoleMEDiff;
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
void Merger::persistentInput( PersistentIStream & is , int ) {
is >> theShowerExpansionWeights >> theCMWScheme >> projected >>
isUnitarized >> isNLOUnitarized >>
theOpenInitialStateZ >>
theChooseHistory >> theN0 >> theOnlyN >>
weight >> weightCB >>
theGamma >> theSmearing >> iunit( theIRSafePT , GeV ) >>
iunit( theMergePt , GeV ) >>
iunit( theCentralMergePt , GeV ) >> theLargeNBasis >>
IFMTK >> theDipoleShowerHandler >> theTreeFactory >>
theFirstNodeMap >> theRealSubtractionRatio >> emitDipoleMEDiff;
// *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments
// are correct ( the class and its base class ) , and that the constructor
// arguments are correct ( the class name and the name of the dynamically
// loadable library where the class implementation can be found ).
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
DescribeClass<Merger , Herwig::MergerBase>
describeHerwigMerger( "Herwig::Merger" , "" );
//ClassDescription<Merger> Merger::initMerger;
// Definition of the static class description member.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
void Merger::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<Merger> documentation
( "The Merger class takes care of merging multiple LO & NLO cross sections." );
static Reference<Merger , DipoleShowerHandler> interfaceShowerHandler
( "DipoleShowerHandler" ,
"Set the pointer to the Dipole Shower Handler" ,
&Merger::theDipoleShowerHandler ,
false , false ,
true , true , false );
static Switch<Merger , bool>
( "ShowerExpansionWeights" ,
"Calculate the expansions of the shower history to be NLO accurate" ,
&Merger::theShowerExpansionWeights ,
true , false , false );
static SwitchOption
( interfaceShowerExpansionWeights ,
"Yes" ,
"Calculate shower expansions" ,
true );
static SwitchOption
( interfaceShowerExpansionWeights ,
"No" ,
"Do not calculate expansions" ,
false );
static Switch<Merger , unsigned int>
( "CMWScheme" ,
"Use CMW-Scheme to calculate the alpha_s for the shower expressions." ,
&Merger::theCMWScheme ,
0 ,
false , false );
static SwitchOption interfacetheCMWSchemeOff
"No CMW-Scheme",
static SwitchOption interfacetheCMWSchemeLinear
"Linear CMW multiplication: alpha_s(q) -> alpha_s(q)(1+K_g*alpha_s(q)/2pi )",
static SwitchOption interfacetheCMWSchemeFactor
"Use factor in alpha_s argument: alpha_s(q) -> alpha_s(fac*q) with fac=exp(-(67-3pi^2-10/3*Nf)/(33-2Nf)) ",
static Parameter<Merger , Energy> interfaceMergerScale
( "MergingScale" ,
"The MergingScale." ,
&Merger::theCentralMergePt ,
GeV , 20.0*GeV , 0.0*GeV , 0*GeV ,
false , false , Interface::lowerlim );
static Reference<Merger , MergingFactory> interfaceMergerHelper
( "MergingFactory" ,
"Set a pointer to the MergingFactory" ,
&Merger::theTreeFactory ,
false , false ,
true , true , false );
static Parameter<Merger , double> interfacegamma
( "gamma" ,
"gamma parameter." ,
&Merger::theGamma , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0 ,
false , false , Interface::lowerlim );
static Reference<Merger , ColourBasis> interfaceLargeNBasis
( "LargeNBasis" ,
"Set the large-N colour basis implementation." ,
&Merger::theLargeNBasis ,
false , false ,
true , true , false );
static Switch<Merger , bool>
( "OpenInitialStateZ" , "" , &Merger::theOpenInitialStateZ , false , false , false );
static SwitchOption interfaceOpenInitialSateZYes
( interfaceOpenInitialSateZ , "Yes" , "" , true );
static SwitchOption interfaceOpenInitialSateZNo
( interfaceOpenInitialSateZ , "No" , "" , false );
static Switch<Merger , bool>
( "emitDipoleMEDiff" , "Allow emissions of the unitarisation contribution with prob. 1-min(B_n/sum Dip_n,sum Dip_n/B_n)" ,
&Merger::emitDipoleMEDiff , false , false , false );
static SwitchOption interfaceemitDipoleMEDiffYes
( interfaceemitDipoleMEDiff , "Yes" , "" , true );
static SwitchOption interfaceemitDipoleMEDiffNo
( interfaceemitDipoleMEDiff , "No" , "" , false );
static Parameter<Merger , Energy>
( "IRSafePT" ,
"Set the pt for which a matrixelement should be treated as IR-safe." ,
&Merger::theIRSafePT ,
GeV , 0.0 * GeV , ZERO , Constants::MaxEnergy ,
true , false , Interface::limited );
interfaceIRSafePT.setHasDefault( false );
static Parameter<Merger , double>
"MergingScaleSmearing" ,
"Set the percentage the merging pt should be smeared." ,
&Merger::theSmearing ,
0. , 0. , 0.0 , 0.5 ,
true , false , Interface::limited );
static Parameter<Merger , int>
"chooseHistory" ,
"Various ways of choosing the history weights: 0(default):dipole xs, 1:dipole/born, 2:flat, 3: 1/pt_dip" ,
&Merger::theChooseHistory ,
3 , -1 , 0 ,
false , false , Interface::lowerlim );
static Parameter<Merger , double>
"RealSubtractionRatio" ,
"Set the percentage the merging pt should be smeared." ,
&Merger::theRealSubtractionRatio , 0. , 0. ,
1. , 10.0 ,
true , false , Interface::limited );

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:36 PM (9 h, 44 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(57 KB)

Event Timeline