<p>The <code>FrangibleNucleus</code> class represent a nucleus in Sartre,
inheriting all descriptive features form <ahref="refNucleus.html">Nucleus</a>.
The user
does not have to care about the class or its initialization since it
is all handled internally in
<ahref="refSartre.html">Sartre</a>. However, the actual instance of
this class is always accessible through <ahref="refSartre.html#nucleus">Sartre::nucleus()</a>.
After an incoherent event is generated <strong>and</strong> nuclear
breakup is switched on (via <ahref="runcardRef.html#enableNuclearBreakup">runcard</a> or <ahref="refEventGeneratorSettings.html#setEnableNuclearBreakup">programmatically</a>)
the breakup products are stored in the <ahref="refEvent.html">event
record</a>. More information about the nucleus and the breakup can
be obtained through an instance of this class which can be obtained
from the class <ahref="refSartre.html">Sartre</a>
via <ahref="refSartre.html#nucleus">Sartre::nucleus()</a>.