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# Example input in Les Houches format, and suitable for input to
# SOFTSUSY (v1.8 or higher): SPS1a input
Block MODSEL # Select model
6 1 # flavour violation
1 1 # mSUGRA
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279180000e+02 # alpha^(-1) SM MSbar(MZ)
2 1.166390000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.189000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.200000000e+00 # mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 1.709000000e+02 # mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # mtau(pole)
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 7.000000000e+01 # m_0
2 3.000000000e+02 # m_12
3 1.000000000e+01 # tanb
4 1.000000000e+00 # sign(mu)
5 -3.000000000e+02 # A_0
Block SOFTSUSY # SOFTSUSY specific inputs
1 1.000000000e-05 # tolerance
2 1.000000000e+00 # up-quark mixing (=1) or down (=2)
5 1.000000000E+00 # 2-loop running
3 0.000000000E+00 # printout
Block VCKMIN # input parameters for CKM matrix
1 2.272000000e-01 # lambda
2 8.180000000e-01 # A
3 2.210000000e-01 # rhobar
4 3.400000000e-01 # etabar

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:31 PM (9 h, 14 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
example.2 (1 KB)

Event Timeline