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#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
static const double HepMC_pi = 3.14159265358979323846; // copy of pi from CLHEP
class Polarization {
/// print polarization information
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, const Polarization& );
/// default constructor
Polarization( );
/// constructor requiring at least one value
Polarization( double theta, double phi = 0 );
/// construct from another polarization object
Polarization( const Polarization& inpolar );
virtual ~Polarization() {}
/// swap
void swap( Polarization & other);
/// make a copy
Polarization& operator=( const Polarization& inpolar );
/// equality requires that theta and phi are equal
bool operator==( const Polarization& ) const;
/// inequality results if either theta or phi differ
bool operator!=( const Polarization& ) const;
/// print theta and phi
void print( std::ostream& ostr = std::cout ) const;
// access methods //
double theta() const; //!< returns polar angle in radians
double phi() const; //!< returns azimuthal angle in radians
bool is_defined() const; //!< returns true if the Polarization has been defined
/// set polar angle in radians
double set_theta( double theta );
/// set azimuthal angle in radians
double set_phi( double phi );
/// set both polar and azimuthal angles in radians
void set_theta_phi( double theta, double phi );
/// declares the Polarization as undefined and zeros the values
void set_undefined();
/// private method to return a polar angle in the correct range
double valid_theta( double theta );
/// private method to return an azimuthal angle in the correct range
double valid_phi( double phi );
double m_theta; //polar angle of polarization in radians 0< theta <pi
double m_phi; //azimuthal angle of polarization in rad. 0< phi <2pi
bool m_defined; //used to flag if the Polarization has been defined
// INLINE Access Methods //
inline double Polarization::theta() const { return m_theta; }
inline double Polarization::phi() const { return m_phi; }
// INLINE Operators //
inline bool Polarization::operator==( const Polarization& a ) const
return ( a.theta() == this->theta() && a.phi() == this->phi() && a.is_defined() == this->is_defined() );
inline bool Polarization::operator!=(const Polarization& a ) const
return !( a == *this );

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:20 PM (11 h, 55 m)
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
HepMC3_WHIZARD_Polarization.h (2 KB)

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