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diff --git a/DipoleShower/ b/DipoleShower/
--- a/DipoleShower/
+++ b/DipoleShower/
@@ -1,1115 +1,1119 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the DipoleShowerHandler class.
#include <config.h>
#include "DipoleShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
// include theses to have complete types
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/Evolver.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MPIPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/MinBiasPDF.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerTree.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
#include "Herwig/DipoleShower/Utility/DipolePartonSplitter.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/SubtractedME.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
using namespace Herwig;
bool DipoleShowerHandler::firstWarn = true;
: ShowerHandler(), chainOrderVetoScales(true),
nEmissions(0), discardNoEmissions(false), firstMCatNLOEmission(false),
doFSR(true), doISR(true), realignmentScheme(0),
verbosity(0), printEvent(0), nTries(0),
didRadiate(false), didRealign(false),
isMCatNLOHEvent(false), theDoCompensate(false),
theFreezeGrid(500000), theDetuning(1.0),
maxPt(ZERO), muPt(ZERO) {}
DipoleShowerHandler::~DipoleShowerHandler() {}
IBPtr DipoleShowerHandler::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr DipoleShowerHandler::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
tPPair DipoleShowerHandler::cascade(tSubProPtr sub, XCPtr,
Energy optHardPt, Energy optCutoff) {
if ( !doFSR && ! doISR )
return sub->incoming();
if ( eventRecord().outgoing().empty() && !doISR )
return sub->incoming();
if ( !eventRecord().incoming().first->coloured() &&
!eventRecord().incoming().second->coloured() &&
!doFSR )
return sub->incoming();
nTries = 0;
while ( true ) {
try {
didRadiate = false;
didRealign = false;
isMCatNLOSEvent = false;
isMCatNLOHEvent = false;
if ( eventRecord().xcombPtr() ) {
Ptr<SubtractedME>::tptr subme =
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr me =
Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::tptr dipme =
if ( subme ) {
if ( subme->showerApproximation() ) {
// don't do this for POWHEG-type corrections
if ( !subme->showerApproximation()->needsSplittingGenerator() ) {
theShowerApproximation = subme->showerApproximation();
if ( subme->realShowerSubtraction() )
isMCatNLOHEvent = true;
else if ( subme->virtualShowerSubtraction() )
isMCatNLOSEvent = true;
} else if ( me ) {
if ( me->factory()->showerApproximation() ) {
if ( !me->factory()->showerApproximation()->needsSplittingGenerator() ) {
theShowerApproximation = me->factory()->showerApproximation();
isMCatNLOSEvent = true;
string error = "Inconsistent hard emission set-up in DipoleShowerHandler::cascade. ";
if (evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==1 || evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==3 )
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot generate POWHEG corrections "
<< "for particle decays using DipoleShowerHandler. "
<< "Check value of Evolver:HardEmissionMode."
<< Exception::runerror;
if ( ( isMCatNLOSEvent || isMCatNLOHEvent ) && evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==2)
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot generate POWHEG matching with MC@NLO shower approximation. "
<< "Add 'set Evolver:HardEmissionMode 0' to input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if (me && me->factory()->showerApproximation()){
throw Exception() << error
<< "No truncated shower needed with DipoleShowerHandler. Add "
<< "'set MEMatching:TruncatedShower No' to input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if (!( isMCatNLOSEvent || isMCatNLOHEvent ) &&
evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==0 && firstWarn){
throw Exception() << error
<< "Evolver:HardEmissionMode will be set to 'MatchboxPOWHEG'"
<< Exception::warning;
else if (subme && subme->factory()->showerApproximation()){
throw Exception() << error
<< "No truncated shower needed with DipoleShowerHandler. Add "
<< "'set MEMatching:TruncatedShower No' to input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if (!( isMCatNLOSEvent || isMCatNLOHEvent ) &&
evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==0 && firstWarn){
throw Exception() << error
<< "Evolver:HardEmissionMode will be set to 'MatchboxPOWHEG'"
<< Exception::warning;
else if (dipme && evolver()->hardEmissionMode() == 0 && firstWarn){
throw Exception() << error
<< "Evolver:HardEmissionMode will be set to 'MatchboxPOWHEG'"
<< Exception::warning;
else if (!dipme && evolver()->hardEmissionMode()==2 &&
throw Exception() << error
<< "POWHEG matching requested for LO events. Include "
<< "'set Factory:ShowerApproximation MEMatching' in input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if ( verbosity > 1 ) {
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler starting off:\n";
generator()->log() << flush;
unsigned int nEmitted = 0;
if ( firstMCatNLOEmission ) {
if ( !isMCatNLOHEvent )
nEmissions = 1;
nEmissions = 0;
if ( !firstMCatNLOEmission ) {
if ( discardNoEmissions ) {
if ( !didRadiate )
throw Veto();
if ( nEmissions )
if ( nEmissions < nEmitted )
throw Veto();
} else {
if ( nEmissions == 1 )
if ( intrinsicPtGenerator ) {
if ( eventRecord().incoming().first->coloured() &&
eventRecord().incoming().second->coloured() ) {
SpinOneLorentzRotation rot =
didRealign = realign();
} catch (RedoShower&) {
if ( ++nTries > maxtry() )
throw ShowerTriesVeto(maxtry());
} catch (...) {
return eventRecord().fillEventRecord(newStep(),firstInteraction(),didRealign);
void DipoleShowerHandler::constituentReshuffle() {
if ( constituentReshuffler ) {
void DipoleShowerHandler::hardScales(Energy2 muf) {
maxPt = generator()->maximumCMEnergy();
if ( restrictPhasespace() ) {
if ( !hardScaleIsMuF() || !firstInteraction() ) {
if ( !eventRecord().outgoing().empty() ) {
for ( PList::const_iterator p = eventRecord().outgoing().begin();
p != eventRecord().outgoing().end(); ++p )
maxPt = min(maxPt,(**p).momentum().mt());
} else {
Lorentz5Momentum phard(ZERO,ZERO,ZERO,ZERO);
for ( PList::const_iterator p = eventRecord().hard().begin();
p != eventRecord().hard().end(); ++p )
phard += (**p).momentum();
Energy mhard = phard.m();
maxPt = mhard;
maxPt *= hardScaleFactor();
} else {
maxPt = hardScaleFactor()*sqrt(muf);
muPt = maxPt;
} else {
muPt = hardScaleFactor()*sqrt(muf);
for ( list<DipoleChain>::iterator ch = eventRecord().chains().begin();
ch != eventRecord().chains().end(); ++ch ) {
Energy minVetoScale = -1.*GeV;
for ( list<Dipole>::iterator dip = ch->dipoles().begin();
dip != ch->dipoles().end(); ++dip ) {
// max scale per config
Energy maxFirst = 0.0*GeV;
Energy maxSecond = 0.0*GeV;
for ( vector<Ptr<DipoleSplittingKernel>::ptr>::iterator k =
kernels.begin(); k != kernels.end(); ++k ) {
pair<bool,bool> conf = make_pair(true,false);
if ( (**k).canHandle(dip->index(conf)) ) {
Energy scale =
maxFirst = max(maxFirst,scale);
conf = make_pair(false,true);
if ( (**k).canHandle(dip->index(conf)) ) {
Energy scale =
maxSecond = max(maxSecond,scale);
if ( dip->leftParticle()->vetoScale() >= ZERO ) {
maxFirst = min(maxFirst,sqrt(dip->leftParticle()->vetoScale()));
if ( minVetoScale >= ZERO )
minVetoScale = min(minVetoScale,sqrt(dip->leftParticle()->vetoScale()));
minVetoScale = sqrt(dip->leftParticle()->vetoScale());
if ( dip->rightParticle()->vetoScale() >= ZERO ) {
maxSecond = min(maxSecond,sqrt(dip->rightParticle()->vetoScale()));
if ( minVetoScale >= ZERO )
minVetoScale = min(minVetoScale,sqrt(dip->rightParticle()->vetoScale()));
minVetoScale = sqrt(dip->rightParticle()->vetoScale());
maxFirst = min(maxPt,maxFirst);
maxSecond = min(maxPt,maxSecond);
if ( !evolutionOrdering()->independentDipoles() &&
chainOrderVetoScales &&
minVetoScale >= ZERO ) {
for ( list<Dipole>::iterator dip = ch->dipoles().begin();
dip != ch->dipoles().end(); ++dip ) {
Energy DipoleShowerHandler::getWinner(DipoleSplittingInfo& winner,
const Dipole& dip,
pair<bool,bool> conf,
Energy optHardPt,
Energy optCutoff) {
Energy DipoleShowerHandler::getWinner(SubleadingSplittingInfo& winner,
Energy optHardPt,
Energy optCutoff) {
Energy DipoleShowerHandler::getWinner(DipoleSplittingInfo& winner,
const DipoleIndex& index,
double emitterX, double spectatorX,
pair<bool,bool> conf,
tPPtr emitter, tPPtr spectator,
Energy startScale,
Energy optHardPt,
Energy optCutoff) {
if ( !index.initialStateEmitter() &&
!doFSR ) {
return 0.0*GeV;
if ( index.initialStateEmitter() &&
!doISR ) {
return 0.0*GeV;
DipoleSplittingInfo candidate;
+ candidate.emitter(emitter);
+ candidate.spectator(spectator);
if ( generators().find(candidate.index()) == generators().end() )
- getGenerators(candidate.index());
+ getGenerators(candidate.index(),theSplittingReweight);
// NOTE -- needs proper fixing at some point
// For some very strange reason, equal_range gives back
// key ranges it hasn't been asked for. This particularly
// happens e.g. for FI dipoles of the same kind, but different
// PDF (hard vs MPI PDF). I can't see a reason for this,
// as DipoleIndex properly implements comparison for equality
// and (lexicographic) ordering; for the time being, we
// use equal_range, extented by an explicit check for wether
// the key is indeed what we wanted. See line after (*) comment
// below.
pair<GeneratorMap::iterator,GeneratorMap::iterator> gens
= generators().equal_range(candidate.index());
Energy winnerScale = 0.0*GeV;
GeneratorMap::iterator winnerGen = generators().end();
for ( GeneratorMap::iterator gen = gens.first; gen != gens.second; ++gen ) {
// (*) see NOTE above
if ( !(gen->first == candidate.index()) )
if ( startScale <= gen->second->splittingKinematics()->IRCutoff() )
Energy dScale =
// in very exceptional cases happening in DIS
if ( isnan(dScale/GeV ) )
throw RedoShower();
Energy hardScale = evolutionOrdering()->maxPt(startScale,candidate,*(gen->second->splittingKernel()));
Energy maxPossible =
candidate.emitterX(), candidate.spectatorX(),
Energy ircutoff =
optCutoff < gen->second->splittingKinematics()->IRCutoff() ?
gen->second->splittingKinematics()->IRCutoff() :
if ( maxPossible <= ircutoff ) {
if ( maxPossible >= hardScale )
else {
hardScale = maxPossible;
Energy nextScale = evolutionOrdering()->evolutionScale(gen->second->lastSplitting(),*(gen->second->splittingKernel()));
if ( nextScale > winnerScale ) {
winnerGen = gen;
winnerScale = nextScale;
reweight_ *= gen->second->splittingWeight();
if ( winnerGen == generators().end() ) {
return 0.0*GeV;
if ( winner.stoppedEvolving() )
return 0.0*GeV;
return winnerScale;
void DipoleShowerHandler::doCascade(unsigned int& emDone,
Energy optHardPt,
Energy optCutoff) {
if ( nEmissions )
if ( emDone == nEmissions )
DipoleSplittingInfo winner;
DipoleSplittingInfo dipoleWinner;
while ( eventRecord().haveChain() ) {
if ( verbosity > 2 ) {
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler selecting splittings for the chain:\n"
<< eventRecord().currentChain() << flush;
list<Dipole>::iterator winnerDip = eventRecord().currentChain().dipoles().end();
Energy winnerScale = 0.0*GeV;
Energy nextLeftScale = 0.0*GeV;
Energy nextRightScale = 0.0*GeV;
for ( list<Dipole>::iterator dip = eventRecord().currentChain().dipoles().begin();
dip != eventRecord().currentChain().dipoles().end(); ++dip ) {
nextLeftScale = getWinner(dipoleWinner,*dip,make_pair(true,false),optHardPt,optCutoff);
if ( nextLeftScale > winnerScale ) {
winnerScale = nextLeftScale;
winner = dipoleWinner;
winnerDip = dip;
nextRightScale = getWinner(dipoleWinner,*dip,make_pair(false,true),optHardPt,optCutoff);
if ( nextRightScale > winnerScale ) {
winnerScale = nextRightScale;
winner = dipoleWinner;
winnerDip = dip;
if ( evolutionOrdering()->independentDipoles() ) {
Energy dipScale = max(nextLeftScale,nextRightScale);
if ( dip->leftScale() > dipScale )
if ( dip->rightScale() > dipScale )
if ( verbosity > 1 ) {
if ( winnerDip != eventRecord().currentChain().dipoles().end() )
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler selected the splitting:\n"
<< winner << " for the dipole\n"
<< (*winnerDip) << flush;
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler could not select a splitting above the IR cutoff\n"
<< flush;
// pop the chain if no dipole did radiate
if ( winnerDip == eventRecord().currentChain().dipoles().end() ) {
if ( theEventReweight && eventRecord().chains().empty() )
if ( (theEventReweight->firstInteraction() && firstInteraction()) ||
(theEventReweight->secondaryInteractions() && !firstInteraction()) ) {
double w = theEventReweight->weightCascade(eventRecord().incoming(),
reweight_ *= w;
// otherwise perform the splitting
didRadiate = true;
isMCatNLOSEvent = false;
isMCatNLOHEvent = false;
pair<list<Dipole>::iterator,list<Dipole>::iterator> children;
DipoleChain* firstChain = 0;
DipoleChain* secondChain = 0;
assert(firstChain && secondChain);
if ( !secondChain->dipoles().empty() )
if ( verbosity > 1 ) {
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler did split the last selected dipole into:\n"
<< (*children.first) << (*children.second) << flush;
if ( verbosity > 2 ) {
generator()->log() << "After splitting the last selected dipole, "
<< "DipoleShowerHandler encountered the following chains:\n"
<< (*firstChain) << (*secondChain) << flush;
if ( theEventReweight )
if ( (theEventReweight->firstInteraction() && firstInteraction()) ||
(theEventReweight->secondaryInteractions() && !firstInteraction()) ) {
double w = theEventReweight->weight(eventRecord().incoming(),
reweight_ *= w;
if ( nEmissions )
if ( ++emDone == nEmissions )
bool DipoleShowerHandler::realign() {
if ( !didRadiate && !intrinsicPtGenerator )
return false;
if ( eventRecord().incoming().first->coloured() ||
eventRecord().incoming().second->coloured() ) {
if ( eventRecord().incoming().first->momentum().perp2()/GeV2 < 1e-10 &&
eventRecord().incoming().second->momentum().perp2()/GeV2 < 1e-10 )
return false;
pair<Lorentz5Momentum,Lorentz5Momentum> inMomenta
SpinOneLorentzRotation transform((inMomenta.first+inMomenta.second).findBoostToCM());
Axis dir = (transform * inMomenta.first).vect().unit();
Axis rot (-dir.y(),dir.x(),0);
double theta = dir.theta();
if ( lastParticles().first->momentum().z() < ZERO )
theta = -theta;
inMomenta.first = transform*inMomenta.first;
inMomenta.second = transform*inMomenta.second;
assert(inMomenta.first.z() > ZERO &&
inMomenta.second.z() < ZERO);
Energy2 sHat =
(eventRecord().incoming().first->momentum() +
pair<Energy,Energy> masses(eventRecord().incoming().first->mass(),
pair<Energy,Energy> qs;
if ( !eventRecord().incoming().first->coloured() ) {
assert(masses.second == ZERO);
qs.first = eventRecord().incoming().first->momentum().z();
qs.second = (sHat-sqr(masses.first))/(2.*(qs.first+sqrt(sqr(masses.first)+sqr(qs.first))));
} else if ( !eventRecord().incoming().second->coloured() ) {
assert(masses.first == ZERO);
qs.second = eventRecord().incoming().second->momentum().z();
qs.first = (sHat-sqr(masses.second))/(2.*(qs.second+sqrt(sqr(masses.second)+sqr(qs.second))));
} else {
assert(masses.first == ZERO && masses.second == ZERO);
if ( realignmentScheme == 0 ) {
double yX = eventRecord().pX().rapidity();
double yInt = (transform*eventRecord().pX()).rapidity();
double dy = yX-yInt;
qs.first = (sqrt(sHat)/2.)*exp(dy);
qs.second = (sqrt(sHat)/2.)*exp(-dy);
} else if ( realignmentScheme == 1 ) {
Energy sS = sqrt((lastParticles().first->momentum() +
qs.first = eventRecord().fractions().first * sS / 2.;
qs.second = eventRecord().fractions().second * sS / 2.;
double beta =
(qs.first-qs.second) /
( sqrt(sqr(masses.first)+sqr(qs.first)) +
sqrt(sqr(masses.second)+sqr(qs.second)) );
Lorentz5Momentum tmp;
if ( eventRecord().incoming().first->coloured() ) {
tmp = eventRecord().incoming().first->momentum();
tmp = transform * tmp;
if ( eventRecord().incoming().second->coloured() ) {
tmp = eventRecord().incoming().second->momentum();
tmp = transform * tmp;
return true;
return false;
void DipoleShowerHandler::resetAlphaS(Ptr<AlphaSBase>::tptr as) {
for ( vector<Ptr<DipoleSplittingKernel>::ptr>::iterator k = kernels.begin();
k != kernels.end(); ++k ) {
- (**k).alphaS(as);
+ if ( !(**k).alphaS() )
+ (**k).alphaS(as);
// clear the generators to be rebuild
// actually, there shouldn't be any generators
// when this happens.
void DipoleShowerHandler::resetReweight(Ptr<DipoleSplittingReweight>::tptr rw) {
for ( GeneratorMap::iterator k = generators().begin();
k != generators().end(); ++k )
void DipoleShowerHandler::getGenerators(const DipoleIndex& ind,
Ptr<DipoleSplittingReweight>::tptr rw) {
bool gotone = false;
for ( vector<Ptr<DipoleSplittingKernel>::ptr>::iterator k =
kernels.begin(); k != kernels.end(); ++k ) {
if ( (**k).canHandle(ind) ) {
if ( verbosity > 0 ) {
generator()->log() << "DipoleShowerHandler encountered the dipole configuration\n"
<< ind << " in event number "
<< eventHandler()->currentEvent()->number()
<< "\nwhich can be handled by the splitting kernel '"
<< (**k).name() << "'.\n" << flush;
gotone = true;
Ptr<DipoleSplittingGenerator>::ptr nGenerator =
- nGenerator->splittingKernel()->renormalizationScaleFactor(renormalizationScaleFactor());
- nGenerator->splittingKernel()->factorizationScaleFactor(factorizationScaleFactor());
+ if ( renormalizationScaleFactor() != 1. )
+ nGenerator->splittingKernel()->renormalizationScaleFactor(renormalizationScaleFactor());
+ if ( factorizationScaleFactor() != 1. )
+ nGenerator->splittingKernel()->factorizationScaleFactor(factorizationScaleFactor());
+ if ( !nGenerator->splittingReweight() )
+ nGenerator->splittingReweight(rw);
GeneratorMap::const_iterator equivalent = generators().end();
for ( GeneratorMap::const_iterator eq = generators().begin();
eq != generators().end(); ++eq ) {
if ( !eq->second->wrapping() )
if ( (**k).canHandleEquivalent(ind,*(eq->second->splittingKernel()),eq->first) ) {
equivalent = eq;
if ( verbosity > 0 ) {
generator()->log() << "The dipole configuration "
<< ind
<< " can equivalently be handled by the existing\n"
<< "generator for configuration "
<< eq->first << " using the kernel '"
<< eq->second->splittingKernel()->name()
<< "'\n" << flush;
if ( equivalent != generators().end() ) {
DipoleSplittingInfo dummy;
- nGenerator->splittingReweight(rw);
if ( !gotone ) {
<< "DipoleShowerHandler could not "
<< "find a splitting kernel which is able "
<< "to handle splittings off the dipole "
<< ind << ".\n"
<< "Please check the input files."
<< Exception::warning);
// If needed, insert default implementations of virtual function defined
// in the InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-impl in Emacs).
void DipoleShowerHandler::doinit() {
if ( theGlobalAlphaS )
- if ( theSplittingReweight )
- resetReweight(theSplittingReweight);
void DipoleShowerHandler::dofinish() {
void DipoleShowerHandler::doinitrun() {
void DipoleShowerHandler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << kernels << theEvolutionOrdering
<< constituentReshuffler << intrinsicPtGenerator
<< theGlobalAlphaS << chainOrderVetoScales
<< nEmissions << discardNoEmissions << firstMCatNLOEmission << doFSR << doISR
<< realignmentScheme << verbosity << printEvent
<< ounit(theRenormalizationScaleFreeze,GeV)
<< ounit(theFactorizationScaleFreeze,GeV)
<< isMCatNLOSEvent << isMCatNLOHEvent << theShowerApproximation
<< theDoCompensate << theFreezeGrid << theDetuning
<< theEventReweight << theSplittingReweight << ounit(maxPt,GeV)
<< ounit(muPt,GeV);
void DipoleShowerHandler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> kernels >> theEvolutionOrdering
>> constituentReshuffler >> intrinsicPtGenerator
>> theGlobalAlphaS >> chainOrderVetoScales
>> nEmissions >> discardNoEmissions >> firstMCatNLOEmission >> doFSR >> doISR
>> realignmentScheme >> verbosity >> printEvent
>> iunit(theRenormalizationScaleFreeze,GeV)
>> iunit(theFactorizationScaleFreeze,GeV)
>> isMCatNLOSEvent >> isMCatNLOHEvent >> theShowerApproximation
>> theDoCompensate >> theFreezeGrid >> theDetuning
>> theEventReweight >> theSplittingReweight >> iunit(maxPt,GeV)
>> iunit(muPt,GeV);
ClassDescription<DipoleShowerHandler> DipoleShowerHandler::initDipoleShowerHandler;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void DipoleShowerHandler::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<DipoleShowerHandler> documentation
("The DipoleShowerHandler class manages the showering using "
"the dipole shower algorithm.",
"The shower evolution was performed using the algorithm described in "
"\\cite{Platzer:2009jq} and \\cite{Platzer:2011bc}.",
"S.~Platzer and S.~Gieseke,\n"
"``Coherent Parton Showers with Local Recoils,''\n"
" JHEP {\\bf 1101}, 024 (2011)\n"
"arXiv:0909.5593 [hep-ph].\n"
"%%CITATION = ARXIV:0909.5593;%%\n"
"S.~Platzer and S.~Gieseke,\n"
"``Dipole Showers and Automated NLO Matching in Herwig,''\n"
"arXiv:1109.6256 [hep-ph].\n"
"%%CITATION = ARXIV:1109.6256;%%");
static RefVector<DipoleShowerHandler,DipoleSplittingKernel> interfaceKernels
"Set the splitting kernels to be used by the dipole shower.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::kernels, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,DipoleEvolutionOrdering> interfaceEvolutionOrdering
"Set the evolution ordering to be used.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theEvolutionOrdering, false, false, true, false, false);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,ConstituentReshuffler> interfaceConstituentReshuffler
"The object to be used to reshuffle partons to their constitutent mass shells.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::constituentReshuffler, false, false, true, true, false);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,IntrinsicPtGenerator> interfaceIntrinsicPtGenerator
"Set the object in charge to generate intrinsic pt for incoming partons.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::intrinsicPtGenerator, false, false, true, true, false);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,AlphaSBase> interfaceGlobalAlphaS
"Set a global strong coupling for all splitting kernels.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theGlobalAlphaS, false, false, true, true, false);
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceDoFSR
"Switch on or off final state radiation.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::doFSR, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDoFSROn
"Switch on final state radiation.",
static SwitchOption interfaceDoFSROff
"Switch off final state radiation.",
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceDoISR
"Switch on or off initial state radiation.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::doISR, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDoISROn
"Switch on initial state radiation.",
static SwitchOption interfaceDoISROff
"Switch off initial state radiation.",
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,int> interfaceRealignmentScheme
"The realignment scheme to use.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::realignmentScheme, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceRealignmentSchemePreserveRapidity
"Preserve the rapidity of non-coloured outgoing system.",
static SwitchOption interfaceRealignmentSchemeEvolutionFractions
"Use momentum fractions as generated by the evolution.",
static SwitchOption interfaceRealignmentSchemeCollisionFrame
"Determine realignment from collision frame.",
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceChainOrderVetoScales
"[experimental] Switch on or off the chain ordering for veto scales.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::chainOrderVetoScales, true, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceChainOrderVetoScalesOn
"Switch on chain ordering for veto scales.",
static SwitchOption interfaceChainOrderVetoScalesOff
"Switch off chain ordering for veto scales.",
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,unsigned int> interfaceNEmissions
"[debug option] Limit the number of emissions to be generated. Zero does not limit the number of emissions.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::nEmissions, 0, 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceDiscardNoEmissions
"[debug option] Discard events without radiation.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::discardNoEmissions, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDiscardNoEmissionsOn
"Discard events without radiation.",
static SwitchOption interfaceDiscardNoEmissionsOff
"Do not discard events without radiation.",
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceFirstMCatNLOEmission
"[debug option] Only perform the first MC@NLO emission.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::firstMCatNLOEmission, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceFirstMCatNLOEmissionOn
static SwitchOption interfaceFirstMCatNLOEmissionOff
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,int> interfaceVerbosity
"[debug option] Set the level of debug information provided.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::verbosity, 0, 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,int> interfacePrintEvent
"[debug option] The number of events for which debugging information should be provided.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::printEvent, 0, 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,Energy> interfaceRenormalizationScaleFreeze
"The freezing scale for the renormalization scale.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theRenormalizationScaleFreeze, GeV, 1.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, 0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,Energy> interfaceFactorizationScaleFreeze
"The freezing scale for the factorization scale.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theFactorizationScaleFreeze, GeV, 2.0*GeV, 0.0*GeV, 0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<DipoleShowerHandler,bool> interfaceDoCompensate
&DipoleShowerHandler::theDoCompensate, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDoCompensateYes
static SwitchOption interfaceDoCompensateNo
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,unsigned long> interfaceFreezeGrid
&DipoleShowerHandler::theFreezeGrid, 500000, 1, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<DipoleShowerHandler,double> interfaceDetuning
"A value to detune the overestimate kernel.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theDetuning, 1.0, 1.0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,DipoleEventReweight> interfaceEventReweight
&DipoleShowerHandler::theEventReweight, false, false, true, true, false);
static Reference<DipoleShowerHandler,DipoleSplittingReweight> interfaceSplittingReweight
"Set the splitting reweight.",
&DipoleShowerHandler::theSplittingReweight, false, false, true, true, false);
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/
@@ -1,152 +1,164 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the MatchboxHtScale class.
#include "MatchboxHtScale.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace Herwig;
: theIncludeMT(false), theHTFactor(1.0),
- theMTFactor(1.0) {}
+ theMTFactor(1.0),theScalePtCut(15.*GeV) {}
MatchboxHtScale::~MatchboxHtScale() {}
IBPtr MatchboxHtScale::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr MatchboxHtScale::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
Energy2 MatchboxHtScale::renormalizationScale() const {
tcPDVector pd (mePartonData().begin() + 2, mePartonData().end());
vector<LorentzMomentum> p (meMomenta().begin() + 2, meMomenta().end());
tcPDPtr t1 = mePartonData()[0];
tcPDPtr t2 = mePartonData()[1];
tcCutsPtr cuts = lastCutsPtr();
theJetFinder->cluster(pd, p, cuts, t1, t2);
// momentum of the non-jet system
LorentzMomentum nonJetMomentum(ZERO,ZERO,ZERO,ZERO);
// (weighted) pt of the jet systems
Energy ptJetSum = ZERO;
bool gotone = false;
tcPDVector::const_iterator pdata = pd.begin();
vector<LorentzMomentum>::const_iterator mom = p.begin();
for ( ; mom != p.end(); ++pdata, ++mom ) {
- if ( theJetFinder->unresolvedMatcher()->check(**pdata) ) {
+ if ( theJetFinder->unresolvedMatcher()->check(**pdata)&&
+ mom->perp()>theScalePtCut){
+ //abs(mom->rapidity()+(!lastXCombPtr()->head()?lastXCombPtr()->lastY():lastXCombPtr()->head()->lastY()))<5.01
gotone = true;
ptJetSum += jetPtWeight(*mom)*mom->perp();
} else if ( theIncludeMT ) {
nonJetMomentum += *mom;
if ( !gotone && lastXCombPtr()->willPassCuts() )
throw Exception() << "MatchboxHtScale::renormalizationScale(): "
- << "No jets could be found. Check your setup."
- << Exception::runerror;
+ << "No jets could be found. Check your setup."
+ << "\nHint: The HT scale is defined with a PtMin cut on jets. (default:) "
+ << "\n set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/ScalesHTScale:JetPtCut 15.*GeV "
+ << Exception::runerror;
Energy mtNonJetSum =
sqrt(nonJetMomentum.perp2() + nonJetMomentum.m2());
mtNonJetSum *= theMTFactor;
ptJetSum *= theHTFactor;
return sqr(ptJetSum + mtNonJetSum);
Energy2 MatchboxHtScale::factorizationScale() const {
return renormalizationScale();
// If needed, insert default implementations of virtual function defined
// in the InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-impl in Emacs).
void MatchboxHtScale::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
- os << theJetFinder << theIncludeMT << theHTFactor << theMTFactor;
+ os << theJetFinder << theIncludeMT << theHTFactor << theMTFactor << ounit(theScalePtCut,GeV);
void MatchboxHtScale::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
- is >> theJetFinder >> theIncludeMT >> theHTFactor >> theMTFactor;
+ is >> theJetFinder >> theIncludeMT >> theHTFactor >> theMTFactor >> iunit(theScalePtCut,GeV);
// *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments
// are correct (the class and its base class), and that the constructor
// arguments are correct (the class name and the name of the dynamically
// loadable library where the class implementation can be found).
describeHerwigMatchboxHtScale("Herwig::MatchboxHtScale", "");
void MatchboxHtScale::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<MatchboxHtScale> documentation
("MatchboxHtScale implements scale choices related to transverse momenta.");
static Reference<MatchboxHtScale,JetFinder> interfaceJetFinder
"A reference to the jet finder.",
&MatchboxHtScale::theJetFinder, false, false, true, false, false);
static Switch<MatchboxHtScale,bool> interfaceIncludeMT
"Include the transverse masses of the non-jet objects.",
&MatchboxHtScale::theIncludeMT, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeMTYes
static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeMTNo
static Parameter<MatchboxHtScale,double> interfaceHTFactor
"A factor to scale the HT contribution.",
&MatchboxHtScale::theHTFactor, 1.0, 0.0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<MatchboxHtScale,double> interfaceMTFactor
"A factor to scale the MT contribution.",
&MatchboxHtScale::theMTFactor, 1.0, 0.0, 0,
false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
+ static Parameter<MatchboxHtScale,Energy> interfaceScalePtCut
+ ("JetPtCut",
+ "The Pt cut to define jets in the sum.",
+ &MatchboxHtScale::theScalePtCut, 15.*GeV, 0.*GeV, 0.*GeV,
+ false, false, Interface::lowerlim);
diff --git a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/MatchboxHtScale.h b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/MatchboxHtScale.h
--- a/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/MatchboxHtScale.h
+++ b/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Scales/MatchboxHtScale.h
@@ -1,155 +1,160 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// MatchboxHtScale.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef Herwig_MatchboxHtScale_H
#define Herwig_MatchboxHtScale_H
// This is the declaration of the MatchboxHtScale class.
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Utility/MatchboxScaleChoice.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/MatcherBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Cuts/JetFinder.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* \ingroup Matchbox
* \author Simon Platzer
* \brief MatchboxHtScale implements scale choices related to transverse momenta.
class MatchboxHtScale: public MatchboxScaleChoice {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~MatchboxHtScale();
* Return the renormalization scale. This default version returns
* shat.
virtual Energy2 renormalizationScale() const;
* Return the factorization scale. This default version returns
* shat.
virtual Energy2 factorizationScale() const;
* Initialize potential weighting factors for the given final state
virtual void initWeightFactors(const tcPDVector&, const vector<LorentzMomentum>&,
const Ptr<JetFinder>::ptr&) const {}
* Return the jet pt weighting factor for the given jet
virtual double jetPtWeight(const LorentzMomentum&) const { return 1.; }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Reference to the jet finder
Ptr<JetFinder>::ptr theJetFinder;
* Include the transverse masses of the non-jet objects
bool theIncludeMT;
* An ovewrall scaling factor for the jet contribution
double theHTFactor;
* An ovewrall scaling factor for the non-jet contribution
double theMTFactor;
+ /**
+ * We define jets as clustered objects with a minimum pT
+ */
+ Energy theScalePtCut;
// If needed, insert declarations of virtual function defined in the
// InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-decl in Emacs).
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
MatchboxHtScale & operator=(const MatchboxHtScale &);
#endif /* Herwig_MatchboxHtScale_H */
diff --git a/PDT/ b/PDT/
--- a/PDT/
+++ b/PDT/
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Ensures the StandardMatchers get created
#include "ThePEG/PDT/Matcher.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "StandardMatchers.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG;
namespace {
void dummy() {
static MatchPhoton m00;
- static MatchTop m01;
- static MatchHadron m02;
- static MatchWBoson m03;
- static MatchZBoson m04;
- static MatchHiggsBoson m05;
- static MatchChargedLepton m06;
+ static MatchBottom m01;
+ static MatchTop m02;
+ static MatchHadron m03;
+ static MatchWBoson m04;
+ static MatchZBoson m05;
+ static MatchHiggsBoson m06;
+ static MatchChargedLepton m07;
diff --git a/PDT/StandardMatchers.h b/PDT/StandardMatchers.h
--- a/PDT/StandardMatchers.h
+++ b/PDT/StandardMatchers.h
@@ -1,190 +1,210 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// StandardMatchers.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef Herwig_StandardMatchers_H
#define Herwig_StandardMatchers_H
// This is the declaration of the AnyMatcher,
#include "ThePEG/PDT/Matcher.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* This file declare a set of standard matcher classes in addition to those
* defined in ThePEG. The classes can be used by themselves (with
* their static functions) or together with the Matcher class to
* define Interfaced objects of the MatcherBase type to be used in the
* Repository. Suitable typedefs are declared for the latter.
* @see Matcher
* @see MatcherBase
* A Matcher class which matches photons
struct PhotonMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef PhotonMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "Photon"; }
* Gives a MatcherBase class based on PhotonMatcher.
typedef Matcher<PhotonMatcher> MatchPhoton;
* A Matcher class which matches top quarks
struct TopMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef TopMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
return abs(;
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "Top"; }
* Gives a MatcherBase class based on TopMatcher.
typedef Matcher<TopMatcher> MatchTop;
+ * A Matcher class which matches bottom quarks
+ */
+struct BottomMatcher: public MatcherType {
+ /** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
+ typedef BottomMatcher CC;
+ /** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
+ matches. */
+ static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
+ return abs(;
+ }
+ /** A simplified but unique class name. */
+ static string className() { return "Bottom"; }
+ * Gives a MatcherBase class based on BottomMatcher.
+ */
+typedef Matcher<BottomMatcher> MatchBottom;
* A Matcher class which matches any hadron.
struct HadronMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef HadronMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
if ( != ParticleID::gamma) return Check(;
else {
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer beam =
dynamic_ptr_cast< Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer>(&pd);
return beam && beam->pdf();
/** The main static function to check if a given particle with type
\a id matches. */
static bool Check(long id) {
bool hadron = (id/10)%10 && (id/100)%10;
if(hadron) return true;
// special for gamma when acting like a hadron
if (id != ParticleID::gamma) return false;
tcPDPtr gamma = CurrentGenerator::current().getParticleData(ParticleID::gamma);
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer beam =
dynamic_ptr_cast< Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer>(gamma);
return beam && beam->pdf();
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "Hadron"; }
/** Gives a MatcherBase class based on HadronMatcher. */
typedef Matcher<HadronMatcher> MatchHadron;
* A Matcher class which matches W bosons
struct WBosonMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef WBosonMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
return abs(;
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "WBoson"; }
* Gives a MatcherBase class based on WBosonMatcher.
typedef Matcher<WBosonMatcher> MatchWBoson;
* A Matcher class which matches Z bosons
struct ZBosonMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef ZBosonMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
return abs(;
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "ZBoson"; }
* Gives a MatcherBase class based on ZBosonMatcher.
typedef Matcher<ZBosonMatcher> MatchZBoson;
* A Matcher class which matches Higgs bosons
struct HiggsBosonMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef HiggsBosonMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
return abs(;
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "HiggsBoson"; }
* Gives a MatcherBase class based on HiggsBosonMatcher.
typedef Matcher<HiggsBosonMatcher> MatchHiggsBoson;
* A Matcher class which matches any charged lepton.
struct ChargedLeptonMatcher: public MatcherType {
/** Typedef the class matching the complex conjugate particles. */
typedef ChargedLeptonMatcher CC;
/** The main static function to check if a given particle type \a pd
matches. */
static bool Check(const ParticleData & pd) {
return Check(;
static bool Check(long id) {
return abs(id) > 10 && abs(id) <= 20 && abs(id)%2!=0;
/** A simplified but unique class name. */
static string className() { return "ChargedLepton"; }
/** Gives a MatcherBase class based on ChargedLeptonMatcher. */
typedef Matcher<ChargedLeptonMatcher> MatchChargedLepton;
#endif /* Herwig_StandardMatchers_H */
diff --git a/src/Matchbox/ b/src/Matchbox/
--- a/src/Matchbox/
+++ b/src/Matchbox/
@@ -1,99 +1,100 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
cd /Herwig/Cuts
create ThePEG::Cuts Cuts
set Cuts:Fuzzy FuzzyTheta
set MatchboxJetMatcher:Factory /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory
insert Cuts:OneCuts[0] PhotonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[1] LeptonCut
insert Cuts:OneCuts[2] TopQuarkCut
-insert Cuts:OneCuts[3] WBosonCut
-insert Cuts:OneCuts[4] ZBosonCut
-insert Cuts:OneCuts[5] HiggsBosonCut
-insert Cuts:OneCuts[6] ChargedLeptonCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[3] BottomQuarkCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[4] WBosonCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[5] ZBosonCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[6] HiggsBosonCut
+insert Cuts:OneCuts[7] ChargedLeptonCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[0] LeptonPairMassCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[1] ChargedLeptonPairMassCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[2] LeptonDeltaRCut
insert Cuts:TwoCuts[3] ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut
insert Cuts:MultiCuts[0] PhotonIsolationCut
insert Cuts:MultiCuts[1] MissingPtCut
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
set MECorrectionHandler:Factory Factory
set Factory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/Cuts
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
create ThePEG::StandardEventHandler EventHandler
set EventHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
set EventHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
set EventHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
set EventHandler:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/Cuts
set EventHandler:Sampler /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler
set EventHandler:Weighted Off
set EventHandler:CollisionCuts Off
insert EventHandler:SubProcessHandlers[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory
cd /Herwig/Generators
create ThePEG::EventGenerator EventGenerator
set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator /Herwig/Random
set EventGenerator:StandardModelParameters /Herwig/Model
set EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/EventHandler
set EventGenerator:Strategy DefaultStrategy
set EventGenerator:DumpPeriod -1
set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001
set EventGenerator:DebugLevel 1
set EventGenerator:PrintEvent 10
set EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000
set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100000000
insert EventGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/Basics
cd /Herwig/Particles
set d:NominalMass 0*GeV
set dbar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set u:NominalMass 0*GeV
set ubar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set s:NominalMass 0*GeV
set sbar:NominalMass 0*GeV
set c:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set cbar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set b:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set bbar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set e+:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set e-:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set mu+:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set mu-:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_e:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_ebar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_mu:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_mubar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_tau:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
set nu_taubar:HardProcessMass 0*GeV
cd /Herwig/Partons
set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF HardNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:PDFA ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:PDFB ShowerNLOPDF
set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:StandardModelParameters:QCD/RunningAlphaS /Herwig/Couplings/NLOAlphaS
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,125 +1,126 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Default cuts (applied to the hard subprocess)
# Don't change values here, re-set them in your own input
# files using these as examples.
mkdir /Herwig/Matchers
cd /Herwig/Matchers
create ThePEG::Matcher<Lepton> Lepton
create ThePEG::Matcher<Neutrino> Neutrino
create ThePEG::Matcher<ChargedLepton> ChargedLepton
create ThePEG::Matcher<LightQuark> LightQuark
create ThePEG::Matcher<LightAntiQuark> LightAntiQuark
create ThePEG::Matcher<StandardQCDParton> StandardQCDParton
create ThePEG::Matcher<Photon> Photon
create ThePEG::Matcher<Top> Top
+create ThePEG::Matcher<Bottom> Bottom
create ThePEG::Matcher<WBoson> WBoson
create ThePEG::Matcher<ZBoson> ZBoson
create ThePEG::Matcher<HiggsBoson> HiggsBoson
mkdir /Herwig/Cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
# create the cuts object for e+e-
create ThePEG::Cuts EECuts
newdef EECuts:MHatMin 22.36*GeV
# create the cuts object for hadron collisions
create ThePEG::Cuts QCDCuts
newdef QCDCuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
newdef QCDCuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
newdef QCDCuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
newdef QCDCuts:MHatMin 20.*GeV
# cut on jet pt
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut JetKtCut
newdef JetKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/StandardQCDParton
newdef JetKtCut:MinKT 20.0*GeV
# cut on photon
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut PhotonKtCut
newdef PhotonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Photon
newdef PhotonKtCut:MinKT 20.0*GeV
newdef PhotonKtCut:MinEta -3.
newdef PhotonKtCut:MaxEta 3.
# cut on leptons
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut LeptonKtCut
newdef LeptonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
newdef LeptonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on charged leptons
create ThePEG::SimpleKTCut ChargedLeptonKtCut
newdef ChargedLeptonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
newdef ChargedLeptonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on top quarks
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut TopKtCut
newdef TopKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Top
newdef TopKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on W bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut WBosonKtCut
newdef WBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/WBoson
newdef WBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on Z bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut ZBosonKtCut
newdef ZBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ZBoson
newdef ZBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# cut on Higgs bosons
create ThePEG::KTRapidityCut HiggsBosonKtCut
newdef HiggsBosonKtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/HiggsBoson
newdef HiggsBosonKtCut:MinKT 0.0*GeV
# create a cut on the invariant mass of lepton pairs
create ThePEG::V2LeptonsCut MassCut
newdef MassCut:Families All
newdef MassCut:CComb All
newdef MassCut:MinM 20.*GeV
newdef MassCut:MaxM 14000.*GeV
# create a cut on Q^2 for neutral current DIS
create ThePEG::SimpleDISCut NeutralCurrentCut
newdef NeutralCurrentCut:MinQ2 20.
newdef NeutralCurrentCut:Current Neutral
# create a cut on Q^2 for charged current DIS
create ThePEG::SimpleDISCut ChargedCurrentCut
newdef ChargedCurrentCut:MinQ2 20.
newdef ChargedCurrentCut:Current Charged
# create a cut of Q^2 for charged current DIS
# insert into hadron cuts
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[0] JetKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[1] PhotonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[2] LeptonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[3] TopKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[4] WBosonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[5] ZBosonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[6] HiggsBosonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:OneCuts[7] ChargedLeptonKtCut
insert QCDCuts:MultiCuts[0] MassCut
# cuts for DIS
create ThePEG::Cuts DISCuts
newdef DISCuts:ScaleMin 1.0*GeV
newdef DISCuts:X1Min 1.0e-5
newdef DISCuts:X2Min 1.0e-5
insert DISCuts:TwoCuts[0] NeutralCurrentCut
insert DISCuts:TwoCuts[1] ChargedCurrentCut
# create diffrent cuts object for MinBias to avoid numerical problems
create ThePEG::Cuts MinBiasCuts
newdef MinBiasCuts:ScaleMin 2.0*GeV
newdef MinBiasCuts:X1Min 0.055
newdef MinBiasCuts:X2Min 0.055
newdef MinBiasCuts:MHatMin 0.0*GeV
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,774 +1,781 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Default setup for Matchbox matrix element generation.
# You do not need to make any change in here; processes of
# interest can be chosen in the standard input files.
# Load libraries
# Integration/sampling
mkdir /Herwig/Samplers
cd /Herwig/Samplers
create Herwig::BinSampler FlatBinSampler
set FlatBinSampler:InitialPoints 1000
set FlatBinSampler:UseAllIterations No
create Herwig::CellGridSampler CellGridSampler
set CellGridSampler:InitialPoints 10000
set CellGridSampler:ExplorationPoints 500
set CellGridSampler:ExplorationSteps 4
set CellGridSampler:Gain 0.3
set CellGridSampler:Epsilon 1.0
set CellGridSampler:MinimumSelection 0.000001
set CellGridSampler:NIterations 1
set CellGridSampler:EnhancementFactor 1
set CellGridSampler:UseAllIterations No
set CellGridSampler:RemapperPoints 50000
set CellGridSampler:RemapperMinSelection 0.00001
set CellGridSampler:RemapChannelDimension Yes
set CellGridSampler:LuminosityMapperBins 20
set CellGridSampler:GeneralMapperBins 0
set CellGridSampler:HalfPoints No
set CellGridSampler:MaxNewMax 30
set CellGridSampler:NonZeroInPresampling Yes
create Herwig::MonacoSampler MonacoSampler
set MonacoSampler:InitialPoints 15000
set MonacoSampler:NIterations 4
set MonacoSampler:EnhancementFactor 1.2
set MonacoSampler:UseAllIterations No
set MonacoSampler:RemapChannelDimension No
set MonacoSampler:LuminosityMapperBins 0
set MonacoSampler:HalfPoints No
set MonacoSampler:MaxNewMax 30
set MonacoSampler:NonZeroInPresampling Yes
create Herwig::GeneralSampler Sampler
set Sampler:UpdateAfter 1000
set Sampler:BinSampler CellGridSampler
set Sampler:AddUpSamplers Off
set Sampler:GlobalMaximumWeight Off
set Sampler:FlatSubprocesses Off
set Sampler:MinSelection 0.000001
set Sampler:AlmostUnweighted Off
set Sampler:RunCombinationData Off
set Sampler:WriteGridsOnFinish No
set Sampler:MaxEnhancement 1.1
# Setup the factory object
mkdir /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
create Herwig::MatchboxFactory Factory
do Factory:StartParticleGroup p
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup pbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup j
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup u
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/u
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup ubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/ubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup d
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/d
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup dbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/dbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup s
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/s
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup sbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/sbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup c
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/c
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup cbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/cbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup b
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/b
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup bbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/bbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup t
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/t
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tbar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tbar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup g
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/g
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup gamma
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/gamma
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup h0
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/h0
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup W+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/W+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup W-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/W-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup Z0
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/Z0
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup mu+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup mu-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tau+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tau+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup tau-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/tau-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_e
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_e
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_mu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mu
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_tau
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_tau
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_ebar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_ebar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_mubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu_taubar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_taubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup nu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_e
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mu
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_ebar
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/nu_mubar
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e+
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu+
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
do Factory:StartParticleGroup l-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/e-
insert Factory:ParticleGroup 0 /Herwig/Particles/mu-
do Factory:EndParticleGroup
# Default settings for hard process widths
set /Herwig/Particles/mu+:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/mu-:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/tau+:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
set /Herwig/Particles/tau-:HardProcessWidth 0*GeV
# Setup amplitudes
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Amplitudes
cd Amplitudes
create ColorFull::TraceBasis TraceBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxHybridAmplitude GenericProcesses
@CREATE_MADGRAPH@ Herwig::MadGraphAmplitude MadGraph
@SET_MADGRAPH@ MadGraph:ColourBasis TraceBasis
@CREATE_GOSAM@ Herwig::GoSamAmplitude GoSam
@CREATE_NJET@ Herwig::NJetsAmplitude NJet
@DO_NJET@ NJet:Massless 5
@DO_NJET@ NJet:Massless -5
@CREATE_OPENLOOPS@ Herwig::OpenLoopsAmplitude OpenLoops
mkdir Builtin
cd Builtin
create Herwig::SimpleColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::SimpleColourBasis2 SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbar Amplitudellbarqqbar
set Amplitudellbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarg Amplitudellbarqqbarg
set Amplitudellbarqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbargg Amplitudellbarqqbargg
set Amplitudellbarqqbargg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarqqbar Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar
set Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbar Amplitudelnuqqbar
set Amplitudelnuqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarg Amplitudelnuqqbarg
set Amplitudelnuqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbargg Amplitudelnuqqbargg
set Amplitudelnuqqbargg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarqqbar Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar
set Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehgg Amplitudehgg
set Amplitudehgg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehggg Amplitudehggg
set Amplitudehggg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehqqbarg Amplitudehqqbarg
set Amplitudehqqbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbar Amplitudeqqbarttbar
set Amplitudeqqbarttbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbarg Amplitudeqqbarttbarg
set Amplitudeqqbarttbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbar Amplitudeggttbar
set Amplitudeggttbar:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
create Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbarg Amplitudeggttbarg
set Amplitudeggttbarg:ColourBasis SimpleColourBasis2
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbargg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudellbarqqbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbargg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudelnuqqbarqqbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehgg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehggg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudehqqbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeqqbarttbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeqqbarttbarg
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeggttbar
insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Amplitudes 0 Amplitudeggttbarg
# Setup phasespace generators
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Phasespace
cd Phasespace
create Herwig::PhasespaceCouplings PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::MatchboxRambo Rambo
set Rambo:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::FlatInvertiblePhasespace InvertiblePhasespace
set InvertiblePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
create Herwig::FlatInvertibleLabframePhasespace InvertibleLabframePhasespace
set InvertibleLabframePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
set InvertibleLabframePhasespace:LogSHat False
create Herwig::TreePhasespaceChannels TreePhasespaceChannels
create Herwig::TreePhasespace TreePhasespace
set TreePhasespace:ChannelMap TreePhasespaceChannels
set TreePhasespace:M0 0.0001*GeV
set TreePhasespace:MC 0.000001*GeV
set TreePhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -1 1 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -2 2 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -3 3 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -4 4 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -5 5 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 -6 6 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 1 -1 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 2 -2 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 3 -3 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 4 -4 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 5 -5 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 21 6 -6 0.059
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 1 21 1 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 2 21 2 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 3 21 3 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 4 21 4 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 5 21 5 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 6 21 6 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -1 21 -1 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -2 21 -2 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -3 21 -3 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -4 21 -4 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -5 21 -5 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -6 21 -6 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 1 1 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 2 2 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 3 3 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 4 4 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 5 5 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling 6 6 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -1 -1 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -2 -2 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -3 -3 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -4 -4 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -5 -5 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetPhysicalCoupling -6 -6 21 0.15733333333333333333
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -1 1 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -2 2 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -3 3 0.00000001184279069851
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -4 4 0.00000205034465001885
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -5 5 0.00002314757096085280
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -6 6 0.03982017320025470767
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -11 11 0.00000000000034264835
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -12 12 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -13 13 0.00000001464912263400
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -14 14 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -15 15 0.00000414359033108195
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 -16 16 0
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -1 1 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -2 2 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -3 3 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -4 4 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -5 5 0.00083932358497608365
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -6 6 0.00335729433990433461
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -11 11 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -13 13 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 -15 15 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 1 0.01652748072644379386
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 1 0.00382028458188709739
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 1 0.00014707756360995175
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 3 0.00382265953677814621
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 3 0.01651340063673257587
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 3 0.00068534412570265868
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -2 5 0.00005954351191129535
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -4 5 0.00069891529650865192
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -6 5 0.01694947628265615369
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -12 11 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -14 13 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 24 -16 15 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -1 0.01652748072644379386
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -1 0.00382028458188709739
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -1 0.00014707756360995175
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -3 0.00382265953677814621
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -3 0.01651340063673257587
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -3 0.00068534412570265868
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 2 -5 0.00005954351191129535
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 4 -5 0.00069891529650865192
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 6 -5 0.01694947628265615369
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 12 -11 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 14 -13 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling -24 16 -15 0.01696396350749155147
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -1 1 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -2 2 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -3 3 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -4 4 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -5 5 0.00407649129960709158
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -6 6 0.00317809816318353030
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -11 11 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -12 12 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -13 13 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -14 14 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -15 15 0.00276049468148072129
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 -16 16 0.00545567409075140513
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 21 21 21 0.354
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 21 21 0.00000000016160437564
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 25 25 0.18719783125611995353
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 22 22 0.00000000006295673620
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 24 -24 219.30463760755686425818
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 25 23 23 362.91922658249853887524
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 22 24 -24 0.00755391226478475287
do TreePhasespace:SetCoupling 23 24 -24 0.02637401475019835008
@CREATE_VBFNLO@ Herwig::VBFNLOPhasespace VBFNLOPhasespace
@SET_VBFNLO@ VBFNLOPhasespace:CouplingData PhasespaceCouplings
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Phasespace TreePhasespace
# Setup utilities for matching
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
create Herwig::HardScaleProfile HardScaleProfile
create Herwig::MEMatching MEMatching
set MEMatching:RestrictPhasespace On
set MEMatching:HardScaleProfile /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/HardScaleProfile
set MEMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set MEMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction RealScale
set MEMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction RealScale
set MEMatching:BornScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:EmissionScaleInSplitting ShowerScale
set MEMatching:TruncatedShower Yes
set MEMatching:MaxPtIsMuF Yes
set MEMatching:FFPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:FIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:IIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set MEMatching:SafeCut 0.*GeV
create Herwig::ShowerApproximationGenerator MECorrectionHandler
set MECorrectionHandler:ShowerApproximation MEMatching
set MECorrectionHandler:Phasespace /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Phasespace/InvertiblePhasespace
set MECorrectionHandler:PresamplingPoints 50000
set MECorrectionHandler:FreezeGrid 100000
create Herwig::DipoleMatching DipoleMatching
# set in as not available at this point
# set DipoleMatching:ShowerHandler /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler
set DipoleMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set DipoleMatching:FFPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:FIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:IIPtCut 1.0*GeV
set DipoleMatching:SafeCut 4.*GeV
create Herwig::QTildeMatching QTildeMatching
set QTildeMatching:ShowerHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
set QTildeMatching:BornScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:RealEmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:EmissionScaleInSubtraction BornScale
set QTildeMatching:QTildeFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
set QTildeMatching:SafeCut 4.*GeV
# just a dummy, since SudakovCommonn can't be used
# it's only used to get the value of the kinCutoffScale
set QTildeMatching:QTildeSudakov /Herwig/Shower/QtoQGSudakov
# Setup utilities for process generation
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Utility
cd Utility
create Herwig::Tree2toNGenerator DiagramGenerator
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/GGGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFPVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFZVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFWVertex /Herwig/Vertices/FFWMatchboxVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/FFWMatchboxVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/WWHVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/WWWVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/HGGVertex
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/HHHVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex:Fermion 6
insert DiagramGenerator:Vertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/TTHVertex
cp /Herwig/Vertices/FFHVertex /Herwig/Vertices/BBHVertex
set /Herwig/Vertices/BBHVertex:Fermion 5
create Herwig::ProcessData ProcessData
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:DiagramGenerator DiagramGenerator
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ProcessData ProcessData
# Setup jet cuts
cd /Herwig/Cuts
create Herwig::MatchboxFactoryMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set MatchboxJetMatcher:Group j
create ThePEG::FastJetFinder JetFinder
set JetFinder:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set JetFinder:Variant AntiKt
set JetFinder:RecombinationScheme E
set JetFinder:Mode Inclusive
set JetFinder:ConeRadius 0.7
create ThePEG::JetRegion FirstJet
set FirstJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do FirstJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set FirstJet:Fuzzy Yes
set FirstJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set FirstJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert FirstJet:Accepts[0] 1
create ThePEG::JetRegion SecondJet
set SecondJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do SecondJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set SecondJet:Fuzzy Yes
set SecondJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set SecondJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert SecondJet:Accepts[0] 2
create ThePEG::JetRegion ThirdJet
set ThirdJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do ThirdJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set ThirdJet:Fuzzy Yes
set ThirdJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set ThirdJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert ThirdJet:Accepts[0] 3
create ThePEG::JetRegion FourthJet
set FourthJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
do FourthJet:YRange -5.0 5.0
set FourthJet:Fuzzy Yes
set FourthJet:EnergyCutWidth 4.0*GeV
set FourthJet:RapidityCutWidth 0.4
insert FourthJet:Accepts[0] 4
create ThePEG::FuzzyTheta FuzzyTheta
set FuzzyTheta:EnergyWidth 4.0*GeV
set FuzzyTheta:RapidityWidth 0.4
set FuzzyTheta:AngularWidth 0.4
create ThePEG::NJetsCut NJetsCut
set NJetsCut:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set NJetsCut:NJetsMin 2
create ThePEG::JetCuts JetCuts
set JetCuts:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
set JetCuts:Ordering OrderPt
create Herwig::IdentifiedParticleCut IdentifiedParticleCut
cp IdentifiedParticleCut LeptonCut
set LeptonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp IdentifiedParticleCut ChargedLeptonCut
set ChargedLeptonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
+cp IdentifiedParticleCut BottomQuarkCut
+set BottomQuarkCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Bottom
cp IdentifiedParticleCut TopQuarkCut
set TopQuarkCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Top
cp IdentifiedParticleCut WBosonCut
set WBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/WBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut ZBosonCut
set ZBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/ZBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut HiggsBosonCut
set HiggsBosonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/HiggsBoson
cp IdentifiedParticleCut PhotonCut
set PhotonCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Photon
create Herwig::FrixionePhotonSeparationCut PhotonIsolationCut
set PhotonIsolationCut:UnresolvedMatcher MatchboxJetMatcher
create Herwig::MatchboxDeltaRCut MatchboxDeltaRCut
cp MatchboxDeltaRCut LeptonDeltaRCut
set LeptonDeltaRCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
set LeptonDeltaRCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp MatchboxDeltaRCut ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut
set ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
set ChargedLeptonDeltaRCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
create Herwig::InvariantMassCut InvariantMassCut
cp InvariantMassCut LeptonPairMassCut
set LeptonPairMassCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
set LeptonPairMassCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/Lepton
cp InvariantMassCut ChargedLeptonPairMassCut
set ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:FirstMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
set ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:SecondMatcher /Herwig/Matchers/ChargedLepton
create Herwig::MissingPtCut MissingPtCut
set MissingPtCut:Matcher /Herwig/Matchers/Neutrino
# Setup scale choices
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
mkdir Scales
cd Scales
create Herwig::MatchboxScaleChoice SHatScale
cp SHatScale FixedScale
set FixedScale:FixedScale 100.*GeV
create Herwig::MatchboxPtScale MaxJetPtScale
set MaxJetPtScale:JetFinder /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder
create Herwig::MatchboxLeptonMassScale LeptonPairMassScale
create Herwig::MatchboxLeptonPtScale LeptonPairPtScale
create Herwig::MatchboxHtScale HTScale
create Herwig::MatchboxTopMassScale TopPairMassScale
create Herwig::MatchboxTopMTScale TopPairMTScale
set HTScale:JetFinder /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder
set HTScale:IncludeMT No
+set HTScale:JetPtCut 15.*GeV
cp HTScale HTPrimeScale
set HTPrimeScale:IncludeMT Yes
+set HTPrimeScale:JetPtCut 15.*GeV
cp LeptonPairMassScale LeptonQ2Scale
set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ScaleChoice LeptonPairMassScale
# Factories for different colliders
# only provided for backwards compatibility; refer to Matchbox/*.in input file
# snippets for generic handling
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
cp Factory EEFactory
set EEFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/EEExtractor
set EEFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/EECuts
set EEFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set EEFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF No
cp Factory DISFactory
set DISFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/DISExtractor
set DISFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/DISCuts
set DISFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF No
set DISFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
cp Factory PPFactory
set PPFactory:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor
set PPFactory:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/QCDCuts
set PPFactory:FirstPerturbativePDF Yes
set PPFactory:SecondPerturbativePDF Yes
cd /
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:16 PM (12 h, 9 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(92 KB)
Attached To
rHERWIGHG herwighg
Event Timeline
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