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#include "SuperisoWrap.h"
using namespace std;
void CreateInputFileSuperiso2HDM(double mHlight, double mHheavy,double mA,double mHcharged,double alpha,double tanbeta,int ModelType){
if(ModelType>4 || ModelType<1)
cerr<< "Error in oid CreateInputFileSuperiso2HDM(double mHlight, double mHheavy,double mA,double mHcharged,double alpha,double tanbeta,int ModelType): Bad model type!"<< endl;
ofstream outfile ; // ofstream output file object to write file;"tempsuperiso.lha"); //open file named "tempsuperiso.lha" in the current directory
outfile << "Block MODSEL # Model selection " << endl;
outfile << " 0 10 # 10 = THDM " << endl;
outfile << "Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs " << endl;
outfile << " 1 1.27839951E+02 # alpha_em^(-1) " << endl;
outfile << " 2 1.16570000E-05 # G_Fermi " << endl;
outfile << " 3 1.17200002E-01 # alpha_s(M_Z) " << endl;
outfile << " 4 9.11699982E+01 # m_{Z}(pole) " << endl;
outfile << " 5 4.19999981E+00 # m_{b}(m_{b}) " << endl;
outfile << " 6 1.72399994E+02 # m_{top}(pole) " << endl;
outfile << " 7 1.77699995E+00 # m_{tau}(pole) " << endl;
outfile << "Block GAUGE Q= 1.06350342E+03 # " << endl;
outfile << " 1 3.57522130E-01 # g` " << endl;
outfile << " 2 6.52355075E-01 # g_2 " << endl;
outfile << " 3 1.21908653E+00 # g_3 " << endl;
outfile << "Block MASS # Mass spectrum (kinematic masses) " << endl;
// PDG code mass particle
// Mh1, lightest CP-even higgs
outfile << "25 "<< mHlight << endl;
// Mh2, heaviest CP-even
outfile << "35 "<< mHheavy << endl;
// Mh3, CP-odd Higgs
outfile << "36 "<< mA << endl;
// Mhc
outfile << "37 "<< mHcharged << endl;
outfile << "Block ALPHA # Effective Higgs mixing parameter " << endl;
outfile << alpha << " # alpha " << endl;
outfile << "Block UCOUPL " << endl;
outfile << " 1 1 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{1,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 2 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{1,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 3 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{1,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 1 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{2,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 2 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 3 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{2,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 1 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{3,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 2 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{3,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 3 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{3,3} " << endl;
outfile << "Block DCOUPL " << endl;
outfile << " 1 1 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{1,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 2 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{1,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 3 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{1,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 1 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{2,1} " << endl;
if(ModelType==1 || ModelType==4)
outfile << " 2 2 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 2 "<< -tanbeta<<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 3 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{2,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 1 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{3,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 2 0.00000000e+00 # LD_{3,2} " << endl;
if(ModelType==1 || ModelType==4)
outfile << " 3 3 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 3 "<< -tanbeta<<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " Block LCOUPL " << endl;
if(ModelType==1 || ModelType==3)
outfile << " 1 1 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 1 "<< -tanbeta<<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 2 0.00000000e+00 # LL_{1,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 1 3 0.00000000e+00 # LL_{1,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 1 0.00000000e+00 # LL_{2,1} " << endl;
if(ModelType==1 || ModelType==3)
outfile << " 2 2 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 2 "<< -tanbeta<<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 2 3 0.00000000e+00 # LL_{2,3} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 1 0.00000000e+00 # LL_{3,1} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 2 0.00000000e+00 # LU_{3,2} " << endl;
if(ModelType==1 || ModelType==3)
outfile << " 3 3 "<<1/tanbeta <<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;
outfile << " 3 3 "<< -tanbeta<<" # LU_{2,2} " << endl;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:49 PM (14 h, 21 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
SuperisoWrap.cpp (4 KB)

Event Timeline