if(!h_gen_Particles.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<GenParticlesProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Gen_Jets.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<GenJetsProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Genmet.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<GenMETProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_SimTracks.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<SimTrackProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Vertex.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<SimVertexProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Hits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<SimHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_CaloHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<SimCaloHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Sst_Hits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<SiStripClusterProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Ecal_RecHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### NoXXX Label = "<<InputTag(EcalRecHitProducers[i]).label().c_str()<<" instance = "<<InputTag(EcalRecHitProducers[i]).instance().c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;}
if(!h_Ecal_RecHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<EcalRecHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_HcalHBHE_RecHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<HcalHBHERecHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_HcalHO_RecHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<HcalHORecHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_HcalHF_RecHits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<HcalHFRecHitProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_CSC_Segments.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<CSCSegmentProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_DT_Segments.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<DTSegmentProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_RPC_Hits.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<RPCHitsProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Calo_Towers.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<CaloTowersProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_NIs.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<NIProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!trajTrackAssociationHandle.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<TrajectoryProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Tracks.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<TrackProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Basic_Jets.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<BasicJetsProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_Calo_Jets.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<CaloJetsProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_met.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<CaloMETProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}
if(!h_reco_Candidates.isValid()){if(WarningOnMissingProduct)edm::LogWarning("FROG")<<"### No "<<RecoCandidateProducers[i].c_str()<<" collection is present in the EVENT\nIf you want to remove this warning, update your _cfg.py card, to tell FROG to store only available module\nOr switch off the WarningOnMissingProduct Flag in the Frog Parameter card."<<endl;continue;}