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diff --git a/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh b/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh
@@ -1,586 +1,586 @@
#include "Rivet/ParticleBase.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @name ParticleBase classifier -> bool functors
/// @todo Move to FourMomentum functions
/// To be passed to any() or all() e.g. any(jets, DeltaRLess(electron, 0.4))
/// std::function instantiation for functors taking a ParticleBase and returning a bool
using ParticleBaseSelector = function<bool(const ParticleBase&)>;
/// std::function instantiation for functors taking two ParticleBase and returning a bool
using ParticleBaseSorter = function<bool(const ParticleBase&, const ParticleBase&)>;
/// Base type for Particle -> bool functors
struct BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
virtual bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const = 0;
virtual ~BoolParticleBaseFunctor() {}
/// Transverse momentum greater-than functor
struct PtGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
PtGtr(double pt) : ptcut(pt) { }
PtGtr(const FourMomentum& p) : ptcut(p.pT()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.pT() > ptcut; }
double ptcut;
using pTGtr = PtGtr;
using ptGtr = PtGtr;
/// Transverse momentum less-than functor
struct PtLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
PtLess(const FourMomentum& p) : ptcut(p.pT()) { }
PtLess(double pt) : ptcut(pt) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.pT() < ptcut; }
double ptcut;
using pTLess = PtLess;
using ptLess = PtLess;
/// Transverse momentum in-range functor
struct PtInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
PtInRange(pair<double, double> ptcuts) : ptcut(ptcuts) { }
PtInRange(double ptlow, double pthigh) : PtInRange(make_pair(ptlow, pthigh)) { }
PtInRange(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2) : PtInRange(p1.pT(), p2.pT()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.pT() >= ptcut.first && p.pT() < ptcut.second; }
pair<double,double> ptcut;
using pTInRange = PtInRange;
using ptInRange = PtInRange;
/// Pseudorapidity greater-than functor
struct EtaGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
EtaGtr(double eta) : etacut(eta) { }
EtaGtr(const FourMomentum& p) : etacut(p.eta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.eta() > etacut; }
double etacut;
using etaGtr = EtaGtr;
/// Pseudorapidity less-than functor
struct EtaLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
EtaLess(double eta) : etacut(eta) { }
EtaLess(const FourMomentum& p) : etacut(p.eta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.eta() < etacut; }
double etacut;
using etaLess = EtaLess;
/// Pseudorapidity in-range functor
struct EtaInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
EtaInRange(pair<double, double> etacuts) : etacut(etacuts) { }
EtaInRange(double etalow, double etahigh) : EtaInRange(make_pair(etalow, etahigh)) { }
EtaInRange(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2) : EtaInRange(p1.eta(), p2.eta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.eta() >= etacut.first && p.eta() < etacut.second; }
pair<double,double> etacut;
using etaInRange = EtaInRange;
/// Abs pseudorapidity greater-than functor
struct AbsEtaGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsEtaGtr(double abseta) : absetacut(abseta) { }
AbsEtaGtr(const FourMomentum& p) : absetacut(p.abseta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.abseta() > absetacut; }
double absetacut;
using absEtaGtr = AbsEtaGtr;
using absetaGtr = AbsEtaGtr;
/// Abs pseudorapidity momentum less-than functor
struct AbsEtaLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsEtaLess(double abseta) : absetacut(abseta) { }
AbsEtaLess(const FourMomentum& p) : absetacut(p.abseta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.abseta() < absetacut; }
double absetacut;
using absEtaLess = AbsEtaLess;
using absetaLess = AbsEtaLess;
/// Abs pseudorapidity in-range functor
struct AbsEtaInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsEtaInRange(const pair<double, double>& absetacuts) : absetacut(absetacuts) { }
AbsEtaInRange(double absetalow, double absetahigh) : AbsEtaInRange(make_pair(absetalow, absetahigh)) { }
AbsEtaInRange(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2) : AbsEtaInRange(p1.abseta(), p2.abseta()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.abseta() >= absetacut.first && p.abseta() < absetacut.second; }
pair<double,double> absetacut;
using absEtaInRange = AbsEtaInRange;
using absetaInRange = AbsEtaInRange;
/// Rapidity greater-than functor
struct RapGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
RapGtr(double rap) : rapcut(rap) { }
RapGtr(const FourMomentum& p) : rapcut(p.rap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.rap() > rapcut; }
double rapcut;
using rapGtr = RapGtr;
/// Rapidity momentum less-than functor
struct RapLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
RapLess(double rap) : rapcut(rap) { }
RapLess(const FourMomentum& p) : rapcut(p.rap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.rap() < rapcut; }
double rapcut;
using rapLess = RapLess;
/// Rapidity in-range functor
struct RapInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
RapInRange(const pair<double, double>& rapcuts) : rapcut(rapcuts) { }
RapInRange(double raplow, double raphigh) : RapInRange(make_pair(raplow, raphigh)) { }
RapInRange(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2) : RapInRange(p1.rap(), p2.rap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.rap() >= rapcut.first && p.rap() < rapcut.second; }
pair<double,double> rapcut;
using rapInRange = RapInRange;
/// Abs rapidity greater-than functor
struct AbsRapGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsRapGtr(double absrap) : absrapcut(absrap) { }
AbsRapGtr(const FourMomentum& p) : absrapcut(p.absrap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.absrap() > absrapcut; }
double absrapcut;
using absRapGtr = AbsRapGtr;
using absrapGtr = AbsRapGtr;
/// Abs rapidity momentum less-than functor
struct AbsRapLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsRapLess(double absrap) : absrapcut(absrap) { }
AbsRapLess(const FourMomentum& p) : absrapcut(p.absrap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.absrap() < absrapcut; }
double absrapcut;
using absRapLess = AbsRapLess;
using absrapLess = AbsRapLess;
/// Abs rapidity in-range functor
struct AbsRapInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsRapInRange(const pair<double, double>& absrapcuts) : absrapcut(absrapcuts) { }
AbsRapInRange(double absraplow, double absraphigh) : AbsRapInRange(make_pair(absraplow, absraphigh)) { }
AbsRapInRange(const FourMomentum& p1, const FourMomentum& p2) : AbsRapInRange(p1.absrap(), p2.absrap()) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return p.absrap() >= absrapcut.first && p.absrap() < absrapcut.second; }
pair<double,double> absrapcut;
using absRapInRange = AbsRapInRange;
using absrapInRange = AbsRapInRange;
/// @todo Define dR and dphi functors w.r.t. *multiple* ref vectors, with "all" or "any" semantics
/// @f$ \Delta R @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) greater-than functor
struct DeltaRGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRGtr(const ParticleBase& vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(, drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRGtr(const FourMomentum& vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(vec), drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRGtr(const Vector3& vec, double dr)
: drcut(dr), rapscheme(PSEUDORAPIDITY) { refvec.setPx(vec.x()); refvec.setPy(vec.y()); refvec.setPz(vec.z()); }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return deltaR(p, refvec, rapscheme) > drcut; }
FourMomentum refvec;
double drcut;
RapScheme rapscheme;
using deltaRGtr = DeltaRGtr;
/// @f$ \Delta R @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) less-than functor
struct DeltaRLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRLess(const ParticleBase& vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(, drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRLess(const FourMomentum& vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(vec), drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRLess(const Vector3& vec, double dr)
: drcut(dr), rapscheme(PSEUDORAPIDITY) { refvec.setPx(vec.x()); refvec.setPy(vec.y()); refvec.setPz(vec.z()); }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return deltaR(p, refvec, rapscheme) < drcut; }
FourMomentum refvec;
double drcut;
RapScheme rapscheme;
using deltaRLess = DeltaRLess;
/// @f$ \Delta R @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) in-range functor
struct DeltaRInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, const pair<double,double>& dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(, drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, double drmin, double drmax, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: DeltaRInRange(vec, make_pair(drmin, drmax), scheme) { }
DeltaRInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, const pair<double,double>& dr, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: refvec(vec), drcut(dr), rapscheme(scheme) { }
DeltaRInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, double drmin, double drmax, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY)
: DeltaRInRange(vec, make_pair(drmin, drmax), scheme) { }
DeltaRInRange(const Vector3& vec, const pair<double,double>& dr)
: drcut(dr), rapscheme(PSEUDORAPIDITY) { refvec.setPx(vec.x()); refvec.setPy(vec.y()); refvec.setPz(vec.z()); }
DeltaRInRange(const Vector3& vec, double drmin, double drmax)
: DeltaRInRange(vec, make_pair(drmin, drmax)) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const {
const double dR = deltaR(p, refvec, rapscheme);
return dR >= drcut.first && dR < drcut.second;
FourMomentum refvec;
pair<double,double> drcut;
RapScheme rapscheme;
using deltaRInRange = DeltaRInRange;
/// @f$ |\Delta \phi| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) greater-than functor
struct DeltaPhiGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaPhiGtr(const ParticleBase& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec.p3()), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiGtr(const FourMomentum& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec.p3()), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiGtr(const Vector3& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec), dphicut(dphi) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return deltaPhi(p, refvec) > dphicut; }
Vector3 refvec;
double dphicut;
using deltaPhiGtr = DeltaPhiGtr;
/// @f$ |\Delta \phi| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) less-than functor
struct DeltaPhiLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaPhiLess(const ParticleBase& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec.p3()), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiLess(const FourMomentum& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec.p3()), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiLess(const Vector3& vec, double dphi)
: refvec(vec), dphicut(dphi) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return deltaPhi(p, refvec) < dphicut; }
Vector3 refvec;
double dphicut;
using deltaPhiLess = DeltaPhiLess;
/// @f$ \Delta \phi @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) in-range functor
struct DeltaPhiInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaPhiInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, const pair<double,double>& dphi)
: refvec(, dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, double dphimin, double dphimax)
: DeltaPhiInRange(vec, make_pair(dphimin, dphimax)) { }
DeltaPhiInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, const pair<double,double>& dphi)
: refvec(vec), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, double dphimin, double dphimax)
: DeltaPhiInRange(vec, make_pair(dphimin, dphimax)) { }
DeltaPhiInRange(const Vector3& vec, const pair<double,double>& dphi)
: refvec(vec), dphicut(dphi) { }
DeltaPhiInRange(const Vector3& vec, double dphimin, double dphimax)
: DeltaPhiInRange(vec, make_pair(dphimin, dphimax)) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const {
const double dphi = deltaPhi(p, refvec);
return dphi >= dphicut.first && dphi < dphicut.second;
Vector3 refvec;
pair<double,double> dphicut;
using deltaPhiInRange = DeltaPhiInRange;
/// @f$ |\Delta \eta| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) greater-than functor
struct DeltaEtaGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaEtaGtr(const ParticleBase& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec.p3()), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaGtr(const FourMomentum& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec.p3()), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaGtr(const Vector3& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec), detacut(deta) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return std::abs(deltaEta(p, refvec)) > detacut; }
Vector3 refvec;
double detacut;
using deltaEtaGtr = DeltaEtaGtr;
/// @f$ |\Delta \eta| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) less-than functor
struct DeltaEtaLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaEtaLess(const ParticleBase& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec.p3()), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaLess(const FourMomentum& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec.p3()), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaLess(const Vector3& vec, double deta)
: refvec(vec), detacut(deta) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return std::abs(deltaEta(p, refvec)) < detacut; }
Vector3 refvec;
double detacut;
using deltaEtaLess = DeltaEtaLess;
/// @f$ \Delta \eta @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) in-range functor
struct DeltaEtaInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaEtaInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, const pair<double,double>& deta)
: refvec(, detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, double detamin, double detamax)
: DeltaEtaInRange(vec, make_pair(detamin, detamax)) { }
DeltaEtaInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, const pair<double,double>& deta)
: refvec(vec), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, double detamin, double detamax)
: DeltaEtaInRange(vec, make_pair(detamin, detamax)) { }
DeltaEtaInRange(const Vector3& vec, const pair<double,double>& deta)
: refvec(vec), detacut(deta) { }
DeltaEtaInRange(const Vector3& vec, double detamin, double detamax)
: DeltaEtaInRange(vec, make_pair(detamin, detamax)) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const {
const double deta = deltaEta(p, refvec);
return deta >= detacut.first && deta < detacut.second;
Vector3 refvec;
pair<double,double> detacut;
using deltaEtaInRange = DeltaEtaInRange;
/// @f$ |\Delta y| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) greater-than functor
struct DeltaRapGtr : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRapGtr(const ParticleBase& vec, double drap)
: refvec(, drapcut(drap) { }
DeltaRapGtr(const FourMomentum& vec, double drap)
: refvec(vec), drapcut(drap) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return std::abs(deltaRap(p, refvec)) > drapcut; }
FourMomentum refvec;
double drapcut;
using deltaRapGtr = DeltaRapGtr;
/// @f$ |\Delta y| @f$ (with respect to another momentum, @a vec) less-than functor
struct DeltaRapLess : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRapLess(const ParticleBase& vec, double drap)
: refvec(, drapcut(drap) { }
DeltaRapLess(const FourMomentum& vec, double drap)
: refvec(vec), drapcut(drap) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const { return std::abs(deltaRap(p, refvec)) < drapcut; }
FourMomentum refvec;
double drapcut;
using deltaRapLess = DeltaRapLess;
/// @f$ \Delta y @f$ (with respect to another 4-momentum, @a vec) in-range functor
struct DeltaRapInRange : public BoolParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRapInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, const pair<double,double>& drap)
: refvec(, drapcut(drap) { }
DeltaRapInRange(const ParticleBase& vec, double drapmin, double drapmax)
: DeltaRapInRange(vec, make_pair(drapmin, drapmax)) { }
DeltaRapInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, const pair<double,double>& drap)
: refvec(vec), drapcut(drap) { }
DeltaRapInRange(const FourMomentum& vec, double drapmin, double drapmax)
: DeltaRapInRange(vec, make_pair(drapmin, drapmax)) { }
bool operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const {
const double drap = deltaRap(p, refvec);
return drap >= drapcut.first && drap < drapcut.second;
FourMomentum refvec;
pair<double,double> drapcut;
using deltaRapInRange = DeltaRapInRange;
/// @name ParticleBase comparison -> double functors
/// @todo Move to FourMomentum functions
/// To be passed to transform()any(jets, DeltaRLess(electron, 0.4))
/// Base type for Particle -> double functors
struct DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
virtual double operator()(const ParticleBase& p) const = 0;
virtual ~DoubleParticleBaseFunctor() {}
/// Calculator of @f$ \Delta R @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct DeltaRWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRWRT(const ParticleBase& pb, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) : p(, rapscheme(scheme) {}
DeltaRWRT(const FourMomentum& p4, RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) : p(p4), rapscheme(scheme) {}
DeltaRWRT(const Vector3& p3) : p(p3.mod(), p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z()), rapscheme(PSEUDORAPIDITY) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return deltaR(p, pb, rapscheme); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return deltaR(p, p4, rapscheme); }
double operator()(const Vector3& p3) const { return deltaR(p, p3); }
const FourMomentum p;
RapScheme rapscheme;
using deltaRWRT = DeltaRWRT;
/// Calculator of @f$ \Delta \phi @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct DeltaPhiWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaPhiWRT(const ParticleBase& pb) : p( {}
DeltaPhiWRT(const FourMomentum& p4) : p(p4.vector3()) {}
DeltaPhiWRT(const Vector3& p3) : p(p3) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return deltaPhi(p, pb); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return deltaPhi(p, p4); }
double operator()(const Vector3& p3) const { return deltaPhi(p, p3); }
const Vector3 p;
using deltaPhiWRT = DeltaPhiWRT;
/// Calculator of @f$ \Delta \eta @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct DeltaEtaWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaEtaWRT(const ParticleBase& pb) : p( {}
DeltaEtaWRT(const FourMomentum& p4) : p(p4.vector3()) {}
DeltaEtaWRT(const Vector3& p3) : p(p3) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return deltaEta(p, pb); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return deltaEta(p, p4); }
double operator()(const Vector3& p3) const { return deltaEta(p, p3); }
const Vector3 p;
using deltaEtaWRT = DeltaEtaWRT;
/// Calculator of @f$ |\Delta \eta| @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct AbsDeltaEtaWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const ParticleBase& pb) : p( {}
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const FourMomentum& p4) : p(p4.vector3()) {}
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const Vector3& p3) : p(p3) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return fabs(deltaEta(p, pb)); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return fabs(deltaEta(p, p4)); }
double operator()(const Vector3& p3) const { return fabs(deltaEta(p, p3)); }
const Vector3 p;
using absDeltaEtaWRT = AbsDeltaEtaWRT;
/// Calculator of @f$ \Delta y @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct DeltaRapWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
DeltaRapWRT(const ParticleBase& pb) : p( {}
DeltaRapWRT(const FourMomentum& p4) : p(p4) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return deltaRap(p, pb); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return deltaRap(p, p4); }
const FourMomentum p;
using deltaRapWRT = DeltaRapWRT;
/// Calculator of @f$ |\Delta y| @f$ with respect to a given momentum
struct AbsDeltaRapWRT : public DoubleParticleBaseFunctor {
AbsDeltaRapWRT(const ParticleBase& pb) : p( {}
AbsDeltaRapWRT(const FourMomentum& p4) : p(p4) {}
double operator()(const ParticleBase& pb) const { return fabs(deltaRap(p, pb)); }
double operator()(const FourMomentum& p4) const { return fabs(deltaRap(p, p4)); }
const FourMomentum p;
using absDeltaRapWRT = AbsDeltaRapWRT;
/// @name Next-level filtering
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
void idiscardIfAny(PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare,
- typename std::function<bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type&, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type&)>& fn) {
+ typename std::function<bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type&, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type&)> fn) {
for (const ParticleBase& pb : tocompare)
ifilter_discard(tofilter, fn(pb));
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAny(const PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare,
- typename std::function<bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type&, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type&)>& fn) {
+ typename std::function<bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type&, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type&)> fn) {
PBCONTAINER1 tmp{tofilter};
idiscardIfAny(tmp, tocompare, fn);
return tmp;
/// @name Isolation helper routines
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
void idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess(PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare, double dR) {
for (const ParticleBase& pb : tocompare)
ifilter_discard(tofilter, deltaRLess(pb, dR));
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAnyDeltaRLess(const PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare, double dR) {
PBCONTAINER1 tmp{tofilter};
idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess(tmp, tocompare, dR);
return tmp;
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
void idiscardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare, double dphi) {
for (const ParticleBase& pb : tocompare)
ifilter_discard(tofilter, deltaPhiLess(pb, dphi));
template<typename PBCONTAINER1, typename PBCONTAINER2>
PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(const PBCONTAINER1& tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2& tocompare, double dphi) {
PBCONTAINER1 tmp{tofilter};
idiscardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(tmp, tocompare, dphi);
return tmp;
/// @name Non-PID particle properties, via unbound functions
/// @todo Mostly move to functions on FourMomentum
/// @note In a sub-namespace (imported by default) for protection
namespace Kin {
/// Unbound function access to momentum
inline FourMomentum mom(const ParticleBase& p) { return; }
/// Unbound function access to momentum
inline FourMomentum p4(const ParticleBase& p) { return; }
/// Unbound function access to p3
inline Vector3 p3(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.p3(); }
/// Unbound function access to pTvec
inline Vector3 pTvec(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.pTvec(); }
/// Unbound function access to p
inline double p(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.p(); }
/// Unbound function access to pT
inline double pT(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.pT(); }
/// Unbound function access to ET
inline double Et(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.Et(); }
/// Unbound function access to eta
inline double eta(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.eta(); }
/// Unbound function access to abseta
inline double abseta(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.abseta(); }
/// Unbound function access to rapidity
inline double rap(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.rap(); }
/// Unbound function access to abs rapidity
inline double absrap(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.absrap(); }
/// Unbound function access to mass
inline double mass(const ParticleBase& p) { return p.mass(); }
/// Unbound function access to pair pT
inline double pairPt(const ParticleBase& p1, const ParticleBase& p2) { return ( +; }
/// Unbound function access to pair mass
inline double pairMass(const ParticleBase& p1, const ParticleBase& p2) { return ( +; }
// Import Kin namespace into Rivet
using namespace Kin;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:22 PM (21 h, 58 m)
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