+* Fix bug in LauFlatteRes where the m_0 factor multiplying the width was, if useAdlerTerm_ is true, is replaced by f_Adler rather than being multiplied by it
+ - only affected case where using LauFlatteRes to describe K_0*(1430)
- produce an ERROR message and exit if the symmetric DP does not have its daughters arranged correctly
- detect also flavour-conjugate DPs and set a corresponding flag that can be retrieved via LauDaughters::gotFlavourConjugateDP
- in this case if the daughters are sub-optimally arranged print a WARNING
* Modify LauIsobarDynamics::calcDPNormalisationScheme so that any narrow resonance regions are symmetrised appropriately if the DP is fully-symmetric, symmetric or is flavour-conjugate (and in this last case, symmetrisation of the integration has been forced via a new boolean function)
11th October 2017 Thomas Latham
* Allow the user to specify the randomiser to be used to randomise the initial values of the isobar parameters
- simply use the new static function LauAbsCoeffSet::setRandomiser
- if not specified it defaults to the current use of LauRandom::zeroSeedRandom
10th October 2017 Thomas Latham
* Make symmetrisation of vetoes automatic in LauVetoes for symmetric DPs
- but add new allowed indices (4 and 5) to allow vetoes to be applied to mMin or mMax if desired
* Also apply to fully symmetric DPs
* In addition implement the more efficient calculation of the amplitude in the fully symmetric case
23rd September 2017 Thomas Latham
* Fix expressions for Covariant option for Blatt-Weisskopf momentum for spin > 1
* Make use of setSpinFormalism to set the formalism to Legendre for NR types (instead of kludging with ignoreMomentum)
15th September 2017 Thomas Latham
* Various improvements to the examples
6th September 2017 Thomas Latham
* Improve doxygen comments for event-embedding functions in fit models
5th September 2017 Thomas Latham
* Improve efficiency of Covariant spin factor calculations
31st August 2017 Thomas Latham
* Add further option for parent Blatt-Weisskopf momentum - Covariant (corresponding to Covariant spin factor)
8th August 2017 Thomas Latham
* Implement expressions for the spin factor based on covariant tensor formalism
* Make it much simpler to switch between formalism options via new functions in LauResonanceMaker:
- default settings are unchanged (and are equivalent to setting LauAbsResonance::Zemach_P, LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BWPrimeBarrier, LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::ResonanceFrame, respectively)
21st July 2017 Thomas Latham
* Add note to README file about compilation issue on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
21st July 2017 Thomas Latham
* Create public functions to update the kinematics based on one invariant mass and the corresponding helicity angle
20th June 2017 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Terminate when asked to read a non-existent K-matrix parameter file
8th June 2017 Thomas Latham
* Fix compilation error on gcc 4.9
30th May 2017 Thomas Latham
* Permit different efficiency histograms to be defined in classic/square DP and force enable calculation of square DP coords (here and for background PDFs) if required
29th May 2017 Thomas Latham
* Propagate information on EDM from the minimiser to the fit models and into the fit results ntuple
29th May 2017 Thomas Latham
* Ensure that the kinematics will calculate the square DP co-ordinates if the integration requires them
29th May 2017 Thomas Latham
* Reintegrate the RooFit-slave branch into the trunk (and delete the branch)
28th March 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Rename cacheFitData to verifyFitData in all fit models and RF-slave
28th March 2017 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Fix bug in LauCPFitModel::weightEvents
24th March 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Refactor code between fit models, master, slave and fit-object classes
22nd March 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Make the compilation of the RF-based slave class, and its associated example binary, optional
22nd March 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Complete working example of RooFit-based slave
- Have identified some scope for refactoring of code
- Also want to make the compilation of this class, and its associated example binary, optional
15th March 2017 Mark Whitehead
(in branch for developing time-dependent model)
* Handle event-by-event mistag probabilities
7th March 2017 Thomas Latham
* Rename the command for weighting events from "reweight" to "weight"
3rd March 2017 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Implement LauCPFitModel::weightEvents based on the same function in LauSimpleFitModel
1st March 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Fix root-cling related errors
28th February 2017 Thomas Latham
(in branch for developing RooFit-based slave)
* Start work on creation of RooFit-based slave class
- Will allow RooFit-based fitters to plug-in straightforwardly to the simultaneous fitting (JFit) framework
20th February 2017 Thomas Latham
* Add warning messages to LauBkgndDPModel::setBkgndHisto when supplied backgroud histogram pointers are null
31st January 2017 Thomas Latham
* Audit of the code to automate the creation of the integration binning scheme.
- Fix one bug, some tidy-ups, and reintroduce a couple of lost features:
- the use of a single square-DP grid if a narrow resonance is found in m12
- extension of region down to threshold if the narrow resonance is close to threshold
22nd January 2017 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Fix bug in automated integration scheme where resonances were assumed to have been added in order of ascending mass
14th December 2016 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Add several light resonances to the list in LauResonanceMaker
13th December 2016 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Automate the determination of the integration scheme for an arbitrary number of narrow resonances in m13 and m23
12th December 2016 Daniel O'Hanlon
* Efficiency saving from modifying the behaviour of LauIsobarDynamics::calculateAmplitudes, LauIsobarDynamics::resAmp and LauIsobarDynamics::incohResAmp in the case of symmetric DPs
- Previously, there were 2N calls to LauKinematics::flipAndUpdateKinematics for N resonances, now reduced to 2
21st November 2016 John Back
* Added two K-matrix examples for creating pedagogical plots (with associated data files):
- B3piKMatrixPlots for K-matrix elements, propagator, and pole and SVP production terms
- B3piKMatrixMassProj for pole and SVP mass projections generated over the DP
17th November 2016 John Back
* Modifications of the K matrix implementation:
- Changed the format of the parameter file to use keywords, with updated examples
- The scattering coefficients are now symmetrised, unless "ScattSymmetry 0" is used
- Allow the option to use the Adler zero suppression term for the production poles and SVPs (default = off).
These are specified with the useProdAdler boolean in the LauKMatrixProdPole/SVP constructors
- Added a few helper functions for obtaining coefficients and (internal) matrices
- Added a method to return the Lorentz-invariant transition amplitude for plots/tests
1st November 2016 Wenbin Qian
* Add calculation of so-called covariant factors for spin amplitude
* Modification of LauFitNtuple to check the size of the covariance matrix wrt known number of parameters and act accordingly:
- If it is empty, just fill a diagonal correlation matrix and issue a warning.
- If it results from a failed first stage of a two-stage fit then the correlation matrix is padded with 1s and 0s for the parameters that were fixed in the first stage.
* Remove the feature that allows parameters to float in first stage of a two-stage fit but to be fixed in second.
* Minor fix to LauAbsCoeffSet: the names of parameters would be mangled if they were the same as the basename, e.g. A1_A would become A1_ while A1_B would be correct.
8th September 2016 Thomas Latham
* Modifications to LauResonanceInfo to allow customisation of which extra parameters are shared between charge conjugate or shared-parameter records.
- Where the parameters are not shared they are independently created instead of being cloned.
* Modification of LauRhoOmegaMix to take advantage of the above to have the magB and phiB parameters independent.
* Addition to LauResonanceMaker of rho(770)_COPY record that is a shared record with rho(770) - this allows the above new feature to be used.
* Minor unrelated improvement to information messages in LauIsobarDynamics.
25th August 2016 John Back
* Modified LauRhoOmegaMix to allow either a RelBW or GS lineshape for the rho, as well as
allowing the option to set the second-order denominator term to be equal to unity.
Also fixed the bug where the spinTerm was not included in the rho-omega amplitude.
Changed the LauAbsResonance enum from RhoOmegaMix to RhoOmegaMix_GS, RhoOmegaMix_RBW,
RhoOmegaMix_GS_1 and RhoOmegaMix_RBW_1, where _1 sets the denominator term to unity and
_GS or _RBW sets the appropriate rho lineshape. The omega is always a RelBW.
* Added to LauAbsResonance: ignoreSpin and ignoreBarrierScaling boolean flags, which ignore
either the spin terms or the barrier scaling factors for the amplitude. The latter does not
turn off the resonance barrier factor for mass-dependent widths
* Added to LauResonanceMaker: getResInfo(resonanceName), which retrieves the resonance information.
This is used to obtain the PDG omega values for initialising LauRhoOmegaMix
* Made LauRelBreitWignerRes ignore momentum-dependent terms for the resonance width if ignoreMomenta is set.
This is used in the LauRhoOmegaMix for the omega lineshape where its width does not depend on momentum
23rd May 2016 John Back
* Added new lineshape model for rho-omega mass mixing, LauRhoOmegaMix.
12th April 2016 Thomas Latham
* Switch to integrating in square DP when narrow resonances are found in m12.
- The integration grid size can be specified by the user
19th January 2016 John Back
* Correct the f(m^2) factor in the denominator of the LauGounarisSakuraiRes
lineshape to use Gamma_0 instead of Gamma(m)
14th January 2016 Thomas Latham
* Documentation improvements
7th December 2015 Thomas Latham
* Resolve bug that meant the order of resonances in LauIsobarDynamics was assumed to match with the order in which the complex coefficients are supplied to the fit model
- The ordering of resonances is defined by LauIsobarDynamics:
- Firstly all coherent resonances in order of addition
- Followed by all incoherent resonances in order of addition
- The complex coefficients are now rearranged to match that order
- Printout of the model summary at the end of initialisation has been enhanced to indicate the ordering
- Doxygen updated to reflect these changes
12th November 2015 Daniel Craik
* Added support for Akima splines and linear interpolation to Lau1DCubicSpline
* LauAbsModIndPartWave, LauModIndPartWaveRealImag and LauModIndPartWaveMagPhase updated to allow choice of spline interpolation method
* LauEFKLLMRes updated to use Akima splines
10th November 2015 Thomas Latham & Daniel Craik
* Add the EFKLLM form-factor model for the Kpi S-wave and an example using this lineshape
* Modify LauResonanceMaker::getResonance to use a switch for greater clarity and easier checking on missing cases
4th November 2015 Daniel Craik
* Add checks to LauIsobarDynamics::addResonance and LauIsobarDynamics::addIncohResonance to stop the wrong type of LauResonanceModel being used
- LauAbsResonance::isIncoherentModel method added to identify incoherent models
8th September 2015 Mark Whitehead
* Add the ability to modify the error of parameters via the CoeffSet
- setParameterError added to LauAbsCoeffSet
* Tweak the handling of initial error values passed to MINUIT (to determine initial step size) in LauMinuit
7th September 2015 Mark Whitehead
* Add the ability to Gaussian constrain parameters via the CoeffSet
- addGaussianConstraint added to LauAbsCoeffSet
12th June 2015 Thomas Latham
* Modifications to Belle-style nonresonant models
- LauBelleNR modified to use pure Legendre polynomials of cos(theta) in the spin term (i.e. to remove the q*p factors)
- New form added to LauBelleSymNR (LauAbsResonance::BelleSymNRNoInter) that removes the interference term between the two DP halves
- The new form also works with non-zero spin (warning added if non-zero spin specified for BelleSymNR and TaylorNR)
8th June 2015 Thomas Latham
* Further work on the blinding mechanism:
- New method added LauParameter::blindParameter that activates the blinding.
- The rest of the framework updated to use another new method LauParameter::unblindedValue in all likelihood calculations etc.
- Example GenFitNoDP updated to include lines to optionally blind the yield parameters.
29th May 2015 Daniel Craik
* Added LauBlind class for blinding and unblinding a value with an offset based on a blinding string
26th May 2015 Daniel Craik
* Stopped LauCPFitModel passing fixed signal/background yields or
asymmetries to Minuit to avoid hitting limit of 101 fixed parameters
22nd April 2015 Daniel Craik
* Updated MIPW classes to use Lau1DCubicSpline
19th April 2015 Daniel Craik
* Added Lau1DCubicSpline class for 1D spline interpolation
26th March 2015 Thomas Latham
* Reworked MIPW code into abstract base class and derived classes
to allow different representations of the amplitude at each knot
31st December 2015 Daniel Craik
* Added unbinned goodness of fit tests to examples
12th January 2015 Daniel Craik
* Calculate effective masses for virtual resonances above the upper kinematic limit
10th December 2014 Daniel Craik
* Added coefficient sets to extract gamma from a simultaneous fit to CP and nonCP final states,
such as the B0->D_CP K pi and B0->D0bar K pi Dalitz plots, as proposed in Phys. Rev. D79, 051301 (2009)
- LauPolarGammaCPCoeffSet uses the CP parameters r, delta and gamma directly
- LauRealImagGammaCPCoeffSet parameterises CPV as X_CP+/- and Y_CP+/-
- LauCartesianGammaCPCoeffSet parameterises CPV as X_CP, Y_CP DeltaX_CP DeltaY_CP
- Fixed CP parameters are not passed to the fitter so the same coefficient sets can be used for both the
CP and nonCP Dalitz plots
- LauPolarGammaCPCoeffSet allows for a single gamma parameter to be shared between multiple resonances
- LauAbsCoeffSet::adjustName made virtual to allow global variables such as gamma to not receive a prefix
* Fixed bug in floating of Blatt-Weisskopf barrier radii
- The values at the pole mass were not being updated when the radii changed
21st October 2014 Daniel Craik
* Fixed bug in LauIsobarDynamics where multiple incoherent amplitudes led to nonsensical fit fractions
17th October 2014 John Back
* Added the ability to calculate the transition amplitude matrix T in LauKMatrixPropagator,
as well as a few other minor speed-up changes and code checks. Example/PlotKMatrixTAmp.cc
can be used to check the T amplitude variation, phase shift and inelasticity, for a given
K matrix channel, as a function of the invariant mass squared variable s
15th October 2014 Thomas Latham
* Add methods to LauIsobarDynamics to make the integration binning more tunable by the user:
- setNarrowResonanceThreshold - modify the value below which a resonance is considered to be narrow (defaults to 0.02 GeV/c2)
- setIntegralBinningFactor - modify the factor by which the narrow resonance width is divided to obtain the bin size (defaults to 100)
* Print warning messages if the memory usage is likely to be very large
13th October 2014 Thomas Latham
* Modify Makefile to allow compilation with ROOT 6 (in addition to maintaining support for ROOT 5)
* Fix a few compilation errors on MacOSX 10.9
13th October 2014 Daniel Craik
* Update LauModIndPartWave to allow knots at kinematic limits to be modified
- Add new method setKnotAmp to modify existing knots (and the knot at the upper kinematic limit which is automatically added at initialisation)
* Update doxygen for LauIsobarDynamics::addIncoherentResonance to mention that incoherent resonances must be added last
10th October 2014 Thomas Latham
* Add new method to LauResonanceMaker to set whether the radius of a given Blatt-Weisskopf category should be fixed of floated
* Modify the methods of LauResonanceMaker to set the radius value and whether it should be floated so that they work before and after the resonances have been created
9th October 2014 John Back
* Corrected the eta-eta' and 4pi phase space factors in LauKMatrixPropagator,
which is used for the K-matrix amplitude:
- calcEtaEtaPRho() does not include the mass difference term m_eta - m_eta'
following the recommendation in hep-ph/0204328 and from advice from M Pennington
- calcFourPiRho() incorporates a better parameterisation of the double integral of Eq 4 in
hep-ph/0204328 which avoids the exponential increase for small values of s (~< 0.1)
- More detailed comments are provided in the above two functions to explain what is
going on and the reason for the choices made
6th October 2014 Thomas Latham
* Implement the mechanism for floating Blatt-Weisskopf barrier factor radius parameters
30th September 2014 Thomas Latham
* Fix issue in the checks on toy MC generation validity
- in the case of exceeding max iterations it was possible to enter an infinite loop
- the checks now detect all three possible states:
- aSqMaxSet_ is too low (generation is biased) => increase aSqMaxSet_ value
- aSqMaxSet_ is too high => reduce aSqMaxSet_ value to improve efficiency
- aSqMaxSet_ is high (causing low efficiency) but cannot be lowered without biasing => increase iterationsMax_ limit
* Update resonance parameter in LauResonanceMaker to match PDG 2014
* Modify behaviour when TTree objects are saved into files to avoid having multiple cycle numbers present
29th September 2014 Daniel Craik
* Add support for incoherent resonances in the signal model
- LauIsobarDynamics updated to include incoherent terms
- ABC for incoherent resonances, LauAbsIncohRes, added deriving from LauAbsResonance
- LauGaussIncohRes added to implement a Gaussian incoherent resonance, deriving from LauAbsIncohRes
- Small changes to various other classes to enable incoherent terms
* Fixed small bug in LauMagPhaseCoeffSet which could hang if phase is exactly pi or -pi
* Added charged version of the BelleNR resonances to LauResonanceMaker
* Updated parameters in LauConstants to match PDG 2014
14th July 2014 Thomas Latham
* Add intial support for fully-symmetric final states such as B0 -> KS KS KS
- Performs the symmetrisation of the signal model
- Background (and efficiency) histogram classes need some work if the user wants to provide folded histograms
8th July 2014 Daniel Craik
* Add class for model-independent partial wave
- Uses splines to produce a smooth amplitude from a set of magnitude and phase values at given invariant masses
- The individual magnitudes and phases can be floated in the fit
16th June 2014 Thomas Latham
* Allow floating of resonance parameters in simultaneous fits
13th June 2014 Thomas Latham
* Fix bug in LauResonanceInfo cloning method, where the width parameter was given a clone of the mass
10th June 2014 Thomas Latham
* Add new function to allow sharing of resonance parameters between components that are not charged conjugates, e.g. LASS_BW and LASS_NR
9th June 2014 Thomas Latham and Daniel Craik
* Fix bug in the new integration scheme
- Was not accounting for cases where several resonances share a floating parameter
- Meant that the integrals and caches for that resonance were not being updated
* Introduce a change in the implementation of the helicity flip for neutral parent decays
- Prior to this change the helicity was flipped for any neutral resonance in the decay of a neutral particle.
- Now the flip no longer occurs in flavour-specific decays (such as Bs0 -> D0bar K- pi+ or B0 -> K+ pi- pi0) since it is only required in flavour-conjugate modes (such as B0 -> KS pi+ pi-).
- This does not affect any physical results but it does contribute a pi phase flip to some odd-spin resonances (for example K*(892)0 in Bs0->D0barKpi).
- Therefore results are not necessarily comparable between fits run before and after this changeset.