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diff --git a/app/nuwro_NUISANCE.cxx b/app/nuwro_NUISANCE.cxx
index 9a27f1b..fe8053c 100644
--- a/app/nuwro_NUISANCE.cxx
+++ b/app/nuwro_NUISANCE.cxx
@@ -1,485 +1,486 @@
#ifdef __NUWRO_ENABLED__
#include "ComparisonRoutines.h"
#include "ParserUtils.h"
// All possible inputs
std::string gOptEnergyDef;
std::vector<double> gOptEnergyRange;
int gOptNumberEvents = -1;
int gOptNumberTestEvents = 5E6;
std::string gOptGeneratorList = "Default";
std::string gOptCrossSections = "Default"; // If default this will look in $NUISANCE/data/nuwro/default_params.txt
int gOptSeed = time(NULL);
std::string gOptTargetDef = "";
std::string gOptFluxDef = "";
std::string gOptOutputFile = "";
int gOptRunNumber = -1;
void GetCommandLineArgs (int argc, char ** argv);
void PrintSyntax (void);
std::string GetDynamicModes(std::string list){
LOG(FIT) << "Using " << list << " to define interaction modes." << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, int> modes;
if (!"Default")){
modes["dyn_qel_cc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic charged current
modes["dyn_qel_nc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic neutral current
modes["dyn_res_cc"] = 1; // Resonant charged current
modes["dyn_res_nc"] = 1; // Resonant neutral current
modes["dyn_dis_cc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic charged current
modes["dyn_dis_nc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic neutral current
modes["dyn_coh_cc"] = 1; // Coherent charged current
modes["dyn_coh_nc"] = 1; // Coherent neutral current
modes["dyn_mec_cc"] = 0; // Meson exchange charged current
modes["dyn_mec_nc"] = 0; // Meson exchange neutral current
} else if (!"DefaultFree")){
modes["dyn_qel_cc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic charged current
modes["dyn_qel_nc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic neutral current
modes["dyn_res_cc"] = 1; // Resonant charged current
modes["dyn_res_nc"] = 1; // Resonant neutral current
modes["dyn_dis_cc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic charged current
modes["dyn_dis_nc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic neutral current
modes["dyn_coh_cc"] = 0; // Coherent charged current
modes["dyn_coh_nc"] = 0; // Coherent neutral current
modes["dyn_mec_cc"] = 0; // Meson exchange charged current
modes["dyn_mec_nc"] = 0; // Meson exchange neutral current
} else if (!"Default+MEC")){
modes["dyn_qel_cc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic charged current
modes["dyn_qel_nc"] = 1; // Quasi elastic neutral current
modes["dyn_res_cc"] = 1; // Resonant charged current
modes["dyn_res_nc"] = 1; // Resonant neutral current
modes["dyn_dis_cc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic charged current
modes["dyn_dis_nc"] = 1; // Deep inelastic neutral current
modes["dyn_coh_cc"] = 1; // Coherent charged current
modes["dyn_coh_nc"] = 1; // Coherent neutral current
modes["dyn_mec_cc"] = 1; // Meson exchange charged current
modes["dyn_mec_nc"] = 1; // Meson exchange neutral current
} else {
THROW("Event generator list " << list << " not found!");
std::string modestring = "";
for(std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter = modes.begin();
iter != modes.end(); iter++){
std::cout << " -> " << iter->first << " : " << iter->second << std::endl;
modestring += " -p \"" + iter->first + "=" + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(iter->second) + "\"";
return modestring;
std::string GetFluxDefinition(std::string flux, std::string out){
LOG(FIT) << "Using " << flux << " to define NuWro beam." << std::endl;
// By default the flux is type 6 with a root file
std::vector<std::string> fluxargs = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(flux,",");
if (fluxargs.size() < 2){
THROW("Expected flux in the format: file.root,hist_name1[pdg1],... : reveived : " << flux);
// Build Map
std::map<std::string, std::string> fluxmap;
fluxmap["beam_type"] = "6";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot"] = fluxargs[0];
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nue"] = "";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nueb"] = "";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_numu"] = "";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_numub"] = "";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nutau"] = "";
fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nutaub"] = "";
// Split by beam bdgs
for (int i = 1; i < fluxargs.size(); i++){
std::string histdef = fluxargs[i];
string::size_type open_bracket = histdef.find("[");
string::size_type close_bracket = histdef.find("]");
string::size_type ibeg = 0;
string::size_type iend = open_bracket;
string::size_type jbeg = open_bracket+1;
string::size_type jend = close_bracket-1;
std::string name = std::string(histdef.substr(ibeg,iend).c_str());
int pdg = atoi(histdef.substr(jbeg,jend).c_str());
if (pdg == 12) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nue"] = name;
else if (pdg ==-12) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nueb"] = name;
else if (pdg == 14) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_numu"] = name;
else if (pdg ==-14) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_numub"] = name;
else if (pdg == 16) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nutau"] = name;
else if (pdg ==-16) fluxmap["beam_inputroot_nutaub"] = name;
// Now create a new flux file matching the output file
std::cout << " -> Moving flux from '" + fluxmap["beam_inputroot"] + "' to current directory to keep everything organised." << std::endl;
TFile* fluxread = new TFile(fluxmap["beam_inputroot"].c_str(),"READ");
TFile* fluxwrite = new TFile((out + ".flux.root").c_str(),"RECREATE");
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = fluxmap.begin();
iter != fluxmap.end(); iter++){
TH1* temp = (TH1*)fluxread->Get(iter->second.c_str());
if (!temp) continue;
TH1D* cuthist = (TH1D*)temp->Clone();
// Restrict energy range if required
if (gOptEnergyRange.size() == 2){
for (int i = 0; i < cuthist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
if (cuthist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i+1) < gOptEnergyRange[0] or
cuthist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i+1) > gOptEnergyRange[1]){
cuthist->SetBinContent(i+1, 0.0);
// Check Flux
if (cuthist->Integral() <= 0.0){
THROW("Flux histogram " << iter->second << " has integral <= 0.0");
// Save
std::cout << " ->-> Saved to : " << (out + ".flux.root") << std::endl;
fluxmap["beam_inputroot"] = (out + ".flux.root");
// Return a parameters string
std::string fluxstring = "";
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = fluxmap.begin();
iter != fluxmap.end(); iter++){
std::cout << " -> " << iter->first << " : " << iter->second << std::endl;
fluxstring += " -p \"" + iter->first + "=" + iter->second + "\"";
return fluxstring;
std::string GetTargetDefinition(std::string target){
LOG(FIT) << "Defining NuWro Target from : " << target << std::endl;
// Target is given as either a single PDG, or a combo with the total number of nucleons
std::vector<std::string> trgts = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(target,",");
std::string targetstring = "";
// Single Target
if (trgts.size() == 1){
int PDG = GeneralUtils::StrToInt(trgts[0]);
int Z = TargetUtils::GetTargetZFromPDG(PDG);
int N = TargetUtils::GetTargetAFromPDG(PDG) - Z;
int TOTAL = 1;
targetstring += (" -p \"target_content="
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(Z) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(N) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(TOTAL) + "x"
+ "\"");
// Combined target
} else if (trgts.size() > 1){
int NUCLEONS = GeneralUtils::StrToInt(trgts[0]);
// Loop over all targets
for (size_t i = 1; i < trgts.size(); i++){
// Extra PDG and W
std::string tgtdef = trgts[i];
string::size_type open_bracket = tgtdef.find("[");
string::size_type close_bracket = tgtdef.find("]");
string::size_type ibeg = 0;
string::size_type iend = open_bracket;
string::size_type jbeg = open_bracket+1;
string::size_type jend = close_bracket-1;
int PDG = atoi(tgtdef.substr(ibeg,iend).c_str());
double W = atof(tgtdef.substr(jbeg,jend).c_str());
// extract Z N
int Z = TargetUtils::GetTargetZFromPDG(PDG);
+ int A = TargetUtils::GetTargetAFromPDG(PDG);
int N = TargetUtils::GetTargetAFromPDG(PDG) - Z;
std::cout << "Target " << PDG << " Z" << Z << " N" << N << std::endl;
// extract weight
- int TOTAL = int(double(NUCLEONS)*W);
+ int TOTAL = round(double(NUCLEONS)*W / A);
if (i == 1){
targetstring += (" -p \"target_content="
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(Z) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(N) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(TOTAL) + "x"
+ "\"");
} else {
targetstring += (" -p \"target_content+="
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(Z) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(N) + " "
+ GeneralUtils::IntToStr(TOTAL) + "x"
+ "\"");
// No target given!
} else {
THROW("No target given : " << target);
std::cout << " -> " << targetstring << std::endl;
return targetstring;
std::string GetEventAndSeedDefinition(int nevents, int ntestevents, int seed){
std::string eventdef = "";
eventdef += " -p \"number_of_events=" + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(nevents) + "\"";
eventdef += " -p \"number_of_test_events=" + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(ntestevents) + "\"";
eventdef += " -p \"random_seed=" + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(seed) + "\"";
LOG(FIT) << "Event Definition: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " -> number_of_events : " << nevents << std::endl;
std::cout << " -> number_of_test_events : " << ntestevents << std::endl;
std::cout << " -> seed : " << seed << std::endl;
return eventdef;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
LOG(FIT) << "==== RUNNING nuwro_nuisance Event Generator =====" << std::endl;
// Calculate the dynamic modes definition
std::string dynparamsdef = GetDynamicModes(gOptGeneratorList);
// Get Flux and Target definition
std::string fluxparamsdef = GetFluxDefinition(gOptFluxDef, gOptOutputFile);
std::string targetparamsdef = GetTargetDefinition(gOptTargetDef);
// Get Run Definition
std::string eventparamsdef = GetEventAndSeedDefinition(gOptNumberEvents,
// Run NuWro Externally!
LOG(FIT) << "==== Actually running nuwro! ===" << std::endl;
std::string nuwrocommand = "nuwro";
nuwrocommand += " -i " + gOptCrossSections;
nuwrocommand += " -o " + gOptOutputFile;
nuwrocommand += " " + fluxparamsdef;
nuwrocommand += " " + dynparamsdef;
nuwrocommand += " " + eventparamsdef;
nuwrocommand += " " + targetparamsdef;
std::cout << nuwrocommand << std::endl;
return 0;
void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char ** argv)
// Check for -h flag.
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
if (!std::string(argv[i]).compare("-h")) PrintSyntax();
// Format is nuwro -r run_number -n n events
std::vector<std::string> args = GeneralUtils::LoadCharToVectStr(argc, argv);
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-n", gOptNumberEvents, false);
if (gOptNumberEvents == -1){
THROW( "No event count passed to nuwro_NUISANCE!");
// Flux/Energy Specs
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-e", gOptEnergyDef, false);
gOptEnergyRange = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(gOptEnergyDef,",");
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-f", gOptFluxDef, false);
if (gOptFluxDef.empty() and gOptEnergyRange.size() < 1){
THROW("No flux or energy range given to nuwro_nuisance!");
} else if (gOptFluxDef.empty() and gOptEnergyRange.size() == 1){
// Fixed energy, make sure -p is given
THROW("nuwro_NUISANCE cannot yet do fixed energy!");
} else if (gOptFluxDef.empty() and gOptEnergyRange.size() == 2){
// Uniform energy range
THROW("nuwro_NUISANCE cannot yet do a uniform energy range!");
} else if (!gOptFluxDef.empty()){
// Try to convert the flux definition if possible.
std::string convflux = BeamUtils::ConvertFluxIDs(gOptFluxDef);
if (!convflux.empty()) gOptFluxDef = convflux;
} else {
THROW("Unknown flux energy range combination!");
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-t", gOptTargetDef, false);
if (gOptTargetDef.empty()){
THROW("No Target passed to nuwro_nuisance! use the '-t' argument.");
} else {
std::string convtarget = TargetUtils::ConvertTargetIDs(gOptTargetDef);
if (!convtarget.empty()) gOptTargetDef = convtarget;
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-r", gOptRunNumber, false);
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "-o", gOptOutputFile, false);
if (gOptOutputFile.empty()){
if (gOptRunNumber == -1) gOptRunNumber = 1;
LOG(FIT) << "No output file given! Saving file to : nuwrogen." << gOptRunNumber << ".event.root" << std::endl;
gOptOutputFile = "nuwrogen." + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(gOptRunNumber) + ".event.root";
} else {
// if no run number given leave as is, else add run number.
if (gOptRunNumber != -1){
gOptOutputFile += "." + GeneralUtils::IntToStr(gOptRunNumber) + ".root";
} else {
gOptRunNumber = 0;
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "--cross-section", gOptCrossSections, false);
if (!"Default")){
LOG(FIT) << "No Parameters File passed. Using default NuWro one." << std::endl;
char * const var = getenv("NUISANCE");
if (!var) {
std::cout << "Cannot find top level directory! Set the NUISANCE environmental variable" << std::endl;
std::string topnuisancedir = string(var);
gOptCrossSections = topnuisancedir + "/nuwro/Default_params.txt";
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "--event-generator-list", gOptGeneratorList, false);
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "--seed", gOptSeed, false);
ParserUtils::ParseArgument(args, "--test-events", gOptNumberTestEvents, false);
// Final Check and output
if (args.size() > 0){
LOG(FIT) << "Generating NuWro Events with the following properties:" << std::endl
<< " -> Energy : " << gOptEnergyDef << " (" << gOptEnergyRange.size() << ")" << std::endl
<< " -> NEvents : " << gOptNumberEvents << std::endl
<< " -> NTestEvents : " << gOptNumberTestEvents << std::endl
<< " -> Generators : " << gOptGeneratorList << std::endl
<< " -> XSecPars : " << gOptCrossSections << std::endl
<< " -> Seed : " << gOptSeed << std::endl
<< " -> Target : " << gOptTargetDef << std::endl
<< " -> Flux : " << gOptFluxDef << std::endl
<< " -> Output : " << gOptOutputFile << std::endl
<< " -> Run : " << gOptRunNumber << std::endl;
void PrintSyntax(void)
<< "\n\n" << "Syntax:" << "\n"
<< "\n nuwro_nuisance [-h]"
<< "\n -n nev"
<< "\n -f flux_description"
<< "\n -t target_description"
<< "\n [ -r run_number ]"
<< "\n [ -o output_file ]"
<< "\n [ --cross-section /path/to/params.txt ]"
<< "\n [ --event-generator-list mode_definition ]"
<< "\n [ --seed seed_value ]"
<< "\n [ --test-events ntest ]"
<< "\n \n";
<< "\n\n Arguments:" << "\n"
<< "\n -n nev"
<< "\n -> Total number of events to generate (e.g. 2500000)"
<< "\n"
<< "\n -f flux_description"
<< "\n Definition of the flux to be read in from a ROOT file."
<< "\n"
<< "\n Multiple histograms can be read in from the same file using"
<< "\n the format '-f file.root,hist1[pdg1],hist2[pdg2]"
<< "\n e.g. \'-f ./flux/myfluxfile.root,numu_flux[14],numubar_flux[-14]\'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n When passing in multiple histograms, the nuwro_nuisance will"
<< "\n generate a single file containing both sets of events with the"
<< "\n correct ratios for each set."
<< "\n"
<< "\n A flux can also be given according to any of the flux IDs shown"
<< "\n at the end of this help message."
<< "\n e.g. \' -f MINERvA_fhc_numu\' "
<< "\n"
<< "\n -t target_description"
<< "\n Definition of the target to be used. Multiple targets can be given."
<< "\n"
<< "\n To pass a single target just provide the target PDG"
<< "\n e.g. \' -t 1000060120 \'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n To pass a combined target provide a list containing the following"
<< "\n \' -t TotalNucleons,Target1[Weight1],Target2[Weight2],.. where the "
<< "\n TotalNucleons is the total nucleons combined, Target1 is the PDG "
<< "\n of the first target, and Weight1 is the fractional weight of the "
<< "\n first target."
<< "\n e.g. \' -t 13,1000060120[0.9231],1000010010[0.0769] \'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n Target can also be specified by the target IDs given at the end of"
<< "\n this help message."
<< "\n e.g. \' -t CH2 \'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n -r run_number"
<< "\n run number ID that can be used when generating large samples in small "
<< "\n jobs. Must be an integer. When given nuwro_nuisance will update the "
<< "\n output file from 'output.root' to 'output.root.run_number.root'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n -o output_file"
<< "\n Path to the output_file you want to save events to."
<< "\n"
<< "\n If this is not given but '-r' is then events will be saved to "
<< "\n the file ''"
<< "\n"
<< "\n If a run number is given alongside '-o' then events will be saved "
<< "\n to 'output.root.run_number.root'"
<< "\n"
<< "\n --cross-section /path/to/params.txt"
<< "\n Path to the nuwro model definition. If this is not given, then this "
<< "\n will default to $NUISANCE/data/nuwro/Default_params.txt"
<< "\n"
<< "\n Look in $NUISANCE/data/nuwro/Default_params.txt for examples when "
<< "\n writing your own card files."
<< "\n"
<< "\n --event-generator-list mode_definition"
<< "\n Name of modes to run. This sets the dynamic mode settings in nuwro."
<< "\n e.g. --event-generator-list Default+MEC"
<< "\n"
<< "\n Allowed mode_definitions are given at the end of this help message."
<< "\n"
<< "\n --seed seed_value "
<< "\n Value to use as the seed. If seed isn't given, time(NULL) is used."
<< "\n"
<< "\n --test-events ntest "
<< "\n Sets the number of test events for Nuwro to use. If this option "
<< "\n isn't given then we assume 5E6 test events by default."
<< "\n\n";
std::cout << "-----------------"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "-----------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "-----------------" << std::endl;
LOG(FIT) << "Allowed Mode Definitions:" << std::endl
<< " - Default : Default CC+NC modes, no MEC" << std::endl
<< " - Default+MEC : Default CC+NC modes + 2p2h MEC " << std::endl
<< " - DefaultFree : Default CC+NC modes, no Coherent or MEC " << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------" << std::endl;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:18 PM (21 h, 4 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(19 KB)

Event Timeline