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diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
@@ -1,190 +1,196 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_SmearedParticles_HH
#define RIVET_SmearedParticles_HH
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ParticleFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/SmearingFunctions.hh"
namespace Rivet {
// Recursive variadic template decoding
namespace {
// For handling an optional Cut as final element... too fiddly?
// void toEffSmearFns(vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>&, Cut& c, const Cut& c2) {
// c = c2;
// }
+ // template<typename... ARGS>
+ // vector<ParticleEffSmearFn> toEffSmearFns(ARGS... args) {
+ // vector<ParticleEffSmearFn> v;
+ // toEffSmearFns(v, args...);
+ // return v;
+ // }
template<typename T>
vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& toEffSmearFns(vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& v, const T& t) {
return v;
- template<typename T, typename... Args>
- vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& toEffSmearFns(vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& v, const T& first, Args... args) {
+ template<typename T, typename... ARGS>
+ vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& toEffSmearFns(vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& v, const T& first, ARGS... args) {
toEffSmearFns(v, args...);
return v;
/// Wrapper projection for smearing {@link Jet}s with detector resolutions and efficiencies
class SmearedParticles : public ParticleFinder {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// @brief Constructor with const efficiency
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
double eff,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, eff)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with an efficiency function arg
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const ParticleEffFn& effFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, effFn)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with const efficiency and a smearing function
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
double eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smearFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, eff, smearFn)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with const efficiency and a smearing function
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const ParticleSmearFn& smearFn, double eff,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, smearFn, eff)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const ParticleEffFn& effFn, const ParticleSmearFn& smearFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, effFn, smearFn)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const ParticleSmearFn& smearFn, const ParticleEffFn& effFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, c, smearFn, effFn)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: ParticleFinder(c),
addProjection(pf, "TruthParticles");
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const initializer_list<ParticleEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, vector<ParticleEffSmearFn>{effSmearFns}, c)
{ }
// /// @brief Constructor with an arbitrary list of efficiency and smearing function args
// /// @todo Wouldn't it be nice if the Cut could go *after* the parameter pack? Oh well...
// template<typename... Args>
// SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf, const Cut& c, Args... effSmearFns)
// : ParticleFinder(c)
// {
// setName("SmearedParticles");
// addProjection(pf, "TruthParticles");
// toEffSmearFns(_detFns, effSmearFns...);
// }
/// @brief Constructor with an arbitrary list of efficiency and smearing function args
/// @todo Wouldn't it be nice if the Cut could go *after* the parameter pack? Oh well...
- template<typename... Args>
- SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf, const Cut& c, Args... effSmearFns)
+ template<typename... ARGS>
+ SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf, const Cut& c, ARGS... effSmearFns)
: SmearedParticles(pf, toEffSmearFns(_detFns, effSmearFns...))
{ }
/// Clone on the heap.
/// Compare to another SmearedParticles
int compare(const Projection& p) const {
/// @todo Need to implement the comparison operator on the *EffSmearFn structs
// const SmearedParticles& other = dynamic_cast<const SmearedParticles&>(p);
// if (get_address(_detFns[0]) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
// MSG_TRACE("hashes = ");
// for (size_t i = 0; i < _detFns.size(); ++i)
// MSG_TRACE( get_address(_detFns[i]) << "," << get_address(other._detFns[i]) << "; ");
// Cmp<unsigned long> ret = mkPCmp(other, "TruthParticles");
// for (size_t i = 0; i < _detFns.size(); ++i)
// ret = ret || cmp(get_address(_detFns[i]), get_address(other._detFns[i]));
// return ret;
// if (get_address(_effFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
// if (get_address(_smearFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
// MSG_TRACE("Eff hashes = " << get_address(_effFn) << "," << get_address(other._effFn) << "; " <<
// "smear hashes = " << get_address(_smearFn) << "," << get_address(other._smearFn));
// return mkPCmp(other, "TruthParticles") ||
// cmp(get_address(_effFn), get_address(other._effFn)) ||
// cmp(get_address(_smearFn), get_address(other._smearFn));
/// Perform the particle finding & smearing calculation
void project(const Event& e) {
// Copying and filtering
const Particles& truthparticles = apply<ParticleFinder>(e, "TruthParticles").particlesByPt();
_theParticles.clear(); _theParticles.reserve(truthparticles.size());
for (const Particle& p : truthparticles) {
Particle pdet = p;
double peff = -1;
bool keep = true;
for (const ParticleEffSmearFn& fn : _detFns) {
tie(pdet, peff) = fn(pdet); // smear & eff
MSG_DEBUG("New det particle: pid=" <<
<< ", mom=" << << " GeV, "
<< "pT=" << pdet.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << pdet.eta()
<< " : eff=" << 100*peff << "%");
if (peff <= 0) { keep = false; break; } //< no need to roll expensive dice (and we deal with -ve probabilities, just in case)
if (peff < 1 && rand01() > peff) { keep = false; break; } //< roll dice (and deal with >1 probabilities, just in case)
if (keep) _theParticles.push_back(pdet);
/// Reset the projection. Smearing functions will be unchanged.
void reset() { _theParticles.clear(); }
/// Stored efficiency & smearing functions
vector<ParticleEffSmearFn> _detFns;

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Sat, Dec 21, 4:16 PM (21 h, 43 m)
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