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#include "CMass.h"
#include <cmath>
CMass* CMass::fInstance = 0; // mod-TU
* Constructor
fExpMass = new float [chart.iMassDim];
fCalMass = new float [chart.iMassDim];
fFRM = new float [chart.iMassDim];
//fBeta2 = new float [chart.iMassDim];
fShell = new float [chart.iMassDim];
fExpMass[0] = 8.071;
fExpMass[1] = 7.289;
fCalMass[0] = 8.071;
fCalMass[1] = 7.289;
CMass* CMass::instance() // mod-TU
if (fInstance == 0) {
fInstance = new CMass;
return fInstance;
* Destructor
delete [] fExpMass;
delete [] fCalMass;
delete [] fFRM;
// delete [] fBeta2;
delete [] fShell;
* Returns the experimental mass excess
* If teh experimental excess is not known, then the Moller Nix value
* is returned
\param iZ is the proton number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getExpMass(int iZ, int iA)
//find location of nuclide in array where the mass is stored
int i = chart.getIndex(iZ,iA);
return fExpMass[i];
* Returns the calculated mass excess from Moller and Nix
\param iZ is the proton number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getCalMass(int iZ, int iA)
//find location of nuclide in array where the mass is stored
int i = chart.getIndex(iZ,iA);
return fCalMass[i];
* Returns the shell correction from Moller and Nix
\param iZ is the proton number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getShellCorrection(int iZ, int iA)
//find location of nuclide in array where the mass is stored
int i = chart.getIndex(iZ,iA);
return fShell[i];
* Returns the liquid drop mass from moller and Nix
\param iZ is the protom number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getLiquidDropMass(int iZ, int iA)
//find location of nuclide in array where the mass is stored
int i = chart.getIndex(iZ,iA);
if ( i == -1)
return -1000;
return fFRM[i];
* Calculates macroscopic finite range model masses of spherical
* nucleus using formula of Krappe, Nix, and Sierk.
* Reference- (Phys Rev C20, 992 (1979))
* modified to use the parameters of Moller + Nix Nucl. Phys. A361(1981)
* 117. Pairing correction term for odd-odd nuclei
* is included, as this is the most appropriate ground state for hot nuclei
* where shell and pairing effects have washed out.
\param iZ is the proton number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getFiniteRangeMass(int iZ, int iA)
return getFiniteRangeMass((float)iZ,(float)iA);
* Calculates macroscopic finite range model masses of spherical
* nucleus using formula of Krappe, Nix, and Sierk.
* Reference- (Phys Rev C20, 992 (1979))
* modified to use the parameters of Moller + Nix Nucl. Phys. A361(1981)
* 117. Pairing correction term for odd-odd nuclei
* is included, as this is the most appropriate ground state for hot nuclei
* where shell and pairing effects have washed out.
\param fZ is the proton number
\param fA is the mass number
float CMass::getFiniteRangeMass(float fZ, float fA)
float fN = fA - fZ;
float fA13 = pow(fA,(float)(1./3.));
float fA23 = pow(fA13,2);
// relative neutron excess
float fI = (fN-fZ)/fA;
float fFiss = pow(fZ,2)/fA13;
// neutron-proton terms
float const fMassN = 8.071431;
float const fMassH = 7.289034;
float fEnz = fMassN*fN + fMassH*fZ;
//Volume energy
float const fAv = 15.9937;
float const fKv = 1.927;
float fEvol = -fAv*(1.-fKv*pow(fI,2))*fA;
// Surface energy
float const fa = 0.68;
float const fR0 = 1.16;
float const fAs = 21.13;
float const fKs = 2.3;
float fX=fa/(fR0*fA13);
float fact=1.-3.*pow(fX,2)
+ (1.+1./fX)*(2.+3.*fX+3.*pow(fX,2))*exp(-2./fX);
float fEsurf = fAs*(1.-fKs*pow(fI,2))*fA23*fact;
//Coulomb energy
float const e2 = 1.4399764;
fact = fFiss-0.76361*pow(fZ,(float)(4./3.))/fA13;
float fECoul = 0.6*e2/fR0*fact;
//Wigner term
float const fW = 36.;
float const ael = 1.433e-5;
float fEwigner = fW*fabs(fI)-ael*pow(fZ,(float)2.39);
//correction to Coulomb energy for diffuse surface
//see Davies & Nix Phys. Rev. C14 (1976) 1977
float const b = 0.99;
float ad=0.7071*b;
fX = ad/(fR0*fA13);
fact= 1 - 1.875*fX+2.625*pow(fX,3)
float fEcd = -3.*pow(fZ,2)*e2*pow(ad,2)/pow(fR0*fA13,3)*fact;
// correction to coulomb energy due to proton form factor
float const rp = 0.8;
float akf=1./fR0*pow(7.06858*fZ/fA,1./3.);
fX = pow(rp*akf,2);
float fEcpf=-0.125*pow(rp,2)*e2/pow(fR0,3)
//A0 term
float const c0 = 4.4;
float fEa0=c0;
//Charge asymmetry term
float const ca = 0.212;
float fEca=ca*(pow(fZ,2)-pow(fN,2))/fA;
// pairing term for odd-odd nuclei
float deltau = 12./sqrt(fA);
float deltal = 20./fA;
float fEpair =deltau - 0.5 * deltal;
// add all terms
return fEnz+fEvol+fEsurf+fECoul+fEwigner+fEcd+fEcpf+fEa0+fEca+fEpair;
* Returns the pairing correction to the mass formula.
* From from Moller Nix is used.
\param iZ is the proton number
\param iA is the mass number
float CMass::getPairing(int iZ, int iA)
float fZ = iZ;
float fA = iA;
float fN = fA - fZ;
int iN = iA - iZ;
int ioez = iZ%2;
int ioen = iN%2;
float fPairing;
if (iN == iZ && ioez ==1)
fPairing = 4.8/pow(fN,(float)(1./3.))
+ 4.8/pow(fZ,(float)(1./3.)) - 6.6/pow(fA,(float)(2./3.))
+ 30./fA;
else if (ioez == 1 && ioen == 1)
fPairing = 4.8/pow(fN,(float)(1./3.))
+ 4.8/pow(fZ,(float)(1./3.)) - 6.6/pow(fA,(float)(2./3.));
else if (ioez == 1 && ioen == 0)
fPairing = 4.8/pow(fZ,(float)(1./3.));
else if (ioez == 0 && ioen == 1)
fPairing = 4.8/pow(fN,(float)(1./3.));
else fPairing = 0.;
//want to redefine odd-odd to have zero paring energy
fPairing -= 4.8/pow(fN,(float)(1./3.))
+ 4.8/pow(fZ,(float)(1./3.)) - 6.6/pow(fA,(float)(2./3.));
return fPairing;
* Reads in the mass table from Moller and Nix
void CMass::ReadFRDMFile()
string fileName("tbl/mass.tbl");
string fullName;
if (getenv("SARTRE_DIR") == NULL) fullName = fileName;
string dir(getenv("SARTRE_DIR"));
fullName = dir+string("/gemini/")+fileName;
ifstream ifFile (fullName.c_str());
if (
cout << "could not open" << fullName << endl;
while (!ifFile.eof())
char integ[6]={" "};
int izz,iaa;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) integ[i] = ifFile.get();
izz = atoi(integ);
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) integ[i] = ifFile.get();
// inn = atoi(integ); // Unused
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) integ[i] = ifFile.get();
iaa = atoi(integ);
char floaty[11]={" "};
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
// fb = atof(floaty); // Unused
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
float f1,f2,f3;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
f1 = atof(floaty);
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
f2 = atof(floaty); //calculated mass
bool there = 0;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
if (floaty[i] != ' ') there = 1;
f3 = atof(floaty);//experimental mass
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
// f4 = atof(floaty); // Unused
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
// f5 = atof(floaty); // Unused
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) floaty[i] = ifFile.get();
// f6 = atof(floaty); // Unused
//read to end of line
for (;;)
if (ifFile.get() == 10) break;
if (ifFile.eof()) break;
int index = chart.getIndex(izz,iaa);
if (index >= 0)
float fPair = getPairing(izz,iaa);
fCalMass[index] = f2;
if (there) fExpMass[index] = f3;
else fExpMass[index] = f2;
fFRM[index] = f2 - f1 - fPair;
//fBeta2[index] = fb;
* Reads in the mass table from the Thomas Fermi Model
* of Myers and Swietcki
void CMass::ReadThomasFermiFile()
string fileName("tbl/mass_tf.tbl");
string fullName;
if (getenv("SARTRE_DIR") == NULL) fullName = fileName;
string dir(getenv("SARTRE_DIR"));
fullName = dir+string("/gemini/")+fileName;
ifstream ifFile (fullName.c_str());
if (
cout << "could not open mass_tf.tbl" << endl;
//skip introductory remarks in file
string line;
for (int i=0;i<66;i++)
while (!ifFile.eof())
char integ3[4]={" "};
int izz,iaa;
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) integ3[i] = ifFile.get();
char integ4[5]={" "};
izz = atoi(integ3);
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) integ4[i] = ifFile.get();
// inn = atoi(integ4); Unused
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) integ4[i] = ifFile.get();
iaa = atoi(integ4);
char float5[11]={" "};
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) float5[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) float5[i] = ifFile.get();
// char float8[9]={" "}; // Unused
for (int i=0;i<8;i++) float5[i] = ifFile.get();
char float6[7]={" "};
for (int i=0;i<6;i++) float6[i] = ifFile.get();
float fshell = atof(float6);
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) float5[i] = ifFile.get();
float fPairing = atof(float5);
for (int i=0;i<6;i++) float6[i] = ifFile.get();
for (int i=0;i<8;i++) float5[i] = ifFile.get();
char float7[8]={" "};
for (int i=0;i<7;i++) float7[i] = ifFile.get();
float f1 = atof(float7);
for (int i=0;i<7;i++) float7[i] = ifFile.get();
float f2 = atof(float7);
//read to end of line
for (;;)
if (ifFile.get() == 10) break;
if (ifFile.eof()) break;
int index = chart.getIndex(izz,iaa);
if (index >= 0)
fExpMass[index] = f2;
if (izz < 5) fCalMass[index] = f2;
else fCalMass[index] = f1;
fFRM[index] = f1 - fshell - fPairing;
fShell[index] = fshell;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:10 PM (21 h, 2 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
CMass.cpp (11 KB)

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