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%% -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; -*-
% WHIZARD code as NOWEB source: integration and event generation
\chapter{Multi-Channel Integration}
The abstract representation of multi-channel
Monte Carlo algorithms for integration and event generation.
\item[Module [[mci_base]]:]
The abstract types and their methods. It provides a test integrator
that is referenced in later unit tests.
Container for defining integration call and pass settings.
This module handles results from integrating processes. It records passes
and iterations, calculates statistical averages, and provides the user
output of integration results.
These are the implementations:
\item[Module [[mci_midpoint]]:]
A simple integrator that uses the midpoint rule to sample the
integrand uniformly over the unit hypercube. There is only one
integration channel, so this can be matched only to single-channel
phase space.
\item[Module [[mci_vamp]]:]
Interface for the VAMP package.
\section{Generic Integrator}
This module provides a multi-channel integrator (MCI) base type, a
corresponding configuration type, and methods for integration and event
<<File header>>
module mci_base
use kinds
<<Use strings>>
use io_units
use format_utils, only: pac_fmt
use format_defs, only: FMT_14, FMT_17
use unit_tests
use diagnostics
use cputime
use phs_base
use rng_base
<<Standard module head>>
<<MCI base: public>>
<<MCI base: types>>
<<MCI base: interfaces>>
<<MCI base: test types>>
<<MCI base: procedures>>
<<MCI base: tests>>
end module mci_base
@ %def mci_base
\subsection{MCI: integrator}
The MCI object contains the methods for integration and event generation.
For the actual work and data storage, it spawns an MCI instance object.
The base object contains the number of integration dimensions and the number
of channels as configuration data. Further configuration data are stored in
the concrete extensions.
The MCI sum contains all relevant information about the integrand. It can be
used for comparing the current configuration against a previous one. If they
match, we can skip an actual integration. (Implemented only for the VAMP
There is a random-number generator (its state with associated methods)
available as [[rng]]. It may or may not be used for integration. It
will be used for event generation.
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_t
<<MCI base: types>>=
type, abstract :: mci_t
integer :: n_dim = 0
integer :: n_channel = 0
integer :: n_chain = 0
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: chain
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: chain_weights
character(32) :: md5sum = ""
logical :: integral_known = .false.
logical :: error_known = .false.
logical :: efficiency_known = .false.
real(default) :: integral = 0
real(default) :: error = 0
real(default) :: efficiency = 0
logical :: use_timer = .false.
type(timer_t) :: timer
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>
end type mci_t
@ %def mci_t
@ Finalizer: the random-number generator may need one.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: base_final => mci_final
procedure (mci_final), deferred :: final
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_final (object)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: object
if (allocated (object%rng)) call object%rng%final ()
end subroutine mci_final
@ %def mci_final
@ Output: basic and extended output.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: base_write => mci_write
procedure (mci_write), deferred :: write
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_write (object, unit, pacify, md5sum_version)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
logical, intent(in), optional :: md5sum_version
logical :: md5sum_ver
integer :: u, i, j
character(len=7) :: fmt
call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_17, FMT_14, pacify)
u = given_output_unit (unit)
md5sum_ver = .false.
if (present (md5sum_version)) md5sum_ver = md5sum_version
if (object%use_timer .and. .not. md5sum_ver) then
write (u, "(2x)", advance="no")
call object%timer%write (u)
end if
if (object%integral_known) then
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") &
"Integral = ", object%integral
end if
if (object%error_known) then
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") &
"Error = ", object%error
end if
if (object%efficiency_known) then
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") &
"Efficiency = ", object%efficiency
end if
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of channels = ", object%n_channel
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of dimensions = ", object%n_dim
if (object%n_chain > 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of chains = ", object%n_chain
write (u, "(3x,A)") "Chains:"
do i = 1, object%n_chain
write (u, "(5x,I0,':')", advance = "no") i
do j = 1, object%n_channel
if (object%chain(j) == i) &
write (u, "(1x,I0)", advance = "no") j
end do
write (u, "(A)")
end do
end if
end subroutine mci_write
@ %def mci_write
@ Print an informative message when starting integration.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_startup_message), deferred :: startup_message
procedure :: base_startup_message => mci_startup_message
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_startup_message (mci, unit, n_calls)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit, n_calls
if (mci%n_chain > 0) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,3(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator:", mci%n_chain, "chains,", &
mci%n_channel, "channels,", &
mci%n_dim, "dimensions"
write (msg_buffer, "(A,3(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator:", &
mci%n_channel, "channels,", &
mci%n_dim, "dimensions"
end if
call msg_message (unit = unit)
end subroutine mci_startup_message
@ %def mci_startup_message
@ Record the index of the MCI object within a process. For
multi-component processes with more than one integrator, the
integrator should know about its own index, so file names can be
unique, etc. The default implementation does nothing, however.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: record_index => mci_record_index
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_record_index (mci, i_mci)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: i_mci
end subroutine mci_record_index
@ %def mci_record_index
@ There is no Initializer for the abstract type, but a generic setter
for the number of channels and dimensions. We make two aliases
available, to be able to override it.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_dimensions => mci_set_dimensions
procedure :: base_set_dimensions => mci_set_dimensions
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_set_dimensions (mci, n_dim, n_channel)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: n_dim
integer, intent(in) :: n_channel
mci%n_dim = n_dim
mci%n_channel = n_channel
end subroutine mci_set_dimensions
@ %def mci_set_dimensions
@ Declare particular dimensions as flat. This information can be used
to simplify integration. When generating events, the flat dimensions
should be sampled with uniform and uncorrelated distribution. It
depends on the integrator what to do with that information.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_declare_flat_dimensions), deferred :: declare_flat_dimensions
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_declare_flat_dimensions (mci, dim_flat)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_flat
end subroutine mci_declare_flat_dimensions
end interface
@ %def mci_declare_flat_dimensions
@ Declare particular channels as equivalent, possibly allowing for
permutations or reflections of dimensions. We use the information
stored in the [[phs_channel_t]] object array that the phase-space module
(We do not test this here, deferring the unit test to the [[mci_vamp]]
implementation where we actually use this feature.)
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_declare_equivalences), deferred :: declare_equivalences
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_declare_equivalences (mci, channel, dim_offset)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(phs_channel_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channel
integer, intent(in) :: dim_offset
end subroutine mci_declare_equivalences
end interface
@ %def mci_declare_equivalences
@ Declare particular channels as chained together. The implementation may use
this array for keeping their weights equal to each other, etc.
The chain array is an array sized by the number of channels. For each
channel, there is an integer entry that indicates the correponding
chains. The total number of chains is the maximum value of this
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: declare_chains => mci_declare_chains
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_declare_chains (mci, chain)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chain
allocate (mci%chain (size (chain)))
mci%n_chain = maxval (chain)
allocate (mci%chain_weights (mci%n_chain), source = 0._default)
mci%chain = chain
end subroutine mci_declare_chains
@ %def mci_declare_chains
@ Collect channel weights according to chains and store them in the
[[chain_weights]] for output. We sum up the weights for all channels that
share the same [[chain]] index and store the results in the [[chain_weights]]
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: collect_chain_weights => mci_collect_chain_weights
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_collect_chain_weights (mci, weight)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weight
integer :: i, c
if (allocated (mci%chain)) then
mci%chain_weights = 0
do i = 1, size (mci%chain)
c = mci%chain(i)
mci%chain_weights(c) = mci%chain_weights(c) + weight(i)
end do
end if
end subroutine mci_collect_chain_weights
@ %def mci_collect_chain_weights
@ Check if there are chains.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: has_chains => mci_has_chains
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
function mci_has_chains (mci) result (flag)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
logical :: flag
flag = allocated (mci%chain)
end function mci_has_chains
@ %def mci_has_chains
@ Output of the chain weights, kept separate from the main [[write]] method.
[The formatting will work as long as the number of chains is less than
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_chain_weights => mci_write_chain_weights
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_write_chain_weights (mci, unit)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u, i, n, n_digits
character(4) :: ifmt
u = given_output_unit (unit)
if (allocated (mci%chain_weights)) then
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Weights of channel chains (groves):"
n_digits = 0
n = size (mci%chain_weights)
do while (n > 0)
n = n / 10
n_digits = n_digits + 1
end do
write (ifmt, "(A1,I1)") "I", n_digits
do i = 1, size (mci%chain_weights)
write (u, "(3x," // ifmt // ",F13.10)") i, mci%chain_weights(i)
end do
end if
end subroutine mci_write_chain_weights
@ %def mci_write_chain_weights
@ Set the MD5 sum, independent of initialization.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_md5sum => mci_set_md5sum
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_set_md5sum (mci, md5sum)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
character(32), intent(in) :: md5sum
mci%md5sum = md5sum
end subroutine mci_set_md5sum
@ %def mci_set_md5sum
@ Initialize a new integration pass. This is not necessarily
meaningful, so we provide an empty base method. The [[mci_vamp]]
implementation overrides this.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: add_pass => mci_add_pass
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_add_pass (mci, adapt_grids, adapt_weights, final)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(in), optional :: adapt_grids
logical, intent(in), optional :: adapt_weights
logical, intent(in), optional :: final
end subroutine mci_add_pass
@ %def mci_add_pass
@ Allocate an instance with matching type. This must be deferred.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_allocate_instance), deferred :: allocate_instance
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_allocate_instance (mci, mci_instance)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(out), pointer :: mci_instance
end subroutine mci_allocate_instance
end interface
@ %def mci_allocate_instance
@ Import a random-number generator. We transfer the allocation of an
existing generator state into the object. The generator state may
already be initialized, or we can reset it by its [[init]]
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: import_rng => mci_import_rng
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_import_rng (mci, rng)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(rng_t), intent(inout), allocatable :: rng
call move_alloc (rng, mci%rng)
end subroutine mci_import_rng
@ %def mci_import_rng
@ Activate or deactivate the timer.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_timer => mci_set_timer
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_set_timer (mci, active)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(in) :: active
mci%use_timer = active
end subroutine mci_set_timer
@ %def mci_set_timer
@ Start and stop signal for the timer, if active. The elapsed time
can then be retrieved from the MCI record.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: start_timer => mci_start_timer
procedure :: stop_timer => mci_stop_timer
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_start_timer (mci)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
if (mci%use_timer) call mci%timer%start ()
end subroutine mci_start_timer
subroutine mci_stop_timer (mci)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
if (mci%use_timer) call mci%timer%stop ()
end subroutine mci_stop_timer
@ %def mci_start_timer
@ %def mci_stop_timer
@ Sampler test. Evaluate the sampler a given number of times. Results are
discarded, so we don't need the MCI instance which would record them.
The evaluation channel is iterated, and the [[x]] parameters are randomly
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: sampler_test => mci_sampler_test
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_sampler_test (mci, sampler, n_calls)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x_in, f
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x_out
real(default) :: val
integer :: i, c
allocate (x_in (mci%n_dim))
allocate (f (mci%n_channel))
allocate (x_out (mci%n_dim, mci%n_channel))
do i = 1, n_calls
c = mod (i, mci%n_channel) + 1
call mci%rng%generate_array (x_in)
call sampler%evaluate (c, x_in, val, x_out, f)
end do
end subroutine mci_sampler_test
@ %def mci_sampler_test
@ Integrate: this depends on the implementation. We foresee a pacify
flag to take care of small numerical noise on different platforms.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_integrate), deferred :: integrate
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_integrate (mci, instance, sampler, &
n_it, n_calls, results, pacify)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
class(mci_results_t), intent(inout), optional :: results
end subroutine mci_integrate
end interface
@ %def mci_integrate
@ Event generation. Depending on the implementation,
event generation may or may not require a previous integration pass.
Instead of a black-box [[simulate]] method, we require an initializer,
a finalizer, and procedures for generating a single event. This
allows us to interface simulation event by event from the outside, and
it facilitates the further processing of an event after successful
generation. For integration, this is not necessary.
The initializer has [[intent(inout)]] for the [[mci]] passed object. The
reason is that the initializer can read integration results and grids from
file, where the results can modify the [[mci]] record.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_prepare_simulation), deferred :: prepare_simulation
@ %def mci_final_simulation
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_prepare_simulation (mci)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
end subroutine mci_prepare_simulation
end interface
@ %def mci_prepare_simulation
The generated event will reside in in the [[instance]] object (overall
results and weight) and in the [[sampler]] object (detailed data). In
the real application, we can subsequently call methods of the
[[sampler]] in order to further process the generated event.
The [[target]] attributes are required by the VAMP implementation,
which uses pointers to refer to the instance and sampler objects from
within the integration function.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_generate), deferred :: generate_weighted_event
procedure (mci_generate), deferred :: generate_unweighted_event
@ %def mci_generate_weighted_event
@ %def mci_generate_unweighted_event
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_generate (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
end subroutine mci_generate
end interface
@ %def mci_generate
@ This is analogous, but we rebuild the event from the information
stored in [[state]] instead of generating it.
Note: currently unused outside of tests, might be deleted later.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_rebuild), deferred :: rebuild_event
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_rebuild (mci, instance, sampler, state)
class(mci_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: state
end subroutine mci_rebuild
end interface
@ %def mci_rebuild
@ Return the value of the integral, error, efficiency, and time per call.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_integral => mci_get_integral
procedure :: get_error => mci_get_error
procedure :: get_efficiency => mci_get_efficiency
procedure :: get_time => mci_get_time
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
function mci_get_integral (mci) result (integral)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: integral
if (mci%integral_known) then
integral = mci%integral
call msg_bug ("The integral is unknown. This is presumably a" // &
"WHIZARD bug.")
end if
end function mci_get_integral
function mci_get_error (mci) result (error)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: error
if (mci%error_known) then
error = mci%error
error = 0
end if
end function mci_get_error
function mci_get_efficiency (mci) result (efficiency)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: efficiency
if (mci%efficiency_known) then
efficiency = mci%efficiency
efficiency = 0
end if
end function mci_get_efficiency
function mci_get_time (mci) result (time)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: time
if (mci%use_timer) then
time = mci%timer
time = 0
end if
end function mci_get_time
@ %def mci_get_integral
@ %def mci_get_error
@ %def mci_get_efficiency
@ %def mci_get_time
@ Return the MD5 sum of the configuration. This may be overridden in
an extension, to return a different MD5 sum.
<<MCI base: mci: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_md5sum => mci_get_md5sum
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
function mci_get_md5sum (mci) result (md5sum)
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci
character(32) :: md5sum
md5sum = mci%md5sum
end function mci_get_md5sum
@ %def mci_get_md5sum
\subsection{MCI instance}
The base type contains an array of channel weights. The value [[mci_weight]]
is the combined MCI weight that corresponds to a particular sampling point.
For convenience, we also store the [[x]] and Jacobian values for this sampling
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_instance_t
<<MCI base: types>>=
type, abstract :: mci_instance_t
logical :: valid = .false.
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: w
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: f
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
integer :: selected_channel = 0
real(default) :: mci_weight = 0
real(default) :: integrand = 0
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>
end type mci_instance_t
@ %def mci_instance_t
@ Output: deferred
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_write), deferred :: write
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_write (object, unit, pacify)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
end subroutine mci_instance_write
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_write
@ A finalizer, just in case.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_final), deferred :: final
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_final (object)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: object
end subroutine mci_instance_final
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_final
@ Init: basic initializer for the arrays, otherwise deferred. Assigning
the [[mci]] object is also deferred, because it depends on the concrete type.
The weights are initialized with an uniform normalized value.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_base_init), deferred :: init
procedure :: base_init => mci_instance_base_init
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_instance_base_init (mci_instance, mci)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(out) :: mci_instance
class(mci_t), intent(in), target :: mci
allocate (mci_instance%w (mci%n_channel))
allocate (mci_instance%f (mci%n_channel))
allocate (mci_instance%x (mci%n_dim, mci%n_channel))
if (size (mci_instance%w) /= 0) then
mci_instance%w = 1._default / size (mci_instance%w)
end if
mci_instance%f = 0
mci_instance%x = 0
end subroutine mci_instance_base_init
@ %def mci_instance_base_init
@ Compute the overall weight factor for a configuration of $x$ values and
Jacobians $f$. The $x$ values come in [[n_channel]] rows with [[n_dim]]
entries each. The $f$ factors constitute an array with [[n_channel]] entries.
We assume that the $x$ and $f$ arrays are already stored inside the MC
instance. The result is also stored there.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_compute_weight), deferred :: compute_weight
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_compute_weight (mci, c)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: c
end subroutine mci_instance_compute_weight
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_compute_weight
@ Record the integrand as returned by the sampler. Depending on the
implementation, this may merely copy the value, or do more complicated things.
We may need the MCI weight for the actual computations, so this should
be called after the previous routine.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_record_integrand), deferred :: record_integrand
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_record_integrand (mci, integrand)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
real(default), intent(in) :: integrand
end subroutine mci_instance_record_integrand
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_record_integrand
@ Sample a point directly: evaluate the sampler, then compute the weight and
the weighted integrand. Finally, record the integrand within the MCI instance.
If a signal (interrupt) was raised recently, we abort the calculation before
entering the sampler. Thus, a previous calculation will have
completed and any data are already recorded, but any new point can be
discarded. If the [[abort]] flag is present, we may delay the interrupt, so
we can do some cleanup.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => mci_instance_evaluate
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_instance_evaluate (mci, sampler, c, x)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
real(default) :: val
call sampler%evaluate (c, x, val, mci%x, mci%f)
mci%valid = sampler%is_valid ()
if (mci%valid) then
call mci%compute_weight (c)
call mci%record_integrand (val)
end if
end subroutine mci_instance_evaluate
@ %def mci_instance_evaluate
@ Initiate and terminate simulation. In contrast to integration, we implement
these as methods of the process instance, since the [[mci]] configuration
object is unchanged.
The safety factor reduces the acceptance probability for unweighted
events. The implementation of this feature depends on the concrete type.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_init_simulation), deferred :: init_simulation
procedure (mci_instance_final_simulation), deferred :: final_simulation
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_init_simulation (instance, safety_factor)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
real(default), intent(in), optional :: safety_factor
end subroutine mci_instance_init_simulation
end interface
abstract interface
subroutine mci_instance_final_simulation (instance)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
end subroutine mci_instance_final_simulation
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_init_simulation mci_instance_final_simulation
@ Assuming that the sampler is in a completely defined state, just
extract the data that [[evaluate]] would compute. Also record the integrand.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => mci_instance_fetch
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_instance_fetch (mci, sampler, c)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(in) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default) :: val
mci%valid = sampler%is_valid ()
if (mci%valid) then
call sampler%fetch (val, mci%x, mci%f)
call mci%compute_weight (c)
call mci%record_integrand (val)
end if
end subroutine mci_instance_fetch
@ %def mci_instance_fetch
@ The value, i.e., the weighted integrand, is the integrand (which
should be taken as-is from the sampler) multiplied by the MCI weight.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_value => mci_instance_get_value
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
function mci_instance_get_value (mci) result (value)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: value
if (mci%valid) then
value = mci%integrand * mci%mci_weight
value = 0
end if
end function mci_instance_get_value
@ %def mci_instance_get_value
@ This is an extra routine. By default, the event weight is equal to
the value returned by the previous routine. However, if we select a
channel for event generation not just based on the channel weights,
the event weight has to account for this bias, so the event weight
that applies to event generation is different. In that case, we
should override the default routine.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_event_weight => mci_instance_get_value
@ %def mci_instance_get_event_weight
@ Excess weight can occur during unweighted event generation, if the
assumed maximum value of the integrand is too small. This excess
should be normalized in the same way as the event weight above (which
for unweighted events becomes unity).
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_instance_get_event_excess), deferred :: get_event_excess
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
function mci_instance_get_event_excess (mci) result (excess)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: excess
end function mci_instance_get_event_excess
end interface
@ %def mci_instance_get_event_excess
\subsection{MCI state}
This object can hold the relevant information that allows us to
reconstruct the MCI instance without re-evaluating the sampler completely.
We store the [[x_in]] MC input parameter set, which coincides with the
section of the complete [[x]] array that belongs to a particular
channel. We also store the MC function value. When we want to
reconstruct the state, we can use the input array to recover the
complete [[x]] and [[f]] arrays (i.e., the kinematics), but do not
need to recompute the MC function value (the dynamics).
The [[mci_state_t]] may be extended, to allow storing/recalling more
information. In that case, we would override the type-bound
procedures. However, the base type is also a concrete type and
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_state_t
<<MCI base: types>>=
type :: mci_state_t
integer :: selected_channel = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x_in
real(default) :: val
<<MCI base: mci state: TBP>>
end type mci_state_t
@ %def mci_state_t
@ Output:
<<MCI base: mci state: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_state_write
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_state_write (object, unit)
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "MCI state:"
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Channel = ", object%selected_channel
write (u, "(3x,A,999(1x,F12.10))") "x (in) =", object%x_in
write (u, "(3x,A,ES19.12)") "Integrand = ", object%val
end subroutine mci_state_write
@ %def mci_state_write
@ To store the object, we take the relevant section of the [[x]]
array. The channel used for storing data is taken from the
[[instance]] object, but it could be arbitrary in principle.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: store => mci_instance_store
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_instance_store (mci, state)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_state_t), intent(out) :: state
state%selected_channel = mci%selected_channel
allocate (state%x_in (size (mci%x, 1)))
state%x_in = mci%x(:,mci%selected_channel)
state%val = mci%integrand
end subroutine mci_instance_store
@ %def mci_instance_store
@ Recalling the state, we must consult the sampler in order to fully
reconstruct the [[x]] and [[f]] arrays. The integrand value is known,
and we also give it to the sampler, bypassing evaluation.
The final steps are equivalent to the [[evaluate]] method above.
<<MCI base: mci instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: recall => mci_instance_recall
<<MCI base: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_instance_recall (mci, sampler, state)
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: state
if (size (state%x_in) == size (mci%x, 1) &
.and. state%selected_channel <= size (mci%x, 2)) then
call sampler%rebuild (state%selected_channel, &
state%x_in, state%val, mci%x, mci%f)
call mci%compute_weight (state%selected_channel)
call mci%record_integrand (state%val)
call msg_fatal ("Recalling event: mismatch in channel or dimension")
end if
end subroutine mci_instance_recall
@ %def mci_instance_recall
\subsection{MCI sampler}
A sampler is an object that implements a multi-channel parameterization of the
unit hypercube. Specifically, it is able to compute, given a channel and a
set of $x$ MC parameter values, a the complete set of $x$ values and
associated Jacobian factors $f$ for all channels.
Furthermore, the sampler should return a single real value, the integrand, for
the given point in the hypercube.
It must implement a method [[evaluate]] for performing the above
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_sampler_t
<<MCI base: types>>=
type, abstract :: mci_sampler_t
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>
end type mci_sampler_t
@ %def mci_sampler_t
@ Output, deferred to the implementation.
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_sampler_write), deferred :: write
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_sampler_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
end subroutine mci_sampler_write
end interface
@ %def mci_sampler_write
@ The evaluation routine. Input is the channel index [[c]] and the
one-dimensional parameter array [[x_in]]. Output are the integrand value
[[val]], the two-dimensional parameter array [[x]] and the Jacobian array
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_sampler_evaluate), deferred :: evaluate
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_sampler_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
end subroutine mci_sampler_evaluate
end interface
@ %def mci_sampler_evaluate
@ Query the validity of the sampling point. Can be called after
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_sampler_is_valid), deferred :: is_valid
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
function mci_sampler_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
end function mci_sampler_is_valid
end interface
@ %def mci_sampler_is_valid
@ The shortcut. Again, the channel index [[c]] and the parameter
array [[x_in]] are input. However, we also provide the integrand
value [[val]], and we just require that the complete parameter array
[[x]] and Jacobian array [[f]] are recovered.
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_sampler_rebuild), deferred :: rebuild
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_sampler_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
end subroutine mci_sampler_rebuild
end interface
@ %def mci_sampler_rebuild
@ This routine should extract the important data from a sampler that
has been filled by other means. We fetch the integrand value [[val]],
the two-dimensional parameter array [[x]] and the Jacobian array [[f]].
<<MCI base: mci sampler: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_sampler_fetch), deferred :: fetch
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_sampler_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
end subroutine mci_sampler_fetch
end interface
@ %def mci_sampler_fetch
\subsection{Results record}
This is an abstract type which allows us to implement callback: each
integration results can optionally be recorded to an instance of this
object. The actual object may store a new result, average results,
etc. It may also display a result on-line or otherwise, whenever
the [[record]] method is called.
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_results_t
<<MCI base: types>>=
type, abstract :: mci_results_t
<<MCI base: mci results: TBP>>
end type mci_results_t
@ %def mci_results_t
@ The output routine is deferred. We provide an extra [[verbose]]
flag, which could serve any purpose.
<<MCI base: mci results: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_results_write), deferred :: write
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_results_write (object, unit, verbose, suppress)
class(mci_results_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose, suppress
end subroutine mci_results_write
end interface
@ %def mci_results_write
@ This is the [[record]] method, which can be called directly from the
<<MCI base: mci results: TBP>>=
procedure (mci_results_record), deferred :: record
<<MCI base: interfaces>>=
abstract interface
subroutine mci_results_record (object, n_it, &
n_calls, integral, error, efficiency, chain_weights, suppress)
class(mci_results_t), intent(inout) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
real(default), intent(in) :: integral
real(default), intent(in) :: error
real(default), intent(in) :: efficiency
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: chain_weights
logical, intent(in), optional :: suppress
end subroutine mci_results_record
end interface
@ %def mci_results_record
\subsection{Unit tests}
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_base_test
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_test (u, results)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
<<MCI base: execute tests>>
end subroutine mci_base_test
@ %def mci_base_test
\subsubsection{Test implementation of the configuration type}
The concrete type contains the number of requested calls and the integral
result, to be determined.
The [[max_factor]] entry is set for the actual test integration, where the
integrand is not unity but some other constant value. This value should be
set here, such that the actual maximum of the integrand is known when
vetoing unweighted events.
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_test_t
<<MCI base: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_t) :: mci_test_t
integer :: divisions = 0
integer :: tries = 0
real(default) :: max_factor = 1
procedure :: final => mci_test_final
procedure :: write => mci_test_write
procedure :: startup_message => mci_test_startup_message
procedure :: declare_flat_dimensions => mci_test_ignore_flat_dimensions
procedure :: declare_equivalences => mci_test_ignore_equivalences
procedure :: set_divisions => mci_test_set_divisions
procedure :: set_max_factor => mci_test_set_max_factor
procedure :: allocate_instance => mci_test_allocate_instance
procedure :: integrate => mci_test_integrate
procedure :: prepare_simulation => mci_test_ignore_prepare_simulation
procedure :: generate_weighted_event => mci_test_generate_weighted_event
procedure :: generate_unweighted_event => &
procedure :: rebuild_event => mci_test_rebuild_event
end type mci_test_t
@ %def mci_test_t
@ Finalizer: base version is sufficient
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_final (object)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: object
call object%base_final ()
end subroutine mci_test_final
@ %def mci_test_final
@ Output: trivial
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_write (object, unit, pacify, md5sum_version)
class(mci_test_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
logical, intent(in), optional :: md5sum_version
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test integrator:"
call object%base_write (u, pacify, md5sum_version)
if (object%divisions /= 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of divisions = ", object%divisions
end if
if (allocated (object%rng)) call object%rng%write (u)
end subroutine mci_test_write
@ %def mci_test_write
@ Short version.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_startup_message (mci, unit, n_calls)
class(mci_test_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit, n_calls
call mci%base_startup_message (unit = unit, n_calls = n_calls)
write (msg_buffer, "(A,1x,I0,1x,A)") &
"Integrator: Test:", mci%divisions, "divisions"
call msg_message (unit = unit)
end subroutine mci_test_startup_message
@ %def mci_test_startup_message
@ This is a no-op for the test integrator.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_ignore_flat_dimensions (mci, dim_flat)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_flat
end subroutine mci_test_ignore_flat_dimensions
@ %def mci_test_ignore_flat_dimensions
@ Ditto.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_ignore_equivalences (mci, channel, dim_offset)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(phs_channel_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channel
integer, intent(in) :: dim_offset
end subroutine mci_test_ignore_equivalences
@ %def mci_test_ignore_equivalences
@ Set the number of divisions to a nonzero value.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_set_divisions (object, divisions)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: divisions
object%divisions = divisions
end subroutine mci_test_set_divisions
@ %def mci_test_set_divisions
@ Set the maximum factor (default is 1).
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_set_max_factor (object, max_factor)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: object
real(default), intent(in) :: max_factor
object%max_factor = max_factor
end subroutine mci_test_set_max_factor
@ %def mci_test_set_max_factor
@ Allocate instance with matching type.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_allocate_instance (mci, mci_instance)
class(mci_test_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(out), pointer :: mci_instance
allocate (mci_test_instance_t :: mci_instance)
end subroutine mci_test_allocate_instance
@ %def mci_test_allocate_instance
@ Integrate: sample at the midpoints of uniform bits and add the results.
We implement this for one and for two dimensions. In the latter case,
we scan over two channels and multiply with the channel weights.
The arguments [[n_it]] and [[n_calls]] are ignored in this implementations.
The test integrator does not set error or efficiency, so those will
remain undefined.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_integrate (mci, instance, sampler, &
n_it, n_calls, results, pacify)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
class(mci_results_t), intent(inout), optional :: results
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: integral
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
integer :: i, j, c
select type (instance)
type is (mci_test_instance_t)
allocate (integral (mci%n_channel))
integral = 0
allocate (x (mci%n_dim))
select case (mci%n_dim)
case (1)
do c = 1, mci%n_channel
do i = 1, mci%divisions
x(1) = (i - 0.5_default) / mci%divisions
call instance%evaluate (sampler, c, x)
integral(c) = integral(c) + instance%get_value ()
end do
end do
mci%integral = dot_product (instance%w, integral) &
/ mci%divisions
mci%integral_known = .true.
case (2)
do c = 1, mci%n_channel
do i = 1, mci%divisions
x(1) = (i - 0.5_default) / mci%divisions
do j = 1, mci%divisions
x(2) = (j - 0.5_default) / mci%divisions
call instance%evaluate (sampler, c, x)
integral(c) = integral(c) + instance%get_value ()
end do
end do
end do
mci%integral = dot_product (instance%w, integral) &
/ mci%divisions / mci%divisions
mci%integral_known = .true.
end select
if (present (results)) then
call results%record (n_it, n_calls, &
mci%integral, mci%error, &
efficiency = 0._default)
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_test_integrate
@ %def mci_test_integrate
@ Simulation initializer and finalizer: nothing to do here.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_ignore_prepare_simulation (mci)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
end subroutine mci_test_ignore_prepare_simulation
@ %def mci_test_ignore_prepare_simulation
@ Event generator. We use mock random numbers for first selecting the
channel and then setting the $x$ values. The results reside in the
state of [[instance]] and [[sampler]].
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_generate_weighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
real(default) :: r
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
integer :: c
select type (instance)
type is (mci_test_instance_t)
allocate (x (mci%n_dim))
select case (mci%n_channel)
case (1)
c = 1
call mci%rng%generate (x(1))
case (2)
call mci%rng%generate (r)
if (r < instance%w(1)) then
c = 1
c = 2
end if
call mci%rng%generate (x)
end select
call instance%evaluate (sampler, c, x)
end select
end subroutine mci_test_generate_weighted_event
@ %def mci_test_generate_weighted_event
@ For unweighted events, we generate weighted events and apply a
simple rejection step to the relative event weight, until an event passes.
(This might result in an endless loop if we happen to be in sync with
the mock random generator cycle. Therefore, limit the number of tries.)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_generate_unweighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
real(default) :: r
integer :: i
select type (instance)
type is (mci_test_instance_t)
mci%tries = 0
do i = 1, 10
call mci%generate_weighted_event (instance, sampler)
mci%tries = mci%tries + 1
call mci%rng%generate (r)
if (r < instance%rel_value) exit
end do
end select
end subroutine mci_test_generate_unweighted_event
@ %def mci_test_generate_unweighted_event
@ Here, we rebuild the event from the state without consulting the rng.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_rebuild_event (mci, instance, sampler, state)
class(mci_test_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: state
select type (instance)
type is (mci_test_instance_t)
call instance%recall (sampler, state)
end select
end subroutine mci_test_rebuild_event
@ %def mci_test_rebuild_event
\subsubsection{Instance of the test MCI type}
This instance type simulates the VAMP approach. We implement the VAMP
multi-channel formula, but keep the channel-specific probability
functions $g_i$ smooth and fixed. We also keep the weights fixed.
The setup is as follows: we have $n$ mappings of the unit hypercube
x = x (x^{(k)}) \qquad \text{where $x=(x_1,\ldots)$}.
The Jacobian factors are the determinants
f^{(k)}(x^{(k)}) = \left|\frac{\partial x}{\partial x^{(k)}}\right|
We introduce arbitrary probability functions
g^{(k)}(x^{(k)}) \qquad
\text{with}\quad \int dx^{(k)} g^{(k)}(x^{(k)}) = 1
and weights
w_k \qquad \text{with}\quad \sum_k w_k = 1
and construct the joint probability function
g(x) = \sum_k w_k\frac{g^{(k)}(x^{(k)}(x))}{f^{(k)}(x^{(k)}(x))}
which also satisfies
\int g(x)\,dx = 1.
The algorithm implements a resolution of unity as follows
1 &= \int dx = \int\frac{g(x)}{g(x)} dx
&= \sum w_k \int \frac{g^{(k)}(x^{(k)}(x))}{f^{(k)}(x^{(k)}(x))}
&= \sum w_k \int g^{(k)}(x^{(k)}) \frac{dx^{(k)}}{g(x(x^{(k)}))}
where each of the integrals in the sum is evaluated using the
channel-specific variables $x^{(k)}$.
We provide two examples: (1) trivial with one channel, one dimension,
and all functions unity and (2) two channels and two dimensions with
x (x^{(1)}) &= (x^{(1)}_1, x^{(1)}_2)
x (x^{(2)}) &= (x^{(2)}_1{}^2, x^{(2)}_2)
f^{(1)}&\equiv 1,
&f^{(2)}(x^{(2)}) &= 2x^{(2)}_1
The probability functions are
g^{(1)}&\equiv 1,
&g^{(2)}(x^{(2)}) = 2 x^{(2)}_2
In the concrete implementation of the integrator instance we store
values for the channel probabilities $g_i$ and the accumulated
probability $g$.
We also store the result (product of integrand and MCI weight), the
expected maximum for the result in each channel.
<<MCI base: public>>=
public :: mci_test_instance_t
<<MCI base: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_instance_t) :: mci_test_instance_t
type(mci_test_t), pointer :: mci => null ()
real(default) :: g = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: gi
real(default) :: value = 0
real(default) :: rel_value = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: max
procedure :: write => mci_test_instance_write
procedure :: final => mci_test_instance_final
procedure :: init => mci_test_instance_init
procedure :: compute_weight => mci_test_instance_compute_weight
procedure :: record_integrand => mci_test_instance_record_integrand
procedure :: init_simulation => mci_test_instance_init_simulation
procedure :: final_simulation => mci_test_instance_final_simulation
procedure :: get_event_excess => mci_test_instance_get_event_excess
end type mci_test_instance_t
@ %def mci_test_instance_t
@ Output: trivial
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_write (object, unit, pacify)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u, c
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A,ES13.7)") "Result value = ", object%value
write (u, "(1x,A,ES13.7)") "Rel. weight = ", object%rel_value
write (u, "(1x,A,ES13.7)") "Integrand = ", object%integrand
write (u, "(1x,A,ES13.7)") "MCI weight = ", object%mci_weight
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "c = ", object%selected_channel
write (u, "(3x,A,ES13.7)") "g = ", object%g
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Channel parameters:"
do c = 1, object%mci%n_channel
write (u, "(1x,I0,A,4(1x,ES13.7))") c, ": w/f/g/m =", &
object%w(c), object%f(c), object%gi(c), object%max(c)
write (u, "(4x,A,9(1x,F9.7))") "x =", object%x(:,c)
end do
end subroutine mci_test_instance_write
@ %def mci_test_instance_write
@ The finalizer is empty.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_final (object)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(inout) :: object
end subroutine mci_test_instance_final
@ %def mci_test_instance_final
@ Initializer. We make use of the analytical result that the maximum of
the weighted integrand, in each channel, is equal to $1$
(one-dimensional case) and $2$ (two-dimensional case), respectively.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_init (mci_instance, mci)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(out) :: mci_instance
class(mci_t), intent(in), target :: mci
call mci_instance%base_init (mci)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
mci_instance%mci => mci
end select
allocate (mci_instance%gi (mci%n_channel))
mci_instance%gi = 0
allocate (mci_instance%max (mci%n_channel))
select case (mci%n_channel)
case (1)
mci_instance%max = 1._default
case (2)
mci_instance%max = 2._default
end select
end subroutine mci_test_instance_init
@ %def mci_test_instance_init
@ Compute weight: we implement the VAMP multi-channel formula. The channel
probabilities [[gi]] are predefined functions.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_compute_weight (mci, c)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: c
integer :: i
mci%selected_channel = c
select case (mci%mci%n_dim)
case (1)
mci%gi(1) = 1
case (2)
mci%gi(1) = 1
mci%gi(2) = 2 * mci%x(2,2)
end select
mci%g = 0
do i = 1, mci%mci%n_channel
mci%g = mci%g + mci%w(i) * mci%gi(i) / mci%f(i)
end do
mci%mci_weight = mci%gi(c) / mci%g
end subroutine mci_test_instance_compute_weight
@ %def mci_test_instance_compute_weight
@ Record the integrand. Apply the Jacobian weight to get the absolute value.
Divide by the channel maximum and by any overall factor to get the value
relative to the maximum.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_record_integrand (mci, integrand)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
real(default), intent(in) :: integrand
mci%integrand = integrand
mci%value = mci%integrand * mci%mci_weight
mci%rel_value = mci%value / mci%max(mci%selected_channel) &
/ mci%mci%max_factor
end subroutine mci_test_instance_record_integrand
@ %def mci_test_instance_record_integrand
@ Nothing to do here.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_instance_init_simulation (instance, safety_factor)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
real(default), intent(in), optional :: safety_factor
end subroutine mci_test_instance_init_simulation
subroutine mci_test_instance_final_simulation (instance)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
end subroutine mci_test_instance_final_simulation
@ %def mci_test_instance_init_simulation
@ %def mci_test_instance_final_simulation
@ Return always zero.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
function mci_test_instance_get_event_excess (mci) result (excess)
class(mci_test_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: excess
excess = 0
end function mci_test_instance_get_event_excess
@ %def mci_test_instance_get_event_excess
\subsubsection{Test sampler}
The test sampler implements a fixed configuration, either trivial
(one-channel, one-dimension), or slightly nontrivial (two-channel,
two-dimension). In the second channel, the first parameter is mapped
according to $x_1 = x^{(2)}_1{}^2$, so we have $f^{(2)}(x^{(2)}) =
For display purposes, we store the return values inside the object. This is
not strictly necessary.
<<MCI base: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_t
real(default) :: integrand = 0
integer :: selected_channel = 0
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: f
procedure :: init => test_sampler_init
procedure :: write => test_sampler_write
procedure :: compute => test_sampler_compute
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_is_valid
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_evaluate
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_rebuild
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_fetch
end type test_sampler_t
@ %def test_sampler_t
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_init (sampler, n)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(out) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n
allocate (sampler%x (n, n))
allocate (sampler%f (n))
end subroutine test_sampler_init
@ %def test_sampler_init
@ Output
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u, c
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler:"
write (u, "(3x,A,ES13.7)") "Integrand = ", object%integrand
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Channel = ", object%selected_channel
do c = 1, size (object%f)
write (u, "(1x,I0,':',1x,A,ES13.7)") c, "f = ", object%f(c)
write (u, "(4x,A,9(1x,F9.7))") "x =", object%x(:,c)
end do
end subroutine test_sampler_write
@ %def test_sampler_write
@ Compute $x$ and Jacobians, given the input parameter array. This is called
both by [[evaluate]] and [[rebuild]].
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_compute (sampler, c, x_in)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
sampler%selected_channel = c
select case (size (sampler%f))
case (1)
sampler%x(:,1) = x_in
sampler%f = 1
case (2)
select case (c)
case (1)
sampler%x(:,1) = x_in
sampler%x(1,2) = sqrt (x_in(1))
sampler%x(2,2) = x_in(2)
case (2)
sampler%x(1,1) = x_in(1) ** 2
sampler%x(2,1) = x_in(2)
sampler%x(:,2) = x_in
end select
sampler%f(1) = 1
sampler%f(2) = 2 * sampler%x(1,2)
end select
end subroutine test_sampler_compute
@ %def test_sampler_kineamtics
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
function test_sampler_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_is_valid
@ The integrand is always equal to 1.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
sampler%integrand = 1
val = sampler%integrand
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_evaluate
@ Construct kinematics from the input $x$ array. Set the integrand
instead of evaluating it.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
sampler%integrand = val
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_rebuild
@ Recall contents.
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%integrand
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_fetch
\subsubsection{Test results object}
This mock object just stores and displays the current result.
<<MCI base: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_results_t) :: mci_test_results_t
integer :: n_it = 0
integer :: n_calls = 0
real(default) :: integral = 0
real(default) :: error = 0
real(default) :: efficiency = 0
<<MCI base: mci test results: TBP>>
end type mci_test_results_t
@ %def mci_test_results_t
@ Output.
<<MCI base: mci test results: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_test_results_write
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_results_write (object, unit, verbose, suppress)
class(mci_test_results_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose, suppress
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(3x,A,1x,I0)") "Iterations = ", object%n_it
write (u, "(3x,A,1x,I0)") "Calls = ", object%n_calls
write (u, "(3x,A,1x,F12.10)") "Integral = ", object%integral
write (u, "(3x,A,1x,F12.10)") "Error = ", object%error
write (u, "(3x,A,1x,F12.10)") "Efficiency = ", object%efficiency
end subroutine mci_test_results_write
@ %def mci_test_results_write
@ Record result.
<<MCI base: mci test results: TBP>>=
procedure :: record => mci_test_results_record
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_test_results_record (object, n_it, n_calls, &
integral, error, efficiency, chain_weights, suppress)
class(mci_test_results_t), intent(inout) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
real(default), intent(in) :: integral
real(default), intent(in) :: error
real(default), intent(in) :: efficiency
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: chain_weights
logical, intent(in), optional :: suppress
object%n_it = n_it
object%n_calls = n_calls
object%integral = integral
object%error = error
object%efficiency = efficiency
end subroutine mci_test_results_record
@ %def mci_test_results_record
\subsubsection{Integrator configuration data}
Construct and display a test integrator configuration object.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_1, "mci_base_1", &
"integrator configuration", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
real(default) :: integrand
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_1"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: initialize and display &
&test integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (2)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate sampler for given point and channel"
write (u, "(A)")
call sampler%evaluate (1, [0.25_default, 0.8_default], &
integrand, mci_instance%x, mci_instance%f)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Compute MCI weight"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%compute_weight (1)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Get integrand and compute weight for another point"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 2, [0.5_default, 0.6_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Recall results, again"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
call mci_instance%fetch (sampler, 2)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Retrieve value"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(1x,A,ES13.7)") "Weighted integrand = ", &
mci_instance%get_value ()
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_1"
end subroutine mci_base_1
@ %def mci_base_1
\subsubsection{Trivial integral}
Use the MCI approach to compute a trivial one-dimensional integral.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_2, "mci_base_2", &
"integration", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_2 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_2"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: perform a test integral"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (1)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 0, 0)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_2"
end subroutine mci_base_2
@ %def mci_base_2
\subsubsection{Nontrivial integral}
Use the MCI approach to compute a simple two-dimensional integral with
two channels.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_3, "mci_base_3", &
"integration (two channels)", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_3 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_3"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: perform a nontrivial test integral"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (2)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 0, 0)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with higher resolution"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (100)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 0, 0)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_3"
end subroutine mci_base_3
@ %def mci_base_3
\subsubsection{Event generation}
We generate ``random'' events, one weighted and one unweighted. The
test implementation does not require an integration pass, we can
generate events immediately.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_4, "mci_base_4", &
"event generation (two channels)", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_4 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_4"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate events"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, instance, sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (2)
end select
allocate (rng_test_t :: rng)
call mci%import_rng (rng)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, *)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_unweighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
write (u, "(A,I0)") " Success in try ", mci%tries
write (u, "(A)")
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, *)
call mci_instance%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_4"
end subroutine mci_base_4
@ %def mci_base_4
\subsubsection{Store and recall data}
We generate an event and store the relevant data, i.e., the input
parameters and the result value for a particular channel. Then we use
those data to recover the event, as far as the MCI record is concerned.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_5, "mci_base_5", &
"store and recall", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_5 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
class(mci_state_t), allocatable :: state
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_5"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: store and recall an event"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, instance, sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (2)
end select
allocate (rng_test_t :: rng)
call mci%import_rng (rng)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, *)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Store data"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (state)
call mci_instance%store (state)
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call state%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Recall data and rebuild event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
call mci%rebuild_event (mci_instance, sampler, state)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, *)
call mci_instance%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_5"
end subroutine mci_base_5
@ %def mci_base_5
\subsubsection{Chained channels}
Chain channels together. In the base configuration, this just fills entries
in an extra array (each channel may belong to a chain). In type
implementations, this will be used for grouping equivalent channels by keeping
their weights equal.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_6, "mci_base_6", &
"chained channels", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_6 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_6"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: initialize and display &
&test integrator with chains"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 5)
write (u, "(A)") "* Introduce chains"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%declare_chains ([1, 2, 2, 1, 2])
call mci%write (u)
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_6"
end subroutine mci_base_6
@ %def mci_base_6
\subsubsection{Recording results}
Compute a simple two-dimensional integral and record the result.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_7, "mci_base_7", &
"recording results", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_7 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(mci_results_t), allocatable :: results
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_7"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: perform a nontrivial test integral &
&and record results"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_t)
call sampler%init (2)
end select
allocate (mci_test_results_t :: results)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000, results)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Display results"
write (u, "(A)")
call results%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_7"
end subroutine mci_base_7
@ %def mci_base_7
Simple checks for the embedded timer.
<<MCI base: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_base_8, "mci_base_8", &
"timer", &
u, results)
<<MCI base: tests>>=
subroutine mci_base_8 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_base_8"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: check timer availability"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator with timer"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_test_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_test_t)
call mci%set_divisions (10)
end select
call mci%set_timer (active = .true.)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Start timer"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%start_timer ()
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Stop timer"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%stop_timer ()
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Readout"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(1x,A,F6.3)") "Time = ", mci%get_time ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Deactivate timer"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%set_timer (active = .false.)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_base_8"
end subroutine mci_base_8
@ %def mci_base_8
This module defines a container for the list of iterations and calls, to be
submitted to integration.
<<File header>>
module iterations
<<Use strings>>
use io_units
use unit_tests
use diagnostics
<<Standard module head>>
<<Iterations: public>>
<<Iterations: types>>
<<Iterations: procedures>>
<<Iterations: tests>>
end module iterations
@ %def iterations
\subsection{The iterations list}
Each integration pass has a number of iterations and a number of calls
per iteration. The last pass produces the end result; the previous
passes are used for adaptation.
The flags [[adapt_grid]] and [[adapt_weight]] are used only if
[[custom_adaptation]] is set. Otherwise, default settings are used
that depend on the integration pass.
<<Iterations: types>>=
type :: iterations_spec_t
integer :: n_it = 0
integer :: n_calls = 0
logical :: custom_adaptation = .false.
logical :: adapt_grids = .false.
logical :: adapt_weights = .false.
end type iterations_spec_t
@ %def iterations_spec_t
@ We build up a list of iterations.
<<Iterations: public>>=
public :: iterations_list_t
<<Iterations: types>>=
type :: iterations_list_t
integer :: n_pass = 0
type(iterations_spec_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pass
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>
end type iterations_list_t
@ %def iterations_list_t
@ Initialize an iterations list. For each pass, we have to specify
the number of iterations and calls. We may provide the adaption
conventions explicitly, either as character codes or as logicals.
For passes where the adaptation conventions are not specified, we use
the following default setting: adapt weights and grids for all passes
except the last one.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: init => iterations_list_init
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
subroutine iterations_list_init &
(it_list, n_it, n_calls, adapt, adapt_code, adapt_grids, adapt_weights)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(inout) :: it_list
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: n_it, n_calls
logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: adapt
type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: adapt_code
logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: adapt_grids, adapt_weights
integer :: i
it_list%n_pass = size (n_it)
if (allocated (it_list%pass)) deallocate (it_list%pass)
allocate (it_list%pass (it_list%n_pass))
it_list%pass%n_it = n_it
it_list%pass%n_calls = n_calls
if (present (adapt)) then
it_list%pass%custom_adaptation = adapt
do i = 1, it_list%n_pass
if (adapt(i)) then
if (verify (adapt_code(i), "wg") /= 0) then
call msg_error ("iteration specification: " &
// "adaptation code letters must be 'w' or 'g'")
end if
it_list%pass(i)%adapt_grids = scan (adapt_code(i), "g") /= 0
it_list%pass(i)%adapt_weights = scan (adapt_code(i), "w") /= 0
end if
end do
else if (present (adapt_grids) .and. present (adapt_weights)) then
it_list%pass%custom_adaptation = .true.
it_list%pass%adapt_grids = adapt_grids
it_list%pass%adapt_weights = adapt_weights
end if
do i = 1, it_list%n_pass - 1
if (.not. it_list%pass(i)%custom_adaptation) then
it_list%pass(i)%adapt_grids = .true.
it_list%pass(i)%adapt_weights = .true.
end if
end do
end subroutine iterations_list_init
@ %def iterations_list_init
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: clear => iterations_list_clear
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
subroutine iterations_list_clear (it_list)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(inout) :: it_list
it_list%n_pass = 0
deallocate (it_list%pass)
end subroutine iterations_list_clear
@ %def iterations_list_clear
@ Write the list of iterations.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => iterations_list_write
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
subroutine iterations_list_write (it_list, unit)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(A)") char (it_list%to_string ())
end subroutine iterations_list_write
@ %def iterations_list_write
@ The output as a single-line string.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: to_string => iterations_list_to_string
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
function iterations_list_to_string (it_list) result (buffer)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
type(string_t) :: buffer
character(30) :: ibuf
integer :: i
buffer = "iterations = "
if (it_list%n_pass > 0) then
do i = 1, it_list%n_pass
if (i > 1) buffer = buffer // ", "
write (ibuf, "(I0,':',I0)") &
it_list%pass(i)%n_it, it_list%pass(i)%n_calls
buffer = buffer // trim (ibuf)
if (it_list%pass(i)%custom_adaptation &
.or. it_list%pass(i)%adapt_grids &
.or. it_list%pass(i)%adapt_weights) then
buffer = buffer // ':"'
if (it_list%pass(i)%adapt_grids) buffer = buffer // "g"
if (it_list%pass(i)%adapt_weights) buffer = buffer // "w"
buffer = buffer // '"'
end if
end do
buffer = buffer // "[undefined]"
end if
end function iterations_list_to_string
@ %def iterations_list_to_string
Return the total number of passes.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_n_pass => iterations_list_get_n_pass
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
function iterations_list_get_n_pass (it_list) result (n_pass)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer :: n_pass
n_pass = it_list%n_pass
end function iterations_list_get_n_pass
@ %def iterations_list_get_n_pass
@ Return the number of calls for a specific pass.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_n_calls => iterations_list_get_n_calls
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
function iterations_list_get_n_calls (it_list, pass) result (n_calls)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer :: n_calls
integer, intent(in) :: pass
if (pass <= it_list%n_pass) then
n_calls = it_list%pass(pass)%n_calls
n_calls = 0
end if
end function iterations_list_get_n_calls
@ %def iterations_list_get_n_calls
@ Get the adaptation mode (automatic/custom) and, for custom adaptation, the
flags for a specific pass.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: adapt_grids => iterations_list_adapt_grids
procedure :: adapt_weights => iterations_list_adapt_weights
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
function iterations_list_adapt_grids (it_list, pass) result (flag)
logical :: flag
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer, intent(in) :: pass
if (pass <= it_list%n_pass) then
flag = it_list%pass(pass)%adapt_grids
flag = .false.
end if
end function iterations_list_adapt_grids
function iterations_list_adapt_weights (it_list, pass) result (flag)
logical :: flag
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer, intent(in) :: pass
if (pass <= it_list%n_pass) then
flag = it_list%pass(pass)%adapt_weights
flag = .false.
end if
end function iterations_list_adapt_weights
@ %def iterations_list_has_custom_adaptation
@ %def iterations_list_adapt_grids
@ %def iterations_list_adapt_weights
@ Return the total number of iterations / the iterations for a specific pass.
<<Iterations: iterations list: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_n_it => iterations_list_get_n_it
<<Iterations: procedures>>=
function iterations_list_get_n_it (it_list, pass) result (n_it)
class(iterations_list_t), intent(in) :: it_list
integer :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: pass
if (pass <= it_list%n_pass) then
n_it = it_list%pass(pass)%n_it
n_it = 0
end if
end function iterations_list_get_n_it
@ %def iterations_list_get_n_it
This is the master for calling self-test procedures.
<<Iterations: public>>=
public :: iterations_test
<<Iterations: tests>>=
subroutine iterations_test (u, results)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
<<Iterations: execute tests>>
end subroutine iterations_test
@ %def iterations_test
\subsubsection{Empty list}
<<Iterations: execute tests>>=
call test (iterations_1, "iterations_1", &
"empty iterations list", &
u, results)
<<Iterations: tests>>=
subroutine iterations_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(iterations_list_t) :: it_list
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: iterations_1"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: display empty iterations list"
write (u, "(A)")
call it_list%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: iterations_1"
end subroutine iterations_1
@ %def iterations_1
\subsubsection{Fill list}
<<Iterations: execute tests>>=
call test (iterations_2, "iterations_2", &
"create iterations list", &
u, results)
<<Iterations: tests>>=
subroutine iterations_2 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(iterations_list_t) :: it_list
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: iterations_2"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: fill and display iterations list"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Minimal setup (2 passes)"
write (u, "(A)")
call it_list%init ([2, 4], [5000, 20000])
call it_list%write (u)
call it_list%clear ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Setup with flags (3 passes)"
write (u, "(A)")
call it_list%init ([2, 4, 5], [5000, 20000, 400], &
[.false., .true., .true.], &
[var_str (""), var_str ("g"), var_str ("wg")])
call it_list%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Extract data"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A,I0)") "n_pass = ", it_list%get_n_pass ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A,I0)") "n_calls(2) = ", it_list%get_n_calls (2)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A,I0)") "n_it(3) = ", it_list%get_n_it (3)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: iterations_2"
end subroutine iterations_2
@ %def iterations_2
\section{Integration results}
We record integration results and errors in a dedicated type. This
allows us to do further statistics such as weighted average,
chi-squared, grouping by integration passes, etc.
Note WHIZARD 2.2.0: This code is taken from the previous [[processes]]
module essentially unchanged and converted into a separate module. It
lacks an overhaul and, in particular, self-tests.
module integration_results
<<Use kinds>>
<<Use strings>>
use io_units
use format_utils, only: mp_format, pac_fmt
use format_defs, only: FMT_10, FMT_14
use diagnostics
use md5
use os_interface
use mci_base
<<Standard module head>>
<<Integration results: public>>
<<Integration results: parameters>>
<<Integration results: types>>
<<Integration results: procedures>>
end module integration_results
@ %def integration_results
\subsection{Integration results entry}
This object collects the results of an integration pass and makes them
available to the outside.
The results object has to distinguish the process type:
We store the process type, the index of the integration pass and the
absolute iteration index, the number of iterations contained in this
result (for averages), and the integral (cross section or partial
width), error estimate, efficiency.
For intermediate results, we set a flag if this result is an
improvement w.r.t. previous ones.
The process type indicates decay or scattering. Dummy entries
(skipped iterations) have a process type of [[PRC_UNKNOWN]].
<<Integration results: types>>=
type :: integration_entry_t
integer :: process_type = PRC_UNKNOWN
integer :: pass = 0
integer :: it = 0
integer :: n_it = 0
integer :: n_calls = 0
logical :: improved = .false.
real(default) :: integral = 0
real(default) :: error = 0
real(default) :: efficiency = 0
real(default) :: chi2 = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: chain_weights
end type integration_entry_t
@ %def integration_result_t
The possible values of the type indicator:
<<Integration results: parameters>>=
integer, parameter, public :: PRC_UNKNOWN = 0
integer, parameter, public :: PRC_DECAY = 1
integer, parameter, public :: PRC_SCATTERING = 2
@ Initialize with all relevant data
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_entry_init (entry, &
process_type, pass, it, n_it, n_calls, improved, &
integral, error, efficiency, chi2, chain_weights)
type(integration_entry_t), intent(out) :: entry
integer, intent(in) :: process_type, pass, it, n_it, n_calls
logical, intent(in) :: improved
real(default), intent(in) :: integral, error, efficiency
real(default), intent(in), optional :: chi2
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: chain_weights
entry%process_type = process_type
entry%pass = pass
entry%it = it
entry%n_it = n_it
entry%n_calls = n_calls
entry%improved = improved
entry%integral = integral
entry%error = error
entry%efficiency = efficiency
if (present (chi2)) &
entry%chi2 = chi2
if (present (chain_weights)) then
allocate (entry%chain_weights (size (chain_weights)))
entry%chain_weights = chain_weights
end if
end subroutine integration_entry_init
@ %def integration_entry_init
@ Access values, some of them computed on demand:
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
elemental function integration_entry_get_pass (entry) result (n)
integer :: n
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
n = entry%pass
end function integration_entry_get_pass
elemental function integration_entry_get_n_calls (entry) result (n)
integer :: n
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
n = entry%n_calls
end function integration_entry_get_n_calls
elemental function integration_entry_get_integral (entry) result (int)
real(default) :: int
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
int = entry%integral
end function integration_entry_get_integral
elemental function integration_entry_get_error (entry) result (err)
real(default) :: err
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
err = entry%error
end function integration_entry_get_error
elemental function integration_entry_get_relative_error (entry) result (err)
real(default) :: err
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
if (entry%integral /= 0) then
err = entry%error / entry%integral
err = 0
end if
end function integration_entry_get_relative_error
elemental function integration_entry_get_accuracy (entry) result (acc)
real(default) :: acc
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
acc = accuracy (entry%integral, entry%error, entry%n_calls)
end function integration_entry_get_accuracy
elemental function accuracy (integral, error, n_calls) result (acc)
real(default) :: acc
real(default), intent(in) :: integral, error
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
if (integral /= 0) then
acc = error / integral * sqrt (real (n_calls, default))
acc = 0
end if
end function accuracy
elemental function integration_entry_get_efficiency (entry) result (eff)
real(default) :: eff
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
eff = entry%efficiency
end function integration_entry_get_efficiency
elemental function integration_entry_get_chi2 (entry) result (chi2)
real(default) :: chi2
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
chi2 = entry%chi2
end function integration_entry_get_chi2
elemental function integration_entry_has_improved (entry) result (flag)
logical :: flag
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
flag = entry%improved
end function integration_entry_has_improved
elemental function integration_entry_get_n_groves (entry) result (n_groves)
integer :: n_groves
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
if (allocated (entry%chain_weights)) then
n_groves = size (entry%chain_weights, 1)
n_groves = 0
end if
end function integration_entry_get_n_groves
@ %def integration_entry_get_pass
@ %def integration_entry_get_integral
@ %def integration_entry_get_error
@ %def integration_entry_get_relative_error
@ %def integration_entry_get_accuracy
@ %def accuracy
@ %def integration_entry_get_efficiency
@ %def integration_entry_get_chi2
@ %def integration_entry_has_improved
@ %def integration_entry_get_n_groves
@ Output. This writes the header line for the result account below:
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine write_header (process_type, unit, logfile)
integer, intent(in) :: process_type
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: logfile
character(5) :: phys_unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
select case (process_type)
case (PRC_DECAY); phys_unit = "[GeV]"
case (PRC_SCATTERING); phys_unit = "[fb] "
case default
phys_unit = ""
end select
write (msg_buffer, "(A)") &
"It Calls Integral" // phys_unit // &
" Error" // phys_unit // &
" Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |"
call msg_message (unit=u, logfile=logfile)
end subroutine write_header
@ %def write_header
@ This writes a separator for result display:
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine write_hline (unit)
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
write (u, "(A)") "|" // (repeat ("-", 77)) // "|"
flush (u)
end subroutine write_hline
subroutine write_dline (unit)
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
write (u, "(A)") "|" // (repeat ("=", 77)) // "|"
flush (u)
end subroutine write_dline
@ %def write_hline
@ %def write_dline
@ This writes the standard result account into one screen line. The
verbose version uses multiple lines and prints the unabridged values.
Dummy entries are not written.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_entry_write (entry, unit, verbose, suppress)
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose
logical, intent(in), optional :: suppress
integer :: u
character(1) :: star
character(12) :: fmt
character(7) :: fmt2
logical :: verb, supp
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
verb = .false.; if (present (verbose)) verb = verbose
supp = .false.; if (present (suppress)) supp = suppress
if (verb) then
write (u, *) "process_type = ", entry%process_type
write (u, *) " pass = ", entry%pass
write (u, *) " it = ", entry%it
write (u, *) " n_it = ", entry%n_it
write (u, *) " n_calls = ", entry%n_calls
write (u, *) " improved = ", entry%improved
write (u, *) " integral = ", entry%integral
write (u, *) " error = ", entry%error
write (u, *) " efficiency = ", entry%efficiency
write (u, *) " chi2 = ", entry%chi2
if (allocated (entry%chain_weights)) then
write (u, *) " n_groves = ", size (entry%chain_weights)
write (u, *) "chain_weights = ", entry%chain_weights
write (u, *) " n_groves = 0"
end if
else if (entry%process_type /= PRC_UNKNOWN) then
if (entry%improved .and. .not. supp) then
star = "*"
star = " "
end if
call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_14, "3x," // FMT_10 // ",1x", suppress)
call pac_fmt (fmt2, "1x,F6.2", "2x,F5.1", suppress)
if (entry%n_it /= 1) then
write (u, "(1x,I3,1x,I10,1x," // fmt // ",1x,ES9.2,1x,F7.2," // &
"1x,F7.2,A1," // fmt2 // ",1x,F7.2,1x,I3)") &
entry%it, &
entry%n_calls, &
entry%integral, &
abs(entry%error), &
abs(integration_entry_get_relative_error (entry)) * 100, &
abs(integration_entry_get_accuracy (entry)), &
star, &
entry%efficiency * 100, &
entry%chi2, &
write (u, "(1x,I3,1x,I10,1x," // fmt // ",1x,ES9.2,1x,F7.2," // &
"1x,F7.2,A1," // fmt2 // ",1x,F7.2,1x,I3)") &
entry%it, &
entry%n_calls, &
entry%integral, &
abs(entry%error), &
abs(integration_entry_get_relative_error (entry)) * 100, &
abs(integration_entry_get_accuracy (entry)), &
star, &
entry%efficiency * 100
end if
end if
flush (u)
end subroutine integration_entry_write
@ %def integration_entry_write
@ Read the entry, assuming it has been written in verbose format.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_entry_read (entry, unit)
type(integration_entry_t), intent(out) :: entry
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(30) :: dummy
character :: equals
integer :: n_groves
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%process_type
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%pass
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%it
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%n_it
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%n_calls
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%improved
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%integral
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%error
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%efficiency
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%chi2
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, n_groves
if (n_groves /= 0) then
allocate (entry%chain_weights (n_groves))
read (unit, *) dummy, equals, entry%chain_weights
end if
end subroutine integration_entry_read
@ %def integration_entry_read
@ Write an account of the channel weights, accumulated by groves.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_entry_write_chain_weights (entry, unit)
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in) :: entry
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u, i
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
if (allocated (entry%chain_weights)) then
do i = 1, size (entry%chain_weights)
write (u, "(1x,I3)", advance="no") nint (entry%chain_weights(i) * 100)
end do
write (u, *)
end if
end subroutine integration_entry_write_chain_weights
@ %def integration_entry_write_chain_weights
@ Compute the average for all entries in the specified integration
pass. The integrals are weighted w.r.t.\ their individual errors.
The quoted error of the result is the expected error, computed from
the weighted average of the given individual errors.
This should be compared to the actual distribution of the results,
from which we also can compute an error estimate if there is more than
one iteration. The ratio of the distribution error and the averaged
error, is the $\chi^2$ value.
All error distributions are assumed Gaussian, of course. The $\chi^2$
value is a partial check for this assumption. If it is significantly
greater than unity, there is something wrong with the individual errors.
The efficiency returned is the one of the last entry in the
integration pass.
If any error vanishes, averaging by this algorithm would fail. In this case,
we simply average the entries and use the deviations from this average (if
any) to estimate the error.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function compute_average (entry, pass) result (result)
type(integration_entry_t) :: result
type(integration_entry_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: entry
integer, intent(in) :: pass
integer :: i
logical, dimension(size(entry)) :: mask
real(default), dimension(size(entry)) :: ivar
real(default) :: sum_ivar, variance
result%process_type = entry(1)%process_type
result%pass = pass
mask = entry%pass == pass .and. entry%process_type /= PRC_UNKNOWN
result%it = maxval (entry%it, mask)
result%n_it = count (mask)
result%n_calls = sum (entry%n_calls, mask)
if (.not. any (mask .and. entry%error == 0)) then
where (mask)
ivar = 1 / entry%error ** 2
ivar = 0
end where
sum_ivar = sum (ivar, mask)
if (sum_ivar /= 0) then
variance = 1 / sum_ivar
variance = 0
end if
result%integral = sum (entry%integral * ivar, mask) * variance
if (result%n_it > 1) then
result%chi2 = &
sum ((entry%integral - result%integral)**2 * ivar, mask) &
/ (result%n_it - 1)
end if
else if (result%n_it /= 0) then
result%integral = sum (entry%integral, mask) / result%n_it
if (result%n_it > 1) then
variance = &
sum ((entry%integral - result%integral)**2, mask) &
/ (result%n_it - 1)
if (result%integral /= 0) then
if (abs (variance / result%integral) &
< 100 * epsilon (1._default)) then
variance = 0
end if
end if
result%chi2 = variance / result%n_it
variance = 0
end if
end if
result%error = sqrt (variance)
do i = size (entry), 1, -1
if (mask(i)) then
result%efficiency = entry(i)%efficiency
end if
end do
end function compute_average
@ %def compute_average
\subsection{Combined integration results}
We collect a list of results which grows during the execution of the
program. This is implemented as an array which grows if necessary; so
we can easily compute averages.
We implement this as an extension of the [[mci_results_t]] which is
defined in [[mci_base]] as an abstract type. We thus decouple the
implementation of the integrator from the implementation of the
results display, but nevertheless can record intermediate results
during integration. This implies that the present extension
implements a [[record]] method.
<<Integration results: public>>=
public :: integration_results_t
<<Integration results: types>>=
type, extends (mci_results_t) :: integration_results_t
integer :: process_type = PRC_UNKNOWN
integer :: current_pass = 0
integer :: n_pass = 0
integer :: n_it = 0
logical :: screen = .false.
integer :: unit = 0
real(default) :: error_threshold = 0
type(integration_entry_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: entry
type(integration_entry_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: average
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>
end type integration_results_t
@ %def integration_results_t
@ The array is extended in chunks of 10 entries.
<<Integration results: parameters>>=
integer, parameter :: RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE = 10
@ The standard does not require to explicitly initialize the integers;
however, some gfortran version has a bug here and misses the default
initialization in the type definition.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: init => integration_results_init
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_init (results, process_type)
class(integration_results_t), intent(out) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: process_type
results%process_type = process_type
results%n_pass = 0
results%n_it = 0
allocate (results%entry (RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
allocate (results%average (RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
end subroutine integration_results_init
@ %def integration_results_init
@ Set addititional parameters: the [[error_threshold]] declares that any error
value (in absolute numbers) smaller than this is to be considered zero.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_error_threshold => integration_results_set_error_threshold
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_set_error_threshold (results, error_threshold)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
real(default), intent(in) :: error_threshold
results%error_threshold = error_threshold
end subroutine integration_results_set_error_threshold
@ %def integration_results_set_error_threshold
@ Output (ASCII format). The [[verbose]] format is used for writing
the header in grid files.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => integration_results_write
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_write (object, unit, verbose, suppress)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose
logical, intent(in), optional :: suppress
logical :: verb
integer :: u, n
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
verb = .false.; if (present (verbose)) verb = verbose
if (.not. verb) then
call write_dline (unit)
if (object%n_it /= 0) then
call write_header (object%entry(1)%process_type, unit, &
call write_dline (unit)
do n = 1, object%n_it
if (n > 1) then
if (object%entry(n)%pass /= object%entry(n-1)%pass) then
call write_hline (unit)
call integration_entry_write &
(object%average(object%entry(n-1)%pass), &
unit, suppress = suppress)
call write_hline (unit)
end if
end if
call integration_entry_write (object%entry(n), unit, &
suppress = suppress)
end do
call write_hline(unit)
call integration_entry_write (object%average(object%n_pass), &
unit, suppress = suppress)
call msg_message ("[WHIZARD integration results: empty]", unit)
end if
call write_dline (unit)
write (u, *) "begin(integration_results)"
write (u, *) " n_pass = ", object%n_pass
write (u, *) " n_it = ", object%n_it
if (object%n_it > 0) then
write (u, *) "begin(integration_pass)"
do n = 1, object%n_it
if (n > 1) then
if (object%entry(n)%pass /= object%entry(n-1)%pass) then
write (u, *) "end(integration_pass)"
write (u, *) "begin(integration_pass)"
end if
end if
write (u, *) "begin(iteration)"
call integration_entry_write (object%entry(n), unit, &
verbose = verb, suppress = suppress)
write (u, *) "end(iteration)"
end do
write (u, *) "end(integration_pass)"
end if
write (u, *) "end(integration_results)"
end if
flush (u)
end subroutine integration_results_write
@ %def integration_results_write
@ During integration, we do not want to print all results at once, but
each intermediate result as soon as we get it. Thus, the previous procedure
is chopped in pieces. First piece: store the
output unit and a flag whether we want to print to standard output as
well. Then write the header if the results are still empty, i.e.,
before integration has started. The second piece writes a single
result to the saved output channels. We call this from the [[record]]
method, which can be called from the integrator directly. The third
piece writes the average result, once a pass has been completed. The
fourth piece writes a footer (if any), assuming that this is the final result.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: display_init => integration_results_display_init
procedure :: display_current => integration_results_display_current
procedure :: display_pass => integration_results_display_pass
procedure :: display_final => integration_results_display_final
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_display_init &
(results, process_type, screen, unit)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: process_type
logical, intent(in) :: screen
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
if (present (unit)) results%unit = unit
u = given_output_unit ()
results%screen = screen
if (results%n_it == 0) then
if (results%screen) then
call write_dline (u)
call write_header (process_type, u, &
call write_dline (u)
end if
if (results%unit /= 0) then
call write_dline (results%unit)
call write_header (process_type, results%unit, &
call write_dline (results%unit)
end if
if (results%screen) then
call write_hline (u)
end if
if (results%unit /= 0) then
call write_hline (results%unit)
end if
end if
end subroutine integration_results_display_init
subroutine integration_results_display_current (results, pacify)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
integer :: u
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
u = given_output_unit ()
if (results%screen) then
call integration_entry_write (results%entry(results%n_it), u, &
suppress = pacify)
end if
if (results%unit /= 0) then
call integration_entry_write (results%entry(results%n_it), &
results%unit, suppress = pacify)
end if
end subroutine integration_results_display_current
subroutine integration_results_display_pass (results, pacify)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit ()
if (results%screen) then
call write_hline (u)
call integration_entry_write &
(results%average(results%entry(results%n_it)%pass), &
u, suppress = pacify)
end if
if (results%unit /= 0) then
call write_hline (results%unit)
call integration_entry_write &
(results%average(results%entry(results%n_it)%pass), &
results%unit, suppress = pacify)
end if
end subroutine integration_results_display_pass
subroutine integration_results_display_final (results)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit ()
if (results%screen) then
call write_dline (u)
end if
if (results%unit /= 0) then
call write_dline (results%unit)
end if
results%screen = .false.
results%unit = 0
end subroutine integration_results_display_final
@ %def integration_results_display_init
@ %def integration_results_display_current
@ %def integration_results_display_pass
@ Write a concise table of chain weights, i.e., the channel history where
channels are collected by chains.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_chain_weights => &
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_write_chain_weights (results, unit)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u, i, n
u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return
if (allocated (results%entry(1)%chain_weights) .and. results%n_it /= 0) then
call msg_message ("Phase-space chain (grove) weight history: " &
// "(numbers in %)", unit)
write (u, "(A9)", advance="no") "| chain |"
do i = 1, integration_entry_get_n_groves (results%entry(1))
write (u, "(1x,I3)", advance="no") i
end do
write (u, *)
call write_dline (unit)
do n = 1, results%n_it
if (n > 1) then
if (results%entry(n)%pass /= results%entry(n-1)%pass) then
call write_hline (unit)
end if
end if
write (u, "(1x,I6,1x,A1)", advance="no") n, "|"
call integration_entry_write_chain_weights (results%entry(n), unit)
end do
flush (u)
call write_dline(unit)
end if
end subroutine integration_results_write_chain_weights
@ %def integration_results_write_chain_weights
@ Read the list from file. The file must be written using the
[[verbose]] option of the writing routine.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_read (results, unit)
type(integration_results_t), intent(out) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(80) :: buffer
character :: equals
integer :: pass, it
read (unit, *) buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "begin(integration_results)") then
call read_err (); return
end if
read (unit, *) buffer, equals, results%n_pass
read (unit, *) buffer, equals, results%n_it
allocate (results%entry (results%n_it + RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
allocate (results%average (results%n_it + RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
it = 0
do pass = 1, results%n_pass
read (unit, *) buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "begin(integration_pass)") then
call read_err (); return
end if
read (unit, *) buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "begin(iteration)") then
end if
it = it + 1
call integration_entry_read (results%entry(it), unit)
read (unit, *) buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "end(iteration)") then
call read_err (); return
end if
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "end(integration_pass)") then
call read_err (); return
end if
results%average(pass) = compute_average (results%entry, pass)
end do
read (unit, *) buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) /= "end(integration_results)") then
call read_err (); return
end if
subroutine read_err ()
call msg_fatal ("Reading integration results from file: syntax error")
end subroutine read_err
end subroutine integration_results_read
@ %def integration_results_read
@ Check integration results for consistency. We compare against an
array of pass indices and call numbers. If there is a difference, up
to the number of iterations done so far, we return failure. Dummy
entries (where [[pass]] = 0) are ignored.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_iterations_are_consistent &
(results, pass, n_calls) result (flag)
logical :: flag
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pass, n_calls
integer :: n_it
n_it = results%n_it
flag = size (pass) >= n_it .and. size (n_calls) >= n_it
if (flag) then
flag = all (results%entry(:n_it)%pass == pass(:n_it) &
.and. &
(results%entry(:n_it)%n_calls == n_calls(:n_it) &
.or. &
results%entry(:n_it)%process_type == PRC_UNKNOWN))
end if
end function integration_results_iterations_are_consistent
@ %def integration_results_iterations_are_consistent
@ Discard all results starting from the specified iteration.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_discard (results, it)
type(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: it
if (it <= results%n_it) then
select case (it)
case (:1)
results%n_it = 0
results%n_pass = 0
results%current_pass = 0
case default
results%n_it = it - 1
results%n_pass = maxval (results%entry(1:results%n_it)%pass)
results%current_pass = results%n_pass
end select
end if
end subroutine integration_results_discard
@ %def integration_results_discard
@ Expand the list of entries if the limit has been reached:
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: expand => integration_results_expand
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_expand (results)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
type(integration_entry_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: entry_tmp
if (results%n_it == size (results%entry)) then
allocate (entry_tmp (results%n_it))
entry_tmp = results%entry
deallocate (results%entry)
allocate (results%entry (results%n_it + RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
results%entry(:results%n_it) = entry_tmp
deallocate (entry_tmp)
end if
if (results%n_pass == size (results%average)) then
allocate (entry_tmp (results%n_pass))
entry_tmp = results%average
deallocate (results%average)
allocate (results%average (results%n_it + RESULTS_CHUNK_SIZE))
results%average(:results%n_pass) = entry_tmp
deallocate (entry_tmp)
end if
end subroutine integration_results_expand
@ %def integration_results_expand
@ Increment the [[current_pass]] counter. Can be done before
integration; after integration, the recording method may use the value
of this counter to define the entry.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: new_pass => integration_results_new_pass
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_new_pass (results)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
results%current_pass = results%current_pass + 1
end subroutine integration_results_new_pass
@ %def integration_results_new_pass
@ Append a new entry to the list and, if appropriate, compute the average.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: append_entry => integration_results_append_entry
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_append_entry (results, entry)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
type(integration_entry_t), intent(in), optional :: entry
if (results%n_it == 0) then
results%n_it = 1
results%n_pass = 1
call results%expand ()
if (present (entry)) then
if (entry%pass /= results%entry(results%n_it)%pass) &
results%n_pass = results%n_pass + 1
end if
results%n_it = results%n_it + 1
end if
if (present (entry)) then
results%entry(results%n_it) = entry
results%average(results%n_pass) = &
compute_average (results%entry, entry%pass)
end if
end subroutine integration_results_append_entry
@ %def integration_results_append_entry
@ Enter results into the results list. For the error value, we may compare
them with a given threshold. This guards against numerical noise, if the
exact error would be zero.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: append => integration_results_append
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_append (results, &
n_it, n_calls, &
integral, error, efficiency, &
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: n_it, n_calls
real(default), intent(in) :: integral, error, efficiency
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: chain_weights
logical :: improved
type(integration_entry_t) :: entry
real(default) :: err_checked
if (results%n_it /= 0) then
improved = abs(accuracy (integral, error, n_calls)) &
< abs(integration_entry_get_accuracy (results%entry(results%n_it)))
improved = .true.
end if
if (abs (error) >= results%error_threshold) then
err_checked = error
err_checked = 0
end if
call integration_entry_init (entry, &
results%process_type, results%current_pass, &
results%n_it+1, n_it, n_calls, improved, &
integral, err_checked, efficiency, &
call results%append_entry (entry)
end subroutine integration_results_append
@ %def integration_results_append
@ Enter an empty result into the results list.
<<Integration results: public>>=
public :: integration_results_append_null
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_append_null (results, pass, n_it)
type(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
integer, intent(in) :: pass, n_it
type(integration_entry_t) :: entry
call integration_entry_init (entry, &
PRC_UNKNOWN, results%current_pass, n_it, 1, 0, .false., &
0._default, 0._default, 0._default)
call results%append_entry (entry)
end subroutine integration_results_append_null
@ %def integration_results_append_null
@ Record an integration pass executed by an [[mci]] integrator
There is a tolerance below we treat an error (relative to the
integral) as zero.
<<Integration results: parameters>>=
real(default), parameter, public :: INTEGRATION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 1e-10
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: record => integration_results_record
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_record &
(object, n_it, n_calls, integral, error, efficiency, &
chain_weights, suppress)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: n_it, n_calls
real(default), intent(in) :: integral, error, efficiency
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: chain_weights
real(default) :: err
logical, intent(in), optional :: suppress
if (abs (error) >= abs (integral) * INTEGRATION_ERROR_TOLERANCE) then
err = error
err = 0
end if
call object%append (n_it, n_calls, integral, err, efficiency, chain_weights)
call object%display_current (suppress)
end subroutine integration_results_record
@ %def integration_results_record
\subsection{Access results}
Return true if the results object has entries.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: exist => integration_results_exist
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_exist (results) result (flag)
logical :: flag
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
flag = results%n_pass > 0
end function integration_results_exist
@ %def integration_results_exist
@ Retrieve information from the results record. If [[last]] is set and
true, take the last iteration. If [[it]] is set instead, take this
iteration. If [[pass]] is set, take this average. If none is set,
take the final average.
If the result would be invalid, the entry is not assigned. Due to
default initialization, this returns a null entry.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_entry => results_get_entry
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function results_get_entry (results, last, it, pass) result (entry)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
type(integration_entry_t) :: entry
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
if (present (last)) then
if (allocated (results%entry) .and. results%n_it > 0) then
entry = results%entry(results%n_it)
call error ()
end if
else if (present (it)) then
if (allocated (results%entry) .and. it > 0 .and. it <= results%n_it) then
entry = results%entry(it)
call error ()
end if
else if (present (pass)) then
if (allocated (results%average) &
.and. pass > 0 .and. pass <= results%n_pass) then
entry = results%average (pass)
call error ()
end if
if (allocated (results%average) .and. results%n_pass > 0) then
entry = results%average (results%n_pass)
call error ()
end if
end if
subroutine error ()
call msg_fatal ("Requested integration result is not available")
end subroutine error
end function results_get_entry
@ %def results_get_entry
@ The individual procedures. The [[results]] record should have the
[[target]] attribute, but only locally within the function.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_n_calls => integration_results_get_n_calls
procedure :: get_integral => integration_results_get_integral
procedure :: get_error => integration_results_get_error
procedure :: get_accuracy => integration_results_get_accuracy
procedure :: get_chi2 => integration_results_get_chi2
procedure :: get_efficiency => integration_results_get_efficiency
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_get_n_calls (results, last, it, pass) &
result (n_calls)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
integer :: n_calls
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
n_calls = integration_entry_get_n_calls &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_n_calls
function integration_results_get_integral (results, last, it, pass) &
result (integral)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
real(default) :: integral
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
integral = integration_entry_get_integral &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_integral
function integration_results_get_error (results, last, it, pass) &
result (error)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
real(default) :: error
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
error = integration_entry_get_error &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_error
function integration_results_get_accuracy (results, last, it, pass) &
result (accuracy)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
real(default) :: accuracy
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
accuracy = integration_entry_get_accuracy &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_accuracy
function integration_results_get_chi2 (results, last, it, pass) &
result (chi2)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
real(default) :: chi2
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
chi2 = integration_entry_get_chi2 &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_chi2
function integration_results_get_efficiency (results, last, it, pass) &
result (efficiency)
class(integration_results_t), intent(in), target :: results
real(default) :: efficiency
logical, intent(in), optional :: last
integer, intent(in), optional :: it, pass
efficiency = integration_entry_get_efficiency &
(results%get_entry (last, it, pass))
end function integration_results_get_efficiency
@ %def integration_results_get_n_calls
@ %def integration_results_get_integral
@ %def integration_results_get_error
@ %def integration_results_get_accuracy
@ %def integration_results_get_chi2
@ %def integration_results_get_efficiency
@ Return the last pass index and the index of the last iteration
\emph{within} the last pass. The third routine returns the absolute
index of the last iteration.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_get_current_pass (results) result (pass)
integer :: pass
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
pass = results%n_pass
end function integration_results_get_current_pass
function integration_results_get_current_it (results) result (it)
integer :: it
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
if (allocated (results%entry)) then
it = count (results%entry(1:results%n_it)%pass == results%n_pass)
it = 0
end if
end function integration_results_get_current_it
function integration_results_get_last_it (results) result (it)
integer :: it
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
it = results%n_it
end function integration_results_get_last_it
@ %def integration_results_get_current_pass
@ %def integration_results_get_current_it
@ %def integration_results_get_last_it
@ Return the index of the best iteration (lowest accuracy value)
within the current pass. If none qualifies, return zero.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_get_best_it (results) result (it)
integer :: it
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
integer :: i
real(default) :: acc, acc_best
acc_best = -1
it = 0
do i = 1, results%n_it
if (results%entry(i)%pass == results%n_pass) then
acc = integration_entry_get_accuracy (results%entry(i))
if (acc_best < 0 .or. acc <= acc_best) then
acc_best = acc
it = i
end if
end if
end do
end function integration_results_get_best_it
@ %def integration_results_get_best_it
@ Compute the MD5 sum by printing everything and checksumming the
resulting file.
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
function integration_results_get_md5sum (results) result (md5sum_results)
character(32) :: md5sum_results
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
integer :: u
u = free_unit ()
open (unit = u, status = "scratch", action = "readwrite")
call integration_results_write (results, u, verbose=.true.)
rewind (u)
md5sum_results = md5sum (u)
close (u)
end function integration_results_get_md5sum
@ %def integration_results_get_md5sum
This is (ab)used to suppress numerical noise when integrating constant
matrix elements.
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: pacify => integration_results_pacify
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_pacify (results, efficiency_reset)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
logical, intent(in), optional :: efficiency_reset
integer :: i
logical :: reset
reset = .false.
if (present (efficiency_reset)) reset = efficiency_reset
if (allocated (results%entry)) then
do i = 1, size (results%entry)
call pacify (results%entry(i)%error, &
results%entry(i)%integral * 1.E-9_default)
if (reset) results%entry(i)%efficiency = 1
end do
end if
if (allocated (results%average)) then
do i = 1, size (results%average)
call pacify (results%average(i)%error, &
results%average(i)%integral * 1.E-9_default)
if (reset) results%average(i)%efficiency = 1
end do
end if
end subroutine integration_results_pacify
@ %def integration_results_pacify
<<Integration results: integration results: TBP>>=
procedure :: record_correction => integration_results_record_correction
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_record_correction (object, corr, err)
class(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: object
real(default), intent(in) :: corr, err
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit ()
if (object%screen) then
call write_hline (u)
call msg_message ("NLO Results: O(alpha_s+1)/O(alpha_s)")
write(u,'(1X,F6.4,A4,F7.5)') corr, ' +- ', err
end if
end subroutine integration_results_record_correction
@ %def integration_results_record_correction
\subsection{Results display}
Write a driver file for history visualization.
The ratio of $y$ range over $y$ value must not become too small, otherwise
we run into an arithmetic overflow in GAMELAN. 2\% appears to be safe.
<<Integration results: parameters>>=
real, parameter, public :: GML_MIN_RANGE_RATIO = 0.02
<<Integration results: public>>=
public :: integration_results_write_driver
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_write_driver (results, filename, eff_reset)
type(integration_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename
logical, intent(in), optional :: eff_reset
type(string_t) :: file_tex
integer :: unit
integer :: n, i, n_pass, pass
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ipass
real(default) :: ymin, ymax, yavg, ydif, y0, y1
logical :: reset
file_tex = filename // ".tex"
unit = free_unit ()
open (unit=unit, file=char(file_tex), action="write", status="replace")
reset = .false.; if (present (eff_reset)) reset = eff_reset
n = results%n_it
n_pass = results%n_pass
allocate (ipass (results%n_pass))
ipass(1) = 0
pass = 2
do i = 1, n-1
if (integration_entry_get_pass (results%entry(i)) &
/= integration_entry_get_pass (results%entry(i+1))) then
ipass(pass) = i
pass = pass + 1
end if
end do
ymin = minval (integration_entry_get_integral (results%entry(:n)) &
- integration_entry_get_error (results%entry(:n)))
ymax = maxval (integration_entry_get_integral (results%entry(:n)) &
+ integration_entry_get_error (results%entry(:n)))
yavg = (ymax + ymin) / 2
ydif = (ymax - ymin)
if (ydif * 1.5 > GML_MIN_RANGE_RATIO * yavg) then
y0 = yavg - ydif * 0.75
y1 = yavg + ydif * 0.75
y0 = yavg * (1 - GML_MIN_RANGE_RATIO / 2)
y1 = yavg * (1 + GML_MIN_RANGE_RATIO / 2)
end if
write (unit, "(A)") "\documentclass{article}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\usepackage{a4wide}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\usepackage{gamelan}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\usepackage{amsmath}"
write (unit, "(A)") ""
write (unit, "(A)") "\begin{document}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\begin{gmlfile}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\section*{Integration Results Display}"
write (unit, "(A)") ""
write (unit, "(A)") "Process: \verb|" // char (filename) // "|"
write (unit, "(A)") ""
write (unit, "(A)") "\vspace*{2\baselineskip}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\unitlength 1mm"
write (unit, "(A)") "\begin{gmlcode}"
write (unit, "(A)") " picture sym; sym = fshape (circle scaled 1mm)();"
write (unit, "(A)") " color; = 0.9white;"
write (unit, "(A)") " color col.eband; col.eband = 0.98white;"
write (unit, "(A)") "\end{gmlcode}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\begin{gmlgraph*}(130,180)[history]"
write (unit, "(A)") " setup (linear, linear);"
write (unit, "(A,I0,A)") " history.n_pass = ", n_pass, ";"
write (unit, "(A,I0,A)") " history.n_it = ", n, ";"
write (unit, "(A,A,A)") " history.y0 = #""", char (mp_format (y0)), """;"
write (unit, "(A,A,A)") " history.y1 = #""", char (mp_format (y1)), """;"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" graphrange (#0.5, history.y0), (#(n+0.5), history.y1);"
do pass = 1, n_pass
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,I0,A)") &
" history.pass[", pass, "] = ", ipass(pass), ";"
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,A,A)") &
" history.avg[", pass, "] = #""", &
char (mp_format &
(integration_entry_get_integral (results%average(pass)))), &
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,A,A)") &
" history.err[", pass, "] = #""", &
char (mp_format &
(integration_entry_get_error (results%average(pass)))), &
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,A,A)") &
" history.chi[", pass, "] = #""", &
char (mp_format &
(integration_entry_get_chi2 (results%average(pass)))), &
end do
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,I0,A)") &
" history.pass[", n_pass + 1, "] = ", n, ";"
write (unit, "(A)") " for i = 1 upto history.n_pass:"
write (unit, "(A)") " if history.chi[i] greater one:"
write (unit, "(A)") " fill plot ("
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i] +.5), " &
// "history.avg[i] minus history.err[i] times history.chi[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i+1]+.5), " &
// "history.avg[i] minus history.err[i] times history.chi[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i+1]+.5), " &
// "history.avg[i] plus history.err[i] times history.chi[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i] +.5), " &
// "history.avg[i] plus history.err[i] times history.chi[i])"
write (unit, "(A)") " ) withcolor col.eband fi;"
write (unit, "(A)") " fill plot ("
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i] +.5), history.avg[i] minus history.err[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i+1]+.5), history.avg[i] minus history.err[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i+1]+.5), history.avg[i] plus history.err[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i] +.5), history.avg[i] plus history.err[i])"
write (unit, "(A)") " ) withcolor;"
write (unit, "(A)") " draw plot ("
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i] +.5), history.avg[i]),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i+1]+.5), history.avg[i])"
write (unit, "(A)") " ) dashed evenly;"
write (unit, "(A)") " endfor"
write (unit, "(A)") " for i = 1 upto history.n_pass + 1:"
write (unit, "(A)") " draw plot ("
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i]+.5), history.y0),"
write (unit, "(A)") &
" (#(history.pass[i]+.5), history.y1)"
write (unit, "(A)") " ) dashed withdots;"
write (unit, "(A)") " endfor"
do i = 1, n
write (unit, "(A,I0,A,A,A,A,A)") " plot (history) (#", &
i, ", #""", &
char (mp_format (integration_entry_get_integral (results%entry(i)))),&
""") vbar #""", &
char (mp_format (integration_entry_get_error (results%entry(i)))), &
end do
write (unit, "(A)") " draw piecewise from (history) " &
// "withsymbol sym;"
write (unit, "(A)") " (5,20);"
write (unit, "(A)") " (n);"
write (unit, "(A)") " begingmleps ""Whizard-Logo.eps"";"
write (unit, "(A)") " base := (120*unitlength,170*unitlength);"
write (unit, "(A)") " height := 9.6*unitlength;"
write (unit, "(A)") " width := 11.2*unitlength;"
write (unit, "(A)") " endgmleps;"
write (unit, "(A)") "\end{gmlgraph*}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\end{gmlfile}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\clearpage"
write (unit, "(A)") "\begin{verbatim}"
if (reset) then
call results%pacify (reset)
end if
call integration_results_write (results, unit)
write (unit, "(A)") "\end{verbatim}"
write (unit, "(A)") "\end{document}"
close (unit)
end subroutine integration_results_write_driver
@ %def integration_results_write_driver
@ Call \LaTeX\ and Metapost for the history driver file, and convert to PS and
<<Integration results: public>>=
public :: integration_results_compile_driver
<<Integration results: procedures>>=
subroutine integration_results_compile_driver (results, filename, os_data)
type(integration_results_t), intent(in) :: results
type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename
type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data
integer :: unit_dev, status
type(string_t) :: file_tex, file_dvi, file_ps, file_pdf, file_mp
type(string_t) :: setenv_tex, setenv_mp, pipe, pipe_dvi
if (.not. os_data%event_analysis) then
call msg_warning ("Skipping integration history display " &
// "because latex or mpost is not available")
end if
file_tex = filename // ".tex"
file_dvi = filename // ".dvi"
file_ps = filename // ".ps"
file_pdf = filename // ".pdf"
file_mp = filename // ".mp"
call msg_message ("Creating integration history display "&
// char (file_ps) // " and " // char (file_pdf))
unit_dev = free_unit ()
open (file = "/dev/null", unit = unit_dev, &
action = "write", iostat = status)
if (status /= 0) then
pipe = ""
pipe_dvi = ""
pipe = " > /dev/null"
pipe_dvi = " 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null"
end if
close (unit_dev)
if (os_data%whizard_texpath /= "") then
setenv_tex = &
"TEXINPUTS=" // os_data%whizard_texpath // ":$TEXINPUTS "
setenv_mp = &
"MPINPUTS=" // os_data%whizard_texpath // ":$MPINPUTS "
setenv_tex = ""
setenv_mp = ""
end if
call os_system_call (setenv_tex // os_data%latex // " " // &
file_tex // pipe, status)
if (status /= 0) exit BLOCK
if (os_data%gml /= "") then
call os_system_call (setenv_mp // os_data%gml // " " // &
file_mp // pipe, status)
call msg_error ("Could not use GAMELAN/MetaPOST.")
exit BLOCK
end if
if (status /= 0) exit BLOCK
call os_system_call (setenv_tex // os_data%latex // " " // &
file_tex // pipe, status)
if (status /= 0) exit BLOCK
if (os_data%event_analysis_ps) then
call os_system_call (os_data%dvips // " " // &
file_dvi // pipe_dvi, status)
if (status /= 0) exit BLOCK
call msg_warning ("Skipping PostScript generation because dvips " &
// "is not available")
exit BLOCK
end if
if (os_data%event_analysis_pdf) then
call os_system_call (os_data%ps2pdf // " " // &
file_ps, status)
if (status /= 0) exit BLOCK
call msg_warning ("Skipping PDF generation because ps2pdf " &
// "is not available")
exit BLOCK
end if
exit BLOCK
end do BLOCK
if (status /= 0) then
call msg_error ("Unable to compile integration history display")
end if
end subroutine integration_results_compile_driver
@ %def integration_results_compile_driver
\section{Simple midpoint integration}
This is a most simple implementation of an integrator. The algorithm
is the straightforward multi-dimensional midpoint rule, i.e., the
integration hypercube is binned uniformly, the integrand is evaluated
at the midpoints of each bin, and the result is the average. The
binning is equivalent for all integration dimensions.
This rule is accurate to the order $h^2$, where $h$ is the bin width.
Given that $h=N^{-1/d}$, where $d$ is the integration dimension and
$N$ is the total number of sampling points, we get a relative error
of order $N^{-2/d}$. This is superior to MC integration if $d<4$, and
equivalent if $d=4$. It is not worse than higher-order formulas
(such as Gauss integration) if the integrand is not smooth, e.g., if
it contains cuts.
The integrator is specifically single-channel. However, we do not
limit the dimension.
<<File header>>
module mci_midpoint
use kinds
<<Use strings>>
use io_units
use unit_tests
use diagnostics
use phs_base
use rng_base
use mci_base
<<Standard module head>>
<<MCI midpoint: public>>
<<MCI midpoint: types>>
<<MCI midpoint: test types>>
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>
end module mci_midpoint
@ %def mci_midpoint
The object contains the methods for integration and event generation.
For the actual work and data storage, it spawns an instance object.
After an integration pass, we update the [[max]] parameter to indicate
the maximum absolute value of the integrand that the integrator
encountered. This is required for event generation.
<<MCI midpoint: public>>=
public :: mci_midpoint_t
<<MCI midpoint: types>>=
type, extends (mci_t) :: mci_midpoint_t
integer :: n_dim_binned = 0
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: dim_is_binned
logical :: calls_known = .false.
integer :: n_calls = 0
integer :: n_calls_pos = 0
integer :: n_calls_nul = 0
integer :: n_calls_neg = 0
real(default) :: integral_pos = 0
real(default) :: integral_neg = 0
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: n_bin
logical :: max_known = .false.
real(default) :: max = 0
real(default) :: min = 0
real(default) :: max_abs = 0
real(default) :: min_abs = 0
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>
end type mci_midpoint_t
@ %def mci_t
@ Finalizer: base version is sufficient
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: final => mci_midpoint_final
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_final (object)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: object
call object%base_final ()
end subroutine mci_midpoint_final
@ %def mci_midpoint_final
@ Output.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_midpoint_write
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_write (object, unit, pacify, md5sum_version)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
logical, intent(in), optional :: md5sum_version
integer :: u, i
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Single-channel midpoint rule integrator:"
call object%base_write (u, pacify, md5sum_version)
if (object%n_dim_binned < object%n_dim) then
write (u, "(3x,A,99(1x,I0))") "Flat dimensions =", &
pack ([(i, i = 1, object%n_dim)], mask = .not. object%dim_is_binned)
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of binned dim = ", object%n_dim_binned
end if
if (object%calls_known) then
write (u, "(3x,A,99(1x,I0))") "Number of bins =", object%n_bin
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "Number of calls = ", object%n_calls
if (object%n_calls_pos /= object%n_calls) then
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") " positive value = ", object%n_calls_pos
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") " zero value = ", object%n_calls_nul
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") " negative value = ", object%n_calls_neg
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") &
"Integral (pos. part) = ", object%integral_pos
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") &
"Integral (neg. part) = ", object%integral_neg
end if
end if
if (object%max_known) then
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") "Maximum of integrand = ", object%max
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") "Minimum of integrand = ", object%min
if (object%min /= object%min_abs) then
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") "Maximum (abs. value) = ", object%max_abs
write (u, "(3x,A,ES17.10)") "Minimum (abs. value) = ", object%min_abs
end if
end if
if (allocated (object%rng)) call object%rng%write (u)
end subroutine mci_midpoint_write
@ %def mci_midpoint_write
@ Startup message: short version.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: startup_message => mci_midpoint_startup_message
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_startup_message (mci, unit, n_calls)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit, n_calls
call mci%base_startup_message (unit = unit, n_calls = n_calls)
if (mci%n_dim_binned < mci%n_dim) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator: Midpoint rule:", &
mci%n_dim_binned, "binned dimensions"
write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator: Midpoint rule"
end if
call msg_message (unit = unit)
end subroutine mci_midpoint_startup_message
@ %def mci_midpoint_startup_message
@ The number of channels must be one.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_dimensions => mci_midpoint_set_dimensions
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_set_dimensions (mci, n_dim, n_channel)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: n_dim
integer, intent(in) :: n_channel
if (n_channel == 1) then
mci%n_channel = n_channel
mci%n_dim = n_dim
allocate (mci%dim_is_binned (mci%n_dim))
mci%dim_is_binned = .true.
mci%n_dim_binned = count (mci%dim_is_binned)
allocate (mci%n_bin (mci%n_dim))
mci%n_bin = 0
call msg_fatal ("Attempt to initialize single-channel integrator &
&for multiple channels")
end if
end subroutine mci_midpoint_set_dimensions
@ %def mci_midpoint_set_dimensions
@ Declare particular dimensions as flat. These dimensions will not be binned.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: declare_flat_dimensions => mci_midpoint_declare_flat_dimensions
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_declare_flat_dimensions (mci, dim_flat)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_flat
integer :: d
mci%n_dim_binned = mci%n_dim - size (dim_flat)
do d = 1, size (dim_flat)
mci%dim_is_binned(dim_flat(d)) = .false.
end do
mci%n_dim_binned = count (mci%dim_is_binned)
end subroutine mci_midpoint_declare_flat_dimensions
@ %def mci_midpoint_declare_flat_dimensions
@ Declare particular channels as equivalent. This has no effect.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: declare_equivalences => mci_midpoint_ignore_equivalences
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_ignore_equivalences (mci, channel, dim_offset)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(phs_channel_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channel
integer, intent(in) :: dim_offset
end subroutine mci_midpoint_ignore_equivalences
@ %def mci_midpoint_ignore_equivalences
@ Allocate instance with matching type.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: allocate_instance => mci_midpoint_allocate_instance
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_allocate_instance (mci, mci_instance)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(out), pointer :: mci_instance
allocate (mci_midpoint_instance_t :: mci_instance)
end subroutine mci_midpoint_allocate_instance
@ %def mci_midpoint_allocate_instance
@ Integrate. The number of dimensions is arbitrary. We make sure
that the number of calls is evenly distributed among the dimensions.
The actual number of calls will typically be smaller than the
requested number, but never smaller than 1.
The sampling over a variable number of dimensions implies a variable
number of nested loops. We implement this by a recursive subroutine,
one loop in each recursion level.
The number of iterations [[n_it]] is ignored. Also, the error is set
to zero in the current implementation.
With this integrator, we allow the calculation to abort immediately when
forced by a signal. There is no state that we can save, hence we do not catch
an interrupt.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: integrate => mci_midpoint_integrate
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_integrate (mci, instance, sampler, n_it, n_calls, &
results, pacify)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
class(mci_results_t), intent(inout), optional :: results
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
real(default) :: integral, integral_pos, integral_neg
integer :: n_bin
select type (instance)
type is (mci_midpoint_instance_t)
allocate (x (mci%n_dim))
integral = 0
integral_pos = 0
integral_neg = 0
select case (mci%n_dim_binned)
case (1)
n_bin = n_calls
case (2:)
n_bin = max (int (n_calls ** (1. / mci%n_dim_binned)), 1)
end select
where (mci%dim_is_binned)
mci%n_bin = n_bin
mci%n_bin = 1
end where
mci%n_calls = product (mci%n_bin)
mci%n_calls_pos = 0
mci%n_calls_nul = 0
mci%n_calls_neg = 0
mci%calls_known = .true.
call sample_dim (mci%n_dim)
mci%integral = integral / mci%n_calls
mci%integral_pos = integral_pos / mci%n_calls
mci%integral_neg = integral_neg / mci%n_calls
mci%integral_known = .true.
call instance%set_max ()
if (present (results)) then
call results%record (1, mci%n_calls, &
mci%integral, mci%error, mci%efficiency)
end if
end select
recursive subroutine sample_dim (d)
integer, intent(in) :: d
integer :: i
real(default) :: value
do i = 1, mci%n_bin(d)
x(d) = (i - 0.5_default) / mci%n_bin(d)
if (d > 1) then
call sample_dim (d - 1)
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
call instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, x)
value = instance%get_value ()
if (value > 0) then
mci%n_calls_pos = mci%n_calls_pos + 1
integral = integral + value
integral_pos = integral_pos + value
else if (value == 0) then
mci%n_calls_nul = mci%n_calls_nul + 1
mci%n_calls_neg = mci%n_calls_neg + 1
integral = integral + value
integral_neg = integral_neg + value
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine sample_dim
end subroutine mci_midpoint_integrate
@ %def mci_midpoint_integrate
@ Simulation initializer and finalizer: nothing to do here.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: prepare_simulation => mci_midpoint_ignore_prepare_simulation
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_ignore_prepare_simulation (mci)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
end subroutine mci_midpoint_ignore_prepare_simulation
@ %def mci_midpoint_ignore_prepare_simulation
@ Generate weighted event.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: generate_weighted_event => mci_midpoint_generate_weighted_event
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_generate_weighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
real(default), dimension(mci%n_dim) :: x
select type (instance)
type is (mci_midpoint_instance_t)
call mci%rng%generate (x)
call instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, x)
instance%excess_weight = 0
end select
end subroutine mci_midpoint_generate_weighted_event
@ %def mci_midpoint_generate_weighted_event
@ For unweighted events, we generate weighted events and apply a
simple rejection step to the relative event weight, until an event
Note that we use the [[max_abs]] value stored in the configuration
record, not the one stored in the instance. The latter may change
during event generation. After an event generation pass is over, we
may update the value for a subsequent pass.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: generate_unweighted_event => &
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_generate_unweighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
real(default) :: x, norm, int
select type (instance)
type is (mci_midpoint_instance_t)
if (mci%max_known .and. mci%max_abs > 0) then
norm = abs (mci%max_abs * instance%safety_factor)
call mci%generate_weighted_event (instance, sampler)
if (sampler%is_valid ()) then
call mci%rng%generate (x)
int = abs (instance%integrand)
if (x * norm <= int) then
if (norm > 0 .and. norm < int) then
instance%excess_weight = int / norm - 1
end if
end if
end if
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
call msg_fatal ("Unweighted event generation: &
&maximum of integrand is zero or unknown")
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_midpoint_generate_unweighted_event
@ %def mci_midpoint_generate_unweighted_event
@ Rebuild an event, using the [[state]] input.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild_event => mci_midpoint_rebuild_event
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_rebuild_event (mci, instance, sampler, state)
class(mci_midpoint_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: state
select type (instance)
type is (mci_midpoint_instance_t)
call instance%recall (sampler, state)
end select
end subroutine mci_midpoint_rebuild_event
@ %def mci_midpoint_rebuild_event
\subsection{Integrator instance}
Covering the case of flat dimensions, we store a complete [[x]] array. This
is filled when generating events.
<<MCI midpoint: public>>=
public :: mci_midpoint_instance_t
<<MCI midpoint: types>>=
type, extends (mci_instance_t) :: mci_midpoint_instance_t
type(mci_midpoint_t), pointer :: mci => null ()
logical :: max_known = .false.
real(default) :: max = 0
real(default) :: min = 0
real(default) :: max_abs = 0
real(default) :: min_abs = 0
real(default) :: safety_factor = 1
real(default) :: excess_weight = 0
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>
end type mci_midpoint_instance_t
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_t
@ Output.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_midpoint_instance_write
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_write (object, unit, pacify)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A,9(1x,F12.10))") "x =", object%x(:,1)
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Integrand = ", object%integrand
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Weight = ", object%mci_weight
if (object%safety_factor /= 1) then
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Safety f = ", object%safety_factor
end if
if (object%excess_weight /= 0) then
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Excess = ", object%excess_weight
end if
if (object%max_known) then
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Maximum = ", object%max
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Minimum = ", object%min
if (object%min /= object%min_abs) then
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Max.(abs) = ", object%max_abs
write (u, "(1x,A,ES19.12)") "Min.(abs) = ", object%min_abs
end if
end if
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_write
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_write
@ The finalizer is empty.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: final => mci_midpoint_instance_final
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_final (object)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: object
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_final
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_final
@ Initializer.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: init => mci_midpoint_instance_init
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_init (mci_instance, mci)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(out) :: mci_instance
class(mci_t), intent(in), target :: mci
call mci_instance%base_init (mci)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_midpoint_t)
mci_instance%mci => mci
call mci_instance%get_max ()
mci_instance%selected_channel = 1
end select
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_init
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_init
@ Copy the stored extrema of the integrand in the instance record.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_max => mci_midpoint_instance_get_max
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_get_max (instance)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
associate (mci => instance%mci)
if (mci%max_known) then
instance%max_known = .true.
instance%max = mci%max
instance%min = mci%min
instance%max_abs = mci%max_abs
instance%min_abs = mci%min_abs
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_get_max
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_get_max
@ Reverse operations: recall the extrema, but only if they are wider
than the extrema already stored in the configuration. Also recalculate the
efficiency value.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_max => mci_midpoint_instance_set_max
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_set_max (instance)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
associate (mci => instance%mci)
if (instance%max_known) then
if (mci%max_known) then
mci%max = max (mci%max, instance%max)
mci%min = min (mci%min, instance%min)
mci%max_abs = max (mci%max_abs, instance%max_abs)
mci%min_abs = min (mci%min_abs, instance%min_abs)
mci%max = instance%max
mci%min = instance%min
mci%max_abs = instance%max_abs
mci%min_abs = instance%min_abs
mci%max_known = .true.
end if
if (mci%max_abs /= 0) then
if (mci%integral == mci%integral_pos) then
mci%efficiency = mci%integral / mci%max_abs
mci%efficiency_known = .true.
else if (mci%n_calls /= 0) then
mci%efficiency = &
(mci%n_calls_pos * mci%integral_pos &
- mci%n_calls_neg * mci%integral_neg) &
/ mci%n_calls / mci%max_abs
mci%efficiency_known = .true.
end if
end if
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_set_max
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_set_max
@ The weight is the Jacobian of the mapping for the only channel.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: compute_weight => mci_midpoint_instance_compute_weight
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_compute_weight (mci, c)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: c
select case (c)
case (1)
mci%mci_weight = mci%f(1)
case default
call msg_fatal ("MCI midpoint integrator: only single channel supported")
end select
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_compute_weight
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_compute_weight
@ Record the integrand. Update stored values for maximum and minimum.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: record_integrand => mci_midpoint_instance_record_integrand
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_record_integrand (mci, integrand)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
real(default), intent(in) :: integrand
mci%integrand = integrand
if (mci%max_known) then
mci%max = max (mci%max, integrand)
mci%min = min (mci%min, integrand)
mci%max_abs = max (mci%max_abs, abs (integrand))
mci%min_abs = min (mci%min_abs, abs (integrand))
mci%max = integrand
mci%min = integrand
mci%max_abs = abs (integrand)
mci%min_abs = abs (integrand)
mci%max_known = .true.
end if
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_record_integrand
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_record_integrand
@ We store the safety factor, otherwise nothing to do here.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: init_simulation => mci_midpoint_instance_init_simulation
procedure :: final_simulation => mci_midpoint_instance_final_simulation
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_init_simulation (instance, safety_factor)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
real(default), intent(in), optional :: safety_factor
if (present (safety_factor)) instance%safety_factor = safety_factor
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_init_simulation
subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_final_simulation (instance)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
end subroutine mci_midpoint_instance_final_simulation
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_init_simulation
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_final_simulation
@ Return excess weight for the current event.
<<MCI midpoint: mci midpoint instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_event_excess => mci_midpoint_instance_get_event_excess
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
function mci_midpoint_instance_get_event_excess (mci) result (excess)
class(mci_midpoint_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: excess
excess = mci%excess_weight
end function mci_midpoint_instance_get_event_excess
@ %def mci_midpoint_instance_get_event_excess
\subsection{Unit tests}
<<MCI midpoint: public>>=
public :: mci_midpoint_test
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_test (u, results)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>
end subroutine mci_midpoint_test
@ %def mci_midpoint_test
\subsubsection{Test sampler}
A test sampler object should implement a function with known integral that
we can use to check the integrator.
This is the function $f(x) = 3 x^2$ with integral $\int_0^1
f(x)\,dx=1$ and maximum $f(1)=3$. If the integration dimension is
greater than one, the function is extended as a constant in the other
Mimicking the behavior of a process object, we store the argument
and result inside the sampler, so we can [[fetch]] results.
<<MCI midpoint: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_1_t
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
real(default) :: val
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_1_t
@ %def test_sampler_1_t
@ Output: There is nothing stored inside, so just print an informative line.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_1_write
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 3 x^2"
end subroutine test_sampler_1_write
@ %def test_sampler_1_write
@ Evaluation: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_1_evaluate
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
if (allocated (sampler%x)) deallocate (sampler%x)
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in)))
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = 3 * x_in(1) ** 2
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_1_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_1_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_1_is_valid
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
function test_sampler_1_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_1_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_1_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_1_rebuild
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
if (allocated (sampler%x)) deallocate (sampler%x)
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in)))
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_1_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_1_rebuild
@ Extract the results.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_1_fetch
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_1_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_1_fetch
This is the function $f(x) = 3 x^2 + 2 y$ with integral $\int_0^1
f(x,y)\,dx\,dy=2$ and maximum $f(1)=5$.
<<MCI midpoint: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_2_t
real(default) :: val
real(default), dimension(2) :: x
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_2_t
@ %def test_sampler_2_t
@ Output: There is nothing stored inside, so just print an informative line.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_2_write
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 3 x^2 + 2 y"
end subroutine test_sampler_2_write
@ %def test_sampler_2_write
@ Evaluate: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_2_evaluate
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = 3 * x_in(1) ** 2 + 2 * x_in(2)
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_2_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_2_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_2_is_valid
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
function test_sampler_2_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_2_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_2_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_2_rebuild
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_2_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_2_rebuild
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_2_fetch
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_2_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_2_fetch
This is the function $f(x) = (1 - 3 x^2)\,\theta(x-1/2)$ with integral
$\int_0^1 f(x)\,dx=-3/8$, minimum $f(1)=-2$ and maximum $f(1/2)=1/4$.
If the integration dimension is greater than one, the function is
extended as a constant in the other dimension(s).
<<MCI midpoint: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_4_t
real(default) :: val
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_4_t
@ %def test_sampler_4_t
@ Output: There is nothing stored inside, so just print an informative line.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_4_write
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_4_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_4_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 1 - 3 x^2"
end subroutine test_sampler_4_write
@ %def test_sampler_4_write
@ Evaluation: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_4_evaluate
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_4_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_4_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
if (x_in(1) >= .5_default) then
sampler%val = 1 - 3 * x_in(1) ** 2
sampler%val = 0
end if
if (.not. allocated (sampler%x)) allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in)))
sampler%x = x_in
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_4_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_4_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_4_is_valid
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
function test_sampler_4_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_4_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_4_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_4_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_4_rebuild
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_4_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_4_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_4_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_4_rebuild
<<MCI midpoint: test sampler 4: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_4_fetch
<<MCI midpoint: procedures>>=
subroutine test_sampler_4_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_4_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_4_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_4_fetch
\subsubsection{One-dimensional integration}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_1, "mci_midpoint_1", &
"one-dimensional integral", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_1"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.8"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.8_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.7"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.7_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.9"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.9_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_1"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_1
@ %def mci_midpoint_1
\subsubsection{Two-dimensional integration}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_2, "mci_midpoint_2", &
"two-dimensional integral", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_2 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_2"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 1)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.8, y = 0.2"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.8_default, 0.2_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_2"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_2
@ %def mci_midpoint_2
\subsubsection{Two-dimensional integration with flat dimension}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler,
where the function is constant in the second dimension.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_3, "mci_midpoint_3", &
"two-dimensional integral with flat dimension", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_3 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_3"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function with one flat dimension"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_midpoint_t)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 1)
call mci%declare_flat_dimensions ([2])
end select
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.8, y = 0.2"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.8_default, 0.2_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_3"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_3
@ %def mci_midpoint_3
\subsubsection{Integrand with sign flip}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_4, "mci_midpoint_4", &
"integrand with sign flip", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_4 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_4"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function with sign flip &
&in one dimension"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_4_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate for x = 0.8"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%evaluate (sampler, 1, [0.8_default])
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_4"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_4
@ %def mci_midpoint_4
\subsubsection{Weighted events}
Generate weighted events. Without rejection, we do not need to know maxima
and minima, so we can start generating events immediately. We have two
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_5, "mci_midpoint_5", &
"weighted events", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_5 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
class(mci_state_t), allocatable :: state
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_5"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate weighted events"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 1)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize random-number generator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (rng_test_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Store data"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (state)
call mci_instance%store (state)
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call state%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Recall data and rebuild event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
call mci%rebuild_event (mci_instance, sampler, state)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_5"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_5
@ %def mci_midpoint_5
\subsubsection{Unweighted events}
Generate unweighted events. The integrand has a sign flip in it.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_6, "mci_midpoint_6", &
"unweighted events", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_6 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_6"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate unweighted events"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_4_t :: sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize random-number generator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (rng_test_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate (determine maximum of integrand"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_unweighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_6"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_6
@ %def mci_midpoint_6
\subsubsection{Excess weight}
Generate unweighted events. With only 2 points for integration, the
maximum of the integrand is too low, and we produce excess weight.
<<MCI midpoint: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_midpoint_7, "mci_midpoint_7", &
"excess weight", &
u, results)
<<MCI midpoint: tests>>=
subroutine mci_midpoint_7 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_midpoint_7"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate unweighted event &
&with excess weight"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_midpoint_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_4_t :: sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize random-number generator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (rng_test_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate (determine maximum of integrand"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 2)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%init_simulation ()
call mci%generate_unweighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Use getter methods"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(1x,A,1x,ES19.12)") "weight =", mci_instance%get_event_weight ()
write (u, "(1x,A,1x,ES19.12)") "excess =", mci_instance%get_event_excess ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Apply safety factor"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%init_simulation (safety_factor = 2.1_default)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%generate_unweighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Use getter methods"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(1x,A,1x,ES19.12)") "weight =", mci_instance%get_event_weight ()
write (u, "(1x,A,1x,ES19.12)") "excess =", mci_instance%get_event_excess ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_midpoint_7"
end subroutine mci_midpoint_7
@ %def mci_midpoint_7
\section{\vamp\ interface}
The standard method for integration is \vamp: the multi-channel
version of the VEGAS algorithm. Each parameterization (channel) of
the hypercube is binned in each dimension. The binning is equally
equidistant, but an iteration of the integration procedure,
the binning is updated for each dimension, according to the variance
distribution of the integrand, summed over all other dimension. In
the next iteration, the binning approximates (hopefully) follows the
integrand more closely, and the accuracy of the result is increased.
Furthermore, the relative weight of the individual channels is also updated
after an iteration.
The bin distribution is denoted as the grid for a channel, which we
can write to file and reuse later.
In our implementation we specify the generic \vamp\ algorithm more
tightly: the number of bins is equal for all dimensions, the initial
weights are all equal. The user controls whether to update bins
and/or weights after each iteration. The integration is organized in
passes, each one consisting of several iterations with a common number
of calls to the integrand. The first passes are intended as warmup,
so the results are displayed but otherwise discarded. In the final
pass, the integration estimates for the individual iterations are
averaged for the final result.
<<File header>>
module mci_vamp
use kinds
<<Use strings>>
use io_units
use constants
use format_utils, only: pac_fmt
use format_defs, only: FMT_12, FMT_14, FMT_17, FMT_19
use unit_tests
use diagnostics
use md5
use phs_base
use rng_base
use rng_tao
use mci_base
use vamp !NODEP!
use exceptions !NODEP!
<<Standard module head>>
<<MCI vamp: public>>
<<MCI vamp: types>>
<<MCI vamp: interfaces>>
<<MCI vamp: test types>>
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>
<<MCI vamp: tests>>
end module mci_vamp
@ %def mci_vamp
\subsection{Grid parameters}
This is a transparent container. It holds the parameters that are
stored in grid files, and are checked when grid files are read.
<<MCI vamp: public>>=
public :: grid_parameters_t
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type :: grid_parameters_t
integer :: threshold_calls = 0
integer :: min_calls_per_channel = 10
integer :: min_calls_per_bin = 10
integer :: min_bins = 3
integer :: max_bins = 20
logical :: stratified = .true.
logical :: use_vamp_equivalences = .true.
real(default) :: channel_weights_power = 0.25_default
real(default) :: accuracy_goal = 0
real(default) :: error_goal = 0
real(default) :: rel_error_goal = 0
<<MCI vamp: grid parameters: TBP>>
end type grid_parameters_t
@ %def grid_parameters_t
@ I/O:
<<MCI vamp: grid parameters: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => grid_parameters_write
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine grid_parameters_write (object, unit)
class(grid_parameters_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "threshold_calls = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "min_calls_per_channel = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "min_calls_per_bin = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "min_bins = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "max_bins = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "stratified = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "use_vamp_equivalences = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,F10.7)") "channel_weights_power = ", &
if (object%accuracy_goal > 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A,F10.7)") "accuracy_goal = ", &
end if
if (object%error_goal > 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A,F10.7)") "error_goal = ", &
end if
if (object%rel_error_goal > 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A,F10.7)") "rel_error_goal = ", &
end if
end subroutine grid_parameters_write
@ %def grid_parameters_write
\subsection{History parameters}
The history parameters are also stored in a transparent container.
This is not a part of the grid definition, and should not be included
in the MD5 sum.
<<MCI vamp: public>>=
public :: history_parameters_t
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type :: history_parameters_t
logical :: global = .true.
logical :: global_verbose = .false.
logical :: channel = .false.
logical :: channel_verbose = .false.
<<MCI vamp: history parameters: TBP>>
end type history_parameters_t
@ %def history_parameters_t
@ I/O:
<<MCI vamp: history parameters: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => history_parameters_write
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine history_parameters_write (object, unit)
class(history_parameters_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "history(global) = ", object%global
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "history(global) verb. = ", object%global_verbose
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "history(channels) = ", object%channel
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "history(chann.) verb. = ", object%channel_verbose
end subroutine history_parameters_write
@ %def history_parameters_write
\subsection{Integration pass}
We store the parameters for each integration pass in a linked list.
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type :: pass_t
integer :: i_pass = 0
integer :: i_first_it = 0
integer :: n_it = 0
integer :: n_calls = 0
integer :: n_bins = 0
logical :: adapt_grids = .false.
logical :: adapt_weights = .false.
logical :: is_final_pass = .false.
logical :: integral_defined = .false.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: calls
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: integral
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: error
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: efficiency
type(vamp_history), dimension(:), allocatable :: v_history
type(vamp_history), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: v_histories
type(pass_t), pointer :: next => null ()
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>
end type pass_t
@ %def pass_t
@ Finalizer. The VAMP histories contain a pointer array.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: final => pass_final
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_final (object)
class(pass_t), intent(inout) :: object
if (allocated (object%v_history)) then
call vamp_delete_history (object%v_history)
end if
if (allocated (object%v_histories)) then
call vamp_delete_history (object%v_histories)
end if
end subroutine pass_final
@ %def pass_final
@ Output. Note that the precision of the numerical values should match the
precision for comparing output from file with data.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => pass_write
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_write (object, unit, pacify)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u, i
character(len=7) :: fmt
call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_17, FMT_14, pacify)
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n_it = ", object%n_it
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n_calls = ", object%n_calls
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n_bins = ", object%n_bins
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "adapt grids = ", object%adapt_grids
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "adapt weights = ", object%adapt_weights
if (object%integral_defined) then
write (u, "(3x,A)") "Results: [it, calls, integral, error, efficiency]"
do i = 1, object%n_it
write (u, "(5x,I0,1x,I0,3(1x," // fmt // "))") &
i, object%calls(i), object%integral(i), object%error(i), &
end do
write (u, "(3x,A)") "Results: [undefined]"
end if
end subroutine pass_write
@ %def pass_write
@ Read and reconstruct the pass.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: read => pass_read
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_read (object, u, n_pass, n_it)
class(pass_t), intent(out) :: object
integer, intent(in) :: u, n_pass, n_it
integer :: i, j
character(80) :: buffer
object%i_pass = n_pass + 1
object%i_first_it = n_it + 1
call read_ival (u, object%n_it)
call read_ival (u, object%n_calls)
call read_ival (u, object%n_bins)
call read_lval (u, object%adapt_grids)
call read_lval (u, object%adapt_weights)
allocate (object%calls (object%n_it), source = 0)
allocate (object%integral (object%n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (object%error (object%n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (object%efficiency (object%n_it), source = 0._default)
read (u, "(A)") buffer
select case (trim (adjustl (buffer)))
case ("Results: [it, calls, integral, error, efficiency]")
do i = 1, object%n_it
read (u, *) &
j, object%calls(i), object%integral(i), object%error(i), &
end do
object%integral_defined = .true.
case ("Results: [undefined]")
object%integral_defined = .false.
case default
call msg_fatal ("Reading integration pass: corrupted file")
end select
end subroutine pass_read
@ %def pass_read
@ Write the VAMP history for this pass. (The subroutine writes the
whole array at once.)
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_history => pass_write_history
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_write_history (pass, unit)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
if (allocated (pass%v_history)) then
call vamp_write_history (u, pass%v_history)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Global history: [undefined]"
end if
if (allocated (pass%v_histories)) then
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Channel histories:"
call vamp_write_history (u, pass%v_histories)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Channel histories: [undefined]"
end if
end subroutine pass_write_history
@ %def pass_write_history
@ Given a number of calls and iterations, compute remaining data.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: configure => pass_configure
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_configure (pass, n_it, n_calls, min_calls, &
min_bins, max_bins, min_channel_calls)
class(pass_t), intent(inout) :: pass
integer, intent(in) :: n_it, n_calls, min_channel_calls
integer, intent(in) :: min_calls, min_bins, max_bins
pass%n_it = n_it
if (min_calls /= 0) then
pass%n_bins = max (min_bins, &
min (n_calls / min_calls, max_bins))
pass%n_bins = max_bins
end if
pass%n_calls = max (n_calls, max (min_calls, min_channel_calls))
if (pass%n_calls /= n_calls) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,I0)") "VAMP: too few calls, resetting " &
// "n_calls to ", pass%n_calls
call msg_warning ()
end if
allocate (pass%calls (n_it), source = 0)
allocate (pass%integral (n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (pass%error (n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (pass%efficiency (n_it), source = 0._default)
end subroutine pass_configure
@ %def pass_configure
@ Allocate the VAMP history and give options. We assume that the
[[configure]] routine above has been executed, so the number of
iterations is known.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: configure_history => pass_configure_history
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_configure_history (pass, n_channels, par)
class(pass_t), intent(inout) :: pass
integer, intent(in) :: n_channels
type(history_parameters_t), intent(in) :: par
if (par%global) then
allocate (pass%v_history (pass%n_it))
call vamp_create_history (pass%v_history, &
verbose = par%global_verbose)
end if
if (par%channel) then
allocate (pass%v_histories (pass%n_it, n_channels))
call vamp_create_history (pass%v_histories, &
verbose = par%channel_verbose)
end if
end subroutine pass_configure_history
@ %def pass_configure_history
@ Given two pass objects, compare them. All parameters must match. Where
integrations are done in both (number of calls nonzero), the results must be
equal (up to numerical noise).
The allocated array sizes might be different, but should match up to the
common [[n_it]] value.
<<MCI vamp: interfaces>>=
interface operator (.matches.)
module procedure pass_matches
end interface operator (.matches.)
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function pass_matches (pass, ref) result (ok)
type(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass, ref
integer :: n
logical :: ok
ok = .true.
if (ok) ok = pass%i_pass == ref%i_pass
if (ok) ok = pass%i_first_it == ref%i_first_it
if (ok) ok = pass%n_it == ref%n_it
if (ok) ok = pass%n_calls == ref%n_calls
if (ok) ok = pass%n_bins == ref%n_bins
if (ok) ok = pass%adapt_grids .eqv. ref%adapt_grids
if (ok) ok = pass%adapt_weights .eqv. ref%adapt_weights
if (ok) ok = pass%integral_defined .eqv. ref%integral_defined
if (pass%integral_defined) then
n = pass%n_it
if (ok) ok = all (pass%calls(:n) == ref%calls(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%integral(:n) .matches. ref%integral(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%error(:n) .matches. ref%error(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%efficiency(:n) .matches. ref%efficiency(:n))
end if
end function pass_matches
@ %def pass_matches
@ Update a pass object, given a reference. The parameters must match, except
for the [[n_it]] entry. The number of complete iterations must be less or
equal to the reference, and the number of complete iterations in the reference
must be no larger than [[n_it]]. Where results are present in both passes,
they must match. Where results are present in the reference only, the pass is
updated accordingly.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: update => pass_update
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine pass_update (pass, ref, ok)
class(pass_t), intent(inout) :: pass
type(pass_t), intent(in) :: ref
logical, intent(out) :: ok
integer :: n, n_ref
ok = .true.
if (ok) ok = pass%i_pass == ref%i_pass
if (ok) ok = pass%i_first_it == ref%i_first_it
if (ok) ok = pass%n_calls == ref%n_calls
if (ok) ok = pass%n_bins == ref%n_bins
if (ok) ok = pass%adapt_grids .eqv. ref%adapt_grids
if (ok) ok = pass%adapt_weights .eqv. ref%adapt_weights
if (ok) then
if (ref%integral_defined) then
if (.not. allocated (pass%calls)) then
allocate (pass%calls (pass%n_it), source = 0)
allocate (pass%integral (pass%n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (pass%error (pass%n_it), source = 0._default)
allocate (pass%efficiency (pass%n_it), source = 0._default)
end if
n = count (pass%calls /= 0)
n_ref = count (ref%calls /= 0)
ok = n <= n_ref .and. n_ref <= pass%n_it
if (ok) ok = all (pass%calls(:n) == ref%calls(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%integral(:n) .matches. ref%integral(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%error(:n) .matches. ref%error(:n))
if (ok) ok = all (pass%efficiency(:n) .matches. ref%efficiency(:n))
if (ok) then
pass%calls(n+1:n_ref) = ref%calls(n+1:n_ref)
pass%integral(n+1:n_ref) = ref%integral(n+1:n_ref)
pass%error(n+1:n_ref) = ref%error(n+1:n_ref)
pass%efficiency(n+1:n_ref) = ref%efficiency(n+1:n_ref)
pass%integral_defined = any (pass%calls /= 0)
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine pass_update
@ %def pass_update
@ Match two real numbers: they are equal up to a tolerance, which is
$10^{-8}$, matching the number of digits that are output by [[pass_write]].
In particular, if one number is exactly zero, the other one must also be zero.
<<MCI vamp: interfaces>>=
interface operator (.matches.)
module procedure real_matches
end interface operator (.matches.)
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
elemental function real_matches (x, y) result (ok)
real(default), intent(in) :: x, y
logical :: ok
real(default), parameter :: tolerance = 1.e-8_default
ok = abs (x - y) <= tolerance * max (abs (x), abs (y))
end function real_matches
@ %def real_matches
@ Return the index of the most recent complete integration. If there is none,
return zero.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_integration_index => pass_get_integration_index
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function pass_get_integration_index (pass) result (n)
class (pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
integer :: n
integer :: i
n = 0
if (allocated (pass%calls)) then
do i = 1, pass%n_it
if (pass%calls(i) == 0) exit
n = i
end do
end if
end function pass_get_integration_index
@ %def pass_get_integration_index
@ Return the most recent integral and error, if available.
<<MCI vamp: pass: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_calls => pass_get_calls
procedure :: get_integral => pass_get_integral
procedure :: get_error => pass_get_error
procedure :: get_efficiency => pass_get_efficiency
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function pass_get_calls (pass) result (calls)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
integer :: calls
integer :: n
n = pass%get_integration_index ()
if (n /= 0) then
calls = pass%calls(n)
calls = 0
end if
end function pass_get_calls
function pass_get_integral (pass) result (integral)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
real(default) :: integral
integer :: n
n = pass%get_integration_index ()
if (n /= 0) then
integral = pass%integral(n)
integral = 0
end if
end function pass_get_integral
function pass_get_error (pass) result (error)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
real(default) :: error
integer :: n
n = pass%get_integration_index ()
if (n /= 0) then
error = pass%error(n)
error = 0
end if
end function pass_get_error
function pass_get_efficiency (pass) result (efficiency)
class(pass_t), intent(in) :: pass
real(default) :: efficiency
integer :: n
n = pass%get_integration_index ()
if (n /= 0) then
efficiency = pass%efficiency(n)
efficiency = 0
end if
end function pass_get_efficiency
@ %def pass_get_integral
@ %def pass_get_error
@ %def pass_get_efficiency
<<MCI vamp: public>>=
public :: mci_vamp_t
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type, extends (mci_t) :: mci_vamp_t
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: dim_is_flat
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
type(history_parameters_t) :: history_par
integer :: min_calls = 0
type(pass_t), pointer :: first_pass => null ()
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass => null ()
type(vamp_equivalences_t) :: equivalences
logical :: rebuild = .true.
logical :: check_grid_file = .true.
logical :: grid_filename_set = .false.
logical :: negative_weights = .false.
logical :: verbose = .false.
type(string_t) :: grid_filename
character(32) :: md5sum_adapted = ""
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>
end type mci_vamp_t
@ %def mci_vamp_t
@ Reset: delete integration-pass entries.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: reset => mci_vamp_reset
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_reset (object)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: object
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass
do while (associated (object%first_pass))
current_pass => object%first_pass
object%first_pass => current_pass%next
call current_pass%final ()
deallocate (current_pass)
end do
object%current_pass => null ()
end subroutine mci_vamp_reset
@ %def mci_vamp_reset
@ Finalizer: reset and finalize the equivalences list.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: final => mci_vamp_final
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_final (object)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: object
call object%reset ()
call vamp_equivalences_final (object%equivalences)
call object%base_final ()
end subroutine mci_vamp_final
@ %def mci_vamp_final
@ Output. Do not output the grids themselves, this may result in tons
of data.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_vamp_write
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_write (object, unit, pacify, md5sum_version)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
logical, intent(in), optional :: md5sum_version
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass
integer :: u, i
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "VAMP integrator:"
call object%base_write (u, pacify, md5sum_version)
if (allocated (object%dim_is_flat)) then
write (u, "(3x,A,999(1x,I0))") "Flat dimensions =", &
pack ([(i, i = 1, object%n_dim)], object%dim_is_flat)
end if
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Grid parameters:"
call object%grid_par%write (u)
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "min_calls = ", object%min_calls
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "negative weights = ", &
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "verbose = ", &
if (object%grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences) then
call vamp_equivalences_write (object%equivalences, u)
end if
current_pass => object%first_pass
do while (associated (current_pass))
write (u, "(1x,A,I0,A)") "Integration pass:"
call current_pass%write (u, pacify)
current_pass => current_pass%next
end do
if (object%md5sum_adapted /= "") then
write (u, "(1x,A,A,A)") "MD5 sum (including results) = '", &
object%md5sum_adapted, "'"
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_write
@ %def mci_vamp_write
@ Write the history parameters.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_history_parameters => mci_vamp_write_history_parameters
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_write_history_parameters (mci, unit)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "VAMP history parameters:"
call mci%history_par%write (unit)
end subroutine mci_vamp_write_history_parameters
@ %def mci_vamp_write_history_parameters
@ Write the history, iterating over passes. We keep this separate
from the generic [[write]] routine.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_history => mci_vamp_write_history
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_write_history (mci, unit)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass
integer :: i_pass
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
if (associated (mci%first_pass)) then
write (u, "(1x,A)") "VAMP history (global):"
i_pass = 0
current_pass => mci%first_pass
do while (associated (current_pass))
i_pass = i_pass + 1
write (u, "(1x,A,I0,':')") "Pass #", i_pass
call current_pass%write_history (u)
current_pass => current_pass%next
end do
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_write_history
@ %def mci_vamp_write_history
@ Compute the MD5 sum, including the configuration MD5 sum and the
printout, which incorporates the current results.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: compute_md5sum => mci_vamp_compute_md5sum
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_compute_md5sum (mci, pacify)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u
mci%md5sum_adapted = ""
u = free_unit ()
open (u, status = "scratch", action = "readwrite")
write (u, "(A)") mci%md5sum
call mci%write (u, pacify, md5sum_version = .true.)
rewind (u)
mci%md5sum_adapted = md5sum (u)
close (u)
end subroutine mci_vamp_compute_md5sum
@ %def mci_vamp_compute_md5sum
@ Return the MD5 sum: If available, return the adapted one.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_md5sum => mci_vamp_get_md5sum
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function mci_vamp_get_md5sum (mci) result (md5sum)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
character(32) :: md5sum
if (mci%md5sum_adapted /= "") then
md5sum = mci%md5sum_adapted
md5sum = mci%md5sum
end if
end function mci_vamp_get_md5sum
@ %def mci_vamp_get_md5sum
@ Startup message: short version.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: startup_message => mci_vamp_startup_message
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_startup_message (mci, unit, n_calls)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit, n_calls
integer :: num_calls, n_bins
if (present (n_calls)) then
num_calls = n_calls
num_calls = 0
end if
if (mci%min_calls /= 0) then
n_bins = max (mci%grid_par%min_bins, &
min (num_calls / mci%min_calls, &
n_bins = mci%grid_par%max_bins
end if
call mci%base_startup_message (unit = unit, n_calls = n_calls)
if (mci%grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences"
call msg_message (unit = unit)
end if
write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1x,I0,1x,A),L1)") &
"Integrator:", num_calls, &
"initial calls,", n_bins, &
"bins, stratified = ", &
call msg_message (unit = unit)
write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1x,I0,1x,A))") &
"Integrator: VAMP"
call msg_message (unit = unit)
end subroutine mci_vamp_startup_message
@ %def mci_vamp_startup_message
@ Set the MCI index (necessary for processes with multiple components).
We append the index to the grid filename, just before the final dotted
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: record_index => mci_vamp_record_index
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_record_index (mci, i_mci)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: i_mci
type(string_t) :: basename, suffix
character(32) :: buffer
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
basename = mci%grid_filename
call split (basename, suffix, ".", back=.true.)
write (buffer, "(I0)") i_mci
if (basename /= "") then
mci%grid_filename = basename // "_m" // trim (buffer) // "." // suffix
mci%grid_filename = suffix // "_m" // trim (buffer) // ".vg"
end if
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_record_index
@ %def mci_vamp_record_index
@ Set the grid parameters.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_grid_parameters => mci_vamp_set_grid_parameters
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_set_grid_parameters (mci, grid_par)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(grid_parameters_t), intent(in) :: grid_par
mci%grid_par = grid_par
mci%min_calls = grid_par%min_calls_per_bin * mci%n_channel
end subroutine mci_vamp_set_grid_parameters
@ %def mci_vamp_set_grid_parameters
@ Set the history parameters.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_history_parameters => mci_vamp_set_history_parameters
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_set_history_parameters (mci, history_par)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(history_parameters_t), intent(in) :: history_par
mci%history_par = history_par
end subroutine mci_vamp_set_history_parameters
@ %def mci_vamp_set_history_parameters
@ Set the rebuild flag, also the flag for checking the grid file.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_rebuild_flag => mci_vamp_set_rebuild_flag
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_set_rebuild_flag (mci, rebuild, check_grid_file)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(in) :: rebuild
logical, intent(in) :: check_grid_file
mci%rebuild = rebuild
mci%check_grid_file = check_grid_file
end subroutine mci_vamp_set_rebuild_flag
@ %def mci_vamp_set_rebuild_flag
@ Set the filename.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: set_grid_filename => mci_vamp_set_grid_filename
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_set_grid_filename (mci, name, run_id)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(string_t), intent(in) :: name
type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: run_id
if (present (run_id)) then
mci%grid_filename = name // "." // run_id // ".vg"
mci%grid_filename = name // ".vg"
end if
mci%grid_filename_set = .true.
end subroutine mci_vamp_set_grid_filename
@ %def mci_vamp_set_grid_filename
@ Declare particular dimensions as flat.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: declare_flat_dimensions => mci_vamp_declare_flat_dimensions
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_declare_flat_dimensions (mci, dim_flat)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_flat
integer :: d
allocate (mci%dim_is_flat (mci%n_dim), source = .false.)
do d = 1, size (dim_flat)
mci%dim_is_flat(dim_flat(d)) = .true.
end do
end subroutine mci_vamp_declare_flat_dimensions
@ %def mci_vamp_declare_flat_dimensions
@ Declare equivalences. We have an array of channel equivalences,
provided by the phase-space module. Here, we translate this into the
[[vamp_equivalences]] array.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: declare_equivalences => mci_vamp_declare_equivalences
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_declare_equivalences (mci, channel, dim_offset)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
type(phs_channel_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channel
integer, intent(in) :: dim_offset
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: perm, mode
integer :: n_channels, n_dim, n_equivalences
integer :: c, i, j, left, right
n_channels = mci%n_channel
n_dim = mci%n_dim
n_equivalences = 0
do c = 1, n_channels
n_equivalences = n_equivalences + size (channel(c)%eq)
end do
call vamp_equivalences_init (mci%equivalences, &
n_equivalences, n_channels, n_dim)
allocate (perm (n_dim))
allocate (mode (n_dim))
perm(1:dim_offset) = [(i, i = 1, dim_offset)]
mode(1:dim_offset) = VEQ_IDENTITY
c = 1
j = 0
do i = 1, n_equivalences
if (j < size (channel(c)%eq)) then
j = j + 1
c = c + 1
j = 1
end if
associate (eq => channel(c)%eq(j))
left = c
right = eq%c
perm(dim_offset+1:) = eq%perm + dim_offset
mode(dim_offset+1:) = eq%mode
call vamp_equivalence_set (mci%equivalences, &
i, left, right, perm, mode)
end associate
end do
call vamp_equivalences_complete (mci%equivalences)
end subroutine mci_vamp_declare_equivalences
@ %def mci_vamp_declare_equivalences
@ Allocate instance with matching type.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: allocate_instance => mci_vamp_allocate_instance
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_allocate_instance (mci, mci_instance)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(out), pointer :: mci_instance
allocate (mci_vamp_instance_t :: mci_instance)
end subroutine mci_vamp_allocate_instance
@ %def mci_vamp_allocate_instance
@ Allocate a new integration pass. We can preset everything that does not
depend on the number of iterations and calls. This is postponed to
the [[integrate]] method.
In the final pass, we do not check accuracy goal etc., since we can assume
that the user wants to perform and average all iterations in this pass.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: add_pass => mci_vamp_add_pass
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_add_pass (mci, adapt_grids, adapt_weights, final)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(in), optional :: adapt_grids, adapt_weights, final
integer :: i_pass, i_it
type(pass_t), pointer :: new
allocate (new)
if (associated (mci%current_pass)) then
i_pass = mci%current_pass%i_pass + 1
i_it = mci%current_pass%i_first_it + mci%current_pass%n_it
mci%current_pass%next => new
i_pass = 1
i_it = 1
mci%first_pass => new
end if
mci%current_pass => new
new%i_pass = i_pass
new%i_first_it = i_it
if (present (adapt_grids)) then
new%adapt_grids = adapt_grids
new%adapt_grids = .false.
end if
if (present (adapt_weights)) then
new%adapt_weights = adapt_weights
new%adapt_weights = .false.
end if
if (present (final)) then
new%is_final_pass = final
new%is_final_pass = .false.
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_add_pass
@ %def mci_vamp_add_pass
@ Update the list of integration passes. All passes except for the last one
must match exactly. For the last one, integration results are updated. The
reference output may contain extra passes, these are ignored.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: update_from_ref => mci_vamp_update_from_ref
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_update_from_ref (mci, mci_ref, success)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_t), intent(in) :: mci_ref
logical, intent(out) :: success
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass, ref_pass
select type (mci_ref)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
current_pass => mci%first_pass
ref_pass => mci_ref%first_pass
success = .true.
do while (success .and. associated (current_pass))
if (associated (ref_pass)) then
if (associated (current_pass%next)) then
success = current_pass .matches. ref_pass
call current_pass%update (ref_pass, success)
if (current_pass%integral_defined) then
mci%integral = current_pass%get_integral ()
mci%error = current_pass%get_error ()
mci%efficiency = current_pass%get_efficiency ()
mci%integral_known = .true.
mci%error_known = .true.
mci%efficiency_known = .true.
end if
end if
current_pass => current_pass%next
ref_pass => ref_pass%next
success = .false.
end if
end do
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_update_from_ref
@ %def mci_vamp_update
@ Update the MCI record (i.e., the integration passes) by reading from input
stream. The stream should contain a [[write]] output from a previous run. We
first check the MD5 sum of the configuration parameters. If that matches, we
proceed directly to the stored integration passes. If successful, we may
continue to read the file; the position will be after a blank line that
must follow the MCI record.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: update => mci_vamp_update
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_update (mci, u, success)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: u
logical, intent(out) :: success
character(80) :: buffer
character(32) :: md5sum_file
type(mci_vamp_t) :: mci_file
integer :: n_pass, n_it
call read_sval (u, md5sum_file)
if (mci%check_grid_file) then
success = md5sum_file == mci%md5sum
success = .true.
end if
if (success) then
read (u, *)
read (u, "(A)") buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) == "VAMP integrator:") then
n_pass = 0
n_it = 0
read (u, "(A)") buffer
select case (trim (adjustl (buffer)))
case ("")
case ("Integration pass:")
call mci_file%add_pass ()
call mci_file%current_pass%read (u, n_pass, n_it)
n_pass = n_pass + 1
n_it = n_it + mci_file%current_pass%n_it
end select
end do
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_file, success)
call mci_file%final ()
call msg_fatal ("VAMP: reading grid file: corrupted data")
end if
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_update
@ %def mci_vamp_update
@ Read / write grids from / to file.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_grids => mci_vamp_write_grids
procedure :: read_grids_header => mci_vamp_read_grids_header
procedure :: read_grids_data => mci_vamp_read_grids_data
procedure :: read_grids => mci_vamp_read_grids
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_write_grids (mci, instance)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
integer :: u
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
if (instance%grids_defined) then
u = free_unit ()
open (u, file = char (mci%grid_filename), &
action = "write", status = "replace")
write (u, "(1x,A,A,A)") "MD5sum = '", mci%md5sum, "'"
write (u, *)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, *)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "VAMP grids:"
call vamp_write_grids (instance%grids, u, &
write_integrals = .true.)
close (u)
call msg_bug ("VAMP: write grids: grids undefined")
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: write grids: filename undefined")
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_write_grids
subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids_header (mci, success)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical, intent(out) :: success
logical :: exist
integer :: u
success = .false.
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
inquire (file = char (mci%grid_filename), exist = exist)
if (exist) then
u = free_unit ()
open (u, file = char (mci%grid_filename), &
action = "read", status = "old")
call mci%update (u, success)
close (u)
if (.not. success) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,A,A)") &
"VAMP: parameter mismatch, discarding grid file '", &
char (mci%grid_filename), "'"
call msg_message ()
end if
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: read grids: filename undefined")
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids_header
subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids_data (mci, instance, read_integrals)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
logical, intent(in), optional :: read_integrals
integer :: u
character(80) :: buffer
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
if (.not. instance%grids_defined) then
u = free_unit ()
open (u, file = char (mci%grid_filename), &
action = "read", status = "old")
read (u, "(A)") buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) == "VAMP grids:") exit
end do
call vamp_read_grids (instance%grids, u, read_integrals)
close (u)
instance%grids_defined = .true.
call msg_bug ("VAMP: read grids: grids already defined")
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids_data
subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids (mci, instance, success)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
logical, intent(out) :: success
logical :: exist
integer :: u
character(80) :: buffer
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
success = .false.
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
if (.not. instance%grids_defined) then
inquire (file = char (mci%grid_filename), exist = exist)
if (exist) then
u = free_unit ()
open (u, file = char (mci%grid_filename), &
action = "read", status = "old")
call mci%update (u, success)
if (success) then
read (u, "(A)") buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) == "VAMP grids:") then
call vamp_read_grids (instance%grids, u)
call msg_fatal ("VAMP: reading grid file: &
&corrupted grid data")
end if
write (msg_buffer, "(A,A,A)") &
"VAMP: parameter mismatch, discarding grid file '", &
char (mci%grid_filename), "'"
call msg_message ()
end if
close (u)
instance%grids_defined = success
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: read grids: grids already defined")
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: read grids: filename undefined")
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_read_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_write_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_read_grids_header
@ %def mci_vamp_read_grids_data
@ %def mci_vamp_read_grids
@ Auxiliary: Read real, integer, string value. We search for an equals sign,
the value must follow.
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine read_rval (u, rval)
integer, intent(in) :: u
real(default), intent(out) :: rval
character(80) :: buffer
read (u, "(A)") buffer
buffer = adjustl (buffer(scan (buffer, "=") + 1:))
read (buffer, *) rval
end subroutine read_rval
subroutine read_ival (u, ival)
integer, intent(in) :: u
integer, intent(out) :: ival
character(80) :: buffer
read (u, "(A)") buffer
buffer = adjustl (buffer(scan (buffer, "=") + 1:))
read (buffer, *) ival
end subroutine read_ival
subroutine read_sval (u, sval)
integer, intent(in) :: u
character(*), intent(out) :: sval
character(80) :: buffer
read (u, "(A)") buffer
buffer = adjustl (buffer(scan (buffer, "=") + 1:))
read (buffer, *) sval
end subroutine read_sval
subroutine read_lval (u, lval)
integer, intent(in) :: u
logical, intent(out) :: lval
character(80) :: buffer
read (u, "(A)") buffer
buffer = adjustl (buffer(scan (buffer, "=") + 1:))
read (buffer, *) lval
end subroutine read_lval
@ %def read_rval read_ival read_sval read_lval
@ Integrate. Perform a new integration pass (possibly reusing
previous results), which may consist of several iterations.
Note: we record the integral once per iteration. The integral stored
in the [[mci]] record itself is the last integral of the current
iteration, no averaging done. The [[results]] record may average results.
Note: recording the efficiency is not supported yet.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: integrate => mci_vamp_integrate
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_integrate (mci, instance, sampler, &
n_it, n_calls, results, pacify)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: n_it
integer, intent(in) :: n_calls
class(mci_results_t), intent(inout), optional :: results
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: it
logical :: reshape, from_file, success
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
if (associated (mci%current_pass)) then
mci%current_pass%integral_defined = .false.
call mci%current_pass%configure (n_it, n_calls, &
mci%min_calls, mci%grid_par%min_bins, &
mci%grid_par%max_bins, &
mci%grid_par%min_calls_per_channel * mci%n_channel)
call mci%current_pass%configure_history &
(mci%n_channel, mci%history_par)
instance%pass_complete = .false.
instance%it_complete = .false.
call instance%new_pass (reshape)
if (.not. instance%grids_defined .or. instance%grids_from_file) then
if (mci%grid_filename_set .and. .not. mci%rebuild) then
call mci%read_grids_header (success)
from_file = success
if (.not. instance%grids_defined .and. success) then
call mci%read_grids_data (instance)
end if
from_file = .false.
end if
from_file = .false.
end if
if (from_file) then
if (.not. mci%check_grid_file) &
call msg_warning ("Reading grid file: MD5 sum check disabled")
call msg_message ("VAMP: " &
// "using grids and results from file '" &
// char (mci%grid_filename) // "'")
else if (.not. instance%grids_defined) then
call instance%create_grids ()
end if
do it = 1, instance%n_it
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
instance%grids_from_file = from_file .and. &
it <= mci%current_pass%get_integration_index ()
if (.not. instance%grids_from_file) then
instance%it_complete = .false.
call instance%adapt_grids ()
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
call instance%adapt_weights ()
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
call instance%discard_integrals (reshape)
if (mci%grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences) then
call instance%sample_grids (mci%rng, sampler, &
call instance%sample_grids (mci%rng, sampler)
end if
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
instance%it_complete = .true.
if (instance%integral /= 0) then
mci%current_pass%calls(it) = instance%calls
mci%current_pass%integral(it) = instance%integral
if (abs (instance%error / instance%integral) &
> epsilon (1._default)) then
mci%current_pass%error(it) = instance%error
end if
mci%current_pass%efficiency(it) = instance%efficiency
end if
mci%current_pass%integral_defined = .true.
end if
if (present (results)) then
if (mci%has_chains ()) then
call mci%collect_chain_weights (instance%w)
call results%record (1, &
n_calls = mci%current_pass%calls(it), &
integral = mci%current_pass%integral(it), &
error = mci%current_pass%error(it), &
efficiency = mci%current_pass%efficiency(it), &
chain_weights = mci%chain_weights, &
suppress = pacify)
call results%record (1, &
n_calls = mci%current_pass%calls(it), &
integral = mci%current_pass%integral(it), &
error = mci%current_pass%error(it), &
efficiency = mci%current_pass%efficiency(it), &
suppress = pacify)
end if
end if
if (.not. instance%grids_from_file &
.and. mci%grid_filename_set) then
call mci%write_grids (instance)
end if
call instance%allow_adaptation ()
reshape = .false.
if (.not. mci%current_pass%is_final_pass) then
call mci%check_goals (it, success)
if (success) exit
end if
end do
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
instance%pass_complete = .true.
mci%integral = mci%current_pass%get_integral()
mci%error = mci%current_pass%get_error()
mci%efficiency = mci%current_pass%get_efficiency()
mci%integral_known = .true.
mci%error_known = .true.
mci%efficiency_known = .true.
call mci%compute_md5sum (pacify)
call msg_bug ("MCI integrate: current_pass object not allocated")
end if
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_integrate
@ %def mci_vamp_integrate
@ Check whether we are already finished with this pass.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: check_goals => mci_vamp_check_goals
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_check_goals (mci, it, success)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: it
logical, intent(out) :: success
success = .false.
if (mci%error_reached (it)) then
mci%current_pass%n_it = it
call msg_message ("VAMP: error goal reached; &
&skipping iterations")
success = .true.
end if
if (mci%rel_error_reached (it)) then
mci%current_pass%n_it = it
call msg_message ("VAMP: relative error goal reached; &
&skipping iterations")
success = .true.
end if
if (mci%accuracy_reached (it)) then
mci%current_pass%n_it = it
call msg_message ("VAMP: accuracy goal reached; &
&skipping iterations")
success = .true.
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_check_goals
@ %def mci_vamp_check_goals
@ Return true if the error, relative error, or accuracy goal has been reached,
if any.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: error_reached => mci_vamp_error_reached
procedure :: rel_error_reached => mci_vamp_rel_error_reached
procedure :: accuracy_reached => mci_vamp_accuracy_reached
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function mci_vamp_error_reached (mci, it) result (flag)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: it
logical :: flag
real(default) :: error_goal, error
error_goal = mci%grid_par%error_goal
if (error_goal > 0) then
associate (pass => mci%current_pass)
if (pass%integral_defined) then
error = abs (pass%error(it))
flag = error < error_goal
flag = .false.
end if
end associate
flag = .false.
end if
end function mci_vamp_error_reached
function mci_vamp_rel_error_reached (mci, it) result (flag)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: it
logical :: flag
real(default) :: rel_error_goal, rel_error
rel_error_goal = mci%grid_par%rel_error_goal
if (rel_error_goal > 0) then
associate (pass => mci%current_pass)
if (pass%integral_defined) then
if (pass%integral(it) /= 0) then
rel_error = abs (pass%error(it) / pass%integral(it))
flag = rel_error < rel_error_goal
flag = .true.
end if
flag = .false.
end if
end associate
flag = .false.
end if
end function mci_vamp_rel_error_reached
function mci_vamp_accuracy_reached (mci, it) result (flag)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(in) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: it
logical :: flag
real(default) :: accuracy_goal, accuracy
accuracy_goal = mci%grid_par%accuracy_goal
if (accuracy_goal > 0) then
associate (pass => mci%current_pass)
if (pass%integral_defined) then
if (pass%integral(it) /= 0) then
accuracy = abs (pass%error(it) / pass%integral(it)) &
* sqrt (real (pass%calls(it), default))
flag = accuracy < accuracy_goal
flag = .true.
end if
flag = .false.
end if
end associate
flag = .false.
end if
end function mci_vamp_accuracy_reached
@ %def mci_vamp_error_reached
@ %def mci_vamp_rel_error_reached
@ %def mci_vamp_accuracy_reached
@ Prepare an event generation pass. Should be called before a sequence of
events is generated, then we should call the corresponding finalizer.
The pass-specific data of the previous integration pass are retained,
but we reset the number of iterations and calls to zero. The latter
now counts the number of events (calls to the sampling function, actually).
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: prepare_simulation => mci_vamp_prepare_simulation
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_prepare_simulation (mci)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
logical :: success
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
call mci%read_grids_header (success)
call mci%compute_md5sum ()
if (.not. success) then
call msg_fatal ("Simulate: " &
// "reading integration grids from file '" &
// char (mci%grid_filename) // "' failed")
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: simulation: no grids, no grid filename")
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_prepare_simulation
@ %def mci_vamp_prepare_simulation
@ Generate weighted event. Note that the event weight
([[vamp_weight]]) is not just the MCI weight. [[vamp_next_event]]
selects a channel based on the channel weights multiplied by the
(previously recorded) maximum integrand value of the channel. The
MCI weight is renormalized accordingly, to cancel this effect on the
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: generate_weighted_event => mci_vamp_generate_weighted_event
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_generate_weighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
class(vamp_data_t), allocatable :: data
type(exception) :: vamp_exception
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
instance%vamp_weight_set = .false.
allocate (mci_workspace_t :: data)
select type (data)
type is (mci_workspace_t)
data%sampler => sampler
data%instance => instance
end select
select type (rng => mci%rng)
type is (rng_tao_t)
if (instance%grids_defined) then
call vamp_next_event ( &
instance%vamp_x, &
rng%state, &
instance%grids, &
vamp_sampling_function, &
data, &
phi = phi_trivial, &
weight = instance%vamp_weight, &
exc = vamp_exception)
call handle_vamp_exception (vamp_exception, mci%verbose)
instance%vamp_excess = 0
instance%vamp_weight_set = .true.
call msg_bug ("VAMP: generate event: grids undefined")
end if
class default
call msg_fatal ("VAMP event generation: &
&random-number generator must be TAO")
end select
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_generate_weighted_event
@ %def mci_vamp_generate_weighted_event
@ Generate unweighted event.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: generate_unweighted_event => &
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_generate_unweighted_event (mci, instance, sampler)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
class(vamp_data_t), allocatable :: data
type(exception) :: vamp_exception
select type (instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
instance%vamp_weight_set = .false.
allocate (mci_workspace_t :: data)
select type (data)
type is (mci_workspace_t)
data%sampler => sampler
data%instance => instance
end select
select type (rng => mci%rng)
type is (rng_tao_t)
if (instance%grids_defined) then
call vamp_next_event ( &
instance%vamp_x, &
rng%state, &
instance%grids, &
vamp_sampling_function, &
data, &
phi = phi_trivial, &
excess = instance%vamp_excess, &
exc = vamp_exception)
if (signal_is_pending ()) return
if (sampler%is_valid ()) exit REJECTION
call handle_vamp_exception (vamp_exception, mci%verbose)
instance%vamp_weight = 1
instance%vamp_weight_set = .true.
call msg_bug ("VAMP: generate event: grids undefined")
end if
class default
call msg_fatal ("VAMP event generation: &
&random-number generator must be TAO")
end select
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_generate_unweighted_event
@ %def mci_vamp_generate_unweighted_event
@ Rebuild an event, using the [[state]] input.
Note: This feature is currently unused.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild_event => mci_vamp_rebuild_event
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_rebuild_event (mci, instance, sampler, state)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
class(mci_state_t), intent(in) :: state
call msg_bug ("MCI vamp rebuild event not implemented yet")
end subroutine mci_vamp_rebuild_event
@ %def mci_vamp_rebuild_event
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp: TBP>>=
procedure :: pacify => mci_vamp_pacify
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_pacify (object, efficiency_reset, error_reset)
class(mci_vamp_t), intent(inout) :: object
logical, intent(in), optional :: efficiency_reset, error_reset
logical :: err_reset
type(pass_t), pointer :: current_pass
err_reset = .false.
if (present (error_reset)) err_reset = error_reset
current_pass => object%first_pass
do while (associated (current_pass))
if (allocated (current_pass%error) .and. err_reset) then
current_pass%error = 0
end if
if (allocated (current_pass%efficiency) .and. err_reset) then
current_pass%efficiency = 1
end if
current_pass => current_pass%next
end do
end subroutine mci_vamp_pacify
@ %def mci_vamp_pacify
\subsection{Sampler as Workspace}
In the full setup, the sampling function requires the process instance
object as workspace. We implement this by (i) implementing the
process instance as a type extension of the abstract [[sampler_t]]
object used by the MCI implementation and (ii) providing such an
object as an extra argument to the sampling function that VAMP can
call. To minimize cross-package dependencies, we use an abstract type
[[vamp_workspace]] that VAMP declares and extend this by including a
pointer to the [[sampler]] and [[instance]] objects. In the body of
the sampling function, we dereference this pointer and can then work
with the contents.
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type, extends (vamp_data_t) :: mci_workspace_t
class(mci_sampler_t), pointer :: sampler => null ()
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), pointer :: instance => null ()
end type mci_workspace_t
@ %def mci_workspace_t
\subsection{Integrator instance}
The history entries should point to the corresponding history entry in
the [[pass_t]] object. If there is none, we may allocate a local
history, which is then just transient.
<<MCI vamp: public>>=
public :: mci_vamp_instance_t
<<MCI vamp: types>>=
type, extends (mci_instance_t) :: mci_vamp_instance_t
type(mci_vamp_t), pointer :: mci => null ()
logical :: grids_defined = .false.
logical :: grids_from_file = .false.
integer :: n_it = 0
integer :: it = 0
logical :: pass_complete = .false.
integer :: n_calls = 0
integer :: calls = 0
logical :: it_complete = .false.
logical :: enable_adapt_grids = .false.
logical :: enable_adapt_weights = .false.
logical :: allow_adapt_grids = .false.
logical :: allow_adapt_weights = .false.
logical :: negative_weights = .false.
integer :: n_adapt_grids = 0
integer :: n_adapt_weights = 0
logical :: generating_events = .false.
real(default) :: safety_factor = 1
type(vamp_grids) :: grids
real(default) :: g = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: gi
real(default) :: integral = 0
real(default) :: error = 0
real(default) :: efficiency = 0
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: vamp_x
logical :: vamp_weight_set = .false.
real(default) :: vamp_weight = 0
real(default) :: vamp_excess = 0
logical :: allocate_global_history = .false.
type(vamp_history), dimension(:), pointer :: v_history => null ()
logical :: allocate_channel_history = .false.
type(vamp_history), dimension(:,:), pointer :: v_histories => null ()
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>
end type mci_vamp_instance_t
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_t
@ Output.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => mci_vamp_instance_write
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_write (object, unit, pacify)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify
integer :: u, i
character(len=7) :: fmt
call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_17, FMT_14, pacify)
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(3x,A," // FMT_19 // ")") "Integrand = ", object%integrand
write (u, "(3x,A," // FMT_19 // ")") "Weight = ", object%mci_weight
if (object%vamp_weight_set) then
write (u, "(3x,A," // FMT_19 // ")") "VAMP wgt = ", object%vamp_weight
if (object%vamp_excess /= 0) then
write (u, "(3x,A," // FMT_19 // ")") "VAMP exc = ", &
end if
end if
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "adapt grids = ", object%enable_adapt_grids
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "adapt weights = ", object%enable_adapt_weights
if (object%grids_defined) then
if (object%grids_from_file) then
write (u, "(3x,A)") "VAMP grids: read from file"
write (u, "(3x,A)") "VAMP grids: defined"
end if
write (u, "(3x,A)") "VAMP grids: [undefined]"
end if
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n_it = ", object%n_it
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "it = ", object%it
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "pass complete = ", object%it_complete
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n_calls = ", object%n_calls
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "calls = ", object%calls
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "it complete = ", object%it_complete
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n adapt.(g) = ", object%n_adapt_grids
write (u, "(3x,A,I0)") "n adapt.(w) = ", object%n_adapt_weights
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "gen. events = ", object%generating_events
write (u, "(3x,A,L1)") "neg. weights = ", object%negative_weights
if (object%safety_factor /= 1) write &
(u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") "safety f = ", object%safety_factor
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") "integral = ", object%integral
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") "error = ", object%error
write (u, "(3x,A," // fmt // ")") "eff. = ", object%efficiency
write (u, "(3x,A)") "weights:"
do i = 1, size (object%w)
write (u, "(5x,I0,1x," // FMT_12 // ")") i, object%w(i)
end do
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_write
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_write
@ Write the grids to the specified unit.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: write_grids => mci_vamp_instance_write_grids
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_write_grids (object, unit)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
if (object%grids_defined) then
call vamp_write_grids (object%grids, u, write_integrals = .true.)
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_write_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_write_grids
@ Finalizer: the history arrays are pointer arrays and need finalization.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: final => mci_vamp_instance_final
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_final (object)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: object
if (object%allocate_global_history) then
if (associated (object%v_history)) then
call vamp_delete_history (object%v_history)
deallocate (object%v_history)
end if
end if
if (object%allocate_channel_history) then
if (associated (object%v_histories)) then
call vamp_delete_history (object%v_histories)
deallocate (object%v_histories)
end if
end if
if (object%grids_defined) then
call vamp_delete_grids (object%grids)
object%grids_defined = .false.
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_final
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_final
@ Initializer.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: init => mci_vamp_instance_init
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_init (mci_instance, mci)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(out) :: mci_instance
class(mci_t), intent(in), target :: mci
call mci_instance%base_init (mci)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
mci_instance%mci => mci
allocate (mci_instance%gi (mci%n_channel))
mci_instance%allocate_global_history = .not. mci%history_par%global
mci_instance%allocate_channel_history = .not. mci%history_par%channel
mci_instance%negative_weights = mci%negative_weights
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_init
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_init
@ Prepare a new integration pass: write the pass-specific settings to
the [[instance]] object. This should be called initially, together
with the [[create_grids]] procedure, and whenever we start a new
integration pass.
Set [[reshape]] if the number of calls is different than previously (unless it
was zero, indicating the first pass).
We link VAMP histories to the allocated histories in the current pass
object, so the recorded results are persistent. However, if there are
no histories present there, we allocate them locally. In that case,
the histories will disappear together with the MCI instance object.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: new_pass => mci_vamp_instance_new_pass
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_new_pass (instance, reshape)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
logical, intent(out) :: reshape
type(pass_t), pointer :: current
associate (mci => instance%mci)
current => mci%current_pass
instance%n_it = current%n_it
if (instance%n_calls == 0) then
reshape = .false.
instance%n_calls = current%n_calls
else if (instance%n_calls == current%n_calls) then
reshape = .false.
reshape = .true.
instance%n_calls = current%n_calls
end if
instance%it = 0
instance%calls = 0
instance%enable_adapt_grids = current%adapt_grids
instance%enable_adapt_weights = current%adapt_weights
instance%generating_events = .false.
if (instance%allocate_global_history) then
if (associated (instance%v_history)) then
call vamp_delete_history (instance%v_history)
deallocate (instance%v_history)
end if
allocate (instance%v_history (instance%n_it))
call vamp_create_history (instance%v_history, verbose = .false.)
instance%v_history => current%v_history
end if
if (instance%allocate_channel_history) then
if (associated (instance%v_histories)) then
call vamp_delete_history (instance%v_histories)
deallocate (instance%v_histories)
end if
allocate (instance%v_histories (instance%n_it, mci%n_channel))
call vamp_create_history (instance%v_histories, verbose = .false.)
instance%v_histories => current%v_histories
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_new_pass
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_new_pass
Create a grid set within the [[instance]] object, using the data of
the current integration pass. Also reset counters that track this
grid set.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: create_grids => mci_vamp_instance_create_grids
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_create_grids (instance)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
type (pass_t), pointer :: current
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: num_div
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: region
associate (mci => instance%mci)
current => mci%current_pass
allocate (num_div (mci%n_dim))
allocate (region (2, mci%n_dim))
region(1,:) = 0
region(2,:) = 1
num_div = current%n_bins
instance%n_adapt_grids = 0
instance%n_adapt_weights = 0
if (.not. instance%grids_defined) then
call vamp_create_grids (instance%grids, &
region, &
current%n_calls, &
weights = instance%w, &
num_div = num_div, &
stratified = mci%grid_par%stratified)
instance%grids_defined = .true.
call msg_bug ("VAMP: create grids: grids already defined")
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_create_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_create_grids
@ Reset a grid set, so we can start a fresh integration pass. In
effect, we delete results of previous integrations, but keep the grid
shapes, weights, and variance arrays, so adaptation is still possible.
The grids are prepared for a specific number of calls (per iteration)
and sampling mode (stratified/importance).
The [[vamp_discard_integrals]] implementation will reshape the grids
only if the argument [[num_calls]] is present.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: discard_integrals => mci_vamp_instance_discard_integrals
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_discard_integrals (instance, reshape)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
logical, intent(in) :: reshape
instance%calls = 0
instance%integral = 0
instance%error = 0
instance%efficiency = 0
associate (mci => instance%mci)
if (instance%grids_defined) then
if (mci%grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences) then
if (reshape) then
call vamp_discard_integrals (instance%grids, &
num_calls = instance%n_calls, &
stratified = mci%grid_par%stratified, &
eq = mci%equivalences)
call vamp_discard_integrals (instance%grids, &
stratified = mci%grid_par%stratified, &
eq = mci%equivalences)
end if
if (reshape) then
call vamp_discard_integrals (instance%grids, &
num_calls = instance%n_calls, &
stratified = mci%grid_par%stratified)
call vamp_discard_integrals (instance%grids, &
stratified = mci%grid_par%stratified)
end if
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: discard integrals: grids undefined")
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_discard_integrals
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_discard_integrals
@ After grids are created (with equidistant binning and equal weight),
adaptation is redundant. Therefore, we should allow it only after a
complete integration step has been performed, calling this.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: allow_adaptation => mci_vamp_instance_allow_adaptation
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_allow_adaptation (instance)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
instance%allow_adapt_grids = .true.
instance%allow_adapt_weights = .true.
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_allow_adaptation
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_allow_adaptation
@ Adapt grids.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: adapt_grids => mci_vamp_instance_adapt_grids
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_adapt_grids (instance)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
if (instance%enable_adapt_grids .and. instance%allow_adapt_grids) then
if (instance%grids_defined) then
call vamp_refine_grids (instance%grids)
instance%n_adapt_grids = instance%n_adapt_grids + 1
call msg_bug ("VAMP: adapt grids: grids undefined")
end if
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_adapt_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_adapt_grids
@ Adapt weights. Use the variance array returned by \vamp\ for
recalculating the weight array. The parameter
[[channel_weights_power]] dampens fluctuations.
If the number of calls in a given channel falls below a user-defined threshold,
the weight is not lowered further but kept at this threshold. The other
channel weights are reduced accordingly.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: adapt_weights => mci_vamp_instance_adapt_weights
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_adapt_weights (instance)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
real(default) :: w_sum, w_avg_ch, sum_w_underflow, w_min
integer :: n_ch, ch, n_underflow
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask, underflow
type(exception) :: vamp_exception
if (instance%enable_adapt_weights .and. instance%allow_adapt_weights) then
associate (mci => instance%mci)
if (instance%grids_defined) then
instance%w = instance%grids%weights &
* vamp_get_variance (instance%grids%grids) &
** mci%grid_par%channel_weights_power
w_sum = sum (instance%w)
if (w_sum /= 0) then
instance%w = instance%w / w_sum
if (mci%n_chain /= 0) then
allocate (mask (mci%n_channel))
do ch = 1, mci%n_chain
mask = mci%chain == ch
n_ch = count (mask)
if (n_ch /= 0) then
w_avg_ch = sum (instance%w, mask) / n_ch
where (mask) instance%w = w_avg_ch
end if
end do
end if
if (mci%grid_par%threshold_calls /= 0) then
w_min = &
real (mci%grid_par%threshold_calls, default) &
/ instance%n_calls
allocate (underflow (mci%n_channel))
underflow = instance%w /= 0 .and. abs (instance%w) < w_min
n_underflow = count (underflow)
sum_w_underflow = sum (instance%w, mask=underflow)
if (sum_w_underflow /= 1) then
where (underflow)
instance%w = w_min
instance%w = instance%w &
* (1 - n_underflow * w_min) / (1 - sum_w_underflow)
end where
end if
end if
end if
call vamp_update_weights (instance%grids, instance%w, &
exc = vamp_exception)
call handle_vamp_exception (vamp_exception, mci%verbose)
call msg_bug ("VAMP: adapt weights: grids undefined")
end if
end associate
instance%n_adapt_weights = instance%n_adapt_weights + 1
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_adapt_weights
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_adapt_weights
@ Integration: sample the VAMP grids. The number of calls etc. are
already stored inside the grids. We provide the random-number
generator, the sampling function, and a link to the workspace object,
which happens to contain a pointer to the sampler object. The sampler
object thus becomes the workspace of the sampling function.
Note: in the current implementation, the random-number generator must
be the TAO generator. This explicit dependence should be removed from
the VAMP implementation.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: sample_grids => mci_vamp_instance_sample_grids
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_sample_grids (instance, rng, sampler, eq)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout), target :: instance
class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng
class(mci_sampler_t), intent(inout), target :: sampler
type(vamp_equivalences_t), intent(in), optional :: eq
class(vamp_data_t), allocatable :: data
type(exception) :: vamp_exception
allocate (mci_workspace_t :: data)
select type (data)
type is (mci_workspace_t)
data%sampler => sampler
data%instance => instance
end select
select type (rng)
type is (rng_tao_t)
instance%it = instance%it + 1
instance%calls = 0
if (instance%grids_defined) then
call vamp_sample_grids ( &
rng%state, &
instance%grids, &
vamp_sampling_function, &
data, &
1, &
eq = eq, &
history = instance%v_history(instance%it:), &
histories = instance%v_histories(instance%it:,:), &
integral = instance%integral, &
std_dev = instance%error, &
exc = vamp_exception, &
negative_weights = instance%negative_weights)
call handle_vamp_exception (vamp_exception, instance%mci%verbose)
instance%efficiency = instance%get_efficiency ()
call msg_bug ("VAMP: sample grids: grids undefined")
end if
class default
call msg_fatal ("VAMP integration: random-number generator must be TAO")
end select
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_sample_grids
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_sample_grids
Compute the reweighting efficiency for the current grids, suitable
averaged over all active channels.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_efficiency_array => mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency_array
procedure :: get_efficiency => mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency_array (mci) result (efficiency)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: efficiency
allocate (efficiency (mci%mci%n_channel))
where (mci%grids%grids%f_max /= 0)
efficiency = mci%grids%grids%mu(1) / abs (mci%grids%grids%f_max)
efficiency = 0
end where
end function mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency_array
function mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency (mci) result (efficiency)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: efficiency
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: weight
real(default) :: norm
allocate (weight (mci%mci%n_channel))
weight = mci%grids%weights * abs (mci%grids%grids%f_max)
norm = sum (weight)
if (norm /= 0) then
efficiency = dot_product (mci%get_efficiency_array (), weight) / norm
efficiency = 1
end if
end function mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency_array
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_get_efficiency
@ Prepare an event generation pass. Should be called before a sequence of
events is generated, then we should call the corresponding finalizer.
The pass-specific data of the previous integration pass are retained,
but we reset the number of iterations and calls to zero. The latter
now counts the number of events (calls to the sampling function, actually).
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: init_simulation => mci_vamp_instance_init_simulation
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_init_simulation (instance, safety_factor)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
real(default), intent(in), optional :: safety_factor
associate (mci => instance%mci)
allocate (instance%vamp_x (mci%n_dim))
instance%it = 0
instance%calls = 0
instance%generating_events = .true.
if (present (safety_factor)) instance%safety_factor = safety_factor
if (.not. instance%grids_defined) then
if (mci%grid_filename_set) then
if (.not. mci%check_grid_file) &
call msg_warning ("Reading grid file: MD5 sum check disabled")
call msg_message ("Simulate: " &
// "using integration grids from file '" &
// char (mci%grid_filename) // "'")
call mci%read_grids_data (instance)
if (instance%safety_factor /= 1) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,ES10.3,A)") "Simulate: &
&applying safety factor", instance%safety_factor, &
" to event rejection"
call msg_message ()
instance%grids%grids%f_max = &
instance%grids%grids%f_max * instance%safety_factor
end if
call msg_bug ("VAMP: simulation: no grids, no grid filename")
end if
end if
end associate
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_init_simulation
@ %def mci_vamp_init_simulation
@ Finalize an event generation pass. Should be called before a sequence of
events is generated, then we should call the corresponding finalizer.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: final_simulation => mci_vamp_instance_final_simulation
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_final_simulation (instance)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: instance
if (allocated (instance%vamp_x)) deallocate (instance%vamp_x)
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_final_simulation
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_final_simulation
\subsection{Sampling function}
The VAMP sampling function has a well-defined interface which we have
to implement. The [[data]] argument allows us to pass pointers to the
[[sampler]] and [[instance]] objects, so we can access configuration
data and fill point-dependent contents within these objects.
The [[weights]] and [[channel]] argument must be present in the call.
Note: we would normally declare the [[instance]] pointer with the
concrete type, or just use the [[data]] component directly.
Unfortunately, gfortran 4.6 forgets the inherited base-type methods in
that case.
Note: this is the place where we must look for external signals, i.e.,
interrupt from the OS. We would like to raise a \vamp\ exception which is then
caught by [[vamp_sample_grids]] as the caller, so it dumps its current state
and returns (with the signal still pending). \whizard\ will then terminate
gracefully. Of course, VAMP should be able to resume from the dump.
In the current implementation, we handle the exception in place and terminate
immediately. The incomplete current integration pass is lost.
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function vamp_sampling_function &
(xi, data, weights, channel, grids) result (f)
real(default) :: f
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xi
class(vamp_data_t), intent(in) :: data
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: weights
integer, intent(in), optional :: channel
type(vamp_grid), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: grids
type(exception) :: exc
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: instance
logical :: verbose
character(*), parameter :: FN = "WHIZARD sampling function"
select type (data)
type is (mci_workspace_t)
instance => data%instance
select type (instance)
class is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
instance%calls = instance%calls + 1
verbose = instance%mci%verbose
end select
call instance%evaluate (data%sampler, channel, xi)
if (signal_is_pending ()) then
call raise_exception (exc, EXC_FATAL, FN, "signal received")
call handle_vamp_exception (exc, verbose)
call terminate_now_if_signal ()
end if
f = instance%get_value ()
end select
end function vamp_sampling_function
@ %def vamp_sampling_function
@ This is supposed to be the mapping between integration channels.
The VAMP event generating procedures technically require it, but it is
meaningless in our setup where all transformations happen inside the
sampler object. So, this implementation is trivial:
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
pure function phi_trivial (xi, channel_dummy) result (x)
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xi
integer, intent(in) :: channel_dummy
real(default), dimension(size(xi)) :: x
x = xi
end function phi_trivial
@ %def phi_trivial
\subsection{Integrator instance: evaluation}
Here, we compute the multi-channel reweighting factor for the current
channel, that accounts for the Jacobians of the transformations
from/to all other channels.
The computation of the VAMP probabilities may consume considerable
time, therefore we enable parallel evaluation. (Collecting the
contributions to [[mci%g]] is a reduction, which we should also
implement via OpenMP.)
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: compute_weight => mci_vamp_instance_compute_weight
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_compute_weight (mci, c)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
integer, intent(in) :: c
integer :: i
mci%selected_channel = c
do i = 1, mci%mci%n_channel
if (mci%w(i) /= 0) then
mci%gi(i) = vamp_probability (mci%grids%grids(i), mci%x(:,i))
mci%gi(i) = 0
end if
end do
mci%g = 0
if (mci%gi(c) /= 0) then
do i = 1, mci%mci%n_channel
if (mci%w(i) /= 0 .and. mci%f(i) /= 0) then
mci%g = mci%g + mci%w(i) * mci%gi(i) / mci%f(i)
end if
end do
end if
if (mci%g /= 0) then
mci%mci_weight = mci%gi(c) / mci%g
mci%mci_weight = 0
end if
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_compute_weight
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_compute_weight
@ Record the integrand.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: record_integrand => mci_vamp_instance_record_integrand
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_instance_record_integrand (mci, integrand)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(inout) :: mci
real(default), intent(in) :: integrand
mci%integrand = integrand
end subroutine mci_vamp_instance_record_integrand
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_record_integrand
@ Get the event weight. The default routine returns the same value that
we would use for integration. This is correct if we select the integration
channel according to the channel weight. [[vamp_next_event]] does
differently, so we should rather rely on the weight that VAMP
returns. This is the value stored in [[vamp_weight]]. We override
the default TBP accordingly.
<<MCI vamp: mci vamp instance: TBP>>=
procedure :: get_event_weight => mci_vamp_instance_get_event_weight
procedure :: get_event_excess => mci_vamp_instance_get_event_excess
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
function mci_vamp_instance_get_event_weight (mci) result (value)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: value
if (mci%vamp_weight_set) then
value = mci%vamp_weight
call msg_bug ("VAMP: attempt to read undefined event weight")
end if
end function mci_vamp_instance_get_event_weight
function mci_vamp_instance_get_event_excess (mci) result (value)
class(mci_vamp_instance_t), intent(in) :: mci
real(default) :: value
if (mci%vamp_weight_set) then
value = mci%vamp_excess
call msg_bug ("VAMP: attempt to read undefined event excess weight")
end if
end function mci_vamp_instance_get_event_excess
@ %def mci_vamp_instance_get_event_excess
\subsection{VAMP exceptions}
A VAMP routine may have raised an exception. Turn this into a WHIZARD
error message.
An external signal could raise a fatal exception, but this should be delayed and
handled by the correct termination routine.
<<MCI vamp: procedures>>=
subroutine handle_vamp_exception (exc, verbose)
type(exception), intent(in) :: exc
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
integer :: exc_level
if (verbose) then
exc_level = EXC_INFO
exc_level = EXC_ERROR
end if
if (exc%level >= exc_level) then
write (msg_buffer, "(A,':',1x,A)") trim (exc%origin), trim (exc%message)
select case (exc%level)
case (EXC_INFO); call msg_message ()
case (EXC_WARN); call msg_warning ()
case (EXC_ERROR); call msg_error ()
case (EXC_FATAL)
if (signal_is_pending ()) then
call msg_message ()
call msg_fatal ()
end if
end select
end if
end subroutine handle_vamp_exception
@ %def handle_vamp_exception
\subsection{Unit tests}
<<MCI vamp: public>>=
public :: mci_vamp_test
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_test (u, results)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>
end subroutine mci_vamp_test
@ %def mci_vamp_test
\subsubsection{Test sampler}
A test sampler object should implement a function with known integral that
we can use to check the integrator.
In mode [[1]], the function is $f(x) = 3 x^2$ with integral $\int_0^1
f(x)\,dx=1$ and maximum $f(1)=3$. If the integration dimension is
greater than one, the function is extended as a constant in the other
In mode [[2]], the function is $11 x^{10}$, also with integral $1$.
<<MCI vamp: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_1_t
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
real(default) :: val
integer :: mode = 1
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_1_t
@ %def test_sampler_1_t
@ Output: There is nothing stored inside, so just print an informative line.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_1_write
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
select case (object%mode)
case (1)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 3 x^2"
case (2)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 11 x^10"
case (3)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Test sampler: f(x) = 11 x^10 * 2 * cos^2 (2 pi y)"
end select
end subroutine test_sampler_1_write
@ %def test_sampler_1_write
@ Evaluation: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_1_evaluate
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
if (allocated (sampler%x)) deallocate (sampler%x)
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in)))
sampler%x = x_in
select case (sampler%mode)
case (1)
sampler%val = 3 * x_in(1) ** 2
case (2)
sampler%val = 11 * x_in(1) ** 10
case (3)
sampler%val = 11 * x_in(1) ** 10 * 2 * cos (twopi * x_in(2)) ** 2
end select
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_1_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_1_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_1_is_valid
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
function test_sampler_1_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_1_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_1_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_1_rebuild
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
if (allocated (sampler%x)) deallocate (sampler%x)
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in)))
sampler%x = x_in
sampler%val = val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_1_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_1_rebuild
@ Extract the results.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 1: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_1_fetch
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_1_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_1_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x(:,1) = sampler%x
f = 1
end subroutine test_sampler_1_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_1_fetch
\subsubsection{Two-channel, two dimension test sampler}
This sampler implements the function
f(x, y) = 4\sin^2(\pi x)\sin^2(\pi y) + 2\sin^2(\pi v)
x &= u^v &u &= xy
y &= u^{(1-v)} &v &= \frac12\left(1 + \frac{\log(x/y)}{\log xy}\right)
Each term contributes $1$ to the integral. The first term in the function is
peaked along a cross aligned to the coordinates $x$ and $y$, while the second
term is peaked along the diagonal $x=y$.
The Jacobian is
\frac{\partial(x,y)}{\partial(u,v)} = |\log u|
<<MCI vamp: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_2_t
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: f
real(default) :: val
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_2_t
@ %def test_sampler_2_t
@ Output: There is nothing stored inside, so just print an informative line.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_2_write
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Two-channel test sampler 2"
end subroutine test_sampler_2_write
@ %def test_sampler_2_write
@ Kinematics: compute $x$ and Jacobians, given the input parameter array.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: compute => test_sampler_2_compute
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_compute (sampler, c, x_in)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default) :: xx, yy, uu, vv
if (.not. allocated (sampler%x)) &
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in), 2))
if (.not. allocated (sampler%f)) &
allocate (sampler%f (2))
select case (c)
case (1)
xx = x_in(1)
yy = x_in(2)
uu = xx * yy
vv = (1 + log (xx/yy) / log (xx*yy)) / 2
case (2)
uu = x_in(1)
vv = x_in(2)
xx = uu ** vv
yy = uu ** (1 - vv)
end select
sampler%val = (2 * sin (pi * xx) * sin (pi * yy)) ** 2 &
+ 2 * sin (pi * vv) ** 2
sampler%f(1) = 1
sampler%f(2) = abs (log (uu))
sampler%x(:,1) = [xx, yy]
sampler%x(:,2) = [uu, vv]
end subroutine test_sampler_2_compute
@ %def test_sampler_kineamtics
@ Evaluation: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_2_evaluate
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_2_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_2_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_2_is_valid
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
function test_sampler_2_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_2_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_2_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_2_rebuild
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_2_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_2_rebuild
@ Extract the results.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 2: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_2_fetch
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_2_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_2_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_2_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_2_fetch
\subsubsection{Two-channel, one dimension test sampler}
This sampler implements the function
f(x, y) = a * 5 x^4 + b * 5 (1-x)^4
Each term contributes $1$ to the integral, multiplied by $a$ or $b$,
respectively. The first term is peaked at $x=1$, the second one at $x=0$..
We implement the two mappings
x = u^{1/5} \quad\text{and}\quad x = 1 - v^{1/5},
with Jacobians
\frac{\partial(x)}{\partial(u)} = u^{-4/5}/5 \quad\text{and}\quad v^{-4/5}/5,
respectively. The first mapping concentrates points near $x=1$, the
second one near $x=0$.
<<MCI vamp: test types>>=
type, extends (mci_sampler_t) :: test_sampler_3_t
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: f
real(default) :: val
real(default) :: a = 1
real(default) :: b = 1
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>
end type test_sampler_3_t
@ %def test_sampler_3_t
@ Output: display $a$ and $b$
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: write => test_sampler_3_write
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_3_write (object, unit, testflag)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(in) :: object
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag
integer :: u
u = given_output_unit (unit)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Two-channel test sampler 3"
write (u, "(3x,A,F5.2)") "a = ", object%a
write (u, "(3x,A,F5.2)") "b = ", object%b
end subroutine test_sampler_3_write
@ %def test_sampler_3_write
@ Kinematics: compute $x$ and Jacobians, given the input parameter array.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: compute => test_sampler_3_compute
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_3_compute (sampler, c, x_in)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default) :: u, v, xx
if (.not. allocated (sampler%x)) &
allocate (sampler%x (size (x_in), 2))
if (.not. allocated (sampler%f)) &
allocate (sampler%f (2))
select case (c)
case (1)
u = x_in(1)
xx = u ** 0.2_default
v = (1 - xx) ** 5._default
case (2)
v = x_in(1)
xx = 1 - v ** 0.2_default
u = xx ** 5._default
end select
sampler%val = sampler%a * 5 * xx ** 4 + sampler%b * 5 * (1 - xx) ** 4
sampler%f(1) = 0.2_default * u ** (-0.8_default)
sampler%f(2) = 0.2_default * v ** (-0.8_default)
sampler%x(:,1) = [u]
sampler%x(:,2) = [v]
end subroutine test_sampler_3_compute
@ %def test_sampler_kineamtics
@ Evaluation: compute the function value. The output $x$ parameter
(only one channel) is identical to the input $x$, and the Jacobian is 1.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: evaluate => test_sampler_3_evaluate
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_3_evaluate (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
call sampler%fetch (val, x, f)
end subroutine test_sampler_3_evaluate
@ %def test_sampler_3_evaluate
@ The point is always valid.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: is_valid => test_sampler_3_is_valid
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
function test_sampler_3_is_valid (sampler) result (valid)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(in) :: sampler
logical :: valid
valid = .true.
end function test_sampler_3_is_valid
@ %def test_sampler_3_is_valid
@ Rebuild: compute all but the function value.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: rebuild => test_sampler_3_rebuild
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_3_rebuild (sampler, c, x_in, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(inout) :: sampler
integer, intent(in) :: c
real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_in
real(default), intent(in) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
call sampler%compute (c, x_in)
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_3_rebuild
@ %def test_sampler_3_rebuild
@ Extract the results.
<<MCI vamp: test sampler 3: TBP>>=
procedure :: fetch => test_sampler_3_fetch
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine test_sampler_3_fetch (sampler, val, x, f)
class(test_sampler_3_t), intent(in) :: sampler
real(default), intent(out) :: val
real(default), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x
real(default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: f
val = sampler%val
x = sampler%x
f = sampler%f
end subroutine test_sampler_3_fetch
@ %def test_sampler_3_fetch
\subsubsection{One-dimensional integration}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler.
Note: We would like to check the precise contents of the grid
allocated during integration, but the output format for reals is very
long (for good reasons), so the last digits in the grid content
display are numerical noise. So, we just check the integration
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_1, "mci_vamp_1", &
"one-dimensional integral", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_1"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(single channel)"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize test sampler"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)") " (lower precision to avoid"
write (u, "(A)") " numerical noise)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass ()
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000, pacify = .true.)
call mci%write (u, .true.)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u, .true.)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_1"
end subroutine mci_vamp_1
@ %def mci_vamp_1
\subsubsection{Multiple iterations}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler.
Integrate with five iterations without grid adaptation.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_2, "mci_vamp_2", &
"multiple iterations", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_2 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_2"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(single channel)"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_1_t)
sampler%mode = 2
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 100"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .false.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 100)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_2"
end subroutine mci_vamp_2
@ %def mci_vamp_2
\subsubsection{Grid adaptation}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler.
Integrate with three iterations and in-between grid adaptations.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_3, "mci_vamp_3", &
"grid adaptation", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_3 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_3"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(single channel)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and adapt grid"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_1_t)
sampler%mode = 2
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 100"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 100)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_3"
end subroutine mci_vamp_3
@ %def mci_vamp_3
\subsubsection{Two-dimensional integral}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler.
Integrate with three iterations and in-between grid adaptations.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_4, "mci_vamp_4", &
"two-dimensional integration", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_4 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_4"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions &
&(single channel)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and adapt grid"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_1_t)
sampler%mode = 3
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_4"
end subroutine mci_vamp_4
@ %def mci_vamp_4
\subsubsection{Two-channel integral}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler with two
Integrate with three iterations and in-between grid adaptations.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_5, "mci_vamp_5", &
"two-dimensional integration", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_5 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_5"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and adapt grid"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_5"
end subroutine mci_vamp_5
@ %def mci_vamp_5
\subsubsection{Weight adaptation}
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler with two
Integrate with three iterations and in-between weight adaptations.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_6, "mci_vamp_6", &
"weight adaptation", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_6 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_6"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and adapt weights"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_3_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_3_t)
sampler%a = 0.9_default
sampler%b = 0.1_default
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_weights = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
deallocate (mci)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Re-initialize with chained channels"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
call mci%declare_chains ([1,1])
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_weights = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_6"
end subroutine mci_vamp_6
@ %def mci_vamp_6
Construct an integrator and use it for a one-dimensional sampler with two
Integrate with three iterations and in-between grid adaptations.
Apply an equivalence between the two channels, so the binning of the
two channels is forced to coincide. Compare this with the behavior
without equivalences.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_7, "mci_vamp_7", &
"use channel equivalences", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_7 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
type(phs_channel_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: channel
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x
integer :: u_grid, iostat, i, div, ch
character(16) :: buffer
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_7"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: check effect of channel equivalences"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_3_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_3_t)
sampler%a = 0.7_default
sampler%b = 0.3_default
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 2 and n_calls = 1000, &
&adapt grids"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 2, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Write grids and extract binning"
write (u, "(A)")
u_grid = free_unit ()
open (u_grid, status = "scratch", action = "readwrite")
select type (mci_instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
call vamp_write_grids (mci_instance%grids, u_grid)
end select
rewind (u_grid)
allocate (x (0:20, 2))
do div = 1, 2
read (u_grid, "(A)") buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) == "begin d%x") then
read (u_grid, *, iostat = iostat) i, x(i,div)
if (iostat /= 0) exit FIND_BINS1
end do
end if
end do FIND_BINS1
end do
close (u_grid)
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "Equal binning in both channels = ", &
all (x(:,1) == x(:,2))
deallocate (x)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
deallocate (mci_instance)
deallocate (mci)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Re-initialize integrator, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .true.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Define equivalences"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (channel (2))
do ch = 1, 2
allocate (channel(ch)%eq (2))
do i = 1, 2
associate (eq => channel(ch)%eq(i))
call eq%init (1)
eq%c = i
eq%perm = [1]
eq%mode = [0]
end associate
end do
write (u, "(1x,I0,':')", advance = "no") ch
call channel(ch)%write (u)
end do
call mci%declare_equivalences (channel, dim_offset = 0)
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 2 and n_calls = 1000, &
&adapt grids"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 2, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Write grids and extract binning"
write (u, "(A)")
u_grid = free_unit ()
open (u_grid, status = "scratch", action = "readwrite")
select type (mci_instance)
type is (mci_vamp_instance_t)
call vamp_write_grids (mci_instance%grids, u_grid)
end select
rewind (u_grid)
allocate (x (0:20, 2))
do div = 1, 2
read (u_grid, "(A)") buffer
if (trim (adjustl (buffer)) == "begin d%x") then
read (u_grid, *, iostat = iostat) i, x(i,div)
if (iostat /= 0) exit FIND_BINS2
end do
end if
end do FIND_BINS2
end do
close (u_grid)
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "Equal binning in both channels = ", &
all (x(:,1) == x(:,2))
deallocate (x)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_7"
end subroutine mci_vamp_7
@ %def mci_vamp_7
\subsubsection{Multiple passes}
Integrate with three passes and different settings for weight and grid
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_8, "mci_vamp_8", &
"integration passes", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_8 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_8"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* in three passes"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_3_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_3_t)
sampler%a = 0.9_default
sampler%b = 0.1_default
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with grid and weight adaptation"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true., adapt_weights = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with grid adaptation"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate without adaptation"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass ()
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of mci_instance:"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_8"
end subroutine mci_vamp_8
@ %def mci_vamp_8
\subsubsection{Weighted events}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler with two
channels. Integrate and generate a weighted event.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_9, "mci_vamp_9", &
"weighted event", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_9 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_9"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and generate a weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate a weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%init_simulation ()
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "MCI instance:"
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final_simulation ()
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_9"
end subroutine mci_vamp_9
@ %def mci_vamp_9
\subsubsection{Grids I/O}
Construct an integrator and allocate grids. Write grids to file, read
them in again and compare.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_10, "mci_vamp_10", &
"grids I/O", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_10 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
type(string_t) :: file1, file2
character(80) :: buffer1, buffer2
integer :: u1, u2, iostat1, iostat2
logical :: equal, success
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_10"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: write and read VAMP grids"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
mci%md5sum = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
write (u, "(A)") "* Write grids to file"
write (u, "(A)")
file1 = "mci_vamp_10.1"
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%set_grid_filename (file1)
call mci%write_grids (mci_instance)
end select
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
deallocate (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Read grids from file"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
mci%md5sum = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%set_grid_filename (file1)
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%current_pass%configure (1, 1000, &
mci%min_calls, &
mci%grid_par%min_bins, mci%grid_par%max_bins, &
mci%grid_par%min_calls_per_channel * mci%n_channel)
call mci%read_grids_header (success)
call mci%compute_md5sum ()
call mci%read_grids_data (mci_instance, read_integrals = .true.)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Write grids again"
write (u, "(A)")
file2 = "mci_vamp_10.2"
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%set_grid_filename (file2)
call mci%write_grids (mci_instance)
end select
u1 = free_unit ()
open (u1, file = char (file1) // ".vg", action = "read", status = "old")
u2 = free_unit ()
open (u2, file = char (file2) // ".vg", action = "read", status = "old")
equal = .true.
iostat1 = 0
iostat2 = 0
do while (equal .and. iostat1 == 0 .and. iostat2 == 0)
read (u1, "(A)", iostat = iostat1) buffer1
read (u2, "(A)", iostat = iostat2) buffer2
equal = buffer1 == buffer2 .and. iostat1 == iostat2
end do
close (u1)
close (u2)
if (equal) then
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Success: grid files are identical"
write (u, "(1x,A)") "Failure: grid files differ"
end if
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_10"
end subroutine mci_vamp_10
@ %def mci_vamp_10
\subsubsection{Weighted events}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler with two
channels. Integrate, write grids, and generate a weighted event using
the grids from file.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_11, "mci_vamp_11", &
"weighted events with grid I/O", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_11 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_11"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and generate a weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
call mci%set_grid_filename (var_str ("mci_vamp_11"))
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
write (u, "(A)") "* Reset instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate a weighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%init_simulation ()
call mci%generate_weighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final_simulation ()
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_11"
end subroutine mci_vamp_11
@ %def mci_vamp_11
\subsubsection{Weighted events}
Construct an integrator and use it for a two-dimensional sampler with two
channels. Integrate, write grids, and generate a weighted event using
the grids from file.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_12, "mci_vamp_12", &
"unweighted events with grid I/O", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_12 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_12"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in two dimensions &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and generate an unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
call mci%set_grid_filename (var_str ("mci_vamp_12"))
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_2_t :: sampler)
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 1000"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 1, 1000)
write (u, "(A)") "* Reset instance"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
write (u, "(A)") "* Generate an unweighted event"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci_instance%init_simulation ()
call mci%generate_unweighted_event (mci_instance, sampler)
write (u, "(1x,A)") "MCI instance:"
call mci_instance%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final_simulation ()
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_12"
end subroutine mci_vamp_12
@ %def mci_vamp_12
\subsubsection{Update integration results}
Compare two [[mci]] objects; match the two and update the first if
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_13, "mci_vamp_13", &
"updating integration results", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_13 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci, mci_ref
logical :: success
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_13"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: match and update integrators"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator with no passes"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize reference"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci_ref)
call mci_ref%set_dimensions (2, 2)
select type (mci_ref)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci_ref%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
select type (mci_ref)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci_ref%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
call mci_ref%current_pass%configure (2, 1000, 0, 1, 5, 0)
mci_ref%current_pass%calls = [77, 77]
mci_ref%current_pass%integral = [1.23_default, 3.45_default]
mci_ref%current_pass%error = [0.23_default, 0.45_default]
mci_ref%current_pass%efficiency = [0.1_default, 0.6_default]
mci_ref%current_pass%integral_defined = .true.
call mci_ref%add_pass ()
call mci_ref%current_pass%configure (2, 2000, 0, 1, 7, 0)
mci_ref%current_pass%calls = [99, 0]
mci_ref%current_pass%integral = [7.89_default, 0._default]
mci_ref%current_pass%error = [0.89_default, 0._default]
mci_ref%current_pass%efficiency = [0.86_default, 0._default]
mci_ref%current_pass%integral_defined = .true.
end select
call mci_ref%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Update integrator (no-op, should succeed)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Add pass to integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
call mci%current_pass%configure (2, 1000, 0, 1, 5, 0)
mci%current_pass%calls = [77, 77]
mci%current_pass%integral = [1.23_default, 3.45_default]
mci%current_pass%error = [0.23_default, 0.45_default]
mci%current_pass%efficiency = [0.1_default, 0.6_default]
mci%current_pass%integral_defined = .true.
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Update integrator (no-op, should succeed)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Add pass to integrator, wrong parameters"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%current_pass%configure (2, 1000, 0, 1, 7, 0)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Update integrator (should fail)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Reset and add passes to integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%reset ()
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
call mci%current_pass%configure (2, 1000, 0, 1, 5, 0)
mci%current_pass%calls = [77, 77]
mci%current_pass%integral = [1.23_default, 3.45_default]
mci%current_pass%error = [0.23_default, 0.45_default]
mci%current_pass%efficiency = [0.1_default, 0.6_default]
mci%current_pass%integral_defined = .true.
call mci%add_pass ()
call mci%current_pass%configure (2, 2000, 0, 1, 7, 0)
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Update integrator (should succeed)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Update again (no-op, should succeed)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Add extra result to integrator"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
mci%current_pass%calls(2) = 1234
end select
write (u, "(A)") "* Update integrator (should fail)"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%update_from_ref (mci_ref, success)
end select
write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "success = ", success
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci%final ()
call mci_ref%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_13"
end subroutine mci_vamp_13
@ %def mci_vamp_13
\subsubsection{Accuracy Goal}
Integrate with multiple iterations. Skip iterations once an accuracy goal has
been reached.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_14, "mci_vamp_14", &
"accuracy goal", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_14 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_14"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(single channel)"
write (u, "(A)") "* and check accuracy goal"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 1)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
grid_par%accuracy_goal = 5E-2_default
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_1_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_1_t)
sampler%mode = 2
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 5 and n_calls = 100"
write (u, "(A)")
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 5, 100)
call mci%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_14"
end subroutine mci_vamp_14
@ %def mci_vamp_14
\subsubsection{VAMP history}
Integrate with three passes and different settings for weight and grid
adaptation. Then show the VAMP history.
<<MCI vamp: execute tests>>=
call test (mci_vamp_15, "mci_vamp_15", &
"VAMP history", &
u, results)
<<MCI vamp: tests>>=
subroutine mci_vamp_15 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(grid_parameters_t) :: grid_par
type(history_parameters_t) :: history_par
class(mci_t), allocatable, target :: mci
class(mci_instance_t), pointer :: mci_instance => null ()
class(mci_sampler_t), allocatable :: sampler
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: mci_vamp_15"
write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: integrate function in one dimension &
&(two channels)"
write (u, "(A)") "* in three passes, show history"
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize integrator, sampler, instance"
write (u, "(A)")
history_par%channel = .true.
allocate (mci_vamp_t :: mci)
call mci%set_dimensions (1, 2)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
grid_par%stratified = .false.
grid_par%use_vamp_equivalences = .false.
call mci%set_grid_parameters (grid_par)
call mci%set_history_parameters (history_par)
end select
allocate (rng_tao_t :: rng)
call rng%init ()
call mci%import_rng (rng)
call mci%allocate_instance (mci_instance)
call mci_instance%init (mci)
allocate (test_sampler_3_t :: sampler)
select type (sampler)
type is (test_sampler_3_t)
sampler%a = 0.9_default
sampler%b = 0.1_default
end select
call sampler%write (u)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Pass 1: grid and weight adaptation"
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true., adapt_weights = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Pass 2: grid adaptation"
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass (adapt_grids = .true.)
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Pass 3: without adaptation"
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%add_pass ()
end select
call mci%integrate (mci_instance, sampler, 3, 1000)
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Contents of MCI record, with history"
write (u, "(A)")
call mci%write (u)
select type (mci)
type is (mci_vamp_t)
call mci%write_history (u)
end select
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup"
call mci_instance%final ()
call mci%final ()
write (u, "(A)")
write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: mci_vamp_15"
end subroutine mci_vamp_15
@ %def mci_vamp_15

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:46 PM (1 d, 6 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
mci.nw (336 KB)

Event Timeline