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diff --git a/Hadronization/ b/Hadronization/
--- a/Hadronization/
+++ b/Hadronization/
@@ -1,1089 +1,1100 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the StringFragmentation class.
#include "StringFragmentation.h"
#include "Ropewalk.h"
#include "RandomAverageHandler.h"
#include "RandomHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/RemnantDecayer.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Step.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DebugItem.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/MaxCmp.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/HoldFlag.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace TheP8I;
: pythia(), fScheme(0), stringR0(0.5*femtometer), stringm0(1.0*GeV), junctionDiquark(1.0), alpha(1.0), average(true),
stringyCut(2.0), stringpTCut(6*GeV), fragmentationMass(0.134),
- baryonSuppression(0.5), window(false), minStringy(8.0), longSoft(false), throwaway(false), shoving(false), deltay(5.0), tshove(1.0*femtometer),
+ baryonSuppression(0.5), window(false), minStringy(8.0), longSoft(false), longStringsOnly(false), throwaway(false), shoving(false), deltay(5.0), tshove(1.0*femtometer),
deltat(0.1*femtometer), rCutOff(4.0), gAmplitude(1.0*GeV/femtometer), gExponent(1.0), yCutOff(4.0), lorentz(true), cylinder(false), _eventShapes(0),
useThrustAxis(0), opHandler(0), maxTries(2), doAnalysis(0), analysisPath(""),
#include "StringFragmentation-init.h"
StringFragmentation::~StringFragmentation() {
if ( opHandler ) delete opHandler;
void StringFragmentation::handle(EventHandler & eh, const tPVector & tagged,
const Hint & h) {
static unsigned long lastEventId = 0;
bool secondary = false;
// Get the event
tPVector all = RemnantDecayer::decayRemnants(tagged, *newStep());
HoldFlag<int> oldFS(fScheme, fScheme);
// Prevent funny behavior if hadronizing decays of eg. Upsilon.
if ( newStep()->collision()->uniqueId == lastEventId ){
secondary = true;
if(fScheme == 4 || fScheme == 5 || fScheme == 1) fScheme = 99;
else fScheme = 0;
lastEventId = newStep()->collision()->uniqueId;
if(_eventShapes) _eventShapes->reset(all);
vector<ColourSinglet> singlets;
if ( theCollapser && !secondary )
singlets = theCollapser->collapse(all, newStep());
singlets = ColourSinglet::getSinglets(all.begin(), all.end());
// Goto correct hadronization scheme
case 0: // Pythia
hadronizeSystems(*opHandler->GetPythiaPtr(1.0,nev%10000==0), singlets, all);
case 1: // For playing around and printing stuff
// Cartoon of string shoving
if(singlets.size() > 10){
Ropewalk ropewalkInit(singlets, stringR0, stringm0,
baryonSuppression, throwaway, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > allStrings =
tPVector allParticles;
for ( vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> >::iterator sItr = allStrings.begin();
sItr != allStrings.end(); ++sItr )
for( tcPVector::iterator pItr = sItr->first.partons().begin();
pItr != sItr->first.partons().end(); ++pItr ){
singlets = theCollapser->collapse(allParticles, newStep());
for(double time = 0.0; time < 1.0; time += 0.1){
Ropewalk ropewalkOne(singlets, stringR0, stringm0,
baryonSuppression, false, shoving, rCutOff, gAmplitude, gExponent,
yCutOff, deltay, time*femtometer, 0.1*femtometer, lorentz, cylinder, stringpTCut, minStringy, longSoft, NULL, false);
auto css = ropewalkOne.getSinglets(1.0);
vector<ColourSinglet> cs;
for(auto itr = css.begin(); itr != css.end(); ++itr)
ofstream out((analysisPath + "../lhcevent.m").c_str(),ios::app);
out << PrintStringsToMatlab(cs) << endl;
out << "figure;" << endl;
out << "tubeplot(a,radius);" << endl;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(b,radius);" << endl;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(c,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(d,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(e,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(f,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(g,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(h,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(i,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(j,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(k,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(l,radius);" << endl;;
out << "hold on; tubeplot(m,radius);" << endl;;
Ropewalk ropewalk_init(singlets, stringR0, stringm0, baryonSuppression, throwaway, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > allStrings = ropewalk_init.getSinglets(stringyCut);
tPVector allParticles;
for(vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> >::iterator sItr = allStrings.begin(); sItr != allStrings.end(); ++sItr)
for(tcPVector::iterator pItr = sItr->first.partons().begin(); pItr != sItr->first.partons().end(); ++pItr)
singlets = theCollapser->collapse(allParticles, newStep());
Ropewalk ropewalk(singlets, stringR0, stringm0, baryonSuppression, false, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > strings = ropewalk.getSinglets(stringyCut);
static ofstream out(( generator()->runName() + ".txt").c_str());
out << generator()->currentEvent()->weight() << " " << ropewalk.lambdaSum() << " " << ropewalk.getkW() << " " << ropewalk.getNb() << endl;
//vector<double> mspec = ropewalk.mspec;
//for(int i = 0, N = mspec.size(); i < N; ++i) out << generator()->currentEvent()->weight() << " " << mspec[i] << endl;
case 2: // Do shoving and construct parton level histograms.
double weight = generator()->currentEvent()->weight();
if (throwaway) {
Ropewalk ropewalkInit(singlets, stringR0, stringm0, baryonSuppression, throwaway, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > allStrings = ropewalkInit.getSinglets(stringyCut);
tPVector allParticles;
for ( vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> >::iterator sItr = allStrings.begin(); sItr != allStrings.end(); ++sItr )
for( tcPVector::iterator pItr = sItr->first.partons().begin(); pItr != sItr->first.partons().end(); ++pItr ){
singlets = theCollapser->collapse(allParticles, newStep());
// string length before shoving
Ropewalk rr(singlets,stringR0,stringm0,baryonSuppression,false,false);
typedef multimap<Energy,Ropewalk::DipoleMap::const_iterator> OrderedMap;
OrderedMap ordered;
Ropewalk ropewalk(singlets, stringR0, stringm0,
baryonSuppression, false, shoving, rCutOff, gAmplitude, gExponent,
yCutOff, deltay, tshove, deltat, lorentz, cylinder, stringpTCut, minStringy, longSoft, (doAnalysis ? &hk : NULL), false);
for(Ropewalk::DipoleMap::iterator itr = ropewalk.begin(); itr != ropewalk.end(); ++itr)
ordered.insert(make_pair(maxPT(*itr->first, stringyCut), itr));
for(OrderedMap::iterator it = ordered.begin(); it != ordered.end(); ++it ) {
hk.hist("averageKappa")->fill(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
if(!pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setDipoles(&(*it->second), stringm0, stringR0, !average, alpha)) {
pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setEnhancement(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
for (int i = 0, N = it->second->second.size(); i < N; ++i)
it->second->second[i]->hadr = true;
vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization(1, *(it->second->first));
forcerun = false;
if(!hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all))
hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all);
case 3: // Pipes with average
RandomAverageHandler avg_enhancer(throwaway);
// TODO: Implement throwaway functionality in this
vector<StringPipe> pipes;
// Make all the pipes
for(vector<ColourSinglet>::iterator sItr = singlets.begin(); sItr!=singlets.end(); ++sItr)
for(vector<StringPipe>::iterator it = pipes.begin(); it!=pipes.end(); ++it){
vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization;
double h = avg_enhancer.KappaEnhancement(*it);
if(h > 0){
forcerun = false;
case 4: // Average kappa over whole strings
Ropewalk ropewalk(singlets, stringR0, stringm0, baryonSuppression,throwaway, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > strings = ropewalk.getSinglets(stringyCut);
vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization;
double avge = 0;
for(int i = 0, N = strings.size(); i < N; ++i ){
avge += strings[i].second;
// ofstream out(( "/scratch/galette/bierlich/work/dipsy/pprange/" + generator()->runName() + "/stringplot.txt").c_str(),ios::app);
// out << generator()->currentEvent()->weight() << " " << strings.size() << " " << avge << endl;
case 5: // Altering kappa per dipole
double weight = generator()->currentEvent()->weight();
if (throwaway) {
Ropewalk ropewalkInit(singlets, stringR0, stringm0, baryonSuppression, throwaway, false);
vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> > allStrings = ropewalkInit.getSinglets(stringyCut);
tPVector allParticles;
for ( vector< pair<ColourSinglet,double> >::iterator sItr = allStrings.begin(); sItr != allStrings.end(); ++sItr )
for( tcPVector::iterator pItr = sItr->first.partons().begin(); pItr != sItr->first.partons().end(); ++pItr ){
singlets = theCollapser->collapse(allParticles, newStep());
// string length before shoving
Ropewalk rr(singlets,stringR0,stringm0,baryonSuppression,false,false);
typedef multimap<Energy,Ropewalk::DipoleMap::const_iterator> OrderedMap;
OrderedMap ordered;
Ropewalk ropewalk(singlets, stringR0, stringm0,
baryonSuppression, false, shoving, rCutOff, gAmplitude, gExponent,
yCutOff, deltay, tshove, deltat, lorentz, cylinder, stringpTCut, minStringy, longSoft, (doAnalysis ? &hk : NULL), false);
for(Ropewalk::DipoleMap::iterator itr = ropewalk.begin(); itr != ropewalk.end(); ++itr)
ordered.insert(make_pair(maxPT(*itr->first, stringyCut), itr));
for(OrderedMap::iterator it = ordered.begin(); it != ordered.end(); ++it ) {
hk.hist("averageKappa")->fill(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
else if(!pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setDipoles(&(*it->second), stringm0, stringR0, !average, alpha)) {
pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setEnhancement(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
for (int i = 0, N = it->second->second.size(); i < N; ++i)
it->second->second[i]->hadr = true;
vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization(1, *(it->second->first));
forcerun = false;
if(!hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all))
hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all);
- ordered.clear();
- for(Ropewalk::DipoleMap::iterator itr = ropewalk.beginSpectators(); itr != ropewalk.endSpectators(); ++itr)
- ordered.insert(make_pair(maxPT(*itr->first, stringyCut), itr));
- for(OrderedMap::iterator it = ordered.begin(); it != ordered.end(); ++it ) {
- if(doAnalysis){
- hk.hist("averageKappa")->fill(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
+ if(!longStringsOnly){
+ ordered.clear();
+ for(Ropewalk::DipoleMap::iterator itr = ropewalk.beginSpectators(); itr != ropewalk.endSpectators(); ++itr)
+ ordered.insert(make_pair(maxPT(*itr->first, stringyCut), itr));
+ for(OrderedMap::iterator it = ordered.begin(); it != ordered.end(); ++it ) {
+ if(doAnalysis){
+ hk.hist("averageKappa")->fill(ropewalk.averageKappaEnhancement(it->second, stringyCut));
+ }
+ pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setEnhancement(1.0);
+ vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization(1, *(it->second->first));
+ forcerun = false;
+ if(!hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all))
+ hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all);
- pythia.getRopeUserHooksPtr()->setEnhancement(1.0);
- vector<ColourSinglet> toHadronization(1, *(it->second->first));
- forcerun = false;
- if(!hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all))
- hadronizeSystems(pythia, toHadronization, all);
- break;
+ break;
case 99: // New Pythia
hadronizeSystems(pythia, singlets, all);
cout << "We should really not be here. This is bad..." << endl;
// fScheme = oldFS;
// Do short analysis here:
ofstream out((analysisPath + "analysis.txt").c_str(),ios::app);
// out << "<event>" << endl;
// out << PrintStringsToMatlab(singlets) << endl;
// out << "</event>" << endl;
void StringFragmentation::dofinish(){
ofstream of((analysisPath + generator()->runName()) + ".histo");
of << hk;
// YODA::mkWriter("yoda");
// YODA::WriterYODA::write(analysisPath + generator()->runName() + "1D.yoda",_histograms.begin(),_histograms.end());
// YODA::WriterYODA::write(analysisPath + generator()->runName() + "2D.yoda",_histograms2D.begin(),_histograms2D.end());
Energy StringFragmentation::maxPT(const ColourSinglet & cs, double deltaY) {
MaxCmp<Energy2> maxpt2;
for ( int i = 0, N = cs.partons().size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( deltaY > 0.0 && abs(cs.partons()[i]->eta()) > deltaY ) continue;
if ( !maxpt2 ) return ZERO;
return sqrt(maxpt2.value());
bool StringFragmentation::
hadronizeSystems(Pythia8Interface & pyt, const vector<ColourSinglet> & singlets, const tPVector & all) {
TheP8EventShapes * _es = NULL;
Pythia8::Event & event = pyt.event();
for ( int i = 0, N = singlets.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
if ( singlets[i].nPieces() == 3 ) {
// Simple junction.
// Save place where we will store dummy particle.
int nsave = event.size();
event.append(22, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
int npart = 0;
for ( int ip = 1; ip <= 3; ++ip )
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(ip).size(); j < M; ++j ) {
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(ip)[j], 23, nsave, 0);
event[nsave].daughters(nsave + 1, nsave + npart);
else if ( singlets[i].nPieces() == 5 ) {
// Double, connected junction
// Save place where we will store dummy beam particles.
int nb1 = event.size();
int nb2 = nb1 + 1;
event.append(2212, -21, 0, 0, nb1 + 2, nb1 + 4, 0, 0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
event.append(-2212, -21, 0, 0, nb2 + 4, nb2 + 6, 0, 0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Find the string piece connecting the junctions, and the
// other loose string pieces.
int connector = 0;
int q1 = 0;
int q2 = 0;
int aq1 = 0;
int aq2 = 0;
for ( int ip = 1; ip <= 5; ++ip ) {
if ( singlets[i].sink(ip).first && singlets[i].source(ip).first )
connector = ip;
else if ( singlets[i].source(ip).first ) {
if ( q1 ) q2 = ip;
else q1 = ip;
else if ( singlets[i].sink(ip).first ) {
if ( aq1 ) aq2 = ip;
else aq1 = ip;
if ( !connector || !q1 || !q2 || !aq1 || ! aq2 )
<< name() << " found complicated junction string. Although Pythia8 can "
<< "hadronize junction strings, this one was too complicated."
<< Exception::runerror;
// Insert the partons of the loose triplet ends.
int start = event.size();
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(q1).size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(q1)[j], 23, nb1, 0);
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(q2).size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(q2)[j], 23, nb1, 0);
// Insert dummy triplet incoming parton with correct colour code.
int col1 = singlets[i].piece(connector).empty()? event.nextColTag():
int dum1 = event.size();
event.append(2, -21, nb1, 0, 0, 0, col1, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
event[nb1].daughters(start, start + singlets[i].piece(q1).size() +
// Insert the partons of the loose anti-triplet ends.
start = event.size();
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(aq1).size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(aq1)[j], 23, nb2, 0);
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(aq2).size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(aq2)[j], 23, nb2, 0);
// Insert dummy anti-triplet incoming parton with correct colour code.
int col2 = singlets[i].piece(connector).empty()? col1:
int dum2 = event.size();
event.append(-2, -21, nb2, 0, 0, 0, 0, col2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
event[nb2].daughters(start, start + singlets[i].piece(aq1).size() +
// Add the partons from the connecting string piece.
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].piece(connector).size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].piece(connector)[j], 23, dum1, dum2);
else if ( singlets[i].nPieces() > 1 ) {
// We don't know how to handle other junctions yet.
<< name() << " found complicated junction string. Although Pythia8 can "
<< "hadronize junction strings, that interface is not ready yet."
<< Exception::runerror;
} else {
// Normal string
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].partons().size(); j < M; ++j )
pyt.addParticle(singlets[i].partons()[j], 23, 0, 0);
for ( int i = 0, N = all.size(); i < N; ++i )
if ( !all[i]->coloured() )
pyt.addParticle(all[i], 23, 0, 0);
int oldsize = event.size();
Pythia8::Event saveEvent = event;
int ntry = maxTries;
CurrentGenerator::Redirect stdout(cout, false);
while ( !pyt.go() && --ntry ) event = saveEvent;
if ( !ntry ) {
static DebugItem printfailed("TheP8I::PrintFailed", 10);
if ( printfailed ) {
double ymax = -1000.0;
double ymin = 1000.0;
double sumdy = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0, N = singlets.size(); i < N; ++i )
for ( int j = 0, M = singlets[i].partons().size(); j < M; ++j ) {
const Particle & p = *singlets[i].partons()[j];
ymax = max(ymax, (_es ? _es->yT(p.momentum()) : p.momentum().rapidity()));
//ymax = max(ymax, p.momentum().rapidity());
ymin = min(ymin,(_es ? _es->yT(p.momentum()) : p.momentum().rapidity()));
//ymin = min(ymin, p.momentum().rapidity());
cerr << setw(5) << j << setw(14) << p.momentum().rapidity()
<< setw(14) << p.momentum().perp()/GeV
<< setw(14) << p.momentum().m()/GeV;
if ( j == 0 && == PDT::Colour8 ) {
cerr << setw(14) << (p.momentum() + singlets[i].partons().back()->momentum()).m()/GeV;
sumdy += abs((_es ? _es->yT(p.momentum()) : p.momentum().rapidity()) ) -(_es ? _es->yT(singlets[i].partons().back()->momentum())
: singlets[i].partons().back()->momentum().rapidity());
//sumdy += abs(p.momentum().rapidity() - singlets[i].partons().back()->momentum().rapidity());
else if ( j > 0 ) {
cerr << setw(14) << (p.momentum() + singlets[i].partons()[j-1]->momentum()).m()/GeV;
sumdy += abs((_es ? _es->yT(p.momentum()) : p.momentum().rapidity()) ) -(_es ? _es->yT(singlets[i].partons()[j-i]->momentum())
: singlets[i].partons()[j-i]->momentum().rapidity());
//sumdy += abs(p.momentum().rapidity() - singlets[i].partons()[j-1]->momentum().rapidity());
if ( j + 1 < M )
cerr << setw(14) << (p.momentum() + singlets[i].partons()[j-1]->momentum()).m()*
(p.momentum() + singlets[i].partons()[j+1]->momentum()).m()/
(p.momentum() + singlets[i].partons()[j+1]->momentum() +
cerr << endl;
cerr << setw(14) << ymax - ymin << setw(14) << sumdy/(ymax - ymin) << endl;
CurrentGenerator::Redirect stdout2(cout, true);
cout << "ThePEG event listing:\n" << *(generator()->currentEvent());
<< "Pythia8 failed to hadronize partonic state:\n"
<< stdout2.str() << "This event will be discarded!\n"
<< Exception::warning;
throw Veto();
// cout << stringyCut << " " << stringpTCut/GeV << endl;
if(forcerun) forcerun = false;
for( int i = 1, N = event.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
tPPtr p = pyt.getParticle(i);
// cout << p->momentum().perp()/GeV << " " << p->rapidity() << " " << p->id() << endl;
if (p->momentum().perp() > stringpTCut && abs(p->rapidity()) < stringyCut ){
/* if(abs(p->id()) == 310 || abs(p->id()) == 3122){
static ofstream fout(( generator()->runName() + ".txt").c_str(),ios::app);
tcPVector pVector = singlets[0].partons();
fout << p->id() << " " << generator()->currentEvent()->weight() << " ";
for(size_t j=0;j<pVector.size();++j){
fout << pVector[j]->id() << " " << pVector[j]->momentum().perp()/GeV;
forcerun = true;
return false;
map<tPPtr, set<tPPtr> > children;
map<tPPtr, set<tPPtr> > parents;
for ( int i = 1, N = event.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
tPPtr p = pyt.getParticle(i);
int d1 = event[i].daughter1();
if ( d1 <= 0 ) continue;
int d2 = event[i].daughter2();
if ( d2 > 0 ) {
for ( int di = d1 + 1; di < d2; ++di ) {
for ( int i = oldsize, N = event.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
PPtr p = pyt.getParticle(i);
set<tPPtr> & pars = parents[p];
if ( !p ) {
cout << i << endl;
<< "Failed to reconstruct hadronized state from Pythia8:\n"
<< stdout.str() << "This event will be discarded!\n" << Exception::warning;
throw Veto();
if ( std::isnan((p->momentum().perp()/GeV)) ){
<< "Failed to reconstruct hadronized state from Pythia8:\n"
<< stdout.str() << "This event will be discarded!\n" << Exception::warning;
throw Veto();
if ( pars.empty() ) {
Pythia8::Particle & pyp = event[i];
if ( pyp.mother1() > 0 ) pars.insert(pyt.getParticle(pyp.mother1()));
if ( pyp.mother2() > 0 ) pars.insert(pyt.getParticle(pyp.mother2()));
for ( int im = pyp.mother1() + 1; im < pyp.mother2(); ++im )
if ( pars.empty() ) {
<< "Failed to reconstruct hadronized state from Pythia8:\n"
<< stdout.str() << "This event will be discarded!\n" << Exception::warning;
throw Veto();
if ( pars.size() == 1 ) {
tPPtr par = *pars.begin();
if ( children[par].size() == 1 &&
*children[par].begin() == p && par->id() == p->id() )
newStep()->setCopy(par, p);
newStep()->addDecayProduct(par, p);
} else {
newStep()->addDecayProduct(pars.begin(), pars.end(), p);
return true;
string StringFragmentation::PrintStringsToMatlab(vector<ColourSinglet>& singlets) {
stringstream ss;
vector<vector<double> > drawit;
vector<char> names;
for(int i=0;i<26;++i) names.push_back(char(i+97));
vector<char>::iterator nItr = names.begin();
for(vector<ColourSinglet>::iterator sItr = singlets.begin(); sItr!=singlets.end(); ++sItr){
for (tcPVector::iterator pItr = sItr->partons().begin(); pItr!=sItr->partons().end();++pItr) {
vector<double> tmp;
ss << *nItr << " = [";
for(int i=0, N=drawit.size();i<N;++i){
ss << drawit[i].at(0) << ", " << drawit[i].at(1) << ", " << drawit[i].at(2) << ";" << endl;
ss << "]';\n\n" << endl;
return ss.str();
IBPtr StringFragmentation::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr StringFragmentation::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void StringFragmentation::doinitrun() {
if(fScheme == 2){
// book histograms
// hk.bookSurfHisto("twopPeriph",100,0,10)
if(doAnalysis && fScheme!=2){
// Book some histograms
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("ProcessLevel:all = off");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("HadronLevel:Decay = off");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Check:event = off");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Next:numberCount = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Next:numberShowLHA = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Next:numberShowInfo = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Next:numberShowProcess = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Next:numberShowEvent = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showChangedSettings = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showAllSettings = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showChangedParticleData = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showChangedResonanceData = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showAllParticleData = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showOneParticleData = 0");
theAdditionalP8Settings.push_back("Init:showProcesses = 0");
if(fScheme == 4 || fScheme == 5 || fScheme == 1){ // We don't need multiple Pythia objects anymore!
//if(pythia.version() > 0 && pythia.version() - 1.234 > 1.0){
// cout << "Pythia version: " << pythia.version() << endl;
// cout << "The chosen fragmentation scheeme requires a tweaked "
// << "Pythia v. 1.234 for option. I will default you to "
// "option 'pythia'." << endl;
// fScheme = 0;
// }
// else{
PytPars p;
// }
if( !( fScheme == 4 || fScheme == 5 || fScheme == 1) ){ // Not 'else' as it can change above...
vector<string> moresettings = theAdditionalP8Settings;
moresettings.push_back("StringPT:sigma = " + convert(theStringPT_sigma));
moresettings.push_back("StringZ:aLund = " + convert(theStringZ_aLund));
moresettings.push_back("StringZ:bLund = " + convert(theStringZ_bLund));
moresettings.push_back("StringFlav:probStoUD = " +
moresettings.push_back("StringFlav:probSQtoQQ = " +
moresettings.push_back("StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0 = " +
moresettings.push_back("StringFlav:probQQtoQ = " +
moresettings.push_back("OverlapStrings:fragMass = " +
moresettings.push_back("OverlapStrings:baryonSuppression = " + convert(baryonSuppression));
// Initialize the OverlapPythia Handler
if ( opHandler ) delete opHandler;
opHandler = new OverlapPythiaHandler(this,moresettings);
// Should we do event shapes?
if(_eventShapes) delete _eventShapes;
_eventShapes = NULL;
_eventShapes = new TheP8EventShapes();
//if( doAnalysis ) {
// _histograms.push_back(new YODA::Histo1D(100,1,15,"/h_lowpT","h_lowpT"));
//_histograms.push_back(new YODA::Histo1D(100,1,15,"/h_midpT","h_midpT"));
// _histograms.push_back(new YODA::Histo1D(100,1,15,"/h_highpT","h_highpT"));
// _histograms2D.push_back(new YODA::Histo2D(10,0.,15,10,0,15,"/m_vs_pT","m_vs_pT"));
nev = 0;
void StringFragmentation::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
#include "StringFragmentation-output.h"
<< fScheme << ounit(stringR0,femtometer) << ounit(stringm0,GeV) << junctionDiquark << alpha << average << stringyCut
<< ounit(stringpTCut,GeV) << fragmentationMass << baryonSuppression
- << oenum(window) << minStringy << oenum(longSoft) << oenum(throwaway) << oenum(shoving) << deltay << ounit(tshove,femtometer) << ounit(deltat,femtometer)
+ << oenum(window) << minStringy << oenum(longSoft) << oenum(longStringsOnly) << oenum(throwaway) << oenum(shoving) << deltay << ounit(tshove,femtometer) << ounit(deltat,femtometer)
<< rCutOff << ounit(gAmplitude,GeV/femtometer) << gExponent << yCutOff << oenum(lorentz) << oenum(cylinder) << useThrustAxis << maxTries
<< theCollapser << doAnalysis << analysisPath;
void StringFragmentation::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
#include "StringFragmentation-input.h"
>> fScheme >> iunit(stringR0,femtometer) >> iunit(stringm0,GeV) >> junctionDiquark >> alpha >> average >> stringyCut
>> iunit(stringpTCut,GeV) >> fragmentationMass >> baryonSuppression
- >> ienum(window) >> minStringy >> ienum(longSoft) >> ienum(throwaway) >> ienum(shoving) >> deltay >> iunit(tshove,femtometer) >> iunit(deltat,femtometer)
+ >> ienum(window) >> minStringy >> ienum(longSoft) >> ienum(longStringsOnly) >> ienum(throwaway) >> ienum(shoving) >> deltay >> iunit(tshove,femtometer) >> iunit(deltat,femtometer)
>> rCutOff >> iunit(gAmplitude,GeV/femtometer) >> gExponent >> yCutOff >> ienum(lorentz) >> ienum(cylinder) >> useThrustAxis >> maxTries
>> theCollapser >> doAnalysis >> analysisPath;
ClassDescription<StringFragmentation> StringFragmentation::initStringFragmentation;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void StringFragmentation::Init() {
#include "StringFragmentation-interfaces.h"
static Reference<StringFragmentation,ClusterCollapser> interfaceCollapser
"A ThePEG::ClusterCollapser object used to collapse colour singlet "
"clusters which are too small to fragment. If no object is given the "
"MinistringFragmentetion of Pythia8 is used instead.",
&StringFragmentation::theCollapser, true, false, true, true, false);
static Switch<StringFragmentation,int> interfaceFragmentationScheme
"Different options for how to handle overlapping strings.",
&StringFragmentation::fScheme, 0, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemepythia
"Plain old Pythia fragmentation",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemedep1
"Not sure about this.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemedep2
"Not sure about this.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemenone
"Plain old Pythia fragmentation",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemepipe
"Each string is enclosed by a cylinder. Effective parameters are calculated from the overlap of cylinders.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemeaverage
"The overlap is calculated for each dipole in all strings, and for each string the effective parameters are obtained from the average overlap.",
static SwitchOption interfaceFragmentationSchemedipole
"Effective parameters are calculated for each breakup by determining the overlap of the corresponding dipole with other dipoles.",
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,int> interfaceUseThrustAxis
"Whether or not to use rapidity wrt. Thrust Axis when counting strings "
"(put 1 or 0).",
&StringFragmentation::useThrustAxis, 0, 0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,int> interfaceDoAnalysis
"Can do a short analysis where histograms of the effective parameters are "
"plotted, and the strings in (bx,by,y)-space are printed for a couple of events. "
"(put 1 or 0).",
&StringFragmentation::doAnalysis, 0, 0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,string> interfaceAnalysisPath
"Set the system path where the (optional) analysis output should appear "
" (directory must exist!)" ,
&StringFragmentation::analysisPath, "");
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceThrowAway
"Throw away strings with weight:"
"Use 1 - (p + q)/(m + n) for (0,-1) configuration." ,
&StringFragmentation::throwaway, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceThrowAwayTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceThrowAwayFalse
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceShoving
"Strings will shove each other around.",
&StringFragmentation::shoving, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceShovingTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceShovingFalse
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceDeltaY
"The size of rapidity slicing intervals",
&StringFragmentation::deltay, 0, 0.1,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Length> interfaceTShove
"The total shoving -and propagation time",
&StringFragmentation::tshove, femtometer, 1.0*femtometer,
0.0*femtometer, 0*femtometer,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Length> interfaceDeltaT
"Shoving time slicing -- size of a slice",
&StringFragmentation::deltat, femtometer, 0.1*femtometer,
0.0*femtometer, 0*femtometer,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceRCutOff
"Cutoff radius at which we dont let strings shove each"
"other around anymore -- given as a multiple of StringR0",
&StringFragmentation::rCutOff, 0, 4.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,StringTension> interfaceGAmplitude
"Amplitude of shoving energy density function, should be approx."
"the average effective string tension",
&StringFragmentation::gAmplitude, GeV/femtometer, 1.0*GeV/femtometer,
0.0*GeV/femtometer, 0*GeV/femtometer,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceGExponent
"Parameter to divide the exponent of energy density function for"
&StringFragmentation::gExponent, 0, 10.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceYCutOff
"Cutoff rapidity for excitation clustering. This is the minimal"
"effective rapidity span for a dipole after clustering",
&StringFragmentation::yCutOff, 0, 5.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceLorentz
"Do Lorentz contraction of string fields moving with a transverse velocity",
&StringFragmentation::lorentz, true, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLorentzTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceLorentzFalse
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceCylinder
"Do Cylinder Area Shoving",
&StringFragmentation::cylinder, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceCylinderTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceCylinderFalse
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceWindow
"Enable the 'window'-cut procedure, off by default."
"Parameters will only affect if this is switched on. " ,
&StringFragmentation::window, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceWindowTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceWindowFalse
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Energy> interfaceStringpTCut
"Strings with a constituent pT higher than StringpTCut (GeV), will not participate "
" in the ropewalk",
&StringFragmentation::stringpTCut, GeV, 3.0*GeV,
0.0*GeV, 0*GeV,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceMinStringy
"String smaller than MinStringy (in rapidity) will not participate "
" in the ropewalk",
&StringFragmentation::minStringy, 0, 8.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceLongSoft
"Only do ropewalk with long and soft strings, set cuts accordingly" ,
&StringFragmentation::longSoft, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLongSoftTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceLongSoftFalse
- static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Energy> interfaceStringm0
+ static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceLongStringsOnly
+ ("LongStringsOnly",
+ "Hadronize only long and soft strings, no spectators, set cuts accordingly" ,
+ &StringFragmentation::longStringsOnly, false, true, false);
+ static SwitchOption interfaceLongStringsOnlyTrue
+ (interfaceLongStringsOnly,"True","enabled.",true);
+ static SwitchOption interfaceLongStringsOnlyFalse
+ (interfaceLongStringsOnly,"False","disabled.",false);
+ static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Energy> interfaceStringm0
&StringFragmentation::stringm0, GeV, 1.0*GeV,
0.0*GeV, 0*GeV,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceJunctionDiquark
"Suppress diquark production in breaking of junctions with this amount",
&StringFragmentation::junctionDiquark, 0, 1.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceAlpha
"Boost the enhanced string tension with additional factor",
&StringFragmentation::alpha, 0, 1.0,
1.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<StringFragmentation,bool> interfaceAverage
"Disable to try and hadronise strings with individual tensions"
"instead of average value." ,
&StringFragmentation::average, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceAverageTrue
static SwitchOption interfaceAverageFalse
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceStringyCut
"No enhancement of strings with a constituent pT higher than StringpTCut (GeV), and within "
" StringyCut.",
&StringFragmentation::stringyCut, 0, 2.0,
0.0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,Length> interfaceStringR0
"In the string overlap model the string R0 dictates the minimum radius "
" of a string (in fm).",
&StringFragmentation::stringR0, femtometer, 0.5*femtometer,
0.0*femtometer, 0*femtometer,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceFragmentationMass
"Set the mass used for the f(z) integral in the overlap string model "
" default is pion mass (units GeV).",
&StringFragmentation::fragmentationMass, 0, 0.135,
0., 1.,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,double> interfaceBaryonSuppression
"Set the fudge factor used for baryon suppression in the overlap string model. "
" One day this should be calculated properly. This day is not today. Probably around 2...",
&StringFragmentation::baryonSuppression, 0, 0.5,
0.0, 1.0,
true, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<StringFragmentation,int> interfaceMaxTries
"Sometimes Pythia gives up on an event too easily. We therefore allow "
"it to re-try a couple of times.",
&StringFragmentation::maxTries, 2, 1, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
string StringFragmentation::convert(double d) {
ostringstream os;
os << d;
return os.str();
diff --git a/Hadronization/StringFragmentation.h b/Hadronization/StringFragmentation.h
--- a/Hadronization/StringFragmentation.h
+++ b/Hadronization/StringFragmentation.h
@@ -1,389 +1,390 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef THEP8I_StringFragmentation_H
#define THEP8I_StringFragmentation_H
// This is the declaration of the StringFragmentation class.
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/HadronizationHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/ClusterCollapser.h"
#include "TheP8I/Config/Pythia8Interface.h"
#include "OverlapPythiaHandler.h"
#include "TheP8EventShapes.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "histtools/HistKeeper.h"
//#include "YODA/Histo1D.h"
//#include "YODA/Histo2D.h"
//#include "YODA/Writer.h"
//#include "YODA/WriterYODA.h"
namespace TheP8I {
bool sorting_principle(pair<ThePEG::ColourSinglet*, vector<TheP8I::Ropewalk::Dipole*> > c1, pair<ThePEG::ColourSinglet*, vector<TheP8I::Ropewalk::Dipole*> > c2){
return (c1.first->momentum().perp() < c2.first->momentum().perp());
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the StringFragmentation class.
* @see \ref StringFragmentationInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for StringFragmentation.
class StringFragmentation: public HadronizationHandler {
typedef map<string, double> PytPars;
friend class Ropewalk::Dipole;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
* The destructor.
virtual ~StringFragmentation();
* The main function called by the EventHandler class to
* perform the Hadronization step.
* @param eh the EventHandler in charge of the Event generation.
* @param tagged if not empty these are the only particles which should
* be considered by the StepHandler.
* @param hint a Hint object with possible information from previously
* performed steps.
* @throws Veto if the StepHandler requires the current step to be
* discarded.
* @throws Stop if the generation of the current Event should be stopped
* after this call.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
virtual void handle(EventHandler & eh, const tPVector & tagged,
const Hint & hint);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Let the given Pythia8Interface hadronize the ColourSinglet
* systems provided.
bool hadronizeSystems(Pythia8Interface & pyt, const vector<ColourSinglet> & singlets,
const tPVector & all);
void hadronizeTweak(Pythia8Interface & pyt, const ColourSinglet & singlet,
const tPVector & all);
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Helper function to get the maximum transverse momenta of any
* parton in a string. Optionally only consider partons within a
* rapidity interval |eta| < deltaY.
static Energy maxPT(const ColourSinglet & cs, double deltaY = 0.0);
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
HistKeeper hk;
* The interface to the Pythia 8 object,
Pythia8Interface pythia;
* Internal switch for the fragmentation scheme
int fScheme;
* Object that handles calculation of new Pythia parameters
ParameterHandler phandler;
* The intrinsic string radius
Length stringR0;
* The assumed mass for calculating rapidities in the reeperbahn scheme
Energy stringm0;
* Supression of diquarks emerging from breaking junctions
double junctionDiquark;
double alpha;
bool average;
*????????? If **window** is set, this determines the abs(y) window for which no enhancement will be made
double stringyCut;
* Cut on maxpT for a string to go into the ropewalk. REquires **longsoft** to be set
Energy stringpTCut;
* Assumed m0 value in calculation of normalization of f(z) the Lund splitting function.
double fragmentationMass;
* Parameter surpressing baryonic content further in calculation of effective parameters
double baryonSuppression;
// Force hadronize systems to run to the end, regardless of windows
bool forcerun;
* Can provide a window in y and pT where no enhancement is made, in order to not include
* very hard gluons in central rapidity region in a rope
bool window;
* Minimal rapidity span for a string to go into the ropewalk. REquires **longsoft** to be set
double minStringy;
* Only allow long and soft strings to go into the ropewalk
bool longSoft;
+ bool longStringsOnly;
* Throw away some string entirely while making ropes
bool throwaway;
* Let the strings shove each other around
bool shoving;
* The interval with which we slice in rapidity
double deltay;
* Total shoving -and propagation time
Length tshove;
* Time slicing
Length deltat;
* Cutoff radius at which we don't let dipoles affect each other any more
* given as a multiple of R0
double rCutOff;
typedef Qty<-1,1,0> StringTension;
* Amplitude of energy density function for string shoving
StringTension gAmplitude;
* Exponent multiple of energy density function for string shoving
double gExponent;
* Cutoff rapidity for merging of string excitations
double yCutOff;
/*Lorentz contraction of fields
bool lorentz;
* Cylinder shoving
bool cylinder;
TheP8EventShapes * _eventShapes;
* Use thrust axis to calculate rapidities; useful for LEP validation
int useThrustAxis;
* Additional interfaces to Pythia8 objects in case the string
* overlap model is to be used.
OverlapPythiaHandler * opHandler;
* Sometimes Pythia gives up on an event too easily. We allow it to
* re-try a couple of times.
int maxTries;
// Keep track of how many events we already hadronized using this object, in order to clean up
int nev;
// Can do a small analysis
int doAnalysis;
//vector<YODA::Histo1D*> _histograms;
//vector<YODA::Histo2D*> _histograms2D;
string analysisPath;
void dofinish();
// Can print the strings of the event in a matlab friendly format
string PrintStringsToMatlab(vector<ColourSinglet>& singlets);
string convert(double d);
#include "StringFragmentation-var.h"
* The object used to avoid too small strings in the hadronization.
ClusterCollapserPtr theCollapser;
* Exception class declaration.
struct StringFragError: public Exception {};
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<StringFragmentation> initStringFragmentation;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
StringFragmentation & operator=(const StringFragmentation &);
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of StringFragmentation. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<TheP8I::StringFragmentation,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of StringFragmentation. */
typedef HadronizationHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the StringFragmentation class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<TheP8I::StringFragmentation>
: public ClassTraitsBase<TheP8I::StringFragmentation> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "TheP8I::StringFragmentation"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* StringFragmentation is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class StringFragmentation depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* THEP8I_StringFragmentation_H */

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:22 PM (1 d, 50 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(57 KB)

Event Timeline