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Index: trunk/src/Table.cpp
--- trunk/src/Table.cpp (revision 230)
+++ trunk/src/Table.cpp (revision 231)
@@ -1,950 +1,952 @@
// Table.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date$
// $Author$
// Table data is stored in a TH3F.
// All information is stored in the histogram title.
// Table ID is encoded as follows:
// histogram title is a number that is to be interpreted
// as an uint64_t with the bits set as follows:
// bit 0: content type: 0 for <A>, 1 for <A2> (see also bits 33 and 45)
// bit 1: polarization: T=1, L=0
// bit 2: t encoding: 0 for |t|, 1 for log(|t|)
// bit 3: W2 encoding: 0 for lin, 1 for log
// bit 4: Q2 encoding: 0 for lin, 1 for log
// bit 5-7: dipole model type (Enumerations.h)
// bit 8-15: mass number A
// bit 16-31: vector meson ID (PDG)
// bit 32: content encoding: 0 in lin, 1 in log
// bit 33: content type is lambda_<A> (bit 0 and 45 are zero in this case)
// bit 34-41: priority
// bit 42-44: dipole model parameter set (Enumerations.h)
// bit 45: content type is variance_A (bit 33 and 45 are zero in this case)
// bit 46-63: not used
// log implies ln
// bit 0 is the LSB
// Internal histogram: x = Q2, y = W2, z=t (or the logs)
// Actual value is taken at the center of the bin.
// min/max functions (e.g. minQ2()) return the value of the first/last
// bin center.
#include "Table.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH3F.h"
-#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "GridSpline.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
mID = 0;
m3DHisto = 0;
mFillCounter = 0;
mBackupFrequence = 0;
Table& Table::operator=(const Table& tab)
if (this != &tab) {
delete m3DHisto;
mID = tab.mID;
- m3DHisto = new TH3F(*(tab.m3DHisto));
+ m3DHisto = new TH3F(*(tab.m3DHisto));
- mFilename = tab.mID;;
- mFillCounter = tab.mID;;
- mBackupFrequence = tab.mID;;
- mBackupPrefix = tab.mID;;
- mLastBackupFilename = tab.mID;;
+ mFilename = tab.mID;
+ mFillCounter = tab.mID;
+ mBackupFrequence = tab.mID;
+ mBackupPrefix = tab.mID;
+ mLastBackupFilename = tab.mID;
return *this;
Table::Table(const Table& tab)
mID = tab.mID;
m3DHisto = new TH3F(*(tab.m3DHisto));
- mFilename = tab.mID;;
- mFillCounter = tab.mID;;
- mBackupFrequence = tab.mID;;
- mBackupPrefix = tab.mID;;
- mLastBackupFilename = tab.mID;;
+ mFilename = tab.mID;
+ mFillCounter = tab.mID;
+ mBackupFrequence = tab.mID;
+ mBackupPrefix = tab.mID;
+ mLastBackupFilename = tab.mID;
delete m3DHisto;
unsigned int Table::create(int nbinsQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max,
int nbinsW2, double W2min, double W2max,
int nbinsT, double tmin, double tmax,
bool logQ2, bool logW2, bool logt, bool logC,
AmplitudeMoment mom, GammaPolarization pol,
unsigned int A, int vm,
DipoleModelType model, DipoleModelParameterSet pset,
const char* filename, unsigned char priority)
if (m3DHisto != 0) {
cout << "Table:create(): cannot create, table already exists." << endl;
return 0;
if (filename) mFilename = string(filename); // name of file where table is written to
// Create table ID first
mID = (vm << 16);
mID |= (A << 8);
mID |= (model << 5);
mID |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(pset) << 42);
if (mom == mean_A2) mID |= 1;
if (pol == transverse) mID |= (1 << 1);
if (logt) mID |= (1 << 2);
if (logW2) mID |= (1 << 3);
if (logQ2) mID |= (1 << 4);
if (logC) mID |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32);
if (mom == lambda_A) mID |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 33);
mID |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(priority) << 34);
if (mom == variance_A) mID |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 45);
ostringstream titlestream;
titlestream << mID;
string title = titlestream.str();
// Binning
// Interpolate() only works up to the bin center
// of the first and last bin. To guarantee that
// the full range is accessible we shift the min
// and max of each axis.
tmin = fabs(tmin);
tmax = fabs(tmax);
if (tmin > tmax) swap(tmin, tmax);
if (logQ2) Q2min = log(Q2min);
if (logQ2) Q2max = log(Q2max);
if (logW2) W2min = log(W2min);
if (logW2) W2max = log(W2max);
if (logt) tmin = log(tmin);
if (logt) tmax = log(tmax);
double binWidthQ2 = (Q2max - Q2min)/(nbinsQ2-1);
double binWidthW2 = (W2max - W2min)/(nbinsW2-1);
double binWidthT = (tmax - tmin)/(nbinsT-1);
// Book 3D histo to hold table
- m3DHisto = new TH3F("table", title.c_str(),
+ m3DHisto = new TH3F("table", title.c_str(),
nbinsQ2, Q2min-binWidthQ2/2., Q2max+binWidthQ2/2.,
nbinsW2, W2min-binWidthW2/2., W2max+binWidthW2/2.,
nbinsT, tmin-binWidthT/2., tmax+binWidthT/2.);
return nbinsQ2*nbinsW2*nbinsT; // return total number of bins
int Table::numberOfEntries() const
if (m3DHisto) {
int nx = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
int ny = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
int nz = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();
return nx*ny*nz;
return 0;
void Table::binXYZ(int globalBin, int& binx, int& biny, int& binz) const
// Find correct bins for each axis.
// Don't use ROOT global bins here,
// they are a mess since they cross
// over underflow and overflow bins.
// All bins returned count starting
// at 1. The global bin starts at
// 0 as usual in C++.
int nx = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
int ny = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
binx = globalBin%nx;
biny = ((globalBin-binx)/nx)%ny;
binz = ((globalBin-binx)/nx -biny)/ny;
binx++; biny++; binz++;
void Table::binCenter(int i, double& Q2, double& W2, double& t) const
int binx, biny, binz;
binXYZ(i, binx, biny, binz);
// cout << i << '\t' << binx << '\t' << biny << '\t' << binz << endl;
double x = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binx);
double y = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(biny);
double z = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(binz);
Q2 = isLogQ2() ? exp(x) : x;
W2 = isLogW2() ? exp(y) : y;
t = isLogT() ? -exp(z) : -z;
if (t > 0) t = 0; // avoid numeric glitch
void Table::fill(int i, double val, double err)
int binx, biny, binz;
binXYZ(i, binx, biny, binz);
if (isLogContent()) {
if (val == 0) {
cout << "Table::fill(): warning, log scale requested but value = 0." << endl;
val = numeric_limits<float>::min();
val = log(fabs(val));
m3DHisto->SetBinContent(binx, biny, binz, val);
m3DHisto->SetBinError(binx, biny, binz, err);
// Check if backup is due
if (mBackupFrequence)
if (mFillCounter%mBackupFrequence == 0) backup(i);
bool Table::fexists(const char* filename) const
ifstream ifs(filename);
return !;
void Table::write(const char* filename)
// 'filename' is optional argument. Null value implies
// that one was already passed via create(). Check
// that this is the case. If one is given, it is used
// no matter if it already was defined or not.
if (filename)
mFilename = string(filename);
else {
if (mFilename.empty()) { // should be defined but is not
cout << "Table::write(): Warning, no filename supplied. Will use 'sartre_table.root'." << endl;
mFilename = string("sartre_table.root");
// Check if file exist. If so alter
// the filename. Creating tables is
// a time consuming business so we do
// not want to lose precious data if
// something goes wrong here and we do
// want to prevent accidents.
while (fexists(mFilename.c_str())) {
mFilename += string(".save");
TFile hfile(mFilename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
cout << "Table::write(): table stored in file '" << mFilename.c_str()<< "'." << endl;
if (mBackupFrequence && !mLastBackupFilename.empty())
bool Table::read(const char* filename)
// Read histogram into memory
TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename,"READ");
if (file == 0) {
cout << "Table::read(): failed opening file '" << filename << "'." << endl;
return false;
- m3DHisto = reinterpret_cast<TH3F*>(file->Get("table"));
+ m3DHisto = reinterpret_cast<TH3F*>(file->Get("table"));
if (m3DHisto == 0) {
cout << "Table::read(): failed retrieving table from file '" << filename << "'." << endl;
return false;
// Get table ID
mID = atoll(m3DHisto->GetTitle());
mFilename = string(filename);
return true;
int Table::vectorMesonId() const {return ((mID >> 16) & 0xFFFF);}
unsigned int Table::dipoleModelType() const {return ((mID >> 5) & 0x7);}
unsigned int Table::dipoleModelParameterSet() const {return ((mID >> 42) & 0x7);}
unsigned int Table::A() const {return ((mID >> 8) & 0xFF);}
bool Table::isLongitudinal() const {return !isTransverse();}
bool Table::isTransverse() const {return (mID & (1 << 1));}
GammaPolarization Table::polarization() const {return (isTransverse() ? transverse : longitudinal);}
AmplitudeMoment Table::moment() const {
if (isLambdaA())
return lambda_A;
else if (isMeanA())
return mean_A;
else if (isVarianceA())
return variance_A;
return mean_A2;
bool Table::isMeanA() const {
// bits 0, 33, and 45 are not set
return !(mID & 1) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 33)) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 45));
bool Table::isMeanA2() const {
// bit 0 is set, bit 33 and 45 are not set
return (mID & 1) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 33)) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 45));
bool Table::isLambdaA() const {
// bit 33 is set, bits 0 and 45 are not set
return !(mID & 1) && (mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 33)) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 45));
bool Table::isVarianceA() const {
// bit 45 is set, bits 0 and 33 are not set
return !(mID & 1) && !(mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 33)) && (mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 45));
bool Table::isLogQ2() const {return (mID & (1 << 4));}
bool Table::isLogW2() const {return (mID & (1 << 3));}
bool Table::isLogT() const {return (mID & (1 << 2));}
bool Table::isLogContent() const {return (mID & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32));}
unsigned int Table::priority() const {return ((mID >> 34) & 0xFF);}
uint64_t Table::id() const {return mID;}
double Table::binWidthQ2() const
return m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
double Table::binWidthW2() const
return m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
double Table::binWidthT() const
return m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
double Table::get(double Q2, double W2, double t) const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
// Transform variables to how they are stored in the table
double x = isLogQ2() ? log(Q2) : Q2;
double y = isLogW2() ? log(W2) : W2;
t = fabs(t);
double z = isLogT() ? log(t) : t;
// Tiny numerical glitches will cause TH3F::Interpolate() to fail
// since it requires that the variables lie between the first
// and last bin center, excluding the centers.
// Here we enforce that this is the case. The downside of this
// is that *all* values of Q2, W2, t will be forced to lie within.
// Hence the user has to make sure that the values are within
// the boundaries (see minQ2(), maxQ2(), minW2() etc.) before
// calling get().
// In this case the corrections below are tiny and are only
// applied to avoid minor glitches that do not affect the results.
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetXaxis();
x = max(x, axis->GetBinCenter(1)+numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
x = min(x, axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins())-numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
axis = m3DHisto->GetYaxis();
y = max(y, axis->GetBinCenter(1)+numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
y = min(y, axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins())-numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
axis = m3DHisto->GetZaxis();
z = max(z, axis->GetBinCenter(1)+numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
z = min(z, axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins())-numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
// double result = InterpolateGridSpline(x, y, z); // tmp uncommented until 0's in tables are cleared
// double result = m3DHisto->Interpolate(x, y, z);
double result = modInterpolation(x, y, z);
if (result == 0 && isLogContent()) {
cout << "Table::get(): warning, 0 is not a valid table content when working in log scale." << endl;
if (isLogContent()) result = exp(result);
return result;
double Table::minQ2() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetXaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(1);
return isLogQ2() ? exp(val) : val;
double Table::maxQ2() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetXaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins());
return isLogQ2() ? exp(val) : val;
double Table::minW2() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetYaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(1);
return isLogW2() ? exp(val) : val;
double Table::maxW2() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetYaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins());
return isLogW2() ? exp(val) : val;
double Table::minT() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetZaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(axis->GetNbins()); // t always as |t| in table
return isLogT() ? -exp(val) : -val;
double Table::maxT() const
if (m3DHisto == 0) return 0;
TAxis *axis = m3DHisto->GetZaxis();
double val = axis->GetBinCenter(1); // t always as |t| in table
double result = isLogT() ? -exp(val) : -val;
if (result > 0) {
// cout << "Table::maxT(): warning, t > 0, t (" << result << ") set to 0 now." << endl;
result = 0;
return result;
string Table::filename() const {return mFilename;}
bool Table::writeToBinaryFile(const string& filename, bool verbose) const
// Open binary file
ofstream binaryFile; (filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
if ( {
cout << "Table::writeToBinaryFile: failed to open file '" << filename << "'." << endl;
return false;
// Loop over all entries
double Q2, W2, t;
int binx, biny, binz;
for (int i=0; i<numberOfEntries(); i++) {
binXYZ(i, binx, biny, binz);
binCenter(i, Q2, W2, t);
double rawContent = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz);
if (isLogContent()) {
rawContent = exp(rawContent);
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&i), sizeof(i));
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Q2), sizeof(Q2));
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&W2), sizeof(W2));
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&t), sizeof(t));
binaryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&rawContent), sizeof(rawContent));
if (verbose)
cout << "i=" << i << "\tQ2=" << Q2 << "\tW2=" << W2 << "\tt=" << t << "\tvalue=" << rawContent << endl;
return true;
void Table::list(ostream& os, bool printContent, bool printStatistics) const
// List table info as compact as possible
ios::fmtflags fmt = os.flags(); // store current I/O flags
if (!m3DHisto) {
os << "Table::list(): table is undefined." << endl;
// First row: table id, A, and content
os << setw(11) << "Table ID = " << setw(14) << left << mID;
os << setw(6) << right << "A = " << setw(4) << left << A();
os << setw(20) << right << "content = " << (isLogContent() ? "log(" : "");
if (isMeanA())
os << "<A>";
else if (isMeanA2())
os << "<A^2>";
else if (isLambdaA())
os << "lambda_<A>";
else if (isVarianceA())
os << "variance_A";
os << "unknown";
os << (isLogContent() ? ")" : "") << endl;
// Second row: vm and polarization
os << setw(31) << right << "vmId = " << setw(4) << left << vectorMesonId();
os << setw(20) << right << "polarization = " << (isTransverse() ? 'T' : 'L') << endl;
// Third row: dipole model and parameter set
os << setw(31) << right << "model = " << setw(7) << left;
if (dipoleModelType() == bSat)
os << "bSat ";
else if (dipoleModelType() == bNonSat)
os << "bNonSat";
os << "bCGC ";
os << setw(17) << right << "parameter set = ";
if (dipoleModelParameterSet() == KMW)
os << "KMW ";
else if (dipoleModelParameterSet() == RSVV)
os << "RSVV";
else if (dipoleModelParameterSet() == CUSTOM)
os << "CUSTOM";
os << "? ";
os << endl;
// Third row: priority
os << setw(31) << right << "priority = " << setw(4) << left << priority() << endl;
// Next three rows: Q2, W2, t bins, range and log/linear
os << setw(32) << right << "Q2 = [" << minQ2() << ", " << maxQ2()
<< "; bins = " << m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << (isLogQ2() ? "; log]" : "; lin]") << endl;
os << setw(32) << right << "W2 = [" << minW2() << ", " << maxW2()
<< "; bins = " << m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() << (isLogW2() ? "; log]" : "; lin]") << endl;
os << setw(32) << right << "t = [" << minT() << ", " << maxT()
<< "; bins = " << m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() << (isLogT() ? "; log]" : "; lin]") << endl;
// Filename at the end
os << setw(31) << right << "file = " << mFilename.c_str() << endl;
os << endl;
// Print content (optional)
double Q2, W2, t;
int binx, biny, binz;
- if (printContent) {
- for (int i=0; i<numberOfEntries(); i++) {
+ if (printContent) {
+ int thePrecision = os.precision();
+ for (int i=0; i<numberOfEntries(); i++) {
binXYZ(i, binx, biny, binz);
binCenter(i, Q2, W2, t);
double value = get(Q2, W2, t);
double rawContent = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz);
double error = m3DHisto->GetBinError(binx, biny, binz);
os << "bin = " << setw(8) << left << i;
- os << "Q2 = " << setw(10) << left << fixed << setprecision(3) << Q2;
- os << "W2 = " << setw(11) << left << fixed << W2;
- os << "t = " << setw(14) << left << scientific << t;
- os << "value = " << setw(12) << left << scientific << value;
+ os << "Q2 = " << setw(13) << left << fixed << setprecision(5) << Q2;
+ os << "W2 = " << setw(12) << left << fixed << W2;
+ os << "t = " << setw(16) << left << scientific << t;
+ os << "value = " << setw(15) << left << scientific << value;
os << "(binx = " << setw(5) << left << binx;
os << "biny = " << setw(5) << left << biny;
os << "binz = " << setw(5) << left << binz;
- os << "content = " << setw(12) << left << scientific << rawContent;
+ os << "content = " << setw(14) << left << scientific << rawContent;
os << "error = " << left << error<< ')';
if ( (isLogContent() && rawContent <= log(numeric_limits<float>::min()*2)) || (rawContent == 0)) cout << " Z";
cout << endl;
- os << endl;
+ os << endl;
+ os.precision(thePrecision);
// Print statistics (optional)
if (printStatistics) {
int nEmpty = 0;
int nInvalid = 0;
int nNegative = 0;
double sum = 0;
double maxContent = 0;
double minContent = numeric_limits<float>::max();
int minBin, maxBin;
minBin = maxBin = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numberOfEntries(); i++) {
binXYZ(i, binx, biny, binz);
double c = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz);
if (isLogContent()) {
if (c <= log(numeric_limits<float>::min()*2)) nEmpty++;
else {
if (c == 0) nEmpty++;
if ( !isLogContent() && c < 0) nNegative++;
if (std::isnan(c) || std::isinf(c)) nInvalid++;
if (isLogContent()) c = exp(c);
if (c > maxContent) {maxContent = c; maxBin = i;}
if (c > 0 && c < minContent) {minContent = c; minBin = i;}
if (c > 0) sum += c;
os << setw(31) << right << "total number of cells = " << numberOfEntries() << endl;
os << setw(31) << right << "cells with negative content = " << nNegative << endl;
os << setw(31) << right << "cells with no (0) content = " << nEmpty << endl;
os << setw(31) << right << "cells with invalid content = " << nInvalid << endl;
binCenter(minBin, Q2, W2, t);
os << setw(31) << right << "minimum content = " << minContent << " at Q2 = " << Q2 << ", W2 = " << W2 << ", t = " << t << endl;
binCenter(maxBin, Q2, W2, t);
os << setw(31) << right << "maximum content = " << maxContent << " at Q2 = " << Q2 << ", W2 = " << W2 << ", t = " << t << endl;
os << setw(31) << right << "sum = " << sum << endl;
os << endl;
os.flags(fmt); // restore I/O flags
double Table::InterpolateGridSpline(double x, double y, double z) const // Q2, W2, t
// The algorithm was taken from Cristian Constantin Lalescu.
// See for details.
// Grid points: 4, 6, or 8
// Spline order: 3,5 for order 4
// 3,5,7,9 for order 6
// 3,5,7,9,11,13 for order 8
// Find cell that refer to the position
int nx = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x);
int ny = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y);
int nz = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(z);
// Define the # of grid points depending on how far we are away
// from the edge. If at the edge we fall back to linear interpolation
// as provided by TH3.
// There must be a smarter way doing this than the code below
int gridPoints = 0;
if (nx-3 >= 1 && nx+4 <= m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() &&
ny-3 >= 1 && ny+4 <= m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() &&
nz-3 >= 1 && nz+4 <= m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()) {
gridPoints = 8;
else if (nx-2 >= 1 && nx+3 <= m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() &&
ny-2 >= 1 && ny+3 <= m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() &&
nz-2 >= 1 && nz+3 <= m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()) {
gridPoints = 6;
else if (nx-1 >= 1 && nx+2 <= m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() &&
ny-1 >= 1 && ny+2 <= m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() &&
nz-1 >= 1 && nz+2 <= m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()) {
gridPoints = 4;
else {
return m3DHisto->Interpolate(x,y,z);
// Find bin centers
double xc = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(nx);
double yc = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(ny);
double zc = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(nz);
// Define the scale for coordinate transformations
// grid_spline expects x,y,z in bin units
double xscale = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
double yscale = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
double zscale = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
// Prepare grid spline alogorithm
double result, splineOrder;
if (gridPoints == 8) {
local_scal_3D<8> lf;
for (int i=-3;i<=4;i++) {
for(int j=-3;j<=4;j++) {
lf(-3,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-3, ny+i, nz+j);
lf(-2,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-2, ny+i, nz+j);
lf(-1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 0,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx , ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 2,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+2, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 3,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+3, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 4,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+4, ny+i, nz+j);
splineOrder = 7;
result = grid_spline(splineOrder,lf, (x-xc)/xscale,(y-yc)/yscale,(z-zc)/zscale);
else if (gridPoints == 6) {
local_scal_3D<6> lf;
for (int i=-2;i<=3;i++) {
for(int j=-2;j<=3;j++) {
lf(-2,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-2, ny+i, nz+j);
lf(-1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 0,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx , ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 2,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+2, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 3,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+3, ny+i, nz+j);
splineOrder = 5;
result = grid_spline(splineOrder,lf, (x-xc)/xscale,(y-yc)/yscale,(z-zc)/zscale);
else if (gridPoints == 4) {
local_scal_3D<4> lf;
for (int i=-1;i<=2;i++) {
for(int j=-1;j<=2;j++) {
lf(-1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx-1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 0,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx , ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 1,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+1, ny+i, nz+j);
lf( 2,i,j) = m3DHisto->GetBinContent(nx+2, ny+i, nz+j);
splineOrder = 3;
result = grid_spline(splineOrder,lf, (x-xc)/xscale,(y-yc)/yscale,(z-zc)/zscale);
else {
cout << "Table::InterpolateGridSpline(): Error, illegal number of grid points." << endl;
result = 0;
return result;
double Table::modInterpolation(double x, double y, double z) const{ //Q2, W2, t
// After testing many points: The best results is had for content in log and rest in lin.
// However, if any of the bins that participate in the interpolation are zero
// the interpolation has to be linear.
// Make sure the point is within the histogram:
if(m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) > x ||
m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) < x ||
m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) > y ||
m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()) < y ||
m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) > z ||
m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()) < z ){
cout<<"Table::myInterpolation Error: point lies outside the limits of the table!"<<endl;
return 0;
// Find the bins surrounding the point, lower bins and upper bins
int lbx = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x);
if( x < m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(lbx) ) lbx--;
int ubx=lbx+1;
int lby = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y);
if( y < m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(lby) ) lby--;
int uby=lby+1;
int lbz = m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(z);
if( z < m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(lbz) ) lbz--;
int ubz=lbz+1;
//The corresponding bin-centers:
double ux=m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ubx);
double lx=m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(lbx);
double uy=m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(uby);
double ly=m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(lby);
double uz=m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(ubz);
double lz=m3DHisto->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(lbz);
ux = isLogQ2() ? exp(ux) : ux;
lx = isLogQ2() ? exp(lx) : lx;
uy = isLogW2() ? exp(uy) : uy;
ly = isLogW2() ? exp(ly) : ly;
uz = isLogT() ? exp(uz) : uz;
lz = isLogT() ? exp(lz) : lz;
x = isLogQ2() ? exp(x) : x;
y = isLogW2() ? exp(y) : y;
z = isLogT() ? exp(z) : z;
//Find the distance to the point:
double xd = (x-lx)/(ux-lx);
double yd = (y-ly)/(uy-ly);
double zd = (z-lz)/(uz-lz);
// Make a vector containing all the values of the 8 surrounding bins
double v[8] = { m3DHisto->GetBinContent(lbx, lby, lbz), m3DHisto->GetBinContent(lbx, lby, ubz),
m3DHisto->GetBinContent(lbx, uby, lbz), m3DHisto->GetBinContent(lbx, uby, ubz),
m3DHisto->GetBinContent(ubx, lby, lbz), m3DHisto->GetBinContent(ubx, lby, ubz),
m3DHisto->GetBinContent(ubx, uby, lbz), m3DHisto->GetBinContent(ubx, uby, ubz) };
bool logC=true;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if(isLogContent() and v[i] <= log(numeric_limits<float>::min()*2) )
if(!isLogContent() and v[i] == 0)
//Make interpolation in log(content) except for when at least one of the points are zero.
if(isLogContent() and !logC){
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if (v[i] <= log(numeric_limits<float>::min()*2))
v[i] = 0;
if(!isLogContent() and logC){
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
// First make four 1D interpolations in the z-direction
double i1 = v[0] * (1 - zd) + v[1] * zd;
double i2 = v[2] * (1 - zd) + v[3] * zd;
double j1 = v[4] * (1 - zd) + v[5] * zd;
double j2 = v[6] * (1 - zd) + v[7] * zd;
// Secondly, make two 1D interpolations in the y-direction using the values obtained.
double w1 = i1 * (1 - yd) + i2 * yd;
double w2 = j1 * (1 - yd) + j2 * yd;
// Finaly, make 1D interpolation in the x-direction
double result= w1 * (1-xd) + w2 * xd;
//Reverse exp/log compensation to get real result back:
if(isLogContent() and !logC){
if(result == 0)
if(!isLogContent() and logC)
return result;
void Table::setAutobackup(const char* prefix, int freq)
mBackupPrefix = string(prefix);
mBackupFrequence = freq;
void Table::backup(int backupBin)
ostringstream backupFilenameStream;
backupFilenameStream << mBackupPrefix.c_str() << "_backup." << static_cast<int>(getpid())
<< '.' << mID << '.' << backupBin << ".root";
string filename = backupFilenameStream.str();
TFile file(filename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
if (filename != mLastBackupFilename)
mLastBackupFilename = filename;
time_t now = time(0);
cout << "Table::backup(): autobackup performed, file = '" << mLastBackupFilename.c_str() << "', time = " << ctime(&now);
int Table::globalBin(int binx, int biny, int binz) const
int nbinx = m3DHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
int nbiny = m3DHisto->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
return (binz-1)*nbinx*nbiny+(biny-1)*nbinx+(binx-1);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 2:17 PM (9 h, 11 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(36 KB)

Event Timeline