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#include "CTlBarDist.h"
float CTlBarDist::width=1.;
float const CTlBarDist::width0=1.5;
* constructor
/param sName0 is the name of the files containing fitted coeff.
CTlBarDist::CTlBarDist(string sName0)
string sName = sName0;
tlArray[1] = new CTlArray(sName);
sName = sName0+"P";
//see if second file is there
string fullName;
if (getenv("SARTRE_DIR") == NULL) fullName = "tl/"+sName+".tl";
string dir(getenv("SARTRE_DIR"));
fullName = dir+string("/gemini/")+"tl/"+sName+".tl";
ifstream ifFile(fullName.c_str());
if ( || sName0 == "neutron" )
one = 1;
one = 0;
tlArray[2] = new CTlArray(sName);
sName = sName0+"M";
tlArray[0] = new CTlArray(sName);
* destructor
if (one) delete tlArray[1];
else for (int i=0;i<3;i++) delete tlArray[i];
* returns the transmission coeff, including barrier distibution
/param iL is orbital angular momentum of evaporated particle
/param fEk is the kinetic energy in MeV of the evaporated particle
/param temp is the temperature in MeV of daughter
float CTlBarDist::getTl(int iL, float fEk, float temp)
if (one || temp <= 0. || width == 0.) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[0]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[2]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
float deltaR = sqrt(temp)*width;
float ee[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) ee[i] = tlArray[i]->getTermInExp(iL,fEk);
// for proton emission light nuclei at high angular momentum,
// the parameterized
// transmission coefficients are extrapolations. For tlArray[0]
// we sometime find this extrapolation is bad, the tl value is
// larger than for tlArray[1]. tlArray[2] extrapolates better
// which is good as it defined the subbarrier behavoir
// the following if block is desigend to correct for bad extrapolations
//of tlArray[0]
if (ee[0] < ee[1])
double fE = fEk-1.;
double tlNew;
double tlOld = ee[2];
if (fE <= 0.) break;
tlNew = tlArray[2]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
if (tlNew >= ee[1])break;
tlOld = tlNew;
if (fE <= 0.)
ee[0] = 1000.;
if (ee[1] > ee[0]) ee[0] = ee[1];
fE -= (ee[1]-tlOld)/(tlNew-tlOld) -1.;
ee[0] = tlArray[1]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
float c1 = (ee[2]-ee[0])/2./width0;
float c2 = (ee[2]+ee[0]-2.*ee[1])/pow(width0,2)/2.;
float Tl = 1./(1.+exp(ee[1]));
//float eee = ee[1] + deltaR*(c1 + c2*deltaR);
float eee = ee[1] + deltaR*c1 + c2*pow(deltaR,2);
Tl += 1./(1.+exp(eee));
//eee = ee[1] - deltaR*(c1 - c2*deltaR);
eee = ee[1] - deltaR*c1 + c2*pow(deltaR,2);
Tl += 1./(1.+exp(eee));
Tl /=3.;
return Tl;
* The transmission coeff is determine from the average of three
* transmission coeff. This routine returns the one of these three
* transmission coeff. with the lowest barrier
/param iL is orbital angular momentum of evaporated particle
/param fEk is the kinetic energy in MeV of the evaporated particle
/param temp is the temperature in MeV of daughter
float CTlBarDist::getTlLow(int iL, float fEk, float temp)
if (one || temp <= 0. || width == 0.) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[0]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[2]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
float deltaR = sqrt(temp)*width;
float ee[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) ee[i] = tlArray[i]->getTermInExp(iL,fEk);
// for proton emission light nuclei at high angular momentum,
// the parameterized
// transmission coefficients are extrapolations. For tlArray[0]
// we sometime find this extrapolation is bad, the tl value is
// larger than for tlArray[1]. tlArray[2] extrapolates better
// which is good as it defined the subbarrier behavoir
// the following if block is desigend to correct for bad extrapolations
//of tlArray[0]
if (ee[0] < ee[1])
double fE = fEk-1.;
double tlNew;
double tlOld = ee[2];
if (fE <= 0.) break;
tlNew = tlArray[2]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
if (tlNew >= ee[1])break;
tlOld = tlNew;
if (fE <= 0.)
ee[0] = 1000.;
if (ee[1] > ee[0]) ee[0] = ee[1];
fE -= (ee[1]-tlOld)/(tlNew-tlOld) -1.;
ee[0] = tlArray[1]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
float c1 = (ee[2]-ee[0])/2./width0;
float c2 = (ee[2]+ee[0]-2.*ee[1])/pow(width0,2)/2.;
float eee = ee[1] + deltaR*c1 + c2*pow(deltaR,2);
float Tl = 1./(1.+exp(eee));
return Tl;
* The transmission coeff is determine from the average of three
* transmission coeff. This routine returns the one of these three
* transmission coeff. with the highest barrier
/param iL is orbital angular momentum of evaporated particle
/param fEk is the kinetic energy in MeV of the evaporated particle
/param temp is the temperature in MeV of daughter
float CTlBarDist::getTlHigh(int iL, float fEk, float temp)
if (one || temp <= 0. || width == 0.) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[0]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
if (tlArray[2]->iZMin >= iZ) return tlArray[1]->getTl(iL,fEk);
float deltaR = sqrt(temp)*width;
float ee[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) ee[i] = tlArray[i]->getTermInExp(iL,fEk);
// for proton emission light nuclei at high angular momentum,
// the parameterized
// transmission coefficients are extrapolations. For tlArray[0]
// we sometime find this extrapolation is bad, the tl value is
// larger than for tlArray[1]. tlArray[2] extrapolates better
// which is good as it defined the subbarrier behavoir
// the following if block is desigend to correct for bad extrapolations
//of tlArray[0]
if (ee[0] < ee[1])
double fE = fEk-1.;
double tlNew;
double tlOld = ee[2];
if (fE <= 0.) break;
tlNew = tlArray[2]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
if (tlNew >= ee[1])break;
tlOld = tlNew;
if (fE <= 0.)
ee[0] = 1000.;
if (ee[1] > ee[0]) ee[0] = ee[1];
fE -= (ee[1]-tlOld)/(tlNew-tlOld) -1.;
ee[0] = tlArray[1]->getTermInExp(iL,fE);
float c1 = (ee[2]-ee[0])/2./width0;
float c2 = (ee[2]+ee[0]-2.*ee[1])/pow(width0,2)/2.;
float eee = ee[1] - deltaR*c1 + c2*pow(deltaR,2);
float Tl = 1./(1.+exp(eee));
return Tl;
* returns the quantity
* \f$S=\sum_{\ell=0}^{\infty} (2\ell+1)T_{\ell}(\varepsilon)\f$
* which is related to the inverse cross section by
* \f$S=\frac{\sigma_{inv}}{\pi\lambda^{2}}\f$
\param fEk is the kinetic energy of the evaporated particle
\param temp is temperature of daughter in MeV
float CTlBarDist::getInverseXsec(float fEk, float temp)
float tot = 0.;
float xmax = 0.;
int iL = 0;
float x = (float)(2*iL+1)*getTl(iL,fEk,temp);
xmax = max(x,xmax);
tot += x;
if (x < xmax*.01) break;
if (iL > 20) break;
return tot;
* set the parameter controlling the width of the barrier distribution
\param width00 - radial shift is \f$ \Delta R= \sqrt T* width00 \f$
void CTlBarDist::setBarWidth(float width00)
width = width00;
* returns the parameter controlling the width of the barrier dist
float CTlBarDist::getBarWidth()
return width;
* prints out the width parameter
void CTlBarDist::printParameters()
cout << "tl barrier width parameter = " << width << endl;
* prepares for a series of opertions for a given iZ
/param iZ0 is proton number of daughter
void CTlBarDist::prepare(int iZ0)
iZ = iZ0;
if (one) return;

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Sat, Dec 21, 1:55 PM (12 h, 4 m)
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CTlBarDist.cpp (8 KB)

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