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diff --git a/bin/rivet b/bin/rivet
--- a/bin/rivet
+++ b/bin/rivet
@@ -1,675 +1,678 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
Run Rivet analyses on HepMC events read from a file or Unix pipe
%prog [options] <hepmcfile> [<hepmcfile2> ...]
mkfifo fifo.hepmc
my_generator -o fifo.hepmc &
%prog [options] fifo.hepmc
* RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH: list of paths to be searched for plugin analysis libraries at runtime
* RIVET_DATA_PATH: list of paths to be searched for data files (defaults to use analysis path)
* RIVET_WEIGHT_INDEX: the numerical weight-vector index to use in this run
* See the documentation for more environment variables.
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys
## Load the rivet module
import rivet
## If rivet loading failed, try to bootstrap the Python path!
# TODO: Is this a good idea? Maybe just notify the user that their PYTHONPATH is wrong?
import commands
modname = sys.modules[__name__].__file__
binpath = os.path.dirname(modname)
rivetconfigpath = os.path.join(binpath, "rivet-config")
rivetpypath = commands.getoutput(rivetconfigpath + " --pythonpath")
import rivet
sys.stderr.write("The rivet Python module could not be loaded: is your PYTHONPATH set correctly?\n")
import time, datetime, logging, signal
## Parse command line options
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__, version="rivet v%s" % rivet.version())
anagroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Analysis handling")
anagroup.add_option("-a", "--analysis", "--analyses", dest="ANALYSES", action="append",
default=[], metavar="ANA",
help="add an analysis (or comma-separated list of analyses) to the processing list.")
anagroup.add_option("--list-analyses", "--list", dest="LIST_ANALYSES", action="store_true",
default=False, help="show the list of available analyses' names. With -v, it shows the descriptions, too")
anagroup.add_option("--list-keywords", "--keywords", dest="LIST_KEYWORDS", action="store_true",
default=False, help="show the list of available keywords.")
anagroup.add_option("--list-used-analyses", action="store_true", dest="LIST_USED_ANALYSES",
default=False, help="list the analyses used by this command (after subtraction of inappropriate ones)")
anagroup.add_option("--show-analysis", "--show-analyses", "--show", dest="SHOW_ANALYSES", action="append",
default=[], help="show the details of an analysis")
anagroup.add_option("--show-bibtex", dest="SHOW_BIBTEX", action="store_true",
default=False, help="show BibTeX entries for all used analyses")
anagroup.add_option("--analysis-path", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH", metavar="PATH", default=None,
help="specify the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
# TODO: remove/deprecate the append?
anagroup.add_option("--analysis-path-append", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH_APPEND", metavar="PATH", default=None,
help="append to the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
anagroup.add_option("--pwd", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH_PWD", action="store_true", default=False,
help="append the current directory (pwd) to the analysis/data search paths (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
# TODO: add control for more paths?
extragroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Extra run settings")
extragroup.add_option("-o", "-H", "--histo-file", dest="HISTOFILE",
default="Rivet.yoda", help="specify the output histo file path (default = %default)")
extragroup.add_option("-p", "--preload-file", dest="PRELOADFILE",
default=None, help="specify and old yoda file to initialize (default = %default)")
extragroup.add_option("--no-histo-file", dest="WRITE_DATA", action="store_false", default=True,
help="don't write out any histogram file at the end of the run (default = write)")
extragroup.add_option("-x", "--cross-section", dest="CROSS_SECTION",
default=None, metavar="XS",
help="specify the signal process cross-section in pb")
extragroup.add_option("-n", "--nevts", dest="MAXEVTNUM", type="int",
default=None, metavar="NUM",
help="restrict the max number of events to process")
extragroup.add_option("--nskip", dest="EVTSKIPNUM", type="int",
default=0, metavar="NUM",
help="skip NUM events read from input before beginning processing")
+extragroup.add_option("--skip-weights", dest="SKIP_WEIGHTS", action="store_true",
+ default=False, help="only run on the nominal weight")
extragroup.add_option("--runname", dest="RUN_NAME", default=None, metavar="NAME",
help="give an optional run name, to be prepended as a 'top level directory' in histo paths")
extragroup.add_option("--ignore-beams", dest="IGNORE_BEAMS", action="store_true", default=False,
help="ignore input event beams when checking analysis compatibility. "
"WARNING: analyses may not work correctly, or at all, with inappropriate beams")
timinggroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Timeouts and periodic operations")
timinggroup.add_option("--event-timeout", dest="EVENT_TIMEOUT", type="int",
default=21600, metavar="NSECS",
help="max time in whole seconds to wait for an event to be generated from the specified source (default = %default)")
timinggroup.add_option("--run-timeout", dest="RUN_TIMEOUT", type="int",
default=None, metavar="NSECS",
help="max time in whole seconds to wait for the run to finish. This can be useful on batch systems such "
"as the LCG Grid where tokens expire on a fixed wall-clock and can render long Rivet runs unable to write "
"out the final histogram file (default = unlimited)")
timinggroup.add_option("--histo-interval", dest="HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL", type=int,
default=1000, help="specify the number of events between histogram file updates, default = %default. "
"Set to 0 to only write out at the end of the run. Note that intermediate histograms will be those "
"from the analyze step only: analysis finalizing is currently not executed until the end of the run.")
verbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control")
parser.add_option("-l", dest="NATIVE_LOG_STRS", action="append",
default=[], help="set a log level in the Rivet library")
verbgroup.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="LOGLEVEL",
default=logging.INFO, help="print debug (very verbose) messages")
verbgroup.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.WARNING, dest="LOGLEVEL",
default=logging.INFO, help="be very quiet")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
## Override/modify analysis search path
for ap in opts.ANALYSIS_PATH_APPEND.split(":"):
## Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(level=opts.LOGLEVEL, format="%(message)s")
for l in opts.NATIVE_LOG_STRS:
name, level = None, None
name, level = l.split("=")
name = "Rivet"
level = l
## Fix name
if name != "Rivet" and not name.startswith("Rivet."):
name = "Rivet." + name
## Get right error type
level = rivet.LEVELS.get(level.upper(), None)
logging.debug("Setting log level: %s %d" % (name, level))
rivet.setLogLevel(name, level)
logging.warning("Couldn't process logging string '%s'" % l)
## Listing available analyses/keywords
def getAnalysesByKeyword(alist, kstring):
add, veto, ret = [], [], []
bits = [i for i in kstring.replace("^@", "@^").split("@") if len(i) > 0]
for b in bits:
if b.startswith("^"):
add = set(add)
veto = set(veto)
for a in alist:
kwds = set([i.lower() for i in rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(a).keywords()])
if kwds.intersection(veto) and len(kwds.intersection(add)) == len(list(add)):
return ret
## List of analyses
all_analyses = rivet.AnalysisLoader.analysisNames()
## Treat args as case-insensitive regexes if present
regexes = None
if args:
import re
regexes = [re.compile(arg, re.I) for arg in args]
# import tempfile, subprocess
# tf, tfpath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="rivet-list.")
names = []
msg = []
for aname in all_analyses:
if not regexes:
toshow = True
toshow = False
for regex in regexes:
toshow = True
if toshow:
if opts.LOGLEVEL <= logging.INFO:
a = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(aname)
st = "" if a.status() == "VALIDATED" else ("[%s] " % a.status())
# detex will very likely introduce some non-ASCII chars from
# greek names in analysis titles.
# The u"" prefix and explicit print encoding are necessary for
# py2 to handle this properly
msg[-1] = u"%s%s" % (st, a.summary())
if opts.LOGLEVEL < logging.INFO:
if a.keywords():
msg[-1] += u" [%s]" % " ".join(a.keywords())
if a.luminosityfb():
msg[-1] += u" [ \int L = %s fb^{-1} ]" % a.luminosityfb()
msg = rivet.util.detex(msg)
retlist = '\n'.join([ u"%-25s %s" % (a,m) for a,m in zip(names,msg) ])
if type(u'') is not str:
retlist = retlist.encode('utf-8')
def getKeywords(alist):
all_keywords = []
for a in alist:
all_keywords = [i.lower() for i in all_keywords]
return sorted(list(set(all_keywords)))
## List keywords
# a = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(aname)
for k in getKeywords(all_analyses):
## Show analyses' details
if len(opts.SHOW_ANALYSES) > 0:
toshow = []
for i, a in enumerate(opts.SHOW_ANALYSES):
a_up = a.upper()
if a_up in all_analyses and a_up not in toshow:
## Treat as a case-insensitive regex
import re
regex = re.compile(a, re.I)
for ana in all_analyses:
if and a_up not in toshow:
msgs = []
for i, name in enumerate(sorted(toshow)):
import textwrap
ana = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(name)
msg = ""
msg += name + "\n"
msg += (len(name) * "=") + "\n\n"
msg += rivet.util.detex(ana.summary()) + "\n\n"
msg += "Status: " + ana.status() + "\n\n"
# TODO: reduce to only show Inspire in v3
if ana.inspireId():
msg += "Inspire ID: " + ana.inspireId() + "\n"
msg += "Inspire URL:" + ana.inspireId() + "\n"
msg += "HepData URL:" + ana.inspireId() + "\n"
elif ana.spiresId():
msg += "Spires ID: " + ana.spiresId() + "\n"
msg += "Inspire URL:" + ana.spiresId() + "\n"
msg += "HepData URL:" + ana.spiresId() + "\n"
if ana.year():
msg += "Year of publication: " + ana.year() + "\n"
if ana.bibKey():
msg += "BibTeX key: " + ana.bibKey() + "\n"
msg += "Authors:\n"
for a in ana.authors():
msg += " " + a + "\n"
msg += "\n"
msg += "Description:\n"
twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=75, initial_indent=2*" ", subsequent_indent=2*" ")
msg += twrap.fill(rivet.util.detex(ana.description())) + "\n\n"
if ana.experiment():
msg += "Experiment: " + ana.experiment()
if ana.collider():
msg += "(%s)" % ana.collider()
msg += "\n"
# TODO: move this formatting into Analysis or a helper function?
if ana.requiredBeams():
def pid_to_str(pid):
if pid == 11:
return "e-"
elif pid == -11:
return "e+"
elif pid == 2212:
return "p+"
elif pid == -2212:
return "p-"
elif pid == 10000:
return "*"
return str(pid)
beamstrs = []
for bp in ana.requiredBeams():
beamstrs.append(pid_to_str(bp[0]) + " " + pid_to_str(bp[1]))
msg += "Beams:" + ", ".join(beamstrs) + "\n"
if ana.requiredEnergies():
msg += "Beam energies:" + "; ".join(["(%0.1f, %0.1f) GeV\n" % (epair[0], epair[1]) for epair in ana.requiredEnergies()])
msg += "Beam energies: ANY\n"
if ana.runInfo():
msg += "Run details:\n"
twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=75, initial_indent=2*" ", subsequent_indent=4*" ")
for l in ana.runInfo().split("\n"):
msg += twrap.fill(l) + "\n"
if ana.luminosityfb():
msg+= "\nIntegrated data luminosity = %s inverse fb.\n"%ana.luminosityfb()
if ana.keywords():
msg += "\nAnalysis keywords:"
for k in ana.keywords():
msg += " %s"%k
msg+= "\n\n"
if ana.references():
msg += "\n" + "References:\n"
for r in ana.references():
url = None
if r.startswith("arXiv:"):
code = r.split()[0].replace("arXiv:", "")
url = "" + code
elif r.startswith("doi:"):
code = r.replace("doi:", "")
url = "" + code
if url is not None:
r += " - " + url
msg += " " + r + "\n"
## Add to the output
## Write the combined messages to a temporary file and page it
if msgs:
import tempfile, subprocess
tffd, tfpath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="rivet-show.")
os.write(tffd, u"\n\n".join(msgs).encode('utf-8'))
if sys.stdout.isatty():
pager = subprocess.Popen(["less", "-FX", tfpath]) #, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
f = open(tfpath)
os.unlink(tfpath) #< always clean up
## Actual analysis runs
## We allow comma-separated lists of analysis names -- normalise the list here
newanas = []
for a in opts.ANALYSES:
if "," in a:
newanas += a.split(",")
elif "@" in a: #< NB. this bans combination of ana lists and keywords in a single arg
temp = getAnalysesByKeyword(all_analyses, a)
for i in temp:
opts.ANALYSES = newanas
## Parse supplied cross-section
if opts.CROSS_SECTION is not None:
xsstr = opts.CROSS_SECTION
opts.CROSS_SECTION = float(xsstr)
import re
suffmatch ="[^\d.]", xsstr)
if not suffmatch:
raise ValueError("Bad cross-section string: %s" % xsstr)
factor = base = None
suffstart = suffmatch.start()
if suffstart != -1:
base = xsstr[:suffstart]
suffix = xsstr[suffstart:].lower()
if suffix == "mb":
factor = 1e+9
elif suffix == "mub":
factor = 1e+6
elif suffix == "nb":
factor = 1e+3
elif suffix == "pb":
factor = 1
elif suffix == "fb":
factor = 1e-3
elif suffix == "ab":
factor = 1e-6
if factor is None or base is None:
raise ValueError("Bad cross-section string: %s" % xsstr)
xs = float(base) * factor
## Print the available CLI options!
#if opts.LIST_OPTIONS:
# for o in parser.option_list:
# print(o.get_opt_string())
# sys.exit(0)
## Set up signal handling
def handleKillSignal(signum, frame):
"Declare us as having been signalled, and return to default handling behaviour"
logging.critical("Signal handler called with signal " + str(signum))
signal.signal(signum, signal.SIG_DFL)
## Signals to handle
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handleKillSignal);
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handleKillSignal);
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handleKillSignal);
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, handleKillSignal);
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, handleKillSignal);
signal.signal(signal.SIGXCPU, handleKillSignal);
## Identify HepMC files/streams
## TODO: check readability, deal with stdin
if len(args) > 0:
## Event number logging
def logNEvt(n, starttime, maxevtnum):
if n % 10000 == 0:
nevtloglevel = logging.CRITICAL
elif n % 1000 == 0:
nevtloglevel = logging.WARNING
elif n % 100 == 0:
nevtloglevel = logging.INFO
nevtloglevel = logging.DEBUG
currenttime =
elapsedtime = currenttime - starttime
logging.log(nevtloglevel, "Event %d (%s elapsed)" % (n, str(elapsedtime)))
# if maxevtnum is None:
# logging.log(nevtloglevel, "Event %d (%s elapsed)" % (n, str(elapsedtime)))
# else:
# remainingtime = (maxevtnum-n) * elapsedtime.total_seconds() / float(n)
# eta = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M", datetime.localtime(currenttime + remainingtime))
# logging.log(nevtloglevel, "Event %d (%d s elapsed / %d s left) -> ETA: %s" %
# (n, elapsedtime, remainingtime, eta))
## Do some checks on output histo file, before we stat the event loop
histo_parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(opts.HISTOFILE))
if not os.path.exists(histo_parentdir):
logging.error('Parent path of output histogram file does not exist: %s\nExiting.' % histo_parentdir)
if not os.access(histo_parentdir,os.W_OK):
logging.error('Insufficient permissions to write output histogram file to directory %s\nExiting.' % histo_parentdir)
## Set up analysis handler
RUNNAME = opts.RUN_NAME or ""
ah = rivet.AnalysisHandler(RUNNAME)
for a in opts.ANALYSES:
## Print warning message and exit if not a valid analysis name
if not a in all_analyses:
logging.warning("'%s' is not a known Rivet analysis! Do you need to set RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH or use the --pwd switch?\n" % a)
# TODO: lay out more neatly, or even try for a "did you mean XXXX?" heuristic?
logging.warning("There are %d currently available analyses:\n" % len(all_analyses) + ", ".join(all_analyses))
logging.debug("Adding analysis '%s'" % a)
if opts.PRELOADFILE is not None:
if opts.SHOW_BIBTEX:
bibs = []
for aname in sorted(ah.analysisNames()):
ana = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(aname)
bibs.append("% " + aname + "\n" + ana.bibTeX())
if bibs:
print("\nBibTeX for used Rivet analyses:\n")
print("% --------------------------\n")
print("\n\n".join(bibs) + "\n")
print("% --------------------------\n")
## Read and process events
run = rivet.Run(ah)
if opts.CROSS_SECTION is not None:"User-supplied cross-section = %e pb" % opts.CROSS_SECTION)
if opts.LIST_USED_ANALYSES is not None:
## Print platform type
import platform
starttime ="Rivet %s running on machine %s (%s) at %s" % \
(rivet.version(), platform.node(), platform.machine(), str(starttime)))
def min_nonnull(a, b):
"A version of min which considers None to always be greater than a real number"
if a is None: return b
if b is None: return a
return min(a, b)
## Set up an event timeout handler
class TimeoutException(Exception):
def evttimeouthandler(signum, frame):
logging.warn("It has taken more than %d secs to get an event! Is the input event stream working?" %
min_nonnull(opts.EVENT_TIMEOUT, opts.RUN_TIMEOUT))
raise TimeoutException("Event timeout")
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, evttimeouthandler)
## Init run based on one event
hepmcfile = HEPMCFILES[0]
## Apply a file-level weight derived from the filename
hepmcfileweight = 1.0
if ":" in hepmcfile:
hepmcfile, hepmcfileweight = hepmcfile.rsplit(":", 1)
hepmcfileweight = float(hepmcfileweight)
signal.alarm(min_nonnull(opts.EVENT_TIMEOUT, opts.RUN_TIMEOUT))
init_ok = run.init(hepmcfile, hepmcfileweight)
if not init_ok:
logging.error("Failed to initialise using event file '%s'... exiting" % hepmcfile)
except TimeoutException as te:
logging.error("Timeout in initialisation from event file '%s'... exiting" % hepmcfile)
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning("Could not read from '%s' (error=%s)" % (hepmcfile, str(ex)))
## Event loop
evtnum = 0
for fileidx, hepmcfile in enumerate(HEPMCFILES):
## Apply a file-level weight derived from the filename
hepmcfileweight = 1.0
if ":" in hepmcfile:
hepmcfile, hepmcfileweight = hepmcfile.rsplit(":", 1)
hepmcfileweight = float(hepmcfileweight)
## Open next HepMC file (NB. this doesn't apply to the first file: it was already used for the run init)
if fileidx > 0:
run.openFile(hepmcfile, hepmcfileweight)
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning("Could not read from '%s' (error=%s)" % (hepmcfile, ex))
if not run.readEvent():
logging.warning("Could not read events from '%s'" % hepmcfile)
## Announce new file
msg = "Reading events from '%s'" % hepmcfile
if hepmcfileweight != 1.0:
msg += " (file weight = %e)" % hepmcfileweight
## The event loop
while opts.MAXEVTNUM is None or evtnum-opts.EVTSKIPNUM < opts.MAXEVTNUM:
evtnum += 1
## Optional event skipping
if evtnum <= opts.EVTSKIPNUM:
logging.debug("Skipping event #%i" % evtnum)
## Only log the event number once we're actually processing
logNEvt(evtnum, starttime, opts.MAXEVTNUM)
## Process this event
processed_ok = run.processEvent()
if not processed_ok:
logging.warn("Event processing failed for evt #%i!" % evtnum)
## Set flag to exit event loop if run timeout exceeded
if opts.RUN_TIMEOUT and (time.time() - starttime) > opts.RUN_TIMEOUT:
logging.warning("Run timeout of %d secs exceeded... exiting gracefully" % opts.RUN_TIMEOUT)
## Exit the loop if signalled
if RECVD_KILL_SIGNAL is not None:
## Read next event (with timeout handling if requested)
read_ok = run.readEvent()
if not read_ok:
except TimeoutException as te:
logging.error("Timeout in reading event from '%s'... exiting" % hepmcfile)
## Write a histo file snapshot if appropriate
if opts.HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL is not None and opts.HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL > 0:
if evtnum % opts.HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL == 0:
## Print end-of-loop messages
loopendtime ="Finished event loop at %s" % str(loopendtime))"Generator provided cross-section = %e pb" % ah.nominalCrossSection())
## Finalize and write out data file
run.finalize()"Applied cross-section = %e pb" % ah.nominalCrossSection())
if opts.WRITE_DATA:
endtime ="Rivet run completed at %s, time elapsed = %s" % (str(endtime), str(endtime-starttime)))
print()"Histograms written to %s" % os.path.abspath(opts.HISTOFILE))
diff --git a/include/Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh b/include/Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh
@@ -1,279 +1,285 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_RivetHandler_HH
#define RIVET_RivetHandler_HH
#include "Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/AnalysisLoader.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetYODA.hh"
namespace Rivet {
// Forward declaration and smart pointer for Analysis
class Analysis;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Analysis> AnaHandle;
// Needed to make smart pointers compare equivalent in the STL set
struct CmpAnaHandle {
bool operator() (const AnaHandle& a, const AnaHandle& b) const {
return a.get() < b.get();
/// A class which handles a number of analysis objects to be applied to
/// generated events. An {@link Analysis}' AnalysisHandler is also responsible
/// for handling the final writing-out of histograms.
class AnalysisHandler {
/// @name Constructors and destructors. */
/// Preferred constructor, with optional run name.
AnalysisHandler(const string& runname="");
/// @brief Destructor
/// The destructor is not virtual, as this class should not be inherited from.
/// Get a logger object.
Log& getLog() const;
/// @name Run properties
/// Get the name of this run.
string runName() const;
/// Get the number of events seen. Should only really be used by external
/// steering code or analyses in the finalize phase.
size_t numEvents() const;
/// Get the sum of the event weights seen - the weighted equivalent of the
/// number of events. Should only really be used by external steering code
/// or analyses in the finalize phase.
double sumOfWeights() const {
return _eventCounter->sumW();
const vector<string>& weightNames() const {
return _weightNames;
size_t numWeights() const {
return _weightNames.size();
/// Set the cross-section for the process being generated.
AnalysisHandler& setCrossSection(double xs, double xserr);
/// Get the cross-section known to the handler.
Scatter1DPtr crossSection() const {
return _xs;
double nominalCrossSection() const {
const YODA::Scatter1D::Points& ps = _xs->points();
if (ps.size() != 1) {
string errMsg = "cross section missing when requesting nominal cross section";
throw Error(errMsg);
double xs = ps[0].x();
return xs;
/// Set the beam particles for this run
AnalysisHandler& setRunBeams(const ParticlePair& beams) {
_beams = beams;
MSG_DEBUG("Setting run beams = " << beams << " @ " << sqrtS()/GeV << " GeV");
return *this;
/// Get the beam particles for this run, usually determined from the first event.
const ParticlePair& beams() const { return _beams; }
/// Get beam IDs for this run, usually determined from the first event.
/// @deprecated Use standalone beamIds(ah.beams()), to clean AH interface
PdgIdPair beamIds() const;
/// Get energy for this run, usually determined from the first event.
/// @deprecated Use standalone sqrtS(ah.beams()), to clean AH interface
double sqrtS() const;
/// Setter for _ignoreBeams
void setIgnoreBeams(bool ignore=true);
+ /// Setter for _skipWeights
+ void skipMultiWeights(bool ignore=false);
/// @name Handle analyses
/// Get a list of the currently registered analyses' names.
std::vector<std::string> analysisNames() const;
/// Get the collection of currently registered analyses.
const std::set<AnaHandle, CmpAnaHandle>& analyses() const {
return _analyses;
/// Get a registered analysis by name.
const AnaHandle analysis(const std::string& analysisname) const;
/// Add an analysis to the run list by object
AnalysisHandler& addAnalysis(Analysis* analysis);
/// @brief Add an analysis to the run list using its name.
/// The actual Analysis to be used will be obtained via
/// AnalysisLoader::getAnalysis(string). If no matching analysis is found,
/// no analysis is added (i.e. the null pointer is checked and discarded.
AnalysisHandler& addAnalysis(const std::string& analysisname);
/// @brief Add analyses to the run list using their names.
/// The actual {@link Analysis}' to be used will be obtained via
/// AnalysisHandler::addAnalysis(string), which in turn uses
/// AnalysisLoader::getAnalysis(string). If no matching analysis is found
/// for a given name, no analysis is added, but also no error is thrown.
AnalysisHandler& addAnalyses(const std::vector<std::string>& analysisnames);
/// Remove an analysis from the run list using its name.
AnalysisHandler& removeAnalysis(const std::string& analysisname);
/// Remove analyses from the run list using their names.
AnalysisHandler& removeAnalyses(const std::vector<std::string>& analysisnames);
/// @name Main init/execute/finalise
/// Initialize a run, with the run beams taken from the example event.
void init(const GenEvent& event);
/// @brief Analyze the given \a event by reference.
/// This function will call the AnalysisBase::analyze() function of all
/// included analysis objects.
void analyze(const GenEvent& event);
/// @brief Analyze the given \a event by pointer.
/// This function will call the AnalysisBase::analyze() function of all
/// included analysis objects, after checking the event pointer validity.
void analyze(const GenEvent* event);
/// Finalize a run. This function calls the AnalysisBase::finalize()
/// functions of all included analysis objects.
void finalize();
/// @name Histogram / data object access
/// Add a vector of analysis objects to the current state.
void addData(const std::vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr>& aos);
/// Read analysis plots into the histo collection (via addData) from the named file.
void readData(const std::string& filename);
/// Get all analyses' plots as a vector of analysis objects.
std::vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> getData() const;
std::vector<MultiweightAOPtr> getRivetAOs() const;
std::vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> getYodaAOs() const;
/// Get all analyses' plots as a vector of analysis objects.
void setWeightNames(const GenEvent& ge);
/// Do we have named weights?
bool haveNamedWeights();
/// Write all analyses' plots (via getData) to the named file.
void writeData(const std::string& filename) const;
/// Indicate which Rivet stage we're in.
/// At the moment, only INIT is used to enable booking.
enum class Stage { OTHER, INIT };
/// Which stage are we in?
Stage stage() const { return _stage; }
/// Current handler stage
Stage _stage = Stage::OTHER;
/// The collection of Analysis objects to be used.
set<AnaHandle, CmpAnaHandle> _analyses;
/// @name Run properties
/// Weight names
std::vector<std::string> _weightNames;
std::vector<std::valarray<double> > _subEventWeights;
size_t _numWeightTypes; // always == WeightVector.size()
/// Run name
std::string _runname;
mutable CounterPtr _eventCounter;
/// Cross-section known to AH
Scatter1DPtr _xs;
/// Beams used by this run.
ParticlePair _beams;
/// Flag to check if init has been called
bool _initialised;
/// Flag whether input event beams should be ignored in compatibility check
bool _ignoreBeams;
+ /// Flag to check if multiweights should be included
+ bool _skipWeights;
/// Current event number
int _eventNumber;
size_t _defaultWeightIdx;
/// The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
/// In fact, it should not even be implemented.
AnalysisHandler& operator=(const AnalysisHandler&);
/// The copy constructor is private and must never be called. In
/// fact, it should not even be implemented.
AnalysisHandler(const AnalysisHandler&);
diff --git a/pyext/rivet/core.pyx b/pyext/rivet/core.pyx
--- a/pyext/rivet/core.pyx
+++ b/pyext/rivet/core.pyx
@@ -1,232 +1,235 @@
# distutils: language = c++
cimport rivet as c
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
# Need to be careful with memory management -- perhaps use the base object that
# we used in YODA?
cdef extern from "<utility>" namespace "std" nogil:
cdef c.unique_ptr[c.Analysis] move(c.unique_ptr[c.Analysis])
cdef class AnalysisHandler:
cdef c.AnalysisHandler *_ptr
def __cinit__(self):
self._ptr = new c.AnalysisHandler()
def __del__(self):
del self._ptr
def setIgnoreBeams(self, ignore=True):
+ def skipMultiWeights(self, ignore=False):
+ self._ptr.skipMultiWeights(ignore)
def addAnalysis(self, name):
return self
def analysisNames(self):
anames = self._ptr.analysisNames()
return [ a.decode('utf-8') for a in anames ]
# def analysis(self, aname):
# cdef c.Analysis* ptr = self._ptr.analysis(aname)
# cdef Analysis pyobj = Analysis.__new__(Analysis)
# if not ptr:
# return None
# pyobj._ptr = ptr
# return pyobj
def readData(self, name):
def writeData(self, name):
def nominalCrossSection(self):
return self._ptr.nominalCrossSection()
def finalize(self):
cdef class Run:
cdef c.Run *_ptr
def __cinit__(self, AnalysisHandler h):
self._ptr = new c.Run(h._ptr[0])
def __del__(self):
del self._ptr
def setCrossSection(self, double x):
return self
def setListAnalyses(self, choice):
return self
def init(self, name, weight=1.0):
return self._ptr.init(name.encode('utf-8'), weight)
def openFile(self, name, weight=1.0):
return self._ptr.openFile(name.encode('utf-8'), weight)
def readEvent(self):
return self._ptr.readEvent()
def skipEvent(self):
return self._ptr.skipEvent()
def processEvent(self):
return self._ptr.processEvent()
def finalize(self):
return self._ptr.finalize()
cdef class Analysis:
cdef c.unique_ptr[c.Analysis] _ptr
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError('This class cannot be instantiated')
def requiredBeams(self):
return deref(self._ptr).requiredBeams()
def requiredEnergies(self):
return deref(self._ptr).requiredEnergies()
def keywords(self):
kws = deref(self._ptr).keywords()
return [ k.decode('utf-8') for k in kws ]
def authors(self):
auths = deref(self._ptr).authors()
return [ a.decode('utf-8') for a in auths ]
def bibKey(self):
return deref(self._ptr).bibKey().decode('utf-8')
def name(self):
return deref(self._ptr).name().decode('utf-8')
def bibTeX(self):
return deref(self._ptr).bibTeX().decode('utf-8')
def references(self):
refs = deref(self._ptr).references()
return [ r.decode('utf-8') for r in refs ]
def collider(self):
return deref(self._ptr).collider().decode('utf-8')
def description(self):
return deref(self._ptr).description().decode('utf-8')
def experiment(self):
return deref(self._ptr).experiment().decode('utf-8')
def inspireId(self):
return deref(self._ptr).inspireId().decode('utf-8')
def spiresId(self):
return deref(self._ptr).spiresId().decode('utf-8')
def runInfo(self):
return deref(self._ptr).runInfo().decode('utf-8')
def status(self):
return deref(self._ptr).status().decode('utf-8')
def summary(self):
return deref(self._ptr).summary().decode('utf-8')
def year(self):
return deref(self._ptr).year().decode('utf-8')
def luminosityfb(self):
return deref(self._ptr).luminosityfb().decode('utf-8')
#cdef object
LEVELS = dict(TRACE = 0, DEBUG = 10, INFO = 20,
WARN = 30, WARNING = 30, ERROR = 40,
cdef class AnalysisLoader:
def analysisNames():
names = c.AnalysisLoader_analysisNames()
return [ n.decode('utf-8') for n in names ]
def getAnalysis(name):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
cdef c.unique_ptr[c.Analysis] ptr = c.AnalysisLoader_getAnalysis(name)
cdef Analysis pyobj = Analysis.__new__(Analysis)
if not ptr:
return None
pyobj._ptr = move(ptr)
# Create python object
return pyobj
def getAnalysisLibPaths():
ps = c.getAnalysisLibPaths()
return [ p.decode('utf-8') for p in ps ]
def setAnalysisLibPaths(xs):
bs = [ x.encode('utf-8') for x in xs ]
def addAnalysisLibPath(path):
def setAnalysisDataPaths(xs):
bs = [ x.encode('utf-8') for x in xs ]
def addAnalysisDataPath(path):
def getAnalysisDataPaths():
ps = c.getAnalysisDataPaths()
return [ p.decode('utf-8') for p in ps ]
def findAnalysisDataFile(q):
f = c.findAnalysisDataFile(q.encode('utf-8'))
return f.decode('utf-8')
def getAnalysisRefPaths():
ps = c.getAnalysisRefPaths()
return [ p.decode('utf-8') for p in ps ]
def findAnalysisRefFile(q):
f = c.findAnalysisRefFile(q.encode('utf-8'))
return f.decode('utf-8')
def getAnalysisInfoPaths():
ps = c.getAnalysisInfoPaths()
return [ p.decode('utf-8') for p in ps ]
def findAnalysisInfoFile(q):
f = c.findAnalysisInfoFile(q.encode('utf-8'))
return f.decode('utf-8')
def getAnalysisPlotPaths():
ps = c.getAnalysisPlotPaths()
return [ p.decode('utf-8') for p in ps ]
def findAnalysisPlotFile(q):
f = c.findAnalysisPlotFile(q.encode('utf-8'))
return f.decode('utf-8')
def version():
return c.version().decode('utf-8')
def setLogLevel(name, level):
c.setLogLevel(name.encode('utf-8'), level)
diff --git a/pyext/rivet/rivet.pxd b/pyext/rivet/rivet.pxd
--- a/pyext/rivet/rivet.pxd
+++ b/pyext/rivet/rivet.pxd
@@ -1,92 +1,93 @@
from cimport map
from libcpp.pair cimport pair
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp.string cimport string
from libcpp.memory cimport unique_ptr
ctypedef int PdgId
ctypedef pair[PdgId,PdgId] PdgIdPair
cdef extern from "Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh" namespace "Rivet":
cdef cppclass AnalysisHandler:
void setIgnoreBeams(bool)
+ void skipMultiWeights(bool)
AnalysisHandler& addAnalysis(string)
vector[string] analysisNames() const
# Analysis* analysis(string)
void writeData(string&)
void readData(string&)
double nominalCrossSection()
void finalize()
cdef extern from "Rivet/Run.hh" namespace "Rivet":
cdef cppclass Run:
Run& setCrossSection(double) # For chaining?
Run& setListAnalyses(bool)
bool init(string, double) except + # $2=1.0
bool openFile(string, double) except + # $2=1.0
bool readEvent() except +
bool skipEvent() except +
bool processEvent() except +
bool finalize() except +
cdef extern from "Rivet/Analysis.hh" namespace "Rivet":
cdef cppclass Analysis:
vector[PdgIdPair]& requiredBeams()
vector[pair[double, double]] requiredEnergies()
vector[string] authors()
vector[string] references()
vector[string] keywords()
string name()
string bibTeX()
string bibKey()
string collider()
string description()
string experiment()
string inspireId()
string spiresId()
string runInfo()
string status()
string summary()
string year()
string luminosityfb()
# Might need to translate the following errors, although I believe 'what' is now
# preserved. But often, we need the exception class name.
cdef extern from "Rivet/AnalysisLoader.hh":
vector[string] AnalysisLoader_analysisNames "Rivet::AnalysisLoader::analysisNames" ()
unique_ptr[Analysis] AnalysisLoader_getAnalysis "Rivet::AnalysisLoader::getAnalysis" (string)
cdef extern from "Rivet/Tools/RivetPaths.hh" namespace "Rivet":
vector[string] getAnalysisLibPaths()
void setAnalysisLibPaths(vector[string])
void addAnalysisLibPath(string)
vector[string] getAnalysisDataPaths()
void setAnalysisDataPaths(vector[string])
void addAnalysisDataPath(string)
string findAnalysisDataFile(string)
vector[string] getAnalysisRefPaths()
string findAnalysisRefFile(string)
vector[string] getAnalysisInfoPaths()
string findAnalysisInfoFile(string)
vector[string] getAnalysisPlotPaths()
string findAnalysisPlotFile(string)
cdef extern from "Rivet/Rivet.hh" namespace "Rivet":
string version()
cdef extern from "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh":
void setLogLevel "Rivet::Log::setLevel" (string, int)
diff --git a/src/Core/ b/src/Core/
--- a/src/Core/
+++ b/src/Core/
@@ -1,520 +1,536 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh"
#include "Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh"
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleName.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BeamConstraint.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
#include "YODA/ReaderYODA.h"
#include "YODA/WriterYODA.h"
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
namespace {
inline std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& input, const std::string& regex) {
// passing -1 as the submatch index parameter performs splitting
std::regex re(regex);
first{input.begin(), input.end(), re, -1},
return {first, last};
namespace Rivet {
AnalysisHandler::AnalysisHandler(const string& runname)
: _runname(runname),
_eventCounter(vector<string>(), Counter()), _xs(vector<string>(), Scatter1D()),
- _initialised(false), _ignoreBeams(false),
+ _initialised(false), _ignoreBeams(false), _skipWeights(false),
Log& AnalysisHandler::getLog() const {
return Log::getLog("Rivet.Analysis.Handler");
bool is_number(const std::string& s)
std::string::const_iterator it = s.begin();
while (it != s.end() && std::isdigit(*it)) ++it;
return !s.empty() && it == s.end();
/// Check if any of the weightnames is not a number
bool AnalysisHandler::haveNamedWeights() {
bool dec=false;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<_weightNames.size();++i) {
string s = _weightNames[i];
if (!is_number(s)) {
return dec;
void AnalysisHandler::init(const GenEvent& ge) {
if (_initialised)
throw UserError("AnalysisHandler::init has already been called: cannot re-initialize!");
// should the rivet analysis objects know about weight names?
MSG_DEBUG("Initialising the analysis handler");
_eventNumber = ge.event_number();
if (haveNamedWeights())
MSG_INFO("Using named weights");
MSG_INFO("NOT using named weights. Using first weight as nominal weight");
_eventCounter = CounterPtr(weightNames(), Counter("_EVTCOUNT"));
// set the cross section based on what is reported by this event.
// if no cross section
if (ge.cross_section()) {
MSG_TRACE("getting cross section.");
double xs = ge.cross_section()->cross_section();
+ MSG_INFO("get xserr");
double xserr = ge.cross_section()->cross_section_error();
+ MSG_INFO("set xsec");
setCrossSection(xs, xserr);
+ MSG_INFO("set xsec done");
+ MSG_INFO("check anas size");
// Check that analyses are beam-compatible, and remove those that aren't
const size_t num_anas_requested = analysisNames().size();
vector<string> anamestodelete;
for (const AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
if (!_ignoreBeams && !a->isCompatible(beams())) {
//MSG_DEBUG(a->name() << " requires beams " << a->requiredBeams() << " @ " << a->requiredEnergies() << " GeV");
for (const string& aname : anamestodelete) {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << aname << "' is incompatible with the provided beams: removing");
if (num_anas_requested > 0 && analysisNames().empty()) {
cerr << "All analyses were incompatible with the first event's beams\n"
<< "Exiting, since this probably wasn't intentional!" << '\n';
// Warn if any analysis' status is not unblemished
for (const AnaHandle a : analyses()) {
if (toUpper(a->status()) == "PRELIMINARY") {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << a->name() << "' is preliminary: be careful, it may change and/or be renamed!");
} else if (toUpper(a->status()) == "OBSOLETE") {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << a->name() << "' is obsolete: please update!");
} else if (toUpper(a->status()).find("UNVALIDATED") != string::npos) {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << a->name() << "' is unvalidated: be careful, it may be broken!");
// Initialize the remaining analyses
_stage = Stage::INIT;
for (AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
MSG_DEBUG("Initialising analysis: " << a->name());
try {
// Allow projection registration in the init phase onwards
a->_allowProjReg = true;
//MSG_DEBUG("Checking consistency of analysis: " << a->name());
} catch (const Error& err) {
cerr << "Error in " << a->name() << "::init method: " << err.what() << '\n';
MSG_DEBUG("Done initialising analysis: " << a->name());
_stage = Stage::OTHER;
_initialised = true;
MSG_DEBUG("Analysis handler initialised");
void AnalysisHandler::setWeightNames(const GenEvent& ge) {
/// reroute the print output to a std::stringstream and process
/// The iteration is done over a map in hepmc2 so this is safe
std::ostringstream stream;
ge.weights().print(stream); // Super lame, I know
string str = stream.str();
std::regex re("(([^()]+))"); // Regex for stuff enclosed by parentheses ()
size_t idx = 0;
for(std::sregex_iterator i = std::sregex_iterator(str.begin(), str.end(), re);
i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i ) {
std::smatch m = *i;
vector<string> temp = ::split(m.str(), "[,]");
if (temp.size() ==2) {
MSG_DEBUG("Name of weight #" << _weightNames.size() << ": " << temp[0]);
// store the default weight based on weight names
if (temp[0] == "Weight" || temp[0] == "0" || temp[0] == "Default") {
MSG_DEBUG(_weightNames.size() << " is being used as the nominal.");
- _defaultWeightIdx = idx;
- } else
+ _defaultWeightIdx = _skipWeights? 0 : idx;
+ } else if (!_skipWeights) {
+ }
void AnalysisHandler::analyze(const GenEvent& ge) {
// Call init with event as template if not already initialised
if (!_initialised) init(ge);
// Ensure that beam details match those from the first event (if we're checking beams)
if ( !_ignoreBeams ) {
const PdgIdPair beams = Rivet::beamIds(ge);
const double sqrts = Rivet::sqrtS(ge);
if (!compatible(beams, _beams) || !fuzzyEquals(sqrts, sqrtS())) {
cerr << "Event beams mismatch: "
<< PID::toBeamsString(beams) << " @ " << sqrts/GeV << " GeV" << " vs. first beams "
<< this->beams() << " @ " << this->sqrtS()/GeV << " GeV" << '\n';
// Create the Rivet event wrapper
/// @todo Filter/normalize the event here
Event event(ge);
// set the cross section based on what is reported by this event.
// if no cross section
MSG_TRACE("getting cross section.");
if (ge.cross_section()) {
MSG_TRACE("getting cross section from GenEvent.");
double xs = ge.cross_section()->cross_section();
double xserr = ge.cross_section()->cross_section_error();
setCrossSection(xs, xserr);
// won't happen for first event because _eventNumber is set in
// init()
if (_eventNumber != ge.event_number()) {
/// @todo
/// can we get away with not passing a matrix?
MSG_TRACE("AnalysisHandler::analyze(): Pushing _eventCounter to persistent.");
// if this is indeed a new event, push the temporary
// histograms and reset
for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) {
for (auto ao : a->analysisObjects()) {
MSG_TRACE("AnalysisHandler::analyze(): Pushing " << a->name() << "'s " << ao->name() << " to persistent.");
MSG_TRACE("AnalysisHandler::analyze(): finished pushing " << a->name() << "'s objects to persistent.");
_eventNumber = ge.event_number();
MSG_DEBUG("nominal event # " << _eventCounter.get()->_persistent[0]->numEntries());
MSG_DEBUG("nominal sum of weights: " << _eventCounter.get()->_persistent[0]->sumW());
MSG_DEBUG("Event has " << _subEventWeights.size() << " sub events.");
MSG_TRACE("starting new sub event");
for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) {
for (auto ao : a->analysisObjects()) {
MSG_DEBUG("Analyzing subevent #" << _subEventWeights.size() - 1 << ".");
// Run the analyses
for (AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
MSG_TRACE("About to run analysis " << a->name());
try {
} catch (const Error& err) {
cerr << "Error in " << a->name() << "::analyze method: " << err.what() << '\n';
MSG_TRACE("Finished running analysis " << a->name());
void AnalysisHandler::analyze(const GenEvent* ge) {
if (ge == NULL) {
MSG_ERROR("AnalysisHandler received null pointer to GenEvent");
//throw Error("AnalysisHandler received null pointer to GenEvent");
void AnalysisHandler::finalize() {
if (!_initialised) return;
MSG_INFO("Finalising analyses");
MSG_TRACE("AnalysisHandler::finalize(): Pushing analysis objects to persistent.");
for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) {
for (auto ao : a->analysisObjects())
for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) {
for (size_t iW = 0; iW < numWeights(); iW++) {
for (auto ao : a->analysisObjects())
MSG_TRACE("running " << a->name() << "::finalize() for weight " << iW << ".");
try {
} catch (const Error& err) {
cerr << "Error in " << a->name() << "::finalize method: " << err.what() << '\n';
// Print out number of events processed
MSG_INFO("Processed " << numEvents() << " event" << (numEvents() == 1 ? "" : "s"));
// Print out MCnet boilerplate
cout << '\n';
cout << "The MCnet usage guidelines apply to Rivet: see" << '\n';
cout << "Please acknowledge plots made with Rivet analyses, and cite arXiv:1003.0694 (" << '\n';
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::addAnalysis(const string& analysisname) {
// Check for a duplicate analysis
/// @todo Might we want to be able to run an analysis twice, with different params?
/// Requires avoiding histo tree clashes, i.e. storing the histos on the analysis objects.
for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) {
if (a->name() == analysisname) {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << analysisname << "' already registered: skipping duplicate");
return *this;
AnaHandle analysis( AnalysisLoader::getAnalysis(analysisname) );
if (analysis.get() != 0) { // < Check for null analysis.
MSG_DEBUG("Adding analysis '" << analysisname << "'");
analysis->_analysishandler = this;
} else {
MSG_WARNING("Analysis '" << analysisname << "' not found.");
// MSG_WARNING(_analyses.size());
// for (const AnaHandle& a : _analyses) MSG_WARNING(a->name());
return *this;
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::removeAnalysis(const string& analysisname) {
std::shared_ptr<Analysis> toremove;
for (const AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
if (a->name() == analysisname) {
toremove = a;
if (toremove.get() != 0) {
MSG_DEBUG("Removing analysis '" << analysisname << "'");
return *this;
void AnalysisHandler::addData(const std::vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr>& aos) {
for (const YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr ao : aos) {
const string path = ao->path();
if (path.size() > 1) { // path > "/"
try {
const string ananame = ::split(path, "/")[0];
AnaHandle a = analysis(ananame);
//MultiweightAOPtr mao = ????; /// @todo generate right Multiweight object from ao
//a->addAnalysisObject(mao); /// @todo Need to statistically merge...
} catch (const Error& e) {
void AnalysisHandler::readData(const string& filename) {
vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> aos;
try {
/// @todo Use new YODA SFINAE to fill the smart ptr vector directly
vector<YODA::AnalysisObject*> aos_raw;
YODA::ReaderYODA::read(filename, aos_raw);
for (YODA::AnalysisObject* aor : aos_raw) aos.push_back(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr(aor));
} catch (const YODA::ReadError & e) {
throw UserError("Unexpected error in reading file: " + filename);
if (!aos.empty()) addData(aos);
vector<MultiweightAOPtr> AnalysisHandler::getRivetAOs() const {
vector<MultiweightAOPtr> rtn;
for (AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
for (const auto & ao : a->analysisObjects()) {
return rtn;
vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> AnalysisHandler::getYodaAOs() const {
vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> rtn;
for (auto rao : getRivetAOs()) {
// need to set the index
// before we can search the PATH
if (rao->path().find("/TMP/") != string::npos)
for (size_t iW = 0; iW < numWeights(); iW++) {
sort(rtn.begin(), rtn.end(),
[](YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr a, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr b) {
return a->path() < b->path();
return rtn;
vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> AnalysisHandler::getData() const {
return getYodaAOs();
void AnalysisHandler::writeData(const string& filename) const {
const vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> aos = getData();
try {
YODA::WriterYODA::write(filename, aos.begin(), aos.end());
} catch ( YODA::WriteError ) {
throw UserError("Unexpected error in writing file: " + filename);
string AnalysisHandler::runName() const { return _runname; }
size_t AnalysisHandler::numEvents() const { return _eventCounter->numEntries(); }
std::vector<std::string> AnalysisHandler::analysisNames() const {
std::vector<std::string> rtn;
for (AnaHandle a : _analyses) {
return rtn;
const AnaHandle AnalysisHandler::analysis(const std::string& analysisname) const {
for (const AnaHandle a : analyses())
if (a->name() == analysisname) return a;
throw Error("No analysis named '" + analysisname + "' registered in AnalysisHandler");
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::addAnalyses(const std::vector<std::string>& analysisnames) {
for (const string& aname : analysisnames) {
//MSG_DEBUG("Adding analysis '" << aname << "'");
return *this;
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::removeAnalyses(const std::vector<std::string>& analysisnames) {
for (const string& aname : analysisnames) {
return *this;
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::setCrossSection(double xs, double xserr) {
+ MSG_TRACE("init _xs");
_xs = Scatter1DPtr(weightNames(), Scatter1D("_XSEC"));
+ MSG_TRACE("init _evtC");
+ MSG_TRACE("get sow");
double nomwgt = sumOfWeights();
// The cross section of each weight variation is the nominal cross section
// times the sumOfWeights(variation) / sumOfWeights(nominal).
// This way the cross section will work correctly
+ MSG_TRACE("loop over weights");
for (size_t iW = 0; iW < numWeights(); iW++) {
+ MSG_TRACE("... weight " << iW);
double s = sumOfWeights() / nomwgt;
_xs->addPoint(xs*s, xserr*s);
+ MSG_TRACE("unset");
+ MSG_TRACE("done... return");
return *this;
AnalysisHandler& AnalysisHandler::addAnalysis(Analysis* analysis) {
analysis->_analysishandler = this;
return *this;
PdgIdPair AnalysisHandler::beamIds() const {
return Rivet::beamIds(beams());
double AnalysisHandler::sqrtS() const {
return Rivet::sqrtS(beams());
void AnalysisHandler::setIgnoreBeams(bool ignore) {
+ void AnalysisHandler::skipMultiWeights(bool ignore) {
+ _skipWeights=ignore;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,185 +1,185 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/InvMassFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
InvMassFinalState::InvMassFinalState(const FinalState& fsp,
const pair<PdgId, PdgId>& idpair, // pair of decay products
double minmass, // min inv mass
double maxmass, // max inv mass
double masstarget)
: _minmass(minmass), _maxmass(maxmass), _masstarget(masstarget), _useTransverseMass(false)
declare(fsp, "FS");
InvMassFinalState::InvMassFinalState(const FinalState& fsp,
const vector<pair<PdgId, PdgId> >& idpairs, // vector of pairs of decay products
double minmass, // min inv mass
double maxmass, // max inv mass
double masstarget)
: _decayids(idpairs), _minmass(minmass), _maxmass(maxmass), _masstarget(masstarget), _useTransverseMass(false)
declare(fsp, "FS");
InvMassFinalState::InvMassFinalState(const pair<PdgId, PdgId>& idpair, // pair of decay products
double minmass, // min inv mass
double maxmass, // max inv mass
double masstarget)
: _minmass(minmass), _maxmass(maxmass), _masstarget(masstarget), _useTransverseMass(false)
InvMassFinalState::InvMassFinalState(const vector<pair<PdgId, PdgId> >& idpairs, // vector of pairs of decay products
double minmass, // min inv mass
double maxmass, // max inv mass
double masstarget)
: _decayids(idpairs), _minmass(minmass), _maxmass(maxmass), _masstarget(masstarget), _useTransverseMass(false)
CmpState InvMassFinalState::compare(const Projection& p) const {
// First compare the final states we are running on
CmpState fscmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "FS");
if (fscmp != CmpState::EQ) return fscmp;
// Then compare the two as final states
const InvMassFinalState& other = dynamic_cast<const InvMassFinalState&>(p);
fscmp = FinalState::compare(other);
if (fscmp != CmpState::EQ) return fscmp;
// Compare the mass limits
CmpState masstypecmp = cmp(_useTransverseMass, other._useTransverseMass);
if (masstypecmp != CmpState::EQ) return masstypecmp;
CmpState massllimcmp = cmp(_minmass, other._minmass);
if (massllimcmp != CmpState::EQ) return massllimcmp;
CmpState masshlimcmp = cmp(_maxmass, other._maxmass);
if (masshlimcmp != CmpState::EQ) return masshlimcmp;
// Compare the decay species
CmpState decaycmp = cmp(_decayids, other._decayids);
if (decaycmp != CmpState::EQ) return decaycmp;
// Finally compare them as final states
return FinalState::compare(other);
void InvMassFinalState::project(const Event& e) {
const FinalState& fs = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "FS");
void InvMassFinalState::calc(const Particles& inparticles) {
// Containers for the particles of type specified in the pair
vector<const Particle*> type1, type2;
// Get all the particles of the type specified in the pair from the particle list
for (const Particle& ipart : inparticles) {
// Loop around possible particle pairs
for (const PdgIdPair& ipair : _decayids) {
if ( == ipair.first) {
if (accept(ipart)) type1 += &ipart;
} else if ( == ipair.second) {
if (accept(ipart)) type2 += &ipart;
if (type1.empty() || type2.empty()) return;
// Temporary container of selected particles iterators
// Useful to compare iterators and avoid double occurrences of the same
// particle in case it matches with more than another particle
vector<const Particle*> tmp;
// Now calculate the inv mass
pair<double, pair<Particle, Particle> > closestPair;
closestPair.first = 1e30;
for (const Particle* i1 : type1) {
for (const Particle* i2 : type2) {
// Check this is actually a pair
// (if more than one pair in vector particles can be unrelated)
bool found = false;
for (const PdgIdPair& ipair : _decayids) {
if (i1->pid() == ipair.first && i2->pid() == ipair.second) {
found = true;
if (!found) continue;
FourMomentum v4 = i1->momentum() + i2->momentum();
if (v4.mass2() < 0) {
MSG_DEBUG("Constructed negative inv mass2: skipping!");
bool passedMassCut = false;
if (_useTransverseMass) {
passedMassCut = inRange(mT(i1->momentum(), i2->momentum()), _minmass, _maxmass);
} else {
passedMassCut = inRange(v4.mass(), _minmass, _maxmass);
if (passedMassCut) {
MSG_DEBUG("Selecting particles with IDs " << i1->pid() << " & " << i2->pid()
<< " and mass = " << v4.mass()/GeV << " GeV");
// Store accepted particles, avoiding duplicates
if (find(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), i1) == tmp.end()) {
_theParticles += *i1;
if (find(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), i2) == tmp.end()) {
_theParticles += *i2;
// Store accepted particle pairs
_particlePairs += make_pair(*i1, *i2);
if (_masstarget>0.0) {
double diff=fabs(v4.mass()-_masstarget);
if (diff<closestPair.first) {
closestPair.second=make_pair(*i1, *i2);
if (_masstarget > 0.0 && closestPair.first < 1e30) {
_theParticles += closestPair.second.first;
_theParticles += closestPair.second.second;
_particlePairs += closestPair.second;
MSG_DEBUG("Selected " << _theParticles.size() << " particles " << "(" << _particlePairs.size() << " pairs)");
if (getLog().isActive(Log::TRACE)) {
for (const Particle& p : _theParticles) {
- MSG_TRACE("ID: " << << ", barcode: " << p.genParticle()->barcode());
+ MSG_TRACE("ID: " <<;
/// Constituent pairs
const std::vector<std::pair<Particle, Particle> >& InvMassFinalState::particlePairs() const {
return _particlePairs;
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Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:26 PM (19 h, 27 m)
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