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diff --git a/src/MINERvA/MINERvA_SignalDef.cxx b/src/MINERvA/MINERvA_SignalDef.cxx
index 37a0424..8c0a864 100644
--- a/src/MINERvA/MINERvA_SignalDef.cxx
+++ b/src/MINERvA/MINERvA_SignalDef.cxx
@@ -1,430 +1,431 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "SignalDef.h"
#include "FitUtils.h"
#include "MINERvA_SignalDef.h"
namespace SignalDef {
// *********************************
// MINERvA CC1pi+/- signal definition (2015 release)
// Note: There is a 2016 release which is different to this (listed below), but
// it is CCNpi+ and has a different W cut
// Note2: The W cut is implemented in the class implementation in MINERvA/
// rather than here so we can draw events that don't pass the W cut (W cut is
// 1.4 GeV)
// Could possibly be changed for slight speed increase since less events
// would be used
// MINERvA signal is slightly different to MiniBooNE
// Exactly one negative muon
// Exactly one charged pion (both + and -); however, there is a Michel e-
// requirement but UNCLEAR IF UNFOLDED OR NOT (so don't know if should be
// applied)
// Exactly 1 charged pion exits (so + and - charge), however, has Michel
// electron requirement, so look for + only here?
// No restriction on neutral pions or other mesons
// MINERvA has unfolded and not unfolded muon phase space for 2015
// Possible issues with the data:
// 1) pi- is allowed in signal even when Michel cut included; most pi- is efficiency corrected in GENIE
// 2) There is a T_pi < 350 MeV cut coming from requiring a stopping pion; this is efficiency corrected in GENIE
// 3) There is a 1.5 < Enu < 10.0 cut in signal definition
// 4) There is an angular muon cut which is sometimes efficiency corrected (why we have bool isRestricted below)
// Nice things:
// Much data given: with and without muon angle cuts and with and without shape
// only data + covariance
bool isCC1pip_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax,
bool isRestricted) {
// *********************************
// Signal is both pi+ and pi-
// First, make sure it's CCINC
if (!isCCINC(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
// Allow pi+/pi-
int piPDG[] = {211, -211};
int nLeptons = event->NumFSLeptons();
int nPion = event->NumFSParticle(piPDG);
// Check that the desired pion exists and is the only meson
if (nPion != 1) return false;
// Check that there is only one final state lepton
if (nLeptons != 1) return false;
// MINERvA released another CC1pi+ xsec without muon unfolding!
// here the muon angle is < 20 degrees (seen in MINOS)
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
if (isRestricted) {
double th_nu_mu = FitUtils::th(pmu, pnu) * 180. / M_PI;
if (th_nu_mu >= 20) return false;
// Extract Hadronic Mass
double hadMass = FitUtils::Wrec(pnu, pmu);
// Actual cut is True GENIE Ws! Arg.! Use gNtpcConv definition.
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
if (event->fType == kGENIE){
EventRecord * gevent = static_cast<EventRecord*>(event->genie_event->event);
const Interaction * interaction = gevent->Summary();
const Kinematics & kine = interaction->Kine();
double Ws = kine.W (true);
// std::cout << "Ws versus WRec = " << Ws << " vs " << hadMass << " " << kine.W(false) << std::endl;
hadMass = Ws * 1000.0;
if (hadMass > 1400.0) return false;
return true;
// Updated MINERvA 2017 Signal using Wexp and no restriction on angle
bool isCC1pip_MINERvA_2017(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax){
// Signal is both pi+ and pi-
// First, make sure it's CCINC
if (!isCCINC(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
// Allow pi+/pi-
int piPDG[] = {211, -211};
int nLeptons = event->NumFSLeptons();
int nPion = event->NumFSParticle(piPDG);
// Check that the desired pion exists and is the only meson
if (nPion != 1) return false;
// Check that there is only one final state lepton
if (nLeptons != 1) return false;
// Get Muon and Lepton Kinematics
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
// Extract Hadronic Mass
double hadMass = FitUtils::Wrec(pnu, pmu);
- if (hadMass > 1400.0) return false;
+ // Cut on 2017 data is 1.8 GeV
+ if (hadMass > 1800.0) return false;
return true;
// *********************************
// MINERvA CCNpi+/- signal definition from 2016 publication
// Different to CC1pi+/- listed above; additional has W < 1.8 GeV
// For notes on strangeness of signal definition, see CC1pip_MINERvA
// One negative muon
// At least one charged pion
// 1.5 < Enu < 10
// No restrictions on pi0 or other mesons or baryons
// W_reconstructed (ignoring initial state motion) cut at 1.8 GeV
// Also writes number of pions (nPions) if studies on this want to be done...
bool isCCNpip_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin,
double EnuMax, bool isRestricted, bool isWtrue) {
// *********************************
// First, make sure it's CCINC
if (!isCCINC(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
int nLeptons = event->NumFSLeptons();
// Write the number of pions to the measurement class...
// Maybe better to just do that inside the class?
int nPions = event->NumFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_charged_pions);
// Check that there is a pion!
if (nPions == 0) return false;
// Check that there is only one final state lepton
if (nLeptons != 1) return false;
// Need the muon and the neutrino to check angles and W
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
// MINERvA released some data with restricted muon angle
// Here the muon angle is < 20 degrees (seen in MINOS)
if (isRestricted) {
double th_nu_mu = FitUtils::th(pmu, pnu) * 180. / M_PI;
if (th_nu_mu >= 20.) return false;
// Lastly check the W cut (always at 1.8 GeV)
double Wrec = FitUtils::Wrec(pnu, pmu) + 0.;
// Actual cut is True GENIE Ws! Arg.! Use gNtpcConv definition.
if (isWtrue){
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
if (event->fType == kGENIE){
GHepRecord* ghep = static_cast<GHepRecord*>(event->genie_event->event);
const Interaction * interaction = ghep->Summary();
const Kinematics & kine = interaction->Kine();
double Ws = kine.W (true);
Wrec = Ws * 1000.0; // Say Wrec is Ws
if (Wrec > 1800. || Wrec < 0.0) return false;
return true;
bool isCCQEnumu_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax,
bool fullphasespace) {
if (!isCCQELike(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
double ThetaMu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double Enu_rec = FitUtils::EnuQErec(pmu, cos(ThetaMu), 34., true);
// If Restricted phase space
if (!fullphasespace && ThetaMu > 0.34906585) return false;
// restrict energy range
if (Enu_rec < EnuMin || Enu_rec > EnuMax) return false;
return true;
bool isCCQEnumubar_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax,
bool fullphasespace) {
if (!isCCQELike(event, -14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(-14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(-13)->fP;
double ThetaMu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double Enu_rec = FitUtils::EnuQErec(pmu, cos(ThetaMu), 30., true);
// If Restricted phase space
if (!fullphasespace && ThetaMu > 0.34906585) return false;
// restrict energy range
if (Enu_rec < EnuMin || Enu_rec > EnuMax) return false;
return true;
bool isCCincLowRecoil_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax) {
if (!isCCINC(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
// Need at least one muon
if (event->NumFSParticle(13) < 1) return false;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
// Cut on muon angle greated than 20deg
if (cos(pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect())) < 0.93969262078) return false;
// Cut on muon energy < 1.5 GeV
if (pmu.E()/1000.0 < 1.5) return false;
return true;
bool isCC0pi1p_MINERvA(FitEvent *event, double enumin, double enumax) {
// Require numu CC0pi event with a proton above threshold
bool signal = (isCC0pi(event, 14, enumin, enumax) &&
HasProtonKEAboveThreshold(event, 110.0));
return signal;
// 2015 analysis just asks for 1pi0 and no pi+/pi-
bool isCC1pi0_MINERvA_2015(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax) {
bool CC1pi0_anu = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, -14, 111, EnuMin, EnuMax);
return CC1pi0_anu;
// 2016 analysis just asks for 1pi0 and no other charged tracks. Half-open to interpretation: we go with "charged tracks" meaning pions. You'll be forgiven for thinking proton tracks should be included here too but we checked with MINERvA
bool isCC1pi0_MINERvA_2016(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax) {
bool CC1pi0_anu = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, -14, 111, EnuMin, EnuMax);
// Additionally look for charged proton track
// Comment: This is _NOT_ in the signal definition but was tested
bool HasProton = event->HasFSParticle(2212);
if (CC1pi0_anu) {
if (!HasProton) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return CC1pi0_anu;
// 2016 analysis just asks for 1pi0 and no other charged tracks
bool isCC1pi0_MINERvA_nu(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax) {
bool CC1pi0_nu = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, 14, 111, EnuMin, EnuMax);
return CC1pi0_nu;
bool isCC0pi_MINERvAPTPZ(FitEvent* event, int nuPDG, double emin, double emax){
// Check it's CCINC
if (!SignalDef::isCCINC(event, nuPDG, emin, emax)) return false;
// Make Angle Cut > 20.0
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
double th_nu_mu = FitUtils::th(pmu, pnu) * 180. / M_PI;
if (th_nu_mu >= 20.0) return false;
int genie_n_muons = 0;
int genie_n_mesons = 0;
int genie_n_heavy_baryons_plus_pi0s = 0;
int genie_n_photons = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < event->NParticles(); ++i) {
FitParticle* p = event->GetParticle(i);
if (p->Status() != kFinalState) continue;
int pdg = p->fPID;
double energy = p->fP.E();
if( pdg == 13 ) {
} else if( pdg == 22 && energy > 10.0 ) {
} else if( abs(pdg) == 211 || abs(pdg) == 321 || abs(pdg) == 323 || pdg == 111 || pdg == 130 || pdg == 310 || pdg == 311 || pdg == 313 ) {
} else if( pdg == 3112 || pdg == 3122 || pdg == 3212 || pdg == 3222 || pdg == 4112 ||
pdg == 4122 || pdg == 4212 || pdg == 4222 || pdg == 411 || pdg == 421 || pdg == 111 ) {
if( genie_n_muons == 1 &&
genie_n_mesons == 0 &&
genie_n_heavy_baryons_plus_pi0s == 0 &&
genie_n_photons == 0 ) return true;
return false;
bool isCC0pi_anti_MINERvAPTPZ(FitEvent* event, int nuPDG, double emin, double emax){
// Check it's CCINC
if (!SignalDef::isCCINC(event, nuPDG, emin, emax)) return false;
// Make Angle Cut > 20.0
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(-14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(-13)->fP;
double th_nu_mu = FitUtils::th(pmu, pnu) * 180. / M_PI;
if (th_nu_mu >= 20.0) return false;
int genie_n_muons = 0;
int genie_n_mesons = 0;
int genie_n_heavy_baryons_plus_pi0s = 0;
int genie_n_photons = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < event->NParticles(); ++i) {
FitParticle* p = event->GetParticle(i);
if (p->Status() != kFinalState) continue;
int pdg = p->fPID;
double energy = p->fP.E();
if( abs(pdg) == 13 )
else if( pdg == 22 && energy > 10.0 )
else if( abs(pdg) == 211 || abs(pdg) == 321 || abs(pdg) == 323 || abs(pdg) == 111 || abs(pdg) == 130 || abs(pdg) == 310 || abs(pdg) == 311 || abs(pdg) == 313 )
else if( abs(pdg) == 3112 || abs(pdg) == 3122 || abs(pdg) == 3212 || abs(pdg) == 3222 || abs(pdg) == 4112 ||
abs(pdg) == 4122 || abs(pdg) == 4212 || abs(pdg) == 4222 || abs(pdg) == 411 || abs(pdg) == 421 ||
abs(pdg) == 111 )
if( genie_n_muons == 1 && genie_n_mesons == 0 && genie_n_heavy_baryons_plus_pi0s == 0 && genie_n_photons == 0 ) return true;
return false;
// MINERvA CC0pi transverse variables signal defintion
bool isCC0piNp_MINERvA_STV(FitEvent *event, double EnuMin, double EnuMax) {
// Require a numu CC0pi event
if (!isCC0pi(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return false;
// Require at least one FS proton
if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) == 0) return false;
TLorentzVector pnu = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP;
TLorentzVector pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP;
// Muon momentum cuts
if (pmu.Vect().Mag() < 1500 || pmu.Vect().Mag() > 10000) return false;
// Muon angle cuts
if (pmu.Vect().Angle(pnu.Vect()) > (M_PI/180.0)*20.0) return false;
// Since there are emany protons allowed we can't just use the highest proton momentum candidate and place cuts on it
// Get the stack of protons
std::vector<FitParticle*> Protons = event->GetAllFSProton();
// Count how many protons pass the threshold
int nProtonsAboveThreshold = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Protons.size(); ++i) {
if (Protons[i]->p() > 450 &&
Protons[i]->p() < 1200 &&
Protons[i]->P3().Angle(pnu.Vect()) < (M_PI/180.0)*70.0) {
// Proton momentum cuts
//if (pp.Vect().Mag() < 450 || pp.Vect().Mag() > 1200) return false;
// Proton angle cuts
//if (pp.Vect().Angle(pnu.Vect()) > (M_PI/180.0)*70) return false;
if (nProtonsAboveThreshold == 0) return false;
return true;
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:26 PM (19 h, 33 m)
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