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// CrossSection.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date: 2018-07-09 17:28:39 +0100 (Mon, 09 Jul 2018) $
// $Author: ullrich $
#include "CrossSection.h"
#include "EventGeneratorSettings.h"
#include "Kinematics.h"
#include "TableCollection.h"
#include "Table.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "Math/Interpolator.h"
#include "Math/InterpolationTypes.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "DglapEvolution.h"
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
CrossSection::CrossSection(TableCollection* tc, TableCollection* ptc)
mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance();
mRandom = mSettings->randomGenerator();
mS = Kinematics::s(mSettings->eBeam(), mSettings->hBeam());
mTableCollection = tc;
mProtonTableCollection = ptc;
TParticlePDG *vectorMesonPDG = mSettings->lookupPDG(mSettings->vectorMesonId());
mVmMass = vectorMesonPDG->Mass();
mCheckKinematics = true;
CrossSection::~CrossSection() { /* no op */ }
void CrossSection::setTableCollection(TableCollection* tc) {mTableCollection = tc;}
void CrossSection::setProtonTableCollection(TableCollection* ptc) {mProtonTableCollection = ptc;}
void CrossSection::setCheckKinematics(bool val) {mCheckKinematics = val;}
double CrossSection::operator()(double t, double Q2, double W2)
return dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(t, Q2, W2);
// UPC Version
double CrossSection::operator()(double t, double xpom)
return dsigdtdxp_total_checked(t, xpom);
double CrossSection::operator()(const double* array)
if (mSettings->UPC())
return dsigdtdxp_total_checked(array[0], array[1]);
return dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(array[0], array[1], array[2]);
// PDF passed to UNURAN
// Array holds: t, log(Q2), W2 for e+p/A running
// t, log(xpom) for UPC
double CrossSection::unuranPDF(const double* array) // array is t, log(Q2), W2
{ // or t and log(xpom)
double result = 0;
if (mSettings->UPC()) {
double xpom = exp(array[1]);
result = dsigdtdxp_total_checked(array[0], xpom); // t, xpom
result *= xpom; // Jacobian
else {
double Q2 = exp(array[1]);
result = dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(array[0], Q2, array[2]); // t, Q2, W2
result *= Q2; // Jacobian
return log(result);
double CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(double t, double Q2, double W2)
double result = 0;
// Check if in kinematically allowed region
if (mCheckKinematics && !Kinematics::valid(mS, t, Q2, W2, mVmMass, false, (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) )) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(): warning, t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2)
<< " is outside of kinematically allowed region. Return 0." << endl;
return result;
// Total cross-section dsig2/(dQ2 dW2 dt)
// This is the probability density function needed for UNU.RAN
double csT = dsigdtdQ2dW2_total(t, Q2, W2, transverse);
double csL = dsigdtdQ2dW2_total(t, Q2, W2, longitudinal);
result = csT + csL;
// Polarization
if (mRandom->Uniform(result) <= csT)
mPolarization = transverse;
mPolarization = longitudinal;
// Diffractive Mode
double sampleRange = (mPolarization == transverse ? csT : csL);
double sampleDivider = dsigdtdQ2dW2_coherent(t, Q2, W2, mPolarization);
if (mRandom->Uniform(sampleRange) <= sampleDivider)
mDiffractiveMode = coherent;
mDiffractiveMode = incoherent;
// Print-out at high verbose levels
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 10) { // Spinal Tap ;-)
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(): " << result;
cout << " at t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2);
cout << " (" << (mPolarization == transverse ? "transverse" : "longitudinal");
cout << " ," << (mDiffractiveMode == coherent ? "coherent" : "incoherent");
cout << ')' << endl;
// Check validity of return value
if (std::isnan(result)) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(): Error, return value = NaN at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << endl;
result = 0;
if (std::isinf(result)) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(): Error, return value = inf at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << endl;
result = 0;
if (result < 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total_checked(): Error, negative cross-section at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << endl;
result = 0;
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(double t, double xpom)
double result = 0;
// Check if in kinematically allowed region
if (mCheckKinematics && !Kinematics::validUPC(mSettings->hadronBeamEnergy(),
t, xpom, mVmMass,
(mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) )) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2)
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(): warning, t=" << t << ", xpom=" << xpom
<< " is outside of kinematically allowed region. Return 0." << endl;
return result;
// Total cross-section dsig2/(dt dxp)
// This is the probability density function needed for UNU.RAN
result = dsigdtdxp_total(t, xpom);
// Polarization
mPolarization = transverse; // always
// Diffractive Mode
double sampleRange = result;
double sampleDivider = dsigdtdxp_coherent(t, xpom);
if (mRandom->Uniform(sampleRange) <= sampleDivider)
mDiffractiveMode = coherent;
mDiffractiveMode = incoherent;
// Print-out at high verbose levels
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 10) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(): " << result;
cout << " at t=" << t << ", xp=" << xpom;
cout << " (" << (mDiffractiveMode == coherent ? "coherent" : "incoherent");
cout << ')' << endl;
// Check validity of return value
if (std::isnan(result)) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(): Error, return value = NaN at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xp=" << xpom << endl;
result = 0;
if (std::isinf(result)) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(): Error, return value = inf at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xp=" << xpom << endl;
result = 0;
if (result < 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total_checked(): Error, negative cross-section at" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xp=" << xpom << endl;
result = 0;
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdt_total(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double result = 0;
if (mSettings->tableSetType() == coherent_and_incoherent) {
result = dsigdt_coherent(t, Q2, W2, pol) + dsigdt_incoherent(t, Q2, W2, pol);
else if (mSettings->tableSetType() == total_and_coherent) {
result = mTableCollection->get(Q2, W2, t, pol, mean_A2); // units now are fm^4
result /= (16*M_PI);
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, Q2, W2, pol);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
// UPC Version
double CrossSection::dsigdt_total(double t, double xpom) const
double result = 0;
if (mSettings->tableSetType() == coherent_and_incoherent) {
result = dsigdt_coherent(t, xpom) + dsigdt_incoherent(t, xpom);
else if (mSettings->tableSetType() == total_and_coherent) {
result = mTableCollection->get(xpom, t, mean_A2); // units now are fm^4
result /= (16*M_PI);
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, xpom);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdt_coherent(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double val = mTableCollection->get(Q2, W2, t, pol, mean_A); // fm^2
double result = val*val/(16*M_PI); // units now are fm^4
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, Q2, W2, pol);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
// UPC Version
double CrossSection::dsigdt_coherent(double t, double xpom) const
double val = mTableCollection->get(xpom, t, mean_A); // fm^2
double result = val*val/(16*M_PI); // units now are fm^4
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, xpom);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_total(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double result = dsigdt_total(t, Q2, W2, pol);
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) result *= mPhotonFlux(Q2,W2,pol);
return result;
// UPC version
double CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_total(double t, double xpom) const
double result = dsigdt_total(t, xpom);
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) {
result *= UPCPhotonFlux(t, xpom);
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdt_incoherent(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double result = mTableCollection->get(Q2, W2, t, pol, variance_A); // fm^4
result /= (16*M_PI);
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, Q2, W2, pol);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
// UPC Version
double CrossSection::dsigdt_incoherent(double t, double xpom) const
double result = mTableCollection->get(xpom, t, variance_A); // fm^4
result /= (16*M_PI);
result /= hbarc2; // in fm^2/GeV^2
result *= 1e7; // in nb/GeV^2
double lambda = 0;
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude() || mSettings->correctSkewedness()) // calculate lambda only once
lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, xpom);
if (mSettings->correctForRealAmplitude())
result *= realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
if (mSettings->correctSkewedness())
result *= skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return result;
double CrossSection::dsigdtdQ2dW2_coherent(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double result = dsigdt_coherent(t, Q2, W2, pol);
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) result *= mPhotonFlux(Q2,W2,pol);
return result;
// UPC Version
double CrossSection::dsigdtdxp_coherent(double t, double xpom) const
double result = dsigdt_coherent(t, xpom);
if (mSettings->applyPhotonFlux()) {
result *= UPCPhotonFlux(t, xpom);
return result;
double CrossSection::UPCPhotonFlux(double t, double xpom) const{
double Egamma = Kinematics::Egamma(xpom, t, mVmMass,
mSettings->hadronBeamEnergy(), mSettings->electronBeamEnergy());
double result = mPhotonFlux(Egamma);
// Jacobian = dEgamma/dN, such that dsig/dtdxp = dsigd/tdEgam*dEgam/dxp
double h=xpom*1e-3;
double Egamma_p = Kinematics::Egamma(xpom+h, t, mVmMass,
mSettings->hadronBeamEnergy(), mSettings->electronBeamEnergy());
double Egamma_m = Kinematics::Egamma(xpom-h, t, mVmMass,
mSettings->hadronBeamEnergy(), mSettings->electronBeamEnergy());
double jacobian = (Egamma_p-Egamma_m)/(2*h);
result *= fabs(jacobian);
return result;
GammaPolarization CrossSection::polarizationOfLastCall() const {return mPolarization;}
DiffractiveMode CrossSection::diffractiveModeOfLastCall() const {return mDiffractiveMode;}
double CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double lambda = 0;
bool lambdaFromTable = true;
Table *table = 0;
if (!mProtonTableCollection) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): no proton table defined to obtain lambda." << endl;
cout << " Corrections not available. Should be off." << endl;
return 0;
// If the lambda table is present we use the more accurate and numerically
// stable table value. Otherwise we calculate it from the <A> table(s).
lambda = mProtonTableCollection->get(Q2, W2, t, pol, lambda_A, table);
if (!table) { // no lambda value from correct table, use fallback solution
lambdaFromTable = false;
double value = mProtonTableCollection->get(Q2, W2, t, pol, mean_A, table); // use obtained table from here on
if (value <= 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): got invalid value from table, value=" << value << '.' << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << ", pol="
<< (pol == transverse ? 'T' : 'L') << endl;
return 0;
if (!table) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): got invalid pointer to lookup table." << endl;
return 0;
// Note: the derivate taken from the table is a delicate issue.
// The standard interpolation method(s) used in Table::get() are
// not sufficiently accurate and cause enormous ripples on lambda(W2).
// Here we use a more sophisticated interpolation along W2 (1dim only).
// Fill vectors with all available central points (bin center)
// an set up Interpolator. Akima method requires at least 5 points.
vector<double> W2_values;
vector<double> table_values;
double dW2 = table->binWidthW2();
double W2val = table->minW2();
while (W2val <= table->maxW2()) {
if (fabs(W2val-W2) < 6*dW2) {
table_values.push_back(table->get(Q2, W2val, t));
W2val += dW2;
// Setup the interpolation engine.
// Available alogorithms are kLINEAR, kPOLYNOMIAL, kCSPLINE, kAKIMA.
// In extensive tests on tables for ep and eA it turns out akima is the
// best choice.
ROOT::Math::Interpolator ip(W2_values, table_values, ROOT::Math::Interpolation::kAKIMA);
// Calculate the derivative using simple method.
// Turns out to be better than Interpolator::Deriv().
double derivate;
double hplus, hminus;
hplus = hminus = 0.5*dW2; // half bin width is found to be the best choice after some testing
hplus = min(hplus, table->maxW2()-W2);
hminus = min(hminus, W2-table->minW2());
hminus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
hplus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
if (hminus < 0) hminus = 0;
if (hplus < 0) hplus = 0;
if (hplus == 0 && hminus == 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): Warning, cannot find derivative." << endl;
return 0;
double a = ip.Eval(W2+hplus);
double b = ip.Eval(W2-hminus);
// Finally calculate lambda
double jacobian = (W2-protonMass2+Q2)/value;
lambda = jacobian*derivate;
} // end fall back solution
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 3) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
if (lambdaFromTable)
cout << "Info, lambda taken from table." << endl;
cout << "Info, lambda derived numerically from proton amplitude table" << endl;
// At a lambda of ~0.6 both corrections have equal value
// of around 2.9. This will yield excessive large (unphysical)
// corrections. Large values are typically caused by fluctuations
// and glitches in the tables and should be rare.
// In all cases where something goes wrong we set lambda to
// its most probably value (0.2)
const double lambdaInCaseOfError = 0.2;
double maxLambda = mSettings->maxLambdaUsedInCorrections();
if (fabs(lambda) > maxLambda) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
cout << "Warning, lambda is excessively large (" << lambda << ") at " ;
cout << "Q2=" << Q2 << ", W2=" << W2 << ", t=" << t << endl;
cout << "Set to " << (lambda > 0 ? maxLambda : -maxLambda) << "." << endl;
lambda = lambda > 0 ? maxLambda : -maxLambda;
if (lambda < 0) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
cout << "Warning, lambda is negative (" << lambda << "). " ;
cout << "Set to " << (-lambda) << "." << endl;
lambda = -lambda;
if (std::isinf(lambda)) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): error, lambda = inf for pol=" << (pol == transverse ? 'T' : 'L') << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << endl;
lambda = lambdaInCaseOfError;
if (std::isnan(lambda)) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): error, lambda is NaN for pol=" << (pol == transverse ? 'T' : 'L') << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", Q2=" << Q2 << ", W=" << sqrt(W2) << endl;
lambda = lambdaInCaseOfError;
return lambda;
// UPC version
double CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(double t, double xpom) const
double lambda = 0;
bool lambdaFromTable = true;
Table *table = 0;
if (!mProtonTableCollection) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): no proton table defined to obtain lambda." << endl;
cout << " Corrections not available. Should be off." << endl;
return 0;
// Usual numeric issues at boundaries.
// Subtracting an eps in log(xpom) does the trick.
if (xpom > mProtonTableCollection->maxX()) {
xpom = exp(log(xpom)-numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
if (xpom < mProtonTableCollection->minX()) {
xpom = exp(log(xpom)+numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
// If the lambda table is present we use the more accurate and numerically
// stable table value. Otherwise we calculate it from the <A> table(s).
lambda = mProtonTableCollection->get(xpom, t, lambda_A, table);
if (!table) { // no lambda value from correct table, use fallback solution
lambdaFromTable = false;
double value = mProtonTableCollection->get(xpom, t, mean_A, table); // use obtained table from here on
if (value <= 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): got invalid value from table, value=" << value << '.' << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xpom=" << xpom << endl;
return 0;
if (!table) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): got invalid pointer to lookup table." << endl;
return 0;
// Here's the tricky part (see non-UPC version above)
// Fill vectors with all available central points (bin center)
// an set up Interpolator. Akima method requires at least 5 points.
vector<double> logxpom_values;
vector<double> table_values;
double theLogxpom = log(xpom);
double dlogxpom = table->binWidthX(); // assuming table is in log x ???????? FIX later
double logxpom = log(table->minX());
double maxLogxpom = log(table->maxX());
while (logxpom <= maxLogxpom) {
if (fabs(logxpom-theLogxpom) < 6*dlogxpom) {
double val = table->get(exp(logxpom), t);
table_values.push_back(log(val)); // get takes xpom, t
logxpom += dlogxpom;
ROOT::Math::Interpolator ip(logxpom_values, table_values, ROOT::Math::Interpolation::kAKIMA);
double derivate;
double hplus, hminus;
hplus = hminus = 0.5*dlogxpom;
hplus = min(hplus, fabs(maxLogxpom-theLogxpom));
hminus = min(hminus, fabs(theLogxpom-log(table->minX())));
hminus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
hplus -= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
if (hminus < 0) hminus = 0;
if (hplus < 0) hplus = 0;
if (hplus == 0 && hminus == 0) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): Warning, cannot find derivative." << endl;
return 0;
double a = ip.Eval(theLogxpom+hplus);
double b = ip.Eval(theLogxpom-hminus);
// Finally calculate lambda
// Directly dlog(A)/-dlog(xpom) here.
lambda = -derivate;
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 3) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
if (lambdaFromTable)
cout << "Info, lambda taken from table." << endl;
cout << "Info, lambda derived numerically from proton amplitude table" << endl;
// At a lambda of ~0.6 both corrections have equal value
// of around 2.9. This will yield excessive large (unphysical)
// corrections. Large values are typically caused by fluctuations
// and glitches in the tables and should be rare.
// In all cases where something goes wrong we set lambda to
// its most probably value (0.2)
const double lambdaInCaseOfError = 0.2;
double maxLambda = mSettings->maxLambdaUsedInCorrections();
if (fabs(lambda) > maxLambda) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
cout << "Warning, lambda is excessively large (" << lambda << ") at " ;
cout << "xpom=" << xpom << ", t=" << t << endl;
cout << "Set to " << (lambda > 0 ? maxLambda : -maxLambda) << "." << endl;
lambda = lambda > 0 ? maxLambda : -maxLambda;
if (lambda < 0) {
if (mSettings->verboseLevel() > 2) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): ";
cout << "Warning, lambda is negative (" << lambda << "). " ;
cout << "Set to " << (-lambda) << "." << endl;
lambda = -lambda;
if (std::isinf(lambda)) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): error, lambda = infinity for" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xpom=" << xpom << endl;
lambda = lambdaInCaseOfError;
if (std::isnan(lambda)) {
cout << "CrossSection::logDerivateOfAmplitude(): error, lambda is NaN for" << endl;
cout << " t=" << t << ", xpom=" << xpom << endl;
lambda = lambdaInCaseOfError;
return lambda;
double CrossSection::realAmplitudeCorrection(double lambda) const
// Correction factor for real amplitude contribution
double beta = tan(lambda*M_PI/2.);
double correction = 1 + beta*beta;
return correction;
double CrossSection::realAmplitudeCorrection(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, Q2, W2, pol);
double correction = realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
// correction *= exp(-10*Kinematics::x(Q2, W2)); // damped
return correction;
// UPC version
double CrossSection::realAmplitudeCorrection(double t, double xpom) const
double lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, xpom);
double correction = realAmplitudeCorrection(lambda);
return correction;
double CrossSection::skewednessCorrection(double lambda) const
// Skewedness correction
double R = pow(2.,2*lambda+3)*TMath::Gamma(lambda+2.5)/(sqrt(M_PI)*TMath::Gamma(lambda+4));
double correction = R*R;
return correction;
double CrossSection::skewednessCorrection(double t, double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization pol) const
double lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, Q2, W2, pol);
double correction = skewednessCorrection(lambda);
// correction *= exp(-10*Kinematics::x(Q2, W2)); // damped
return correction;
// UPC version
double CrossSection::skewednessCorrection(double t, double xpom) const
double lambda = logDerivateOfAmplitude(t, xpom);
double correction = skewednessCorrection(lambda);
return correction;

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Sat, Dec 21, 1:18 PM (19 h, 2 m)
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CrossSection.cpp (28 KB)

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