with an analogous equation for a histogram bin. To obtain the exclusive $\sigma^{2jE}_{\tt HEJ@NLO}$ cross section, we can enable the \lstinline!NLO truncation! options in the config file at runtime. This option restricts the method \lstinline!PhaseSpacePoint::sample_ng! to only generate 0 or 1 additional gluons for the real emissions and then truncates to the first term in $\Delta y$ in the \lstinline!MatrixElement! virtual corrections for the case of 0 extra emissions.
\subsection{Phase space point generation}
The resummed and matched \HEJ cross section for pure jet production of
FKL configurations is given by (cf. eq. (3) of~\cite{Andersen:2018tnm})
and the helicity-summed current contraction squares $\left\|S_{f_1
f_2\to f_1 f_2}\right\|^2$ are explained in
\subsubsection{FKL ladder and Lipatov vertices}
The ``FKL ladder'' is the product
\prod_{i=1}^{n-2} \left( \frac{-C_A}{t_it_{i+1}}\
V^\mu(q_i,q_{i+1})V_\mu(q_i,q_{i+1}) \right)
appearing in the square of the matrix element for $n$ parton production,
cf. eq.~(\ref{eq:ME}), and implemented in
\lstinline!MatrixElement::FKL_ladder_weight!. The Lipatov vertex contraction
$V^\mu(q_i,q_{i+1})V_\mu(q_i,q_{i+1})$ is implemented \lstinline!C2Lipatovots!.
It is given by \todo{equation} \todo{mention difference between the two versions of \lstinline!C2Lipatovots!, maybe even get rid of one}.
\subsubsection{Processes with interference}
For some processes several contributions can produce the same final state and it is necessary to take into account the interference between them. As an example let us consider the FKL squared matrix element for $Z/\gamma^*$ emission with two incoming quarks. It reads~\cite{Andersen:2016vkp}
\left|\mathcal{M}_{\HEJ}^{qQ\to Z qg\cdots gQ}\right|^2 &=\ \frac{g_s^4( g_s^2
to split up currents that are contracted with momenta.
\item Apply the Fierz transformation~\eqref{eq:Fierz} to eliminate
contractions between vector currents.
\item Write the arguments of the antisymmetric angle and scalar products in canonical order, see equations~\eqref{eq:angle_product} ,\eqref{eq:square_product}.
The corresponding \lstinline!ContractCurrents! procedure is implemented in
\section{The fixed-order generator}
Even at leading order, standard fixed-order generators can only generate
events with a limited number of final-state particles within reasonable
CPU time. The purpose of the fixed-order generator is to supplement this
with high-multiplicity input events according to the first two lines of
eq.~\eqref{eq:resumdijetFKLmatched2} with the \HEJ approximation
$\mathcal{M}_\text{LO, \HEJ}^{f_1f_2\to f_1g\cdots gf_2}$ instead of the
full fixed-order matrix element $\mathcal{M}_\text{LO}^{f_1f_2\to
f_1g\cdots gf_2}$. Its usage is described in the user