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diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedJets.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedJets.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedJets.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedJets.hh
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_SmearedJets_HH
#define RIVET_SmearedJets_HH
#include "Rivet/Jet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/JetAlg.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/SmearingFunctions.hh"
#include <functional>
namespace Rivet {
/// Wrapper projection for smearing {@link Jet}s with detector resolutions and efficiencies
/// @todo Chain constructors?
class SmearedJets : public JetAlg {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
/// The jet reconstruction efficiency is mandatory; the smearing and tagging functions are optional
template <typename J2JFN>
SmearedJets(const JetAlg& ja,
const J2JFN& jetSmearFn)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
/// The jet reconstruction efficiency is mandatory; the smearing and tagging functions are optional
template <typename J2JFN, typename J2DFN>
SmearedJets(const JetAlg& ja,
const J2JFN& jetSmearFn,
const J2DFN& bTagEffFn)
: SmearedJets(ja, jetSmearFn, bTagEffFn, JET_CTAG_PERFECT, JET_EFF_ONE)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
/// The jet reconstruction efficiency is mandatory; the smearing and tagging functions are optional
template <typename J2JFN, typename J2DFNa, typename J2DFNb>
SmearedJets(const JetAlg& ja,
const J2JFN& jetSmearFn,
const J2DFNa& bTagEffFn,
const J2DFNb& cTagEffFn)
: SmearedJets(ja, jetSmearFn, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn, JET_EFF_ONE)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
/// The jet reconstruction efficiency is mandatory; the smearing and tagging functions are optional
template <typename J2JFN, typename J2DFNa, typename J2DFNb, typename J2DFNc>
SmearedJets(const JetAlg& ja,
const J2JFN& jetSmearFn,
const J2DFNa& bTagEffFn,
const J2DFNb& cTagEffFn,
const J2DFNc& jetEffFn)
: _jetEffFn(jetEffFn), _bTagEffFn(bTagEffFn), _cTagEffFn(cTagEffFn), _jetSmearFn(jetSmearFn)
addProjection(ja, "TruthJets");
/// Clone on the heap.
/// Compare to another SmearedJets
int compare(const Projection& p) const {
const SmearedJets& other = dynamic_cast<const SmearedJets&>(p);
if (get_address(_jetEffFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
if (get_address(_bTagEffFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
if (get_address(_cTagEffFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
if (get_address(_jetSmearFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
MSG_TRACE("Eff hashes = " << get_address(_jetEffFn) << "," << get_address(other._jetEffFn) << "; " <<
"smear hashes = " << get_address(_jetSmearFn) << "," << get_address(other._jetSmearFn) << "; " <<
"b-tag hashes = " << get_address(_bTagEffFn) << "," << get_address(other._bTagEffFn) << "; " <<
"c-tag hashes = " << get_address(_cTagEffFn) << "," << get_address(other._cTagEffFn));
mkPCmp(other, "TruthJets") ||
cmp(get_address(_jetEffFn), get_address(other._jetEffFn)) ||
cmp(get_address(_jetSmearFn), get_address(other._jetSmearFn)) ||
cmp(get_address(_bTagEffFn), get_address(other._bTagEffFn)) ||
cmp(get_address(_cTagEffFn), get_address(other._cTagEffFn));
/// Perform the jet finding & smearing calculation
void project(const Event& e) {
// Copying and filtering
- const Jets& truthjets = applyProjection<JetAlg>(e, "TruthJets").jetsByPt();
+ const Jets& truthjets = apply<JetAlg>(e, "TruthJets").jetsByPt();
_recojets.clear(); _recojets.reserve(truthjets.size());
for (const Jet& j : truthjets) {
// Efficiency sampling
const double jeff = _jetEffFn ? _jetEffFn(j) : 1;
MSG_DEBUG("Efficiency of jet " << << " = " << 100*jeff << "%");
MSG_DEBUG("Efficiency of jet with mom=" << << " GeV, "
<< "pT=" << j.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << j.eta() << " : " << 100*jeff << "%");
if (jeff <= 0) continue; //< no need to roll expensive dice (and we deal with -ve probabilities, just in case)
if (jeff < 1 && rand01() > jeff) continue; //< roll dice (and deal with >1 probabilities, just in case)
// Kinematic smearing
Jet sj = _jetSmearFn ? _jetSmearFn(j) : j;
MSG_DEBUG("Jet smearing from " << << " to " <<;
// Re-add constituents & tags if (we assume accidentally) they were lost by the smearing function
if (sj.particles().empty() && !j.particles().empty()) sj.particles() = j.particles();
if (sj.tags().empty() && !j.tags().empty()) sj.tags() = j.tags();
// Apply tagging efficiencies, using smeared kinematics as input to the tag eff functions
for (Jet& j : _recojets) {
const double beff = _bTagEffFn ? _bTagEffFn(j) : 1;
const bool btag = beff == 1 || (beff != 0 && beff < rand01());
// Remove b-tags if needed, and add a dummy one if needed
if (!btag && j.bTagged()) j.tags().erase(std::remove_if(j.tags().begin(), j.tags().end(), hasBottom), j.tags().end());
if (btag && !j.bTagged()) j.tags().push_back(Particle(PID::BQUARK,;
const double ceff = _cTagEffFn ? _cTagEffFn(j) : 1;
const bool ctag = ceff == 1 || (ceff != 0 && ceff < rand01());
// Remove c-tags if needed, and add a dummy one if needed
if (!ctag && j.cTagged()) j.tags().erase(std::remove_if(j.tags().begin(), j.tags().end(), hasCharm), j.tags().end());
if (ctag && !j.cTagged()) j.tags().push_back(Particle(PID::CQUARK,;
/// Return the full jet list for the JetAlg methods to use
Jets _jets() const { return _recojets; }
/// Reset the projection. Smearing functions will be unchanged.
void reset() { _recojets.clear(); }
Jets _recojets;
/// Stored efficiency functions
std::function<double(const Jet&)> _jetEffFn, _bTagEffFn, _cTagEffFn;
/// Stored smearing function
std::function<Jet(const Jet&)> _jetSmearFn;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedParticles.hh
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_SmearedParticles_HH
#define RIVET_SmearedParticles_HH
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ParticleFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/SmearingFunctions.hh"
#include <functional>
namespace Rivet {
/// Wrapper projection for smearing {@link Jet}s with detector resolutions and efficiencies
class SmearedParticles : public ParticleFinder {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
template <typename P2DFN>
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const P2DFN& effFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: SmearedParticles(pf, effFn, PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, c)
{ }
/// @brief Constructor with efficiency and smearing function args
template <typename P2DFN, typename P2PFN>
SmearedParticles(const ParticleFinder& pf,
const P2DFN& effFn, const P2PFN& smearFn,
const Cut& c=Cuts::open())
: ParticleFinder(c),
_effFn(effFn), _smearFn(smearFn)
addProjection(pf, "TruthParticles");
/// Clone on the heap.
/// Compare to another SmearedParticles
int compare(const Projection& p) const {
const SmearedParticles& other = dynamic_cast<const SmearedParticles&>(p);
if (get_address(_effFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
if (get_address(_smearFn) == 0) return UNDEFINED;
MSG_TRACE("Eff hashes = " << get_address(_effFn) << "," << get_address(other._effFn) << "; " <<
"smear hashes = " << get_address(_smearFn) << "," << get_address(other._smearFn));
return mkPCmp(other, "TruthParticles") ||
cmp(get_address(_effFn), get_address(other._effFn)) ||
cmp(get_address(_smearFn), get_address(other._smearFn));
/// Perform the particle finding & smearing calculation
void project(const Event& e) {
// Copying and filtering
- const Particles& truthparticles = applyProjection<ParticleFinder>(e, "TruthParticles").particlesByPt();
+ const Particles& truthparticles = apply<ParticleFinder>(e, "TruthParticles").particlesByPt();
_theParticles.clear(); _theParticles.reserve(truthparticles.size());
for (const Particle& p : truthparticles) {
const double peff = _effFn ? _effFn(p) : 1;
MSG_DEBUG("Efficiency of particle with pid=" <<
<< ", mom=" << << " GeV, "
<< "pT=" << p.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << p.eta()
<< " : " << 100*peff << "%");
if (peff <= 0) continue; //< no need to roll expensive dice (and we deal with -ve probabilities, just in case)
if (peff < 1 && rand01() > peff) continue; //< roll dice (and deal with >1 probabilities, just in case)
_theParticles.push_back(_smearFn ? _smearFn(p) : p); //< smearing
/// Reset the projection. Smearing functions will be unchanged.
void reset() { _theParticles.clear(); }
/// Stored efficiency function
std::function<double(const Particle&)> _effFn;
/// Stored smearing function
std::function<Particle(const Particle&)> _smearFn;

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Sat, Dec 21, 1:12 PM (19 h, 15 m)
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